Ughh, Anet really needs to fix EBG red keep. Not fun seeing around 10 DB appear in inner the moment outer gate is down each time they attack.
And before this post is taken the wrong way, I’m not blaming DB for anything.Can you clarify this? This reads as DB takes outer gate down and they go to inner gate, but that isn’t a bug. So what is actually happening?
P.S. the yak bug on blue side needs to be fixed, this kitten is dumb
Basically the north inner gate of red keep is bugged in EBG. When attacking it in close range, you can get teleported in. At least thats how I think it works since I’ve only seen people right in front of it get teleported in.
It happens on Blue keep too. I thought the standard courtesy response was to run up and out over the wall.
This happens to me all the time. It seems to happen most when I change guild reps or right after a tower/camp flips. If I’m repping my twink guild and the camp flips I get the same message as OP. If I stay there for 3-4 minutes constantly talking to the claimer I eventually will be able to claim. I thought it had something to do with the claimer buff, but others around me were able to claim instantly. As usual I expect nothing to come from reporting this (as I’ve reported it several times in game).
It’s a shame you’ve got no damage to back it up
We’ve gotta work on getting you some bigger numbers
On the plus side I ran out to Ehmry Bay’s cata about 10 times, did a little damage and then managed to get back into the keep. Didn’t really accomplish anything but I bet it annoyed them. Mist Form + stun breakers + Lightning Flash is a great combo.
I love watching large groups in WvW. All those people self organizing for an objective is amazing. It’s like watching a flock of birds or a school of fish.
That flock of birds just made one of your people deaded. =(
Yeah. We had a guy on the other day yelling in map chat about how the commanders were getting people killed. It’s WvW, who cares about getting killed? If I don’t die a couple times an hour I’m not trying hard enough.
I really had fun last night using RTL + Updraft on an Ehmry Bay guild doing the stack tactic before flanking us. It was like bowling. I tried to see how many I could knock down before they insta-killed me.
My guess is…. … … Five.
I have more than 1 knockdown, hehe.
I love watching large groups in WvW. All those people self organizing for an objective is amazing. It’s like watching a flock of birds or a school of fish.
That flock of birds just made one of your people deaded. =(
Yeah. We had a guy on the other day yelling in map chat about how the commanders were getting people killed. It’s WvW, who cares about getting killed? If I don’t die a couple times an hour I’m not trying hard enough.
I really had fun last night using RTL + Updraft on an Ehmry Bay guild doing the stack tactic before flanking us. It was like bowling. I tried to see how many I could knock down before they insta-killed me.
I love watching large groups in WvW. All those people self organizing for an objective is amazing. It’s like watching a flock of birds or a school of fish.
Too late. The deed has been done, and the mass reports have been sent!
I don’t blame you, it probably looked really bad from your side of the gate.
Yikes, was just attacking Ehmry Bay’s inner keep door in EB and glitched right through it. I’ve never had that happen. I think it happened to a bunch of us about the same time. I ran up and back over the wall and I saw similar calls for people to do the same in map chat. Sorry Ehmry Bay.
So I’m supposed to pick abilities to put my non-refundable points in without knowing what changes ArenaNet is going to make to those abilities or what other abilities they are going to add?
I really feel like this game is an idiot test. The longer I play the more I’m proven to be an idiot.
It’s not just in the area of the fight either. I’ve been 2v2 in a camp before and couldn’t hit any skills due to a huge 3 way fight in a keep on the same map.
Sure you can. The trick is to not worry about a direct hit, because it’s possible that the line your aimed in will be above or below with a single power tick. Aim instead for the ruins themselves that they build on. You have a lot of play then to turn and find the sweet spot where splash will to the work for you.
Also, it’s easier for them to zero in on you than for you to zero in on their treb, so you have to make sure your counter treb is up first and you are watching for them to build theirs.
I used to think the trebs in the Bay camp were impossible to take without entering the camp. Then someone showed me treb spots on the south Bay outer wall that can hit them. I haven’t seen a single siege spot that can’t be hit with counter siege, though sometimes you have to build your counter siege quickly in the open field.
That’s why ANet needs to get a clue and come up with a better way to make matches instead of server vs server vs server. NOTHING they do is going to offset the population inequalities of the current system, and until they fix the fundamental problem all this other crap is just smoke and mirrors.
Exactly. I don’t even think they know what makes WvW fun for most players. I kinda wish they would take the guild leaders of the most active WvW guilds from each server and have a private conference call with them. Until they figure out why people like and play WvW they will be unable to know what fixes or enhancements people want. They can’t use these forums for that.
Treb on the supply depot in Briar can’t reach Vista trebs, no way to counter it, except trebs in openfield or suicide ele with meteor shower. Only 2 “showers” need to destroy these trebs btw due to hitbox bug.
It can be hit from several spots inside Briar. It hits from both top of supply house and the grassy area behind the supply house.
If you want to go open field, an arrow cart is much, much better than any player attack.
Lol, if an arrow cart can deter a Zerg what does it do to a small groups? The common answer is leave the tower and come back later with an even bigger Zerg.
We don’t have a bigger zerg. Under the new matchups there’s so little incentive to upgrade anything. Unless we focus all our forces on one location to only defend there’s little we can do to stop the enemy from taking our locations.
Last night we had a lot of people on and we barely managed to hang onto our garrison. If ArenaNet is going to make the matches so lopsided why not let us use siege to even the odds? I don’t know how to balance it with small groups though.
Bunch of people want to mash arrow cart buttons and get WXP… not sure how a reasonable person can think that dropping half a dozen arrow carts actually breaking up potentially fun fights and turning back sieges… or that people sitting all day in a tower with arrow carts just sniping creates an atmosphere of fun or fairness.
People say they want to be able to defend, but this is not the way. Arrow carts are only good structure defense because of something that (hopefully) will eventually get fixed… attacking through doors and around other corners that make the arrow cart immune.
Want real defense…. slow down door and wall destruction, add things like postern doors to towers…and if you wanna overpower something make it the Boiling Oil.
I’m on Dragonbrand and this week we are fighting 2 tier 1 servers. A lot of our players look at the score and haven’t bothered to come out. There are even times during NA prime where we are outmanned. Often I’m sitting alone in a tower when a 40 man zerg rolls up. Exactly how am I supposed to defend this? Maybe I’m not and that’s the point, but it sure is fun trying to slow them down enough for help to come or turn them away.
Oil is a joke as are canons mostly. They are on the front edge so I must stand in the aoe from 40 people to operate them. Same for ballista. Catas used to help but now they can’t fire through the door so they are out. Trebs can’t hit close range so they are out too.
Without arrow carts I guess I’m supposed to jump down into the zerg and fight them all?
Arrow carts were the one deterrent to zergs for small groups. Now they are nerfing them because too many zergers complained.
I really wish they cared about WvW.
Uh… actually nobody said anything about DB trying to tank their rating, except trolls. .
It was my comment and I wouldn’t think referencing what was said in the chat window from a DB player’s own screen shot constituted “trolling” now, but whatever, was just a question as to why not if.
I know it looks that way, but I’ve just come back from 2 months off from the game. I was in a bad mood because we were getting hammered and I was tired of seeing us running all over without a plan. Flashbacks to 6 months ago when we were in our downward spiral.
Would you believe I had 19/20 downed before they killed me? Hehe, TC is my favorite opponent by far.
Have you read through that?
I tried to duel a warrior from Tarnished Coast, but they wouldn’t respect the dueling rules. I almost had them down.
At first I thought this was going to be, “TC are jerks for ‘camping’ our door”. But then I realized what they were doing and hopped down to have some fun. Some people don’t understand and a few DB got upset. And I was eventually killed by a TC player while standing in the middle of all the other TC players. But oh well, it was a fun diversion for about 30 minutes.
I’m certain both Mags and DB have players just like me, and I hope that whatever holdings you do manage to grasp this week, you’re gaining as much pride and enjoyment from keeping them out of TC’s hands as I do keeping your eager hands off my property.
~Nyari Cil, Queen of EB
I can’t star this enough times. I’m one of those people on DB. I know we are few and far between but we always manage to find each other. My friends list contains all the people on DB who like to defend, which is unfortunately short.
Heh, I saw a small guild upgrade and siege up Woodhaven tower as I was making my rounds. I complimented him on it and he said “I didn’t think anyone would notice”. I told him placing siege and staying with it was like shooting fireworks to us people who like to defend. No way was I not going to notice that.
Thanks for the replies, though I still didn’t believe them. So I had to try it out for myself. I’ve been playing WvW non-stop since pre-launch and I just learned this. hehe.
It was fun trying to defend Woodhaven tonight. Until my arrow cart inside at the bottom of the ramp, far from the gate was destroyed. I’m pretty sure this arrow cart can’t hit that far inside the tower or can it? Can it hit pretty much the entire ground area inside the tower?
Apparently, DB and YB are giving up to help us get to Tier 2, according to a Kaineng player. Highly doubt that.
We had one zerg during NA prime on DB BL last night that was kitten bent on wiping anything it ran across. We dished out a lot wiping several medium/large groups in FA with some fairly epic fights. The funny thing to us was one of our guys on mumble was giddy talking about “winning” and we had to keep reminding him that fielding one zerg on our borderlands with a sub 100 server score isn’t “winning”. However, it has been a really rough week in NA Prime so I guess we take our “victories” wherever we can imagine them.
We never took hills even though we got close to knocking down that front door.
Honestly, this was a lot of fun. Many thanks to the commanders who did a great job leading us. And I have to agree with your giddy friend. We didn’t gain 695 ppt. We didn’t turn the entire map blue. But we had some great fights with quality opponents and came out on top. We won’t win the score game against FA and certainly not against TC but if we can have more nights like this, I say we win.
We were coordinating on the server wide mumble, so if you weren’t on that you should consider joining.
Why is it taking so long? Well, I think the best way I can describe how we’ve had to approach this problem is that it’s almost like changing a flat tire on a car that’s still moving.
Best analogy ever!
It’s almost like they think none of their players are software developers.
Every time I see a red post it’s a different answer on what is coming in March.
[NERF] in action is super funny to watch
Being with a group of friends is the only thing that keeps me playing. The actual game is kinda boring at this point.
Need to make it fun for yourself! Here’s how [NERF] rolls in WvW
1) Get a group of [NERF] Engineers on TS
2) Find an enemy zerg (must outnumber you at least 5 to 1)
3) Don’t listen to reason … charge in and throw everything you have in the air
4) Die horribly while laughing with the TS group
5) Laugh again as the sad person in the zerg types /laugh on his lonely keyboard
One of the best sites I saw was a group of 5-10 engineers taking a camp and then all dropping their turret things. I was the sole person watching, so they were just doing it for fun probably, but it was still pretty impressive to see so many turrets.
(it was a couple of weeks ago and I don’t remember the server or guild tag)
Lastly, and perhaps most sadly, there’s posts which I didn’t quote which are basically just sniping at other comments and trying to tear down people rather than ideas. When the posters are led to think they’re powerless, that the devs don’t care, and that anyone who has anything nice to say isn’t worth listening to? This fourth sentiment grows stronger and stifles anything of any value.
Please, can we get constructive talk back in here?
I play almost 100% WvW. Since pre-launch the WvW community has been trying to give constructive feedback to ArenaNet. We beg for communication from them. We’ve had the WvW “major” update delayed for months. Yes, I’m frustrated and hopeless about it. So when I see a thread asking for our input, it’s like poking an open wound. It hurts and reminds me of how many times this has happened before.
I suspect ArenaNet created this thread to just let people vent. Doesn’t seem to serve any other purpose.
Of course it doesn’t. Why else would they start asking for our opinions & concerns only 4 days before the patch goes live? It’s just to create the illusion that they care. They couldn’t change anything anymore at this point.
Yeah, I was pointing out the obvious. I play almost 100% WvW and I’ve seen the non-attention they’ve paid to that section of the game.
Nothing about being able to earn or purchase Ascended or more options for exotic gear from WvW
I still have hopes though. Maybe they haven’t finished the details on that part yet so they’re keeping it under wraps. Not adding a way to obtain Ascended in WvW besides dailies, or at least add more items that can be purchased with Badges, in the March patch would be a massive mistake.
“Because of how broad the WvW game type is, and how large testing for features for this area of the game can be we’re going to hold off on any major WvW updates until March to allow a bit more time to test and polish.
March will see the release of the WuvWuv progression system, new ranks you can earn in WvW visible to all other players, and new DubVDub specific abilities/bonuses that you can earn as you rank up. Our team working on WvW will discuss this system in more detail as that date approaches”
They said just “progression system” = ranks and abilities/bonuses.
You DB folk have to stop being so nice and respectful and have to stop using common sense…. You’re becoming too likeable
After I read this it made me think about how tame our forum posts and team chat is. For a whole mess of people with different ambitions, egos, ideas, etc. our team chat is pretty tame. Not a lot of yelling or arguing about what to do.
Even our weekly voice chat meetings are pretty humble.
I suspect ArenaNet created this thread to just let people vent. Doesn’t seem to serve any other purpose.
This is my optimal scenario.
I would hope SoS doesn’t fall too much lower than tier 3.If tsym is still there,
DB has unfinished business with them ;D
Yeah we do, telling them how much we miss them and how awesome they are.
There is really no good reason to take away the one long term goal that large guilds have been given just so small guilds can feel good about themselves. Small guilds can still participate and still get the rewards from these missions they just can’t get the prestige of being a big guild unless they are a big guild.
I don’t think the argument is about “feeling good”, it’s about experiencing the content. Part of the promise of the game was that every player could experience the game without grind and on an equal footing. For example, WvW scales up players to level 80, so every player has access to it. You may not do as well, you may die often, but you can experience it. There are no zones that are closed to any player. sPvP is also scaled. Dungeons have a level requirement, but once you meet it, it doesn’t matter what your gear is, what your experience is, or what guild you are in.
The game is called Guild Wars, so I guess we are seeing the beginning of the wars, i.e. big vs. small.
Guild levels are:
level 1 – 500
level 2 – 1000
level 3 – 5000
level 4 – 10000
level 5 – 20000
level 6 – 30000
Art of War unlock is 30k, the other 3 unlocks are 50k (plus merits)
Art of War is first because the other unlocks require the new guild merit badges as part of the unlock. Influence can be bought at 1k influence for 2 gold.
Art of War (level 5) – 66.5k (or 133 gold)
Politics (level 6) – 116.5k + 80 merits (or 233 gold)
Economics (level 6) – 116.5k + 30 merits (or 233 gold)
Architecture (level 6) – 116.5k + 250 merits (or 233 gold)
Total is 416k influence needed (or 832 gold). At 1k influence a day (2 1/2 hours of focused small guild work), that’s just over a year to unlock them all.
Art of War is the first to unlock at level 5. To get to level 5 you need 36.5k influence + 30k influence to unlock the mission or 66.5k influence to unlock the first one.
Someone earlier said they earned 1k influence in 2 1/2 hours of focused play with their small guild. So if they did that every day it would take > 2 months to unlock the first one.
This isn’t the first seemingly impossible achievement ArenaNet has created:
Excellent post by OP
On this occasion FA was doing this in the middle of NA PT, I’m sorry but what else are we to do? DB is our threat to going to T2 due to their pvdooring SEA guilds. No disrespect but they field 10 – 1 our numbers in that time slot and claw back the ratings for 4 hours a day at 550+. We want better competition for the rest of our coverage that is fairly solid and we are only getting that for 30 minutes at a time in T3.
Wow. I wondered why we have fewer and fewer people in WvW every day.
5 hours without a post? What’s going on here?
People are bored with WvW and GW2?
Funny thread. ArenaNet is asking for input but over the 5 days and 20 pages of input, there’s 1 response (there’s another one too but it’s just a quote of another post with no info).
I chased a few Mag into their spawn today out of boredom. I’m pretty sure their vet defenders can take ours. Those guys are OP.
I’d take DB over Magoobers any day. They at least understand how WvW works and don’t cry on the forums about how every fight isn’t 5v5 and call anything over 7 ppl a zergball.
Except we stink at forum warfare. I bet 90% of the thread posts are Mag and FA.
Had fun just now in my (DB) BL annoying the group of 4 FA hitting our north camp. I followed them down to the tower and had fun zipping away from them. Fun until I misjudged how close I was to the cliff and burning sped right off the edge. I bet they had a chuckle at that.
What’s interesting to me though is how little difference it makes. If I was awesome and managed to kill 3 of the 4 off, and then died to the 4th, it wouldn’t matter at all. The remaining one just rezzes the other 3 and it’s like I was never there. All I’ve done is slow them down a little. Yes loot bags and repair costs, but in the grand scheme of things in WvW I’ve accomplished nothing (though I’m still having fun).
I had 10 superior arrowcarts despawn in EK after rebuilding them 3 times on our BL yesterday because neither team would come to our map. They both want to just train wreck us for 4 days in a row again next week with superior numbers, only to avoid going up a tier. And on the flip-side, we aren’t playing because we don’t want to do that. Yay! WvW is super awesome! I’m so stoked by these tactics.
They despawn after 30 minutes of not being touched. All you have to do is “use” them every 25 minutes and they won’t despawn.
Looking to get in touch with this FA guild, but I can’t quite make it out.
Golem in a box was fixed last patch.
I should say there were WaR and OG members there that were just fine, so I’m sure it’s not a guild thing, just a person thing.