Showing Posts For nikkistar.1409:

12/13/13 SBI/Mag/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


hi friends, how you been. By the math thing they released we will see you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

That came to mind.

lol that never even came to mind lol

But it totally fits huh? lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

12/13/13 SBI/Mag/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


hi friends, how you been. By the math thing they released we will see you forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever.

That came to mind.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


SBI’s morale is just fine. If you haven’t noticed, there is a holiday coming up and things need to be done. Like baking cookies, getting presents ready for under the tree. I guess YB has no lives and just stay in this game 24/7. Sad so sad.

Wasn’t this the same excuse you used 2+ weeks back too?

Anyways, we will see Mag and SBI for the next few weeks. Good luck guys!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

12/06/13 - MAG/YB/SBI

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


On a side note, the achievement box was really underwhelming…

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I’m originally from the guild No Dice, which some SBI old timers may remember, we launched on SBI and helped her during the t1 glory days. We made the decision to leave in January because our hard-core guys didn’t want to suffer a painful tumble down the tiers.

And yet you still call them “hardcore”…

Hmmm… so all the guilds that bailed for SOR during that time weren’t hardcore either? imo those SBI guilds were the only thing that really ever stood a chance against TA. I guess you can only be hardcore if you stay on SBI. HEEEEEEEEEEEEYYYYYOOO.

Bailing out to go to SOR is the exact opposite of hardcore. It’s ok though, we understand.

In the spirit of the holidays, I shall quote you these wise words, in the hopes that you may smile.

“I shall call him ‘Squishy,’ and he shall be mine, and he shall be my Squishy.”
- Dory

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


lol may as well give up guys, not going to reach 30 pages by the end of the day

But, but, can’t we try at least?

haha have at it, I will bring cookies

I will bring the celery sticks for you, and the bacon for me!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


lol may as well give up guys, not going to reach 30 pages by the end of the day

But, but, can’t we try at least?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I use it as a paper-weight!

Or toss it at some dog to fetch with.


But, what if the dog doesn’t bring it back, and it buries it in the backyard instead!?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Meat is murder


How about tofukey? Can we do that then?

Did I even spell that right?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


After we embarrassed you the last time I asked for a GvG. I believe the answer was something like “We don’t see a point in that since there is no system in place for it.”


You embarassed me? LOL

Honey, you take this game a little too seriously.

Didn’t you try to embarrass some people hanging out at a tower by posting a screenshot and calling them out by guild tags?

Did you know that I like to say words with s’s at the end of them wrong?

Example: Texts = Text-ez

True story

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


P.S. I wonder if talking about Bacon and stirring up drama will get us to 30 pages like I intended it too


Who is BV anyway?

We are Buttwater Vanguard! Home of the bacon loving, butt scratching, terri-bad wvw players, and equally terri-bad pvers!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

(edited by nikkistar.1409)

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


After we embarrassed you the last time I asked for a GvG. I believe the answer was something like “We don’t see a point in that since there is no system in place for it.”


You embarassed me? LOL

Honey, you take this game a little too seriously. If you must know, I asked the wvw people if they wanted to, they said “No thanks, that’s what spvp is for.” And that is after some of your folks were like “You can’t use that skill as your elite in 1v1!” From all points on BV’s side, we didn’t care if we got wrecked or not. Hell, Xeviel is a pro with his sword/dagger.

On a side note, hi Krew!


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Hey BP guys [vT][Meow][Jynx][KoTM] and the rest of you baddies, there are only 3 people and you are going to stick to your guards and arrow cart? We are outnumbered 2:1, come on….

This is what your own guild does all the time. Everyone has seen you on the field as well as the embarrassing fights vs. GF on your stream so why even try with posts like this?

You see, the difference is. I don’t care, hence why I stream Too bad EV sucks too

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I should post a pic of every tower I see with people in it too.

It’s ok, we just took out your ac/ballista/ and the 5 people playing nice nice with your guards and siege

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Hey BP guys [vT][Meow][Jynx][KoTM] and the rest of you baddies, there are only 3 people and you are going to stick to your guards and arrow cart? We are outnumbered 2:1, come on….


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Maybe it “happens” to every server that SBI faces, but it’s not something that I witnessed on YB in any other week of Season 1.

I’ll concur with this statement. As much as I wvw, last week was the first time I have ever seen an opposing server have trolls that transfer over to grief. That’s not to say, there hasn’t been in the past, but they may have been less obvious in their endeavors. Maybe this time, they were more blatant about it and didn’t care. Who knows? I just know, this is the first time I have ever encountered it myself.

In the 6 months I’ve been playing(only been on SBI), I have only heard of this happening 4 times and that has been with the SOR match, week 1, 6, 7 of league. What I would like to see instead of blaming an entire server for the actions of one or two people is for Anet to implement an easier and more effective way to shut these people down. It misrepresents those who try to play it clean, no matter what server you’re on.

A week-long lockout on WvW participation following a server transfer would inhibit some griefing and level-locking siege use and blueprint-deployment would force the griefers to change tactics (i.e. require character level 30 before you can use siege and 40 to drop blueprints).

I don’t know why they haven’t implemented a WvW lockout in the first place. It would solve a whole lot of problems.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Maybe it “happens” to every server that SBI faces, but it’s not something that I witnessed on YB in any other week of Season 1.

I’ll concur with this statement. As much as I wvw, last week was the first time I have ever seen an opposing server have trolls that transfer over to grief. That’s not to say, there hasn’t been in the past, but they may have been less obvious in their endeavors. Maybe this time, they were more blatant about it and didn’t care. Who knows? I just know, this is the first time I have ever encountered it myself.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Where were you trying to kill her, what builds were you guys using, etc. Your answers can determine my response to this. Also, did you report her in-game or send an e-mail to ?

Don’t feed the troll, please.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Just a silly question, but is SBI not use to coming in 3rd? Is that the reason for all the bitterness?

I am not trying to be snarky, but I don’t get why they are so bitter.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Wonder why so many SBI are still in our thread? Mad cause you bad?!?!?!

On a semi-serious note, cause I know I will bring up bacon at some point in my response. BP is not getting double teamed. You guys are just getting prioritized by both servers. And there maybe some residual camaraderie from last weeks match-up between YB SBI and EB. Let’s face it, EB hates BP with a passion that almost rivals our loving relationship filled with kittens, purple unicorns crapping out rainbows, roses, sizzling bacon, and long walks on the beach.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Inquiring minds would like to know, after viewing the millennium site, if SBI is being ganged up on again.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I can top that. My account name has been infracted/changed so many times that it now glitches when I’m logged in and switches between two of them every hour or so. People can’t send me mail most of the time.


I ended up getting this infraction overturned eventually. But, I had written a 3 sentence response, which ended in PWEAAASEE. And they gave me an infraction for using caps. lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

You know those big sparkly things they put in WvW that says “DO NOT TOUCH”?

Yea, I touch them all the time. I think you should use reverse psychology here.

I imagine a bunch of hairy naked norns running around with fig leafs that have “DO NOT TOUCH” written on them.

Don’t doubt me, I will touch them. lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


This……bloody this….I’ll never understand about Anet..

I can top that. I got an infraction for circumventing the swear filter by using the phonic spelling of the letter F out in a post.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


lol…. I saw that yesterday, was like “I have to touch that”

I was actually incredibly disappointed it didn’t kill me.

Don’t do it! It’s addictive. Trust me, I know.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Please stop posting in our matchup thread, Xsorus?

You know those big sparkly things they put in WvW that says “DO NOT TOUCH”?

Yea, I touch them all the time. I think you should use reverse psychology here.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Week 7 - FA/SBI/DB [Wagon burning 2.0]

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Just here to poke the hornet’s nest…

GO FA GO!!!!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I’m big on respect… anyone who runs with me or by my tag knows this..
Having said that… It IS still insulting to lose to yaks. BECAUSE SBI IS a better, stronger, more organized server. We not winning at the moment… But not because we didn’t open the week with a huge lead… not because of supply wasting trolls… definitely not because Yaks is better….
But because we are fielding 50% of what we normally do. EBG is almost ALWAYS a 1 hour que… there is no que.. SBI BL is normally QUED.. again.. no que.. The other 2 BL’s are normally medium que.. also… NO QUE.

We are missing ALOT of players. Yet still yaks wants to talk smack like they’ve beaten us straight up. They talk as if They have overcome the big RED SBI MACHINE.
They haven’t. They been beating up on pugs, militia and a handful of Die hard WvW guys.

So its nothing to be proud of but, by all means… brag away lol.

I’m not being egotistical here, I’m being Honest.
Yaks cannot beat SBI with what they have to bring to the table under any other circumstances than SBI being outmanned.

I cannot wait until the next time we meet again…

Do us all a favor here:

1) Pull up your big boy pants
2) Spellcheck is your friend
3) … … … … should be reserved for Morse Code

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Ebay might get 2nd this week.

Not all the SBI are bad, but man, Darth doesn’t do much in making EB and YB like you guys much.


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Awesome, norns and sylvari in my ele’s t3. Love it….not.


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

[Merged] Cultural Human T3 Not Exclusive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


One word for you anet, annoyed.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I’d like to know, how a dead, not downed, but totally dead player’s health kept rejuvenating until he rose from the dead. You could actually see the red health bar increasing. Void was the guild. How do I know, because this player actually arose and started fighting. I am thinking that YB and EB are using quite a few exploits in the matchup. Cheating is for losers.

I can tell you as a thief, I can just about perma-stealth with refuge, blinding powder, and smoke screen, and that’s not even traited for perma-stealth.

My roaming thieves and I have a game, where we rez a downed person in front of a huge group just for the fun of it, and to say we can do it.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I think so, yes.

Pew. I just ran in and tried it out, and I can. I was about to get VERY sad.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I think the real concern for WvW is that Towns clothes and toys are disabled.

Wait…. Are you telling me I can’t play my horn now?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


:( But, maple bacon donuts are awesome. I would think a bacon cookie would be too!

hmm never tried it, but might be interesting

WHAT!? You, my friend, are missing out on the deliciousness of it…

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


:( But, maple bacon donuts are awesome. I would think a bacon cookie would be too!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


oh I know you have but I am speaking for myself and my motivations for being such a witch in this thread, not the entire server.

Don’t let others make you a mean person.

Only if you give me bacon and cookies.

How about bacon IN the cookie?!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


oh I know you have but I am speaking for myself and my motivations for being such a witch in this thread, not the entire server.

Don’t let others make you a mean person.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


… from all the trash talk that ebay and yb did earlier in this thread. Not to mention watching one of your guys drain our keep supps in Eb to 0 by building trebs and bragging about it in map chat and the forums. Wonder why someone would get a kitten attitude about your sever and retaliate here in the forums.

Wait, wait, wait… So SBI never trash talked and belittled YB and EB as well now or previously?

Wait, wait, wait… So the Bags people that were on YB server last night that I personally saw didn’t do this as well?

Seriously, I want to give you a big slab of bacon. I promise you, it will make you smile.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


It’s been a great match up thus far.
Despite the double teaming, trolls, cheats, ESO, and the freaking holidays being right in the middle of this match up.

Guys (YB and EB), they found us out! They realized none of us got ESO beta invites, are all EU and Canadians, and that we all live under a bridge! Crap!

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Anyone else busting out the popcorn and bacon? I’m like the FA and SBI turmoil here. It’s like a nice prequel to next weeks match up.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


ps – I’m a vegetarian, no food with a face

What is this blasphemy!?! J/k

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


And I shall leave this for all my fellow bacon lovers…


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Have I made any excuses at all in this thread? I’ve done nothing but commend your manipulation of the weaker server. That’s not an excuse because, as you said, it’s actually happening. I actually think it’s hilarious watching Ebay play “little brother” all week. Not to mention, the fighting has been really fun.

Last night for example, we had a huge fight for SM on two fronts…Yaks from the north and Ebay from the south. It was a blast. Eventually Ebay made the cap and had to turn the castle over to Yaks after the five minute RI timer but it was awesome while it lasted.

Well then, since this has been established that Ebay is working in tandem with us, at least to some extent. This is how WvW should be working. As it was designed to work. I’m just happy we aren’t getting ROFLSTOMPED, like before and I enjoy this match up.

Now, let’s move on to a more important subject. Bacon. Yes, or no?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409



Darn it, I did that, didn’t I?


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I didn’t realize my statement had anything to do with YB.

Look, I know you guys are trying really hard to convince yourselves that you’re pulling this off without help. I understand the need for validation that you’re feeling. It’s just coming off a little defensive is all. Just take a step back, maybe get Ebay to fix you a snack and tuck you in for a nice refreshing nap and you’ll feel just fine when you wake up

And this is a prime example of why I respect EB a lot more than you guys.

The excuses are strong with this one. I know reading comprehension is not your strongest trait, but let me dumb it down a little for you. The excuses you have come up with, effect ALL servers, not just your own. I can agree that EB and YB are strategically ganging up on SBI. It’s happening. But all the other excuses, are just that, excuses. I guess you fail to understand that.

So, since it’s obvious from the umadbro statement here, you need more bacon in your life.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


8) Wait until tonight when we lose half our WvW forces to new content

(I’m serious, it’s gonna happen)

You do realize that YB is a primarily PVE server too right?

Again, this effects all servers across the board.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


So, wait, there are other servers rooting for YB to win? Didn’t realize that many of the other servers were to be honest.

I think I have read every excuse under the sun from SBI.
1) It’s only the weekend, wait for us on Monday, we will wreck you guys.
2) YB only starts out strong
3) ESO Weekend
4) Thanksgiving break
5) Our players are washing their hair, so we don’t have as many on.
6) You guys are working with EB
7) You guys sent spies to SBI to troll us

Guys, every server has the same issues as you guys, in probably an equal percentage across the board. You ever stop to wonder, maybe just maybe, both YB and EB hate SBI just a little more then each other? I personally respect EB more then SBI, because they have some strong roamers and good players. I know that I will get good even roaming fights with them.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I am going to put this in the forums, cause 1) I don’t like people wasting perfectly good clicking of my mouse to go to the private message to respond to something asinine, and 2) because I do not respond well to private messages filled with QQ.

Agg is not on our server, and giving out misinformation on here, is trolling. If you are going to send me a private message, crying about being called a troll, then don’t troll. End of story.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Ok, I am going to straighten this out.

Agg is NOT on YB. Shonuff is trolling.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang