Showing Posts For nikkistar.1409:

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


So what’s changed? ESO weekend. SBI is missing numbers.

Oh, the irony of your statement…. I debated with myself to post this, but, I just can’t help myself.

So, let me get this straight. You guys are lacking most of your numbers because it’s ESO weekend? So, let me get this straight, its only your server that is severely effected by this right? I mean, this couldn’t have an effect on ANY other server, but yours. I mean, 80% of all the beta invitees for ESO are directly from your server right? Next time, you may want to rethink your excuse strategy. ESO weekend effects every single server, not just SBI. Logic, who’d a thought, right?

I won’t pretend that SBI doesn’t have numbers, and hasn’t crushed YB previously, and still could during the week. In my opinion, it isn’t that you are “lacking numbers”, but it is because you are going up against 2 skilled servers that are ready to fight you, instead of 1 ready to fight, and one that is just completely outnumbered like IOJ. In our past match up, you just picked on the weak server, and could focus solely on YB. Same with EB as well. One weak opponent (not that they are “weak”, but vastly outnumbered), left it open for you to focus all your attentions on the other. You don’t have that option this week. I think EB and YB will give you a run for your money, and the win may/may not be as easy as you think. Then again, come Monday, you guys could come and smash both YB and EB. Who knows? I’m not psychic, and have a crystal ball. But not having the advantage of a weak server, makes it harder to focus on one server. Now you must contend with two servers, with skilled player bases.

Good luck this week. I will be back to eat crow if we lose, but I don’t think it will be an easy win for you guys.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

(edited by nikkistar.1409)

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


It has been scientifically proven that the use/quantity of caplocks and exclamation points in one’s post directly correlates to the seriousness and overall impact of a statement.

Edit: Since you wish to teach us how to play wvw, should I bring an apple for you to class?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

(edited by nikkistar.1409)

Yaks Bend- Stormbluff Isle - Ehmry Bay

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Question…Yak’s Bend, will there be a Dolyak Parade at the end of the week? Also, can I get a map and/or point picture up in this thread? I’m currently unable to log in at least until the end of Sunday, and I’d like to see how we’re all doing.

Here you go.


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Handmade Clay Sculpture: Model wanted

in Community Creations

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I actually got a sylvari that I am starting today. Asuras are still welcome to post pictures

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Handmade Clay Sculpture: Model wanted

in Community Creations

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I’ll probably need a charr after the sylvari and asura

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Handmade Clay Sculpture: Model wanted

in Community Creations

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Handmade Clay Sculpture: Model wanted

in Community Creations

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I am actually replacing the hair with viscose, just waiting on it to get to me. It’s finer then the tibetan lamb wool I used. I’ll post more pictures once that part is redone.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

(edited by nikkistar.1409)

Handmade Clay Sculpture: Model wanted

in Community Creations

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


So I posted a reddit thread of a clay figurine I made of my human female thief for myself. I am still trying to fine tune my clay sculpting abilities. I have someone that volunteered their Sylvari female, but I am looking for someone who has an Asuran that I can try and model as well.

Photo Album Link for people who don’t want to go to reddit

So, if you would like to volunteer your toon, please post pictures of it

Also, if you guys would like to commission one, please private message me, or post here. It takes me about a week to do these, and I have 3 (including the Asuran I am asking for, that I need to make before)

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

(edited by nikkistar.1409)

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


FA seems to feel the need to trash talk their opponents down, ever asked yourself why this is so? Feel free to do so, we couldn’t care less about your opinion of us, actually.

Actually YB started it. Its hard to tell, since those posts were deleted/moderated, but that is why there is hostility.

We actually like YB a bit. Good memories back in the days fighting you guys before we moved up.

Actually I’m going to put this in here, FA started all the trash talking in our YB,BP,Ebay thread. It’s not really that big of a deal with most of us, also One DOES NOT talk for our whole server. I’ve seen some really good fights this weekend, but I’ve also seen alot of the coverage we had last matchup go away because the achievement hunters have been finishing it up. Makes me a little afraid of our matchups against SBi, but these leagues have actually made it fun ^.^. FYI if you see a Guardian from the [Mom] guild running after you, it’s best to just run away

We didn’t trash talk in that other matchup thread, we simply stated truths, facts and what was going to happen.

We don’t care whether ONE speaks for your whole server or not, your server will pay the price of ONE talking regardless.

I am not going to judge FA as a whole, based upon you alone. So far, most of the FA, aside from you, have been encouraging in our endeavors. They are also logically aware that ONE does not represent us as a whole, and respect our tenaciousness. However, you seem to like being obnoxiously condescending. You, sir, obviously need more bacon in your life… It does wonders for putting a smile on your face. Try it.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Yak’s is full of ego and fair weather, trash talk is all they got to make them selves feel better.

Please don’t judge the whole of YB by the actions and words of a few.

Let’s change the subject….
Everything is better with bacon. Discuss?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Man, I never thought I would see the day that CD and FA folks talked about YB’s numbers. Geez, im in the twilight zone.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


So, not to be a Debbie Downer here, but I was fully anticipating YB to be outnumbered by FA and CD this week. So far this isn’t the case, and we have fielded numbers overnight as well. Can someone tell me when we got the huge influx of players that caused us to have a 2+ hour queue for EB last night. I don’t keep up with the jones on the forums, so I just started noticing a few weeks ago a queue during that day as well. Did our PVErs come play, or what in the deuce happened?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

25/10 FA/YB/CD

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


So, you [BV] guys emote laugh at 4 of us while 12 of you sit outside our base….

Then you get wrecked in a 4v6 after some of your buddies leave. That was a fun fight!

I would [insert sarcastic remark here], but we don’t even know what fight you are referring.

#yoloswag #everythingisbetterwithbacon #whatdoesthefoxsay? #whydidthechickencrosstheroad?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Q: 10/18: BP/YB/EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


If some of you BP players are complaining THIS much about YB’s zergs, I hate to see how much you guys will when you go up against SBI and FA….

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


There is so much good sense and logic in the players’ feedbacks and field experience, in all your suggestions, I really feel sad the devs can’t understand the points you guys made

Honestly, I dont think DevonCarver, or any of them truly care. Only when they experience the incoming Mass Exodus, and when it starts hurting them monetarily, will they start to pretend to “care”.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Simple Solution to The Bloodlust Controversy.

in WvW

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


To say this bloodlust buff has no affect on wvw, to me, means you do not roam at all.

When 3 servers are up against one another, and one server completely out populates the other 2, then you have a server that has 150 bloodlust. One of the roamers I was out with tonight, got backstabbed for 13000+. The group of SBI we came across, literally had 150 bloodlust, and all the rest of the stacks that they could get in the game. Our group of 5, could not even take down 1 of their 5 because of these insane new buffs.

This is probably the worst idea for wvw I have every come across, and will likely make WvW casual based and actually loose the people, like myself, who don’t even PvE anymore. In my opinion, you really messed up WvW with this update.

Anet, you think this is suppose to be “beneficial” and geared towards roamers? You couldn’t be more wrong. You are basically making the hardcore roaming groups, have to zerg to stay alive, because roaming against other groups with 150 is IMPOSSIBLE to do now. What you guys implemented basically had the complete opposite effect then you intended. I really have no idea how this decision was made, but I sincerely hope you guys rethink this, because to me, this is worse then the orbs.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

(edited by nikkistar.1409)


in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


To the two PROS thiefs I just fought 10 minutes ago. Good fight, that warthog saved my butt and rallied me.

Sorry for the trolly horn, I was just happy to win the 2v1


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


wow you nerds take this game 2 seriously lol!


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Rekz and VS transferred off our server.
Also, due to the many weeks in a row of fighting tier 2 servers, all the fair weathers have run off as well.

We lost 2 guilds and many many pugs.

Sorry about your servers loss of players.

Where’d Rekz and VS go? They were HUGE contributors for your server in WvW.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


population has significantly decreased since our last match up.

Lets not forget the ongoing event. I see tons of our regulars in there.

Umm, I dont really see this as an excuse. YB has always been a more PVE oriented server, so we have the same issues as you, people farming champs.

What I am wondering, is if Ebay had transfers off or not. I know YB lost RAM to FA, but I wasn’t aware of EBay loosing anyone.

It appears by all intents and purposes, YB has held on to SM and Overlook for a long period of time, as both have fully upgraded walls and tons of supply. That is not something that I have seen in darn near 6 months.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

8/9 - BP - YB - EB

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I am a bit too lazy to go and find out what happened.

But I am just wondering, what happened with Ehmry’s population? I haven’t seen YB wipe off Ehmry from EB in ages. What happened to you guys?

Not trying to start anything, it just seems like your population in WvW has significantly decreased since our last match up.

A curious YBer

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


P.S. You mostly win, except when you lose…to us.

LMAO. Don’t you actually have to fight in order to win?

I’m sure the comment about “driving GF nuts” was an attempt to get you to fight btw.

Enough said.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I’m in GF but by no means does/did BV drive me nuts – I’ll fight win or lose (mostly win) Never camp determined, don’t care about dying to the masses and surely wouldn’t hide from a 1v1-4.

I am going to say this as non-kitten as I possibly can, out of respect for Xeviel.

But who in the kitten, was talking about you specifically. I am just quoted what, YOUR leader, told OUR group. No names were listed, and definitely not yours.

P.S. You mostly win, except when you lose…to us.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Isn’t your guild the one someone called out for a group of 2 spammers in the Yak recruitment thread????

What? Link me please.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


As for guilds being made since BV all decline party invites (from my experience) while staying in the determined area – Only way to communicate. – We also give respect to good players/guilds but Camping determined zone and dodging / running from fights isn’t worthy to be called good….

First of all, we accepted a party invite from Xeviel. And he told us, BV was driving GF nuts.

Secondly, “Yaks is Bad”, “1v1 Baddie”, and “I will 1 vs three cuz baddie”, is pretty childish communication in my eyes. And I am sitting here in TS, and as per the ss’s I posted, it is clearly 3v3, as 2 people aren’t even there.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


some people got pulled into the spawn defenders if whats what ya mean, it was 8v7 for about an hour and w/ a pug or 2 on both sides, no1 said OMG ur so bad. just sayin you had no problem zerging our spawn down and /laugh then wouldnt come out of your own even if the fight was semi fair. i enjoy fighting [BV] i just prefer to fight them and not stand around waiting. i wasnt trying to start a forum war….

You may not have intended it, however, the rest of your guildmates have.

Secondly, us going to spawn had NOTHING to do with GF, but all the do with getting revenge for all the times we are spawn camped. You guys had nothing to do with that. How many servers, do you know, do the same thing? That was not a personal attack on you guys, but us killing ANYTHING red.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


“P.S. You make your entire guild look bad with the asinine guilds you created, after the fact.”……….. HMMMM what do you call this?

That’s Kraeter being Kraeter, who usually reps his own guild KRAE. There is no controlling him, nor have we tried to.

And it was in retaliation to these THREE, you guys made. And he already deleted that guild, per my request.


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

6/28 EBay/YB/KN

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


How many Yak’s does [BV] need to come out of spawn?

Yes, because everyone wants to charge into a 6v20… We could have just ran out the side exit or changed maps; but we were just having fun hanging out there. When the numbers slimmed down to an even 6v6 we decided to just go wipe you; afterwards, you returned and we took you out again, then you did not even bother coming back.

LOL you must be in a different reality. you basically bored everyone into leaving and if you then outnumbered anyone left then you probably attacked (from stealth of course and then run back to invulnerable lmao)

Negative, We wiped the 6 people, then they came back with 25 stacks and we killed them again. then 3 of them came when there were only 3 of us left, we killed you guys again, then you came back with 6 people, who are still here right now with the 3 of us.

Ridiculous. We like to fight. you like to sit in invulnerable spot and try to gank/run away again. we tried encouraging you to fight 1v1 or 2v2 or gvg but you refuse every time. i don’t understand why you are so frightened to fight. its only a game, have some fun. we are losing interest so i guess you can try and gank the last one there when we leave and you think its safe

First of all, I was just approached today about a GvG today by Xeviel. Per our conversation, I was going to talk to all the members to find out whom wanted to participate, and message him with a schedule. There are some members that have the belief that there “just isn’t fight clubs in wvw, and that’s what sPvP is for”. Secondly, when did you try and encourage 1v1, 2v2, or so on? From what I personally saw, this is a bold face lie. Don’t think so? Wait for the “Gone Fishing” video, and the videos from the fights from tonight. Since you want to claim it is 1.5 (BV) to 1 (GF), I have video proof of it being the other way around.

I give respect to your guild leader, Xeviel, as he deserves respect for his playing skill. I respect good players, that show what they are via game skills, not keyboard warrioring.

P.S. You make your entire guild look bad with the asinine guilds you created, after the fact.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Yak's Bend--The Community

in Looking for...

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Plus – (as if the above posts weren’t enough) – if you play a thief and aren’t that good, the guild [BV] has a group of 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 thieves you can play with. If you don’t ever like to engage one-on-one, these guys will run with you and let you press your 2 button over and over. They aren’t really that good, but when you run in a group of 4-6 d/d thieves, you don’t have to be that good. So, there’s that too. Cheers.

Actually, we are d/p backstab thieves, and p/d condition thieves. Get it right, sir. And it’s not 2 over and over, because you run out of initiative silly. It’s 3-11111111-2-1111111111-2.

Anyways, the community at yak’s bend is some of the best I have ever seen in an MMO. People are genuinely friendly and willing to help. BV currently has a full roster, but there are so many great guilds on our server, that any new transfer would have an open spot, and welcomed with open arms.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


You Mag and Kaineng, have nothing on BV.

Here’s proof we wreck you guys.

15 minutes of that? I hope I didn’t miss any easter eggs by not watching all of it…

15 minutes. sped up too. LOL We spent over 1.5 hours doing this out of boredom last night lol

Yeah…I was bored enough that I actually did fractals last night ;_;

-_- Noooo, just say noooooo

I need my ring and backpiece so I can be super leetz at WvW! I got the second ring stats I needed but I already had it, so I need 3 more runs till I can buy it. And I need like a billion more runs for the backpiece, zzz. But after that I will wreck your faces!!

You know, they are adding that stuff on the 28th for badges right?

Yeah, but I spent most of my badges on gearing up all of my alts. Ascended is gonna be like 300000000000000 badges and 29/34 laurels prolly so I’m not betting on it. And it excludes backpieces.

And that is why, I got all my FoTM stuff out of the way before I started wvwing. lol

I’ve got around 12 rings banked, with ascended rings and earrings (from missions) on all 3 of my 80’s. lol

I hate FoTM so much now. lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


You Mag and Kaineng, have nothing on BV.

Here’s proof we wreck you guys.

15 minutes of that? I hope I didn’t miss any easter eggs by not watching all of it…

15 minutes. sped up too. LOL We spent over 1.5 hours doing this out of boredom last night lol

Yeah…I was bored enough that I actually did fractals last night ;_;

-_- Noooo, just say noooooo

I need my ring and backpiece so I can be super leetz at WvW! I got the second ring stats I needed but I already had it, so I need 3 more runs till I can buy it. And I need like a billion more runs for the backpiece, zzz. But after that I will wreck your faces!!

You know, they are adding that stuff on the 28th for badges right?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


You Mag and Kaineng, have nothing on BV.

Here’s proof we wreck you guys.

15 minutes of that? I hope I didn’t miss any easter eggs by not watching all of it…

15 minutes. sped up too. LOL We spent over 1.5 hours doing this out of boredom last night lol

Yeah…I was bored enough that I actually did fractals last night ;_;

-_- Noooo, just say noooooo

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


You Mag and Kaineng, have nothing on BV.

Here’s proof we wreck you guys.

15 minutes of that? I hope I didn’t miss any easter eggs by not watching all of it…

15 minutes. sped up too. LOL We spent over 1.5 hours doing this out of boredom last night lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


You Mag and Kaineng, have nothing on BV.

Here’s proof we wreck you guys.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Let’s not bring up bad memories of talking about TC…


Yea, gonna walk away from this one, but I shall leave two photos.

If you stay… You shall receive gifts

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Come guest

I’ll bring the buttwater

I read that as “butt butter” lol

don’t even wanna know why….

You are no longer allowed to have ANY BACON.

WHAT!? But but, uhh, does it make it better that I am a girl????

Albeit, a butterface. GET IT?! Butterface, like buttwater. LOL

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Come guest

I’ll bring the buttwater

I read that as “butt butter” lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I want to hang out with Buttwater Vanguard. They are some pretty classy dudes for having a sense of humor about it.

:) <3

It’s all in fun. It’s not fun to take things too seriously

I seriously want to though

Come guest

Huggles <3

Can we just be friends and hug our differences out?


But, but, rice. My heart belongs to you, always and forever

I even got these, in case you ever got a boo-boo

pfft, bandages? I’ll cook some bacon, eat the bacon, then use the pan to burn the cuts closed.

I can not compete with that

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


I want to hang out with Buttwater Vanguard. They are some pretty classy dudes for having a sense of humor about it.

:) <3

It’s all in fun. It’s not fun to take things too seriously

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Huggles <3

Can we just be friends and hug our differences out?


But, but, rice. My heart belongs to you, always and forever

I even got these, in case you ever got a boo-boo

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Huggles <3

Can we just be friends and hug our differences out?


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

05/17 T3: Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


To the 2 kaineng on Mag, at the southern supply camp right now [RE] and [KO]. Come play!

Its 2v2 and you guys are to kitten to come out, and build an arrow cart for us two? COME ON! Not nice. I just want to give you a hug on my new thief


[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Dear Paralda:

Please forward this to your Major Issues Officer, Rice. As I am quite perplexed, and perturbed that my demands have not been met as of yet.

Where is that burnt piece of bacon made by Paralda you promised me, HUH?

This is all LIES, LIES I SAY. You said you did not want that burnt piece of bacon made by Paralala(Paralda’s other name).

Pics, or it didn’t happen. lol



[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Dear Paralda:

Please forward this to your Major Issues Officer, Rice. As I am quite perplexed, and perturbed that my demands have not been met as of yet.

Where is that burnt piece of bacon made by Paralda you promised me, HUH?

This is all LIES, LIES I SAY. You said you did not want that burnt piece of bacon made by Paralala(Paralda’s other name).

Pics, or it didn’t happen. lol

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Dear Paralda:

Please forward this to your Major Issues Officer, Rice. As I am quite perplexed, and perturbed that my demands have not been met as of yet.

Where is that burnt piece of bacon made by Paralda you promised me, HUH?

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

Free Trial account eh?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


So, I am guessing this “your free trial account” expiration is an error. Fix please. I am sure the 50 spent is not a trial

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/10 T3 Maguuma/Kaineng/Yak's Bend

in Match-ups

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


To the creative DERPs that made Buttwater Vanguard:

I like your style. lol You guys are awesome. (No sarcasm intended, I like the troll)

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Always remember.

For some reason, “THIS IS SPARTA” came to my mind after reading this. Then afterwards, I said to myself, “Self, that’s the wrong movie you are quoting, dummy.”

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Now, I am a sad panda.

See, you’re already half way there!

NOOOO! You tricked me

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang

5/3 T3 Kaineng/Maguuma/Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: nikkistar.1409


Speaking of irrelevancy were you not playing the role of mr.fashionista earlier in the wvw forums?

No, I brought up you crying to not only me, but my whole guild, and then you made a comment about Kyra’s armor colour which I corrected.

This conversation is like talking to Calvin.

Reasoning with woman is impossible.

It’s like sitting down to a friendly game of dice. Only the woman refuses to acknowledge the kitten rules of the game.
A man will cheat you, he’ll do it honestly. He’ll use loaded dice, so that you think you’re losing by chance. And if you arn’t clever enough to spot wat he’s doing , then maybe he deserves to take your coin.
A woman, though, she’ll sit down to the same game and she’ll smile, and act like she’s going to play. Only when it’s her turn to throw, she’ll toss a pair of her own dice and they are blank on all six sides. Not a single pip showing. She’ll inspect her throw, then she’ll look up at you and say, Clearly i just won!
Now you’ll scratch your head and look at the dice. Then you’ll look up at her, then down at the dice again. ‘But there aren’t any pips on these dice’ you’ll say.
‘Yes there are,’ she’ll say. ‘Ánd both dice rolled one.’
’That’s exactly the number you need to win,’ you’ll say.
‘Wat a coincidence,’ She’ll reply, then begin to scoop up your coins.
And you’ll sit there, trying to wrap your head ‘bout wat just happened. And you’ll realise something.
A pair of ones isn’t the winning throw! Not when you threw sin on your turn. That means she needed a pair of twos instead!
You’ll explain wat you’ve discovered. Only then, do you know what she’ll do?
Then she’ll reach over and rub the blank faces of her dice. And with a perfectly straight face, she’ll say ’ Í’m sorry. There was a spot of dirt on the dice. Clearly you can see that actually came up as twos!’
She’ll scoop up all your coins and then every other woman in the room will come over and congratulate her on throwing a pair of twos.
The more you complain about it, the more woman will join in the argument. You’ll be outnumbered in a moment, and each of those woman will explain to you how those dice clearly read twos, and how you realy need to stop behaving like a child.
Every single one of them will see the twos! Even the prudish woman who has hated your woman from birth (sinds your woman’s granny stole the other woman’s granny’s honeycake recipe when they where yourng), even that woman will side against you.

By the time they’re done, you’ll be left with no coin, several lists worth of errands to run and a splitting headache.
You’ll sit there and stare at the table and begin to wonder, just maybe, if those dice didn’t read twos after all. If only to preserve what’s left of your sanity.

That’s what it’s like to reason with a woman.

I was reading this, and got excited. Then by the 3rd sentence, my mind wandered off and I started thinking about how cute red pandas are. Then, it proceeded to wander further into what the meaning of a chopstick is, you know, like life, but a chopstick.

Then it went on to cry that I did not know what an ascot is.

Now, I am a sad panda.

[Yak’s Bend] [BV] Blackwater ‘Buttwater’ Vanguard – Leader
Ele/Nanumee – Mez/Boba Bunny – Thief/Star Shadowfang