The Clubbing Seals
“If you have more than 1 hp, you are ready to go” – SivHd
It is pretty easy to solve the problem. Relink and lock transfers. No bandwagoning anymore. And give people the chance to transfer 1 week before relink.
There is a very simple solution. Lock server transfers after relinking. Give people 1 week the time to transfer before the relinking.
The bandwagon people will go mad, but atleast the population balance will actually help in servers like GH.
aww, i am on an EU server
Looking for a relaxed raiding guild to clear the weekly raids.
I am having lag spikes since a few weeks. And since two days crazy fps drops….. The game is just unplayable for me atm. I guess i take another break from the game till they fix their kitten.
From what i remember they said like a year or two ago. There will never be a Gw3, it will just be Gw2.1. Which is basicly just updating the game and bringing out more expansions.
Since today, whenever i leave party or the all other people leave the party, my game crashes. o.o
Really weird
(edited by oning rang.5016)
Yes, It seems to happen when you go too fast. Hodgins such slacker :>
This happens like once every two runs. Today it bugged twice in a row. Killing hodgins doesn’t fix it …
Anet pls fix
We tried. But it didn’t help, just did the path again.
It suprises me there are still so many bugs everywhere. Ac p1 stuck at " Explore the graveling tunnels"
Anet pls fix :>
And a new bug :o, the boss stayed in the same spot and we could still afk him :p.
Here is my thief .
1. Wraiths in the ritual consistently go invulnerable unless you pretty much hug the center area, sometimes I’m unable to re-aggro them for 5-10 seconds again.
This is the only issue i have had till now. I guess i am lucky i didn’t have the other problems.
I would like to see rox’s quiver back in the gemstore :o
You can always run arah duo, that is what i do with a guildie. You can still learn lupi that way. And increases your chance to defeat lupi and sell the path ^^.
Bear form can be usefull :>
I think that the megaservers are alright.
But there should be atleast 1place server bound. Lion’s Arch would be great since it is the place were most people meet. I remember sitting in LA till 2-4 am just talking with people from my server. ( Weekends or Holidays)
Location: Beersel, Belgium
ISP: Telenet
Error code: 42:1000:7006:1322
It has been 2 days since i dc’d and coudn’t relog.
It happend random. I got a black screen with error code 7:… (i don’t know the exact code).
After that i coudn’t relog for 1-2h and sometimes it was only 10-30minutes. At the same time it was not possible to access the gw2 homepage, Forum and Support worked fine.
*Update: I had no dc’s for 4 days but today it occured again, sadly.
(edited by oning rang.5016)
Oh me too. I have the exact same problem. And yea i am also from Belgium and using Telenet as provider.
(edited by oning rang.5016)
I decided to post a picture of my main.
Finally finished my twilight and decided to post a screen of my warrior.
Yeah but your toughness & vitality are very low.
Worst of all you bring no healing to your group.0/10.
Take altruistic healing at least. Dead dps do no dps.
I play how I want.
With a good team, stuff dies before you are in a need of healing. But for fracts i also prefer my knight or pvt set with AH.
Guardian needs a new ranged weapon, something faster then the scepter. Longbow or shotbow would be great.
The reset has always been on Friday, so i think you should assume it ends at the reset.
(edited by oning rang.5016)
Is it possible that the windborne dagger trait is broken ? When i use use it, i don’t gain the extra movement speed.
I have the same issue, double clicked on a stack (250scraps), didn’t get anything
I finished twice the jumping puzzle but instead getting teleported to the reward platform, i am getting teleported to lion’s arch :-(.
pls fix this
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.