Showing Posts For owlbystarlight.6594:

Best times to fight Garent?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Yeahh that’s what I’ve been doing, and I’ve been getting on full maps where everyone is just doing whatever I guess. :s

Best times to fight Garent?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Hey everyone, been a while since I’ve posted here. Any folks here who run TD fairly often? I need to kill the Garent for my legendary axe, and I’m having rotten luck getting into any good maps. Most of the time we have too many AFK people or people doing other things on the map which really just messes things up. :/

Are there any guilds that specialize in TD events? Any peak times where more successful META runs take place? Thanks in advance.

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Here is a thought, why dont anet just make, gasp, OFFICIAL role playing servers, dun dun dun, and give free transfers to it and maintain it with the context of it being an actual rp server. Oh right, its because your RP is NOT and this needs to be made very clear, it is NOT an actual function of this game, nor is it any of areanets legitimate concern or responsibility to accommodate and cater for it. Its annoying to see “this hurts RP” and “this will be bad for RP” with what seems like zero regard for how this will help the ACTUAL players, well to bad, companies can not accommodate the needs of people who make up things to do in their game.

Option B
Or, to aid in the current way things work, ask anet to make “channels” for zones, sort of like overflows but you can instead choose to enter it. So for example, lets say that every zone has, ballpark, 5 “channels”, it could be made the standard that, say, “channel” 5 is the RP “channel” in all zones and that if you enter it, you are knowingly and willfully entering a specific RP “channel”, as opposed to RP’ers simply claiming where ever suits them that day as “theirs”. Though with “mega servers” in place now i guess its not really an option.

Nearly every big MMORPG has a roleplaying community though. >.> Like it or not, RPing is a pretty common practice in MMORPG games. Heck, I’ve even heard that some of the A Net employees RP on the TC server as well.

I personally think it’s pointless to give RPers their own server, anyways. Trolls will still jump in and mess things up. We need a better blocking and/or reporting system imo. =/

So read my post and see what I’m requesting for. Something to block trolls/griefers wouldn’t just benefit Roleplayers either, it would also benefit players that are being harassed in other ways.

(PS: I am an ACTUAL player. We ALL are. I don’t just roleplay, I do EVERYTHING on game. So don’t go around saying that RP’ers don’t do anything the game is designed to do… -_-)

Megaservers and RP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I don’t care what anyone else may say, but this change has definitely upped the amount of griefing that I’ve seen in my (and other’s) roleplaying experiences. Before the change, my RPs would rarely ever be interrupted by strangers, but now it’s happening on a constant basis (even outside of cities).

Me and my guild were roleplaying in the Hirathi Hinterlands last night at the Seraph base. We were minding our own business and a player came along and started spamming his flamethrower and dieing repeatedly on top of us. We blocked him and tried to ignore him, but then he brought along friends. -_- It was really frustrating and rude, we reported them but I somehow doubt that anything happened. >.> It got so bad that we were forced to switch servers. Here’s a picture of what was happening:

screenie of the situation

If Megaservers are here to stay then we NEED some changes. I humbly suggest these ideas:

-Blocking COMPLETELY blocks a person from your screen and the noises they make.

-If this is not possible then perhaps we need harsher punishments for these trolls? Add a new report option specifically for griefers who are out to ruin one’s fun. I’d rather just block them but…

-Lower emote range. Part of the reason they’re even finding us is due to such a long range of emote (I think it’s even longer than says). Also I notice that blocking people doesn’t block their emotes either.

I don’t mind the Megaservers staying, I’ve actually included a lot of new roaming RPers as well these days. I just want something done about the griefing. =/

04.30.13 Patch Notes

in Engineer

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Ahh alright, thank you. I’ll go play around in wvw later today and see how I like this new update.

04.30.13 Patch Notes

in Engineer

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Updated confusion and retaliation effects to do the same damage as they do in sPvP.


yeah they did go trough with that silly one…

So I’m not to familiar with spvp… How much of a difference is it now? =/ Do I need to put the ol’ prybar away?

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Okay a strange update to my situation:

My fiance came and logged into his account on my computer, but we aren’t having any connection issues with it. His account seems to be ok for some strange reason? :/ How can this even be possible?

Disconnects 7:11:3:189:101 since patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I have been starting to get this error now today. At first I was ONLY disconnecting on the game (and it was more like I was rubber-banding the entire time, not completely disconnecting), and so I logged out and decided to play later. 3 hours later I try to play, and now I’m getting disconnected completely from the router every 1-5 minutes while on GW2.

I have a lot of problems with this router because of my neighbor’s freq intercepting it (it’s old so I have to manually switch channels sometimes), but I know this is not the issue. I’m getting normal DL/UL speeds, but then I suddenly disconnect for a couple seconds and it’s a total pain in the rear…

My router is an old Linsksys router with upgraded firmware. It is /somewhat/ possible that it could just be getting up in its years, but it seems odd to me that others are having the same problem as me.

The disconnection has been happening from the character select screen and within SAB. I have not tried going to any other areas.

Why did people think rangers were bad?

in Ranger

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I personally find ranger to be awesome in general PvE, WvW, and sPvP. The only thing I gripe about with my ranger is dungeons. Pet’s constant death can be a hindrance in those large group fights, and I’ve grown tired of playing the job in any dungeon. :I

Guild wars 2 ruined all other mmo's

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I feel completely the same! I was alpha testing FFXIV and I really just could not get into the game… It’s mostly just the fetch quests that every MMO seems to have now. :/ SUPER repetitive and un-interesting to me these days. GW2 has really changed my view of MMORPGs! I just love how casual and fun it is, especially with leveling up your own characters. Seems to have more life to it with constantly occurring events and interesting (humorous) characters.

“End-game” though; I kind of miss the large instances that past MMORPGs have. They could be tactical in different ways, and I enjoyed working together for that. I also miss my pet classes, because they were awesome. I however do not miss the competitive nature and the drama which comes with most of these games.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Hmm struck a nerve now, have I?

I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

Wow, what a horribly constructed statement that does nothing but display your own ignorance.

You act like just because someone wants to do something efficiently then they “have nothing going on for them in Rl” and that “feeling superior to others is all they have going for them.”

You say this without knowing anything about the people you perceive to be “elitist” and have nothing but your own prejudice. This post shows you to be nothing more than ignorant and I would run with a group full of “elitists” that demand nothing less than full ascended/exotic berserkers gear any day before running with you.

You don’t understand what I mean by an elitist (or you are one yourself). An elitist on an online game is a bully. Elitist =/= skillful player. They taunt people because of their own insecurities. I was angry and used a poor choice of words admittedly, and I should have been more clear on what I was saying.

Do we all have different ideas on what an elitist is, or what? I come from a game that was overrun with the lot of ’em. Most of the elitists all went to one or two guilds, botted to outclaim special monsters, bought gold with actual money, and constantly pos-hacked across the map just to have “bragging rights.” They had NO skill on that game whatsoever and yet they would mock other players constantly across the map. Calling them noobs or idiots, or whatever. I think by this point most of the normal people left the game and they mostly just create their own drama within themselves now. I hope GW2 NEVER becomes that way. :<

Also succeeding in life is a subjective thing. To me someone is not succeeding in life if they feel the need to belittle others in such a way as they do. Bullying is something I really, really hate. Sorry if I came out insulting you because you like to play “pro” or whatever, but playing pro to me does NOT mean being an elitist. You can still be a great player and not be a kittenheat about it. >.>

In my book a friendly run is always better than an efficient one. What’s the point of playing the game if instead of enjoying the content and meeting people all you want to do is to grab the shinny at the end as fast as possible?
What’s the point on asking for a person to link their gear when skill > gear in this game?

I love you 5-eva because that is more than 4-eva! No seriously; I agree with you soo much. <33 We all love a speed run every now and then, but sometimes it’s awesome to just go with cool people who just like to have fun.

zerker elitist in COF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I hate elitists with a passion. Sorry your experience sucked there, OP. :/ Just remember that these people are being elitists on an online game because they can’t succeed on anything important RL. Feeling superior to others online is all they have going for them… Kind of sad really.

Anyways if anyone ever asks me about my gear I will quite honestly tell them off and leave the party. >.>I have berzerker’s gear but really…

Gaming couple seeking a guild~ (TC)

in Guilds

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Hello! Me and my fiancee are looking for a casual yet active guild on the Tarnished Coast server. =) I’ve leveled a few of my classes up to 80, and so I’m ready to dive more into dungeons and possibly some wvw. Me and my guy do just about everything together when we can, so we’re kind of a package deal for most events… ^^;

What we’re looking for is a friendly guild with a great sense of community! I don’t even care that much about upgrades as long as the guild is fun! Also we would really prefer a guild that doesn’t mind us having other (social) guilds. I’m ready to put in 90% of my time and guild points into a new one, but I would like to be able to occasionally hop onto our other ones to say hi and not feel pressured to be on our main.

OH and we’re usually on from 4pm-10pm PST. ^^

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


8/10 – That’s a cute name! Would give me a chuckle if I saw you running around in game. xD

My charr’s name is Moro Grimmscar. I have a bit of a backstory to it, but I don’t know if it’s lore-friendly or not. I also named her after Moro from Princess Mononoke!

Toypocalypse Cancelled. How we did it!

in Wintersday

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


Yeah this really isn’t hard at all. o_o Maybe people on my server are generally more intelligent or something, but my PUG didn’t have much difficulty on our second try. We put up tons of snow walls around the dolyaks, upgraded the walls whenever their “HP” was low, and set up catapults/ballistas around the outer-circle edge. Pop-Guns tended to do the most damage, and I could snipe monsters from a long range! I found it to be ultra fun! _

Also we found ourselves using the hay sparingly – only when the dolyaks HP had a good chunk taken off it. Don’t forget to feed em hay when they need it!

[Tarnished Coast] A guild for those suffering from anxiety.

in Guilds

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I’m very interested in joining this guild… I’ve had SA for most of my life, and joining a guild with others who are similar to me would be a great experience I think. I’ve found people who have SA are normally a very kind and thoughtful bunch, so it’s very easy for me to fit in with everyone and feel welcomed as well.

Me and my fiance have both sent our applications in, and we’re looking forward to meeting everyone. ^^ Honestly I’m kind of excited about this, as weird as that sounds… ^^;

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I really love the idea of monthly one-time events! Understandably the most frustrating thing about it though is that people can’t always be on during these times. If the event could somehow “restart” itself during certain times of the day (maybe spread out between every 5 hours or so) with a posted up schedule of times, that would definitely help. If you want to limit people’s drops so they can’t get multiples – block them off from re-opening the chest again.

I feel like it’s really immature how people are threatening to leave a game because things didn’t go their way. I like the company to be experimenting with new ideas! Hopefully from this event ANet will have learned much more about their playerbase and how to avoid bad bugs. Best of luck in the next event!

The Halloween Music Theme is Brilliant

in Halloween Event

Posted by: owlbystarlight.6594


I have custom music for city/ambience so it seemed pretty natural that I wouldn’t hear it. However, I moved the soundtrack out of the GW folder, restarted GW, but for some reason it didn’t seem to solve the problem. o_o I actually hear no music at all in LA, which is odd (even with my City soundtrack back in the folder).

I would so love to hear this music playing! I love it! It would be neat to even have a download link of some sort too.