Showing Posts Upvoted By panda the chop chop.4712:
Headbanging oakheart ftw
Dolyak finisher is a riot.
Ascalonian and quaggan finishers also got ‘upgrades’.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Charr win this time.
Fort Aspenwood is loving it!
Guild Leader of [TK]
“FA, stomping bandwagons since 2012….”
24-7 virtual battle – complains that some people have different sleeping times.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
you are kicked for inactivity in WvW much faster than in PVE zones
Bllades you have it all wrong. You want more bags following you, excuse me I meant people. Everyone should come to Hod!
Fort Aspenwood
with all this stupidity and BS flying around not only the server but this forum it has me extremely close to quiting and finding a game with some adults that play it. Sad what GOM has turned in to as of late. the gifs alone make me not even want to come to the forums. sigh maybe am just getting grumpy in my old age.
Ranger, Eng ,Commander (ret),Smartass
GoM. Please don’t feed the Trolls.
WvW Coordinator
The WXP boost is to basically everything and should significantly increase the rate at which characters gain ranks.
Pay to win items would be a no. Anything is fine. Armor, skins, finishers, etc. I would be willing to pay a fee to play wvw that had its own team devoted to it to make it better.
Little bump in hope of more ‘answers’.
So you know how you’ll log into WvW one day and you’ll see some random new commander roaming around and wonder if he or she is a viable/experienced leader?
Right now there is one type of commander tag that can be bought for 100g.
But what if there were multiple types of commander tags based on your current WXP? For instance, there could be the standard commander, then the ‘Bronze Commander,’ then the ‘Silver Commander,’ and so on and so forth.
These new tags could be based off of the current commander tag, but could show different colors or have different effects than the current one. They could also either be simply upgraded from the old one once a certain WXP was achieved, or they could be bought for more gold than the previous tag ONLY AFTER this threshold of WXP was achieved. Whichever option the public opinion sides with would be fine by me.
This is just an idea, I would love to see some discussion on this topic, and hopefully in the future see this implemented in game in some way, shape or form. Thanks!
People want to “win” and will pay for it.
I think what he was getting to was more like, make the playing field more even.
Right now, the majority of the ranking is based off how active a server is in WvW. Rather than how skilled they are.
Is this some kind of joke to impersonate the real [rawr]?