Showing Posts For pantsburgh.4902:
what’s the point of picking Jalis if you can choose his same heal on Shiro? That’s just an example. Picking skills would just make legends useless. You’re simply saying that you don’t like Revenant’s mechanic, and you’re free to do it. However don’t ask to ruin the class please.
That’s not what anyone is suggesting.
Jalis has a pool of 5 Jalis-only utilities. Choose 3 from that pool of 5. No other legend can choose from those 5 utilities. The heal and elite are still locked to 1 each.
I’d add to that my opinion that the racial/deluxe skills should be options too.
And I don’t really see much lack of choice here. It’s not like every class has only useful skills by the way, 50% of them are unused.
Every other class cherry picks their favorite heal out of a pool of 2-3 playable skills (you said 50% are useless). Then they cherry pick their favorite 3 utilities out of a pool of 10. Then they cherry pick their favorite elite out of 2-3. That’s a lot of options and choosing, and guarantees 5 useful skills for the situation.
Rev picks 2 from a pool of 4, and that decides all their skills. 50% are useless? Now their 10 skills are down to 5 usable ones, which weren’t really cherry picked since they come as packages of 5. Also there’s an extra button you have to hit inbetween accessing your 5 useful skills.
Having two sets of 6-0 skills sounds like it should result in extra options and depth, and instead it’s resulting in the opposite. Giving each legend 5 utility skills is the perfect balance for providing choices, build depth, and still restricting each legend to skills of its theme. Not to mention, it’s kind of the precedent set with every other class.
Edit: grammar
(edited by pantsburgh.4902)
Absolutely. The lack of utility choice is just crippling to Rev’s depth as a class compared to all the others. I really wanted to like this class and atm it’s very difficult to get excited about because of the lack of choices when making a build.
Additionally, they could allow swapping in racial/deluxe skills so Rev isn’t the only class that randomly can’t use those.
Are we sure this is even how it’s actually working? I know I bought 800 gems and I know I didn’t receive any minis.
I saw this writeup on reddit of why SC2 is a failure, and felt like you could pretty much replace everywhere it says “SC2” with “GW2 PvP” and it would still be correct.
People, ESPECIALLY people in this community seem to fail to realize that a game’s competitive success lives or dies by its casual accessibility.
One of the Starcraft 2’s major problems is its inability to understand that its primary audience (the casual gamer) has been completely neglected.
Let’s look at Brood War for a second. Check out what you see as soon as you log in. The chat + friends list takes up almost 70% of the screen! If you want to play “Melee” games (kind of the equivalent to Laddering in SC2) you have to click the “Join” button on the right, and then filter for the melee games you wanted to play. Starcraft 2 has taken a relatively minor and extremely unpopular feature of Starcraft Brood War and made it the focal point of their game. Why in the **** would you design a game around the most unpopular feature of its predecessor?! This shows a clear and disgusting lack of understanding on Blizzard’s part and is entirely unacceptable for a company trying to design a competitive game.
I try to give people the benefit of the doubt when it comes to things like these; obviously the people in Blizzard who work in the positions they work in are there for a reason, so I assume they know more than me about these things. But this…oversight…I just don’t understand. Everyone who played Brood War played for the UMS games; the 2v2v2v2 BGHs; the 3v3 zero clut!111 nr 20 and 2v2v2v2 FMP!. When most people think of BW, they remember playing hundreds of games of Evolves or Bunker Wars or that **** Yugioh! or DBZ game.
Now, arguably GW2 is different since it has 3Wv which I guess was supposed to be PvP for the casual crowd (lol). The problem with this is that, from what I can see, all the casual/PvE players see GW2 PvP as a completely different game, and only ever go there for a free trip to LA. I’ve actually not heard one single person in GW2 refer to the PvP in a non-joking manner since about a month after launch (and every single one of my friends that got GW2 I met in one PvP game or another).
I don’t know, what do you guys think? I think cutting all the game modes except the 1 competitive one was pretty much a shot in the foot of GW2 PvP ever being competitive. I also think this 9 month old wishlist of competitive features is doing nothing to make GW2 PvP competitive.
People aren’t mad that content is being added to the game.
They’re mad that they spent 10-20g on a tier of gear that is now obsolete and will never be used again because the progression is now yellow rare > blue ascended. This game isn’t that hard, and the stat difference from yellow > orange does not warrant that kind of money if it’s not top-tier.
Agony, on the other hand, is just a sign of bad game design. There is simply no way to argue that this doesn’t go 100% against the GW2 Design Manifesto. And yes, this is a totally different mechanic from GW1, where it tookittenerally 5 minutes to get your full set of armor infused.
Edit: Lol, took and literally = tookittenerally.
It has always been the plan to be able to “guest” over to other servers to PvE with friends. This, however, has not been implemented yet while server switching is free.
It should have been implemented when they limited server switches to once per week.
100% agree with everything the OP said.
My biggest beef with GW2 PvP is the fact that Conquest is not at all fun, and is the only format available. There is seriously no variety in any aspect of this PvP game. How on earth is this the successor to one of the best and most variety filled PvP games ever?
Tournaments are cool when I actually care about playing the game, but I don’t, so literally all the new features that are being added are totally worthless. These are features for the 12 existing hard core PvP players and none of the 2,000,000+ other GW2 players.
Stop working on e-sport BS and give me a PvP format that is enjoyable for no other reason than it is enjoyable.
Honestly, the K/D ratio stat isn’t out of place. Randoms GW2 PvP is pretty much already a deathmatch format, so it fits perfectly. Randoms is all about farming glory and being on top of the scoreboard. If you’re trying to actually win the match then you’re doing it wrong. In tourny PvP nobody cares about the stats because everyone knows they are totally meaningless when you are playing as a team and playing to win.
The biggest thing I miss in GW2 PvP is a sense of team. If I wanted to boost my scorecard stats I’d go play TF2 or some other game I played for a month and haven’t touched since. Stats cheapen the whole experience and ruin the sense of team. Delete them all IMO.