Nice report
I forgot about the forwardrenderer option; last I checked though it removed some shadows and lighting effects that I can’t live without :p The assetsrv command is also interesting.
I used to play GW2 a little bit with AMD hardware; had a 7850 and a R9 380. I didn’t play around with it too much, but this is a quick performance video I did on my R9 with AMDGPU and Gallium Nine:
Nowadays I use NVIDIA graphics. Can’t really say if GW2 handles better or not (the hardware I’m using doesn’t really compare to what I had before), but it’s playable and I’m enjoying it :p I use openSUSE Tumbleweed with GNOME.
In my sig, I have a link to my notes on getting GW2 installed on Linux. Mostly just some quick copy/paste commands.
(edited by Espionage.3685)
Hello everyone! I’m a new GNU/Linux user (primarily use Ubuntu-based distros) and I would like to provide insight on how to maximize performance using Wine and AMD Hardware for Guild Wars2. I spent roughly 8 months testing various commands and arguments, hardware, and performance. I created this post on WineHQ as well to ensure that there is a record of these tests in various places so that people can enjoy GW2 in GNU/Linux.
I would rate Guild Wars 2 as a solid GOLD+. I have been playing the game for 8+ months and performance for AMD hardware is not great without the tweaks below.
I have used an AMD 5870m in an Alienware laptop throughout my playtime and now average between 16-60 FPS. The worst area of the game is the Maguuma zones. The Maguuma zones drop my framerate to around 16 and sometimes less.
I used Xubuntu 16.04 with Oibaf PPA, Wine+Gallium Nine (Direct 3D tracker), Radeon-Profile, and various arguments that are built into Guild Wars 2, they are:
Oibaf: ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers
Gallium Nine Dev Tree: ppa:oibaf/gallium-nine
Wine+Nine: ppa:commendsarnex/winedri3
(Follow instructions, ensure DRI3 is enabled and you use winecfg to use Gallium Nine)
Radeon-Profile: ppa:trebelnik-stefina/radeon-profile
(Use “Auto” and “Performance”)
The -forwardrenderer argument specifically targets AMD GPUs and increases my framerate dramatically (THANK YOU ANET). Without it, I lose roughly 10-15 FPS. The -dx9single argument tends to give me more consistent gameplay event after changing the CPU governor to “performance” without using it. The -assetsrv stops the launcher from crashing and will make it download EVERYTHING without ever crashing! I have used this argument in fullscreen and virtual desktop, everything downloads and runs perfect. The argument -autoplay simply launches the game automatically after clicking “Login” thus a mere quality of life improvement.
I want to personally thank ANet for the -forwardrenderer option. This truly made the difference in playing GW2 on my OS of choice. I do hope you folks plan to improve this as well one day. Thank you.
If anyone needs help, I would be happy to provide assistance as best I can.
Playing Guild Wars 2 on GNU/Linux-
It hits smaller guild harder but the way supply is now with it not being needed upgraded for keeps tower camps you should never be with out the full cap most of the time. 15 supple is a lot and you can do a lot with it 20 supple maybe too much.
That might be true if they didn’t gut guild catapults by doubling their supply cost. It now takes a minimum of 4 players with 15 supply or 3 players with lucky supply back rolls to build a guild catapult. The auto upgrades also mean most structures have stronger walls/gates which takes more damage to get through. Because of this small roaming groups aren’t nearly as effective any longer.
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”
As I’ve posted many times, Guilds should not be prioritized in WvW, period! Worlds need to be a cohesive military force. Buffs need to be available to every soldier of a World because they all matter equally. Not gating buffs to social cliques, especially to only the largest large social cliques at that.
The entire design concept of gating WvW buffs to guilds is a complete failure….
With all respect to guilds i must say i agree with this. If you are a WvW player, you are a WvW player. Period. It doesn’t matter if you are in a 300 man guild or a guildless lone wolf. As long as you are an active member that does stuff, you deserve the possibility to earn your buffs
Guilds deserve some “extra stuff”, since they are, well, guilds (which should mean a group of people who play with the same mindset for a common purpose). But making +5 and such SO much related to guild (and ONLY to guild) is disrespectful for the guildless WvW players that yet do a lot of work and deserve credit.
The small guild and the solo player have been left out of WvW completely.
^^^ This. Our small WvW havoc guild has now rolled up to the conclusion that we are no longer valued. Would we grind for a guild hall if +5 wasn’t so far out of reach?
But looking at the time it will take with 5 or 6 of us, out of the question (last check from Guild2 to +5 requires more than 678 gold in materials). Right now to toss out 1 guild cata we NEED a minimum of 4 players. Groups smaller than 4 are no longer effective.
Our members also rep larger WvW guilds as well, but the havoc roaming is where we all had a blast. Several members are so down now that they’re barely on any longer. Even seeing our larger guilds working toward recovering what we lost, the time gates and guild levels mean it’s going to be a long road ahead…
Sorrows Furnace
You guys have killed WvW Guilds
What we have upgraded previously, specifically the +5 Supply Capacity, that can be easily gotten by Lvl2 Art of War upgrade, now requires us to have a Rank 37 guild to do that.
Where is the logic in this?
Something easily obtained in the previous version is now going to be a grindwars2 to get to.
Not to mention that this +5 Supply is as essential now than it has ever been, because of the EXTREMELY LARGE Desert Borderland Maps that now, a 5-man group (in lower tiers) you have to run out and back again, at least 4 times to get the supply you need to actually make something happen on a keep/tower that auto-upgrades to fortify without anyone pushing a button to make it happen.
Also – the upgrades are CRAZY! Needs too much exp grinding farming etc!
Please bear in mind that there are people that play this game only for WvW Purpose and not the PVE aspect. And so, having been brought out of my preferred gameplay, to farm for materials for these upgrades to get sheeeeeet that we need in WvW… is just… i would say, tasteless, not so well thought out, and quite frankly STUPID.
end of rant
They also moved all the WvW buffs (like +5 supply) out of the core game and into HoT. It’s a pretty shady move.
The +5 supply is part of WvW Abilities; it’s available to anyone with 145 ability points, including non-HoT players. (You can get smaller +supply increases with as little kitten points.)
Lord Kuru was talking about the guild consumable +5 supplies, which enabled players who had access to both to carry 20 supplies. The guild +5 is locked behind many, many upgrades in the war room and needs the guild to be level 37, which makes it pretty much inaccessible to small roaming guilds who are not extremely rich.
It is an immensely valuable wvw upgrade that many of us lost because it was put behind a paywall, so maybe y’all can see now why wvw players who are in small guilds are not exactly fans of the new system.
Back to the original topic: I really don’t see why it would be so bad for non-HoT players to have access to guild boons. Give them back what they had before HoT.
This video is aimed at explaining the importance of blasting might and other tools that grant us might. Might is not important for only Engineer of course, it’s amazing buff for any profession really. The idea of this video is to teach the viewer to make good use of their blast finishers and not just use them for their effects, for example Big Ol Bomb is great damage in PvE and can stop someone in WvW/PvP (if it hits) but it is also a blast finisher so why not drop a firefield beneath it as well? That way even if it misses, you still get 3 stacks of might out of it.
The video is part of my Engineer Handbook which I am working on at the moment. That handbook will cover litteraly everything there is to the Engineer and will be released on my website in a couple of weeks (probably).
I hope you guys enjoy the video and feel free to correct me if I made an error somewhere.
Video link:
(edited by Wolfar.6508)
Hello everyone,
My name is Wolfineer, I am a YouTuber and a guy that likes to write stuff to help others. I have a website pure for the Engineer profession with builds, guides, engineer changes etcetera. In the past few weeks I worked on the builds I have over at to update them with whatever they needed. This could be more information, small build tweaks or a simple new video guide. I documented the changes in a special category on the website. This category is called ‘Build Changes’ and can be found here if you wish to check it out. I wanted to make sure the builds I had on there remained up to date as it would be a shame to let people pick up a build that simply lacks in a lot of ways.
If you are making use of one of the builds or have a spinoff of one which closely matches it, I suggest checking out the Build Changes to see if I changed anything major. The small information that is revealed gives you an idea what the changes are about so you can skip through them easily. I am of course not going to ‘spam’ this Subreddit if I make small changes as that would be ridiculous and very annoying to you guys. The reason I decided to share this is because I just went over everything and now I won’t have to do so in quite a while. If you wish to stay up to date I recommend you to check the website every once in a while or by following me on Twitter as I post the changes on there.
Thanks for your attention and have a good day.
(edited by Wolfar.6508)
kitten sry this is engineer forum….
Check out our forums and ask us about WvW!
This thread is old but it still holds valuable information and insight for people interested in SBI.
Don’t forget to check our community site and forum!
You can always find SBI regulars there and ask us questions.
Guild Leader of [KT] Knights Templar
Ever since I came to SBI I actually never wanted to leave as it’s a great place for my guild and I. Whatever you guys are looking for when it comes to WvW, you can definitely find it on SBI. We have our hardcore, our casuals and of course the fairweathers as any other server. We also have people who like to roam, or small groups that like to cause havoc, our organized guild groups, people who will work on maintaining the borderland real estate and even a few GvG guilds. If you like a challenge, SBI is in the perfect position to bring you that challenge. If you need a new home, SBI offers a variety of play style when it comes to WvW.
You can either visit our server website or contact these people in game if you’re interested in transferring to our home:
Loren Michael
Aime Hiver
Marcus Dairy
Canis Lupis
(edited by Stash.8401)
Ok, first of, don’t go making funny rhyming songs with my name. I’ve heard them all :P
Greetings, and welcome to SBI!! In the past few months, SBI has lost rather a large number of big guilds. We’ve lost our bandwagon, fair-weather players, and our strong T2 presence. “But, Bippity hippity dippity skippty, why come to SBI when it has lost so much?” Good question, guy/girl who missed the first line in this post. For a while now have questioned even my own reason for remaining on the server. I’ve had many offers to leave, even gold promises. Why do I remain here? You simply cannot buy someone who’s loyal to their server, and their server only. Look around SBI and you will find the same mindset from majority of the gamers that still remain here.
When we lost the greedy guilds, and players, SBI had to really rally together. In this rally, we came together closer as a server. We understand our place in the rankings, and we know what it takes to rise again. SBI is probably one of the only servers that can put up a fight without a major guild leading the way. Now that the disappointment has been forgotten, we’re hungry for action. We’re more ready than ever to climb back up into higher ranking. We want FIGHTS!!!!!
With a strong server that can hold its own without a well known guild group, imagine those pieces being placed here again. Imagine (and I’m speaking to all you WvW guilds looking for a new home) if you came here. Why join another server with people who only prefer to karma train? Why join a server with the numbers, but rather PvE? Why join any other server, but SBI, a WvW community hungry for fights, and glory?
That’s why I’m still here. Unlike my peeps that left, I cannot. I’m a true SBI player. If I felt like I was the only one with the fire to bring SBI back, then I would’ve left months ago. With all that being said, SBI needs your help!! We’re looking for loyal, skilled WvW guilds. We are not offering gold. We offer a very strong, friendly, committed community. “Oh, but bippity bopptiy dippity, we hear this type of stuff all the time.” Well, my friends, again who clearly missed the first line of this post, SBI has proven it. Unlike other server who has lost all their guilds, we haven’t fallen far behind. Look at servers such as SoR. From #1 to.. idk.. way behind us. The reason why is what I’ve explained. We are too strong of a community to let our WvW presence go away.
At the end of the day, whether guilds come or not, SBI will fight on. We all want the same thing. Fights. That’s one thing SBI can promise. We will give the enemy hell without you.
“Ok, Hippity Bippty, you’ve convinced me. What now?”
Well my friend, who’ve I’ve grown annoyed with, just message Loren Michael.7891. She’s sort of our server “president” lol. She’s one of the TS admins, so yea. Long live Loren. Remember to mention Bippity as your recruiter
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
Also Add:
DmD (OC/NA)- Seraph Siegfried
Zs (SEA)- Aquanio
PF – Commander Kittenae
DD (Latin America)- Sandoxx
DvEP – Theoden Warstar
(edited by alvinjason.3109)
Considering a transfer? Talk to us. Who is Us?
Svidangy or Got This – RED
Silent Rapture or Grímsdóttír – HoD
Molen Labe – BRL
Spirit Ritualist – SA
Kopere or Ahiahi – FN
or anybody in the posts above..
You will find no better way to gauge a fit for you or your guild. We have been here since the beginning and are getting better, and better while having a blast playing the game. We are ultra-competitive, and compete with class (at least we think so.) Seeing a few new faces.. why not make yours one of them?
These people have written it out in their blood for you. Stormbluff Isle has always seen a lot of change like many other servers, but we have weathered through it together. We don’t let it break us down and we keep on moving. We are a tight knit community that welcomes in new faces.
Do not expect the easy path. Do not expect an even battle. Love the challenge. Live for the camaraderie. The true fight is to walk away with your fellow SBI’ers and look forward to the fight another day. If this sounds like your battle song, come join us.
(edited by Sadi.3072)
Knights Templar X [KTX] is a fight-focused branch of Knights Templar [KT] on Stormbluff Isle. We are looking for like-minded individuals who are interested in working toward the same goals on the battlefield together for the long haul. We aspire to become a highly coordinated open field fighting group that consistently fields 20-25 players. As a branch of [KT] we adopt the same core values and charter that have kept our guild together for ten years of gaming – a tight knit group of players who require respect, honesty and honor among our members. Read more about [KT]’s history as a community at
What we are looking for:
[KTX] is looking to recruit WvW focused players who are primarily interested in coordinated, fight-based team play. You should have at least one level 80 character, and must be willing to respec with appropriate armor and trinkets if necessary to run team coordinated builds for maximum synergy. We are not a guild looking to grow in numbers just for the sake of numbers – we look for quality over quantity in new membership.
What’s next: (to be updated with time)
As we approach the start of Season 2, we will be pushing to help train the SBI militia and recruit new players into the guild.
Rules and Guidelines:
- Join us for run times on a consistent basis. Please see the Running Schedule below, bold times are official run times, other times are optional.
- Run the preferred builds – ask leadership for help acquiring gear if needed. Changes and adjustments to builds will be discussed with the team as needed.
- Be respectful of your guildmates, servermates and enemies on the battlefield.
Running Schedule: all times EST
- Sunday -Theorycrafting session 3:30pm, guild missions start 7:30pm
- Monday – 9pm – 11pm
- Tuesday – Off (optional PvE night with KT)
- Wednesday -9pm – 11pm
- Thursday – Collective guild night, 8pm – ?
- Friday – Reset night 7:30pm – ?
- Saturday – TBD
Other benefits include:
- Guild bank with available siege, runes and sigils to help with builds.
- Open invitation to parent guild Knights Templar [KT] – Full T6 guild that runs guild missions every Sunday for commendations, holds events for members, and often joins in on serverwide community events.
How to Join:
Let us know of your interest by signing up on our forums at or message one of these people in game:
Loren Michael.7891
Guild Leader of [KT] Knights Templar
(edited by Loren Michael.7891)
I’ve been on SBI for over 2 months, and I must say it’s a great community to be a part of. When I got here, we were very dominant in WvW and then about a month ago we saw a large exodus of WvW guilds that were bought off by other servers. Even with that happening though and against the overwhelming odds of facing DB and FA week in and week out, SBI is still out there in force everynight, and it inspires me (and a lot of others) to come out and do the same.
SBI also has a very strong PvE community for those of you who aren’t 100% WvW-centric (like me). Tequatl is successfully beaten everynight at 8pm est, followed by the Karka Queen, and sometimes the world event train goes on for several other events as well. If you happen to stay for the whole thing, the loot is amazing lol.
There’s a server-wide Teamspeak, which is one of the huge plusses for me, originally coming from a very fractured server (Sorrow’s Furnace) where a 3rd of the community used Mumble, a 3rd used Teamspeak, and the other 3rd used… something else, Idk. But being able to just hop into a channel with 30-40 ppl and just do something, at anytime, is awesome.
If you’re looking for an awesome overall community with a winning attitude that doesn’t quit, SBI has it all.
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI
Please ANet do something.
We tried to stop the invasion but…
All is vain.
If you see someone doing something in game that’s clearly not acceptable to Anet (even if they do nothing to correct the problem) and the WvW community in general, please don’t capitalize on it.
You don’t have to take your guild/zerg through the gate just because it’s open. If it was opened thanks to illegitimate means (I’m 100% certain I just witnessed this happen to a previously well-sieged, T3 Garrison – we have screen shots). Be a leader and stand up for the good of the game. Refuse to continue the attack. Back off and call out the person on your server who committed the act instead of rushing in a like a looter during a natural disaster. If you’re a commander, lead your group the other way. If you’re not a commander, don’t follow one in. Go the other way, and use /say to tell others why you’re doing it. I know we have our bad apples, but I think there are more good ones than bad, and we need to stand up to people who do this crap, and leave them twisting in the wind.
(edited by slingblade.1437)
[OHai] is actually a pretty small guild. It is very rare that we have more than one party on a map at any given time. At the very most we might have two full parties, but again, that’s unusual for us. We’ve never had more than that. With that said, we are outnumbered more often than not. That’s fine. We actually prefer to be outnumbered as fighting against the odds is just more fun. However, to say that we run from fights isn’t entirely fair. We don’t run from even numbers. When we’re outnumbered 2 to 1, our first reaction isn’t to get away. We want to try to win those kinds of fights. We run when we see the entire zerg coming for us. So, while I know that everyone in this thread has been nothing but friendly and no one has said anything about [OHai] with malice, I just wanted to make it clear to those who haven’t seen us fight that we’re not just ganking some random uplevel and then fleeing at the sight of others. It’s quite the contrary. I’ve been looking for 1v3-5 all afternoon. That isn’t to say that I will win any of the fights I come across, but I would rather try to win a 1v4 and fail than kill some random person trying to get to a tower 1v1. Of course, I do kill solo people trying to get from point A to point B, but it’s not exactly the thrill I’m looking for. With that said, I’ve had some pretty fun encounters today. More roamers please.
Good luck everyone!
Thief | Mesmer | Elementalist
(edited by TakeCare.3182)
So instead of spending our Saturday Night Drunken WvW time happily re-capping and fortifying CDBL, we spent three hours squabbling over Hills, completely failing to dent Bay, and then expending blood, sweat, and tears to pull off an epic Garrison defense against both enemy zergs. How many Omegas was that? It looked like 10?
Good fights and good fun.
Proud Member of the First Crystalian Council
SBI, stop trying to take our keep in EB. How many times have you tried to storm in? First trebs, then ram power (did you use rams that time?), there was once when you brought three golems, and a mesmer port (we’re lucky we spot him/her just in time), through the back door, circling around and flanking….give us a break! Go bug BP for their keep!
…I do have to admit I’m very happy to see CD outmanned, and still holding onto our keep. <3
Dear Initialise (formerly EDGE),
You broke my heart when you left DR for CD and now I shall break your Garrison. I hear it has KitKats.
Miss you guys! <3
You break my garrison, I break Emarold. I give her da mesmer burst and she eats it all.
Leader of Nameless Accord [NA]
Dear Initialise (formerly EDGE),
You broke my heart when you left DR for CD and now I shall break your Garrison. I hear it has KitKats.
Miss you guys! <3
Quaggan OP [QOP], League of Extraordinary Siegers [LEXS]
Ehmry Bay
Got some more Ranger Video of mostly this matchup
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies
Great small man fights today in IOJ and SBI and keep/tower takes. We had a blast and hope to continue tonight as well!
Yak’s Bend
Took IoJ’s approach to sieging up a keep.
Bust down these gates and…
BOOM 98 ballistas to the face SON.
So IoJ, Am I doing this right??
Nope, not enough in the lord’s room, you need to toss a cata or 2 in there, you forgot the treb and you have completely ignored the proper AC to ballista ratio. How can you get 2 people to spread shot a zerg while a guardian wall is up when they aren’t exactly 400 units away from each other.
Proper ratios are as follows:
2.5 ballistas to one AC
2 ACs to one cata
3 catas to a treb.
Don’t forget the stealth trap on the door.
Tuck and Roll: Warrior – What Everyone Loves: Guardian -Hardkore Junglist: Ranger -
Kitty Gearwrench: Engineer – Dwomm: Elementalist – Which Kitten Is It: Mesmer
How can ANET figure out a way to make these matchups more even? I don’t know, friends and I have thought it through and through and we cannot come up with a fair idea to ensure there are even numbers out there in WvW.
I will say, FA outnumbering us but was still very fun because they actually used some pretty neat tactics and you could tell they were well organized. Myself and I’m sure a lot of other Yak’s learned a good deal from the matchup and I’m proud of how well we did overall despite being outnumbered most of the week.
SBI is a whole different story, I don’t really see much of any tactics being displayed, despite being outnumbered 2 and sometimes 3 to 1 odds we’ve won quite a few battles however the SBI zerg is just overwhelming. What I’m really confused about, is why if we are queued up, and then get into the zone, are we still outnumbered 3 to 1. I’m thinking if we have a queue it means we have max amount of people out there but once in, that is definitely not the case.
I don’t understand the point to all of this if we are going to lose by default due to sheer numbers. Again, hats off to Yak’s, we’ve fought very well considering the odds and it is funny to see an SBI zerg of 50 running from about 30 of us with their tails between their legs.
I don’t go to WvW to WvW I go to PVE
- Kudzu, Dreamer, Frostfang, Eternity, Flameseeker Prophecies ~
~Nevermore, HOPE, Moot, Incinerator, Meteorlogicus, Howler ~