pvp = shopping at gucci n loui
wvw = shopping at walmart and costco
Man, a 1v1 or 3v3 sounds fantastic, in theory. Although it would likely make finding a match in 5v5 near impossible. But I’m all for it. There should definitely be a guild tournament ladder as well. Just a simple single elimination thing. They’ve really let pvp stagnate for no reason.
I had a fix in the Fractal Forums. But it looks like that got canned.
top 3 suggestions.
1: Consider your creation ( and for some reason, continuously making it harder in patches ) of the dredge fractal to be similar to the universe creating black holes for which all nearby matter to be uncontrollably sucked into it upon passing by. Make like the T-3 firey armor “oops” set, and remove it until you can make it comparable to other t3 fractals. see…my post in the fractal forums if you need a hand at that. or…the forty billion people that complain about the fractal on a daily basis.
2: LET US DO SOMETHING WITH THESE RINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( which could fix the “loot” issue….shhhhh its an idea within an idea )
3: It doesnt make any sense that you cant put +Agony Resistance in Fractal weapons. Just sayin.
all in all. their are lots of maps ( never get water anymore ) and its been a job well done. aside from dredge. i appreciate the unique dungeon environment that fractals allows us to experience and its been great not getting rewards for a year. i know that you will reward me for having 5 bank tabs of rings…I KNOW YOU WILL. cuz i love you…and thats what love is all about. rewards. :S thanks for the read. take care
I just feel that when I am in PvP matches/tournaments, if I have one or two people on me and I get turned into a Moa; there is no stopping my imminent death. I propose to remove it from PvP, or allow us players to use our utility skills, or make less time spent in Moa form, or give the Moa some skills that can actually create some survivability. I realize you can use one of the skills that lets you run away, but even then you’re still on death row when in Moa form.
well i propose that if you cant see the HUGE aura and relatively long cast of the moa and you dont already have a block up or your reflexes are that of a sloth, you deserve to be turned into a chicken for a few seconds. its very very easy to see coming. if 1 skill is giving you so much grief. perhaps you should learn how to combat against it. “dodge”
PU in terms of survivability is just as strong in dueling as it is in every other PVP apsect of the game that players can participate in. wvw, small scale fights, gvg, 1v?, roaming, ect.
Which is why we see tons of mesmers in all these aspects of pvp right? Oh wait…
there are no counters or tactics that even half of the class’s can use to counter PU survivability,
Aside from things like boon strip or aoe?
no way to counter disengagement potential,
PU gives no boost to disengagement potential. 1 second of stealth duration means nothing for a disengage. All disengagement potential for mesmer comes from other tools appropriately used.
and no way to counter sustained dps potential through illusions while remaining undetectable and untargetable through a long and extended chain of stealths
Sustained dps potential through illusions? Don’t make me laugh. You’ve got at best 1 high damage phantasm (since a PU build will be using torch). It takes a second or two of dpsing to kill a phantasm from a PU build, so care to enlighten us as to where this sustained dps potential is coming from?
thus why would someone use something thats less effective and takes more skill?
Less effective at what exactly? PU builds are horrible at active application of burst damage, PU phantasm builds are just as bad as normal phantasm builds in 1vX, they just die slower, PU builds are locked 30 points into a selfish trait line and so offer little utility to groups, where’s all this effectiveness coming from?
so in order to preserve viable diversity among the users of the Mesmer profession this trait needs a nerf/major functionality change or we will watch as the majoirty of mesmer builds are devolved in to a meta based on utilizing the survivability staple that stealth combined with this trait provides….oops seems this has already happened.
Cute. The lack of build diversity stems from the fact that almost no mesmer builds are viable at anything currently, not from the existence of a single trait as you seem to think.
One trait/set of builds has absolutely no significance on the potential diversity of a class, arguments otherwise make absolutely no sense. Different mesmer builds are good at different things, and people choose them for those reasons. The existence of builds that are good at surviving (PU builds) has absolutely no relevance on the viability of builds that are good at aoe burst damage (shatter) or aoe condition damage (glamour), single target damage (phantasm), lockdown (lockdown) or any others that I’m not thinking of right now. All of those builds are non-viable for separate and distinct reasons. Your attempt to conflate their non-viability with the existence of PU falls flat as a poor guise for your odd hatred of the trait.
There’s nothing wrong with the PU trait, some people just need to get over themselves.
i want to hug you. your words are perfect for these people. may you find yourself upon riches and glory. RICHES AND GLORY!!!
(edited by povV.5681)
yah idk…when solo Q came out my first 5 matches i was on the short end of the stick in 4v5’s. i think ive played a total of like 40ish since its came out. lots of 4v5. I refuse to play this game type because there is no amount of skill that can stop an extra player on the other team. its just a solid loss with no hope. nice that it has leaderboards tho O_o
if i could give this thread a thousand 1’s i wouldn’t. I’d give it 5 million. skyhammer is literally the worst thing that has ever happened to pvp. ever. of all time. i would be all the in game gold i have that i have died 90% of the time to either falling due to immob or knocked off, or the skyhammer shooting me in the fancy parts. normally im a little more calm about things like this that i dont agree with…but there is not one person that enjoys skyhammer. yes thats a blanket statement, and yes its true. anybody that refutes the point that skyhammer is worse than babysitting a t-rex that just got kicked in the junk is just trolling. there is ZERO places to fight without either falling or passively being shot up toward jezus, this map is the official “take a break for a few minutes…grab some food, drinks, and hop on imgur/tumblr till its over” map. it makes me hate myself. on the inside. GET RID OF IT
just looking for some people to tpvp with who use their words in a voice com and have a warm pulse. preferably not terrible but hey, at this point, I’ll take anything. pm in game or mail. #imaslapapugforgawshsakes
Currently 27 members across multiple servers of a PVP base of players. I personally am lvl 41 mesmer and mostly solo que tpvp, which can get frustrating. So I’m currently looking to bump up the population of pvp focused players. We have mumble/teamspeak, laid back people but still, focused on teamwork and having fun working together. Yes the guild is called Free Bags Over Here. because i think its hilarious when the team name comes up in tpvp. oh…and the best guild emblem ever.
just looking to create a pool of players everybody can pull from and, eventually we will know eachother well enough to have regular teams / players we partner with.
thanks for your time
I dont mind getting ascended armor. Im glad they finally released it. but honestly…with literally endless options of what to create and come up with…now i have to use transmutation stones to not look like a battle clown. light armor for males is like what a jester entertaining a king looked like right before they slit his throat for being THAT ugly.
but thank you for releasing the armor.
heavy looks good. imo
Hilarious! By the way, can you use transmutation stones to move AR from one set to another?
no you can not
one idea…
pristine tokens
35 —-————- fractal water weapons
50 —-————- fractal single hand weapons
75 —-————- fractal two handed weapons
100 —-———- fractal infinite tonic
1000 —-——- you win guild wars 2
At the very least this would give people something to call a “reward”.
and make them tp-able plox. mucho dinero to be had. pls and ty
(edited by povV.5681)
your luck…my luck…ugh. make it a million pristine tokens…it’ll still be the only way ill ever get it.
thank you for bringing something that is ACTUALLY IN OUR FAVOR…to their attention. much appreciated. im sure this will be fixed immediately
+1 for anybody that posts in here. keep this the #1 thread in section. 1 MILLION replies please.
well…i mean…it is over 1 silver per hour. thats like… 1 kill in Kessix Hills. What kind of agony does Kessix Hills have? AFK…researching this mysterious place.
OR you can use the silver to buy silk. Infinite stacks of silk for everyone!
1 ascended ring =\= 1 scrap of gossamer
This has boiled down to…hopefully our daily chest gives us 1 scrap of gossamer. pokes anet in shoulder "psst, do you have a toolbox? with…tools? cuz I have something here that needs a fixin’ pweeeeeeeze
I had the same issue… a single trident in about 500 runs. Then suddenly I began to get literally one every other run, and now again nothing. But in around 700 runs or so I think I got at least 20.
wow thats a ton. gg
so far “Outflanked” was the hardest, as some enemies could oneshoot even heavily armored party members with a big HP pool, which sometimes resulted in an entire party getting wiped.
“Impaired Immunity” wasn’t so hard to pass, as most party members naturally had some condition removals which helped minimize our trouble.
but i’m not really an expert in high level fractals and am going to pass lvl 34 – “Fleeting Precision” – for the first time tonight. can someone tell me if the critical chance reduction on this level is significant or not? i mean, if i have a 50% critical chance, how will it be reduced once i enter the fractal? will it be like 40% or… 0%?
ive done a 34, 3 or 4 times now. i dont know the exact % but its nothing to worry about. 34 is a great level to go from 30-34 on.
LOW level
aetherblade or grawl
^ best to me means fastest
HIGH level
water, ascalon, harpy
aetherblade the asura one, or giant……..just not dredge
finish all runs with maw and im happy. well if i can do a run with no dredge or molten at the end…alls good.
Please list your debuff faves and not so much faves lol.
discuss why and what you did to conquer this.
this is meant to help players as they ascend in the ranks
least favorite: 33 outflanked, due to current possible bug. ouchies. dredge took 8 days
the first room was a huge problem. 3 people ended up rage switching characters until we got a stealthy enough group. 2 guards 3 thieves. just for that room. brutal
favorite: 39 enemies explode causing a pretty severe unblockable knockdown. idk why but this made me lol my way through. we wiped 1 time due to this and had to change tactic slightly on giant. but otherwise went as usual. surprisingly nobody fell off giant due to this. mind blown.
(edited by povV.5681)
the easiest strategy is to play 34+
this tactic was brought to my attention when i got swamp, giant, dredge, molten for my 33. it was lolz. even more laughable is 39 debuff on giant rotating seal. that was a fun one.
yes ………………………………………………………
I got teh fractal frequenter ages ago. i was level 63 once ( regularly did daily of 28-38-48 ). and had level reset. then this last time i was level 50 with regular dailies as well. with how many months ago i completed the fractal frequenter, i would guess im near 1k fractal runs complete.
im wondering roughly how many fractal runs you have done ( its in your achieve page ) and how many fractal weapons you have.
im at ~1k~ ran…. 1 longbow skin………thats it.
what prompted this was my friend who has ran a tad over 200 fractals and has 7 or 8 skins. i wanna kill him lol
I got teh fractal frequenter ages ago. i was level 63 once ( regularly did daily of 28-38-48 ). and had level reset. then this last time i was level 50 with regular dailies as well. with how many months ago i completed the fractal frequenter, i would guess im near 1k fractal runs complete.
im wondering roughly how many fractal runs you have done ( its in your achieve page ) and how many fractal weapons you have.
im at ~1k~ ran…. 1 longbow skin………thats it.
I’d vote for being able to salvage them for guaranteed Ascended mats (Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite) and 1 – 3 Ecto, with a chance to get Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
would love to see this. seems like a simple fix.
The only issue I see with being guaranteed Ascended mats, AND Ecto’s, is, as people said, some have entire bank tabs full of them. When running higher level fractals, ascended rings aren’t exactly very rare to come by (hence the problem of having too many!) So if they all gave 1-3 ecto guaranteed, plus guaranteed Ascended Mats, it would:
1) Make the people who already don’t play fractals feel even more worthless in getting ascended gear (not as big of a deal some would say).
2) People would start to complain about having too MANY ascended mats like bloodstone bricks and not being able to sell them
3) The ecto market would plummet so fastUnless they make fractal rings sellable, or ALL of the ascended mats sellable, making them salvageable would just make fractals an even greater money farm (from ectos, or any sellable ascended mats), or make ascended mats being so cheap people start complaining about how easy they are to get.
The best solution then I feel isn’t to make them salvageable, but forge-able. For instance, putting 4 into the forge to get one back that you get select the stats, or putting some in with combination of other ascended/fractal drops to get different new stuff (maybe recipe to get the new tonic, and make that sellable?)
with all the meta events running 24/7 i doubt that a small number of people having large amounts of rings ( 60-100 ) would flood the market and affect the price in ectos in any way. not everybody sells their mats. and plus i usually have terribad luck on ectos anyways lol. and bloodstones are already an issue. i think the armor patch will help a tad though. we’ll see. id rather have extra materials that stack then extra rings that dont. besides. when the armor patch comes out. refining bloodstone dust will help level you to 500. so…im ok with there being an overload of that. for now.
yah i actually just bought another bank tab just now because of this. ugh…anet wins again. wut tadooo wut tadoooo
yah not aggro’ing isnt a glitch dewd. its just not aggro’ing.
i mean…i play the market quite a bit and my liquid assets ( current mats ready to be sold ) i have over 5k gold. so…i guess if you wanted to…you could waste it on that. but i thought dulfy said +15 was max. maybe not tho. also…there is no point in crafting that. you dont need a +18 in anything for any purpose. 65 is all u need total. so if your guildie made that. he’s less than smart imo
i sold about as many as u have in bank tabs, just vendor them, dude
there is about the same chance i vendor ascended items for what 4 silver? as there is me vendoring exotics. well…zero chance at both so…i guess its the same. 4 silver? thats almost as big of a slap in the face as it is the 72 copper i got from jormagg the other day. sidenote anet…you can keep ur 72 copper for jormagg lolz
I’d vote for being able to salvage them for guaranteed Ascended mats (Bloodstone/Empyreal/Dragonite) and 1 – 3 Ecto, with a chance to get Dark Matter and Mist Essence.
exactly. would love to see this. seems like a simple fix.
the dredge in the car room is great for farming.
Trust me, if you go in fractals for farming, you are doing something very wrong.
you get a +1 cuz waaaat? lol the best response to infinite spawning dredge is that its a good farm? ugh. no. missing the point a tad. but to each their own
its a fractal “reward” its like a great white buffalo. a unicorn. a legend. you have the same odds as getting swamp 3 times in a row. lol just keep tryin?
methinks i have around 20ish stacks of dragonite. i dont think we need another source of getting it. perhaps you should do more meta events.
That is my point exactly, I do not want to do mindless zergy meta events in order to get dragonite ore. The same applies for many other players. The events may seem fun the first couple of times but in the end become a boring chore. How many times do I have to slay Jormag so I can craft one ascended sword? Pristine relics could offer that possibility, it is an alternative way to get the ore. It can be compared to the obsidian shards. You can get those with karma. But if you don’t want to do endless event chains to get that karma, you can buy them with fractal relics.
you should check out my thread about ascended rings. let me know what you think about that
They didn’t add any dredges. They just fixed their spawns.
What are you smoking – there are dredge all over the floor of the first room. The first thing you see when you get dredge is that they added dredge
they were always supposed to be there is what he’s saying. and their spawns were bugged so it was a more cleared out room. but yes…fixing that was indeed backwards in what we need for this fractal. wouldnt be so bad with those lovely lovely spy kits that they also “fixed”
I think what annoys me the most, is that some dredge can be killed, and don’t respawn, and some respawn infinitely. And these groups are mixed. Like at the part with the bombs, most Dredge respawn, but not all of them. It just doesn’t make any sense, because where are all these endless hordes of Dredge coming from? They just pop up out of nowhere. They don’t emerge from a carrier, like those at the boss. Same with those Dredge at the button room, where are they respawning from? Do they just materialize out of the gratings on the floor?
I understand that the designer of this Fractal was trying to do something interesting with the players having to stay alive, but it just doesn’t work. It’s not fun, it’s annoying. This Fractal would instantly be fixed if all respawning Dredge no longer respawned. That’s it. That’s the only thing that would need to be changed, to make this Fractal work. In fact, I would probably enjoy the Fractal if this was the case.
I think many players would agree with me that this Fractal does not challenge us, it just tries our patience.
+1 for you. well said. no respawning and this would indeed be enjoyable. or atleast flirt with enjoyable lol
fresh air, full celestial with traveler runes cuz i like the boon duration, crit, and speed. i find celestial is nice all around. also i run a sigil of generosity for the condi cleanse. cuz its op as kitten. and ya s/d except the occasional d/f healing slot changes depending on fractal
I think any retroactive solution would anger a lot of people who have sold the rings at an earlier point, like when they made ballot tickets sellable and representative buttons not.
idk i think the people that want to be able to do SOMETHING with them would appreciate it. and if you dont want to be able to do something with them, its because you dont have hoards of them. so it would be relatively irrelevant to them. so…helps some and doesnt affect others imo. but maybe you’re right
I really hate respawning enemies. It is inconsistent and illogical. Just allow us to kill the annoying dredge, and be done with it. Leave them dead.
exactly. this fractal should just be taken out until they can fix it. honestly…depending on the debuff if you get dredge its like this…. 2 fractals + maw ( or equivelant ) takes the same amount of time as the 1 dredge fractal. its insanely bad
I currently have a little over 2 bank tabs full of ascended rings. This is one of the only relatively consistent “rewards” of doing fractals ( not going to address the lack of rewards in general ). This being said…you can not sell them, you can not salvage them, you can not forge them, hell, you cant even give them away. The only reason I havn’t posted about this earlier is because if for some reason ANET decided to make them salvagable im fairly certain they would turn into bloodstone dust, dragonite ore, or imperial fragments. which honestly most people are drowning in anyways. the lack of ability to forge them is annoying as well. my possibly short sighted solution
non ascended rings
receive a decent number of ascended materials, +1 infusions, chance at vial of mist essence, glob of mist essence, or shard.
ascended rings
receive a large number of ascended materials, +1 or higher infusions, vial, glob, or shard, and receive a +5 infusion ( for the infusion already applied to the ring )
( just ideas, do share if you have others )
ascended ring, t5 mats, 1 t6, philosopher stones ( for t6 conversion. i know there is already a conversion but i was thinking that this could yield a higher number of t6 )
4 rings non infused – lots of + infusions
2 of the same ring + ecto’s + crystalline dust + philosopher stones = infused ring
infused rings of the same kind will be forged together to pull out one of the +5 infusions.
infused rings could be put in also for a larger number of t6 conversion. similar to the clover x1 vs x10 recipe
at this point…please just open ascended rings up on the tp and let the players decide what they are worth.
or let me merchant them for 1g each for non infused. or have them specifically priced as some rings are horrible anyways…sorry relaynas band.
i know we will never be able to send these rings to our lower level friends to help them out. but hey…it would be really nice to be able to help people.
(edited by povV.5681)
methinks i have around 20ish stacks of dragonite. i dont think we need another source of getting it. perhaps you should do more meta events.
The fractal is fine. It does not need to be split up. People who know what they’re doing can beat it in about 30 minutes on average.
Show me those people.
I think those people that they are referencing are lower levels, there is no way that the clown car is fine at 40s. Just there alone is like 20~15 min.
maybe dredge at lvl 1 is 30 minutes?? but im still gonna say no lol. try it with the lvl 33 debuff. you wont even be past the first room in 30 minutes, rather, youll be wondering what toons all your repair kits are on. lolz
uh huh suuuuuuuuuuuure
ive gotten the giant 7 times in a row now. and while i am not a fan of giant…at all…i pretty much rage when i get dredge. but at this point..its all about the debuff. depending on the debuff is whether or not i facepalm for certain fractals. take snowbound for example…lvl 33 snowbound is repair canister city. its misery. on other debuffs…snowbound would be wonderful. so its whatever. as long as i get maw…im happy. ( and not dredge ) lol
go home scarlet, ur drunk.
Please read this someone from ANET and do these things. You dont even have to pay me.
this is broken down into 4 parts.
1: kitten room
2: cave to kitten car room
3: kitten car room
4: final boss
1: no respawns. done
2: no respawns, done
3: dont make us kill 300 dredge. its pointless. can we settle on 30? 50? done
4: end the fractal after the kitten car room. done.
fractal fixed. you’re welcome
everybody that says theres no point in resetting of the levels. hey…im kitten ed too, i was level 63 and it sucks yah. but yes theres a point. all the new content and new debuffs make for a different fractal experience. its kinda like we are in second generation of fractals. or 3rd or 4th…however u wanna look at it. but still. for sure reason to reset.
ps…leaderboards? LOL really? how bout we get a leaderboard for who can pick up a crystal the fastest at Maw. cuz i know its not me. what is with that terribleness? so tired of standing on a crystal and having to press F thirty times only to die as i lazily bend over to pick it up.
i hate the PUGs sometimes, like every time I do dredge with a PUG they want to use that lame trick with the plank and then the one at cliffside always hugging that boss, and it’s not even patched.
I hate lame lame lame bugs like that. the PUGs in this game are way too hardcore and always use these lame tricks to circumvent the intended gameplay.
Blame anet for taking over a year to fix simple things
well i have to agree that if you can bug something and it makes it go 10x faster then…im all for it. its not a wonderful experience if you’ve killed the guy 9baziillion times before….you just want to progress.
irritating note: every time the third fractal ends…i close my eyes and THINK MAW…please please please maw lol. cuz ugh
yah theres something wrong with fractals atm. i missed out on my lvl 32 and 34 chests. ( yes these were separate days and under the guidelines of receiving daily chests ). I also, after doing lvl 33 and getting dredge on lvl 33 NO good, didnt even get credit for leveling up. so…ive put in 3 bug reports in the last couple days. :/
yah and on lvl 33…its nearly impossible. it was a joke. i dont understand the length either. why does it not end after radmovich or whatever his name is? if you get this fractal after two fast first fractals its almost faster to just start over.
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