Showing Posts For praline.8254:

Ascended Armour (Material Lists)

in Crafting

Posted by: praline.8254


I have crafted my Armoursmith up to 440 with Ori / Runes of the Krait. However I can’t figure out how to get from 440 to 450 so I can purchase the spools of silk weaving, which would lead to making the t7 materials to get to 500.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

Team Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: praline.8254


Thanks for the help, everyone. Will try and find a couple more

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

Team Tournament

in PvP

Posted by: praline.8254


I have a group of three people who are interested in playing PVP. We joined the Team Tournament queue and haven’t had a game start yet. Is there a better option for us to all be on the same team in structured?

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

11/8 FA/EB/IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


And now do we speak of the coming of Rhando, saviour of IoJ. For lo did he lie down in fields of battle repeatedly for his brethren. And lo did he arise repeatedly to smite the FA invaders.


I was in Vent with Rhando (sorry for not joining the Teamspeak but we originally logged in to flip camps and were very surprised and happy to see the number of players so late on a Tuesday night). I mentioned I was going to complete my daily rezzing off of him alone, and then EVERYONE in map chat kind of mentioned the same. Good times. I sent him the forum link, but in case he doesn’t reply, thanks for the fun last night. EPA (just a five man guild) hasn’t been playing in a a couple months but I’m trying to bring them all back – had a lot of fun last night.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

6/28 DR/IoJ/ET

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


IoJ’s EPA was trying to sneak a 4-man capture of Veloka, and as soon as we had the door down we turned around to get dropped by a huge group of ET. Good stuff…well played ET.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

6/21: DH / IoJ / NSP

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


Eh – I had a fun week regardless of double teams or what not. Hope to see NSP again, good times meeting a fresh opponent. Best of luck next week, wherever you end up.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

6/7: SBI vs AR vs IoJ

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


No one at IoJ windmill currently. I’ll check back in a few.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

T6 (5/24) DHvsIoJvsSF

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


Placing siege was working the DH borderland. Fun times 3 on 3 and 5 on 5 down in the Southwest.

Going to miss this matchup, even tho IoJ hasn’t won one yet.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

T6 SF/DH/IoJ (5/17)

in Match-ups

Posted by: praline.8254


I understand the new ranking system is probably best for everyone, but I’ll be sad to leave this matchup. I think IoJ was finally in a place where we had a chance to compete for first, and I’ve had a lot of fun running with a few others having camp skirmishes over the past couple of weeks.

Actually, now that I think about it, since I bought the game in late January, IoJ hasn’t placed first.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

Mar29 - DH / DR / IoJ (Tier6)

in WvW

Posted by: praline.8254


Didn’t see a thread yet. Stonemist at 1am EST was the first time I’ve seen an IoJ queue for EB. Good times.

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir

3/15 - AR/DH/IoJ

in WvW

Posted by: praline.8254


Lots of fun at IoJ bay tonight, even if we didn’t get the bay and lost everything else on the map in the meantime. IoJ’s first push into bay was only at half strength with some of our forces leaving to defend garrison. Not sure if it we had everyone at bay if it would’ve made a difference, but it was a well timed garrison attack by DH. The three way that followed at inner bay was action packed.

Hope to see more of the same this week, and next…if we’re lucky enough to remain in T6!

[EPA] Orseau – Guardian
Isle of Janthir