Showing Posts For process execution.8014:

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Btw, I use this guide for gathering HPs in HoT. There are a few Champion challenges that you can skip over if nobody’s around to help but overall it’s saved me hours in levelling elite specs across all my alts.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Are off-healers a thing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I’ve been theorycrafting a variant of the meta Dragonhunter build that sacrifices ~25% of its damage (bringing it to ~11.5K DPS, or 16.5K with Quickness/Alacrity) to put out 1.1K/1.7K HPS to half the team. However, I’m not sure whether this amount of off-healing would be of any benefit to a dedicated healer, or if it would just result in overhealing.

I should mention that I’m not talking about elite-level play here; this is more for semi-organised guilds or PUGs. I find that most wipes are caused by players making mistakes and being downed rather than the boss enraging due to a lack of DPS. My gut feeling is that losing 2-3% of the total party DPS is worth it if it can help keep everyone on their feet.

So, would it help? Are off-healers a thing?

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Gliding in Central Tyria confirmed!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

How can it not make sense, your character develops a mastery skill which includes gliding but when you return to the other areas of Tyria you suddenly forget how to glide….that doesn’t make sense. That logic would mean you wouldn’t be able to use your elite specification either which is absurd. It’s a learned skill which was needed in the jungle that you take back to central Tyria with you, it is in no way shape or form lore breaking.

As useful and enjoyable as I expect gliding in central Tyria to be, I’m a little concerned by this apparent change in the design philosophy of masteries. Encapsulating masteries within the scope of the expansion that introduced them was an inspired approach to introducing horizontal progression because it neatly avoids any potential complexity in the design of future content.

If future expansion content allows the use of masteries from earlier expansions, they must not provide any significant benefit or players that don’t have them would be strongly disadvantaged, making them more akin to vertical progression. But if they provide no benefit, then they become pointless.

Allowing some overlap in core Tyria is perhaps safe as it was designed and balanced without masteries, and new players can’t access expansion content or masteries before reaching level 80. So allowing gliding in central Tyria only will probably be fine as a special exception to the general concept of masteries. But if this is the first sign of a change to this concept, we have a huge problem.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

(edited by process execution.8014)

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I don’t understand why these changes aren’t linked to the Effect LOD option. I mean, they already have a toggle for particle effects… does it even do anything?

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Magic Carpet needs to be a Glider!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I would freaking love this! My asura chronomancer has a nice anachronistic theme going on and already floats around Magus Falls on a magic carpet. Being able to fly through the jungle canopy on it as well would just be amazing

I imagine the animations would be the primary obstacle to implementing this but I really hope ANet consider it. The Riding Broom would also be a great candidate. I reckon ANet could reintroduce them for 500 gems and they’d still sell like hotcakes!

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Good, now Roy, Where is my energy?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Balancing is already hard. We don’t need more stuff that’s hard to balance and having to balance energy costs around no-energy-gain and energy-gain as well as how often they are used and so on would just be a pandoras box.

Energy gain is a pandora’s box in this case. Lets not open it :P

Yeah, it would be more complex, no doubt about it. I suppose I’m being a bit naive given their track record but I’d hoped that ANet were capable of handling it, especially given that they chose to introduce energy specifically for the Revenant.

It’s like they brought this shiny, enticing box into a room where everyone was happily living box-free, and announced, “Hey everyone! We found Pandora’s Box! We’re just gonna plonk it here and never open it kthxbai.”

If there was ever a time to look inside the box, it’s during beta. If it does in fact turn out to be a bad idea, now is the one time where it’s actually possible to close it again.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Good, now Roy, Where is my energy?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

The Problem with Energy on Weapons is that one Weapon will be superior to the other and be considered “the way to go” and the others will be considered useless. I am not interested in “Revenant Sword or Kick”, but that will happen if we get Energy on Weapon Skills.

I suppose it’s possible but I don’t see it as a foregone conclusion. It’d merely be an issue of balancing numbers; no different to damage, cooldown, or energy costs themselves.

I mean, we’re likely to get “Revenant sword or kick” anyway simply because it’s the best DPS. If hammer gave 10% more energy/sec than sword but only dealt 60% of its DPS, I highly doubt that it’d automatically become meta.

Keep in mind that I’m only interested in conditional energy gain on skills that reward skilled play. Skills that you simply spam on cooldown for X energy are no different than a flat boost to energy regen rate which I agree is a bad idea.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

(edited by process execution.8014)

Any reason to not take Herald?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

If shield isn’t helpful, then don’t equip shield? Unless you think that not taking a shield somehow weakens the Herald traits or One with Nature, I don’t understand the relevance of your post.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Any reason to not take Herald?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Perhaps because it’s more of a 3 core specs = 2 core specs + Herald?

Why does one or the other have to be greater? It would appear to me that it would depend on what you want to do with the Revy.

You’re right, I should have asked if they’re equal because that’s what they should be. Herald just feels a bit mandatory right now, in that 3 core specs offers less than 2 core specs + Herald.

It’s just that I can’t think of any situations where a third core specialisation would benefit a particular build more than simply taking Herald. That’s why I started this thread: so people could share such situations or builds with me, to help put that feeling to rest. Unfortunately, nobody seems to have any specific examples so far.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Good, now Roy, Where is my energy?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Go play a bit of Guild Wars 1 to get a feel for Energy Management it might improve your Revenant.

If the Revenant’s energy management took more inspiration from GW1 then I’d be very happy indeed. Unfortunately with the exception of pip-based regen, they have nothing in common. Active skills with conditional energy gain like Power Drain and Falling Lotus Strike were what made energy management in GW1 interesting and rewarding, and I think similar skills could benefit the Revenant.

Roy is no Idiot, he is a competent Developer that listens to Feedback.

And that’s why I’m offering mine. The thing that you don’t seem to understand about feedback is that a variety of opinions is actually helpful.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Good, now Roy, Where is my energy?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

There are no plans to add skills or traits which affect energy gain, upkeep gain, or energy cost of skills for the Revenant. These traits very quickly become mandatory choices as it means you can use your skills more often and in the case of energy, it would apply to all your skills since they all use energy. This is a dramatic increase in power across the board.

These kind of traits makes for less interesting choices and cause many problems with balance, often forcing skills to be weaker to compensate for the possibility of a player having all these traits equipped meaning they can use skills much more often then a player without them. But of course there will be balance on on energy costs and recharges of skills to make sure everything feels good and balanced for what it does in the toolkit of the revenant.

Ok this makes sense for traits, but I don’t see how it precludes energy gain on skills. Given that the possible combinations of weapon and utility skills are completely locked down for Revenant, there would be no way for builds to cherry-pick energy-gain skills.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Any reason to not take Herald?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

So, I haven’t seen anyone stating that 3 core specs > 2 core specs + Herald (incl. F2). Shield and Dragon Stance are both optional so they are irrelevant to the discussion.

Is anyone planning a Revenant build that doesn’t use Herald?

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Any reason to not take Herald?

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Ok, let me preface this by stating that I know that the Revenant isn’t even released yet and that all numbers/skills/mechanics etc. are subject to change. But in my napkin-math theorycrafting, I can’t currently see any compelling reason to not take the Herald elite specialisation.

Even if you were to completely ignore shield and Glint, you still get 40-50% uptime on AoE Fury, Might, Regen and Swiftness and ~25% on Protection via One with Nature. This completely overshadows whatever perks your tertiary specialisation would otherwise provide, especially given that the other Herald traits are quite general-purpose and can be useful in many different roles.

What am I missing here? Is anyone planning a Revenant build that doesn’t use Herald?

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Herald (Glint) Details

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

but what good is that to us? That may be good on a Ele with tons of boons, but on a Revenant? how that going to help us in our current issues (Energy cost, lack of choices, lack of self defense, etc)?

Elite specialisations shouldn’t be used to address core problems with a profession, otherwise it becomes mandatory. Just because the Herald has been revealed doesn’t mean that ANet have stopped iterating on the base Revenant, and hopefully those changes will make the Herald more appealing.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Simple solutions for energy complains

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

“New” proposed mechanic is here basically life force.

True, except for all the parts where it’s not. But I suppose you prefer the existing mechanic that’s basically initiative.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Simple solutions for energy complains

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Would better to have gain 5 energy for each successfull strike, means 7*5 = 30 energy if all hits connects. 30 is less than 1/3 of your energy bar and you already used 15 energy for the skill itself

The problem with this is that there is very little counterplay. It simply becomes “spam 3 on cooldown to gain 15 Energy”, effectively reducing to a flat regen rate buff.

Don’t miss the forest for the trees though. I spent about 10 minutes “designing” those ideas and the numbers are the easiest thing to change. My intent is to promote active, skill-based play. So, instead of nerfing my original suggestion by replacing it with a flat amount of energy per hit, I’d suggest nerfing it by granting 1 Energy per 3 stacks of Vuln. Again, the numbers are secondary; the key point is to offer a skill ceiling and provide counterplay through (in this case) management of the Vulnerability condition.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Simple solutions for energy complains

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I still think we need an energy generation skill on each of the weapons. Maybe on the #5s. This would of course depend on CDs still being in place.

Like you gain 10 energy in addition to the other affects.

I agree that skill-based energy gain is the most complete solution, and probably the easiest for ANet to tune as time goes on. Conceptually, it should be fine for all revenant skills to cost both energy and time to varying degrees; it was the basis of GW1. What baffles me is that ANet chose to draw from their own legacy but only used half of it!

The push/pull of energy management only works if there are ways to replenish it as well as spend it. Only using a fixed regen rate effectively turns energy into a second time-based resource which feels awkward. Resetting energy on legend-swap is nice in that it means there’s always options, but it’s a bit of a false choice if the legend is not relevant to the current situation.

Ideally, energy gain should be available in all builds, but as a skill-based effect and not a passive proc (which would end up reducing to time again). E.g.:

  • Phase Smash – Gain 6 Energy for each disabled foe struck.
  • Debilitating Slam – Gain 4 Energy for each foe struck.
  • Unrelenting Assault – When striking a foe, gain 1 Energy for each stack of Vulnerability on them.
  • Echoing Eruption – Gain 1 Energy for each unique condition on foes struck.

Additionally, traits could also be used (active use only!) to provide cross-build methods of gaining energy. Where they go is a secondary concern (as long as specific specialisations aren’t favoured), so couple of basic ideas could be:

  • Gain 10 Energy when you interrupt a foe.
  • Gain 20 Energy when you successfully remove a boon from a foe.
  • Gain 5 Energy when you block or evade an attack.
  • Gain 2 Energy for each condition you remove from an ally.
  • Double your current Energy when swapping legends (perhaps instead of the existing reset mechanic).

This would create vastly more depth to the revenant playstyle than arbitrary legend swapping or autoattack spam solutions, and would be both more enjoyable and more rewarding when used skillfully.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

About Gravity Well and its design

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Some more interesting ideas in this thread.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Chronomancer changes

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

If anything, I’d rework it to something like this now:

Gravity Well
Temporarily increase gravity in an area, slowing and crippling foes. At the end, revert gravity briefly, floating foes and causing falling damage when they crash down to the ground.

In other words, it’d float them high enough to actually cause ~20%-25% of HP in falling damage. People with falling damage traits ofc wouldn’t but hey, that’s good trait interaction IMO. I’d also remove the damage because frankly we got a damage-centric well already.

That’s a pretty neat idea actually: a Launch effect but directly up into the air! The leveraging of existing (but generally unimportant) game mechanics is quite clever and would make the skill very interesting, and uniquely powerful in that inflicts a scaling amount of armour-ignoring damage.

Unfortunately, a radius of 240 is still small enough to simply walk out of in under 3 seconds, even if crippled. 360 is the right size; avoiding it would require either a speed buff or force a cleanse. If it also pulsed Weakness to punish dodging out of it, it might stand a chance of finding its way onto my bar.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

name for reveant

in Revenant

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Female norn named Arya Valkyrja. And yes she will be rocking black wings for all you immersion-lovers out there ;-P

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

"Don't Pre-Purchase HoT" ~ $100,000 Loss

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

So you prefer to see your favourite game failing with 100,000$ loss [that means, less contents, slower support, everything going worse] than to say “ok I will give a try and see if I might like HoT”?
That’s so intelligent. So so intelligent.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

What utility skillset will Tempest get?

in Elementalist

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I’m hoping for stances.

  • Heal – Arcane Stance (or Ether Stance to avoid skill type ambiguity)
  • Utilities – Fire/Air/Earth/Water Stance
  • Elite – Tempest Stance

I think martial stances fit really well with a spellsword archetype; I just hope they don’t end up feeling too similar to Cantrips.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Which Zone design is your favorite?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

For base game zones, it’s hard to choose one. Plains of Ashford, Diessa Plateau, and Blazeridge Steppes all have their charm. I kind of love how they handle the transitions between the different micro-environments (like normal and haunted, or normal and branded).

This, especially in Blazeridge Steppes. I love the juxtaposition between the beautiful hills and forests of Ascalon, and the haunting oppressive feel of the Brand. If the Brand had a more SW-like meta-event that culminated in a Shatterer showdown that was actually engaging, Blazeridge Steppes would have the perfect combination of spontaneous explorability for moments of wanderlust, and tense, action-filled combat for when it’s time to bust some heads!

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Chronomancer Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I have a feeling that if you’re actually going for a shatter-based build…DE is still going to be mandatory. More than anything else, Illusionary reversion is going to allow shatter builds to reach a much higher cadence of shattering, particularly with the alacrity on shatter trait. What it won’t do is purely enable high output shattering by itself.

This is true for bursty shatter builds, but the increased shatter cadence might prove more useful for sustained damage.

I don’t know enough about condi-shatter in PvP to know which would be a better choice, but a strong sustained power shatter build could be quite nice for PvE.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

revenant prepartions(zerker style)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I’m thinking more along the lines of scenarios that rely more on defense than offense to win or to clear a given objective, kind of like how bunkers work in pvp.

But what you stated about stat/ build diversity is more of a flaw with the way stats work in this game. There aren’t many active stats that can change your playstyle. Condition damage and healing power could, if they were more useful. Toughness and vitality, not.

I think that this is the core problem that restricts gear diversity. Offensive stats help everyone but defensive stats are selfish. Healing Power is the exception but it’s application is so niche as to be effectively redundant. There is just no way of gearing for anything other than pure damage while still making an effective contribution to your party.

Many people enjoy a playstyle that focuses primarily on support but the game mechanics just don’t allow it, at least at a comparable level of efficiency to a zerker DPS role. The fact that so many supportive skills (e.g. reflects, stealth, Might/Fury/Vuln stacking etc.) require no stat investment to be optimal exacerbates this. The linear scale of Offensive → Defensive gear options just reduces to an Efficient → Inefficient scale, and that’s what stifles gear diversity for players who want to be efficient.

Some people just whinge about not being able to put on Soldier’s gear and play as a tank, which I agree shows a lack of understanding regarding the combat system in GW2. However, tweaking the combat system such that there’s a roughly equal opportunity cost for a DPS role in zerker gear vs a support role in some kind of supporty gear could be achieved by increasing the scope of stats like Healing Power.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

chronomancer shield GET YOUR SKIN FAST

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

also the torment shield skin is gonna skyrocket as torment skins have been removed from the black lion merchants. act fast if you want a purply shield skin


why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

BUG: Shadows/ground fx broken in stereo 3D

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

“Since last update, i have a texture bug on every map, floor textures are black with blue effect on red eye and red effect en right eye!”

Same bug for me :’(

As some people have mentioned above, a workaround for this issue is to set shaders to Medium. I’ve only just come across this info and haven’t tested it myself, but I’ll be doing so as soon as I get home!

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

2 GS skills confirmed!!!!

in Necromancer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Please let both this and the shout speculation be true, so I can have stealthy shouts.



why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Chronomancer Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Actually, instead of All’s Well That Ends Well removing conditions at all, they should give Resistance as to not step on the toes of Null Field. I don’t know the numbers on other skills giving Resistance, but 4s would be a start.

Wow I really like this idea, or perhaps a pulsing effect while the well is active. It’s a great fit thematically (pausing the effect of conditions while in the well) but still inferior to an explicit condi-clear, ensuring that skills and traits like Null Field/MoResolve/Mender’s Purity remain as viable alternatives.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Chronomancer Traits

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I agree with others that Time Catches Up should be baseline, as it addresses a huge QoL issue that mesmers have had since launch.

Perhaps TCU could grant super-speed to the mesmer instead?

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Liked the ready up, name still doesn't fit.

in Guardian

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

The Dragonhunter concept is ok, the ‘Big Game Hunter’ association is not.

Dragons are not game; you don’t go hunting them for sport! If you want to retain the whole “purge the wicked” theme of the Dragonhunter, then the ‘hunting’ motif needs to stay on point and not end up like:


why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Slow illusions and shattering

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I feel like MW shouldn’t even have a cooldown; it already uses illusions as a resource. I should be able to shatter my own illusions whenever I want to!

A cooldown just pushes us towards triple (or quad with IP) shatter MW burst combos which is a repetitive (and predictable) playstyle. The decision making process essentially reduces to:

  1. If MW cooldown <= 2, spam clone skills then MW.
  2. Else, kite for 1s, then see #1.

Shatters with extra effects (i.e. F2-F5) can have a cooldown, sure. But for a basic straightforward shatter, give the decision back to the player!

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

DragonHunter Profession Mechanic

in Guardian

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

You don’t know that it’s good ranged dps. It will depend on the weapon skills. If they don’t put in at least one strong weapon attack on a shortish timer it will be weak hitting.

It’d better be strong DPS or the name-raging is going to reach critical mass! If a Dragonhunter has to switch from its iconic weapon to a scepter in order to actually finish the job, the QQ will be real…

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Dragonhunter revealed... meh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Mesmer in PvE: Your Hopes/Concerns?

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

^ Cool idea. Crazy powerful, but it could work. Doesn’t change Boss fights too much, but still. In a boss fight, right now you have to treat a phantasm like a damage spell with a shatter potential because you know your Zerker isn’t going to whirl more than once vs most bosses. Might as well stack up a bit of a shatter before he goes.

Well, this could be addressed by encounter design e.g. some boss fights include heavy environmental damage (e.g. Aetherblade Fractal, Volcanic Fractal) but as long as it’s coded as such, illusions would be immune. The same applies for adds.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Perfect time to nerf Precision!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

The problem is not precision.

It is ferocity.

Precision is nice to trigger sigils.

All ferocity does is make spiking much easier. “Just press 2” easier.

Ferocity should have never existed, keeping the base critical damage to +50%, and increasing it only with traits, effects and equipment upgrades.

Agreed. Pre-launch, the devs mentioned that their intent for crits was primarily for procs. I always thought this was a great idea, but they clearly changed their minds (or just fail at maths).

When ferocity was being discussed, my hope was that the damage multipliers would be removed and that a crit would simply add your Ferocity stat to your Power stat. No more runaway damage multipliers, just simple linear scaling.

Using this approach, you could also allow condi crit = Condi Dmg + Ferocity. And if you really want to step outside the box, crit heal = Healing Power + Ferocity!

The fact is that multipliers create peaks in any optimisation surface, and unless all sources of damage (read: conditions) can benefit, they will never be equal. If Ferocity was implemented as above, they could have e.g.

  • Close to Death: +400 Ferocity vs targets below 50% health

Now you have a trait that is equally valuable to both Power and Condi builds, but not in such a way that ‘forces’ you to cherry-pick all multiplier traits in order to do competitive damage.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Mesmer in PvE: Your Hopes/Concerns?

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Way back before the mesmer was even revealed, I remember suggesting (on Guru) that illusions should only be visible to the enemy they’re targeting. Although this was mostly a thematic suggestion and would, in retrospect, be going a bit too far, I think that making them immune to damage except from their target would still be a brilliant change.

Not only does it make sense thematically, it neatly sidesteps problems caused by incidental AoE damage without having to resort to flat health boosts or blanket AoE immunity.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

[Suggestion] Give us a full Death Shroud bar!

in Necromancer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Might not be though. We already have access to those skills and their cool downs would persist through DS. That, along with the fact that spectral skills actually last through DS now, it really wouldn’t make THAT huge of a difference. (spectrals being the initial problem.)

Where as, 6 new abilities would be a flat buff across the board and have a disassociated cool down from normal utilities. I find it’d be harder to balance.

The main reason I’m in support of your idea is that i’d love many of those skills… But at the same time, I’d adore being able to spawn my creatures while getting hammered for the next 6 seconds lol.

I think that a flat buff is acceptable given that what I’m proposing only buffs the areas where we’re underpowered (well, that’s the intent anyway). And locking it all away behind DS means that ANet can give us things they normally don’t like for necro (e.g. ground-targeted teleport or even invulns) because it offers counter-play through LF denial.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

[Suggestion] Give us a full Death Shroud bar!

in Necromancer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

I do not believe your argument is a sound enough reason to argue against necromancer getting internal synergy.

You don’t seem to understand, or perhaps you’re not reading my posts properly. It is not my argument; I agree with you! I am simply inferring ANet’s position based on their actions and offering a compromise.

Personally, I think their fears are remnants from beta feedback that are no longer relevant 3 years into the game. Yet here we are.

I’d rather have something than nothing, and I’d wager that a locked-down bar is a more appealing solution to ANet than enabling 6-0 as is.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

[Suggestion] Give us a full Death Shroud bar!

in Necromancer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Your argument does not seem logical.

“unforeseen consequences that it seems ANet isn’t willing to spend resources on controlling e.g. Signet of the Locust or Signet of Undeath.”

I’m giving up a utility slot to take each one of them. why should they only work their passive 50% of the time.

I’m not saying it’s a bad idea (in fact I said I like the idea), I’m simply being realistic based on ANet’s past actions. It’s clear that ANet is worried that Death Shroud has the potential to turn necromancers into unkillable juggernauts, and they severely restrict its interactions with base game mechanics accordingly.

Whether or not this fear is justified or not is another topic. What I am suggesting is a compromise; a way for ANet to give us the utility and survivability we need from DS while still retaining a high degree of control over the form.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

[Suggestion] Give us a full Death Shroud bar!

in Necromancer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

How about just allowing us to have our utilities while in DS. Let’s stop treating it like an entirely different form, and more like a weapon swap.

I like this idea in theory, but it creates the potential for unforeseen consequences that it seems ANet isn’t willing to spend resources on controlling e.g. Signet of the Locust or Signet of Undeath.

By fully locking down the skill bar, ANet have a far greater chance of balancing it correctly, and possibly even allowing it to feel a little OP by tweaking LF gain as required.

I realise that, regrettably, controlling minions in DS would still be impossible with this approach, but you could still benefit from the added versatility.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

[Suggestion] Give us a full Death Shroud bar!

in Necromancer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

For many necromancers, Death Shroud is hugely underwhelming because of its vulnerability and lack of utility. As an example of what would address this (in my opinion), I’ve thrown together a quick bar using existing skills as a starting point:

  1. Life Blast
  2. Dark Path
  3. Doom
  4. Dark Water (renamed for use on land)
  5. Tainted Shackles
  6. Life Transfer
  7. Haunt (ground-targeted, 0.25s cast time, 40s cooldown)
  8. Gathering Plague (600 range)
  9. Grim Specter (2 boons from foes, 3 condis from self and none from allies)
  10. Reaper of Grenth (renamed, additionally applies Retaliation to self every 3s, ends when leaving Death Shroud)

Now this might appear slightly OP, but everything in this bar is dependent on Life Force and thus is subject to denial. This is already the rationale for powerful Revenant skills, so it should apply universally, right?

… right?

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

New Speculation on Elite Specs = Dual Class

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Warrior – I’m guessing Pistol – The only other likely one is Short Bow and that’s not very likely. Short-mid range burst and control. Maybe “duelist” or “pirate” themed or the like.

I’m thinking main-hand pistol and traps for a ‘bounty-hunter’ theme. If ANet want to give us a jetpack and Mandalorian helm skin with the spec., I’d totally be cool with that too ;-)

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

F5 and Shield available to all

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

IIRC from the PoI, the F5 shatter is granted by the minor Grandmaster trait in Chrono. So when considering opportunity cost and the balancing of core vs elite specialisations, it seems likely that all the new shinies that an elite spec. brings will come at a hefty cost before you even start comparing the major traits.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Living Story/Open world is horrible as mesmer

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Way back before the mesmer was even revealed, I remember suggesting (on Guru) that illusions should only be visible to the enemy they’re targeting. Although this was mostly a thematic suggestion and would, in retrospect, be going a bit too far, I think that making them immune to damage except from their target would still be a brilliant change.

Not only does it make sense thematically, it neatly sidesteps problems caused by incidental AoE damage without having to resort to flat health boosts or blanket AoE immunity.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Trait Concerns: Chronophantasm

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

  • A phantasm has to survive running into melee range with its target in order to shatter …

Well, this is true for shattering in general (except clones have less than half the health of phantasms in PvE) and shatter builds work just fine for most encounters.

For excessive melee-hate encounters (e.g. some bosses), you wouldn’t be shattering phantasms anyway (just as you don’t now). And even in this scenario, Chronophantasm still offers a few extra seconds on Distortion for free.

I understand your concern that Chronophantasm might not be 100% useful all the time, but mesmers have to be adaptable! Switching out traits to suit the task at hand is part and parcel of that :-)

Edit: If SoI ends up being as useful as some of our theorycrafting suggests, its passive would also help mitigate this concern.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

(edited by process execution.8014)

Elite Specialization Discussion

in Guardian

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Guardians will be warrior monks therefore they are getting mantras :p

I think Stances would fit a martial monk theme better. I’m not sure if ANet wants to fit the alpha-longbow stance-switching mechanic into our spec but perhaps Stances could offer different effects based on the last activated Virtue, similarly to Ele Glyphs. Chronomancer wells have shown that shared skill types can have functional differences between professions.

why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Time Wells

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

With Chronomancer, we’re getting 4 Well-type skills, and we have some information on what these will do, as well, I’m sure, as speculation. Thus, the thread is here!

1. Well Of Recall: Resets targets in area back to their position from, it seems, 1-second before the pulse. On the finale, it seems to damage. This is based on the video of Chronomancer which shows an ability that is quite obviously not Well of Precognition.

2. Well Of Precognition: Each pulse makes allies’ attacks unblockable for, supposedly, a duration or number of stacks. The finale gives allies some sort of evasive aura, possibly a form of mobile Blur from our Blurred Frenzy or Distortion.

3. Well Of Action: ???

4. Gravity Well (Elite): ???

  1. Well of Recall – I agree with others that the skill in the video is Gravity Well. I think Well of Recall will pulse Alacrity to allies, with the final pulse granting a ~20% cooldown reduction on the skill they are activating at the time. It’s a powerful effect but would require careful co-ordination to maximise its potential.
  2. Well of Precognition – We already know this one.
  3. Well of Action – My guess is pulsing Quickness to allies and 20% Endurance on the final pulse.
  4. (Well of Stasis?) – I’d be very surprised if we didn’t get a set of 4 utility wells, and I really hope that the final one is offensive. Very likely to pulse Slow and hopefully Vuln, with Weakness and damage at the end.
  5. Gravity Well – Inferring from the video, it looks like a pulsing Pull effect with damage (and possibly knockdown) upon finishing.
why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.

Forum software Chrono-trolling me

in Mesmer

Posted by: process execution.8014

process execution.8014

Continuum Shift activated


why waste hours doing something that you get nothing for? Enjoyment? I’d rather run fractals.