Showing Posts For rehBaron.7380:
I am unable to use the trading post since the last update (4th June). Is anyone else also having this problem? The only part of it working is the pick up tab…
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Amazing work!
Getting this error every 5 minutes
This is why most MMO’s do 1 boring content update every 6 months. When they try to do something fun and exciting a small group of people just have to go and ruin it for everyone.
They announced this event 3 weeks in advance. They sent out emails, forum posts, facebook posts, twitter updates, etc.
If you didn’t attend the event it is your own fault not Anet’s. If it really meant that much to you then you would have planned it into your schedule. 3 weeks is more then enough time notice to plan these things. Most important events in real life don’t even get 3 weeks notice.
Yes the end chest got good items. You know why? Because you same people who come and complain about everything spent the last 3 weeks since Halloween talking about how the event rewards suck and you got nothing worthwhile. Well guess what, Anet listened to you and gave good rewards to everyone, now you are complaining that the rewards were too good and you want other people to have crappy rewards and only YOU want the good reward.
Finally, there is no possible way to give EVERYONE the same good reward. You know why? Because if everyone got 2 named exotic weapons those weapons would be completely useless, they wouldn’t even sell for the amount they salvaged for precisely because EVERYONE would have one. The ONLY way to make something valuable is by making it a rare drop that only a few people get, that’s how the market works. Heck even if they straight up gave everyone 100g in the chest, that wouldn’t make anyone any richer, it would just increase the price of everything on the market. What you people are proposing as “solutions” would destroy the economy, make everyone have a crappy reward and you’d all come right back here to complain some more.
Happy customer here!