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Mpiftekis.1529/Yuki Chuki.2457
I still run 0/0/20/20/30, so there’s an auto proc’d armor of earth built in already. I maintained perma swiftness using items, i.e. pot of hylek poison. Its’ first ability offers 15 seconds of swiftness, so its fairly easy to maintain perma swiftness in combination to swapping to air. I never think of updraft as a means of obtaining swiftness, since its CC is way more important.
I also weapon swap before every battle starts. I proc 1 minute+swiftness + 300 armor before every battle I jump in. This is done using staff’s air 4 abilility, combined with staffs air 5 + scepters Fire 3 + scepter/focus’s earth 2 + earth 4. The best part about this combo is that if executed correctly, you can do this while constantly moving without ever having the need to stand still and cast (This is when your not in combat). I maintain swiftness in combat thereafter using pots as mentioned previously, in combination with poison jukes + LoS. It takes some practice though since you have to memorize how long 15 seconds (CD of the pot’s first skill) is approximately while in combat.
I haven’t tested anything yet though after the update.
I thought consumables were removed from WvW. Tried to use the pots myself and they aren’t working. Or am I missing something?
blah blah blah etc etc etc…
This post makes it obviously clear that you DO NOT play too many other classes. Please, just stop!
My guardian can never keep up with my ele…doesn’t matter how hard he tries.
This entire sub-forum is full of l2play issue.
PS: Just because someone finds your lack of skill, and knowledge hilarious…doesn’t immediately make them a “troll”.
I have yet to see a post of yours containing a single argument, which is why you appear as the troll that you are.
You make claims without backing them and judge people’s skill by their forums posts.
I will, however, take your advice this time and stop, because rational arguments are obviously lost on you and furthering any discussion would be futile.
Play some other classes, and then complain about mobility.
Honestly, I just can’t stop laughing at people in this sub-forum.
Your posts contribute nothing and you are probably a troll, but I’ll bite:
Someone already did the math on a few movement skills for other classes.
I can’t figure it out. I am going to try and be as logical as possible about this bit I really cant wrap my head around it.
First off the Math
I did this a while ago but none of the math has changedWarrior Rush -> Bull’s Charge (range is actually 900) -> Whirlwind Attack -> swap to sword and Savage Leap
Total range covered 1200 + 900 + 450 +600 = 3,150 4 seconds total time
Elementalist RtL -> Burning Speed -> Lightning Flash
Total range covered 1200 + 600 + 900 = 2,700 Total time 3 seconds
Ranger Hornet Sting (you flip the camera toward your opponent cast the skill. You wont get hit as the skill is an evade 130 units described but the real value is closer to 400) -> Monarch’s Leap -> Lightning Reflexes (flip the camera same as Hornet sting. the skil evades also unlisted but moves 600 units) -> GS Swoop
Total range covered 400 + 600 + 600 +1100 = 2,700 total time 4 seconds. However, due to swoops naturally low cd of 12 seconds compared to the 20 for rtl and rush ranger is the most mobile class in the game.
Thief base initiative of 12 and 1.33 second replenish
Heartseeker (range is 450 but distance traveled is affected by movement effect ie swiftness etc) cost is 3. Doing this 4 times in a row covers 1800 units however by the time you finish the last cast with each skill taking 3/4 a second to execute you would have recovered 2 initiative. -> Shadowstep
Total range covered 1800 (450 × 4)+ 1200 = 3000 total time 3.25 seconds. However, by the time you finished your shadow step at base regen you would receive your next initiative allowing for one more HS so total range is actually 3,450 total time 4 seconds
Ele is the forth most mobile class. Thief is number one in a sprint, and ranger is number one over time using a strictly melee set.
First off forget about running away. If we are chasing someone and our Rtl Hits nothing we are now in 40 second cd which mean on most mobile classes we aren’t even going to catch up. Literally if your out of range or out of combat not only can you not run but you cant catch up either.
the math just doesn’t add up. Without access to stealth fear or diversion why should DD be less mobile than other mobile set when everyone uses gap closers for mobility.
This is a petition or complaint it’s a question of logic. Please do not respond I ask genuinely if you aren’t ready to talk about this logically. this has no need to be a flame war.
Hell, even a guardian could catch up to an elementalist if they try to run:
Leap of faith: 600 range, 15 sec. cooldown.
Flashing Blade: 600 range, 10 sec. cool down.
Judge’s Intervention: 1200 range, 45 sec cool down. (for comparison, lightning flash has 900 range)
I believe you would benefit from taking your own advice, or perhaps forum troll is the only profession you specialize in?
@sakazuky: the problem is that what may be okay for sPvP puts WvWvW Elementalist in a coffin.
Completely agree. There is more than one type of mobility. The problem with elementalists (RTL specifically) in sPvP was they had too much burst mobility, which in a small map is very significant. After the patch, little has changed in this regard, as burst mobility is still strong. You will probably not need a second RTL to disengage from most fights.
In WvW, however, being able to increase/reduce the distance between you and practically any other class by 1200 is meaningless, because sustained mobility is now rubbish for elementalists.
In a sustained race (as is often the case in WvW), an elementalist would be incapable of chasing or escaping from anyone but the slowest of opponents under current circumstances. This might be fine for a guardian, but a fragile-by-nature class like this requires mobility to even have a chance at survival. This change is more than number tweaking: it affected a class mechanic which is vital, unless compensated for in some other way.
Hi guys. Just a little build I put together in preparation for the upcoming changes in the next patch.
I believe this option will remain quite viable.
they srsly need a buff..
There is no smart way to play it. You will have to clean a lot and try not to heal under poison debuff.
In S/F you can outlast him because of multiple condition cleanse, ranged protection and binds but with D/D or Staff he should kill you just spamming stuff. If you have the luck to fight against an actually skilled one you dont stand a chance, no matter how good you are.
I disagree. There are smart ways to play vs them (LOS while healing/waiting for cds, walk through their avatar while they shoot to minimize their dps, kite when they switch to GS, etc.). Don’t just go in and expect to face-tank them.
I duel vs this type of ranger regularly and, while it is a heavy pressure match, I have yet to lose one with my D/D elementalist.
This matchup is decided by skill and proper terrain usage, in my opinion. I agree that it is not easy, though.
You should try adding an elementalist into the mix.
A question for anyone who runs full clerics on a d/d elementalist: How much does each cast of a spell heal you for when using Signet of Restoration? Just looking to see how high that heal for each spell cast can get
In this case d/d isn’t really significant to the math behind the answer, but here goes:
Signet of Restoration heals 202 + 10% of healing power, per cast
If we go with this build we have 1765 healing power, sigil of life isn’t calculated in so we can get 250 more for a total of 2015; this gives an addition 201.5 hp per cast with the signet. (total 403.5; not sure how GW2 rounds healing)
Going full magi with the %toughness/vit to heal food actually reduces our healing with that setup, but with any other food it’d be a slight buff. (according to gw2buildcraft, the site might be bugged)
You do raise some interesting points. I tried going full soldier and power/prec food, ended up with more effective power than my original build.
However, it is hard to test accurately without important variables such as fury and might, which an elementalist has (almost) permanent access to.
Which would you say would be the optimal setup for a balanced build?
I did some playing around in the editor, and with a certain set of sigils, traits and food, the best balance of gear for damage output seems to be Knight’s weapons and armor, with Soldier’s trinkets; however, it drops a fair amount of survivability for a fairly minor damage increase. Here’s the breakdown:
Full Soldier’s, 2639.27 Effective Power, 29446 Effective HP
Full Knight’s 2618.05 Effective Power, 22204 Effective HP
Knight’s Armor, Soldier’s Trinkets 2668.95 Effective Power, 25898 Effective HP
The effectiveness of a given armor set may change depending on food, traits, runes and sigils; with that set I was trying to get a reasonable level of crit rate for the soldier’s set to get some reliability from Arcana VI. The Sigil of Leeching doesn’t have much of an impact on the difference between Soldier and Knight and could be freely swapped with any other sigil if you wanted, and the Sigil of Accuracy is less effective than Perception if kill stacking siils are reliable for you; the boon duration from the runes/traits gives a 3.5 second window for either set to trigger Vigor again, which should hopefully mean 100% uptime even for full soldier’s.
Seeing as with average luck the Vigor effect is more or less permanent even on the soldier’s set with that set-up, I don’t really think the additional 20 power (less than 1% damage) from optimizing for DPS is worth the 3548 (12%) effective HP dropoff.
Thanks for the insight. You gave me something to consider.
Would you think it wise to mix in a couple of cleric pieces with that soldier set?
I was also thinking that, since people are more vulnerable to burst than sustained damage, which is more easily handled and does not require reflexes/reaction time, even if the soldier set shows higher “effective power”, in a practical scenario it would make killing someone harder vs, for example, getting a lucky firegrab crit.
This real world advantage might provide another incentive for burstier builds, vs sustained dps/high defense gear. Also, dead opponents deal no damage.
Any thoughts?
I should’ve been a little more specific when I mentioned that 10 points in air makes knight’s power go up to 2082.2 – that number is higher than soldier’s, as knight’s benefits more from crit damage.
Similarly in your build you’re also running a crit damage boosting food buff on top of air 10 – which leads back into my original point that knight’s needs things like traits, food and runes to be better than soldier’s, and there’s an important question of whether the slight dps advantage is viable compared to the significantly higher defensive capabilities of soldier’s.
As for your mention of the profession’s reliance on healing – yes, this is why I believe cleric’s has better survivability than soldier’s against sustained, non-bursty damage. However, the defensive capabilities of it rely on reacting to damage, and without the vitality on top of the toughness, there are several classes that can potentially kill a cleric-statted elementalist before we get a chance to heal at all
You do raise some interesting points. I tried going full soldier and power/prec food, ended up with more effective power than my original build.
However, it is hard to test accurately without important variables such as fury and might, which an elementalist has (almost) permanent access to.
Which would you say would be the optimal setup for a balanced build?
Cleric’s better vs. Sustained dps (toughness increases the effective value of healing power against anything but conditions, and elementalists have plenty of condition removal; a cleric set’s healing power outweighs vit in any fight that lasts more than about 20 seconds)
Soldier’s better vs. Burst DPS (More vit to survive the burst; most burst-based builds falter as soon as their rotation’s over)Knight’s is a trap. If you use a tool like GW2 BuildCraft, you can see that the toughness increase works out to worse defensive stats than Soldier’s, and the damage from power/precision as minors is actually lower than simply Power as a major stat.
Actual Knight’s comparison figures, using full soldier stats vs full Knight stats (except backpiece, which doesn’t have Knight stats) and no upgrades (ascended accessories w/no infusions; no runes, no sigils):
Effective Power (Power adjusted for crit chance and crit damage):
Soldier’s: 2019.6
Knight’s: 1973.03Effective HP (HP adjusted for damage reduction from additional toughness):
Soldier’s: 25256
Knight’s: 17492Essentially, in terms of both offense and defense, Knight’s is worse than Soldier’s. The only advantage is a higher crit rate which may be advantageous based on runes/sigils/traits. Having 10 points in air ups it to 2082.2 effective power, which probably isn’t significant enough to cover the defensive stats being about 30% lower. (As an aside, 30 in water brings them a little closer together, to around a 25% difference, because the extra hp is worth more with Knight’s toughness)
So again to clarify – Knight’s is only ever worth using if supported by traits, sigils, food and/or runes. The only significant on-crit effect for elementalists specifically is the one from Arcana that grants vigor, which is a little hard to measure in terms of defensive/offensive value (one extra dodge per 10 seconds, if you use it on cooldown – but different opponents give different value to that dodge)
Wouldn’t you agree, however, that the profession’s reliance on healing makes toughness more valuable, while having the opposite effect on vitality?
Also, I’m not sure your analysis regarding the offensive power of knight vs soldier is absolute and universal.
Take my build, for instance:|8.1k.h2.8.1k.h1h||1n.b1h.1n.b1h.1c.71h.1c.71h.1n.71g.1n.71g|1i.|0.a1.0.u000.u000|3a.2|e
Replace any knights piece for soldiers and you will clearly see that overall DPS is reduced.
If you are quick, you can do:
Fire4→Attune to earth → evasive arcana into fire circle → earth 4 → earth 5
If you are even quicker you can use earth 3 between 4 and 5 for a fire aura, which will now grant might every time you are hit.
I just assumed they were there to offer us the same flexibility every other class has included in the Weapon Swap mechanic. Warriors can change from Melee to Ranged with the press of a button (e.g. from Greatsword to Rifle). D/D Elementalists can’t. However, we can bring Frost Bow and effectively swap to ranged for a short time at the cost of one Utility Slot.
I’ve always found them best used for a couple of skills, and then dropped immediately.
But take the greatsword, for instance. It’s an elite skill on a long cool down. Seems like using it for a couple of skills and then dropping it would be wasting the slot.
I would use them more if you could switch back to your weapon skills, and back again to the conjured weapon.
Right now, the only use I give them is frost bow for AC and greatsword for getting away in WvW.
This here, they should function similar to banners where you can drop them and use an ability and pick it back up.
Yeah. The thing is, when you play an elementalist like it’s supposed to be played, you are constantly swapping attunements. If you use any type of conjured weapon, you end up confined to 5 static skills for quite a while, unless you swap it out and waste the cooldown. This seems out of place considering the way the whole profession is designed.
Conjured weapons make any elementalist accustomed to opportunely swapping attunements feel naked.
I would use them more if you could switch back to your weapon skills, and back again to the conjured weapon.
Right now, the only use I give them is frost bow for AC and greatsword for getting away in WvW.
kittening midterms have me only logging in to do dailies and a run of cof a day. :l
Keep kicking kitten NSP, its pretty kittening awesome watching all the guilds work together. And don’t worry, Nicolas Caige will return to fight on the field and terrorize EB JP once again!
Who is this “Caige” impostor? CAGE is the TRUE PROTECTOR of BORLIS PASS.
If you want to play glass cannon and have a little more survivability, you can go for runes of divinity and still retain a big part of the damage. Runes of the Wurm/Warrior should also be viable alternatives, depending on your style.
You can certainly mix in some vitality, but after a certain point it stops being a glass cannon spec and your damage won’t be as impressive. Note that you will still be fragile as hell if you don’t dodge/stealth effectively.
Another viable option would be to use something like Blinding Powder for the blind/stealth. In the end, however, the only consistent source of survivability will be your own ability to stay out of harm’s way after dealing your damage.
The trick with stealth is to use it to pace the fights. Make your opponents fight at your rhythm by “pausing” combat every now and then. You are in control: no attacks are exchanged unless you decide it.
This way you can keep an eye on your positioning, cooldowns, conditions, boons, etc. and make more efficient decisions, while keeping your initiative high and lessening the risk of it running dry.
On this note, Roll for Initiative is another awesome skill to have for LDB builds, as it helps you keep your initiative and, consequently, your bleeding stacks up. The fact that it breaks CC with the press of a single button only makes it more useful.
Could you specify if you are running a condition or a backstab spec?
If you can post it, even better!
Try using Shadow’s Embrace and stealth more often (you can’t overstate the usefulness of CnD). It is a great trait for SiM builds, because you lack the condition removal from HiS. LDB builds are awesome and provide a lot of survivability, but you are a thief and acrobatics alone won’t keep you alive forever without some stealth mixed in, more so in PvP (it also helps with positioning skills such as caltrops).
Bleeding? CnD or use a stolen stealth skill.
You might also consider replacing Assassin’s signet for Shadow Refuge, which is great utility, or Shadow Step, as mentioned above.
Shadow Refuge + Shadow’s Embrace/Rejuvenation allows you to pretty much reset combat, even from the worst circumstances.
One additional note: SoM is awesome with dagger storm and sort of wasted with thieves guild.