Showing Posts For rotsono.9176:
Or, have you tried being more constructive in the server instead of consistently noting how horrible WvW is? I would imagine there are commanders that really don’t want you in their squad.
I could be wrong, but..
That and ask. Just ask why you can’t be in their squad.
So first you say people don’t want me in squad, and then ask me to ask commanders why I can’t join lol, I think I’ll pass.
Also this change would hurt nobody so I have no idea why anyone would object lol
Why would you not ask? he probably has a good reason like you are not on TS or play a non zerg class or maybe something else.
Why would someone invest so much time and play monthly without TS or something like that and put his own team on a disadventage?
That sounds really stupid to me.
Are there really “Teams” that are just a bunch of random players from the LFG ?
Looks super broken..
Also how can you do this for more than 30 seconds without killing yourself out of boredom lol
So how does this achievement really work?
Currently stuck at 361/500 and nothing happens anymore.
I get the rewards for defending a camp (bronze/silver/gold) but it seems nothing happens it wont progress…is it bugged or do i miss something here?
It’s bugged since forever. sometimes it works sometimes not.
Don’t you think it’s a tad bit ironic to see threads littering the forums complaining about pre mades and threads complaining about queue times?
There’s a simple solution that takes some time and patience on everyone’s part. It’s call making the game good. Give back SoloQ, and then more people will queue solo, thus lowering queue times. With fewer solo queuers getting in the way of premades, those queuing as a team will have more competitive games. If they didn’t want competitive games, then they should be in hotjoin or even unranked. There’s a place for every kind of player in this game, but right now, the PvP places are mixed together and it’s kittening things up.
That would substantially drive up the queue times for premades.
Then split up.
That defeats the purpose of a premade…
Thats why we need more gamemodes.
SoloQ DuoQ and TeamQ .
Solo and Duo can get mixed together and Team only against another Team.
Thats how almost all games did it with their ranked ladder.
Don’t you think it’s a tad bit ironic to see threads littering the forums complaining about pre mades and threads complaining about queue times?
There’s a simple solution that takes some time and patience on everyone’s part. It’s call making the game good. Give back SoloQ, and then more people will queue solo, thus lowering queue times. With fewer solo queuers getting in the way of premades, those queuing as a team will have more competitive games. If they didn’t want competitive games, then they should be in hotjoin or even unranked. There’s a place for every kind of player in this game, but right now, the PvP places are mixed together and it’s kittening things up.
That would substantially drive up the queue times for premades.
Then split up.
It is still a thing yes, but to a lesser extent these days due to the Auric multi loot exploit.
How does this auric farm actually work?
I dont mind the roamers that do smallscale fights with other roamers or some that fight 1vs1 somewhere.
The most hate goes to the roamers that are kinda annoying and run behind the zerg and try to gank people that stand to far away.
That roamers are mostly first target and getting chased down cuz they are god kitten annoying.
The chattab bug were it sometimes highlights it when someone writes something or sometimes not and the it gets stucked and is constantly highlighting until i restart the game…
It depends on what people you get on the map.
I need 5 more breaks of the bar and tried to organize something.
I even said the timers and when to jump but no one really cared.
Most people just stand and the old place spamming 1 sadly.
ANet needs to make the breakbar a part of the fight like with the vinetooth prime so thats its almost impossible to win when you dont break the bar.
Maybe it’s not about how important something is rather how easy it is to fix something.
And maybe that fix was kinda easy to do so they did it right away.
ANET can you make some mini-game easier????
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: rotsono.9176
I dont mind them being hard.
What bothers me most is that they compared them somehow to the Gw1 Challenges that also had leaderboards and kind of same mechanic but for example fallen masks it’s all about RNG to get a good time and its kind of pointless to get a leaderboard to show which one has the most luck in spawns.
Its pretty funny that it mostly is enough when everyone spams autoattack what everyone always complains randoms only do.
But when they have to do it they spam every god kitten skill.
Someone said you need a lot of people to spawn a champion husk.
Dont know if its true.
I think after everyone got their hero points allrdy theres not much what holds people in verdant brink expect for achievement hunters.
I allrdy have a hard time find anyone do some of the events.
I keep my candy corn for my candy corn eater which gives random boosters.
The other stuff is just sell to the vendor.
I also almost always fail at the gliding part either i dont get up in the air cuz the jump thingies are bugged or he just throws a rock at me.. (how am i supposed to dodge that?!)
Also the phases seems a little bit buggy cuz they just stuck were you died and dont reset and then its kinda hard to even pull rytlock into the rift while you get interrupted by everything.
I picked braham and canach after i tried many times the caithe part.
I find the caithe part pretty hard when million peeps storm the arena and you cant kill all and she gets stronger and resets everytime to 25% hp when you kill her.
(edited by rotsono.9176)
The dailychest makes it worth it.
20g for a fractal skin or a ascended armor piece sounds kinda cheap.
1 week over..i think they wont do anything sadly.. :/
I just gave up on the achievement.
It’s to hard and to RNG based sadly.
100 is way too much.
im at 25 and allrdy super annoyed and frustrated.
i played like 100+ games. ._.
Maybe start ban a few of them that are obviously involved due to enough videos on youtube and stuff as an example and people get scared and stop to “troll” and grief.
(edited by rotsono.9176)
Whats way more annoying is that the refresh button is gone?
I always need to close and open again the buy/sell pop up to see what is sold from the current supply. ._.
Same problem.
This cant be right.
I cant even set new buyorders when someone undercut me..
Thats pretty annoying right now not to know whats going on with my trades.
Dont get whats funny about that?Did i miss something?
“Nightcapping” is bad ! (because the other gamers sleep)
“Daycapping” is bad ! (because the other gamers work)GW2 is a 24/7 compétition since the first day, u deal with it.
Everyone deals with it.I dont have a problem with it thats how the game works (It’s still stupid) but you shouldnt be proud of it and claim yourself the best cuz you dont need to be good to make points against zero people.
I dont know what you see there on the screen but its a legit way to shoot with an arrowcart in window mode to get more vision.
Weekend is over and people have to work go to school etc. so JS will make it pretty easy with nightcapping.
Pretty boring match like always.And this doubleteam kitten is pretty stupid no one doubleteams anyone.
You do not even realize that Piken played normal, they explained many times why they attack more your structures. You are denying the solidity and orga of VS, and the higher than ever morale and maps tactics used.
You are lying to yourself…
I am not denying anything, just saying what I see and what the statistics are. Guess we will never know who should have won the league, what you say is just words with nothing to back it up, SFR beating Vizu before league in a fair fight is facts. All Vizu have done so far is double team SFR so no one will ever know the true result. The first matchup was not an agreed double team but it was ‘presumed’ because of the mutually beneficial gains for both teams. Either way it was still a double team. Vizu barely attacked piken either so you can’t put all blame on Piken. We even saw piken and vizu players /wave at each other as they passed, you can’t lie about it because we were there, we saw it! Now this last matchup is an agreed double team but it doesn’t really matter because most of SFR are loving the constant fights, too bad we will never know who the better league server was though. No one will respect Vizu or Pikens league scores because of this. Piken don’t deserve third and we don’t know if Vizu would have come first without Pikens help. Oh well, at least SFR can be proud of their servers result.
The whole league is a joke anyways you talk about respect and stuff thats stupid in my opinion.
As long as the winner is who plays more PvD at times where others sleep you cant take it serious.
Btw is doubleteam the stronger Server that what ANet wants so dont blame the servers for it.
SFR did that several times in the past against Vizu where Desolation was one of the top servers.
this thread will probably stay empty
some ER too busy beging RS for help
the fun part is those thinking we got several accounts , priceless
good luck and have fun this week, even if some of us need vengeance, we’ll fight you both and i hope we’ll have some good fights this time…..
We dont need to beg cuz they will never help us.They want revenge from the last match up we won pretty close.
JS should stop focus on just one.The chance to be equal on the #2 place with sfr gets smaller with each hour.
nothing of ours left to cap in eb you guys actually gunna fight eachother now? prob not viz will prob try and get wp in our keep while piken defend their dollies
It doesn’t matter, SFR got second place anyway and Piken and Viz both know we are the better server. Last time when we fought Viz without them double teaming us we beat them. Even if the both servers won’t admit it they know SFR #1 EU. Let them double team all they want, but Vizu’s 1st place and Piken’s 3rd will just be laughable because all servers know Piken and Vizuna can’t win without each others help.
Just relax and enjoy the extra bags were getting from winning twice as many fights. This week I have been earning far more gold than ever before. It’s just too bad that it seems many SFR have decided to take this week off after only 1 day, matchup is far from over.
Probably SFR gonna share #2 place with jade sea cuz they couldnt push them back to the #3 place in the last match up.
Funny how people start crying when SFR cant do their PvD at night anymore.
Respect to the guildblob from VotF last time i saw such a good coordinated guildblob was back in the days on desolation from IRON. =)
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
You can keep your points, just please give us some opportunities to play the game the way we want to play, as well. Your players are so bored, owning every objective on foreign borderlands, they even take any opportunity to zerg-stomp small groups which aren’t interested in attacking your score donators but look for even fights out in the open.
My… so much fun and challenge in that…Will spend the week getting some nice small scale with Desos and Elonians interested in such things, i guess; and less with trying to have some mid-scale fun with my guildees, since there is no fun in having no evened encounter at any time.
Well not much people are interested in something that challenged and i dont see people which are bored, we still have fun and play the game like we want,like you do, when you cant cuz you dont find people that wanna play the game like you it isnt our problem. :P
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
I guess you gave out the command to siege up a sentry then? “ARROW CARTS!! ARROW CARTS!!! SIEGE UP THE SENTRIES! GOD FORBID WE LOSE ONE” Has Elona really dropped low enough to siege up a sentry point, if so that’s really nothing to be proud of.
The sentry must be near a keep or something and what is bad about defending our things?Its pretty funny when people come alone try to cap it and die to an ac over and over again.I’m proud of it cuz is fun and thats what everybody want.
(edited by rotsono.9176)
I’m actually starting to think Elona taught Vizunah how to use arrow carts. 10 minutes into reset night elona has 3+ ac’s defending their wooden hills. Now tonight im roaming around solo in Elona bl and I go to cap a sentry. As soon as I step foot in the ring I have arrow carts raining down on me.
I mean I know you guys must be proud of your blue border and I know you must really like your sentries, but lets try and get a bit more fun and skill involved in the game shall we?
Well,we do what is needed to keep our points.Actually we got lots of fun.
I’ve been hit from behind a wall by an arrow cart that was placed right against that wall.
It’s called a zoom hack, not 3 screen.
This isnt a zoomhack you can shot over walls with that window thing as you can see on the second screen in the first post.
You get superior weapons for no skillpoints and badges for one more siegeweapon the loot is good iMo.
Really funny this week its hard to fight against 2 servers that obviously dont likes us But im pretty disappointed that so many people uses this kitten zoomhacks on the arrowcarts.Is thats the way how its done nowadays?Really pathetic :/
Maybe your mailbox is full.
I got a Question about it..Is it possible to transmute a legendary to any weapon so i can transfer it to another character?I heard you can transmute it to a white weapon then it becomes accountbound and you can transfer it to another char but the legendary colour is gone then?! x.X
It’s really annoying especially for T1 server in really big fights they are like 100+ people in the lordroom and you cant even play good or bad just the zerg with the most people who can spam 1 win that.Even when you play with tactics or something its just useless cuz u cant even press one kitten another skill.It’s sometimes frustraitng cuz you know you could won that fight when you just could press 2 or 3 more skills.