Showing Posts For setdog.1592:

Where is this MMR Hell?

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


whatever, i cant even get to second tier of sapphire because its 1 win one or losses, constantly.

im at about a 38% win rate.

sure its my fault, but i also dont pvp by myself. so its not entirely my fault. period.

if u also have done well, its also not entirely because of you.

and btw me and my friends hate this game because of how pvp has been.
they dont even play it anymore.

(edited by setdog.1592)

i dont get this profession

in Thief

Posted by: setdog.1592


this all makes sense, because i seem to contribute only outside of any kind of giant melee scrum with boat loads of aoe/condi and direct damage going on. when it comes to direct combat, i also seem to do much better poking enemies with short bow and only trying to melee against downed or soon to be downed players.

i dunno if i really enjoy this kind of support where your’e not really fighting, instead your’e more like a foil, forcing enemies away from points, distracting them, securing stomps, its not as much fun as say engineer or dh or ele.

i guess i needed some reassurance the combat function of this prof/build is as durable as a soap bubble.

i dont get this profession

in Thief

Posted by: setdog.1592


still trying to figure out this profession, pretty much using d/p build from metabattle,

im confused because i really dont understand how this class survives, anything.

is it really the devs goal that i play this profession with the intention of not really

i get the idea behind rotating points, and +1 support, but its pretty ineffective in any sort of combat outside of ranged and the random snipe here and there.

im pretty much dead just by being spotted.

i dunno, please share your experience or whatever.

Seems like it is possible after all

in Thief

Posted by: setdog.1592


thats great but for the rest of please explain a little more than “i play thief”.

are you playing with a regular group or did you solo q your way to legend?
what is your team composition?
what is your play style like? capping decapping?
how do you handle pit fighting? (i seem to just die any time i enter a scrum)
i see 232 ranked games win, how many did you play?

there are lots of us who want to know why/how you get win streaks and we get losing streaks.

fail balance

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


so what happened?

did anet just decide they wanted more necros in spvp?

virtually every kitten game is a necro swarm.

PVP- Which Rune and Amulet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: setdog.1592


@blackbeard, ty so very much for the detailed reply. I will certainly be putting this into practice. I can already tell this will be a great boost to my game play as your reply has
help to point me towards excellent choices to make during the pre game window.

PVP- Which Rune and Amulet?

in Elementalist

Posted by: setdog.1592


since were on the topic of pvp, im using auramance with soldiers and cleric, basically
copied exactly from mb,

i find im quite strong against most profs but condition damage seems to just eat me alive and if im stun locked, forget it.

so with that in mind, what are some build variants, under the auramancer umbrella
that would improve my ability to survive condi dmg and stuns?

and if u know, which other prof/build does auramancer synergize well with?


does forum search work?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: setdog.1592


anytime i try to search something, i get zero to few results.

spvp progress

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


i guess the only way to improve your odds is to stop queing solo and start finding
decent players with strong builds to que with.

i dont think there is any good way for anet to solve the much talked about mmr problem.

spvp progress

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


So, am I being rewarded with progression based on my individual performance, whether my team wins or loses?

if so how?

DH incoming direct damage PVP

in Guardian

Posted by: setdog.1592


what are the better traits, builds, weapons etc to greatly improve
dealing with incoming direct damage, while also having strong
sustain, decent burst? (if possible, sic)

goal is to improve DH ability to deal incoming direct damage.
my direct damage received was about 5 times greater than condition damage
received, therefore this question.


changing skills during a match

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


It used to be like this in 2012(could even swap weapons). They changed it for a reason…

What was the reason?

(edited by setdog.1592)

changing skills during a match

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


why cant we change our skills out of combat during a pvp match? whats the logic behind this?

would the game really suffer or take a turn for the worse if players had the ability to change their skills out of combat during a match?

or is this something that is just an unchallenged characteristic of mmos. ie. the way it must be?

something is wrong in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


something is definitely wrong with pvp.

bizarre damage spikes that really dont make any sense.

Unranked is getting so annoying.

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


the problem isnt the game its your expectations.

the vast majority of players are just there to have fun, and not actually “try”.

its entertainment, its not a professional football match.

i dont understand why people playing this game expect it to be a “serious” affair.

its entertainment.

its like listening to some guy complain about the strategy of a 3rd grade sporting event, or like being lectured by a boss from mcdonalds about how people should take their jobs more seriously.

i mean what are you complaining about? you’re at home, sitting in a chair, probably slurping on a soda and clicking buttons. youre not really doing anything.

The problem is that this game is trying to be eSports. Competitive gamers are investing both their money and time into this, because like a professional football player, they have to constantly train. Like many people who have jobs, these competitive gamers do to and those jobs consist of them playing video games. Either making money from streaming or winning prize money. Don’t belittle someones job or rise to one b/c you don’t understand or acknowledge it.
If the game truly wants to become eSports it needs to appease that audience not the PvE heroes that are constantly complaining that a nerf to “blah blah blah” will kill their dps in PvE nor the people like yourself who think of the game solely as a game.

So then complain about RANKED, not UNRANKED.

Unranked is getting so annoying.

in PvP

Posted by: setdog.1592


the problem isnt the game its your expectations.

the vast majority of players are just there to have fun, and not actually “try”.

its entertainment, its not a professional football match.

i dont understand why people playing this game expect it to be a “serious” affair.

its entertainment.

its like listening to some guy complain about the strategy of a 3rd grade sporting event, or like being lectured by a boss from mcdonalds about how people should take their jobs more seriously.

i mean what are you complaining about? you’re at home, sitting in a chair, probably slurping on a soda and clicking buttons. youre not really doing anything.

(edited by setdog.1592)

Guardians need a role in raids!

in Guardian

Posted by: setdog.1592


Im still a very new player to this game, maybe 3-4 months or so. I first leveled a guardian because I thought “Cool, I like playing tanky characters, and whats could be more tanky
than a profession called Guardian?”

I still dont understand the role of this class. Its a plate wearing beefcake and even has a magic shield but its also the slowest kind of hunter I could ever imagine which apparently was recreated to fulfill a ranged need, but then its most iconic elite spell, dragons maw, isnt even ranged. its like a giant pile of kitten i lay at my feet hoping something will step in it.

I also leveled a ranger and actually its painful to go back to the dragon hunter with its lead feet movement speed.

Overall I rate this profession a 2/10.

People probably don’t like it because its really just boring and slow as well as confused.
“Im a guardian…but im not really.”

If i was a raid leader and Im looking at my choices, I obviously want profs whose role is clear. With this profession it is not clear. And who wants a ranged dps that has to go into melee range to drop a trap with the speed of a manatee? its just doesnt feel like a prof i need.

keep in mind, im new, but thats my newbie perspective.

if the prof was simply just faster it might attract more interest.

(edited by setdog.1592)

Solar Beam damage as druid

in Ranger

Posted by: setdog.1592


doesnt seem like a good design imo.

in any case, i want them to also change the spell name to Sonar Beam because of the sound effect.

Solar Beam, druid staff #1,

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: setdog.1592


the druid staff #1 spell, Solar Beam, keeps adding to the damage report I see on the screen?It pulses for 3000, then 3500, then 4000 and will continue in this pattern until the target is dead.

Solar Beam damage as druid

in Ranger

Posted by: setdog.1592


that makes sense. but it should be reset. this is absolutely a bug. i cant recall any game I have played where a damage spell report is cumulative.

Solar Beam damage as druid

in Ranger

Posted by: setdog.1592


Help me understand this spell.

I was just messing around on a hero challenge in Auric Basic
and I just let the #1 staff spell run its course for this challenge,
and I finished the fight pulsing around 36,000 per pulse.

So I have to ask if those numbers are real damage or what it going on here?

Yes Im a new player, trying to understand this spell.

Thanks for any feedback.

hearts and minds story chapter is horrid

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592


Seriously, this is horrid.

im on my guardian spamming 1k sceptre attacks, which most dont even land because eir is out range, so just me running around in circles. jumping over fire, slowly chiseling away, in order to defeat eir and pale tree is pretty much the same thing. both of which takes an unreasonable amount of time imo.

finally get to mord and the game yells for me to take to the skies….but you cant jump off platform. its some updraft that you can barely even see, let alone recognize that
the draft is somewhere on the floor.

this is story chapter is horrendous and stupendously awful in terms of it design. apparently im not supposed to play melee in this game, at least thats my interpretation.

im all for challenging content but this pathetic.

not to mention that my armor is broken after the first down and i cant even portal to repair it unless i log off in order to get out of the chapter.

there, ive ranted. now will someone, at least, please tell me how to waypoint out of there?

ps. otherwise enjoying the game.

(edited by setdog.1592)

hide tournament announcements

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592


is there anyway to turn off tournament announcements on ui?

im not interesting in the esl pro league competition and dont care to have
the announcement taking up space on my interface while im trying to play

Let's talk about it: DPS Meters

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: setdog.1592


dps meters are toxic.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592


ok. thank you for the reply.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592


New player, rather clueless and have mastery questions

When leveling a mastery, I go to the mastery panel, and I select the mastery I want xp to go towards?

Currently, in HoM masteries, I have Gliding 1/6 and Itzel Lore 0/6, and Updraft Use is
checked and highlighted.

This means, Im on my second level of Gliding, Updrafting Use, and no xp will go towards Itzel Lore mastery level?

Just trying to make sure I understand, ty.

A true letdown, I will vote with my wallet

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: setdog.1592


cant make everyone happy

why is this so hard?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: setdog.1592


ok, the good news is I got this figured out, a bit. I am now gliding.

Now, to figure out this map…

Im also starting to really discover that this map, the jungle, is not friendly to solo play. Which is ok,
but I will need to work on finding a rather active guild.

why is this so hard?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: setdog.1592


Why is this so complicated.

I just want to use my glider but have no idea how to go about opening the thing up so i can actually glide

i paid for the standard edition of HoT, then I just went and paid another $35 bucks to upgrade to the deluxe edition, got two special delivery emails,

but where is the glider? how do i use it?

this seems unnecessarily complicated

flashing skill slot on ui?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592



i did just clear lvl 11.

i got the ability to train, once i trained, the skill slot in question provide a small arrow, where i was able to select soothing stone, and the second skill slot opened and i was able to add a second skill.

all in all problem has corrected itself.

i dont know why i couldnt use the first skill slot, i wasnt able to use it yesterday after about lvl 8, which is only when i noticed the skill missing in the first place.

in any case, i want to thank you for you replies. very kind of you.


flashing skill slot on ui?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592


here is a pic of my ui

me thinks i have lds active, and i put my cursor of the soothing stone spell, where you see a small icon with an X thru it, idk what this means


flashing skill slot on ui?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: setdog.1592



im new to gw2 , about 3 days.

i have a level 10 revenant, and im looking at my skill bar.

specifically, the number 6 slot, just to right of my health globe.

the slot is empty, but there used to be a spell there called soothing stone.

but somehow, i do not know how, the spell is now gone, and the slot is empty and kinda displaying a flashing like animation.

i dont know how to get my soothing stone spell back into that slot so ican use it

please help.

thank you.