Showing Posts For shawn.1298:
For me it didn’t work because of the gem store or what the gem store causes. The economy in GW2 is anemic because of the gem store. Drops are anemic because of the gem store. Fun is anemic because of the gem store. So I went back to WoW. Started off on a new server with brand new level ones and am having a kick scavenging and creating wealth. Its so much nicer playing a game with a robust economy. The only reason I’m writing this and not playing is because of Tuesday maintenance But seriously, this is not to put the game down. The reason I left is because the economy is non existent in GW2 and I’m pretty sure that’s a side effect of the gem store.
I remember when Rift sold their game for $5, when I’d purchased it for $50. Half off isn’t so bad.
That is a very bad example. We know how THEY are doing.
I only paid $30 for GW2 in Dec 13. I couldn’t really play for the first month because of a family illness, but I got a good 3 and a half months out of it before the massive nerf/gem store patch. And that’s what going to send Gw2 the way of RIFT – not the half off. People like unwrapping shiny stuff. If there is less shiny stuff so people have to buy gems, well, RIFT RIFT RIFT.
“Is gw2 trying to lose players?”
I’m guessing thats rhetorical, but they are without a doubt. Excluding China, the numbers are going down. Facts or facts.
My question is, what am I missing here? Is it jealousy? Are a lot of these internet anti-GW2 rants actually shills from other companies? Maybe GW2 is not your cup of tea, I get it. But I get sick and tired of someone randomly saying “GW2 sucks” or it is a flop because it just does not make sense. It does not add up.
Jealousy? I really doubt it. Most gamers can afford more than one game and they play what they like. Shills? Well maybe some of it is. But that cuts both ways. People could actually shill FOR GW2. I really doubt shilling would make up a significant percentage. As you said, GW2 was consistently in the top 10 games. It recently fallen out of the top 10, but I suspect its still in the top 10 of the MMORPG’s. Objectively, ( and not counting whatever is going on in China) it appears to be falling in popularity rather than gaining. Of course that could just be the fact the game is 2 years old. I sense a disconnect in what ArenaNet wants and users want. Since the extreme changes GW2 has fallen from consistently 5 or 6 to consistently 8 to 12. It reminds me of when WoW blew up Azeroth. It dropped from consistently 2 or 3 to consistently 5 of 6. Extreme changes have consequences.
Most people just want a magical sandbox to play in. I think when games get stuck on telling people what they must do, the sandbox becomes a lot less fun. I’m guessing expanding the world ( enlarging the sandbox) would have done better than forcing a story line. I guess it would have also been more expensive and that’s where the rubber meets the road.
People give glowing reviews to games they’ve fallen in love with and are pretty hostile to games they’ve fallen out of love with. I think the only important take is how reaction to the game is changing.
Besides, even though ANet claims that the conversion rate is set by the market, we don’t know that. There is no transparency.
But isn’t there something legal where they couldn’t say that if it wasn’t true?
Whenever I see a thread like this, I think of a child desperately trying to get their parent’s attention by threatening to withdraw their love. It’s narcissistic, it’s indulgent. It’s boring. Every MMO in existence has a flood of these threads. GW1 certainly had them. At first I found them baffling. Now they’re just sad.
Of course there are problems with GW2. There are places it can be expanded or changed for the better. The forums are an appropriate place to have them brought to light, talked about and debated. But by framing it like this, as a spoiled rant threatening to leave unless someone listens to you, is the height of arrogance and self-absorption. And we’ve all seen many people who make these pronouncements in a month’s time still posting on the forums and still playing the game. Honestly I don’t think the OP’s intention is to improve the game but to indulge in their need to be recognized and heard. There are more constructive and less annoying ways to do that.
And the first thing I think of the way your post starts out is ad hominem attack. The original poster gave explicit reasons why he left. There were many things you could have argued he was wrong about. Yet you fall back on ad hominem ( brat, spoiled child, etc). In my 55 years I have yet to see insult passed off as argument.
It’s the responsible thing to do I think, since most players that leave simple go silent without saying anything. So take this for what little it’s worth.
I left over a month ago. I saw the whole world, and the only thing that kept me playing was making all the professions. I’m not big on skins, dies and all the shiny stuff. Long story short is its not fun to level alts anymore. So I check back every week or so to see if anything has changed to make it fun again.
Good riddance but too late. Champ trains are the worst thing that happened to this game. It’s so Mindless yet more rewarding than anything else. I remember running high level fractals over a year ago and barely making any gold while zerg train players were raking in the cash while being able to finish up a season of breaking bad. It’s also one of the reasons everyone has Legendaries it’s so easy to make gold in this game
Well they got rid of it because it was rewarding. Nothing else. A person could start a new alt, do the train a couple of hours a day, and in week have a level 35 and enough gold to buy a new character slot. That’s why it was removed. Not because of abusive talk in Queensdale, not because people were “playing wrong,” not because people weren’t exploring, but because it hurt the gem store.
ITT: Players who didn’t run the queensdale train are happy that other players that enjoyed the train can no longer do so. “Play how you want” at its finest
Bait and switch I’d say.
I’m saving a link to this thread. In a couple of months when the game sinks from #10 to #25 and is selling for 1/4 of the price, I’ll pull it up again. That’s my only interest in GW2 at this point. To see how far it falls.
Did you actually quit because of this? Why not learn how to play the game instead? About time the community stepped up and quit the AFK press 1 and wait.
I quit a month ago over the traits. I have no desire to come back. The reason Anet broke the train was it hurt the gem store. They will break ANYTHING that hurts the gem store. My interest will be watching it fall into the abyss like RIFT.
I hope they add a new champ train to another zone.
They have its called EotM.. plus you got the Queens Gauntlet to keep you running round in circles now.
Best move ever ANET… all dem tears :-( = :-D
If you’re the type of player ANET wants ( joy over other’s unhappiness) it should sink like a stone.
Anet is on track to remove more content than they’ve added, haha.
For once I agree with you.
hahaha, yeah something must be wrong if we both agree on it
Anet is on track to remove more content than they’ve added, haha.
The events are still there…
I’m just surprised they killed off an activity so many players participated in. It’s a bold move.
Bold or stupid?
I’m saving a link to this thread. In a couple of months when the game sinks from #10 to #25 and is selling for 1/4 of the price, I’ll pull it up again. That’s my only interest in GW2 at this point. To see how far it falls.
This update is now a month old and I’m dumbstruck.
I was certain the trait system and the megaserver were sort of mistakes. Something that would get fixed in a few days. They are, after all, as Gonefishin and others have said, some of the worst changes ever seen in a game.But they’re still here. Nothing to indicate they will be fixed.
I just can’t believe this is real.
Its worked out well for me. Before the feature pack, I was spending way too much time playing. I haven’t played a single minute since April 18th. I’m free!
Like the above player, I bought the game recently ( Dec 2013). I put a fair amount of time into it. I have a level 80 ranger and every other class except Mesmer, all of those leveled between 30 and 35. I tried this new trait system for a few days and it just isn’t fun. I have not logged onto my account in three weeks and don’t see me logging on again unless something drastically changes with the trait system. I don’t know who designed this mess, but the deciding factor is it just makes the game a lot less fun. For the life of me, I don’t know why you did it.
I also noticed since the patch the game has dropped from #6 to #10 ( Below Hearthstone) on Xfire. If the complaints in this thread aren’t enough to convince you that you have made some game breaking mistakes in the patch, surely the drop in popularity should get your attention. Or perhas you’re going to wait until it drops out of the top 20?
After 2 weeks of not playing, you don’t even think about it very much.
THEIR GAME – THEIR VISION, not yours. You have not coded, put blood, sweat and yes, tears into this game and playing doesn’t count.
This is pretty much the sentiment that led RIFT to fall from a promising game to a game that can’t get above 45 even as free to play. Start blaming the complainers and you’ll have no game.
Why we hear nothing but Silence from ANet?
Because they are part of a company and can’t speak on behalf of it at their own free will.
Because the ones that are actually working on the issue aren’t the ones monitoring the forums.
Because most of the users are childish and immature and will hold anything a dev says against them if anything gets side tracked.Pick one or all of the above, they aren’t payed to chat with you, if there is a known issue that’s been reported they’re likely working on it, why do do you feel to need to have someone saying “we’re working on it Max, don’t you worry about a thing”?
I have a better question for you. Why not title all the feedback threads the “round file?”
I think you are going to have to wait for it to start sinking in popularity before you hear anything from Anet. People are still playing with the shiny stuff so there has been an increase in popularity. But its starting to fall again. I think when it all shakes out it will sink like a stone below Hearthstone into the range of SWTOR or Minecraft. Then you’ll hear something.
Dude about the spouce and Guild mates thing. That was me. here is How it goes. me and the wife Log In, depending on the time, we can either both log into our lowbies..Now level 8 btw.. and goof off together. the reason we do it together is not because it’s so tough that it has to be done together, it’s Just that we …Like Playing together, as married couples do. Without guild help.
At some Point In the day, she and I decide to play some of Our 80’s… I play mesmer she thief. We head off to Orr. We have so far been involved In the Lyssa unlock GM traits, and the Karka event, to unlock GM traits. The funny thing about this is this we also did…without Guild help. ( it seems that the fact that we might get guild help..In a game called Guild Wars 2 bugs you. …but your concerns are immaterial, since all of this we did with the help of strangers that happened to be around.)
So Now we are looking for the Temple of Grenth, and Arah to get the final 2 GM traits, again…without guild help. fact is… I must be honest, although I have said " ask guildies for help when it gets too hard." I have yet to do so, becaus e the game is friggen easy.
I also play a level 24 thief that I started Playing after the patch. That one should be nerfed according to players that complain. I should have 14 trait points. I have none.
My personal experience with NOT having trait points before 30 is… I like it.
before with 14 trait points I had My main had weapon grafted on til 80, My off hand weapon the same, a shortbow In secondary slot. Respeccing cost money, and time, I needed to port back to DR..bla bla bla Not gonna Bother.
That meant I never experimented. Now with zero trait points I am switching weapons as often as i come across something where a weapon switch might be helpful.
Same with Utilities. So even with my level 24 thief, I experiment more.
A few people keep saying things Like.." Oh, you have a constant companion , and you have high level guild support." here is what I have… My wife keeping me company on my level 8 mesmer, no guild support.
Solo on my level 24 thief. No guild support yet. who knows, I keep hearing people saying they levelled all the way to 80 without having to rely on anyone other than people On the map with them. I may never have to make a Guildy call. Don’t worry, if I ever do..I’ll let you know.
Loving the game Anet has done an awesome Job with the new patch. A step in the right direction as far as i am concerned.
On paper the best pudding recipe can look amazing, but then when you taste it it may taste like crap.
The Proof of the pudding, is in the eating.
Give the game a serious try, and if you dislike it that badly… well.. you can wait and hope that Anet reverses themselves I guess.
or… explore other options.
Somewhere in this tome, there should be a reason as to why you like the new leveling and trait system, but I’ll be darned if I could find it. The closest I found was that because the new trait system made your level 24 less effective so you had to experiment with different weapons.
The purpose of the new trait system – according to the blurb – was to afford experimentation with builds, NOT weapons. The ability and encouragement to experiment with weapons has always been there. That’s what the first 10 or so levels have always been about. The fact you didn’t do it before and now have to doesn’t prove the new trait system is successful in encouraging experimentation with builds. It just shows its nerfed your level 24 so much you have to play differently. Yes, Anet is now the play police. “Do it this way, not YOUR way.”
Speaking for myself, levelling has never, ever been a problem with me. You can expect to gain 1 level for every hour of play (even faster if you’re on a Champ or EotM train).
So the people claiming the level 1-80 in a week are playing 80 hours a week? That is WAY too much. Scary.
Is that so? But still. You level to 80 within a week if you play normally. So what’s the problem if you have to wait a bit until you have fully developped? It shouldn’t be a problem to do without certain traits until 80.
The problem is the trait system is WRONG. Its DULL. And it appears the person who wrote the blurb about it “Traits unleashed” has never played the game. The fact that you can’t view traits or skills that are unavailable at the moment is just plain sloppy programming. One shouldn’t have to go to online offsites to plan future choices of skills and traits.
And anyone who goes from 1-80 in a week has no job, no school, and no social life. The person probably has a serious gaming addiction.
Leveling isn’t hard, its DULL. Leveling has never been hard in this game. I leveled from 79-80 with my human ranger in Metrica Province. One could go from 1- 80 in Queensdale or any starting zone. So the fact that leveling isn’t hard is nothing new. The fact that leveling is dull is something new and it came with this feature pack.
And there are people thinking that leveling is the best its been.
And why? What makes the leveling better? Because its harder or more of a grind? I don’t find it more interesting, but a dull grind. Why do some think its better. Penance?
One example I saw a few Minutes ago.
I made a elementalist after the patch as I wanted to experience the new trait functions and I have to say that it really isn’t hard to level. Sure, it requires kiting and dodging, but that’s how this game works. I can’t really compare before and after the patch, but I can safely say that it really isn’t hard to level.
I am sure there are others. But chances are you will not read them, it’s a fact that the forums are disproportionately peopled by complainers that are not satisfied with the game at some point or other. The impression is, " the game really sucks Look at all the complainers." or…" everyone feels as I do, because Not many people are disagreeing with me."
Chances are…MOST of the people that feel like Marche are not On the forums posting, but on the game playing.
So the reasons you can give for the claim leveling is better is that it requires “kiting and dodging” and that it “isn’t hard to level.” Those are odd reasons. Then you go into characterizing people who disagree with you., your goto logical fallacy. We’ll just skip over that part.
No its not hard to level. Its DULL to level. The gradual increases in attributes have been removed and bundled up in big steps. It removes hybrids. Its more of a carnival ride than a hands on task. Its a DULL grind from one big step to the next.
As someone else posted in a quote, good game companies know which feed back to give credence to. Bad companies don’t and fold.
I just wonder if saying the leveling is better because it requires “kiting and dodging” or that “leveling isn’t hard” (LTP?) is good feedback.
And there are people thinking that leveling is the best its been.
And why? What makes the leveling better? Because its harder or more of a grind? I don’t find it more interesting, but a dull grind. Why do some think its better. Penance?
Rage quitters are Just people unhappy with change, they feel that they can rile enough people to " vote with their feet" they seldom do. I hardly believe that Anet is quaking in their boots because some people on the forums are threatening to rage-quit.
Oh please, can we dispense with characterizing people who disagree as someone less than rational? I’m going to quit until they change the new trait system and I’m not a frothing “rage quitter.” Its just not fun. Now I don’t expect Anet to “quake in their boots,” because I don’t like their new game. I also think it would as ridiculous to assume Anet will take your rubber stamp as proof the new system doesn’t need a lot of work. I’m sure they are as accustomed to echo chambers as they are to complaints.
I’ve already leveled to 80. Glowing armor and fancy dyes don’t impress me much but leveling alts is fun for me. This patch made leveling alts no fun. Its not “rage” its preference. People will vote with their feet. There are a lot of games out there, too many to play something you don’t like.
This new trait system is really bad and is putting me off playing.
To put traits behind content that is 10 to 44 levels ahead of your toon either shows that this content was very poorly thought out, or it was designed as a gold sink/gem store booster, again, something that doesn’t sit well with me……
I think a major point of this feature pack was to throttle gold and boost the gem store. No crying here, I figure I already got my $30 of fun. I was doing nothing but alts – I had 6 alts up to lvl 30, but now I have NO interest in playing them. I’ll check back periodically and if major changes are made in trait system, I’ll start leveling alts again. If not, I’ll get a whole lot more fresh air Maybe that was the point To get more people off of their computer and outside for spring?
Am I the only one wondering why they used traits to get people out in the world rather skills, preferably new ones. Why go and fix something that wasn’t broken. If they would have worked on creating new skills and added them to world events and then removed the cost respect traits I am pretty sure everyone would be kittening ecstatic. Leave the old manuals for level 20, 40, and 60 unlocks and just add any new traits to the list. They could have added an npc near each event where players could by the new skills just like in GW1 to replace the gold sink they tried with traits. It just seems like the more obvious way to do things but then again it makes the game more like gw1 and they sure the hell can’t have any of that.
In an interview with, they said:
- Skills take longer to implement (since it uses more assets [animations, art ect]).
- Skills already had a progression model (purchase with skill points), while the actual aquisition of Traits didn’t (since everything was automatically unlocked when you bought a Manual).
Its always scary when a developer doesn’t seem to understand the mechanics of a game. Traits had a better progression mode before the “feature” pack than they do now. The ability to skill at a certain level was bought. The traits were not just “automatically unlocked.” You had to level to fill those empty slots with traits. That was the progression. Now you just twiddle your thumbs for the first 30 levels. That’s NO progression.
It is what it is. If you make it less fun, you’ll know because less people will play. But you really should forgo the condescending rubbish that “this was to make the game less confusing.” If a player can figure out how to get to WvW or The Edge of the Mist, they can certainly hit a plus sign during the first 30 levels. The new system is less interesting, and for the life of me, I don’t know why you’d want to make it less interesting.
To be clear, I hate the trait change and will probably play a lot less. Thats probably good for me. I got the game at a reduced price during the Christmas sale and got a few months of play before THIS. I can’t complain too much – it was $30 well spent.
I don’t know, but I think the trait changes were made to slow down characters in the beginning, and to slow down gold making to make the gem store more profitable. The game is about to open and China and I think they would rather have people BUY expansion slots rather than have them zip around earning in game gold for gems. Faster the character, the faster they earn gold – its that simple. The new trait system throttled that back 33% for a lot of classes in the first 60 levels. I’ve a hunch game development will always be guided by the gem store.
I’m thinking maybe its a good thing. I’ve been playing way too much. I have things to do in real life. Getting to 80 with exotic in real life has real benefits. Maybe I’ll try back in a couple of months. Maybe not. Probably be better for Me not to. Its such a time sink.
So now the game is unplayable. I can’t complete personal story instance because I get disconnected every 15 minutes. Ya think some one who works there would say “Hey we read your you post – why you try this ..”
But no – . There’s nothing but an echo in here.
Gee fellas- thanks for the tech support.
All of a sudden since last night, I keep getting disconnected from the game. I’ve been playing since the beginning of December and never had I been disconnected. Since last night, I get disconnected about every 15 minutes. It gives me an error code (7:11:3:191:101). What could the problem be? Is there a server address I could trace rout to to see where the problem is? Perhaps its relate to the ice storms on the east coast on the US?
I’m happy to report after checking the archives, this is still broken after over a year. Why don’t they fix this? Oh – thats right – we already paid.
When it comes to temperature problem in PC’s ..a little TLC is all thats ‘usualy’ needed
Do what shawn.1298 did and see if it fixes the issue.I will say one thing, that video ..not the best to use as reference. The guy is obviosly not well versed in what he’s doing. I mean cotton wool, not the best thing to be using as it leaves bits behind. A pillow case as a work surface ..nooo. And doesnt seem to be using the right sized screwdriver to start with, and he takes the screws out in and puts them in in a circle and not in oposites(like u would a car wheel, or a Engine cyclinder head to the block). He uses waaaaay to much thermal paste, and by looks of it, unscrewed the VRM or VRAM heatsinks which didnt look like it was neccesery.
I dont mean to rip into the guy, cudos for him doing it for his 1st time, but yea, not a good reference :P
He also forgets to plug the the video card fan back in at the end. Its just flopping out side of the card as he screws it back together. Its really not necessary to even unplug the fan. What I liked about the video is that it showed you have to unscrew the x bracket and how to remove the cooling unit. The other videos started with, “see I’ve already removed all the screws…” So no, its not perfect but it certainly sufficed for a dry run. I pretty much knew what to expect.
Same card, same problem. Problem for me started with the patch 3 weeks ago. When i start the game Gpu temp just starts to rise really fast. Other thing i noticed, is that the interface sometimes loads really slow. Cant see skill bars for a few sec, and some UI elements are transparent. Strange this is that this only happens in PvE areas, as in the WvW maps temperatures are normal,even if there are 100+ people on the screen. All other games are working fine. In SWTOR all max settings GPU temperature never gets above 60c…Graphic card is clean, no dust or anything, and running at PCI-e bus x16.Some help would be really great…Thanks
I thought mine was free of dust, but you really can’t see it unless you take apart the card. Look at the video I linked to in my post above.
I cleaned up my graphics card as instructed in this video :
Now when I run Unigine Valley benchmark, I get and average of 25.5 FPS and a score of 1047. The temperature maxed out at 67c. This was using 1920×1080 true color mode.
I’d say between removing that big clump of dust off the fins of the cooling unit and removing the old thermal compound and reapplying the new, fixed the heat problem.
Thanks for the help!
“This. Grab a new case next, swap the Dell’s internals into it, then just replace the rest piece by piece as it comes in.”
Thats a good idea.
I get it now. Cards are built to handle their max load. They can’t get anything more than their max load unless you overclock them or something. So where you can change the load on the card, you can’t give it more than the max load unless you overclock it.
I get it now. Thanks.
“The couple Dells I’ve had the displeasure of doing anything with were absolutely terrible in terms of airflow.”
I’m building my next one. Each month I buy a piece – case, motherboard, cpu, etc.
I’m going to clean the card up tomorrow and will post the results. Thanks for the help and suggestions.
(edited by shawn.1298)
I’m thinking its dirty inside. I watched a video of all the dust that can be inside away from view. I’m going to take the cooling part off and clean it and reapply some thermal grease.
“Do you have one of those reference model 5770s? The reference ones have blower fans.
Also did you ever check the frequencies on it?”
This is a specially made for Dell Radeon HD 5770. If I remember right, they were made for Dell and to run on their smallish power supply. I’m hoping it disassembles like the normal 5770 – I’m guessing it will.
(edited by shawn.1298)
I’ve found some video’s on cleaning the Radeon 5770. I’m going to try that.
“Try running Unigine Valley benchmark, leave it going for a bit and see what ur temps do.”
I let it run for about 10 minutes at 1920×1080 with quality set to high. The temp maxed out at 96c.
“Overheating is always a hardware issue.” Where in the world did you get that? Seriously where did you pick up that tidbit? I can change the temperature of the card simply by changing the game settings. Nothing in the hardware is changing. Simply setting the frame rate to 30 drastically drops the temp. Nothing in the hardware changed.
Where do you get its always a hardware issue?
“Sounds like your 5770 has a major dust problem. Also do you mean 1920×1080?
My old Radeon HD 5770 never went higher than 46.”
It really doesn’t. I inspected it and it has no problems with other games. Just searching ( google) “GW2 Black screen crash” gives so many results. Now pick another game and search it with black screen crash and see if you get as many. Something is wrong in the graphics code.
“Also do you mean 1920×1080?” Yes
“Games will not directly cause hardware to overheat.”
I’ve seen this in a couple of places. Yet changing the in game graphic settings changes the temperature of the card. How do you figure the software couldn’t cause a card to overheat? If you change the settings and make the card cooler, and you again change the settings and make the card hotter, the software is affecting the temp.