No way, keep your grubby Human mitts off my Cultural.
because no one ever visits other cultures and adopts their styles ever! ;P
I would love to see cultural armour being wearable for anyone like the cultural weapons though would say that to do so you’d have to pay a bit more (or the race who’s armour it is pays less for their cultures clothing)
that said with transmute stones allowing for some freedom doubt a cost difference would ever really work.
I would even go one better and suggest that scouts show all possible event area’s with some form of time frame on them (so active and renown hearts show up like they would on map if you where near, inactive events show up as grey circles with “soon, sometime, long time” style tags)
Removing the items each release is silly, even if its just from the vendor leaving them to be found in the appropriate world inside the SAB
If the SAB ever becomes permanent (and it would be silly to put in a lot of work and not have it at the very least reliably reoccurring) what would happen?
Im really not sure where the sort of thinking comes from that removing things from older content makes newer content more special.
I know when the first expansion comes lets remove the original content to make the new expansion extra special! because that would make sense at all… sure SAB content isn’t as major or as expansive as that but the thinking seems to be the same.
You make the new stuff the bigger focus sure but you don’t actively remove the older content people would still want.
As others have said, if you just remove the items from future versions they will eventually not be in the game (granted it would take a while).
(edited by Dasorine.1964)
signet of agility is worth keeping, 90 precision AND a group condition cleanser and endurance regain is always nice.
The damage reduction might affect some people that where running with it for the occasional time when all 3 strikes of their opener would crit and kill a glass cannon but the actual change doesn’t really seem to fit.
Not just thematically but in action theres no real place for a heal on that specific skill about the only situation it actually is semi useful would be PvE boss fights that last a couple of minutes no where else really gets that much benefit from it.
You have melee thieves that use it as an opener for the gap closer rather than the damage, this means they burn away the heal at the start of the fight and very few fights tend to actually last more than 45 seconds so they are unlikely to see it again.
You have range thieves that prefer to stay at range, they might use steal to grab a new item in one of their rotations but in the most part they are not going to be getting the heal when they want a heal.
You have those thieves that have just been hit and need some health but in those situations moving into your enemies melee range while getting healed for less than the lowest of our heal skills gives while being in that highly vulnerable position (heck it only heals around 500 more than shadow refuge does…)
Overall I see they are trying to make things more usable for all builds and all area’s of the game but this change makes it no more useful for a lot of situations than the ability to crit did, in fact its less as pure damage never technically went to waste while healing at full health does.
As for the rest of the “buffs” thieves may or may get, I wouldn’t hold your breath.
Heck until its released we have no idea how the new flanking strike is going to work out, there is a good possibility that its actually going to be worse at removing boons and evading than it currently with the boon “steal” trying to compensate for the lower amounts removed.
(edited by Dasorine.1964)
depends how you mean reverting the aggro table and such.
Stealth not dropping aggro at all is silly but stealth instantly dropping aggro can be equally silly.
Ideally you want a bit of both, going stealth doesn’t instantly drop aggro but staying stealth does.
If the aggro table is anything like other games threat tables its a list, upon stealthing a thief could drop down 1 level on the list (so if they had the aggro they’d now be second and the person in second place would now have the aggro) and drop 1 place every second with the third second of stealth removing you from the list all together.
If your the only person on the table then you don’t move position until the third second which then clears you off it.
I don’t think anyone mentioned it yet (or at least a quick ctrl+f didn’t find it).
Zone 3 is called Kingdom of Fungus… what’s another name fungus are known as?.
Ohh your right! Kingdom of Eukaryotic Heterotrophic Walled Organisms! Such a subtle reference
yet your stance of anything but zerker gtfo is not about thief pve, nor is it really about anything but your own stance that farming is the only reason pve exists.
The thread is about how some people don’t realize that thieves aren’t just pure damage, the fact that they can be full zerker and still have a lot of support without dps sacrifice is just another example.
I think we should also permaban anyone from groups that aren’t using what I personally think is the optimal build and ability load out, anyone else is just being selfish!
The one thing I would say is avoid going for 2 condition builds, its the only time you will effect each others gameplay in a negative way
pesky thieves and their lightning, fire and earth attacks eh? hate em >< funny how people do that constantly really.
As for the original post unless you give us more details we can’t really explain exactly, if they where using 2 daggers they’d either be heartseeking (no evasive so your attacks would have landed) deathblossomed (evasive but slow/short and costly not really spammable for long) or one of the many variants mentioned above.
Non of which are massively spammable with no drawbacks.
if warriors had initiative whirlwind would most likely be 4 cost and thus not as spammable.
And if your counter argument is “give everyone this” then why bother making more than 1 class? just remove all professions make a new one called “noob” and give them every single mechanic in the game without thinking of how certain things are balanced around certain mechanics etc.
Fact is your bitter because you got killed, you got killed because you ran away at low health and someone used a skill designed to chase down and finish off people running away at low health.
The fact that heartseeker is spammable doesn’t change this all it does is make it sound like you only fight thieves that don’t really understand how things work and will have to run away or promptly die soon after “spamming” you with that one attack which once again only really deals damage if your low health already.
This sort of complaining is everywhere from people that haven’t a clue how things work, heck you still get people yelling at thieves being OP after they die from stuff like siege weapons in sPvP.
Either start using something to defend yourself against the attacks or try rolling a thief and see how well YOU do with this “overpowered and unfair skill”
I have never seen that method of skipping result in a faster time of opening the gate then just doing it normally, between the actual getting there and then people miss timing jumps constantly its just so much faster to just do it normally.
yeah technically there could be millions of the blighters hidden underground somewhere but its unlikely… the moletariat would have a fit if there was.
….they already have the best gold sink ever…..GEMS!
Gems don’t destroy Gold. When you buy Gems with Gold, that Gold is going to another player Selling the Gems. There is the transaction fee that destroys a lot of gold but its only 15%, but that applies to all over the TP.
Gems the micro-transaction store currency not gems the upgrade item
Heh. Black Powder Stomp is every bit as accessible as Stealth Stomp, and way more powerful then Stealth Stomp yet no one complains about it.
thats because its not stealth, everyone knows stealth is instant invincibility and allows you to instant kill an entire zerg and lasts for 6 days.
I’d think they’d need to limit which area’s of clothes could be died with something like that though, people running around in full glowy armour would become a bit annoying, distracting and potentially painful.
Only if those that do only WvW cannot buy anything off the TP that came from PvE.
You can’t force people into doing content they don’t want and if your “fight for the homeland” doesn’t actually benefit the homeland as a whole then what your really doing is fighting purely for your own gain
well its unlikely they’d change the crafted ascended skin upgraded or not to the new model, it most likely will appear at some point as a new back item quiet possibly from the living story, but best you can really hope for the upgraded ascended one is for small tweaks to the current model.
You can see the warrior, thats the only additional information you get compared to a thief going stealthed.
In fact while stealthed a thief is less dangerous as they are not attacking and they have limited options once they are in stealth, they can attack normally in which case stealth was almost pointless, they can go for the stealth attack which either are about as strong as most peoples regular skills or have a highly positional requirement (a requirement the enemy controls) or they can escape, non of which are guaranteed and non of which require more information than where they where, what their condition was and what the surroundings are like.
But sure let damage numbers pop up, make stealth translucent rather than total invisibility, but you’d better give thieves defensive boon access and give stealth damage reduction as base and such.
yeah, its just the fact that some people rolled a thief, saw that we have an entire trait line based around stealth and some decent damage from stealth and decided for some BIZARRE reason that ANET had decided that stealth builds exist and made their character to utilize these clearly unintended features in PvE, only to have them nerfed because of reasons unknown outside it has something to do with PvP balance and some gimmicks/cheese and exploits that are present there which are unaffected by said nerf.
Unfortunately if you roll as support your going to go down fast to burst builds, thief or otherwise.
A thief will have a better chance at retreating afterwards compared to the other burst builds but they get advantages elsewhere.
A thief walks into a bar… and instantly enters downed state and is subsequently kicked from his team for being a totally useless Zerker thief that spends his time face down.
If anything it would increase the QQ
people like that person whos set on the fact that they believe only thieves are capable of going 1vX against bads and that they have instant kill burst from range and no one else does would then state “But if thieves aren’t OP why do we get specific training to counter them when no one else does!”
It doesn’t matter that the training would then allow even new players a reasonable introduction of how to almost completely shut down a thief, thats not how QQ works.
bad words (swears and some insults) are replaced with kitten automatically, its not people saying kitten its people getting “corrected” by the forums automatically to keep it clean.
because thats just mug and backstab, no cloak and dagger and no one else fighting them!
plus a 14k backstab is extremely hard to get and will most likely have required team buffs and such to get. And yes classes should be able to do that IF YOU DECIDE NOT TO UTILIZE ANY DEFENSE.
You cannot expect to remove all your defense and not utilize and sort of defensive boon or mechanic and NOT die to other peoples burst and again the thief wont just be walking around in stealth constantly, they’ll have spotted you and gone to stealth for the 3-4 seconds to hit you that means you have time to spot him.
Considering how many other classes could hit bigger numbers without spending that time closing, heck a killshot would probably have hit you for over 20k hp from 1500 range coming out of no where and giving you no time to react.
And for the /bow stuff… well its sPvP you essentially did the /bow the moment you entered a match, put some defense on, utilize some defensive moves and start being aware of your environment like a proper pvper should.
(edited by Dasorine.1964)
whee necromancy! :P but yeah theres lots they could do to make all aoe circles easier to see, specially in certain area’s where the floor is below the surface which hits it entirely.
Solid colour circles would be one, 3d lines would be another (so circles form shin high glowy walls around the area)
I think when my character dies everyone on the server should die too!
really hope they decide against doing something that silly, even if they only leave them in as drops from the chests in world 1.
It just makes no sense to me to remove the older content to try and make the newer content feel “special”
though I do agree it would be nice if there was ways to streamline salvaging but every way I think of basically takes the same time.
One change that would be awesome though is when you have your salvage kit ready, non salvagables faded out (making it easier to find salvagable gear without having to reorganize your inventory first)
Technically Im guessing its because elementalist vapor form actually revives them for the duration, as does the warrior one, while our teleport we’re always “downed”
As for why this is the case, comes down to “Because its Anet”
Oh if you want a challenge, convince the bads on the forums that stealth and heartseekers aren’t instant kill moves that also make thieves invincible!
Otherwise Im not sure… get all the aquatic legendaries?
normal? yes. acceptable? no.
the thief class is just the worst thing ever. 8k hits, stealth every 3 seconds… it truly a class for scrubs.
no complaining on the forums because you died to someone is for scrubs, 8k is hardly the highest damage obtainable in a single button press in this game and stealth is easy to counter if you actually pay attention and learn patterns.
The lower health amounts coupled with the need to be in melee, the single target nature of those builds, the loss of other forms of defenses to utilize these, the fact that the main defense many of them need isn’t actually a defense against competent players (read: not you)
There are lots of things that a thief is limited from that a ranger isn’t, but thats because THEY ARE DIFFERENT PROFESSIONS, they are designed to do different things.
You do not roll a ranger and expect to tank like a guardian so why do you think you can roll a ranger and expect to damage like a thief?
Think of them as set bonuses, that 0/2 is how many of that set you have equiped, each rune placed onto gear you have equiped will count and give you each set bonus.
So if your wearing 2 minor runes of the thief on 2 different bits of armour you will get the 1 slot bonus (10 precision) and the 2 slot bonus (7 condition damage)
Same goes for minor lyssa.
If you have 2 of both you should get BOTH sets of bonuses at the same time as long as your wearing the armour bits with all 4 of the runes in.
you get 70 traits, not 60, and its more than enough, any more and there wouldn’t really be any choice involved in trait builds
theres one or two good racials around that are an interesting choice (think all races tend to have at least 1 thats interesting) but mostly you just need to decide on what looks you prefer.
As blackbeard stated, the race doesn’t really effect the actual gameplay much (beyond story and the few racial move choices) specially if you end up using your profession skills.
Personally I went with human for elementalist, norn isn’t a bad choice as they look similar however the size can get annoying at times (gorram jumping puzzles!). For me humans are generally seen as the average flexible race and seem to have the best affinity for utilizing all the different elements rapidly.
Well problem is its near impossible to do proper stealth based gameplay in a multiplayer game let alone a multiplayer rpg game like this.
That said the stealth in this game is more geared towards the “slipping away momentarily into the shadows/confusion” rather than most other games of “vanish from sight for as long as you like”
The reason it always comes up in a thief complaint thread is because after their first complaint with no founding in actual fact or reality gets shot down they try to bolster their imaginary mechanics with further imaginary mechanics to try and “win” the argument.
There really is no point trying to argue with them anymore, no matter how often you explain how the mechanic actually works and such people will take stuff like that video of a thief hunting down uplevels as evidence of imbalance or they’ll do massive exaggerations such as a thief cleansing 20 conditions off in 4 seconds of stealth, not like there IS 20 conditions and even if they where a thief would cleanse very few of them off in that period.
Stuff like complaining about skill spam (because using a skill upto 4-5 times in a row is clearly spam and no one else ever uses the same move repeatedly on cooldown) just adds to it.
All I can say is that if they truly believe thief to be that overpowered that they go ahead and roll one to stomp newbies in wvw and hotjoin, I won’t say no to more free kills.
And yet stealth is not a guarantee unlike other people mechanics so how can it be low risk when theres always the possibility someone will just kill you while your in it?
It would only be low risk if it was guaranteed to allow you to escape every single time with nothing the enemy can do about it, which it isn’t. Compared to all other mechanisms it has the greatest chance of been made redundant by the enemy.
people seem to think you need to be spamming buttons for the trait to begger you, but you don’t even if your fighting slowly pressing buttons one at a time, if it triggers in the middle of an attack your done for regardless wether your “spamming” or just having pressed it once to start that attack.
either way something that can get in the way of your actual skills should not be a forced passive.
I fully agree with the thief getting a big nerf. So what if they’ve used up their initiative? They can just cloak and wait for it to regen, just to do kittenedly high damage once again.
yeah how dare they use one of their utility cooldowns defensively! the scum!
Tbh to me its a bit of a toss up between axe and mace:
Axe, nice fight opening burst allowing you to get in range quickly, higher damage, a nice AoE attack that also applies vulnerability further increasing your damage and potentially that of your team if no other vulnerability giver and a move allowing you to cripple (effective against all but unstoppable)
Mace is more defensive, stun and daze are fairly worthless in boss fights however it does come with weakness on autoattack (ensuring enemies will be hitting for much less) and a block attack.
Mace of course is a lot weaker than either the alternatives but sword is rather condition based and lacks the AoE and vulnerability of Axe.
So basically Axe = more damage and some helpful utility conditions Mace = Much better defensively
This is of course assuming shield on off hand.
As for aggro as being closer to the enemy is the biggest cause of aggro you only need worry about other melee dps, and if they cannot step back when in danger then its mostly there own fault, just being close, dealing damage, and having high armour/toughness and a shield all causes aggro you should be able to hold it fairly well against most high dpsers.
@yramrag i disagree ive seen guardians in wvwvw that can take on 6 people and walk away with minimum loss of HP ofcource it depends on gear/weps/traint and consumables
And enemy competence
Nah Im saying Pirates wouldn’t hesitate to nerf ninja’s
as amadan said some weapon combinations wouldn’t work well being shown together.
Basically its an old old term came about when people started comparing changes to say a weapon getting its damage toned down to it being replaced by a nerf bat (soft foam weapons ftw)
Sebrents argument: If thieves were terrible you wouldn’t see so many in pvp
Situations where thief is at all strong: Noob stomping WvW roams and Hotjoin PvP
Situations where you don’t see thieves much if at all: High level sPvP play, dedicated zergs in WvW accomplishing what WvW was designed for.
So sebrent… are you still stuck in the lowest levels of pvp?