I hope the person you sent it to realizes and returns it.
Meanwhile, I never mail anything by typing the name in the mailbox field. Not due to caution, due to laziness. I always find their name in the guild roster or my friends list or in chat, right click and pick “send mail.” I don’t think I’ve ever missed my mail target.
You know what? I think I’ll start doing that instead.
As much as I believe in my heart that there are honest person out there, what I sent was 175 ectoplasm, and let’s face it… the odds of me getting that back by the kind-hearted I might have sent it to by accident? High unlikely.
Gosh I am so tired of screwing things up for myself in this game lately.
This summer have been nothing but one huge disaster for me in this game. I’m seriously wanting to cry.
Oh, I see… so basically they sold it for cheaper than my bid, my bid picks it up and refunds me the excess coin that I was willing to spend but now didn’t have to?
Did I understand this correctly?
15k+ AP
Uh… I’m sorry, but… immersion?
I’m sorry but… what is SEPA?
What I don’t get about the new changes to silk is… a friend told me, there were just SO much silk that was sold back to the TP, that ANet made it so instead of 2 piece = 1 bolt, that it’s not 3 pieces per 1 bolt… and the thing is, and please if I am wrong correct me nicely, that when you sold it back to the TP, going on the TP, to me, suggest that it was going into a Cosmic vortex, never to be seen again. It’s a computer system, it calculates numbers… I can’t rightful wrap my mind around that somewhere in Tyria, all this silk is held up in a warehouse somewhere…
It’s still definitely 3 pieces per 1 bolt of silk, and 100 bolts to make the weaving thread means 300 silk scraps needed… as for that silk warehouse, we know evon gnashblade is dirty, money hungry and hold the monopoly that allows him to charge sometimes insane “listing fees” (not many people sell legendaries after making them, but most of them sell for amounts who’s listing fee is several hundred gold in and of itself), so the warehouses of silk…or the stuff simply being deleted, wouldn’t surprise me at all
Yes, I understand it is 3 scrap per 1 bolt, but is my friend correct is stating that it went from 2 scraps to 3 per 1 bolt because there’s SO MUCH silk in the game, that Arena rared the requirement of bolts to get rid of some of the silk that sat on the TP in the form of numbers?
15 chests. 0 keys.
Fake money is nice. Real life pain to get that fake money isn’t.
My advice is to cut back on getting that fake gold. Park your chars at one flax spot for a daily harvest. After that, why not do some events in those maps or in the old ones. Find a map where the map bounty is good and run around doing events and getting rewarded for that.
Thank you, Flesh. You’ve been a sweet and a truly objective voice throughout this post, I greatly appreciate this, and I appreciate anyone else who posted just as objectively.
I don’t need to do this at all, really but if I am going to do this, perhaps I don’t need to do the whole mother lode in one sitting. I’m considering on splitting the task in half, doing half now, and the other half later or… just reducing the amount of toons I am using for the farm itself.
Because you’re all correct, what may be fun to start with ceases to be fun once irl pain starts.
My disappointment comes also from a fact that it seems that for about a year players are being treated as idiots. Horizontal progression – here, grind for xxx hours to get one unnecessary weapon. Or – here, have invasions to feel like you’re participating in something grandiose and important – which, in reality, was just farm without purpose (apart from having a lot of materials and gold which isn’t needed).
Every new dungeon is gone, every piece of story content is gone.
Now, many people will get their ascended weapons, which count as nothing.
Don’t feel bad if you’re behind the crowd.
You won’t get crushed at least when new “cool” things are released
I’m still waiting for real changes to the world that will provide lasting gameplay, other than being wagon of the zerg train going from one champ to another while meeting no challenge at all.
Maybe underneath there are a lot of changes, but what we actually get is a crappy modification, no good change.If I may ask – why did you spent your gold? Why did you wanted to create ascended weapon? I someday maybe will start creating it. But not before I’ll meet a boss that will require me to wield it.
LOL, Amen to your opinion, sir!
I spent my money as I said earlier in my post, I was completely unprepared for the theme, meaning I have next to nothing material-wise to work with.
I only remember thinking (at the time) that I wanna hit 450… Lemme hit 450, so I can unlock the T7 so I can at least see what it is I would be dealing with… Well… honey, I got to 457 when all was said and done and when I saw that I can only created one f the new ores ONCE every 24 hours – I was like – Son of a &$%@!!!!!! and walked away from the Weaponsmith, gave my computer the finger and then started dinner that night…
I know how you feel. Aside from the social aspect, there’s also the accomplishment that comes from the game. You don’t get that from reading books (which I did a lot of). Playing a decent protection monk in GvG (gw1) was the only thing keeping me sane when I couldn’t even pour myself a bowl of cereal, speak a small phrase like “what time is it?”, or walk without help . Feeling completely useless, being able to protect my teammates in gvg was an exhilarating feeling I couldn’t get anywhere else.
It was difficult because my hands and wrists were painful and mostly immobile, and I couldn’t say more than a word or two on voice chat, but I got it done! Except if for some reason the game forgot my password. Then I was late to gvg because I couldn’t type my passwordFunny to think about now that I’m better. I hope you’ll get better too.
Thank you , so very much for your words of support. Last thing I wanted was this thread to bring out the narrow-minded but… it is what it is. I have Relapsing-Remitting MS, right now, it’s in remission and… things could be a LOT worse if they weren’t. That doesn’t mean I feel 100% fantastic, as I’m sure you know. Especially during the winter season, my system doesn’t respond well to it.
I pay no mind to posts that are… bitter or condescending. I know how I am. I went to school, went to college, I worked… I didn’t want this life, but it doesn’t change the fact that I have it now. I battled myself out of a wheelchair almost a dozen times in the last 10 years, I know for a fact I am anything but… lazy? Or use my health as an excuse. I had to go through Physical Therapy to learn how to walk, learn how to write my own name again, speech therapy when the MS made me lose my ability to talk, learn how to eat and swallow without choking?
People like Chickenooble make me sad, if anything else. People like him/her only show me that they can’t see anything beyond their own logic. They assume a lot, I think. Too much, in fact. At least in Tyria I can do a wide range of things that I can’t physically do IRL anymore. ArenaNet has allowed me to live in a world, though virtual, again… to be able to interact.
I don’t feel invisible in Tyria… I would feel invisible if I wasn’t there. As far as I’m concerned, I earn my right to live in Tyria…
all I have to say is: Legendary Armor better look MUCH better than the current armors in game. I mean, something totally stylin’. Versace or Oscar De La Renta status cause… ArenaNet has disappointed me far too often with their armor styles in the past. And if the acquisition is anything like making a Legendary Weapon, these outfits better be the End-all-Be all of Epic.
Now I don’t know if this name has been getting around or not, but I DO know if the “Deep Sea Dragon” is real and ANet does name him “Bubbles” I’m gonna laugh my kitten off.
As apparently earlier today in mapchat, someone said that that is what the players endearingly call him.
Hey! My husband has an idea (he’s at work now but on the phone with me, lol), he purposes that if we are not allowed to receive refunds for the tools/terrace scroll/airship passes… then at the very least, make it so we can give our extra stock of these, now useless, items to our alt accounts?
I understand not everyone has more than one GW 2 account, but I have 5 accounts, my husband had 3 accounts. (I’m a disabled housewife, I get bored… shrugs )
Honestly, I don’t think this would fly very well, as I am telling my husband right now that, unless you have saved all your game account tech information, such as… your serial numbers, there’s no hardcore proof that we can show Anet that we are the justified owners of these accounts. However, if there were a way… would it be so unreasonable to drop our extra scrolls and passes to our alternate accounts that don’t have them, perhaps?
(I know this isn’t gonna fly, I know, but… husband offered up this as a suggestion. You see?! The man’s at work and he’s still fuming off of the game now learning his items are useless after buying the 5 Inventory Slots. Anet… we simple Pennsy folk can’t handle such anxiety, lol)
Character Slot for Heart of Thorns? [Merged]
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Jaymee.1560
HoT is coming, we ALL know this… and this question is not reference to Beta.
When the Expansion is launched and all of us can play, will we have to get an additional character slot to make a Revvy or… will Anet give us one?
(I speculate that you have to provide it for yourself, but I’m just double-checking)
(sniff sniff)
I know you canceled the right to buy the armor ANet, but please let we who did buy it, love it… wanna keep it… please allow us to keep what we paid for?
Is there any chance we could have the option to return some of our Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic items we have previously purchased?
With the shared slots, I just put one Copper-Fed Salvage-O-Matic in the shared slots and suddenly my other purchases of the item are now useless.
Previously you haven’t released any gem-store items that make previous purchases completely obsolete and useless.
I feel sorry for people who bought more than one airship pass too.
<~~~~ 4 Terrace Scrolls here. My husband has 6 Scrolls. We feel your pain.
She is the best person in the whole world
her Husband !!!!
lmao… I love you too, baby… Now stop snooping on my posts :P
Hahahaha…. I have 14,000+ APs, and guess what? You wouldn’t know it if you ever tried to run with me through a Jumping Puzzle.
To me, APs are… just that APs, and to me they don’t define the skill of the player at all. There are many-a-player out there, my husband included that only have less than 6,000 AP and we both have been in the game for 3 years now.
APs to me just tell ME that… yeah, you been around the block a few times and took pictures and bought a t-shirt to prove it.
Just because my husband didn’t kill 1,000 harpies does make him a bad player.
Me? I only have the APs I have for ONE reason only. The award chests. If they weren’t there, and if they didn’t give gold and gems… my AP count would most likely be WAY down there.
Mad King Thorn. Ossa’s voice was supply by the same man who did Mad King Thorn, I believe… which in turn, unfortunately makes me have a hard time taking anything Ossa says seriously.
So, okay, this is for people who have the creativity for story writing here… and even the ones who kinda don’t but at least understand it?
One of the major things that bugged me about the GW 2 overall present story line is: The power of a dragon.
Anyone who has done the Lyssa event has heard or read this: “The Dragon ate your Gods…”
Okay, lets back up a few ticks here.
I have come to find in the last 10 years or so when exploring and considering many different story lines is that a God is the end all-be all of cosmic power. Right? Err… maybe not.
Beings of significant ability, no matter what it is has been considered a deity in the eyes of humans. An assumption. Gods are NOT Gods in reality, yet are only perceived as such by fragile mortals.
Okay, now Balthizaar, Grenth, Dwayna, Lyssa, Melandru, Komir…. even the exiled God Abbadon… have all been to our knowledge as Gods, the end-all, be-all of cosmic power. Should this be true rather than mass speculation, then how is that the elder dragons have such an ability to cut off passage to the Underworld and the Fissure of Woe, literally barring the Gods to enter Tyria? They are overgrown flying lizards with magic, I get that, but if a God is the end-all/be-all of cosmic power, then how can they find themselves thrown out of the Tyrian amusement park having had the big magical lizards lock the entrance gate?
In MY eyes, when considering Gods to be the end-all be-all, meant that they have no power over or even equal to their own. Dragons would not be a challenging threat to a God…
This conversation revolving solely around Fiction and in Fiction, anything is possible, that is understood, but… are there not some garden variety rules set into the place when brewing up this kind of story?
Thoughts, anyone?
I apologize in advance if this sounds like I am whining or crying in anyway, but, uh…
Let’s start off with GWs 1. Set your visibility to offline, no one ever knew you were online incognito.
GWs 2, set your status to invisible, BUT…m if attentive enough, open up your G key, view the guild in which you’re in. It’ll state that you are offline however, if you move from one zone to another or go into a story line quest, the Guild Roster reveals that, making it so your not-so-brain-dead guild mates, friends or family, should they have been clued into this fact, would know that you ARE actually online.
I have a couple of people in this game I care for deeply, one of them is a relative of mine. When I am not in the mood to be bothered in anyway, I save myself and them the aggravation and set my status to invisible, but… a couple people are all to aware that though invisible, the game still reveals you switching zones or instances.
I am thinking it is not to unreasonable a suggestion that I offer that perhaps you guys at ANet can address this issue and keep our preferred online statuses at the discretion of the us players?
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
It is a game not a job, I intend on enjoying my time not trying to rush through everything so I can buy crap to stand around all day and show off in a virtual world.
That’s how my husband sees things. he has legendaries up the wahzoo… he has combed every inch of Tyria with me, and he much prefers to stand in DR and just watch how dumb people are in mapchat when he doesn’t feel like killing or farming something.
I only have one fear really.
Introduction of: Exotic Dyes
For as much fun as she was… I seriously doubt her return. Not unless they decide to resurrect Scarlet Briar in the future, which is always a consistent fear that I have.
I have had this idea for a while now, and every time I wanted to post here, I didn’t cause usually other players just love putting my words thought the paper shredder. (I feel so special)
Anyhoo, everyone else I told about this idea actually liked it a lot and told me to post it here, so here goes.
Black Lion Keys.
People buy gems, use those gems to buy key, use those keys and… get trick or treat bags, wintersday gifts, mysterious tonics. Okay okay okay, I GET that. These keys are also given to you in game as well during the course of your fame play. I get that too.
How about this. Introduce a new BLK. like make THAT key, I dunno, like a green color, sells for slightly more gems, but if a player uses their gems to buy it, they are promised at least something that would deem significant to their account. I.E., a bank expansion, or character slot or bag slot. If they pay 500 gems for one key, a key they know for a fact is gonna get them something of significance, then maybe players would buy more keys.
I have friends, one of which who told me he buy 50 bucks worth of keys and… well, lets see, he has enough mysterious tonics to mix in with his Asti this New Years Eve.
This is the primary reason why my husband and I refuse to buy BLK with out gems, we buy or gems, if we get the keys and get nothing in return, then that’s 10 – 20 – 50 that we just tossed right out the window. If we knew we were gonna get something that would be a significant value to our game on the long term, then we wouldn’t think twice about getting those keys…
Do you find during the course of your gameplay that certain NPCs are programmed to say something that just irritates the ever living out of you?
Here’s mine:
Divinity Reach Male Bank Teller:
“I’m rich, ya know.”
Okay, if he’s so rich, then what is he doing working in a bank?
Okay, so… Husband and I with the help of several friends claimed our guild hall last night.
I LOVE it, seriously, totally, and 100% honestly.
However… and I know a lot of posts were made about this before, during and after the launch of the expansion… the crap concerning the favor.
While I truly understand this, I have a few objections here.
When influence was in full swing, Anet you let us small, pitiful guilds by pass that by allowing us to increase our influence by way of buying drink.
Now that that is gone, and my husband and I did extensive research on this, there is no way to increase our Favor unless we do guild mission. Okay, I dig that, but our guild is a 2-person establishment and would be seemingly impossible for us to go on guild mission with just the two of us.
It is just the two of us, we WANT it this way, this guild of our is just meant for my husband and I. Now we have a guild hall… that is OUR little place for just us… Yet now we can’t build anything as we lack the favor, yet we cannot increase our favor, no matter how long that may take us to do… because we cannot go on guild missions or treks or bounties and succeed with just two people.
Husband and I would keep buying gems out the wazoo if we could buy our favor… and we would be one of your top gem patron, Anet… if that option was available, but it’s not and now my husband and I after all the work we did to get Gilded Hallows, now have to see in age old ruin… that will remain an age old ruin cause we can’t dress it up.
Am I being unreasonable? Cause if I am, I apologize.
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
I have heard that line lord knows how many times and when SWs first came out, I use to live there.
Now upon hearing the notion of 80g a day in SWs, I thought – Hey! Gonna try this, and I did!
5 hours one Sat I went there, i did the events, I did the Breach and VineWrath, did the Maze, heck, I even hopped on the Chest Train.
I didn’t earn any 80g. So at the assumption this might be a load of Dolyak Crap. I’ll give the benefit of the doubt to you, and I ask than YOU give me that same benefit in return.
I’m… a little slow, so, if this is not a complete sham, can some explain to me, in DETAIL exactly what it is you do, what it is you get, what it is you do with the things you are getting, in detail. Every piece of loot, no matter the color of how small, what do you do with it – Sell it, you say? Okay, sell it where? Merchant or TP?
What is it that people are doing the earn this amount of gold in one day’s worth of gameplay in Silvrerwastes?
For this topic, in case anyone asks, my Magic Find is 185% base, and can be buffed to 486%-570%
Someone please tell me, this lowly ol housewife, how it is this kind of gold farm is achieved. Remember, I’m asking for any and all details.
(P.S., I can also do without any sarcasm)
This is simply bugging me, it is.
I am not one to run the Berserker build, I don’t like it, I have tried it many times in the last 3+ years and it just doesn’t mesh with me. Yet it never hindered my gameplay until… now… seemingly.
I run a tank build, so does my husband. If not Tank then Condition. This is my choice. This choice never seemed to affect how I far I got into the game until the release of the Raids.
It seems almost impossible for me to get into a raid party. I see people starting up Raid parties with the following demands:
15k+ AP, full set of Ascended Berserker Gear, that MUST be pinged to squad leader before he even CONSIDERS you to be apart of the party.
This to me is… absurd, I’m sorry.
Tangled Depths Meta. I still have yet to learn this event, and I WANT to, yet just the other night, no one doing it would take me in their squad because I wasn’t running berserker.
Listen, I understand completely why this build is strongly coveted, but… but not everyone can run that build successfully.
Is it really fair to punish those of us who are not Berserkers? Heck, even me and my husband last night set up out alternate account to have a Beserker Reverent. I ran her and kept dying left and right left and right, left and right…
Listen, playing the game of “Let’s see who dies first” may be for for you, but it isn’t to me. I’m allowed to partake in these events too, ya know. And I am hitting a point now where I am beginning to not even want to play at all cause people won’t let me join the events.
Don’t punish me…
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
I really can’t say much myself, but… it truly does seem like GW 2 compared to GW 1 is very much lacking in the story-telling department. The aspect of releasing more content that involves more of a competitive nature over that of a story being told me is painstakingly obvious.
I remember GW 1 being very rich into the story-telling aspect of the journey we players take.
so, um… You’re hoping to go back to ancient Rome and have an arena a gladiator could be proud of?
Or maybe just the extra space to run around more and burn a few calories?
Seriously? Is no one ever happy?
The overall size of those guild halls period are… astounding. They’re giving us our OWN map… MAP! And you want the arena to be BIGGER?
What? You want to throw keg parties in there or… what?
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
QUIET!!! All of you! I AM the main… and I have been charged with looking after and taking care of my other 22 sisters. It is a harsh world out there in Tyria… Much to be done… but pain to be felt, much armor to be repaired. As far as I’m concerned, for all the crap I put up with in my life… I deserve the perma tools, I deserve the make over kits, the armor, the legendaries, cause I am the one that goes out there working the land for the livelihood of my family! Had it not been for me, I would not have allowed 20 of my 22 sisters to join me in lvl 80 land. If not for me, 7 of my other sisters would not have perma tools, and had not been for me… I wouldn’t even have 22 sisters period! ( would only have 4, lmao). I supply the clothing on my sister’s backs! the weapons they wield in battle and don’t think for one minute I do not eye my little Elementalist sister who stays in town all day long and does nothing but crafting and runs up my credit cards on the trading post!
I refuse such abuse from my sisters and I demand the respect I have earned!
(Reality sets in here: Actually I have 5 characters out of the 22 that I consider to be mains, and it is between 3 of those 5 that wield my legendaries but… I think they have an identity crisis going on. Out of the 22, those 5 were the first 5 created, little favoritism in there, me thinks)
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
Really you can select anything on the ticket form and your ticket will get to the right person eventually. In this case, I would suggest “In-game Issue” and then “Trading Post/Gem Store problem.”
As for refunds: if you’ve had these account-bound items for ages, we won’t be doing refunds because you’ve already derived substantial benefit. If, however, you bought them more recently, we’re doing refunds on a case-by-case basis.
For the sake of Permanent Tools in question, I’ll acknowledge this. However, I have 4 Terrace Scrolls. My husband has 6 of them on his main account. Are you telling me that refunds on those will not be made available cause we bought them…1 to 2 years ago? If so, I can’t say I agree much to this. We have both bought the 5 Shared Inventory Slots, you just made all but one of those scrolls useless to us. Can we at least get the refunds on those regardless of the time in which it was purchased?
Since when was there such a thing as “too much loot”?
First I thought it was a shared bag slot, and I was hyped about storing ascended trinkets there so I could swap them between chars. Then I realised it was a line of 5 slots, massive let down but I thought 5 shared items was still worth the gem price. Then I realised from this thread that you only get 1 item slot per purchase. Lol……..
And all permanent bank contracts have now inevitably been flipped by TP barons and are out of reach of 99% of players. Great…….
ANET you would do everyone a favor including yourselves if you just put the permanent bank contact on the TP for 1000 gems or whatever, it would make buying this single shared slot worth it. As it stands I won’t be touching this one and I’ve spent ALOT of cash on gems (look at my account history if you don’t believe me).
Hear! Hear! I agree, and that was the first thing my husband went looking for after the update.
I think a lot of this is being taken out of context. I just… wanted to thank Anet, that’s all, and I really didn’t think it would gain this kind of attention. I’m happy that I was able to get my thoughts out there. For some people, this is more than just a simple game. Thank you to everyone who has understood where I was trying to come from.
You sound fun to play with, just enjoying the game. It’s a nice way to escape… anything life throws at you. Let’s play together someday
We probably already have and you just didn’t know it! LOL.
This JUST happened like 30 minutes ago, I’m still laughing. I’m putting it on my Facebook too.
When “Leap of Faith” becomes: “Leap of the Asuran Moron.” during the Victory or Death mission.
Trust me, I thought: “WOW!” at how fall she fell, lmao. Well, that and my Sunrise Streamer all the way down, lmao
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
As for weaknesses I REALLY doubt mere cold or fire would daunt Modremoth. Fire especially because anyone who says they can kill a living plant with fire has never tried to start a campfire with green plant matter before. .
lmao, Oh sweetie, I had many years of camping and my brother-in-law showed up the best way to light a campfire? Bacon Grease. (I had to toss a pair of perfectly good PJs because of that one.)
Hell, even some woods refuse to ignite a campfire so yeah I could imagine how using some forms of plant life could be a royal pain.
Listen. Two months from now will be about a year and a half from release. A year and a half after GW1 release, we already had Factions and Nightfall. That’s two new continents, four new classes, two new skillsets for all classes, new PvP modes, two entirely new stories, multiple elite dungeons, and bunches of other things. At near the same point in GW2 we’ve got…Southsun? Fractals? Temporary content? Did you guys set the bar too high last time or what?
In two months we’d better be sailing ships into Cantha. Zhaitan is dead; the path is open. Let’s go already.
Hear, hear!!
I find it hilarious… When people make up their minds to quit… they just tend to, uh… do it? Not run to the forums before-hand just to announce it and leave a detailed description as to their doing it…
I have a sneaky suspicion that you… aren’t going anywhere. (shrugs)
I think a lot of this is being taken out of context. I just… wanted to thank Anet, that’s all, and I really didn’t think it would gain this kind of attention. I’m happy that I was able to get my thoughts out there. For some people, this is more than just a simple game. Thank you to everyone who has understood where I was trying to come from.
Most people unfortunately and I’m sure you’ve experienced this outside of the virtual space as I have, don’t understand the choices people like you and I have to make about even the most basic of basics. Things they don’t have to think about because they take their time and energy for granted. Like having to decide whether or not you can clean the house or go shopping for groceries because you don’t have energy for both that day. Or having to try to stay for a visit at a friends house because you are suddenly having inflammation pain.
I suffer from an extremely rare condition known as Eosinophilia. I was hospitalized 2 years ago when it was aggressively attacking my lungs. I’m still on oxygen daily and I am currently searching desperately for a specialist who knows anything at all about this condition so I understand what’s happening.
I’m sorry you’ve experienced these flame wars on your thread. While I don’t like certain aspects of this game and have since decided to sit back and wait for things to change before joining again in key areas, I felt that my reply to your post not derail your thread and turn it into something it’s not. You’re not advocating for the game you’re expressing something that many gamers experience in many mmo environments so I thought I might share that aspect of the post and save the discussion of design philosophy for another thread. I just wish more had in this case.From someone who suffers from ongoing problems from disease, I’m happy that you found an online space that you can get the support you need because nothing nothing is more terrible than for people like you and I to be alone when we need support like this.
Have you heard of spoon theory? Just curious.
Nope, never heard of this! And it is a famous way of trying to explain to people what
No! I have never heard of this! I read it and I think it is a fabulous way to explain what one may be going through when they are sick.
So, with that having been said, there was only one phrase that came to mind, for me, on THIS particular day. How’s today been treating me?
“Realize the truth; there is no spoon…”
aka, not one of my BEST days…. but… I got Metrica Provence map cleared.
Wait… maybe that counted as a spoon? But I have no more spoons left, I went back to Divinity’s Reach.
Maybe Brisban Wildlands is for tomorrow…
2 years ago, seeing a male Sylvari wielding a Volcanus… lmao…
Ugh, why are there still people whining about F2P? Seriously. It’s just a dang marketing gimmick for Anet so they could sell more games and make more money. F2P never bothered me. They can’t talk to me, I can’t talk to them.
The Grind aspect in this game is 100% optional, though it seems like more and more people everyday complain about the grinding in this game and the fact of the matter is, if you’re competitive and you want the best of the absolute best, you’re going to grind for it, no matter what. They actual fact here is simply: You never NEED to, or every HAVE to, so stop making it sound like grinding in this game is mandatory – because it’s not. It never was.
You can still get from lvl 1 to lvl 80 with your simple rare, gold/yellow gear and weapons. If YOU want exotic and Ascended, then you’re gonna have to work for it, how is this different than any other MMO out on the market, honestly?
If you’re considering coming back to GW 2 but Diablo 3 is on the table and you’re leaning towards Diablo 3, then go Diablo 3… and then play it until you find something to complain about there. Ugh.
Oh, and the economy is down, you say? Name me one MMO out there whose economy had been 100% stable and on the high note for the entire length of its career.
(edited by Jaymee.1560)
But hey on that note, could it be feasible that we might use ley lines to kill him? Since he’s obviously using them against us?
To me, Ley Line Magic? That’s not a one-way street?
Some people still want to play this game. So they want their concerns addressed. They want to be loyal to this game. It’s hard to do that when things suddenly turn sour. Players who have invested a lot of time into this game don’t want to leave just right out because they are hopeful for change. That’s what makes a good product, when people return and stay loyal.
When you do something that irks lots of players then you either have to do something about it or do something else to attract a different demographic.
nod Well said.
I get why some people would not agree with this way of farming. Talking from experience in the past, some exploits, like the one on the Lyssa temple in Malchors or the beach in Cursed Shores, these particular farm method were found to be disruptive to others who wanted to simply play the zone’s event.
However… and this is just a question… With people also finding a way to do this in AB with the Tarir event, I have participated myself, I have stood aside and just played it regularly while others multi-mapped, and my question is: Is Tarir Multi-Mapping in anyway interrupting the way the others who are NOT multi-mapping, is it interfering with their game play?
By my experience, it’s not, and if it truly isn’t, then what’s the problem? Why would some want it stopped? You can’t freely toss around the “It’s just not fair!” complain, because it’ll be poorly received.
I been playing MMOs since 2001 and I can honestly said not a one of them are 100% fair, and even if it was eliminated, it’s only gonna be a matter of time before the players find something else to exploit. So, if it’s not disruptive to the regular game player, then why campaign for it’s removal?
My 2016 wish:
To have all my accounts have Terrace scrolls.
To have found out that my husband and I in a 2-person guild can claim a guild hall, that fights are scaled to the amount of members
and finally, to have at least 2,000g saved (yeah right)
Hi folks,
First off, let me apologize should the following post come off as if I am whining and crying and having a temper tantrum, as that is not what I am intending for this post, but um….
I had high hopes for this update, I did, as did many other have, I am sure. But come Tuesday, Sept 3rd… a couple things happened upon the update launch.
This is nothing new, price gouging on the trading post, and yes, I was completely unprepared for what items were to be needed for this ascended crafting, but the fact that I ended up seeing the piece of Ancient Wood sky-rocket to over 1g per piece was…. simply pathetic, when just days before hand, it was being sold for 93c per piece.
I ended up searing through 150 of my own gold within 20 minutes time, and yes, I have friends who often tell me upon updates, never buy anything right off the bat, but to wait, but usually I have tunnel vision and forget such advice. Within 20 mins time, I was only able to jump from 400 to 439 Weaponsmith, and I was outted quite a bit of money. I was practically in tears to where my husband came in the room, rubbed my shoulders and convinced me to shut down the game for the time being.
Then today I find my first picture of what these weapons are intended to look like? I’m not impressed. That and I was in conversations with a few people who stated that ArenaNet intervened on price gouging on the trading post and reset prices. I don’t know how true that is or not but… on the topic of unfairness, I know it is Human Nature to want to make a buck and yes, it happened to be that I have several hundred gold saved, but… does that mean I have to spend every penny of it on someone else’s need to become to Donald Trump of Tyria? I don’t think so. And what about to many other players that have nowhere near that amount of money to be doing such crafting? What? We suppose to tell the: Suck to be you, go out farm yourself to wealthy status them come back and go bankrupt while attempting to make weapons that… are a tad less than your standard eye-candy? That’s a bit harsh, don’t you think?
Am I just being a child about this or… do I have a few valid points?
I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter
Thanks, guys!
~ Jaymee