“This one time in this match my group wiped another group from one server and they had more players and then we wiped another larger group from the other server….We always have fewer players in my group, and we farm your loot bags.
Also you only win because you have more people than us and you cap everything at night."
(Now no one else had to read any matchup threads in any matches)
There was at least one matchup last night in GoM’s bay where about 15 of us HoD’s were against zergs of 30-40 from both GoM and SF simultaneously. Then we pulled them into each other and wiped the lot inside inner, including their golems. We had one arrow cart, and no other siege.
It was amazing, and I still don’t know how we did it.
well what can i say.. [MU] you guys have that mean hammer train going.. much respect.. will definitely be looking forward to the day we can actually stand up against it.. our server has a long way to go as far getting ppl in the right classes and armor. until then cheers!
Necro – Mavaldo Gravemore [StaR]
GoM and SF, you guys both gave us amazing fights this weekend and please keep it coming throughout the week. GoM if you didn’t notice we were trying to help you at Bay on Sunday against SF but we decided to award ourselves with bay, so sorry about wiping you.
CoSA we head hunted you all day long and you kept coming after we wiped you over and over. Kudos for coming back and fighting us.
No one should complain about numbers because MU has had it’s fair number of fights with 15 of us taking on three times our number. So to us complaining about numbers is just another excuse.
Lastly GoM, this picture was probably one of our most glorious moments last night.
Guild Leader
(edited by Odies.8017)
Awesome fights all weekend GoM and SF! Hamburger hill is ours though and you will never win it.
Cubones Mother – 80 mes
Jade Quarry [Uhhh]
Awesome fights all weekend GoM and SF! Hamburger hill is ours though and you will never win it.
Wild. Probably the best 3 battles I’ve had in the last 2 months were at hills or SM this weekend…
HoD can field some impressive numbers as shown by this screenie while they were in our hills:
Sorrows Furnace
“Youth and strength can always be overcome by old age and treachery!”
Don’t sleep &_&
Sleep is for the weak buddy!
Sorrows Furnace
AND that we were all having some serious fun.
^^ this was echoed many times in our TS ^^
Same in the GoM TS… been a complete blast so far! Looking forward to the rest of the week!
It was a really good fight, no doubt about it. One of the best fights I’ve ever been in while playing in HoD
Mushroom-Headed thief
Also, the main reason for the post was just a SF member tryin to say GG and let you know theres much respect to you guys.
AND that we were all having some serious fun.
^^ this was echoed many times in our TS ^^
To GOM and HOD in GOM BL just now, great fight outside of Greenvale! Our small numbers vs both of your huge guild zergs made for a good and fun fight!
We had max of 20 people with us and had outnumbered buff so we were not a huge zerg. The fight was really good though.
This message has been approved by Salstash McMonocle III
Guild Leader
(edited by Odies.8017)
omg epic 3 way fights in GOM bl tonight.. HOD finally got the best of us but I respect the salutes you all gave us after! good luck to you all during this intense week! =)
Necro – Mavaldo Gravemore [StaR]
To GOM and HOD in GOM BL just now, great fight outside of Greenvale! Our small numbers vs both of your huge guild zergs made for a good and fun fight!
Sorrows Furnace
Oooh fun week. To the old timers of all three servers – doesn’t this bring back old memories?
/wave to styx, and the rest of GoM, long time no “see”! I always love it when HoD gets a match with you guys. Pity that it’s so rare these days.
Its a close battle so far. Looking forward to a fun week
Lets keep all the bragging, QQing and badmouthing to a minimum from all servers, (we’ve heard it all before) and have some fun ^^
: D
Leader of Gods Dont Cry [GDC] on SBI
Here is my take on the Bronze league as it stands now. In all of NA, most of the uncertainty lies here, and certainly the best fights can be found in ranks 16-24.
Keep it clean. Keep it interesting. Keep it fun! and for the love of god none of us (correct me if i’m wrong) want any giant guilds hopping down to ruin our very competitive league!
The biggest wild-card in the league. Though some have accused KN of tanking intentionally, my understanding is that is not the case. It seems a mass-exodus has occurred and this coupled with a match against E-bay has left the remaining players with little incentive to fight this week. Their expected rating, inaccurate as it may be, is to be top of Bronze league – and due to drama on other servers KN may just receive a last-minute influx of bandwagoners. Aside from that in its current state I predict their numbers to be slightly less than the top Bronze servers, however with much different coverage spots that may just be enough to make them still one of the most difficult servers to beat.
Henge of Denravi
HoD probably has an inflated rating due to matches with higher ranked servers, and more realistically is very even with FC and SF and DH (and maybe KN) in population. This leaves them with a slight advantage simply due to the battle-hardened-ness of fighting outnumbered, but will their recent server drama caused by opposing viewpoints of which league they want(ed) to aim for cancel out these advantages?
Ferguson’s Crossing
After spending an entire year in Tier 8, in the last 2 weeks FC has boosted itself up to T6 including their first ever wins against SF and DH. For a low rank, low pop server, FC’s coverage (recently) seems better than similarly ranked servers, and their recent success is mostly attributed to their few WvW guilds attracting and training PvE players. Absent transfers their numbers are still growing, but the biggest server they’ve fought in recent weeks is NSP. Can FC’s veteran players effectively rally their recruits and pull off a season 1 upset? 4-5 weeks ago nobody would have thought so… but now the question begs an answer.
DH’s numbers in NA prime are quite substantial and enough to overwhelm many of the bronze servers, however their overnight presence has been virtually zero as of late. Positioned at #4, if they want to medal this season they will need to overcome this gap either through countless energy drinks, some lucky transfers, or their heavy PvE population chasing meta achievements. While they have been on a decline, their NA prime numbers are large enough that even a band-aid on their coverage issue will be enough to make them a top contender
Sorrow’s Furnace
Take Darkhaven, add ~15% to their coverage, reduce their potential PvE influx, put a target on their heads, and you have Sorrow’s Furnace. Despite a recent last-minute loss to FC and a current bashing from Yak’s Bend, SF in their prime time can pretty much overwhelm any bronze server and is not to be underestimated in the least. SF’s fate in this league will most likely largely be determined by how the match-ups fall and who focuses on who.
Eredon Terrace
Take Ferguson’s Crossing, take away the momentum and replace it with sprinkles of the experience from some higher-tier matches, and you have a picture of ET. While ET is a bit out-manned compared to 16-20, they are also less likely to make themselves a target as well as more willing to defend. If ET can force the higher servers into a 1v1 and then feed off the opportunities that creates, they do have the coordination and numbers to make a run at a top 3 finish if not first. But if the rumors are true about a few ET guilds planning to transfer, they could be taken out of the running.
Devona’s Rest – Gate of Madness – Anvil Rock
I have combined these servers because while their communities and personalities and tactics and coverage may all be slightly different, their situations are all the same – each server over the summer has taken a nose-dive into the bottom of the barrel, so to speak. At this point it seems each server has stabilized and is no longer bleeding players. They still lack the overall numbers and coverage to take the higher servers head-on, but they will not be blown away by anyone, and in many matches these 3 will have the power to determine who wins if it’s not going to be themselves. These 3 servers will also be a potential prospect for any disgruntled high-tier guilds to want to hop down to and cause chaos in bronze league, and while Kaineng is the biggest wild-card, these 3 worlds should also be considered wild-cards as it will not take much to bump them up in the ranks.
Awwwwww snaaaaap, here we go! Hope everyone’s got it together this week because it’s about to get reaaaalll!!!!
Who cares about “good colors” or “bad colors”, HoD never gets to be red during the 7 weeks season. We are either blue or green the entire time. Something is out of whack on their match-up system.
SF is almost always blue. But we are used to blue since we were that color for like 4 weeks straight before
[url=https://] [/url]
While I understand that there are “limitations” on what can be put on an ANET site…I still am a little bummed and need to mention regarding CoSA:
Rum is the official drink, and sometimes we get too “official” at which point tops become: optional.
Do you think you all will make it to silver league?
Not with our lack of night/morning crew
[url=https://] [/url]
Alrighty lets talk numbers : http://i.imgur.com/VKD0XYR.jpg
This is details of our first matchup and win of the season, details for our current matchup can be found here: http://mos.millenium.org/na/matchups/map/1092
Once again welcome to anyone who recently transferred here or is thinking about it, me gusta.
[url=https://] [/url]
Warning: If you don’t like jokes or have a deep hatred of Fun this isn’t the thread you are looking for.
Updated 3/21/2014
Transferring is only 800 gems!
SF is on top of the bronze league and we a ready to win!
Welcome my Fellow WvWers/Pvers/PvDers/DvPs/Pvwallers/WallvPers /PvFers/Humans.
This message is 100% unbiased.
Im here to tell you about a great opportunity that has just presented itself to you! Its called Sorrow Furnace, and we are god KITTEN 300% hotter than any other server.
Let me give you a little background info on your future home:
Epic origin story:
Every resident of SF was crafted in the furnace on Mount Olympus. We split the red seas for fun. We grab coal and crush it with our galaxy paws into diamonds on a whim (We don’t have hands, just very powerful versions called galaxy paws). NASA calls us to launch their rockets with our Orichalcum coated muscles. We are what keeps earth in orbit, not gravity. We have a lot of heart. SF is now extending an exclusive offer for you to join our ranks and increase dat hotness. We are executing Super Secret Plan A ( Not to be confused with Super Secret Plan A1, which is delicious) to stay on top of the Bronze League.
You are making the right choice.
What we need the most
All individuals and guilds who:
*Can help build up our night crew. (Oceanic/EU/SEA players/whoever. It doesnt matter where you are located, your role in WvW is very important to us!)
*Prefer to command or to lead havok groups (A dedicated group/commanders who thrives in EB would be great)
*Can help fill all the Borderlands(We can normally fill up about 2 of the BLs but it can leave our coverage lacking in the other)
*People who prefer to win and work together t(We dont need any jerks)
Let us all become one at SF so that we all can shine bright like a (Bronze) Diamond.
SF Recruitment Handbook and Guild Guide
Now to get serious(This is SRS BSNS) please experience the SF handbook that is given to every new recruit. Also take a look at the guild guide so you can find out which WvW guild is right for you! (Both are attached below at the end of this post and on these conveniently placed Imgur links)
Link to SF Handbook on awesomeness
Link to SF Visual Guild Guide
Guides are kind of outdated (Lost all of my PSDs upgrading to Win 8.1 pro :’( )
____________________________________________________________________ General Recruitment
PVEers: We can and will train you if you finally want to try your hand at WvW(We have training sessions twice a week hosted by [FARM], Visit Sorrowsfurnace.com or ask around in WvW for more info). By transferring to SF you will instantly gain all the skills you need, the training is just refining those skills .
WvWers: There are great WvW guilds to join, whether you like roaming/zerging/building/upgrading/Goleming. Guild Guide attached below.
Players vs forumer: We still have a legendary PvF team. I will single handily teach you how to harvest the tears of your enemies.
Anet Devs: Those who want to be 300% hotter are more than welcome to come to the server before/during/after this season. We will help teach you how to play your own game and be the talk of the office. If you don’t join be prepared to be hunted and rolfstomped! Have a nice day.
Voip: We have Mumble and Teamspeak servers with channels for WvW/PvE/PvP.
This Message was paid and sponsored By Our glorious wvw/Pvx guilds
[LH] Is one of our biggest Spanish speaking guilds if your prefer to communicate in that language. (There is a Spanish graphic in the Guild Guide)
[ANZ] is an oceanic guild looking for more members! Contact info is in a comment below.
SF residents: Post or PM if you want you have any updated info.
Guild Leaders: Do the same if you feel your guild should be listed.
Join today and get a free mini of your favorite SF commander (Note: mini not included)
PS:We have a thriving Spanish communit. SF is still the unofficial Spanish NA server!
I will be adding/editing images as time goes on! ( I would have if I hadnt lost it all!!)
I also want to say welcome to the guilds/persons who have recently transferred here to become 300% hotter!
Feel free to contact me with questions or just to chat about SF.
[url=https://] [/url]
(edited by clint.5681)
Good D/P Thieves should never die unless they over commit. On my Mesmer 1v1 I can get D/P Thieves to retreat with another pressure, but the high stealth uptime gives them more than enough time to reset and come back. I imagine condi/stealth Mesmer builds can be a real headache for D/P Thieves.
Mostly I see good D/P Thieves trolling small groups, in those circumstances Moa Morph is your friend. Morph, burst, done – remove the irritation.
You simply cannot kill a good D/P thief because they control the battle at all times and can stealth away at will.
I think for most classes you need to push or pull them out of smoke field at a time when they’re already low on initiative. The problem with d/p is their stealth isn’t attack-based which makes it hard to counter (and fairly easy to play).
Interestingly the best thieves I’ve faced in recent months have been s/d, d/d, and p/d but that may just be personal preference of good thieves because these builds pump out much more steady damage. D/P has the slowest damage and their combo relies entirely on backstab hitting before they can 22222222.
Also remember that immobilize stops HS which means they can’t stealth (while x/d builds still can). They will be sitting in smoke field immobilized while you can hit on them freely, even melee from outside of the smoke field range if you’re careful. This would be significant for example for the ranger immobilize elite if they’ve already blown shadow refuge, or for warrior longbow 5. But it also requires their heal be on cooldown meaning you were already pressuring them.
To survive them at least, try and avoid backstabs (use the 180 turn often, run backwards, run sideways) and keep your health above 50% and/or dodges under 50 so they can’t follow up the backstab with heartseekers. Either they’ll get in a backstab eventually or they’ll slip up and you’ll catch them without initiative or escape skills. Or more likely, they’ll disengage when they see they’re having a hard time.
D/P thief is a crutch build, it is what you play when you like to PvP with training wheels. I typically just laugh at them and move on.
Yep, scrub build for scrubs relying on an exploit of stealth mechanics to perma stealth.
A player “exploiting” mechanics to gain advantage and achieve victory is the very opposite definition of the term scrub. A scrub is someone who makes up their own rules of game play and victory contrary to the actual in game rules/mechanics.
D/P thief is a crutch build, it is what you play when you like to PvP with training wheels. I typically just laugh at them and move on.
Yep, scrub build for scrubs relying on an exploit of stealth mechanics to perma stealth.
A player “exploiting” mechanics to gain advantage and achieve victory is the very opposite definition of the term scrub. A scrub is someone who makes up their own rules of game play and victory contrary to the actual in game rules/mechanics.
incorrect. a scrub is someone who plays cheesy builds that are easy mode training wheels. anet even admitted that they never intended perma stealth. they just don’t know how to fix it.
That’s not a scrub. What you’re refering to is a “foo strategy”, and they’re good, albiet important for games.
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/mesmer/GS-iBezerker-a-foo-strategy/first#post959455The Scrub
http://www.sirlin.net/ptw-book/intermediates-guide.htmlyou are welcome to your opinion. most of us disagree.
I suppose if you want to create your own definition of the term you’re welcome to it. But seeing as Sirlin coined the term, and introduced it to the gaming world, I think I’ll just stick with his definition within the larger discussion/thesis which is “Playing to win”.
“In Street Fighter, the scrub labels a wide variety of tactics and situations “cheap.” This “cheapness” is truly the mantra of the scrub.” ~Sirlin
“Doing one move or sequence over and over and over is a tactic close to my heart that often elicits the call of the scrub.” ~Sirlin
“And if the move is, for whatever reason, extremely difficult to counter, then wouldn’t I be a fool for not using that move?” ~Sirlin
“A common call of the scrub is to cry that the kind of play in which one tries to win at all costs is “boring” or “not fun.” Who knows what objective the scrub has, but we know his objective is not truly to win.” ~Sirlin
Go back through this thread and you’ll see countless examples of these.