Purity of Purpose
Purity of Purpose
They do seem set on removing scrappers from pvp, funny how they arent really used much in wvw or pve either.
pvp engi will die out some day if they keep nerfing meta traits.
-trait nerf review -
AMD nerfed
Bunker down nerfed
Protection injection nerfed
Self regulating defense nerfed
HGH nerfed
Perfectly weighted nerfed
Rapid regeneration nerfed
Adative armor nerfed
Final salvo nerfed
Again I dont understand this nerfs, engi is at the egde of meta, and already rare to see compared to other classes. And now are important meta traits nerfed again which have never been a problem? Protection injection was untouched since years, nobody complained about it, and now its nerfed? Just tell me why?
All we got this patch is some QOL to turrets, nerfs to pvp meta traits, and med kit buff and I still boubt somebody will use med kit now… NO rifle buffs and NO gadget buffs, no real buffs at all
(edited by mov.1246)
Most of the time, engineers were taking turret skills and never deploying the turret because the Tool Belt skill was too important to be overridden by the detonate turret skill. In this update we are moving the detonate skill to be the flip-over for the turret itself so that the Tool Belt skill is always available even if you deploy the turret. Because many of the overcharge skills weren’t very tactical and much easier to just press on cooldown, we’ve changed these skills to automatically activate the moment the turret is placed instead. Since this means a turret can only be overcharged once per deployment, we’ve reduced the recharge of a few turrets to compensate.
- Bunker Down: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 2 seconds to 3 seconds in PvP only.
- Protection Injection: The cooldown of this trait has been increased from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.
- Med Pack Drop: This skill will now remove all (14) conditions for up to 5 allies upon impact.
- Bulwark Gyro: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only.
- Purge Gyro: The cooldown of this skill has been increased from 20 seconds to 25 seconds in PvP only.
- Turrets: Turrets no longer need to be overcharged. Summoning a turret will automatically overcharge it once.
- Detonate Turret: This skill has been moved off of the Tool Belt skill. It is now the flip skill for the associated turret.
- Thumper Turret: Reduced recharge to 40 seconds. Overcharge attack now launches foes straight up instead of out of the turret’s attack range.
- Healing Turret: Fixed a bug that caused this turret to show a water combo field when none was present.
- Flame Turret: Reduced recharge to 20 seconds.
- Rocket Turret: Reduced recharge to 40 seconds.
- Detection Pulse (Scrapper): Fixed a bug that caused the effect from this skill to incorrectly reflect its radius.
Protection Injection nerfed a little bit, Med Pack Drop’s potentially big buff, some recharge times increased in PvP.
Change to turrets – it essentially means turrets are overcharge only once, upon deployment. What about purity of purpose? It doesn’t make sense to keep turrets up. Useless-ness of turrets intensifies!
(edited by Samug.6512)
GG Protection Injection.
They wanted to nerf Elite spec damage reduction spam ( I assume) by nerfing a core trait that has been untouched/ok for years…. Nerfed core spec to balance elite spec like they always do.
(edited by santenal.1054)
Engineers are the builders of capital, not the owners of it. Sometimes the two coincide, but not necessarily.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
In brightest day, in blackest night,
No evil shall escape my sight.Let those who worship evil’s might
Beware my power, Holosmiths light!
Let me guess, you named your engi Holo Jordan
http://wpwhendead.tumblr.com - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt
Nooooooo please no more ai. Not again.
From what was leaked, I think we may be getting something similar to conjured weapons. I just wonder how they will differ from the ele ones.
They will be more like Guardians Spirit Weapons, just slightly better utility when you destroy them which will be slightly OP for 1st 3 months so suckers HAVE TO buy the expansion for the spec if not anything else.
When GW2 came out I had time to play a lot. It’s been 5 years already, life kicked in. Can’t afford to do raids. Not enough time
Give me other means of getting this armor…
It does takes lots of effort and time. I hope they come up with some other way of obtaining legendary armour. Doesn’t need to be same skin perhaps simpler form but still hv the option to change stat and runes.. not sure how complicated it is to do that but I guess they already hv the main model it’s just skin changing ? :P who knows.. I hv faith with anet since they are constantly making new things for us. I love this game
Death is Energy [DIE] – Gandara EU
People keep saying raids require skill. I think it must be true… However, skill is NOT what defines raid difficulty.
- People whitout skill can still be carried. The mere fact that there is “selling” of raid completion is proof of this.
- Very skilled people are still unable to raid because factors not related to skill: access to 10 man groups; availability of long, uninterrupted, scheduled and frequent time periods for raiding; language and communication options; etc. Lots of skilled people are not being rewarded.
There goes the “reward for the skilled”. Change it for “reward for people with lots of time to play” and I’ll believe it.
that it makes every other class in the game boring to play.”
How much you wanna bet this will happen again?
Can’t say because Anet was not fully ready for HoT release due to suddenly introducing HoT as the 1st expansion.
Don’t forget originally GW2 was never planned to have a expansion in the beginning thus they did not prepare in advance for the time required for what they wanted fully finishing in the 1st Expansion.
it showed considering some maps we saw in the HoT first trailer were not in the HoT expansion and certain maps had to be reduced in size to meet the release date time such as the 4th Dragon Stand path in the Dragon Stand meta involving the Nightmare Court joining the fight against the Mouth of Mordremoth which leads into Duchess Chysanthea being in the final battle against Mouth of Mordremoth.
(edited by EdwinLi.1284)
Infusions make a decent difference, Geomancy sigil is like 1k dps itself, and then some lag/delay and that explains it pretty easily. It’s pretty surprising how fast fractions of seconds add up and drop your damage.
Remember that guy who published the simplified rotation for the meta condi build?
I have been using his rotation for raids, and its so very effective, however.
I still scratch my head how the hell he reached 34-35K with the golem.
My best has been 31K, similar to your results Jerus, i have done the rotations exactly like the guy did, and i cant figure it out where the hell are those 4k missing.
Infusions?, is the geomancy sigil that important? those are the only 2 things im missing, yet, im quite shocked if these 2 little things provide the 4k im missing per second.
(edited by Ivantreil.3092)
You’re absolutely right, benchmarks just show potential damage. When you add mechanics in of course people won’t match them. Hell even getting those benchmark numbers consistently is unreasonable on test dummies!
I thought we were still a meta option for DPS though between solid condi damage and pinpoint distribution, but maybe I’m wrong (hence my post starting with that question )
As for rotation, I generally just use the easier variety now, between internet issues and just the fact that it’s so much easier with quality results it just seems like the better idea. Just go down pistol-bomb-ft-mortar-grenades hitting all relative skills and hit toolbelt skills while in grenades instead of 1 skills when available skipping FT when napalm isn’t up. I generally get ~29k when I jump into the training area to play around a bit but I’ve hit 31k with it same as the best I’ve done with ranger.
Personally, I have two problems with grenades:
The first is that I don’t really enjoy needing to manually aim the autoattacks. I understand that’s enjoyable to some people, but it just isn’t to me – and when that’s well known to be the most viable option, it’s a bit disappointing.
Second, and bomb kit suffers from this as well, they have the flaw of the skills mostly feeling the same. Grenade skills 2-5 are all throwing three grenades, but they have different power coefficients and inflict different conditions (and, in some cases, fields). Similar for the bomb skills. Granted, there are tactical situations which call for using a particular 2-5 skill, and it’s logical for them to be that way, but I find them less interesting than kits like flamethrower and elixir gun where the 2-5 skills have very distinct behaviours.
Which is unfortunate when these have been the best kits to use, for PvE DPS anyway, pretty much since launch. YMMV, but the dominance of grenades and bombs has generally turned me off considering my engineer to be one of my main characters.
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.
For some mysterious reason, Anet does not fix bugs in some professions. I have no hope for a good rework but QoL changes would be ok too.
Engineer kits and style is totaly awesome. Especially scrapper-hammer is way more powerful than most professions. Weapon swap is redundant with all these kits. Engineer is a jack of all trades, a dude that can do anything. You know, if your party needs something except from a portal, you can do it. Given time, you can do anything, like a wizard in DnD games.
What engi needs in my noob opinion is a good bug fix, and a balance adjustment (some skill reworks too) but all professions need those. And a friggin accurate gap closer for wvw.
Couldn’t agree more with that last paragraph. Thing is if med kit was decent we could be a quality healer. If our quickness application could be shared making those abilities stronger (they’re not worth it out of solo play) they’d help the group. And, our gap closers suck donkey kitten, Rocket boots that sends of flying in a selectable direction but then bounces us often in random locations as well as a slow as molasses rocket charge that with any kind of lag has us bouncing randomly…. yeah… screw that.
We’re a versatile profession, but the versatility is 2012 era and hasn’t really been updated to fit the current game. Hopefully the elite spec helps, but without that the versatility, while there, is so underwhelming that the idea of “jack of all trades and master of none” is kitten as we aren’t even adequate at most trades, in the end we’re DPS or kitten just for fun.
another reason why engineer will never be successful is because everyone else got used to engineer being sub par so if it gets buffed and starts performing good all of a sudden everyone will call for nerfs and that engi is op
I really wonder why people play online games.
I play games to have fun.
I play Engineer to have fun.
I coudnt give a stuff how much or how little dps Engineers have or how they compare to other classes, or how useless the skills are.
As long as playing the class provides entertainment , thats all that matters.
Remember you cant win an MMO.
To some of us our enjoyment is greatly deminished by the shotty mechanics and traits that don’t synergize and lack of viable weapons… underwhelming damage etc…
We love what the class is, which is why we choose to play Engineer and are so passionate about seeing it improved.
Holograms? I’m calling it, new class utlity will be third set of utterly worthless AI.
Could make them stationary and attack on their own!
Or could make them follow us around while projecting AE effects!The possibilities are endless!
What if, if they will be stationary and project useless effect, like single-target condi cleanse every 10 seconds?
Oh boy I can’t wait!
scrapper has a pretty strong electricity undertone and i would be disappointed if holosmith does as well
Scrapper was not originally going to be what it is now.
Original design of Scrapper was going to be Fire Theme with fire theme attacks and a unique Heat Mechanic that builds up heat in a Heat bar that cause the Scrapper to do more damage as the heat builds up. The theme was to follow how Scrapper use a Hammer and Heat to build things.
However, Anet could not finish Scrapper’s original design on time before HoT release, most likely because it was their last Elite Spec to work on once the other Professions were finished beofre HoT, and had to “Scrap” it and make Scrapper into what it is now.
Scrapper as of now is more like a Core profession +1 Elite Spec that brings no real unique mechanics and only add the F button for just long range res and finisher due to being unfinished.
As for the Holosmith, as I said the theme of it seems more about Energy theme focusing more on Light based theme skills through amplifying light for laser attacks and creating holographic projections to create physical objects through the use of light. Electricty is of course required as the mechanical parts of Engineer’s ability to manipulate Light through the Holographic images it creates is still required.
So for now we can consider Scrapper for Eltectricity theme and Holosmith for Light theme.
(edited by EdwinLi.1284)
Thinking things over a little more… I honestly believe they could just give Engineers access to weapon swap and that alone would greatly reduce our dependance on kits… it also really wouldn’t make us overpowered either… hell, we’re not even the only class with weapon kits even…
Elementalists have their Conjuring skills that summon elemental weapons they can use, granted they are temporary… but they still get them and still have 4 sets of weapon skills for their weapons…
Warriors have Banners which can be used as weapons, sure they are no better than improvised weapons, but they still get them and still have weapon swap…
Necromancers get their Death Shroud along with weapon swap, and that doesn’t even take up a skill slot…
Meanwhile we’ve got no weapon swap, only 1 set of skills on our weapons (that are hardly even worth using at that)… and if we don’t take a weapon kit we’re utterly worthless…
Elementalists being restricted to one weapon due to attunements is one thing, they can still swap… and they arn’t forced to take specific skills to do so. They can ignore their conjuring skills and be just as if not more competitive as they would be if they took them… Engineers on the other hand, don’t have a built in mechanic to swap, we have to take weapon kits for our swap, and on top of that our weapon kits are BETTER than our weapons… we don’t really have choices for our builds… we have to use weapon kits or we’re worthless.
Giving us weapon swap would give us some real choices… though all the other changes discussed would still be needed… but weapon swap would at least create functional non-kit builds a possibility
2 legendaries man? I’m still recovering from my predator I crafted 2 years ago! If I had to get a 2nd one though, then I’d either get Shooshadoo and look badkitten strolling around WvW with a fishtank on my back, or get the HMS Divinity and join up with a fleet to unleash cannongeddon.
Thanks for the input fellas!
That’s exactly what I’m going for, the purple glow with the HOPE sound effects. Then if I feel like annoying nearby players, swap QUIP into mainhand and HOPE into offhand.
sad its only obtainable through raids. Time to move on. Thx for a great ride Gw2
Don’t worry, ANeT doesn’t really care if lots of players feel this way as long as the 5% of players who can achieve this in Raids get what they want. Imagine if ANeT suddenly decided to make a version for non-Raiders. Would the Raid raving players up and quit? What could ANeT possibly offer(bribe) so few players with to keep playing the game?
But alas I’m afraid there may be more who leave the game than actually raid. Good economics.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Why are the commander always like ’’ let’s kill everything in our way, even if it’s our own gods ’’ !?
It make sense if the commander was Charr, Norn, Sylvari or Asura, but Human?!
Humans and the Six gods are something special, something they’re praying and granted blessings from.
Just because the kitten commander and the little annoying Taimi kitten has a theory that Balthazar will take over the world bla bla bla....
It’s one of OUR gods. We just can’t kill our god who has been a blessing for the humans for over 250 years and even more! (GW1~ years aswell)
Just imagine if Jesus Christ or Buddha would come to our world and then we must kill them because we BELIEVE that they are evil?
No but for real....
I am a huge fan of the Six gods, as my favorite race is human and their lore. I just hate how lazy ANet turn something like ... oh I don’t know, a GOD to evil just like that and we have to kill them!?
I simply don’t get it. As the commander (in my case, my ’main’ character is a human) shouldn’t even consider to kill one of our god just like that!!
I was excepting the human characters would be more how Kasmeer reacted when we revealed Lazarus’ imposter’s identity.
Atleast that would make sense!
They are our gods, not a kitten dragon or something we simply need to kill just like that and then happy endings. >_<
If the 2nd Expansion will give us more lore and meeting the rest of the Six gods, I hope the human characters will have their special and unique way, being affected by the influence of the Gods’ return to Tyria, just like Sylvari characters had in the 1st Expansion.
Extra to the LW story:
Otherwise the story was really exciting, map was a well-done as always and the mastery is so much fun!
Cool that we actually got to see Primordus in a close shot but abit disappointment that we put Primordus back to sleep once again....
I love the new make-over of Kasmeer and she finally managed to get her noble Lady title!
Too bad we only got to see her for about 5 min....
(edited by Alga.6498)
Okay, I’ve seen it in game now. I waited, gave myself time to think it over.
The only, ONLY thing I can say good about it is that I admire the team for the epic level of trolling that is the Medium armor’s ability to go from “Finally, not another longcoat” to “Oh, look. Longcoat after all!”
The rest of it is just ugly, overdone, and counterproductive to the most basic functions of what good armor’s supposed to do/not do.
I think this is a case of everyone involved being so close to the issue and so invested in it, that nobody can step back and take an objective look at things any more. Actually, I think this is a reoccurring problem at ANet, and this is just the latest example.
Honestly, I think the time and effort would have been better spent getting capes to work. Sorry if that seems harsh, but it’s my honest opinion.
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Here are my opinions, for what they’re worth.
Legendary armor in its current state is tripe. They look terrible, all of them. Those “professional” designers need to have some sense slapped into them. Not only are the designs underwhelming and ugly (“legendary,” yeah sure), but the transformation mechanic is a nightmare for backpieces and clipping in general. And they can only be acquired via raids? Are you serious? What about the “a game for everyone” part of the manifesto? What if you don’t have time for raids, or you don’t have friends to do them with, or you just don’t like raids?
I may seem unreasonably salty, but that’s because I was so looking forward to legendary armor. I’m just in shock. This was supposed to be the next big thing, and Anet is a proven powerhouse. What happened?
Taking a look at these armours in game last night I have to say that the medium and light armours both highlight a serious issue with the way armor is handled in this game: they have massive, ballooning skirts. Yes I get that it’s to reduce clipping but it’s a terribly ugly and clunky solution to that problem. It’s an issue that needs to be addressed for a game that prides itself on offering aesthetics as a reward.
I really don’t like the “hot air balloon” look.