Showing Posts Upvoted By Winespring Brother.2970:

Offense vs. punishment, risk vs. reward

in PvP

Posted by: Rieselle.5079


As a player coming from fighting games and action games, MMO combat has always felt really bad to me.

GW2 is a bit more actiony than traditional MMOs, but I don’t think it really captures the mechanics that make fighting/action games work well.

One of the big things that’s missing from combat, is a strong connection between risk and reward, offense vs. punishment.

In a fighting game, there’s a naturally flowing tradeoff between offense and vulnerability. (To make things deeper, the most critical vulnerability is being predictable.)

I can do nothing and block all day, and I will be very safe. However, it’s impossible to defend perfectly, so eventually I will be whittled down, especially if the opponent feels no threat and is free to do whatever he wants to crack my shell.

In order to perform any sort of offense at all, I have to leave my shell and make myself open to attacks. And in order to perform more powerful or useful attacks, I often make myself more vulnerable to more powerful attacks. (eg. a heavy attack takes longer to recover, which means it can be punished with slower, heavier attacks before I can block in time.)

However, a fighting game model (where getting hit will result in your character being stunned) probably wouldn’t work in an MMO, because of multiple players on both sides.

So we need to find another way to create vulnerability when attempting offense

At the moment, there’s a pretty weak link between offense and vulnerability in this game. Even if I blow all my offensive cooldowns in my spike combo (and you dodge), I still have 2 dodges and all my defensive cooldowns available. The only exception might be Thief’s Initiative mechanic, which I will take inspiration from.

My idea: Link offense, dodging and defense together via the Endurance bar.
- Reduce damage of autoattacks dramatically. Autoattacks are now the “jabs” of the game ie. safe and weak.

- Every weapon set has at least 2 very powerful attack skills, that require & consume one bar of endurance when used.

- Powerful defensive skills (esp. those that grant evade, invul, heal, etc) also require & consume one bar of endurance. Dodges still consume one bar.

- Increase number of endurance bars to 4.

- The most powerful attacks work similarly to Dragon’s Tooth: they are difficult to land on a mobile player. But at the same time, they also work similarly to 100 Blades: they root you in place for a while (cancellable via dodge.)

- Reduce all forms of passive healing.

With this idea, I’m hoping to connect Reward (doing damage to the enemy) with Risk (running out of endurance and being unable to use dodges/defensive skills.)

I’m hoping for fights to slow down (less spam because your powerful attacks leave you vulnerable) but also more intense – when a mistake is made, it can be punished severely and end the fight.

This sounds like a big change that will never, ever happen, but I think the serious flaws in GW2’s half-MMO/half-Action combat cannot be resolved without some fundamental changes. I hope the designers will think courageously and deeply on these issues.

Feel free to discuss my particular suggestion, or your own thoughts on the mechanics of Risk vs. Reward in combat.

Edit: Further thoughts in this post:

(edited by Rieselle.5079)

So the Grub now attacks red keep?

in WvW

Posted by: ykyk.2740


Heh, grub helped us defend our (blue) keep once. We wiped the attacking army in lord’s room with the grub’s help and then farmed the grub afterwards. It was glorious.

Soo horses...

in Lore

Posted by: Lutinz.6915


Charr ate them all. True story.

Mexican Guild [MEX] vs Teq - amazing video

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: ruslanmv.6309


Nice Video in Spanish Defeating Tequatl in Yak’s Bend

Gracias desde Mexico

(edited by ruslanmv.6309)

I like the fish heads.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Riot Inducer.8964

Riot Inducer.8964

To Tequatl I say, “So long and thanks for all the fish!”

I like the fish heads.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Doggie.3184


I just wanted to thank you for them. Gonna go roll around in them again.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

9/20 SF/HoD/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: lunyboy.8672


Wow YB, now I know why CD made a post complaining abt your golems. I don’t really have a problem with you using them, except… stop littering our keeps with them!

Every time we retake a keep we see a golem, or tow, full health alphas and 1/2 health omegas etc etc. Like they are disposable underwear and you use them and throw away :/

What’s crazy is, YB definitely has enough people to just throw down rams everywhere instead of porting ever more golems to take a whole map. Last night in HoD BL – 3 Golems in garrison – 4 golems in Bay – 5 Golems in NE keep, etc.

If you had 4 small teams of 10, instead of 40+ golems, you could have simultaneously taken 4 towers/keeps with 3 rams each in less total time, and instead of 3 defenders running around the map trying to stop you, you would have had .75 defenders per objective.

Also, the YB on here seem classy, if you could remind your servermates that spamming /laugh isn’t classy, and after steamrolling a considerably less populated server with a zerg and golems, they should be /saluting us for trying to defend at all instead of pve-ing for the next week.

Miss Fisthammer – Engineer | Urgard Fistorsen – Guardian
Physti – Elementalist | Fistful of Blades – Thief
[WHIP] Quaggan Slavers – HoD

9/20 SF/HoD/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Cymric.7368


Wow YB, now I know why CD made a post complaining abt your golems. I don’t really have a problem with you using them, except… stop littering our keeps with them!

Every time we retake a keep we see a golem, or tow, full health alphas and 1/2 health omegas etc etc. Like they are disposable underwear and you use them and throw away :/

9/20 SF/HoD/YB

in Match-ups

Posted by: Heibi.4251


Anet will have Tequatl join the larger server too.

Leader of Central Anime(CA)
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi

Alternate way to fight Tequatl (Theory)

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Vas.7306


I’ve taken part in the event many times, and while some have been successful, it seems the chance for mistakes that can snowball into a failure is very high.
Relying on the turrets to cleanse the zerg, and relying on everyone to be stacked tight enough to benefit is usually too difficult to do consistently, and people constantly go down from the waves which are right next to the zerg point.

I have been thinking about an alternative way to take him down, and it might require a bit more organization, but I think it could work out well.

The key would be to break the zerg up into parties of 5 or 6, and each group could stand at one of the fingers that spawn around teq. Each groups job would be to focus on teq and as soon as the finger they are assigned to comes up, burn it down.
This should, in theory, take all the pressure off the people attacking teq and also remove the pressure for people on the turrets to do a perfect job, which lets face it, doesn’t happen enough.
With the pressure off the turrets to cleanse continuously, they can focus on skill skill 2 and 1, to add more DPS to teq.

3 people per turret set, 10 people defending each side, 3-5 killing only fingers closest to the turrets and between teq and the turrets, and the 5 people per finger around teq comes to 82-86 players.

I know this is a perfect situation, and with afkers it could be very difficult to organise, but if enough people could gather together and be organized, it could be a good way to fight Teq.

Additional players could form up in the normal place, since all the pressure for from the poison should be greatly reduced.

So thoughts, if its a good idea, a bad idea, if it could work or be tweaked?
I think it has potential

Tequatl: Positive Things

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Eirdyne.9843


Practically everything I’ve been ‘complaining’ about.

Your design of this fight was very good.
- It’s much more difficult than the other fights you’ve made.
- Chance of failure is pretty high. Hopefully the reward is pretty good.
- Players need to know the fight to succeed.
- There’s a lot more going on than the near cinematic experience of most boss fights.
- Despite players being angry during the fight, there seems to be enough good manners amongst them (or common sense) to revive people when they are down (for now).
—- revive really needs to be more important to people or the social climate of this game is going in the pits though.

Really, the fight is a good experiment. It shows you’re trying to make the dragons a little less static and a little more difficult.

In the future make dragons act like dragons? Currently they all simply stand in front of guns and die.
How about having them move around the map a bit? Torment the world just a little. These are dragons right? Severely temperamental mesh objects?

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Waldir.2571


Yaks bend just beat him.

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Oreoz.9521


Congratz to Yaks Bend, Just killed Teq with over a minute to go. Gratz guys!!

Love every minute of it.

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: WilliamDaBloody.2591


Yes it is hard, but that because 100+ people needs to be organized and you need to find tactics that suit the whole players not just yours. BG’s way does not work for us at all.

Yes, AFK people and people who do not listen are annoying. But it is about the world, your sever and all the players in it. It is not about what you like to do and how you like to play. This is a WORLD event.

In the last two days people started to learn. They start to listen, they want to beat the beast. I made a lot of new friends in the game.

It is good that it is NOT intanced for such the social reason. We haven’t beaten it on Kodash yet. Best attempt was about 26% percent AFAIK. We would have needed about 1 minute more.

From today on the AFK and more casual started to leave and the more hardcore players stayed the whole time on the map and we organized taxis to get our people out of overflowst that needed to go or had a dc. As the AFK guys were never in some group nor on TS they could not get back.

We tried a lot of stuff and failed often with new problems as we tried our different approaches. But it is starting to work. But we need a 100+ zerg we only get later afternoon early evening for this event. Phase 1 is the problem here and sometimes the turrent defense.

I am sure once we beat this and have the critical mass we can repeat it often. Don’t know if we will…

Especially the people who just stand there spamming 1 are actually learning to jump/dodge. In the moring out of 100+ people 75 did not survive two waves (yes, it is that bad). Now most of them make it and just get a few knowbacks when they do not pay attention or picking up downed players.

Yes the waves are easy, but not for people who never dodged properly. They are learning. I like that. Especially on a glass cannon server with zero movement skills for most of the players (our WvW has no decent zerg movement either). Same for our dungeon runners and so called elite: they are just great in glitching and skipping meaning avoiding challenges.

Even if we failed we are having fun. We want to beat Tequila, no one cares about loot or whatever. It is the challenge. And then repeat it to see if the tactic is good and get the achievement title!

Also this in not a Lidari. No camera issues, lag is acceptable (hardly happens, and way better than WvW on any given hour of the day) and you can clearly see what’s happening.

Sure, the timer is artificial. But without any artifical limitation it would be easy for everyone. Time and map limit and coordination is what makes this difficult. This is what makes an MMO. 25 man raids are also limited artificial by the number of people who can participate.

The bad thing here are overflows! That is horrible here, as overflow rarely works decent. But there is a map cap and that’s the problem. If there was none or higher Teq. would just need more HP or less time to beat for compensation.

I hope Anet will not copy Tequatl with Shatterer and Claw of Jormag as there are cannons/mortars as well and do them different. Hope there are new challenges and not copy and paste jobs with different textures.

Love you Anet, this content is great. Sure, not for everyone, but same goes for Fractals, dungeons and jumping puzzles. I forgive you for Liadri for this one.

Let some people farm their champs we take the 100+ player raids (ok, as close to a raid as we can get at the moment) any time.

And those who do not like, it do not have to play it. Sure not an 80 zone, but if it were an 80 zone HP, damange and stuff would just be greater. So no biggie. And even level 65 players are working with us. Everyone who is interested counts. Rares, exotics, ascended? No one cares.

So next prime time and we finally can join the ranks of a lot of other servers who did it. Fingers crossed.

(edited by WilliamDaBloody.2591)

[Guide] Damaging Tequatl Guide

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Ateo.8196


Amazing fight here on Yak’s Bend,

Check minute 14:50!!!!

Should I even bother?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Astralporing.1957


Can someone please tell me the requirements to get the chest at 75%, 2 times now Ive been in a overflow thats got him to below 75%, 2 times ive seen people get chests. The last time stayed close to commander, even got sent to a watery grave and no chest for me, so what do you have to do to get a chest, coz id hate to be in a server that actually kills him and get nothing.

(by server I mean overflow, since I havent guested anywhere)

Apparently you need to participate in a succesful laser defence.

Actions, not words.
Remember, remember, 15th of November

[TKS] Second guild and Success thread!

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: KehxD.6847


Hey there!

So this thread has two reasons.
First, of all, because of the high demand, we will make a second guild. The Tequatl Slayer Squad [TSS]! Dont write me now. I will start this guild 00:00 gmt+2! You can then pm me. Please don’t spam and just ask politely again 10 minutes later if i didn’t read the first time. I got literally two whisps per second at prime time, which makes it really hard! ^^

[TSS] Is now full. [THS] is now open!

I will only accept private message applications, since I can invite via rightclick there, which makes it much easier for me. So please respect this. I won’t invite anyone who posts or mails me. There are just too many of you in order to do this. Sorry! =)

At the moment both together now have more than 1000 members! Thanks for all this support guys! We really appreciate it! =)

Second reason for this thread. This is a success thread! TKS and TSS newest achievements will be here.

Tequatl kill count [TKS]: 35
Tequatl kill count [TSS]: 29
Tequatl kill count [THS]: 14
Actual amount of kills: ~37 (+-2 I guess. I’m not there all the time, but some write to me about new kills ^^ So maybe some are doubled or some missed out)

Vabbi: 1
Fissure of Woe: 2
Ruins of Surmia: 2
Overflow: ~32

Record on the clock: 7:42 (Organizing commander of that run: Enns!)
SRSLY!! Good job everyone! Enns set it up! Special thanks to him! Well done!

Commanders/Officers in charge of the operations so far:

Storm Lightning
Playmate I
Klakk Bumm
Hinagiku Hyuga
The Quiet Mirage

Lyss Firefly
Garzvog Barzûl
Mor the Guardian

Sunlazu (special thanks for organizing a really freaking lot!)
Storm Lightning
Aldorion (thx for lending me the 100g for a Commander too ;)
Aisina (Thanks for taking my spot while I was gone!)
Garzvog Barzûl
Mor the Guardian

Buff Food Buying:
Talz Flametooth

Special Thanks:
- Hans Kreuz for setting up the new TS! =)
- Cassella for opening the Facebook group ^^
- VOLT/ Jammi Doger
Thanks alot for letting us use your ts server! We wouldn’t be anywhere without it!

(Sorry if I forgot some. I can’t remember all names. Just tell me!)

Thanks alot for all of you!!!

(Screen is from a guild member. Thanks!)


Founder and former leader of TxS Community! For more information, please look here =)

(edited by KehxD.6847)

Demolitionist Tonn is NOT a charr

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Teege.4623


Maybe they’re releasing an Extreme Makeover Kit and Tonn was the first to test it out.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2.” -Colin Johanson
Don’t support the Gem Shop, it’s that easy.


in Living World

Posted by: JayMack.8295


Something tells me he’ll return during Wintersday. Maybe Festive-Tron, or Scrooge-Tron.

I agree, though, it’s nice to see light-humoured returning characters every now and then.


in Living World

Posted by: Scott McGough


Scott McGough

Narrative Lead

Can’t say much at present, but if I have anything to say about it, players will definitely see Hobo-Tron again.

Because I love that little guy (as a character—as an individual, at least when he was on Southsun Cove, he was a total jerk-bot. Now that he’s fallen on hard times, it remains to be seen which direction his life will take).

—Scott McG

How low has your server gotten Tequatl?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: Chris Whiteside.6102


Chris Whiteside.6102

Studio Design Director


Huge Congrats BG! Well Done!

US Leagues - 4 instead of 2! Please!

in WvW

Posted by: Luvpie.8350


Although Bloodlust and Leagues are a terrible idea, Anet you are still continuing. Please do atleast one thing though and change the US leagues from 2 (12 servers) to 4 (6servers). Currently one of the biggest fears in 1st league is the top 5 servers have population that dwarfs the bottom 7. If each server is going to play each other in league atleast once that will give 4 out 7 matches to be complete blowouts and not fun at all. I am sure bottom 12 servers will experience this. The population for US wvw servers isn’t as balanced as EU and needs the servers divided into groups of 6 instead to have better matchups. These league servers below matched up with each other will give ALOT more balanced matches then dividing servers into 2 groups only.

Mag,SoS,SBI,EB,CD,BP League 2
YB,KN,IoJ,DH,NS,HoD League 3
SF,GoM,ET,FC,AR,DR League 4

Although Leagues are a dumb idea we need 4 leagues in US instead of 2 to make matchups not blowouts for atleast 50% of 7 weeks duration.

Apply @ Fang-Gaming.US

LFG Beta?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


They release stuff “without testing it”: people complain.
They test it and people complain.

I would rather have these test than getting into a situation where my character is locked into something due to a bug.

I agree that it might have been better to leave the LFG out of the preview page though.

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

Talk like a pirate day?

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: LameFox.6349


So the pirates would start talking like pirates?

…well that was implemented quickly.

Super Adventure Box Teaches Skills!!

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: Euphemia.7240


I have been playing Guild Wars 2 for a little while now, but am still very much a noob. However, this post is not about that. My three year old daughter loves Super Adventure Box. When it first debuted, we played it every day. When it went away, every day we got on the computer, she’d ask me if Super Adventure Box was working. Now that it’s back, we’ve been playing every day. The first day we played for eight hours. Healthy? Probably not, however, Super Adventure Box is more than just a game for us. It’s a tool that allows her to learn problem solving, critical thinking, and coordination. She can work on numbers (in Pain Cliffs we synchronize hitting the number 9 to push the logs). When things go wrong, she used to get very upset and start panicking. Now, she calmly figures out what she can do to get out of the “gooey water” or get out of rushing rapids. She used to sit on my lap and play with me, she’d steer and I’d control the mouse (her hands aren’t quite big enough to do the keyboard and mouse at the same time.), but now she plays on her dad’s computer while I play on mine. We just finished Rushing Rapids on normal mode (usually we play on easy for her sake), and are attempting to tackle Pain Cliffs. I just wanted to say thank you to the developers of Super Adventure Box. You have made my daughter’s life complete, and have assisted in teaching her some valuable skills. Who knew an April Fool’s joke could be so beneficial? ArenaNet rocks. This is a short video of her playing Rushing Rapids for the first time on normal. Maybe not very impressive to you, but for being three, I think she’s pretty awesome.

October 15th balance/skills updates preview.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094



Game Design Lead


Class balance:
Overall we’re looking to provide more builds for all classes, across all game types (PvE, PvP and WvW). We’re also looking to improve support potential for many classes. A lot of players have asked for this style of play to be stronger, so we’re looking to make it a more viable option.

These are some HIGH LEVEL previews, and you’ll still see number tweaks, trait fixes, and bug fixes for each class in the actual release notes, but we wanted you guys to have some transparency into the release:

We’re looking to improve shouts so that support via shouts is more viable. This means moving Lung Capacity to Tier 1 so that you can take it along with Shrug it Off and Vigorous Shouts. The Warrior is in a pretty decent place overall right now, and sees play in many types of content, as well as in PvP/WvW.

We increased the power of many support skills which weren’t seeing much play. We reworked Purging Flames: it now removes three conditions from allies in an area effect around the guardian on cast while still burning enemies (enemies that enter or exit the flames are still burned). Once the skill has been cast, it then reduces condition duration for allies who remain in the consecration’s area. It’s hawt. Literally. All meditation utility skills are now instant, and Focused Mind now grants fury on meditation use.

Sick ‘Em will now apply ‘Revealed” to enemies they target. We want to introduce some counter play to Stealth (players have asked for that for a while), so we thought a pet “catching your scent” might be a cool way to insinuate some anti-stealth into the game.

To help Rangers support allies, we increased the ability ranger pets have to support allies. For instance, the Bear condition removal isn’t strong enough, so we’ll be improving that. Moas and Fern Hound will also be improved.

There will also be # changes to some of the Ranger weapons.

Venomous Aura was very difficult to use, as the radius was fairly tight. We’ve now increased that radius a bit, so that it’s easier to share venoms with allies without huddling closely together.

We’re also looking at shaving the efficiency of Flanking Strike slightly, so that it now only removes 1 boon instead of 2.

Also, pistol main hand may see one of its skills reworked to better support allies. We have multiple prototypes that we’re trying out, so we’ll have to see which we settle on by the next release.

We did some reworks on the Elixir toolbelt (f-bar) skills. These just didn’t have enough cool play to them, and we wanted to improve them. Like:

  • Elixir S toolbelt is now guaranteed stealth.
  • Elixir B toolbelt now guarantees Stability along with the random current effect. Base recharge increased to 30 seconds.

We also did QoL (quality of life) improvements to skills that saw little play.

And finally, Engineer turrets will attack the Engineer’s target. They still take time to rotate to face the target, and they still have their respective cooldowns when firing. But this means the Engineer can focus damage on a single target by using their turrets.

We’re working on the staff in an effort to make it a stronger support weapon, and we also improved the conjure weapons so that they’re stronger for support. You’ll see improvements to all 4 of the conjure weapons to make them stronger and better for support.

We also increased the healing on Water Blast, the radius on Geyser and we reworked
Unsteady Ground to make it function more like line of warding.

To stay in line with the support theme, we wanted to find ways the Mesmer could support allies. We looked at Mantras, and just didn’t feel they were quite strong enough to do this, so we made some improvements.

Power Cleanse: We wanted to add some condition support, and made it so that this skill can remove 2 conditions from 5 allies.

Power Break also saw an improvement, as it now grants stability to nearby allies.

The Blood line underwent some tweaks, as it’s something that Necromancer players often feel is a lacking trait line. Vampiric Precision, Vampiric Rituals, Vampiric Master have all seen improvements.

For QoL (again, quality of life) we also improved the Life Force meter to show the actual bar better (moved slightly so it’s not competing with the skill icon for UI space), and the bar now shows your current Life Force amount, and the tooltip also shows current/max Life Force available. It makes it much easier to see how much Life Force you have, and lets you plan your engagements better.

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer

(edited by JonathanSharp.7094)

Any RPers invent your own legions?

in Charr

Posted by: Melchior.2135


When I was leveling cooking on my Charr Elementalist, I joked with a couple other Black Citadel Chefs that we should start the “Flan Legion”, vanquishing foes with delicious desserts.

Former Guild Wars 2 fan. RIP, ArenaNet’s integrity.

Why wasn't Almorra Soulkeeper turned?

in Lore

Posted by: Tachenon.5270


Well, like most charr she likes apples, see, she likes them a lot, and she likes having apples even when they are not in season. When Kralkatorrik flew over she was down in her secret root cellar happily storing some nice red delicious apples for the coming winter.

During the subsequent debriefing, she realized if she told the truth, Rytlock Brimstone would learn of her cache of winter apples, and would very likely confiscate them to >ahem< help feed the troops. So she made up the whole story about seeing the dragon fly over and how she was somehow miraculously immune to that whole Branding thing. She knew Rytlock was suspicious, though, probably because he kept asking, ‘Do you smell… apples?’ so she promptly left the Blood Legion and formed the Vigil, the true (and secret) purpose of which is to preserve her apples from dragons and anything else that might try to eat them. Forever!

And she got away with it! And she kept all those sweet, nummy apples, all for herself! And she’d be getting away with it even now if not for those meddling forum guys.

TL;DR – beats me. Diet? Clean living? Special glasses? Maybe she’s a mutant…

The table is a fable.

Open Alpha, Dishonor Math, Leaderboard Rtngs

in PvP

Posted by: JonathanSharp.7094


Game Design Lead


Awesome post, thanks for keeping the thread constructive guys!

Rating decay, randomizing solo Q games better (jumbling the teams better based on MMR) and rewards are all things we’re improving.

As for the build swakitten ue, we’re dealing with that with “Templates”, which are also something we’re excited about. It will be similar to the templates we used in GW1, which allowed you guys to easily swap builds/trade builds.

Thanks for the post guys!

IGN: Chaplan
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer