(edited by Moderator)
As an RPer this means the world to me, I’m so excited to put them to use<3 Thanks so much Anet!!! It’s made my whole day AHHH<3
Just “wow”. MO, you have delivered! Thank you guys for listening, and doing all these changes. I know there are still going to be rough edges, and things for people to complain about, but WOW! So many QOL changes here, that im just amazed.
I’m all for equality.. naked males and females, clothed females and males.. I only ask one thing..
One rule to rule them all..
Honestly, that’s a mastry i’d happily put points in to, if it came with inventory for gear saved for the builds.
Remember those, I think belt pouches in GW1 that could only hold customized equipment? Something like that. 5 ranks, each one adds a build tab on the hero screen with all your equipment. Hotkeys to toggle them when out of combat. Maybe the last rank also lets you repair gear in unused tabs by gaining XP or grants a skin set unlock or something like that.
This way you’d actually get a benefit that didn’t directly compete with bag space, and a QoL boost similar to autolooting (still the best mastry) with similar mastry requirements to keep it from being too heavily abused by botters?
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest
We have one separate trait build page for pve and spvp under our hero tab. Any chance we could get two or three more build tabs so we can save multiple builds? Especially since most professions can fill multiple roles?
just to name a few that I can think of
DPS usually follows one of these themes or a combination of
Direct DPS/power
Condition DPS
Range DPS
Melee DPS
Boons/Condi Remove
Being able to switch your build out on the fly while out of combat with the click of a button would streamline the whole process. On the same thought would be one or two more tabs for equipment to go along with the change in build.
GW1 had build templates you could use to quickly switch builds/attribute setups at will and you could share them between friends and save them on your PC. I would love this functionality to be brought over and I’m not sure why it isn’t. It would be heaven to be able to switch trait setups on the fly (out of combat of course)
Hmm, how about:
For $10 per month you get $10 worth of gems.
Actually would not be a bad idea to have the option to buy x gems each month as a sort of subscription.
Anything other than that I don’t think there should be anything available that’s not already in the gemstore anyway.
Free waypoints make the already limited waypoint cost reduce in the guild hall system even more limited in its use. So I would pretty much say a big NO to that.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
Raids weren’t at launch either but they were definitely a selling point of HoT….. I believe that would be the “challenging group content”
So I guess when people paid for HoT they weren’t paying for raids either…… hahaha
Please explain some more Brother Belial
Really? We where told well in advance that raid where not in the initial launch of HoT. But we would need to have HoT to do them. So not really a selling point unless you read it as one. But hay when I read something I understand what I’m reading. I comprehend what the words mean. Things that are added later that will only be accessible to people with HoT, is not the same as when you buy HoT this will be included at launch.
So please tell me some more how I’m reading this all wrong and that needed HoT to play/earn/make something when it is added later, is the same as it being included in HoT at launch, and there for included in the price of it.
As I said I can explain it to you, I can not understand it to you.
Your entire argument is insanity. You’re sitting here trying to say that including content behind a paywall does not entitle you to that content when paid for. I’d question your intelligence but then I wouldn’t be able to reply to the white-knight dribble.
We have a winner! Do me a favor, go over my post history, you will see I am no white knight. So by your argument, anyone who buys HoT should also get LS 1 and 2. They payed the price for the game, yet because they where not playing at the time they missed it for free. But they payed the same price as the rest of us, why can’t they have it. When you buy a game, you pay for the content on the disc. Anything added after that be it free or not you are not technically entitled to. You only payed for the content that was shipped at launch. That’s how they can charge for LS2, it is not included with the initial launch of GW2. Personally I think it’s bad that they charge people for “free” story content. Especially when it’s the bridge between the core game and HoT. But that’s a different argument for another thread.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Raids benefit more than just the people who run them.
And Legendaries don’t?
Besides, i don’t need to remind you that at the moment it’s still highly debatable if the positive effects of Raids on the game even outweight the negative ones. And that is without considering the fact of clear developer shortage.
Seriously, if 6 developers from the legendary team can have such a great impact on the game that it outweights the massive publicity hit resulting from their repurposing, then having raid team pulled would have even better effect. And there would actually be a lot of people that would find it a good publicity.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Great move,finally devs are asking us (community) what we want for this game.We want GW2 to have as much as content as possible,things to do and makes you play this game.Legendaries are useless and only % of people care about them at all.We need as much as PVE is possible as well as WvW fix.Thanks Mike
I’ve not read through the entire thread yet, but I wanted to stop for a minute and recognize that this was posted on the GW2 forums. I’ve been a huge criticizer of stuff not being posted here, and I did want to stop, and give credit where credit was due.
Thank you, Mr. O’Brien, for posting this here. I do truly appreciate that.
I’m gonna go back to reading everything, then reply more when I’m done. It’s a lot to read, so I’m sure it’ll be late, but wanted to get that thanks in.
I am extremely happy with this news.
I will never ever get a legendary weapon. I feel that the amount of time and effort on them is a big waste and should be allocated somewhere else.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
In the past we wouldn’t hear about this until months after the decision was made and devs were moved. Now they are trying to tell us they bit off way more than they can chew, because they decided they wanted this legendary journey for the new legendary pre-cursors and now realize it’s taking WAY more time, which is the primary resource in software development, and make the hard decision to shift those resources to other aspects which is likely also taking more time than expected.
If you haven’t figured, developers don’t apply the Scotty rule when guesstimating the time required to do X. Maybe they thought once they figured out the first couple the remaining “journeys” would be quicker to do. But whatever the reason they are telling us NOW and the reasoning behind it instead of players asking “what ever happen to …” 6 to 9 months down the road. And ANet IIRC doesn’t encourage death marches to meet deadlines.
ANet can’t win for losing. If they keep quiet until they are sure they have something to deliver, we complain about the communications black out. If they tell us upfront as they pivot resources because they need to get content for a wider player base done, we throw a fit.
Either way, it’ll be done when it’s done. It’s not canceled, just delayed.
RIP City of Heroes
Two things:
1) Can we can have an assurance that the remaining Legendaries will not be locked behind Expansion #2.
2) Other gametypes such as raids (less players do these than do Legendary weapons) and gemstore resources (we have enough stuff in the shop!) should be scaled back / suspended until all of HoT’s promised and advertised content can be implemented, and LS3 can be done properly.
you want to scale back raids? it has a team smaller than the legendary team. can everyone please get over the fact that they can’t raid
Exactly, if Legendary team is moved, so should the raid team – LS3 needs all the people it can get. I think all other gametypes should be scaled back / suspended so that LS3 can have it’s best shot – that is the bread and butter of the game. Not all that other stuff.
Thanks for all the comments. I know there’s nothing I’m going to say that will make you feel better, but I’ll share some final thoughts for the night.
I said three weeks ago I’d focus on sustainability and quality. I want to reiterate the part about sustainability. Be angry about legendary weapons, sure, but how about the recent drought of content? That kind of thing happens when we spread ourselves too thin, and when we let the content development pipeline empty out so we can fight fires. What I think we actually owe you is sustainable, predictable, high-quality content. I’m making a decision that’s painful in the short-term so we can position ourselves to deliver that.
Consider this… HoT currently has: 3 new maps (which are still buggy looking at DS) which are grindy as hell, Elite Specs which are heavy powercreep (pay to win in PvP…), a Story which is short but at least good (if you ignore the myriad of bugs f.e. in the Mordi battle), Guild halls, 2 Raids with 5 1/2 bosses, a new PvP map (which is quite unbalanced) and now only 4 legy weaps (3/4 being rarely used thanks to being underpowered or buggy)… That’s it?
I previously addressed the “half an expansion” thing, and I can point you to pages like this one and this one (https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2:_Heart_of_Thorns), but that doesn’t matter because it’s just arguing. My job is to entertain you, not to argue with you.
I strongly believe that we will in fact entertain you. We’re a team of people who love the game that you love, and are working on things we’re confident you’ll love. But I’m not here to convince you of that, and I wouldn’t expect you to take my word for it. You can make that judgment in April, and each subsequent time we ship. I will work to make you happy, and I’ll do it by making you happy with what we ship, not with what we promise to ship.
(edited by Mike O Brien.4613)
I do not care about legendary weapons, PvP of any kind, balance, raids or WvW and festivals which I used to love have become copy and paste. So to me this is great news, the more developers working on Living World means the more story and events I get to play.
Living world is the content I like (Even though last season was hit and miss) so the sooner this team gets started the better!
Also thanks for being straight forward with us with such a decision, it may upset a few people but it is good that we all know what is going on. This is the kind of communication I like, knowing the direction of the game and being open.
(edited by Aedelric.1287)
Absolutely the correct decision to postpone other legendary weapons. Create content that is open for all of the players, don’t create content that is viable for only a small subset of players. I feel the same could be done with the raids, by the way.
Yep. I firmly believe that there will be one and only one raid ever added to the game.
I firmly believe that’s all that ever should be in this game, and that only because it’s already done, not because it was in any way shape or form an improvement over the fun and accessibility of big budget fights we’ve already seen the game can deliver.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Don’t even try to leave HoT content incomplete with so many questions especially about Malyck, Other Trees, Pale Tree, Rata Novus and Asura society.
Legendaries CAN WAIT. Anyways only players that have enough kitten-tons of money they’ve got from previous drops of Precursors can have them. Ridiculous! Me and my people cannot get at least one Legendary, and some of other folks have full collections of them. I was and I am waiting for Living Story vol. 3, not for new weapons shooting with leaves, unicorns, ravens or kitten knows what more. Give us Malyck, Other Tree, Pale Tree and Rata Novus.
You killed Trehearne listening to moans of people on this forum ( I liked him a lot!!!), now I moan for making puzzles of lore that you made into complete thing.
Malyck come back! Malyck my bro! Canach is psycho, Malyck please defend me from him! I don’t want to work with somebody who has wanted poster, Canach to jail, Malyck to trail!
It’s the right decision.
No point on adding more legendaries when only a few players will bother making them because of the insanely absurd ridiculously ludicrous material costs, when the best ways to get those materials are the most boring things one can do in the game.
If they ever fix that issue, and people can actually make more than 1 legendary weapon in over 5 years without spending their entire game time doing anything except actually playing and enjoying the game, then they could continue with the project.
One of my biggest problems with GW2 is the lack of new content. There’s way too many “feature patches” and too few “content patches”. There’s way too many “old systems revamps” and too few new maps/ events/ stories/ etc.
Mike, when I was reading your post, about halfway, when you said that your goal was to give us always something to do, my first reaction was “but not everyone wants a legendary, and for those that want it, not everyone wants a short bow!” Then I read the part where you confirmed that the legendary journey would be over, and I’m actually happy with that decision, even if it is very controversial.
That being said, I think there are flaws with the current living world systems that need to be fixed/ improved:
- There’s a lack of additional story content outside of big living story seasons/ expansions.
- There’s a lack of linear sidequests that can tell stories. Collections are cool, but they’re heavily non-linear, with interesting lore but little narrative, and are, well, more about collecting stuff than doing an actual adventure.
- Most of the content being developed is targetted way too much at niches. Raids are heavily social-driven, fractals are heavily agony-grinding driven, etc. I would like to see more content that can appeal to a larger majority of players (generally, new maps with new stories do that), or see existing content be made more accessible to non-hardcore players (removal of agony and much improved LFG for raids, in my opinion, would go a long way towards that).
GW2 was appealing to people because it was a casual MMO things becoming harder or rather more grindy is why people left since so many people joined to begin with because it was indeed less grindy than other MMO’s.
What your grinding for doesn’t matter a reward is a reward whether it has stats or not and just because something is cosmetic doesn’t take away from it being an extremely grindy en-devour at all. Basic MMO 101 really that the reward system is important and the reward system for GW2 is extremely grindy for instance look at the monster loot you only have one set of weapons in HoT that drop from monsters. Farming monsters for loot in HoT is pointless because the lower end of the reward spectrum is non-existant and people look for rewards they find an extremely grindy model.
They’ve used the same dungeons for years and no other MMO could ever get away from this level of neglect. If they cared we’d have more dungeons and they wouldn’t have reduced the rewards.
Your right about skills when hot came only the elite special got new skills but all the basic classes got zip. If a Mesmer wanted a phantasm based skill in every slot including heal and elite then they should be able to do so. They’ve added two heals and removed one of them and that is beyond pathetic.
Underwater should’ve been balanced instead of completely guted it was a marketed and people bought the game because it was new and then Anet completely abandoned it. Removed from PvP and no more water based weapons with tickets or in the future when all people really wanted for was them to balance the classes and unlock the remaining skills.
Weapons should’ve been expanded upon ages ago for instance why can’t a mesmer main hand a pistol if they can offhand it, rangers with guns, and so forth. Elite specs doesn’t address the lack of new weapon combinations and skills for players or the lack of additional weapon types.
WvW. Gw1, and even the population of the forums is at all time lows in fact I’m on it much more rarely than I did in the past and am only on because I heard of Colin leaving earlier this month and decided to check the game out in hopes of some sort of massive overhaul.
Hi all,
In the upcoming Spring 2016 Quarterly Update, we’ll launch the new legendary short bow, Chuka and Champawat. The team outdid themselves on this one. This new precursor journey takes you through a memorable experience inspired by a real-world story, and the bow you craft at the end is the perfect commemoration of that journey. I hope you all check it out.
Last year we talked about plans to gradually build out a second set of legendary weapons through live content updates. That’s a big responsibility. We have a team of six developers working on that, who could work on it for years to come.
As game director I have to make tough trade-offs. One thing I believe is that we have to focus on the core game first before taking on additional responsibilities. I wrote in the Guild Wars 2 Design Manifesto in 2010 that our vision was to create a living, dynamic world, where there’s always something to do. Let’s ensure we succeed on that front.
So, after shipping Chuka and Champawat, I’ve asked that we indefinitely suspend work on new legendary weapons. This team of developers will instead shift their efforts back to Living World style content, building new journeys and events for everyone to participate in.
I know this will be a controversial decision. I’ll hang out with you here on the forums for a little while today to discuss it. And I’m always available by email.
They need to do what nearly every other game has done. Add a box that lets you turn off the effects of other players (which affects particle effects of friendly players). You could leave yours on, still see everything coming at you (enemy effects are still visible) and everything you do, but it would remove the graphic blur that is most boss fights in this game.
Te Nosce [TC]
There’s literally video options to turn down spell effects, why exactly is this FORCED onto us?
I don’t get it, give me my fireball and auras back if my computer can handle it.
Because they need to save visuals for things like legendary weapon effects, armor effects (batwings, snow, bees, chak egg stuff) random stuff dropping off various purchasable gliders, pvp tags view-able out in open world content, etc. Makes perfect sense.
Today´s guild chat had a special effect dev as a guest but they only hyped the -coming soon- first raid boss and talked nothing about this issue. Sad
Interesting that they picked one of the seven deadly sins, Sloth.
(edited by Siobhan.5273)
Then again, I think that GW1 did a better job of teaching players, at least those who stuck with it, to improve their game. By the time people got to some of the more difficult content, the gradual difficulty ramp up had prepared them to some degree.
I wish GW2 was a better “teacher”. The amount of players who still don’t know what a breakbar is and how to break it is alarming. But the game never actually teaches you what a breakbar is so it’s not entirely their fault, their only fault is not reading map chat where everything is explained lol.
There are also so many people who want to skip the entire difficulty curve just to get their shinnies. LS1 would’ve helped with all this, teaching people by increasing the difficulty gradually and working as an excellent bridge for HoT, but then they thought it would be nice to remove it completely so we have this great gap now.
Need a better tutorial for sure