Showing Posts Upvoted By nesh.7234:

8-bit music in the character menu

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Sephil.3971


I want that music for my cellphone.
Anyone knows if we can download it?

87th Worldwide Masterful Achiever

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeebok.1460


Death by Snu Snu!

Obligatory 'best name I've seen' thread...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Voqar.2349


I prefer names that fit the lore and game, since I like to feel immersed. It’s impossible these days, of course, since the maturity level of players couldn’t get any lower.

So, sorry, I don’t find many of these to be “best” by a long shot.

Some are marginally amusing but the thing is, they reflect the fact that the people that the people who create them don’t care about the game, or the genre, or the effect they have on other players.

6th playable race, what's your top 3 pick?

in Lore

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

Seer – the ancient enemies of the mursaat and the creators of the bloodstones (hey the naga came back from near extinction come on you know you want to).

Mursaat – floating mighty spellcasters, the former “gods” of kryta and the power of spectral agony at their command.

Tengu – … to fill out list

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Gw2 soundtrack same as Kotor 1 ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draxian.7945


I find the music to be pretty good and a lot of it plenty memorable. Although, there is a lot of that “fanfare” stuff in the story that is pretty lack luster =/ (especially when traehearne is around…. the main story in general was just kind of lacking after the first half and even that first half was only decent; but lets not beat a dead horse).

Fear Not This Night.

The State of Guardians

in Guardian

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

I don’t think the thieves that do that care if you believe it or not.

Encounter with thieves are not indicative of the general state of guardians either. Presenting extreme cases is not convincing.

Sure it is, Thieves shouldn’t be able to do that to Guardians, especially bunker builds. However, you’re the one that ignorantly continues to deny that instances of 3-4 hit downings by that profession doesn’t exist. I just gave you evidence of such thing, and there’s a lot more videos by other players out there as well. And those are not “extreme” cases as you put it. Why do you think Thief is such a popular class when it comes to PvP?

@Amins, I completely agree with you there. Honestly, the way it is now, armor class is just asethetics. There is no difference in the “feel” of a light armor class vs a heavy armor class.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

(edited by Lonewolf Kai.3682)

How Many Play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jemmi.6058


I think that exactly 3,141,592 people play this game.

No Gear Treadmills = Endless Grind

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clay.7849


This is a great video someone showed me once about the difference between extrinsic and intrinsic rewards playing video games.

Author did a mistake there… In WoW your grinding not to just get the items but to get items powerful enough to overcome next challenge. What’s wrong with that?!

Well, the idea that you need new items to overcome new challenges is something that is largely in your head.

Think of it this way, let’s say your gear power is a 3 on a scale from 1 to 10 and the encounter difficulty on a scale from 1 to 10. That’s a 1:1 ratio of gear power to encounter difficulty. If you get new gear and it is a 4 and your next encounter is a 4, then you still have a 1:1 ratio. The only thing that gets bigger are the numbers that pop up for damage, and the hidden hit points of the mobs you are attacking.

So, while there is perceived progression, there is really none. It is still a 1:1 ratio.

It doesn’t have to work just for 1:1 ratios either, you can have any ratio, but the gear largely has nothing to do with anything except making you feel more powerful. The only way you are more powerful is because in an MMO you compare yourself to the rest of the population. And, compared to the population, you are more powerful, but at the expense of creating a barrier for the lower population to enter “higher” level content.

What many argue should happen (and what GW1 did quite well) is to make content more challenging without the need for gear to increase. This not only allows you to avoid the common problems with power creep, but also to create content that new players can access so they don’t get discouraged and quit.

Basically, you don’t need better gear to make content more challenging or exciting, you need better content.

Please Explain the Logic of the AoE Limit

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Rooster.2615

The Rooster.2615

Simple. It would make a single character wielding AoE attacks insanely powerful if they can hit everyone in the target region. Get a couple of such characters together and they can recreate the fight in 300 anywhere.

That’s why there’s a cap on number of affected by an AoE attack.

Only if all of your targets stand in one spot for you.

Everybody thinks AOE would be OP because of the current zerg tactics. Remove the cap, and the tactics will change.

-People will spread out instead of stack up to help against AOE. This not only makes more sense, but would also lead to much more interesting fights that encompass a larger area of the battlefield.

-Exploiting weak points in your enemy’s formation would become extremely important (as they are now spread out instead of one giant zerg) leading to more tactical fights. This is a huge plus.

-It’s much less likely that people would get insta-gibbed as the combat would be more spread out. In short, you wouldn’t get hit by 40 people at once.

-Flanking, among other tactics gains importance leading to more interesting tactical gameplay.

-Choke points actually become useful and dangerous.

-Skill begins to matter more than numbers. 10 smart players can hold off a zerg of not so smart ones.

The list goes on. Removing the AOE cap would get rid of this silly zerg mentality that predominates WvW and make people actually think. I can’t begin to describe how much more interesting and engaging it would be.

(edited by The Rooster.2615)

Why not?!

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203


Why, if we complete all of this living story we can’t have token to exchange for new fused weapons?

This RNG with black lion is just crap.

Agreed. There’s no point in adding new content if there is no reward for doing it. 2000 karma and 6 silver is hardly a reward.

I did it because it was fun, new, exciting, and I enjoyed it. I would have done it for no reward.

Cutscenes like from personal story?

in Living World

Posted by: BobbyStein



Guild Wars 2 Narrative Lead

You’ll find out soon.

Feedback Flame and Frost

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Xuro.5861


Living Story Rewards

Although the content you are adding is alot of fun, I feel the team that handles the rewards lacks experience for properly giving out rewards so I would like to give an example of how you can reward people across 4 months without influencing the economics of your game.

A simple setup that would build a strong core for rewards would be something along the lines of this:

Prelude Month 1

We got the drawing which was a pleasant surprise to most people, I would however made it so that you can use it once, and receive a copy of the drawing to keep forever. Collectors love these kind of small things.

Prelude Month 2

Whenever you helped all the refugees they would like to thank you by rewarding you the following items:

- Refugee Backpack
- 5x Refugee transformation potion
- 5x Karma Jug
- 3 Laurels
- 1 New unlocked title.

Living Story Month 3

Although we are still in the first week, I believe most of the rewards have already been given so that’s why I feel like another example is needed here.

- Molten Alliance Dredge Mini Pet (account bound)
- 1 Ticket for a Refugee Weapon (not the Fused weapons, a new set of weapons so that your sales don’t get affected)
- 10 Karma Jugs
- 1 New unlocked title.

Living Story Month 4

Although nobody knows the rewards yet for the last month, I still would like to give an example of something that would probably work.

- Molten Alliance Flame Legion Mini Pet (account bound)
- Final Living Story Boss as Mini Pet (account bound)
- 10 Karma Jugs
- Final title

All these rewards are once of a lifetime and that’s what matters. In a few years your loyal playerbase has something to showoff and it allows people to attach memories about this part of the Living Story to their character and the involved items.

General Talk

It’s pretty clear that the development in both quality and quantity is increasing in the Living Story team and I’m excited to see where all of this will lead too.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post, I hope it was usefull. If anyone would like to add anything, feel free to do so, but please keep it civil/constructive.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Feedback Flame and Frost

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Xuro.5861


After closely following the Living Story for 3 months I decided to post my own constructive feedback along with suggestions on how to improve the experience within each section of the Living Story.

Feel free to add your own input but please keep it constructive and about the Living Story itself. Complaints about the RNG involved with the Black Lion Chests have their own seperate topic.

Refugee Volunteer

Not much to say about this one, it was pretty straight forward and finished within 20 minutes.

Suggestions to improve it

- Several events which involve protecting the caravans while they pass in Wayfarer Foothills and Diessa Plateau, this would give it a more “alive” feeling as the player will get involved a bit more.

Lost and Found

This one was also pretty easy to figure out, two new items to be found each week. The spawn locations seemed very static, even though they were different on each server. I personally liked that every NPC you had to help gave a small teaser of why they were in Lion’s Arch.

Suggestions to improve it

- Whenever you returned an item to the NPC, give the player an extra teaser so that when you talk to the NPC again, it will recognize that you helped him or her and offers you another small teaser towards the storyline.

The Gathering Storm

Not much to say about this one, we have a similar achievement with every other holiday event and they are usually finished within an hour.

Suggestions to improve it

- Add several more tiers, up to 500 or 1,000 kills. This may sound like a grind but with all the events going on, alongside the new dungeons and upcoming content, it would be finished easily within the timeframe of 4 months.

Secret Contact

I loved this one, searching for clues around both area’s and then learning new tidbits about the story was both very interesting and hilarious. I love the sense of humor that’s attached to most of the messages and I wouldn’t mind searching for more clues.

Suggestions to improve it

- Some are very close to each other, spreading them out a bit more would increase the difficulty of finding them all.

- Make the locations random so that no guides can be created, this way it will feel like a real hunt, this will create another layer of immersion for most people too.

Living Story Instances

I’ve done both a few times now and I would like to post both the positive and negative points that I experienced.


- Beautifull area’s, it really feels like a part of the Molten Alliance

- Fast paced with nearly no cooldowns between battles, it gives a more intens experience

- The NPC involvement is great which adds very nicely to the immersion.


- Able to solo, seeing how both the Charr and Norn are fleeing, it’s a bit silly that you can solo the instances along with their final bosses.

- Only one final boss, I think one or more mini bosses between the different steps that you take would intensify the experience (if you increase the general difficulty stated as above).

- Not the proper rewards, I will talk more about this at the end of this post.

Suggestions to improve it

- Build it for a party of 3 to 5, mostly for the immersion and the general mmo experience.

- Triple the monsters inside the dungeon, give it an army feeling.

- Add more bosses along with a few small rewards, like a jug of 500 karma after each boss.

(edited by Xuro.5861)

Access to Citadel Command Core POI blocked

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Vahkris.6847


I think you have to be past a certain point in the Personal Story.

Specifically after you’ve been named Commander of the Pact. The guard has standing orders to let you past.

Your perfect patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bighaben.5890



  • Added 5 Guild Halls that are semi-customizable.
  • Reworked Guild UI to be able to track members more easily.
  • Added Guild Alliance System

Guild Missions

  • Increased Merit Rewards across all levels by 5
  • Refined scaling for bounty missions to reflect the number of players active at the time the guild bounty was activated.


  • Added unique armor and weapon skins to all dungeon loot tables. You now have a small chance at acquiring these during boss fights.
  • Reworked some dungeon balancing

Laurel System

  • Laurels are now character bound, and can be accumulated once per day, per character.
  • Earning an achievement title now grants a laurel, and will be retroactive
  • Added new mini-pets, and various other goodies to Laurel Vendors, check them out!


  • Added Tier 6 mats to loot table, you can now get 0-5 of any T6 mat, with 5 being extremely rare.
  • Added a new Dragon minion
  • Added new skills to dragons that make it much more difficult to remain standing still.


  • Added 2 new fractal levels
  • Added a guaranteed rare drop from Jade Maw chest


  • Removed Diminishing Returns
  • Increased the drop rates of Lodestones by a significant percentage.
  • Increased cost of Icy Runestones to 2g
  • Precursors should drop much more frequently now, and have been added to many loot tables around the game.
  • A precursor scavenger hunt has been added, talk to NPC to get started!
  • Added 20 new mystic forge recipes for unique weapon skins
  • Greatly increased the chance to salvage T6 mats from low quality weapons and armor.

And of course, class balance changes that go on for 6 pages.

Your perfect patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sarrs.4831


-Story mode dungeons will now reward appropriate tokens for the dungeon in question at the end of the run.
A. This incentivises running story mode several times, making it much easier for newer players to complete them
-Dungeons can now have their difficulty tuned on a scale similar to Fractals, with a similar reward/difficulty scale. It is possible to elect to tune down the difficulty scaling after wiping at a boss.
A. Allows the group to place the dungeon’s difficulty at an appropriate place for them
B. Tuning the difficulty down can allow a subpar group to continue through without wasting the run
-All zones have an end boss which drop a chest; all end bosses are related to 3-5 chains across the zone like Temple of Balthazar is dependent on North/Central/South invasions.
A. Encourages participation in all zones
B. Invalidates online timers
-Magic Find, Gold Find, Karma Boosts, Experience Boosts on gear are no longer available; instead added to an account-wide level/talent system which affects drops (like those levels you get in D3 when you’re already 60). MF already on gear will be converted to an equivalent amount of +healing, except for Wayfarer’s, which will be converted to +Condition Duration. MF/GF/Karma/EXP infusions will be converted into Simple Infusions and refunded.
A. Nobody likes carrying an MF-geared player
B. Adding it to a secondary, account-wide system offers a progression system for players without directly affecting power output. May affect economy; advise.
-Ascended trinkets can now be created in the Mystic Forge using those crappy green and yellow trinkets that drop from dungeons, and from BoH gear in wuvwuv.
A. More means to get ascended goodies, possibly unique ascended goodies from particular dungeons
-Altered the DE mob calculations; the game will now favor spawning Veterans and Champions a bit earlier.
A. Moving to veterans over huge masses of normals lowers network requirements and makes it easier to tag
-Damage calculation for certain abilities and traits has been changed to normalise damage done by player characters in PvE.
A. Players in PvE content’s worth is currently measured by their outputs
B. PvE-specific so that it doesn’t affect PvP balance which can be addressed seperately
-Most dungeons have been adjusted to reduce the amount of skippable trash. TAKE THAT COF1
A. lol COF1
B. lol
-That kitten hole in the last boss of HOTW1 has been removed. The beam, too. You have to actually do the boss now suckers
A. This needs to be fixed across the entire game; there are other, similar glitches, but this is the most grievous one that I can find

-All locations can now be upgraded to a new structure once their upgrades have been maxed. For example, Borderlands Garrisons can be upgraded into Castles. These upgrades will remain even when the structure is captured by an opposing team.
A. Games will ramp up as they run their course
-Shrines can now be constructed in certain structures on each map, at the end of upgrade paths. Shrines grant the benefits of runes to all players on that team in WvWvW and in PvE, and can be improved by gathering environmental objects around the zone. Shrines will remain even when the structure is captured by an opposing team, though can be destroyed at the discretion of the guild occupying the structure.
A. Less powerful, more granular replacement for orbs
B. Unique, more interesting effects
C. Help to make wuvwuv objectives more fuzzy than simply CAPTURE ALL THE POINTS
-The green and blue teams’ Borderland maps have been changed; they are now a coastline, Sparkfly Fen-styled area and an Ascalon-styled region respectively.
A. Variety is the spice of life! One map style is boring
B. These maps might be able to be slanted in the favor of red and blue. Arguable whether this is a good idea
-Neutral parties, such as Skritt, Centaur and Krait will carry out sieges on locations, preferring to attack targets held by the teams with the most players on the field and the most held objectives. They will automatically destroy shrines in any location they capture.
A. Help to offset the advantage an overmanned team has against its enemies
B. Give players something to do in dominated maps
C. Randomly destroy shrines to help reduce snowballing
-A new upgrade has been added to the end of each non-camp site’s upgrade tree; the Orb of Command. Any player may take control of the Orb of Command after a long cast time, granting them an overview of the immediate surroundings of the structure, allowing them to cast very powerful class-specific spells- For example, Necromancers can summon a horde of minions to defend the site.
A. Gives high-upgraded sites more survivability against quick raids, but CDs will quickly dry up if reinforcements don’t arrive quickly
B. Can’t reach Trebuchets; still reliable siege weapons to wear down highly upgraded sites
C. Cool buttons for each class to press

Nalhadia – Kaineng

(edited by Sarrs.4831)

Difference between Living World and F&F?

in Living World

Posted by: ColinJohanson.2394


Game Director


Living World is really a broader concept, it’s the idea that Guild Wars 2 is (and will become more so) a truly living game, where the world can change and constantly evolve going forward.

This will come in a lot of different forms. One example of stuff we’ve done in the past is new events, dungeons, guild missions, etc. being added that constantly expand the range of content and experiences. We want to keep doing more and more of this with our world in the future, to constantly provide new exciting things you can discover and experience any time in Gw2.

Another form of this is through special events, things like Halloween, Hunger Games, or Wintersday where content is available for a period of time, is removed from the game when that period is over, and could appear again in the future in some form to help provide unique and fun experiences in the game world.

Finally, the storyline of this type of content going into the world is really the “living story” in a sense for the game. We want to try and theme our releases with storylines and main characters in the game world that have exciting story arcs, a lot of the permanent new content, special events, etc. will all have these core story arcs that drive them in the game world. Much like the story of Halloween drove around the potential return of the Mad King, storyline for our living world releases will play a big part in the content that appears and changes the world as a result.

We want to make this a much bigger part of where Gw2 goes in the future, to give a sense that the world truly can change constantly as you’re playing and every time you login. What we’ve done with Flame and Frost so far is really a very small example of what we view the living world to be as a future possibility for Gw2. Things more along the lines of Halloween, Lost Shores, and Wintersday are stronger examples, along with the new events, guild missions, etc. we’ve added in releases since launch.

The goal is to provide a unifying storyline to the world that ushers this new content into the game, changes the game, and makes the world feel truly alive. It’s like every month your GM is running new scenarios for your gaming group to enjoy, or your favorite TV show is airing new episodes to experience. We’re really barely scratching the surface of what this concept can be for our game, and we’ll be building much more in that in 2013.

[iR] Weapons & Armors

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


In this topic, you’re able to share your own opinions.
No Trolls allowed here! If you disagree with something,
say it with constructive feedback please.
Feel free to share additional your ideas.

Here I show you how the legendary process should work in my opinion.
Currently, Legendary weapons are made for farmers, cheaters and exploiters right now.
Sorry, but its deep BS. These should be optained with real skills.
This example is based on legendary weapons, but can be applied on Leg. armors in the same way.
Getting Legendary items should be a real skilled process.
Its pathetic to buy the most of the items by grinding and farming. It should show off real playing talents.
We have to use the Mystic Forge:

Step 1, Upgrading a special to Precursor:
Dungeon Weapon or max stat Exotic Weapon or Pact token optained base weapon
+ Mystic Gift (Combined by 4x 500 Token Gifts)
+ Zommoros Support (500 Skillpoint)
+ An Elemental Stone (Exchange for 1 Gift of Explorer)
= PRECURSOR (SoulBound to crafter) (Drops are the soldable not-yet-bounded versions)

Step 2, Upgrading a Precursor to Legendary:
+ Legendary Part 1 (like “Legendary Greatsword Blade”)
+ Legendary Part 2 (like “Legendary Greatsword Handle”)
+ Soul Stone (Exchange for 1 Gift of Explorer)

Step 3, Crafting the ultimate ""Godforged"" Weapon:
2x Legendary
+ The Godstone
+ Blessing of the Six (or Gods)

For a Legendary, we need a precursor. Precursors are ultra rare drops, and irrelatively high valued. Players needs a way to make their own precursor, using non-boughtable (or at least harder to buy than game gold) rewards by playing the game. Dungeon weapons are handly, a good base. Mystic Gift should prove the worth of the player. To optain it, the player needs to put 4 Gifts from 4 different dungeon into the Mystic Forge.
Then, a Zommoros Support thing for 500 skillpoint, which proves the spended time on the character.
For the last piece, an Elemental Stone, which makes the precursor’s basic style. These are exchange items for Gift of the Traveller that we optained by 100% Map discovery.
So by proving our basic skills and playtime, we got a soulbounded precursor weapon for the character we used.

Now we’ll make a Legendary.
The Precursor is the base. I suggest to add twoancient part and Soul to the weapon, so it can be called Legendary in real.

  • Legendary Part 1 should be called like “Legendary Greatsword Blade” or “Legendary Longbow Stave”
  • Legendary Part 2 should be called like “Legendary Greatsword Handle” or “Legendary Longbow String”
    Needs level400 of crafting: Orichalcum bases, and one special optained item, T6 Rare materials + Mystic Force.

A Leg. Greatsword blade: a ""Vial of Mystic Force"" what keeps the shards together (1 vial for 500 SkillPoint), and 3 of special legendary shard which is optained from a hard Jumping Puzzle with solo fights, or something else hard-to-just-buy way.
Upper, Middle, Buttom sword blade shard for example.
A Leg. Gs. handle example:. Needs 3 legendary weapon shards, an another vial of Mystic Force, and a ""Trust of Tyria"" token for 250,000 Karma. A Legendary shard should be optained with 1000 Badges of Honor.
Until this, its still much more progressive than simply buying all the materials from TP using grinded/exploited golds.
If players must have level 400 craftings, things like “Vial of Mystic Force” and “Trust of Tyria” can be separated onto 3 or 4 pieces, and can only put together with crafting, and maybe a high value receipe (50+50 gold)
The fourth piece is a Soul Stone, can be exchanged for 1 Gift of the Explorer.

Legendary weapons must have at least 5% more damage and stats, maybe 10%.
If they just has more minimal damage, maybe its more acceptable.
Let the players feel its worth, not just by the liked skin."
For those who still has time and energy to level up his gear on his char, a new class called “Godforge” should be made.

Godforge items made by putting 2 Legendary, a Godstone and a Blessing of the Six into the Mystic Forge.
Godstones worth 1000 Skillpoints, while Blessing of the Six is bought for 500,000 Karma
These items are serious, has super cool effects, +10 to 20% effectiveness, and/or double upgrade slots.
Godforge items can’t be sold on TP, Can’t be sold to Merchants. Can be salvaged with BL Salvage kit for fix 250 Ecto. (in case the player wants another one)

I prefer not using stacks of materials for Legendary items, just skill-proving challange rewards. These kind of weapons shouldn’t cost more than 100 Gold. We should just pove our skills to the Gods, so they support us with ancient pieces.

Game Designer || iREVOLUTION.Design \\
“A man chooses; a slave obeys.” | “Want HardMode? Play Ranger!”

Precursor: another way to...

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ghaste.2419


inspired by redditor : Doomgrin75 Precursor hunt or another way to involve dungeon and players

The legendaries are supposed to (sic);

  • “show off your accomplishments and symbolise all of the things that you’ve been doing” (Lead Designer Isiah Cartwright – in this video) and,
  • “show everyone that you are a true master of Guild Wars 2” (quoted from here).

I saw that post and it inspire me to make somekind of recipe, to create precusor that take time and devotion but without random.

The precursor should use shard or essence or relic or [insert name here](we will use essence for exemple) direclty from dungeon vendor for 1000 tokens of every dungeon + Obsidians shard and bloodstone shard+ crafting mats, so every PVE aspect of GW2 are used. here the recipes:

Take the 4 elements essence to make Elementals Essences at the Forge.
HotW (Water), CoF (Fire), CoE (Air) and SE (Earth).
Recipe : 1 essence of fire, 1 essence of water, 1 essence of air, 1 essence of Earth = Elementals Essences

Take the 4 astrals essences to make Astrals Essences at the forge
Arah (Death), TA (Life), AC (Etheral), CM (Humanity)
Recipe : 1 essence of death, 1 essence of life, 1 essence of etheral, 1 essence of humanity = Astrals Essences

Combine those with Obisidian Shards + Bloodstone Shard
Recipe: Elemental Essence + Astral essence + 250 Obsidian Shards + Bloodstone Shard = Precursor essence

Finish it with crafting mats to make it more like a weapon
Recipe : Precursor essence + 10 [T6 crafting part one as Orichalcum Axe Blade] + 10 [T6 Small Ancient Haft] + Sigil[of the precursor] = Precursor you want!

So total of 200 skill point + 500 000 karma + Nearly 18 run of every dungeon. It’s time comsuming, it make the community play together, and a lot more fun than random.

Implementation time for Areanet team.

  • Add the recipes for the Mystic forge
  • Add 11 essences (Or elses) icons.

What it does, get out the random of the equation, make people run all dungeon and play every aspect of the game (For Karma and skill point). Give a healty way to get precursor while doing stuff with other peoples. Friends can help with dungeon and it give them something in return too. And you can be proud to get your precusor with all you did to get it! It’s a lot more fabulous than random!

People will still be able to gamble it or buy it if they want a shortcut, but people who have time and no luck will be able to enjoy the game and get the precusor to one day finish their legendary!

I think it would be a fabulous way to get precursor!
If you think it too, plz tell us

PS: Doing a lot of dungeon can give lodestone too and maybe lower the cost of them a bit. it can solve 2 complaints

(edited by Ghaste.2419)

Guild Wars 2 Taught Me Something About Myself

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

Roles are very well defined in end-game teams, PuGs are just mostly DPS-specced people and that’s you you get the feeling there are no roles.
Roles are there, just need to invite people that actually specs into them.
I have a support Guardian and my team members rarely die due to my shields/walls and protection uptime.

Of course roles in GW2 are less child-proof than say WoW.
Even though a Guardian can protect you it’s not as brain-dead as not having to deal with damage at all, you still have to dodge, heal and pop defensive CDs.

If you cannot bear that you’re not pidgeon holed into DPS alone and need to take care for yourself without someone pulling all the challenge to himself I’m sorry but you will have to change game.

The main reason people play this game is due to the active, action combat where responsibility is handed out equally to all dungeon members instead of just 2.
For people who want to lock themselves into doing a DPS rotation while 2 members take care of the whole dungeons there are many games out there that offer this, where you can watch animes while the tank and healer carry you around.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

What you're saying when you make an lfg.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


When you say no noobs, what you’re really saying and expressing to the community is that you are indeed a noob and in need of a good carrying.

Saying anyone welcome says you’re confident in your skills and have faith that anyone can be a good player if given the chance to learn and excel.

If someone straight up says it’s their first time doing a dungeon it means that they know they aren’t going to be amazing but they are willing to listen and learn. If you’re willing to be patient with me you might get a gem in the future, but for right now I’m a clump of coal waiting to be molded.

Saying zerker warrior only, link all gear, blah blah blah means, “This is my first character, I have no idea what other classes are or what they can do but they aren’t as good as me. I am da best and you all suck. Profanity. You’re all dumb cause you’re not my class with my build. I am the king of the universe.”

When I’m in a pt with 2 rangers and a necro I usually dread what’s going to come next but that doesn’t mean I’m going to leave the pt or kick anybody. Give those guys a chance, there might be a reason those guys are on those classes. They might know something you don’t and make something go super easy. This isn’t guaranteed for sure but everyone deserves a chance to proves themselves. Don’t judge it before you see it in action.

Sorry if some of you guys didn’t like what I had to say but please keep in mind I’m not saying anything against you, I’m just letting you know what king of message your post is giving to other players.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)

(edited by randomfightfan.4091)

Why I think you're losing active players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Devata.6589


When I see the discussion about end-content I always miss something. You know what my end-content was in other MMO’s. One in particular. Getting rare pets (as ranger), getting (rare / special) mini’s, rare mounts and doing funcrafts (like an engineering craft) to get special items.

In GW2 all those thinks do not exist but I have fun in WvW and with the guild (Thnx for the guild-missions) but for people who do like those things and don’t like WvW or guild-stuff they miss a lot.

Special mini’s.. well farm farm farm gold and buy them, or get real money and buy them. A lot of people want to ‘farm’ for the mini (material) itself not for gold to buy the mini (material).

It’s not really a challenge because you can always buy them. Make it more fun to get a mini, make ‘quest’ (GW2 does not really has quest, but introducing some would not be bad) or special ways to get them. You might need to get materials from all over the world (because a quest sends you all over the world) to get your mini. Materials or mini’s you can not just buy because even if they are not account-bound because of the rareness they are extremely expensive.

Let rangers also catch more pets in a more generic way. Not just a list with pets you can walk to, pres f and you have it. A lot of PvE ranger mainly go ranger for the pet, not pure for there attacks. Make some pets hard to catch and because of the generic way people might even catch pets ArenaNet would not want them to catch. Well heey, a very rare pet. Thats for a lot of people end-content and a sport to get them.

Same for a fun craft. Armor and weapons.. well some people like crafting that but a lot don’t really mind the armor until they are 80 so they need to craft just to get to level 400 to be able to craft something interesting (what is kinda boring). If you have a fun craft then there is just a fun item to make every step. Make it harder of course by requiring recipes that are hard to get, or drop (rare) from a boss in a dungeon and so on. Also require material from other crafts to get those people to also want to do those other crafts (not only to get to 400).

For now we don’t have mounts but you understand you can do something similar there. There is a very very very big group for whom this is the end-content but that does not exist in GW2, Adding it would be a big step forwards.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Guesting and Dragon Chest Limits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Limit Guesting, not people on their main server!

Limiting guesting wouldn’t solve anything, it was never the issue. Overflows/lag is created by people on their own server not by guesting players.

Anet’s change is the best, it’s only strange that they didn’t implement this sooner.

Activities you don't know about

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tom Gore.4035

Tom Gore.4035

its a game about slashing baddies and getting loot in a beautiful environement.

mini games wont stand a chance unless they give loot or if playing it is required for map completion.

You are the Epitome of what’s wrong with the current MMO genre. You’re the reason they have taken the RP out of MMORPG.

I hope some day I wake up and you and your kind are all back to playing CoD and MOBAs for the rest of your days and leave our games alone.

One – Piken Square

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

I see a lot of people here whining “there is no personal reward, no one in my guild will join!” Holy hells. Do you really need a shiny trinket dangling every. single. step. of the way to motivate your guildies? No one ever understands long-term planning or working together towards something? You don’t know how to make it fun?

Then why the hell are you a guild leader? It’s not Anets job to bond your guildies together and create some fun. It’s yours. And yes, that job’ll be easier now if guild missions are your goal.

This game isn't for you...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

@Aeon I think you hit the nail on the head there, and at least no one else is going to try removing trinity without a proper replacement, thank god. I don’t think combat is ‘amazing’ though, more of just meh. I like actually using my brain and strategizing which is why I loved GW1.

I think you confuse combat with enemy depth.
It’s not our combat mechanics that are boring, it’s the AI.

GW1 required more tactics because:
- AI used proper teams (healer, rupter mesmer, condi necro, 2 warriors, ranger)
- AI had proper skillbars that would make sense for a player to use, sometimes even great builds with 10 skills, elites and all.
Therefore you needed to setup a good strategy to counter their builds and their comp.

GW2 lacks exactly that.
Mobs rarely have a proper “team”, it’s a miracle if they collaborate.
Mobs have 1-2 skills. Very rarely 3.
Mobs have no builds. They spam their 1-2 skills over and over.
Mobs have no team AI. They won’t try to act as a team and help each other.

Combat is great, AI is terrible.
Anet needs to stop making mobs use “mob skills” and give them proper builds like in GW1.
I expect a Warrior mob to come Bull+HB me.
A Guardian mob should give protection/aegis to the team, use bubbles and walls.

(edited by Red Falcon.8257)

This game isn't for you...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


I don’t think that this game is made for a very narrow audience at all. I think this game is made for an audience most people don’t realize is as large as it is. Let me give you a couple of examples.

Games like Skyrim or Dragon Age or The Witcher are all popular games. They’re games about people who like RPGs. MMORPGs have had the letters in the name for a long time, but the love of exploring and the world detail have largely been ignored by companies. Very few companies really wanted to make a living world. That’s why everything in WoW ends up in dungeons and raids, and people standing around cities.

But when you actually poll the WoW playerbase, you end up with a whole lot more people who solo than anyone expected and a whole lot less raiders. More to the point, Scott Hartsman, the lead developer of Rift, said (and I’m paraphrasing here, it was a long time ago), no MMO developer in his right mind could possibly ignore those who play MMOs solo because it’s such a large percentage of the playerbase. Even the Guild Wars 2 FAQ has a question about being able to solo.

The thing is, since the people who play games for immersion often do solo, no one knows what they think. They don’t have to come to forums to exchange builds, or group with people, or find out about dungeon runs, or the best min/max builds. They just play the game.

There’s a whole lot of us out here. No one knows how many. Why? Because when you’re a raider there’s a very specific activity you do, and you KNOW you’re a raider. When you’re a PvPer there’s a very specific activity you’re into. But when you’re an immersion player, just enjoying the open world exploring and having fun, there’s no real name for that. So many people I’ve talked to share my play style, but there’s no word for it, because you’re not really doing any specific activity.

I believe that Guild Wars 2 is popular for players like me, because other MMOs don’t even take us into account most of the time.

The current state of the game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shootsfoot.9276


I really think this game can be really good. ArenaNet just needs to decide what group of people they want to play the game. Make it for them. And, forget about kitten off the rest.

You just can’t make a game that makes everyone happy.

I think they tried to stay too far away from the dreaded “T-word” and pretty much just made it so dps is the answer to everything. They tried to make it a soft trinity mode, but it’s way too soft. There needs to be more definition to people’s functions in parties. While the dodge mechanic is refreshing, it shouldn’t be the answer to everything. In my opinion, it should be a last-ditch avoidance.

Watching my guardian dance around doing constant somersaults in heavy plate armor looks ridiculous to me. I would like to see more interrupt abilities and CC abilities that actually have meaning. Kind of like back in GW1 the Ranger was the interrupt master. If a CC or an interrupt fails, NOW resort to dodging.

I would also like to see third-party healing actually mean something. If people get in serious trouble, let me save them, not toss them a 320 hp heal and hope for the best. If they stand in stuff they shouldn’t be standing in, well, that’s their problem. But at least make it seem as if I’m doing something with heals, because right now it doesn’t feel that way. All it feels like is I have the self-heals to keep myself up long enough to res people who don’t.

And while there doesn’t have to be a designated tank, per se, it should be the front line’s responsibility to keep the mobs off the clothie casters in the back. If an ele gets slammed to the ground because I let somebody get by me…my fault.

I fully-understand people don’t want to sit around and spam in map chat “lf1m, warrior only” nor do we want people excluded from runs because of what they are. But as it currently stands, that is exactly what is happening. Right now Engineers are spurned, as are other classes because they don’t really contribute enough, nor do they damage enough. So here we are essentially all pigeon-holed into a dps role with a very minor secondary role and, ironically, we are looking at “lf1m, warrior, no engineers.”

They have managed to eliminate the trinity so much in the name of not excluding people due to their profession that we are essentially excluding people due to their profession.

Now on a strictly selfish “I am a Guardian” point of view, the shield I’m wearing on my off-hand should actually have a block mechanic. While it’s nice to be able to throw a magic shield up once in a while, having something shoot out of the shield is a bit ridiculous. Let me hit the button and block the hammer swing that’s about to knock my head off.

I also think each weapon should have a set of, say, 15 skills. Of those 15, you can equip (or specialize) in 5 of them.

Gives a bit more flexibility to weapons along with a bit more interest, if you ask me.

GW2 is so much better...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Calae.1738


GW2 has spoiled me as well.

Dodge rolling and moving while casting are necessary mechanics in order for me to even consider another MMO.

If any MMO has to make me stand still to cast or does not provide a way for me to avoid taking damage by evading then forget it.

It’s sad that GW2 is so easy and has no challenge. Really really sad.

GW2 is so much better...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Terok.7315


Running while casting… How did I manage without it all those years?

Vile Necromancer||Defender of the Beastgate||Slayer of Moa’s