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[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: EremiteAngel.9765


Mesmer is another class who can load high bursts in short durations with loads of covering condi and they have been around for a long time too.

Scourge Demo Weekend Roaming Video:

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahm.7056


I seriously don’t understand this necro community.

Being shoved aside for the last 4 years with really small buffs/tweaks with no big relevance or impact and being shoehorned into a one trick pony aka epidemic didn’t teach you anything? Hell, necro has been at the bottom of the food chain for the longest time, proof of that being that they are labeled as “walking lootbags” by the community, the bloody laughing stock that arguably sports the worst mobility in the game.

BUT the moment necro gets competitive, everyone goes crying for nerfs? Condi mesmers and thieves have been broken forever and nobody is bating an eye at that, btw both of those builds absolutely kitten on condi necro if played at the same level. Anything that doesn’t have half a brain will die to a condi necro right now, because that’s what they are good at, being a panzer within less than 600 range, but keep your distance from that range? then they are USELESS.

Now you cry for nerfs, get the nerfbat, then proceed to cry for another year that necro is crap and left to the dust by the devs. See the cycle?

Lancelot – Guardian – Deso – Hyperreal [PAL]
- Proudly not going to go DH -
I’m looking at you, Rev..

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Oslaf Beinir.5842

Oslaf Beinir.5842

I got bad news for you.
the thing you want nerfed has been recently given in a similar way to condi revenant who is also stealing a WHOLE stack of boons with full duration (25 might 25 stab resistance protection) from those affected by the torment spam individually.

the trend continues, anet does not share your vision.
next patch i expect virtue of justice pvp changes rolling out to pve and wvw. enjoy burn spam even more on top of bleed and torment.

Get In The Van Yo[PR] -Play on Far Shiverpeaks/Gunner’s Hold/Vabbi

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Rapier.3675


Why do roamers even QQ about condis in wvw? It is a mode for larger group play. So whats ur point? Try that in zergs with lots of cleansee. U’ll get 1 or 2 ticks on targets, IF.
Like in upper post guards stack fire like maniacs and fire>bleed dmg wise. With skills and traits.
We do have alot of skills which brings bleeds IF traited right. But still is hard to stack on the zerg.
Before HoT condi builds was almost none existent in wvw. Only in some romers builds.

Anyway WvW IS for MASS PvP and not for ROAMERS. Ther is SPvP for that. Roamers don’t contribute to WvW community, they just take out of it.

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


You ask about nerfing deathly chill while you reach 7k bleed thank to a condi trnsfert on your video? I’m not sure that this is a proper video to valid your point. If it weren’t for the 14 bleed stack that you transfered, you would have done 4k damage which is correct.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

[Vid] Please nerf deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


This one time I transferred 20 stacks of burning to a guardian and he died in one tick. Should they nerf burning too?

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Doesn't our Scepter GM seem... bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


It is strong, especially considering that this +50% doesn’t count towards the +100% condi duration cap!

THIS. So much THIS.

Doesn't our Scepter GM seem... bad?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Ariurotl.3718


It is strong, especially considering that this +50% doesn’t count towards the +100% condi duration cap!

Way to screw over core necro a-net

in Necromancer

Posted by: DuckDuckBOOM.4097


It’s not that plague is only accessible to necro and not reaper. It’s that base necro doesn’t have access to RS3 and chilled to the bone stability which meant plague served as a very precious instant cast stability and blind. I think I mentioned this awhile ago but plague form needed the tornado treatment. Give it a #4 and 5 skill for more active presence and reason to not afk camp it.

I found the og plague useful in PvP even with reaper. Not as a gtfo/preventing a burst but as one of the few ways to get safe stomps for necro in team fights. RS3 was meh because you could still easily get pressured out of RS and chill to the bone had a cast time. If you got hit by a DH lb5/walls, it was also an easy escape to tap in and out of it without wasting RS. Never camped the form for that long.

With that said, they did give base Necro reveal on #5 so I don’t think they are screwing base Necro over intentionally.

Ideally, I think plaguelands should have been skill #5 on plague form or something to this affect where base PvP functionality is kept, but like lich #4, could be used also for DPS rotations in PvE. Could even force end plague form early when you press 5 for plague lands.

Way to screw over core necro a-net

in Necromancer

Posted by: Khailyn.6248


I can’t tell you the amount of times Plague saved my bacon in WvW, though it was never that useful in other modes.

Yey, for AN nerfing/removing what few protective skills we have. (while keeping the self harming aspects) As a pve player I never really used it much but can see how the stability and blindness would have been helpful.

‘Death smiles at us all. All a man can do is smile back.’

Way to screw over core necro a-net

in Necromancer

Posted by: ZeftheWicked.3076


So the thing that was our biggest panic button for “I’m gettin bursted” situations as a core necro got changed to a well that’s not a well. Well, all’s well that ends at the bottom of one.

I care little for how “awesome” new elite may be offense wise, i care that our only deffensive elite option got removed. Plague was not perfect but it did one thing right – help us hold a capture point and survive a burst.
What was needed for it to be more interactive for the player and with viable options against moa transform and condi overload.

Now the “class of atriouciousness….erm pardon…attrition” is supposed to run from almost every possible engagement it seems….clap, clap, clap

Support And tanking/General ideas

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


The support aspect is right on the edge of being absolutely amazing and worth taking or considering in most situations but is just missing that only little key piece to push it to the limit.

What a mind blowing introduction…

I hope that what you mean by this is that we got amazing tools on the paper but they are all so useless in the actual game that in the end it’s as if we don’t have any support tools.

Heal : We got a few tools but nothing that could help us take a healing spot. Vampiric aura is weak by itself, the only way to make it relevant and viable as a healing tool would be to remove the damage part and double the base heal component. We are by no mean masters of the regeneration boon. Transfusion is often on a to long cool down to be relevant as a reliable tool.

Boons : We are the worst at giving boons to others.

Conditions : We don’t add anthing here that other professions can already do with ease.

Cleanse : We are effectively useless for any party cleanse outside of wasting lich form CD just for a cleanse. Draining conditions from other achieve terribly poor results in game. This is just inefficient and pathetic.

Combo : Our fields are still horrible and our finisher useless for party support.

Utilities : People have the false idea that utility skills like epidemic are a kind of support… I’m affraid that I have to say that this is just a damage skill like meteor shower. We got BiP which can’t even maintain the few might stacks that it provide, WoP have few use in PvE and see barely any use in the other game mode, we have a skill that can block projectiles (thanks god!), a pitiable wall that is waste after 5 uses and lastly a signet that give a few siphon stacks.

I can agree that the ideas behind all those support tools are amazing but, if you look only at PvE (see I’ve read at least up to this point), all this support is wasted, ineficient and bypassed by the fact mechanisms. Conditions in PvE either kill you in an instant or are inexistant. Projectiles that you could block are often made so that they are unblockable (vale guardian is a good example). Life siphons? unreliable and pitiable in healing value. Boons? we are the worst profession at providing them (even a thief is mre reliable when it come to providing boons because he got reliable blast finisher).

Ironically support was the strenght of the GW’s necromancer but it seem that when they aquired the shroud they just got rid of this strenght. There are mechanisms in the game that could work really well with the necromancer’s thematic and can grant support tools to this profession. I just hope that they will be a part of the futur of the necromancer.

As for tanking, it is both the strong point of the necromancer and it’s weak point. I think it’s someow balanced as it is even if we just lost plague whic was one of our “Oh sh*t!” buton.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Necromancer Minion Expansion

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Guild wars necromancer 2 minions are not very appealing as to looks

Fixed it for you. Gw1 minions were awesome. The horde of bone minions and the Flesh Golem were so much better back them.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


lol, mesm can stack 10 confu and torment every 5 sec, dmg you with 3k per sec and more.
Dh and warris can cast easil 8+ stacks of burning ticking with 4k+.
thiefs can perma dodge, while stacking 30+ stacks of bleedig to you while not attackable

and you are crying about a class nearly without stability, without blocks, invuls, invis, mobiliy, dodge skills because of finally making less condi dmg than every other class? hmm…

Necros have always been seen as free kills in wvw. Suddenly a necro bites back and these people cry for nerfs.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Zero.3871


lol, mesm can stack 10 confu and torment every 5 sec, dmg you with 3k per sec and more.
Dh and warris can cast easil 8+ stacks of burning ticking with 4k+.
thiefs can perma dodge, while stacking 30+ stacks of bleedig to you while not attackable

and you are crying about a class nearly without stability, without blocks, invuls, invis, mobiliy, dodge skills because of finally making less condi dmg than every other class? hmm…

Deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Deathly chill in spvp is fine and that show its suppose to be. Having 50 stacks of bleeding on single target when it comes to wvw is just way too much

Also yes power necro does need a buff and especially necro wells.

If you stand in the necros ice field (1.25s cast time) and let him Soul Spiral (2.75s cast time) on you for the entire duration, you deserve to die.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Deathly chill

in Necromancer

Posted by: Vyrulisse.1246


Well it’s quickly becoming the only thing we got left… :\


in Necromancer

Posted by: mazut.4296


Its born dead, sadly :/

Patch Notes May 16, 2017

in Necromancer

Posted by: Mea.5491


Would still love to see this increased to 50%, as 25% is too low to ever really take advantage of.

Yes, please.

Patch Notes May 16, 2017

in Necromancer

Posted by: mazut.4296


Plague was one of the only elite which grants stability and move around with it, now it’s just a random AoE even worse than cloud of corrosive poison (corruption skill with 30s CD which lasts 8s).

Agree… They took all the best parts of plague, namely stability, double toughness and movable aoe and turned it into average pve only elite well, which is not even well… such a fail… sigh


in Necromancer

Posted by: Kumouta.4985


we can kill allies now, cool.
But if you get buggy and end up applying 40 bleeds to urself, transfer it for increased single target dps.

I can apply over 3 stacks of bleeding.


in Necromancer

Posted by: Acnologia.6934


Ahahahahahahahahah ty anet really ty this was the best idea you ever had to kill us XD it’s epic!! Before they patch this let us start e contest!! Let see who can apply to himself the most conditions!! 3 2 1 GO!!!

(edited by Acnologia.6934)

Alternative to raids (legendary armor)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: I Am Dansker.7105

I Am Dansker.7105

There will be alternate ways to obtain it.

The new of this expansion were the raids. Anet needed something rewarding: Legendary armor.

If a Game mode ia dying, they will add the Legendary armor to it, and problem solve.

Best joke of the day

WvW has been dying for years

Far Shiverpeaks

Please Make Witch Doctor Happen

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Yeah yeah certainly another failed support through condition… This just doesn’t work in PvE thanks to the fact that every profession and their grandma can perfectly do it and boss are either immun to condition or have mechanism that bypass them.

1st attempt : let’s make necromancer support via condition! Yeah yeah awesome idea!!!
Reality : everybody can do it and put some usefull support on top of that.

2nd attempt : let’s make the necromancer the guy that revive down players! Wooh! awesome idea!!!
Reality : counter productive support that assume that your teammate will be downed.

3rd attempt : let’s focus again on condition and make the necromancer the guy that strip other from their boons! Woah! It’s impossble for them to be left aside with that!!!
Reality : few mob and boss rely on boons and mesmer can strip as well with great support on top of that.

4th attempt : A druid shroud with no grace of the land and weaker heals because there will be some low damage on top of the heals? With on top of that a clumsy mechanism that try to copy the chronomancer’s F5? Oh I can’t wait for that…

I know that I’m pretty pessimist but we’ve already seen to much of this.

On topic, Witch Doctor is a good name but that’s all. You need to add to this name mechanisms, trait synergy… plenty of thing that are not just a name and a wish for a role.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Lol Frost Gun disabled.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crinn.7864


Again, you don’t think Anet shouldn’t point the finger at the people exploiting … for exploiting? That must be another one of those ‘interesting’ ideas ….

But it’s not a exploit. Both the bundle and the trait are working as intended. And Frost Gun is hardly the only bundle with absurd power scaling. I seem to recall a bundle I found when doing world complete that had a nade skill that would did so much damage as to 1shot everything that wasn’t a champion.

A exploit is SAB box mistakenly granting immunity to negative status effects, because that is not the designed functionality of the box.
Chill spam is the designed purpose of Frost Gun. Frost Gun is not a exploit. Unintended probably, but to label people as exploiters is absurd.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Why Was the Frost Gun Disabled?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: PookieDaWombat.6209


Why did you guys disable the freeze rifle thing? It was PvE only and frankly it was a fun little gimmick that wasn’t actually unbalancing anything.

I can understand if you allowed its use in WvW or PvP.

Just wondering honestly what was the driving force for this one since it seems more like a “look our players are having fun, stop them!” kind of move.

[OTR] – Greck Howlbane – Guardian
Soraya Mayhew – Thief
Melissa Koris – Engie – SF for Life!

Why no more damage modifiers, Anet?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


Why is Anet so reluctant to give Necromancers more damage modifiers? Its very clear that Necromancer (and Reaper) are under performing in the power department. And they’ve shown interest in buffing said aspects (as shown during the last balance patch) but it seems giving Necromancers more access to damage modifiers would be an easier and more effective way to go about these buffs. The most obvious one (god knows why we didn’t have it from the start) would be a +10% damage vs chilled foes as an addition to one of the baseline reaper traits. Another would be to buff Soul Eater so it grants +10% damage to all Greatsword skills. That way it would be a viable alternative to Decimate Defenses, whilst in an organised party.
And no, this isn’t a request to make power reaper better than ele, thief or whatever is current top dps. Just some proper buffs that make a difference.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

Everything you can do they can do better

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crinn.7864



People cleansing /= trailblazer staff reaper hard to play

Staff necro has a dps output that is somewhere between staff guardian and shortbow thief. Nobody dies to a staff necro. Staff is a pure utility weapon with no killing power.

Sanity is for the weak minded.

Trade 2nd life bar for ability to fill roles?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


wasnt one of the best selling point of GW2 was that they didnt do roles….. they didnt want to do what some other MMOs are doing hence no holy trinity…. It sounds as though you might want to try a game with a holy trinity….

That’s a common misconception. The selling point of GW2 was that every profession were supposed to stand equal whatever role you would have to do and thus you could play whatever profession you wanted (which is not the case ATM). The issue with the necromancer was that Anet bet on condition as a support tool. Nothing more, nothing less.

No we don’t. Necromancer has subpar dps and will continue to have subpar dps as long as field control doesn’t exist.

As for “DPS”, the issue of the necromancer is and have always been it’s poor ability to burst down a foe. Each time he have the tools to do it, these tools are nerfed to the ground and he fall down to it’s barely average level. Anet with reaper tried in a really poor fashion to give power burst to the reaper, leading to “gravedigger”.

On topic :
When it come to the 2nd HP bar, the main issue is that this thing promote a slow gameplay in a game that is all about fast actions. In PvP, this immediately put the current necromancers at a disadvantage whatever Anet try to do.

From my point of view, Anet try really hard to force the necromancer into this “slow” and, sadly, not so unstoppable design. The 2nd life bar is merely an excuse to support this gameplay design. What necromancers need is, in fact, a new wind in it’s gameplay/design and (again from my point of view) that’s what E-spec are supposed to give us.

Thus, I think that E-spec that would remove the 2nd life bar thingy can only benefit us and open new way to reveal the necromancer’s potential which is, at the moment, in a jeans that is so tightly fit that he can’t even bend it’s legs when he walk.

Again, the issue is not a matter of DPS or survivability, the issue is all about introducing something (or here, removing something) that push the gameplay design of the necromancer in ways that fit better with the design of the game as a whole. For this Anet can easily remove the 2nd life bar to replace it with tools that suit a fast pace gameplay. I’m talking about defensive tools that would be reactive instead of this very passive life bar. One also need to understand that the shroud is not only a defensive tool but it’s also supposed to be a support tool as well as a DPS tool. Removing the life bar component of the shroud also improve tremendously the necromancer in these area.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

New qT benchmark.

in Necromancer

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Oh, I agree with you about WvW and PvP where we face other players. Dark and poison fields are as useful but that does not mean they, and other low PvE popularity fields cannot be improved in group support. The defiance bar and very high boss health skew combination fields toward group buffs, utility, and burning.

Why is burning so powerful, anyway, and why are Darkness and Ice separate from bleeds? There should be a bleed field, right? Burning, poison, and confusion have fields that proc conditions directly. It seems like bleed and torment could proc on fields.

I just think combo fields could use some balancing independent of professions.