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Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Also killed about 4 meta warriors yesterday with the same basic re-active defense i employ for bulls charge-frenzy hundred blades.
Mace Parry Blocked his bulls charge, #3 pommeled his hundred blades and had 4 seconds of delicious 50% bonus damage against him

(edited by AlfredKlios.9657)

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


The reason I don’t use axe or bolas is because you are only kittening the build by lowering you defenses and allowing your opponent to retaliate. Heavy artillery of blocks and control used re-actively as a counter to your opponent’s moves lets your opponent seldom have the chance to land decent blows.

Recently ran into the infamous backstab 30k damage combo that thieves used. Was able to pop defensive stance right after i was pistol whipped and took 18k damage and blocked the remaining hits, leaving the thief vulnerable for a control combo that ended in his death.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Yea, kick/stomp/bulls charge feels like a natural extension of my weapon skills. Its like going from a large bulky sword to putting a counterweight on it so it feels like an extension of your arm, something you already do naturally.

Highest Burst in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


The only recorded case ive seen of this happening was on a necromancer who had 4 minions out following him

Highest Burst in PVP

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Isnt that the bladetrail bug that mixes with a trait to increase damage by each target hit to techinically only work on dummies, even though no warrior trait or skill has such an effect?

Thieves actually do 12k backstabs and do a combination of 6k steal and other hits all while stealthed or in stealth rendering bug to equal close to 30k+ damage in a few seconds

Tired of Surviving, Ironic.

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Call me an idiot or whatnot but I slowly got tired of shout heal/control builds. The amount of large engagements in which your 6k heals can actually turn a fight around is limited as in SPvP large engagements are usually one sided or are usually not worth getting involved in as a quick ninja would seize just as many points.

These builds also had significant 1 on 1 strength except against mesmers, necros and Eles that sported durable dodgey builds, but the 1 on 1 engagements werent the strength of the build and they still occured often as a roamer turning a corner instinctively panic shoots you then you are forced to walk around at 6 MPH as he attempts to finish you. and the roamer could be any class (some would stay always stay with your teammates/zerg but even a support build needs to realize breaking from the group and ninja’ing bases is just as good for team effort).
This forces you to turn and face him and you cannot get back to your teammates, or you can attempt to LOS tank and regroup that way but you will never heal up and still walk really slowly and 80% chance that the person that tagged you feels insane courage that you turned your back to him for the reason that you dont think you can handle him and not that you have better things to do.

To sum things up, i get tired of having to be forced to deal with roaming zergers who have no achievement in mind, even if i can kill them, which usually takes several dozen seconds in a low damage build such as these. I get tired of jogging around without out of combat healsuntil a person that i hit or tagged me is 1200 units away, not just through line of sight (also gets incredibly annoying to run away from 1 group to the next and never being able to heal inbetween so one slowly but surely dies.)

You can blow this off as highly situational or irrelevant occurances but i know i played through 22 ranks of pvp alone with this build and wouldn’t be complaining now if such circumstances didnt reappear time and time again.

I now sport a heavy control physical utility build with Berserker power/precision/crit damage to get in and get the job done and get out, or just not go in at all if its a massive conflict unless i can control the bunker, steal his stability and have my mates butt kitten him. Still group friendly all the same but i can die quicker if i mess up instead of trying to hold on for dear life wasting the enemy’s time hoping i can reach my teammates, and doing so get on with my life and the game.

It feels like im running more than playing the game trying to play a support build. Its much more fun to assassinate people with control instead of being a healer meta.

(edited by AlfredKlios.9657)

"rolling blackouts", disonnections and login server issues.

in PvP

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


It seems almost every single SPvP match i enter goes black screen on me or says a login server has failed and some weird error code as well. i’ve tried lowering my visual settings to lowest and this has occured many, many times still over the course of 2 months. I kind of shrugged it off when i played just to test builds but now that i actually find a build that i greatly enjoy after 2 months of searching, i can barely play it because im always kicked off from these weird kitten bugs.

Another thing that annoys me but i feel less blame to GW2 is that some random events during SPVP can I think flag me for filesharing or something like that and my dorm internet clicks off for a split second.

Please GW2 i want you to fix this, i think more than I have this issue and its really beginning to piss me off.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


The problem with the Physical Utility skills is (as it has been pointed out already) their long cooldowns, but also the fact that if you want to take all 3 then you give up either balanced stance or shake it off. No stun break/stability can really screw you over. If you do go Hammer/Mace+Shield you will have a ton of CC and with kick/bulls you will keep people on their butts but you lose that survivability that heal shots gives. No condition removal outside of your long CD heal and you don’t kill as fast or have the mobility of a GS.

This doesn’t make it a bad build, but it does mean that in situations like 5v5 you’ll probably be targeted down. I ran something like this a while ago but now that I got a better handle on PvP I may try it again.

Give up things that you can compensate for, like condition purging and stun breakers by dodging stuns and not going kitten Shout builds that give you so many boons that other classes use that to stack conditions against you.

And i scoff when you say gs can do more damage than i. GS will almost never connect with a competent player but with proper CC alignment and closing in with blocks they wont be able to escape, and GS will only be able to get off its insane damage once every 1 minute. with 2 Full bars of control and very high damage with 100% crit on stuns you are always dishing out the pain.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


And if you are too lazy to hide Line of Sight or dodge effectively when people use Stability, then use the sigil that Removes Boons on your weapon to strip them of their lame counter.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I don’t feel the weakness from 5’s because I dont play tournaments, because i dont beleive i should lose because someone playing a guardian can do 1-10 and be 30 seconds of immortality or that certain classes with their metas are in demand.

In response to stun breaker and and stability lacking, you have dodge and 2 blocks on mace and shield for a reason. Ive never seen a warrior use mace blocks effectively as they are on a 10 sec CD (8 if traited). This can ruin a gs warriors day when they rely on bulls charge or bola or can stop the 30k onslaught of a pistol whipping thief.

EVERY physical utility has an intense purpose, just few people can see the purpose and utility it offers. Most people just want to see pvp as a game of Numbers so they run to gs for max damage or Control Shout heals to see how much defense/hp/healing they can stack.

the reason to use hammer mace/shield is to give you all the tools you need combined with physical utilities to counter almost every scenario.

mace+ shield: 1 Parry Block, 1 3 sec. Dur Block, Daze, 1 sec Stun and weakness, Adrenaline stun
Hammer: Aoe fast cast Cripple, Knockback, Knockdown, adrenaline stun

Now combine this with a fast cast kick that has priority over most moves in the game since its a fast cast at 1/2 sec, and a bullscharge to knockdown kiting foes and Stomp to instantly punt ant DPS berserking going on you.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Kick is “good” but not great. There’s too many other great utilities that are more useful more often.

I run a Hammer + Axe/Mace build for the stuns & control. Fear Me, FGJ & Shake It Off for utilities in a 10/0/30/30/0 build with shout heals.

People need to stop walking in Taugrim’s shoes. He’s not the best at everything, he pools together some vids of his best performance which is usually ganking 2 on 1 on a guy or killing people at low health.

Even his SWTOR videos are lame because he’s showing his Ironfist build while wearing full Purple PvP gear squashing lowbies in greens.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Physical utilites are amazing at locking down enimies that are going to down your teammates or even finish them. Ive played healing shouts for 2 months and if its not for Pug teammates running off without you, those 6k heals that you can only throw off every 20 seconds wont really make or break most confrontations. Usually in a massive skirmish its heavily one sided in favor of one or the other.

And instead of trying to rush into said skirmish you should be ninjaing bases anyways. And control can be good for group fighting by finding the piss kitten annoying mesmer and stomping him into a bloody Pulp. I’ve even been able to squash whole bunker guardians once i wait for their defenses to fall down, tanking their petty damage, which lets us take the node.

On healing shout builds, you wont even hope to come close to taking down some of the more durable builds even with control. No one is going to fear you knocking them down if your axe chop hurts 500’s. You need to maximize your damage in those short duration CCs to maximize the ability of your massive bar of CC.

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


and yes bulls charge can be buggy, i find it most often has a delay in connecting with a target so i have to be careful when switching for my hammer to prepare the stomp+ground spike combo because it might interrupt the charge

The traits i use for the first trait slot i change on what im fighting in the PvP match, but trait 2 in strength i use Confusion stacking whenever i interrupt as this weapon set and build interrupts A TON and ive seen people take up to 1k reflect damage when i stack it high enough. the third trait is obviously physical utility dam increase and CD reduction.

I go 10 into precision for more crit and to pick up the 50% crit increase on stunned targets that i have tested to increase cumutively with base crit on the mace’s daze, adrenaline stun, and shield stun.

i go 30 into discipline because of all the movement based abilities so my opponent can never escape me

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


been there done that

honestly i completely agree with you, except 0/0/30/30/10 is a better build for this.

what traits would you need from defense? and it seems worthless to go into tactics

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


and yes bulls charge can be buggy, i find it most often has a delay in connecting with a target so i have to be careful when switching for my hammer to prepare the stomp+ground spike combo because it might interrupt the charge

Physical Utilities: The True Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Thats funny because i actually love the low cooldowns of the physical utilities. I could imagine myself being incredibly insane with an 8 second kick though, especially stacking up confusion insanely high, i think one time i got it to 12 stacks on a guy and he killed himself insanely fast

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


This sounds like the main issue, the mesmer is essentially getting a lot of free stealth, that can easily mess up a fight…

This is a issue with all stealth skills not just the mesmer’s

Thieves and rangers are way more easy to detect because alot of their stealth is automatic and it will proc in melee range.

Mesmer stealth will go anywhere from melee to 1200 and you will have no idea where they will be in the 2-3 seconds they are rendering

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


just sayin being invincible for 20 secs contesting or capping a node is much more crippling to the scoreboard than 1 moa.

But lets not be wrong here, Moa is super gay too and promotes the noobiness

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


It wouldnt be so bad if virtually every build i went up against functioned the same way, whisping away numerous times with bouts of 3 second invulnerability

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


If you can’t simply move out of range to kill somebody in plague form, something is seriously wrong. Despite the extra health, they can’t heal or use Death Shroud inside it, so it’s fairly easy just to leave the node and kill it quickly at range.

Doing so lets them just sit on the node for 20 seconds capping the base

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


yea i hate it for that reason too, 20 seconds of im unkillable is the biggest beef, but the fact that ithas an application so powerful as node contesting

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


So vouch for it to just stay as a mindless bunker holder?

Id redesign the entire skill before id vouch for letting it stay as it is.

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Moving out of its range involves leaving the node, then the necro just sits there and dances capping and youre doing nothing to stop him. you HAVE to stand on the node with him and just deal with it, losing a lot of hp over 20 seconds in the process

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I’d be fine with giving up the Blind if, in its place, was something that actually did any damage whatsoever.

Despite the blind, I take much more damage than I dish out during Plague form.

They probably need to beef up the conditions that it can stack. need to make it worthwhile that you become so exposed for so long.

Warrior Juggernaut deals with this by almost every move it has being a control move

Plague form, more Noob friendly than Moa

in Necromancer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Take the Blind attack out of Plague form Elite.

Seriously, no class needs to run around in circles on a node for 20 seconds contesting it and screaming ’cant hit me cant hit me cant hit me cant hit me"

Plague form already ridiculously stacks a necro’s toughness and vitality, they dont need to be practically invincible. Let them use plague form like its meant to do to stack up all those nasty conditions which is what makes Necros proud, and not to be a moving Thief Smoke Bomb

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Funny thing is my teammates are never where i need them to be, always as far away as possible whenever i need support

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Leaving Windmill to be lost to the enemy on their way to Zerg Clocktower

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


You need to stop focusing on the strengths of a kiter, and instead focus on the weaknesses. First off this guy has pretty much nothing to support his allies. Just about all his skills help him and no one else. As you’re so fond of pointing out, all he has to do is keep you at bay and hit his #1GS attack and he’ll win. That’s because it’s pretty much all he’s GOT. He’s got his #1 attack and a set of utility skills all focused on keeping you at bay. He’s devoted all his characters strengths towards holding you at range and killing you there. That means he doesn’t have AoE that’s worthwhile. He doesn’t have support. He’s likely weak on self-healing. Once his defensive cooldowns are gone his bag of tricks is pretty much empty. His only real choices in a fight are “keep one enemy at range and hit him hard” or “run.” This character will add little to large group fights, and will probably be trying to flank the main battle to pick people off individually. If faced with any real pressure, and without defensive cooldown abilities, he’ll crumple like a paper towel in a few hits.

So, specific advice for you:
#1: don’t play his game. If you can’t close the distance on him and KEEP him in melee then don’t engage him at all. Otherwise you’re fighting a fight where he has the advantage AND you have a disadvantage. I’m not overly familiar with warriors, but from what I’ve seen of the players around me I believe you’ve got a short cooldown cripple on your rifle, and at least one “jump at the enemy” kinda skill. Use both to close that gap and force the mesmer to burn cooldowns. Your cripple is on a 10 sec cooldown; his cripple remover is on a 45sec cooldown. If you’ve got other options to root/slow/chill/cripple, take advantage of them to keep him from being able to run.
#2: try killing a clone to see what happens. If the clone cripples you then it’s probably a bad idea. If it doesn’t then you know he just wants to keep them around as a distraction and to shatter later. If he’s saving them for shatter, you can benefit by killing them.
#3: bring a friend. Some classes can do well against more than one character at once (guardians and engineers come to mind). This mesmer does not; he doesn’t have a reliable set of tools for handling more than one player at a time. A friend will let you close the gap, burn through his cooldowns and smack him down.
#4: for heaven’s sake, just run. Did you notice the one critical part of a successful kiting build that this guy lacks? He’s got no way to keep you from leaving whenever you want. He can only actually kill you if you let him keep you in his sweet spot. If you can’t close the gap and get to him (where he’s powerless) then just leave his range (which again leaves him powerless).

TL;DR-This is a character that is focused on a very specific activity: taking one person, keeping them at range and killing them quickly. It sucks agaisnt groups, can’t support his own group, dies quickly when caught, has no way to keep you IN range if you want to leave and will run away when defensive cooldowns are on cooldown. Whining about a kiter beating you while you let him kite you is kinda like an archer whining because the he couldn’t beat the fighter in melee. He’s a one-trick pony, and this is his one trick. He’ll suck at pretty much everything else, so use something else.

Very imformative response, but i fail to do 2 things on your suggestions. I can chase after the mesmer all i want and dodge his punts and break his daze, ill never be crippled with warhorn #4 and both my warhorn traits turning conditions into boons, my healing removing 2 conditions and shouts removing totals of 4 conditions. The problem is that at the end of the day i can never catch up to him even at 100% movement speed because he has too much movement. I can immobilize on 10 sec CD and cripple him for 5 seconds but it doesnt stop him for long.

The second thing is that i cannot run away. Even deciding to run away with 16k hp left and stop trying to break his catapault, he stopped manning it and chased after me all the way to windmill before i couldnt stop tanking his greatsword Autos and clone bombing.

Im so tired of never being able to catch mesmers i just ignore them. Its a very sad fact but i usually just break or heavily damage catapaults instead of chasing them around like an idiot, or kill their teammates.

They are a 1 v 1 utility butt kitten class like the frost mage and I wouldnt be so mad if Spvp didnt force me to go 1 on 1 with people all the time, especially since i am warhorn/shouts.

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


@OP – I feel you BUT… every build/class has its counterpart. So you cannot take a mesmer alone but this is not 1v1 tournament. Do not expect to take everyone down. Change builds, take a rifle etc. As Elementalist (using it for PvP) I also totally hate to take the rifle damage from behind… I feel like I am being squashed. Try it in my face… different story.

Mesmers need utility to survive. If this is nerfed they will be too easy to kill. Some Mesmers in GW1 were actually even more spikey.. 2 skills that cannot be cleansed were capable if draining your HP extremely fast. If there were hexes in GW2 it probably would make you quit.

The one thing I am sure of – whatever class and build you choose for PvP, there always will be another build to counter yours. There are also many Warrior newbie players dealing massive damage, also thieves… So your argument is not quite valid.

P.S. Visual lag is usually symptom for problems with graphics card resourses and also network lag – if it is lagging on certain animations it is the video card. I do not have any problems with my Radeon 5850 and it is by no means top notch.

Also, a good mesmer is the one you cannot catch or cannot bash to death.

Feels that the mesmer is too strong against just about anything a Warrior can throw at them. Mesmer counters pretty much every warrior build ive seen or managed to make save for double sword flurry that bleeds themout fast but good mes always has a condition purge.

Mesmers: the good, the bad, i still want to bang my face on fighting them

in Mesmer

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Axe Warhorn Warrior here with dodge roll 100%uptime vigor swiftness condition purging based on raw damage pressure.

I think ill quit S PvP due to the large influx of unskilled Mesmers playing now that can beat me with little effort due to bug abuse from the survival based class.

I’m not entirely sure what the build everyone is using is but these mesmers I’m always fighting just run in circles beating the 1 button on their greatsword and only hitting Knockback and might. I could fight this, if it were not for the fact that every time they position swap or stealth it takes them 2-3 seconds to render on my screen and for that duration I was just bombed by their copies while i was forced to wait to see their position, and they spam 3 second invulnerability 3 times in the duration of a 30 second fight whenever i actually get up to them.
Yes thieves abuse the stealth bug as well but it is much more obvious where they are going to be than a mesmer running in circles at 1000 range.

Mesmers have turned into the Frost Mage of this game; They have been given so much utility, escape mechanics and decent control that just responding to a situation with 1 button stroke is all you need to win most fights, of course not to mention their health modifier IMO being way too high for a class with this much emphasis on survivability. This isnt a faceroll class but its way too freaking easy to play for how powerful it’s mechanics are by base

I lose to bad mesmers and i know they are bad because they take an eviscerate to the face without even attempting to dodge roll it. I’m forced to just flee from just about every mesmer fight because i cant catch up to them to do enough damage and they just button mash 1 and let their copies blow away my hp.
This just feels exactly like my paladin fighting a Frost Mage back in WoW where all the baddies had to do was hit whatever CD was up, hit blink if in trouble and run in circles button mashing Ice lance.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


You’re way off base here man. One of the beautiful things about gw2 and a massive improvement from gw1 is that essentially any build is a viable build. On my thief I run a build completely different from any of the ‘meta’ builds. On my ele I run a condition/cantrips build that I haven’t seen anyone else use. WvW is not the ‘zerg fest’ people think it is because they think to much on a microscopic scale. WvW is a macroscopic game requiring real tactics and timing and positioning of your ARMY (not mindless zerg).
Gw2 is a game that, on the surface, seems easy to understand, but as you dig into the complexities there is a seemingly endless learning curve. Use ‘meta’ builds to help you get into the game and learn spvp. Then come up with your own custom build that suits your playstyle.
TLDR: Get good.

Ok im using double swords/ longbow shout heals, which in theory should work really nicely. problem is it doesnt because Warrior doesn’t have any other conditions to stack like Necros to protect it’s bleeds from being purged. I actually end up doing more damage picking up an axe and button mashing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

You’re kidding yourself if you beleive you can home something perfectly to make it viable in PvP, very few actually works because some weapon designs are horrible and some are very good.

If your build sucks, rework it. You shouldn’t have to rely on 1 condition to do all your damage for you. However, on that note, I do fine on my ele just stacking bleed. Weapon skills matter much less than your choice of slot skills and the traits you use to augment those slot skills. sPvP is really easy once you understand the game mechanics and far less dependent on your build than you think it is. You can be the top-scorer on a winning side without ever engaging a single enemy.

Thats all a warrior can do for condition damage. Only way to stack burning is longbow which is a horrible mix of raw/condition damage so you can never really bring out its full potential. the 5 move will pretty much never connect on sword and the 2 and 3 do nothing for conditions.

I understand SPvP plenty, im not a new player. I have kitten sword/warhorn GS build that just moves around the battlefield Ninja’ing nodes, but whats the point in playing PvP if i actually dont fight people?

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I’m at the point where i just dont care to play GW2 anymore. Its so difficult to obtain whole sets of gear for 1 stat type i dont even want to play around with non SPvP stat sets and the PvP is not fun at all for the reasons i listed above. They based their whole game around being an E sport and their BG design is less thought out than a 5th grade science experiment: 3 nodes, 1 close to each spawn point, first to 500 wins. Go.

Dont even watn to complete content for the money from 100% completion because ill probably blow it on kitteny stat gear ill end up hating.

I think ive exhausted every build i could possibly put together

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


You’re way off base here man. One of the beautiful things about gw2 and a massive improvement from gw1 is that essentially any build is a viable build. On my thief I run a build completely different from any of the ‘meta’ builds. On my ele I run a condition/cantrips build that I haven’t seen anyone else use. WvW is not the ‘zerg fest’ people think it is because they think to much on a microscopic scale. WvW is a macroscopic game requiring real tactics and timing and positioning of your ARMY (not mindless zerg).
Gw2 is a game that, on the surface, seems easy to understand, but as you dig into the complexities there is a seemingly endless learning curve. Use ‘meta’ builds to help you get into the game and learn spvp. Then come up with your own custom build that suits your playstyle.
TLDR: Get good.

Ok im using double swords/ longbow shout heals, which in theory should work really nicely. problem is it doesnt because Warrior doesn’t have any other conditions to stack like Necros to protect it’s bleeds from being purged. I actually end up doing more damage picking up an axe and button mashing 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.

You’re kidding yourself if you beleive you can home something perfectly to make it viable in PvP, very few actually works because some weapon designs are horrible and some are very good.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


3 Modes in this PvP… WvW, S PvP and TPvP…

S PvP, 8v8 zerg fest that encourages meta Burst builds to max out points by not rewarding defense.

WvW, Even larger Zerg fest, feeling of individuality is gone entirely.

T PvP, organized objective game instead of having skillful fights, that narrows builds even further into solid Metas that everyone recognizes.

PvP for me….theres no point in playing if i can’t play what i want to, and where i just end up a number instead of a Player and win 50/50 in the most available PvP, due to chance.

So if i don’t want to play an unskilled Meta build and enjoy a weapon/skillset that is entirely unviable, how do i get to enjoy PvP?

As of now the pvp is pretty much boring and a let down. I was looking forward to some new and exciting type of pvp since I don’t pvp much on “other” mmo’s but was extremely disappointed with GW2 pvp. Heck I have more fun in warzones and bg’s than here.

Warzones from SW and WoW random BGs were always more enjoyable because they had more ways to reward other types of playing styles.

SW has a genius medal system that lets Tanks be rewarded for keeping players alive, healers for obviously healing people and DPS for damaging people.
– As GW2 has a similar system of rewarding points for reviving people, its alot more heavily balanced in favor of just zerging 1 enemy so that all people involved will get their 15 points instead of the person doing the most damage. Assists should not count as full kills, basic theme to Warzone style combat

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I understand how OP feels. I am struggling with the current PVP in GW2. What I’ve realized which is not on his list is the significance of quickly and easily playing with my friends. We play together maybe 1 night a week, nothing serious, and enjoy sPVP mostly. However, it just doesn’t work that we can play on the same team.

Another thing that is exacerbating this, IMO, is… and I’m just gonna say it… the lack of the holy trinity. Sorry, I know others will disagree, but there is element of teamwork missing from this game that, well, I miss… straightforward, direct assistance of teammates. I know that skills can assist, however any support is rather indirect and very very difficult to quantify, at least in the heat of battle.

Yea….whenever i do play with friends it usually forces us on different teams anyways after each 10~15 minute matches, i dont know why it also keeps us separated usually as well.

What i would like to see is everyone having the same health pools and some nerfing to the blind/mitigation/stealth spam that most broken builds have

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


I do a lot of 1v1 in spvp… but I also explicitly go where the zerg is not, because that is how you win matches.

I do this almos tall the time and with my knowing when to evade hits and apply my build, it can still take awhile to down most builds and since SPvP maps are barely 3 times bigger than a football field, enemy players can come to the place im assaulting within a few seconds and force me off the node

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


Currently Rank 18 in S PvP, spent all that time testing out different builds that i can find comfort with. Chose a warrior so that there was alot of weapon types i could choose from but ive found alot of weapons other than Hammer Rifle and GS are lacking in elements.

Axes lacking in utility, just be kited to death. Maces off hand and Main hand have good control but virtually no damage to take advantage of the enemy’s KD state that the hammer can take advantage of, and swords leaves alot to be desired because the Dev’s didnt decide wether they wanted it to be raw damage or Condition damage since its final thrust and 2 and 3 abilities have nothing to do with conditions.

Is there anyway to enjoy PvP?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlfredKlios.9657


3 Modes in this PvP… WvW, S PvP and TPvP…

S PvP, 8v8 zerg fest that encourages meta Burst builds to max out points by not rewarding defense.

WvW, Even larger Zerg fest, feeling of individuality is gone entirely.

T PvP, organized objective game instead of having skillful fights, that narrows builds even further into solid Metas that everyone recognizes.

PvP for me….theres no point in playing if i can’t play what i want to, and where i just end up a number instead of a Player and win 50/50 in the most available PvP, due to chance.

So if i don’t want to play an unskilled Meta build and enjoy a weapon/skillset that is entirely unviable, how do i get to enjoy PvP?