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Anyone having fun with dungeons? At all?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I am having a lot of fun in dungeons. They do need some work, of course. But I think explorable dungeons are a lot of fun.

Which ones? You can’t mean CoF too can you? If so give all the details, please. I’m really trying to cling to the hope that I can squeeze even the tiniest bit of joy from these dungeons. I really, really, really mean that.

I have done story mode Ascalon Catacombs, Story Mode and all three paths of Explorable Mode on Twilight Arbor, Story Mode on Sorrows Embrace and an explorable path on Honor of the Winds. I had a lot of fun in all of these dungeons.

I have mostly been running the three paths in Twilight Arbor daily. My group and I have gotten pretty good at not wiping at all in the dungeon.

Pretty excited to further try out the other explorable dungeons

Thanks a million! Unfortunately I’ve been trying to pick up gear that has the stats and look that I like (happens to be from CoF) and I really dislike how Twilight Arbor gear looks on my character. But I’m desperate for dungeon fun so I’ll give this a shot. Much appreciated.

Anyone having fun with dungeons? At all?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


Doesn’t get better at 80. The only enjoyment i had was grinding out my gear. Oh did i say grinding? Yes, Yes i did.. In a game that SWORE it wouldn’t be a grinder

But i still enjoyed the grind in the so-called “Speed runs” Even though in a game that has QUICKLY lost my interest (after patch) wasn’t all that speedy, i felt fulfilled after the runs and slightly accomplished that that was 1 run out of 100 that i had to do.

Did i mention the grind? Now its only worse and not worth the challenge, the loot is no good and the money to compensate for the wipes leaves you OWING the dungeon money I think the IRS took over Anet.

Yeah I am 80 currently. Geared, competent (enough), and willing to have a good time. If only.

Anyone having fun with dungeons? At all?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I am having a lot of fun in dungeons. They do need some work, of course. But I think explorable dungeons are a lot of fun.

Which ones? You can’t mean CoF too can you? If so give all the details, please. I’m really trying to cling to the hope that I can squeeze even the tiniest bit of joy from these dungeons. I really, really, really mean that.

Sorrow's Embrace and the Necromancer

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I think this is a case where even if your build isn’t ideal, it’s probably better to swap weapons and abilities anyway. I don’t know much about necro though. My Mesmer isn’t exactly built for support but some encounters work extremely well with my staff regardless.

How to Get Magg Through the Lava?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I don’t mean this as a troll or snide remark, but just give it up. CoF is unplayable at the moment unless the third choice works. (But I heard it didn’t.) First choice is easymode until last boss which is beyond overtuned.

Is this a way to force us to buy Gems for Gold?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


It’s not, but even if it was meant to then it sure would have backfired. Less people playing the game means less people buying gems. Or at least it diminishes their worth.

How to Get Magg Through the Lava?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


Unless you want to spend a gold for your team’s repair bill, give it up. Corpse run basically. Design at it’s finest.

Wait what? you cant be serious..can you?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


GW2 is a still a great game, it just needs work tuning and fixing dungeons. By making them rewarding and challenging…but not bug-ridden overtuned aggrovating grinds.

CoF - Route 1 final boss massively overtuned.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


Exactly the same experience tonight. Had to give up with a skilled, competent, well-geared, patient group. Utterly disastrous. No tactic worked including burning.

Tried the usual speedrun choice and got thrown under the bus by either a bug with Magg or bad game design.

Anyone having fun with dungeons? At all?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


One response and it’s basically a ‘no.’

So you get one leaver, you all get kicked?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


Yep. This happened to me on a last boss. Another reason I’m straying away from dungeons.

Why even do dungeons? Trying to understand this game, not trolling.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


There is no reason to do dungeons at all anymore.

The dungeons are being balanced to who?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


Dungeons are targeted for robots who can dodge un-notified attacks by reading the game’s code. You know, beings that can hack long, tedious, boring encounters to make them less of a grind, eliminate bugs, or make them possible in general.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


Won’t be entering a dungeon for a while. Hope the challenge vs aggravation scales tip more in favor of the difficult yet fun (and possible) (and non-buggy) side.

I'd like to see a video of playtesters actually having fun.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


There’s no fun to be had. I say that really, really hoping and expecting more…I love GW2 but I probably won’t be going back into one for a long while.

Dungeons are fun

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I am glad you are having fun. What dungeons are you playing and which branches? I really, really want to enjoy them but I’ve encountered nothing promising so far. Just aggravation where an enjoyable challenge should be.

rate the dungeon patch 1-10

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425



What isn’t buggy is overtuned or possible with a great deal of frustration. Glad to have no more speedruns, but they went about fixing this the wrong way.

Anyone having fun with dungeons? At all?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I don’t really think I’ve had any fun in dungeons. I’m writing this just having finished the newly-tuned CoF, so consider this me letting off a bit of steam. Magg was buggy, the walls were buggy (people falling through them), the boss at the end of the first branch was either buggy or beyond overtuned.

All the fights in storymodes are either amazingly easy or amazingly long and tedious (I’m thinking the Arah two horrible waves of dragons and final “press 1 to win” fights.
The only enjoyment I’ve gotten out of dungeons at all is farming CoF easymode, which wasn’t all that much after speedrun #573. Glad they changed it to be harder…but ‘longer’ is different from ‘more challenging.’ ‘One-shotted without prior input’ is different from ‘fun, challenging mechanics.’

I don’t want this is just a long rant but, again, it’s more of a question for you guys. Anyone having fun? What are you doing? How are you doing it? Where? Most of the groups I’ve been with have been very competent, patient people with very good gear and cooperation but victory is either a matter of grinding away at a freakishly annoying/ broken boss, facerolling (now no longer an option thankfully), or giving up completely on attempt #31.

I want to have fun. The groups I’ve been with have been trying to have fun. How do we have fun?

Where to get recipes for jewel crafting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


The jeweling vendors themselves have a lot of recipes for karma but I didn’t find any of them good for leveling the discipline. They made powerful gear for their level but cost a lot to make so they’re better avoided imo. Stick to discovery, it’s the heart of GW2 crafting.

I am the only Charr Mesmer...maybe

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


I’m guessing a ferocious, militant race of hellcats and pretty, purple mesmers don’t go well together in most peoples minds.

I get this. I laughed and cringed when I saw the Charr Mesmer on character creation screen for the first time (in the end-game gear) but in-game I grew to enjoy it in beta when I chose it rather randomly.

Not happy with sylvari story

in Personal Story

Posted by: Arc.1425


I think tuning in general for certain story quests is still a bit off. Most of them are fairly easy and simplistic but every once in a while there’s one that absolutely kicks you in the soft spot. Some person was whining in /m about how hard their quest was so I helped out to pacify the situation and help the ‘noob’…and Jeez was that obnoxiously difficult! They had every right to complain it turned out because about seven hard-hitting enemies were thrown at her.

I was going to be all dismissive about how you should ‘just deal with it’…but yeah, Imma trust you on this Iron.

spam mitigation

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


I haven’t noticed a way to report them but I’d sure like one. It’s also unclear how to report them in /m either. I usually file it under ‘scamming’ simply because there is usually hacking involved to acquire the money (closest choice I figured) but it would be nice to have a ‘banhammer this goldseller’ button.

I am the only Charr Mesmer...maybe

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


My main is a male Charr Mesmer and I have yet to see any other besides myself. Ever, not even in beta. If I ever do happen to spot one, I plan to form a support group so that we both have shoulders to cry on. I think I’ve only seen one other Mesmer who was male (a human).

Anyone else feel like the token of their race/profession?

Mesmers - How do they work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


I’ve really only played PVE so far, so that’s all I’m going to talk about. I hear we Mesmers are monsters in PVP. That said, Mesmers have the best survivability of any class I’ve played that isn’t in heavy gear. We can’t take too many hits, but then again a well-played Mesmer won’t take very many.

Personally, I love playing the glass cannon role because we’re tricky, tricky, tricky. Take stealthy abilities (Decoy is a must imo) to help you stay alive.

I don’t think our frustration comes from being so squishy. I think it stems from the fact that while I’m dancing in a circle around the mob my necro would have killed it and the 3 closest to it. Sure I’m not getting hit but with so much damaged tied up in my glorified DoTs it’s not exactly satisfying to watch them melt before they can really lay into something.
That’s all Phantasm’s function as currently, DoTs in the guise of stupid NPCs that love standing in the fire.

I really do understand the problems with Mesmers but I don’t really see things this way. I see my abilities as having clones and phantasms attached. I throw my sword, giving boons/ conditions and I get a nice little clone buddy to tank for two or three hits. In terms of the damage we do…yeah it’s pretty bad. But I honestly, honestly think it’s more fun that way. I don’t want to speed through a battle, I want it to be tense. So while I totally get why people shy away from Mesmer, I tend to embrace all the flaws.

What are you doing to level up?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


I’ll hit 80 soon this week…

My two crafting disciplines have netted me at least 15 levels (not free), maybe five or so from personal story quests, I completed three zones but mostly stuck to running around exploring, doing events and gathering from nodes.

A little bit of everything PvE.

How are people making gold?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


To be honest, everything I do in PvE seems to net me enough cash to support my Tailoring. Picking off random nodes, an event here or there, and I’ve scrounged enough for maybe 50 of whatever cloth I need.

Check your collections tab. If there is anything you’re saving for an alt…Yeah. Consider dumping off that junk off, you’ll be glad you did.

Mesmers - How do they work?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Arc.1425


I’ve really only played PVE so far, so that’s all I’m going to talk about. I hear we Mesmers are monsters in PVP. That said, Mesmers have the best survivability of any class I’ve played that isn’t in heavy gear. We can’t take too many hits, but then again a well-played Mesmer won’t take very many.

Personally, I love playing the glass cannon role because we’re tricky, tricky, tricky. Take stealthy abilities (Decoy is a must imo) to help you stay alive.