Showing Posts For Arson.4189:
I threw the towel in today and started up torchlight 2.
It is fun within 10 m of playing i had a smile on my face and the story had sucked me in… Between diablo3 and this game I almost forgot what it was like to have fun.
Anet promised alot of fun but the whole game is designed to keep you down. Playing this game at lvl 80 feels a whole lot like playing diablo 3. Grinding for hours for a few gold. With nothing but vendor trash dropping.
Performance issues are big for me. (i have a supercomputer)
Lack of content. Takes a few days to see all the pve in this game. Do arah story mode then tell me how you feel… most people i talk to say they want to kill themselves after doing it.
WvW consist of fighting invisible enemys. Ghost fight anyone? Missile defense computers couldn’t run this game decently evidently.
On a personal note Im really sick of cannon fodder loot. This has to stop in games please stop giving us a million crappy items. Vendor trash. You will never find a upgrade from a drop. Absolutely take all the fun out of killing major bosses or doing events.
If i were to review the game I would give it a 8/10
Right now I dont see how anyone is enjoying the game. There is barely any PVE content (really a few days worth and your done)
WvW is absolutely a skilless lagfest exploit zerg…did i mention everyone is invisible?
Spvp is ….really good hah but you wern’t expecting that the same maps do get boring tho.
It has plenty of potential but who knows how fast they will react. Im not sticking around for too long tho
I will not be buying a expansion unless there are some major content updates and fixes to open world pvp.
(edited by Arson.4189)
I threw the towel in today and started up torchlight 2.
It is fun within 10 m of playing i had a smile on my face and the story had sucked me in… Between diablo3 and this game I almost forgot what it was like to have fun.
Anet promised alot of fun but the whole game is designed to keep you down. Playing this game at lvl 80 feels a whole lot like playing diablo 3. Grinding for hours for a few gold.
Performance issues are big for me.
Lack of content. Really dropped the PVE ball.
WvW consist of fighting invisible enemys
On a personal note Im really sick of cannon fodder loot. This has to stop in games please stop giving us a million crappy items. Vendor trash. You will never find a upgrade from a drop. Absolutely take all the fun out of killing major events.
If i were to review the game I would give it a 8/10
Right now I dont see how anyone is enjoying the game. There is barely any PVE content (really a few days worth and your done)
WvW is absolutely a skilless lagfest exploit zerg…did i mention everyone is invisible?
Spvp is ….really good hah but you wern’t expecting that the same maps do get boring tho.
It has plenty of potential but who knows how fast they will react.
I will not be buying a expansion unless there are some major content updates and fixes to open world pvp.
(edited by Arson.4189)
Lol 46k views.
No response from Anet.
Game breaking anyone?
yeah this sucks
These items are game ruining for me. They need to be removed. Anet said there would not be any pay to win items. Guess they lied to us.
If this is what they are coming out with a month into the game how many PAY to WIN items do you think we will have in say 8 months from now? How about they focus on making the game better so more people buy it.
As it stands right now with all the problems this game is having alot of people are already thinking of quitting and now your adding P2W items?
Pro tip why dont you focus on one of the most basic problems with this game. PERFORMANCE and EXPLOITS. Get the game fixed add some pve make the game truly great and 10million people will buy it.
Keep adding p2w items and its a sign the game is already dying and you guys are broke.
Umbra engine. They chose the umbra engine because it let them cut corners. Game will fail because of it.
lol i got trolled by the lemon grass too.
that was the last and only map completion i will do lol.
“LolZ lrn2transfer”
“working as intended”
WvW strategy. Mass large group Zerg into other large group AoE the ground render bags of loot then the players corpse actually render. Rinse repeat.
The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.
in WvW
Posted by: Arson.4189
they won’t even touch this issue. I don’t think they can fix it for whatever reason. Which means ultimately this game’s pvp is a joke.
Does anyone know if it has anything to do with the engine decided to use? UMBRA engine? Did anyone play any of the other games that used the umbra engine…is this a common problem?
I would point out WvW is awesome but the ghost fighting kills everything good about it.
You lose money at lvl 80.
Right out of blizzards playbook
failing on pve front…fun wvw
Why dont you just fix the Q’s? lol
Here’s rng q. I sit in Q 4 hours. I log off for 10 min long back in Q up and get right in. While my guild mates sit in q for 4 hours. RNG q IS FAIL
post was a big Lolz Lrn2tranzferz to everyone btw…they dont care or cant figure out what the problem is.
Either way they made it clear there is absolutely no fix to come anytime soon.
Why are you allowing transfer/new people to join full servers? What is with your guys math abilities here? 10k pop servers with 166 capped map BLs???? How does this make sense to anyone in a pvp game? HERPkitten
Welcome to 2012 where we have 4 hour Q times.
How are you enjoying beta so far?
Guess what they know. They don’t care. Good news is they opened up digital sales again despite there 4 hour Q times. Cash N grab.
Whoever thought up 10k population servers with 166 cap pvp zone’s should sit down and really look at how that doesn’t make any sense at all.
“post will be ninja moved/trolled”
(edited by Arson.4189)
Nope whole game is a ghost fight. Same in any NA matches.
True pvpers are getting annoyed quickly.
He who aoe’s the ground the best wins.
Also would point out that this is just not in pvp. Just run around la or really anywhere nothing renders lol. So bad. This on top of the line computers?
Watch out too forum mods will prolly delete this thread or move it. They are such trolls.
For real tho welcome to beta.
(edited by Arson.4189)
Working as intended!
Welcome to beta guys!
Welcome to the age of paying to be a beta tester guys. This seems to be the future.
Welcome to beta.
Welcome to the age of paying to be a beta tester.
They have worse communication then blizzard it seems. Really gettin screwed here.
I have been que’d for 6 days Ive switched servers 3 time’s Help
rofl wait to have fun. I forgot about that well ive waited 6 days lol
50 guild mates sitting in 4 hour que’s.
When you finally get in the game everything is a ghost fight. Terrible rendering/fps whatever you call it.
How long do you think people are going to stick around for this? Not long. 2-3 months of 4- hour que’s and terrible performance in wvw your going to end up with a dead game.
Im starting to get the feeling that I have been cash n grabbed.
(edited by Arson.4189)
Even when Im getting good fps in WvW every fight seems to be a ghost fight…You never really get to see the players. I have a great computer. I get to see all the animations but never really the players by the time they render they render as corpses. Alot of people seem to be complaining about the constant ghost fighting. Any help would be great as I want to see who Im killing at some point.
As I mess with it more even walking around LA with 70 FPS NPCS and people Dont even render till I pass them? What the heck is this Lol i just dont understand. Someone explain this to me.
I have a i7 2600 amd 5700 16g ram.
Fps is 60-70 in LA
goes up to 120 pve soloing
20-30 in wvw.
is there any solution/work around to this? i play at the lowest possible settings.
(edited by Arson.4189)
Intel i-7 3.4
Amd 5700 (updated drivers)
16g of ram
Windows 7.
Game runs terrible. 30 fps Pve solo 15-20 in events. WvW is a ghost fight. No skill involved basicly run to a group Aoe the ground because nothing is going to render around you for 5 minutes. When they finally do render they are already dead…
For some reason you can see AoE’s and projectiles animations from a mile away but people dont render at all.
500 replies . 14k views. Everyone complaining about fighting ghost in wvw.
Wtb fix.
(edited by Arson.4189)
Cant get back in either just says log in servers are down
whats the deal here no info?
yeah im getting error invalid authorization even when i try to buy gems! im trying to buy gems but I cant
Anybody else getting this? I recently switched servers could this be the cause? any input thanks.