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7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Looks like nakoor did a pretty terrible job

He logged off hours ago.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


i presume the BG PvD is in full swing?

Haha yes. Couldn’t save SoR garrison cause everyone was DCing. :/ Now getting 2v1’d in BG hills by both MERC and ATM. :P


oh wells atleast it gives a bit of ballance to the matchup

but atleast its all paper going into eu prime

Sorry! :/ Tried our best. IRON’s going to get it a little tougher in EU.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


i presume the BG PvD is in full swing?

Haha yes. Couldn’t save SoR garrison cause everyone was DCing. :/ Now getting 2v1’d in BG hills by both MERC and ATM. :P

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Hey sor why not post pics of you being outmanned on 3 maps since your sea coverage is so bad.I will be able to in a few hours when wahoo logs and it will stay thay way until 8pm est time tonight

No one ever said we were heavily outmanned. Please do try to read what others have been posting. We have significantly less numbers in SEA, but are not always outmanned (when NYS and SAHP manage to get on and help us out). The 2v1 together with our lack of numbers compared to JQ and BG make it really tough for us, thats all. Are you a newly recruited troll from BG?

Nope just a player from jq that had his play time ruined because of 80 man zergs from sor.If you dont have outmanned you dont have signicantly less numbers unless you mean compared to your other time zones.Was nice how you threw in another 2v1 is that mandatory for all sor trolls to do?

We are usually outmanned in 1-2 borders, and have decent sized forces defending 2v1s. I am talking about 2v1s because its something that happens everyday in SEA. If you dont believe me do try to play in SEA sometime.

Trust me i wish i could play in sea more since its a huge difference playing then than early na.The few times i did play during the holiday weekend was mostly us against bg mostly wm.I only saw a sor zerg around 3 times and it was every bit as big as the jq and bg ones.

It was so much more fun fighting when you had equal numbers compared to getting rolled by megablobs when you only have 20 players or so.Now maybe your sea doesnt have that same coverage during the week but its nothing compared to what jq has to deal with the times i play.

Now this may come to a shock to some people but im one of those rare people that play games to have fun and the state of the game during my play time is anything but fun.

I completely understand how you feel when you’re outmanned. But trust me, sometimes being outmanned is more fun that outnumbering others. Dont fret. Thats why i like playing SEA in SoR. 400ppt for BG right now. :P

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Hey sor why not post pics of you being outmanned on 3 maps since your sea coverage is so bad.I will be able to in a few hours when wahoo logs and it will stay thay way until 8pm est time tonight

No one ever said we were heavily outmanned. Please do try to read what others have been posting. We have significantly less numbers in SEA, but are not always outmanned (when NYS and SAHP manage to get on and help us out). The 2v1 together with our lack of numbers compared to JQ and BG make it really tough for us, thats all. Are you a newly recruited troll from BG?

Nope just a player from jq that had his play time ruined because of 80 man zergs from sor.If you dont have outmanned you dont have signicantly less numbers unless you mean compared to your other time zones.Was nice how you threw in another 2v1 is that mandatory for all sor trolls to do?

We are usually outmanned in 1-2 borders, and have decent sized forces defending 2v1s. I am talking about 2v1s because its something that happens everyday in SEA. If you dont believe me do try to play in SEA sometime. SoR frequently gets 50-100 ppt in SEA while BG occasionally gets 300-400+.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Hey sor why not post pics of you being outmanned on 3 maps since your sea coverage is so bad.I will be able to in a few hours when wahoo logs and it will stay thay way until 8pm est time tonight

No one ever said we were heavily outmanned. Please do try to read what others have been posting. We have significantly less numbers in SEA, but are not always outmanned (when NYS and SAHP manage to get on and help us out). The 2v1 together with our lack of numbers compared to JQ and BG make it really tough for us, thats all. Are you a newly recruited troll from BG?

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


I dont think there is a single player on sor that realizes they win because of coverage just like every server before them.

I also like when they do tick for less they always say its because they are being double teamed.

most of SoR realises we do have pretty good coverage

Lol, your server is stacked in every time zone with 24/7 coverage. I would call that something a lot more than “good” coverage :P

Okay… stacked 24/7 coverage.. I think we’re so stacked in SEA too.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


I dont think there is a single player on sor that realizes they win because of coverage just like every server before them.

I also like when they do tick for less they always say its because they are being double teamed.

To be frank, SoR do tick less most of the time due to double teams. Right now would be a pretty good example. Mind you, most of SoR realises we do have pretty good coverage, except SEA.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


From what i see is the only way BG/JQ can keep up with SOR is to double team the kitten out and still lose.

must suck not being SOR

The only thing that sucks is SoR imbalancing T1 and calling the match-up “Even”.

The only thing that sucks is when Kathy K starts posting on the forums. From your past 100 posts, all you have been trying to say is that SoR is stacked. Its getting repetitive. If you dont have anything really constructive to say please don’t even post. Btw, what is your meaning of imbalance? I don’t see SoR imbalancing T1 with only a 12k lead. Its true, SoR’s EU is doing extremely well with larger forces, but that doesn’t mean SoR isn’t getting their kitten kicked in timezones like SEA. SoR would only really be imbalancing T1 if they were winning by a staggering amount like 50-100k.

I do agree with Nornzilla though. A 2v1 on SoR during SEA is pretty common and a smart tactic by both BG and JQ. They have larger forces and can get easier points by hitting SoR.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Preceeded by the predictable “SOR takes NW tower while BG hits NE tower”. I am not even suggesting that you guys coordinate, it is just such an daily occurance that BG knows when SOR will keep JQ busy.

Eh, I wouldn’t be too upset about it. in the end, SoR and BG’s zergs keeping each other busy is about the only thing letting JQ get points most nights. (Refer to BG/DB/JQ matchup to see what happens when there’s no SoR blob to keep BG’s blob busy for us.)

I agree. As a Rallian, I notice SoR mostly fights BG and most of the time ignores JQ.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


MERC when hyped and kitten starts at 2pm est like a boss. Now demoralized starts late.


Okay now that is a lie. LOL! I’m around online during the afternoon since I work odd hours and they don’t form up till later. Even if we are doing well. They work, we have some 2 hours behind us etc.
Stop being silly!

Having fun with my cross server friends! lol! You guys make me laugh. Except for a certain commander I know! Stop telling them to murder me! YOU MONSTER!

I promise, I made no such commands…

Also in regards to HIRE – We start up 5:30pm AEST and have been starting at that time for the past 7 months, not changing, its a good time. We play for 2-4 hours, sometimes ppl get excited and we play longer, but even 4 hours is a stretch.

On the other hand, from what i’ve seen, MERC usually starts at 5.00pm AEST and plays throughout Oceanic, SEA and EU. Must be pretty tough having commanders for every timezone.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412



Umm no, and it isn’t even oceanic primetime yet. Nice to know SoR’s posters are as classy as ever.

Well, every server has their unclassy posters. You should know very well who the unclassy person in your very own guild is.

Hmm.. Not oceanic primetime yet? Im beginning to think MERC is starting late just when HIRE logs off so they can PvDoor everything. Valid tactic i reckon.

And you just zerg the forums with your 24/7 coverage, apparently. This may be considered oceanic time, but it is not oceanic prime. Like Cuddle said, it’s only like 6:50pm in Australia. Normally, a MERC commander actually starts early with a float team of mainly militia and fights HIRE every day throughout oceanic/SEA. All you have to do is ask HIRE.

FYI, HIRE doesnt even play SEA, very very rarely, at least.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412



Umm no, and it isn’t even oceanic primetime yet. Nice to know SoR’s posters are as classy as ever.

Well, every server has their unclassy posters. You should know very well who the unclassy person in your very own guild is.

Hmm.. Not oceanic primetime yet? Im beginning to think MERC is starting late just when HIRE logs off so they can PvDoor everything. Valid tactic i reckon.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


How many SoR does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

How many people does it take to keep Magikarps quiet?
Answer: 90357238947134896359817401370938465490234834092834.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


I like how BG complains about PvD considering PvD is the only reason why they are here.

In fact, every server in this matchup…in this entire game for that matter, has PvD’d

Every server in T1 has PvD to get to where they are
BG and their ~10 weeks straight of PvD against SoR in T2
JQ and their ~7? weeks straight of PvD against SoR, BG, SoS in T1
SoR and their PvD during Euro timeslot for ~6? weeks

Every server in T1 PvDs daily
SoR – Euro
BG – Oceanic
JQ – Sea

Nobody here. Not JQ, not SoR, not BG has legitimate PvD complaints. We’ve all done it and we all know it. This is the state of T1. There’s no real timezone outside of NA where everyone can get together and actually compete. It’s more like timezone X logs on, ticks at 400ppt, logs off just in time for the enemy to log on and tick at 400ppt.

And for what it’s worth, don’t take this as a “trolling” attempt but there isn’t a timezone out there where BG is in last place in terms of coverage. You guys still have the second strongest EU, NA, and SEA, and the strongest OCEANIC and are able to maintain at least your shard during all timezones outside EU…most of the time

BG is fighting against a large SoR zerg right now (oceanic primetime).

And JQ doesn’t PvDoor at SEA, BG and SoR has large zergs to fight against them at this timezone.

BG has multiple zergs in Oceanic.
CA & PUGS -> 1 medium zerg
MERC -> 1 large zerg
XF & WM -> 1 medium zerg

SoR has 1 zerg in Oceanic.
HIRE -> 1 large (occasionally even bigger than MERC) zerg.

HIRE just hops a lot.

CA has 15 ppl at oceanic timezone and they always play on EB;
XF and WM aren’t oceanics, they play at SEA primetime.

Anyways, SoR has enough people (sometimes more people than BG) at oceanic primetime to defend SoR BL and attack BG. Both servers has equal numbers at this timezone, so say that BG does PvDoor at oceanic primetime doesn’t make any sense.

XF and WM are doing some kind of overtime, i guess? Maybe they’re starting early everyday. Anyway, i disagree BG PvDoors Oceanic. They’re more superior compared to JQ and SoR, but certainly dont PvDoor. BG’s scarier numbers are in SEA.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


I like how BG complains about PvD considering PvD is the only reason why they are here.

In fact, every server in this matchup…in this entire game for that matter, has PvD’d

Every server in T1 has PvD to get to where they are
BG and their ~10 weeks straight of PvD against SoR in T2
JQ and their ~7? weeks straight of PvD against SoR, BG, SoS in T1
SoR and their PvD during Euro timeslot for ~6? weeks

Every server in T1 PvDs daily
SoR – Euro
BG – Oceanic
JQ – Sea

Nobody here. Not JQ, not SoR, not BG has legitimate PvD complaints. We’ve all done it and we all know it. This is the state of T1. There’s no real timezone outside of NA where everyone can get together and actually compete. It’s more like timezone X logs on, ticks at 400ppt, logs off just in time for the enemy to log on and tick at 400ppt.

And for what it’s worth, don’t take this as a “trolling” attempt but there isn’t a timezone out there where BG is in last place in terms of coverage. You guys still have the second strongest EU, NA, and SEA, and the strongest OCEANIC and are able to maintain at least your shard during all timezones outside EU…most of the time

BG is fighting against a large SoR zerg right now (oceanic primetime).

And JQ doesn’t PvDoor at SEA, BG and SoR has large zergs to fight against them at this timezone.

BG has multiple zergs in Oceanic.
CA & PUGS -> 1 medium zerg
MERC -> 1 large (occasionally larger than HIRE) zerg
XF & WM -> 1 medium zerg

SoR has 1 zerg in Oceanic.
HIRE -> 1 large (occasionally even bigger than MERC) zerg.

HIRE just hops a lot.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Its amazing how much you guys can cry on these forums. Do you never have anything of value to say?

yes we have: SoR needs more european guilds

It looks like you’re a new troll in the forums. Welcome. Has BG been having some troll workshops lately? Looks like you guys are getting an influx of trolls, almost equivalent on the number of SoR trolls. You all really want to win us at everything, don’t you, BG?

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


More talk about PvD? Seriously? EVERY single one of us does it. What’s that about map zergs? EVERY single server in this matchup does it! Can we please be a little less repetitive, and a little more constructive?? SoR uses zoom hacks? I’m sure there’s someone from EVERY server doing it.

Now please, can we, for the love of ice cream and sandy beaches, all just get over ourselves and enjoy the game?

/talking to the wall that all 3 servers are trebbing at the same time >.<

This pretty much sums everything up.

JQ -> SoS was the dominant server for a while. A week before the paid transfers came into place, SoS was still winning. After the paid transfers went into place, JQ won by insane amounts (around 100k). During that time, MERC and ND were still in SoS. For those JQ that said they weren’t stacked, you’re so wrong. Yes, you didn’t get huge, significant guilds, but you guys got an influx of different people from many different guilds. Don’t spout rubbish and say JQ was not stacked before. Remember JQ had 695ppt while fighting SoR and SoS and openly boasted about it on the forums?

BG-> When SoS fell apart due to several guilds leaving, (MERC, ND), many of the guilds decided to move to BG and stack BG up to counter the huge forces of JQ at the time. They succeeded and continued to get high ppt during EU.

Both JQ and BG have absolutely no right to complain, cause we never heard any of you complaining when the both of you were dominating, gaining at much at 500-600ppt. SoR simply beat the both of you at your own game (stacking). Now hush and get back to playing WvW instead of whining non-stop.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Ouch! Was hills worth all that trouble BG?

Thanks for the help. Truly.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Goodbye, BG. We needed to put you in your place.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


That MERC Norn Ele commander is terrible at pvp XD

plz continue with your mad, run back from spawn some more

and yes, Amarathy mentioned your comment on forum I started taking pictures ;P HiRE baddie.

No wonder conflicts often happen between HIRE and MERC. Both of you never stop making crude/rude/egotistical remarks towards each other. At least HIRE has stopped doing that kind of trash on the forums. Why can’t a MERC commander, in the least, stop the boasting/ taunting? You summarize MERC pretty well for me, and for many others.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


That MERC Norn Ele commander is terrible at pvp XD

MERC is terrible at pvp*
Fixed that for you sir.

Don’t you have troll rams to build?

That’s not a nice thing to say to your fellow server mate!

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


BG definitely has the best SEA coverage right now, compared to JQ and SoR. BG has huge zergs on every map. CA, Urge, ND, ND, WM, MERC, XF, Meow and PuGs.

Such a shame SoR doesn’t have the biggest zergs for a few hours a day, maybe you need to recruit some more?

Such a shame you and RISE are still such bads. Maybe you guys need some training to prevent yourselves from getting wiped 24/7. Maybe you and RISE need to blob harder. Or perhaps transfer off. Must be frustrating… I feel for you. No wonder you always seem so mad about SoR. The trauma must be excruciating. Just give me a call if you need someone to talk to. You must be lonely.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


BG definitely has the best SEA coverage right now, compared to JQ and SoR. BG has huge zergs on every map. CA, Urge, ND, ND, WM, MERC, XF, Meow and PuGs.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

7/5 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


double team is in full swing again

And there is the typical SoR 2v1 complaints.

Typical pot replies.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


The thing with SoR EU is that it is still based around Iron and the huge pug army. Kiss is a non threat at the moment as they try and improve them self and change into how fights work on a Tier 1 server vs having no one to fight.

It will take them a months time to rebuild them self and then Kiss can become a huge pain in the kitten .

The only reason we can ever get any PTT is because of how SoR moves. Large Army’s going from zone to zone. That tend to get bugged down in long fights where they lose other zones. That is only when we have the extra forces doing overtime.

Still with Kiss slowly getting better and with Iron’s massive numbers it will be hard to win in the coming months and if the rumors are true of yet another EU guild coming to SoR then it will be hard. Still it is of little concern to me because i have a few ideas how to get the best out of this and in the end i will have my fun.

Waage you ever going to stop your bs? since we came to NA in eu time we have run tagless and on our own ts, so I have no idea where this pug army idea comes from. In Sea/early NA yes we run with SoR militia and friends.

As for our numbers yes we are bigger than you, but you make out we fill all 4 maps. During our prime time we usually have between 30-40/45 players, which still struggles to make dents in the 100 man zergs from BG/JQ we come across sometimes and which you guys happily join.

Your non stop flaming of my guild is getting really tiresome. I am sorry you can no longer hit 690 ppt in eu time. But stop crying on the forums, recruit more, try a tactic that works, do anything, just stop your incessant whining/lying.

Are you kidding me. Have you not noticed the large very flaky pug army that follows you around. YES you might not lead them and i don’t care if you did. Control them or not that is not the point. They are there and they are the reason it will be hard to win over SoR because as i have said the danger of you guys is not your numbers, but the rallying effect you have on SoR. Not to take any thing away from your skill, but 40 of you are nothing compared to 50 of randoms seeing there chance for easy points.

It was not meant as a criticism it was meant as explanation of what is going on in the servers.

Yes that 100 man zerg is more or less made because RK is the only active wvw guild that is on 6 days a week during EU time so we tend to lead the zerg. We are small and built around the idea of providing leaders and a core base for the server to rally around in a weak time zone.

Again i was not complaining i was explaining why things are how they are.

Take yesterday. We had Iron on BG, Full float team on SoR and Kiss on EB. RK was the only fully active commanding guild for most of that night.

Now personally i don’t care. Even if you are getting more guilds, higher numbers and more PTT. Like i said i will have my fun and i will plan around it.

OH and about the flaming of your guild. The last post i did was a joke and i thought calling some one a simple word like jerk 12 times in a row would make that obvious.

The only other time i have even said any thing negative about your guild was when wolfbyrne of what ever his name is FLAMED MY GUILD!! Dood read through my posts you will see i only point out numbers and nothing else. I never really talk about you jerks at all (THE JERK IS MEANT FOR COMEDIC EFFECT RELATING TO MY EARLIER POST) ((I typed that in caps because jokes do not seem to be your strong side))

Dood you need to sit down and relax. I do not care about PTT or winning because like you most likely know by now. If you win you run out of people to fight.

I am not even going to respond to the last part of your post because it is to whinny (THIS IS ALSO A JOKE) for me to care about.

Your jokes aren’t even funny. You’re not a joker, but a joke.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Btw, we can agree that BT and TW are the best guilds in NA servers. =P

Aggression is pretty good too imo.

Honestly, Agg reminds me of the bad, wannabe version of RG.

TW no different.

Angry SoR/TW posters inc

TW has different tactics compared to RG. Of course, you’re so bad at analyzing guilds so you don’t know. Agg has similar tactics to RG, but definitely aren’t as lethal as RG. You’re no different from your fellow server mates pot, Kathy K and Magikarps too! Such adorable trolls.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


SoR, permanently bullied by superior BG and JQ forces during SEA ATM, permanently stationed in SoR bl. You evil people.. pick on someone your own size! >:(

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


The number of extra BG guilds you missed just shows how ignorant you are. To be honest, AFS was a guild that tried to save SoS and stayed with SoS until they went to T4. The guild should be respected for at least trying, unlike MERC and ND that just left when SoS could still be saved. AFS left because of the decreasing attendance and needed to transfer to save the guild. Please use something called a brain before you post things like these.

Like I said, if I miss out any guilds on SOR or BG, you may add in. Plus, I did not say a disrespectful word about TYSM, its only about AFS. I don’t think a guild that trash talks over another guild on forum saying they only want to win worth my respect while AGG and FOE transferred to lower tier and they transferred to T1. Pretty ironic huh?
And please do help me to list the guilds that I missed out, but please do not include guilds formed by pugs with only 3-4 men, or now you see them, now you don’t. Not that I don’t respect them but really, if you want to include that, I can list down tons on SOR.

Please list all the SoR guilds that disappeared.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


The number of extra BG guilds you missed just shows how ignorant you are. To be honest, AFS was a guild that tried to save SoS and stayed with SoS until they went to T4. The guild should be respected for at least trying, unlike MERC and ND that just left when SoS could still be saved. AFS left because of the decreasing attendance and needed to transfer to save the guild. Please use something called a brain before you post things like these.

Like I said, if I miss out any guilds on SOR or BG, you may add in. Plus, I did not say a disrespectful word about TYSM, its only about AFS. I don’t think a guild that trash talks over another guild on forum saying they only want to win worth my respect while AGG and FOE transferred to lower tier and they transferred to T1. Pretty ironic huh?
And please do help me to list the guilds that I missed out, but please do not include guilds formed by pugs with only 3-4 men, or now you see them, now you don’t. Not that I don’t respect them but really, if you want to include that, I can list down tons on SOR.

Which AFS trash talked? And to who did they say they only wanted to win? The amount of disrespect you give to a guild that hasn’t even done anything malicious easily shows what kind of person you are.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


CA VK VT MEOW AOI VI AGG FOE and RISE are just a few that you forgot to count, and that’s just the ones that i can think of off the top of my head.

CA is not a tranferred guild island boy. Agg and foe transferred out so they do not make BG stacked island boy. And yes I miss out RISE but as i remember, they stayed on BG before the transfer era. My post is not about how many guild sor and bg have. and meow i hardly see any of them. but nevermind, make all of them count if that makes u feel better.

Then what’s your point?

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


It’s cute because of how much complaining we get for getting a couple guilds, in timezones that we need more coverage in, from a server that does vastly more recruiting than us. As EU goes, we are not, nor were, stacked. We simply have some amazingly coordinated guilds and people during that time.

Somehow your tone gives me a surge to write this. So lets begin from the time free transfer ended….
Massive guild transfers happened right before the free transfer ended. First server that got stacked – Jade Quarry. I am skipping this server since too many bandwagon joined and left after that.
I am very fair but please correct me if I have the sequence wrong or miss out your guild.

Before transfer fee
NA – TYSM (Not pretty sure how many and the exact transfer period)
Oceanic – None
SEA – SYN + NYS + SAHP (round up to 60 pax to SOR)
EU – None

Total = 4 guild with 60+pax to SOR

NA – None
Oceanic – None
SEA – None
EU – None

Total = 0 guild with countless of SOR imaginary ghost friends to BG

After free transfer
NA – None
Oceanic – None
SEA – SONG (15-20), AFS (15-20) (Just a little story, it is funny how AFS guild leader looked down upon AGG and FOE when they transferred to BG, eventually they did the same thing leaving SOS in chaos)
EU – IRON (50-60),KISS (50-60)

Total = 4 guild with 130-160 pax choo choo to SOR

NA – BT (30+?)
Oceanic – MERC (50-60)
SEA – ND (30-40), WM (10-20), XF(20-30)
EU – None

Total = 5 guilds with 140 – 200 pax + countless of SOR imaginary ghost friends to BG

SOR Grand total = 8 guilds and around 200+ members field in battleground.
BG Grand total = 5 guilds and around 200+ members with troops of imaginary ghosts army (I know what you’re thinking, that’s right, we paid joss paper)

In conclusion, the cutest thing is BG is haunted, or not, SOR sounds more scary to me now

The number of extra BG guilds you missed just shows how ignorant you are. To be honest, AFS was a guild that tried to save SoS and stayed with SoS until they went to T4. The guild should be respected for at least trying, unlike MERC and ND that just left when SoS could still be saved. AFS left because of the decreasing attendance and needed to transfer to save the guild. Please use something called a brain before you post things like these.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


OCX – 10 – Occasional Raids
AFS – 10-20 Daily Raids
NYS – 15-30 Occasional Raids
SAHP – 15-20 Occasional Raids
SONG – 10+
HIRE – 20-30 Daily Raids but rarely ever go into SEA
(TSYM – 15)
(IRON – Early EU – 15-20)

BG, ON the other hand…
MERC – 30-40 Daily and venture into SEA as well (15-20 Oceanic; 20-25 SEA; 15 EU; Consistent)
WM – 15-20 (15-20; may play in NA so not play in SEA)
ND and ND – 30+(20-30 SEA; Consistent)
Urge – 20-30 (~15-20; SEA; Doesn’t play every night)
CA – 20-30 (~15-20 CA; late NA-SEA; consistent)
XF – 25-30 (~20 SEA; Consistent)
Thai – 20-30 (15-20; Occasionally raids into EU; not generally running in SEA)

Equal, definitely, considering sometimes SAHP and NYS don’t even go on raids.

Corrected in Brackets, everyone presumes numbers are higheer than they really are considering the length of red names. You also have to consider PuGs as well, as SoR is known for having NA militia stay up, for example TSYM and having NA get up early (TW). Same thing happens in BG to a degree, I’m not going to dispute it – but everyone likes to play the underdog and I think SoRs oceanic/SEA need to stop thinking that they are somehow outmanned when they run map zergs.

Sorry, but I highly doubt your oceanic force is 15-20. More so 30+. With militia, about 40. HIRE usually runs about 40-50 as well.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Quite a joke that BG which keeps stacking more guilds on 2 time zones (Oceanic & SEA), will keep whining when SOR is stacking more on their EU time zone. Doesn’t this just put us on par with your 2 timezone advantage? Or are you the only server entitled to it?

I guess its all good for them until they’re losing.

All these complains about PvDoor works both ways. BG PvDoors during their strong period, SOR PvDoors during theirs, and its just lately that JQ can’t PvDoor as well during their SEA timezone due to BG’s stack fiesta? All these useless complains.

Just play the game.

You keep saying that, but SoR has similar numbers of players in total during SEA/oceanic and I don’t think the oceanic’s/SEA on your own server (HIRE, AFS, SONG, OCX, Early EU players, Late NA players, TSYM) would appreciate calling what they do PvD, show more respect to your servermates as well as people who are matched with them. Half the reason why I don’t mind fighting SoR is due to the fact that SoR are the only two servers with a notably large Oceanic presence. Any other match-up would be boring in the GMT+10/8 timeslot.

In regards to us (MERC) being accused of zoom hacking by a previous poster (not the quoted author); I command almost every night and I think you need to get some credible evidence before you start throwing down claims that are nothing more than “he said/she said”.

OCX – 10 – Occasional Raids
AFS – 10-20 Daily Raids
NYS – 15-30 Occasional Raids
SAHP – 15-20 Occasional Raids
SONG – 10+
HIRE – 20-30 Daily Raids but rarely ever go into SEA

BG, ON the other hand…
MERC – 30-40 Daily and venture into SEA as well
WM – 15-20
ND and ND – 30+
Urge – 20-30
CA – 20-30
XF – 25-30
Thai – 20-30

Equal, definitely, considering sometimes SAHP and NYS don’t even go on raids, like today. No wonder you are ticking 300+.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


FEAR have been endlessly accused of exploiting and there have been plenty of images and videos to show it.

Even if its this approved wider FOV system anet have approved, this guild is still pathetic for resorting to such tactics.

It’s morally exploiting and I for one would never do it on principle.

It’s also embarrassing on Anet’s behalf of allowing such a thing, hopefully they see this thread and the video of where AC’s can hit with this technology.

This aside I’m sure the fights this week will be good again…even if lame guilds resort to cheap tactics.

How is it an exploit if Anet approves of this app? It is not morally wrong either, to do that. FEAR is pathetic? I highly suggest NOC fight them head on. Let’s see who is more pathetic, shall we.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


ATM really loves to hit SoR nowadays.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Those who complained should keep quiet now. I highly suggest you guys do some research before complaining. So hilarious looking at daft people complaining.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Frankly I don’t care

Fair play is fair play, for every player on SoR running zoom hack there’s a player on Bg and JQ also running it.

The difference is that we just deal with it while you complain about it, you know just like everything else in the match up.

Name one JQ guild that has done so, we have told everyone on server it is not allowed no matter what it is even part of our community forums lol. Considering this is SOR’s reasoning for doing so is just shameful, I have no beef with SOR but you cant blame JQ on something JQ never does and if you see us do so and that person is part of a guild let us know. Btw just by my interpretations but it seems you think zoom hacking is ok if you don’t complain about it…either way keep it classy.

FoO and ATM have used it. If only you played in SEA time..

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Theres an application that can widen your view or something i believe. Thats why you’ll be able to see through and destroy siege with ACs. Many other guilds make use of this as well, like ATM, against outmanned forces. Time to get accustomed to this kind of thing everyone. Everyone does it. Not only SoR.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


I like when people call BG stacked and the aforementioned “powerhouse” we are but I think people love to make statements without looking up past match ups, yes BG won by 21k this week, because we put in the effort, I went to bed late most nights to ensure this (cause I was sick and off work for a few days).

But if you look at the scores of the last 7 weeks, since SoR received IRON:

Week 19 – 57k win,
Week 20 – 56k win,
Week 21 – 35k win,
Week 22 – 50k win,
Week 24 – 19k win,

Week 25 – 21k loss – BG STACKED

I have a feeling its only going to get worse now with the even bigger EU coverage of SoR, enjoy the PvDoor.

You guys still remain as the most stacked server with the most number of guilds. Too bad all these guilds are fairweather. Gotta recruit more for the blackhole!

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


^ Which is what everyone (but SoR) agrees with. I genuinely feel sorry for JQ that SoR just shafts them like this.

But SoR? Can’t help but wonder how many potential guilds BG have stolen from JQ.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Meanwhile, BG getting 2-3 fresh guilds while…..

This. No one heard BG are getting a couple of oceanic and SEA guilds soon?

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/28 Sanctum of Rall/Blackgate/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


People always complain when another server gets another guild to stack up a timezone, but never complain when their own servers get stacked in certain timezones.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Song is not a zerg guild. They run small, just a group of talented individuals. Hopefully SoR will take notes and be more skillful rather than 80 man blobing.

I understand our huge zergs are extremely noticeable, but we have pretty good havoc guilds like XPK here. Anyway, welcome SONG! We hope you will enjoy your time in SoR Let’s work together!

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/21 Blackgate/Sanctum of Rall/Jade Quarry

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


We were missing a couple of our melee but it wasn’t excuse worthy. From fighting them, they really aren’t doing anything much different than us… they just did it better. Simply put, we got out played.

Uhm… ? I’m amazed how easy some fights were then if we did exactly the same.

Anyway, thanks for the gvg TW. Had some fun stalking your eles

And people say TW is disrespectful.. RG gotta learn some class!

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Omg SoR getting 2v1’d its the end of the world.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


IRON has to fight both ATM and MERC at the same time and am trying to hold out as much as possible. Massive props to IRON. Intense stuff. Great fights all round!

Its been a fun fight so far, we just thought it would be fair to use your own merchant and food tray a few times as a gesture of good will

You gotta give us some rest. Its tough bouncing around with ATM and MERC smashing through our stuff. We need to hop all over the place to handle you guys while being supply starved. ATM are blocking us on the south, while MERC are destroying our stuff on inner. Its so exhausting.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

(edited by Azure.8412)

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


IRON has to fight both ATM and MERC at the same time and am trying to hold out as much as possible. Massive props to IRON. Intense stuff. Great fights all round!

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/14 Blackgate/ Jade Quarry/ Sanctum of Rall

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


Well…EB was interesting tonight. JQ thanks for going to the Klovan over and over and over again, laying down your arms and falling on the ground allowing RISE and friends to kill you to get some loot. That was extra kind of you. TYSM….good fights……I guess……

It was tough for TSYM cause you guys knew wherever we went every single time. Your numbers were scaring us a lot as well. We had some havoc squads and our numbers were less than yours. Tbh you guys really had the power to own the entire map, but you guys didn’t make use of the power to your advantage.

Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.

6/7 SoR/ TC/ SoS

in Match-ups

Posted by: Azure.8412


You wear blue so well, SoR.

TC wears green pretty well too!


Vorae [GC] – Necromancer
Sanctum Of Rall.