I love JQ the community the tenacity overall a great community, with very few issues, (none currently except weak EU and Oceanic) our few issues just tend to become public domain. Even when my guildies have left the server (Early on when I stepped down as AoS lead)I choose to stay strictly on the basis of community, so I found a new guild and when people left to go to DB I choose to stay again on the basis of the community is amazing. Those leaving ended up being the issue of the community so in the end they only made us stronger.
The guild I am in currently recruiting active WvWers so if you make it to JQ feel free to drop me a line. Depending on the time of day we do all the things you are looking for. We have rebuilt and restructured after the departure of our former leader and are once again a powerful guild on JQ.
I have heard good things about the SoS community but being as how I haven’t competed against them since their drop from tier 1, nor do I know anyone on the server I can’t give you anything concrete.
JQ also has [Noah] in the EU time slot I believe J kitten is the contact for it and Kaisez (I know I spelt that wrong sorry).
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
I was hoping to have a nice repeat of last weeks forums with FA and TC was nice not reading through 20 posts of forum sniping.
Overall good fights this week, sorry there is such large coverage gaps if not I could see this being much closer match, oh well can’t force people to play where they don’t want to (just ask JQs EU guilds….).
Is EMP considering a transfer to DB? We don’t house their ex-esteemed leader anymore, but I see some genuine love here.
I always had respect for DB just lacked it for some people who sought to undermine my home. Now that they are gone we get to see the true side of DB in the field and on the forums.
To answer your question no EMP is not leaving JQ anytime soon JQ4Lyfe.
Our thread got to page 3 while remaining moderately civilized and good-hearted. I got my hopes up for this week’s potential camaraderie. What on earth happened! >.<
I was hoping to have a nice repeat of last weeks forums with FA and TC was nice not reading through 20 posts of forum sniping.
Overall good fights this week, sorry there is such large coverage gaps if not I could see this being much closer match, oh well can’t force people to play where they don’t want to (just ask JQs EU guilds….).
These hills are too OP I have seen them claim the lives of many a friendly and enemy zerg a like, leaving piles of dead at the bottom….
A bunch of sF (Select Few) moved over to JQ about 3 weeks ago. Hooked up with our old SBI partners in crime SF (Strike Force) and we’re having a blast. The WvW community here is very supportive and fun to run with. It’s really been a good time.
If you’re looking for a solid community, then check out JQ.
Im very glad to hear that. JQ has a commendable WvWvW support structure. Also, JQ provides you the assurance that when NA goes to sleep, you will wake to find all your hardwork during NA is still intact.
We brought about 20 over and we really have been enjoying WvW. Love watching the different guilds work together for the same goals.
Welcome to JQ hope you enjoy your stay here.
Haven’t seen many EMP on field so far. Are they still on JQ?
Probably just not in the right BL we are here usually fielding 5-10 at any given time and 20-30 during our NA push times.
Great fights in JQB on reset night both FA and DB had tons of fun with all the open field skirmishes.
Welcome to the Quarry hope you enjoy your stay!
As the week winds down and reset is around the corner I wanted to take a minute to thanks too TC and FA for really bringing a good week of WvW for to remind us all about why we play this game, sometimes the lag out T1 makes you forget the fun of WvW.
So I say thank you and keep fighting the good fight you guys both did great this week and I look forward to seeing you in the field again!
I would highly recommend JQ or TC, both do wonderful in WvW (Current match-up is JQ – TC – FA). Being from JQ I can say TC has been a strong opponent and has a great community from what I have heard and seen.
Obviously being from JQ though I am going to say how good my server does (Winning current match up against TC and FA) but I am going to also say how great the community is which is really what has kept me playing this game.
Rooster no offense but you have no idea how JQ is doing being from SoS, yes recently we had some issues but the server as a whole is stronger than ever. The issues we had were with particular people harming the community and those people left so in the end ‘those issues’ just served to strengthen the JQ community. JQ may stumble but it will never falter because we have people dedicated to the server and community, to not see it die out like other server now in lowers tiers…
I would really like to see a system where the items you normally ‘loot’ in WvW just went right into your inventory. There is no reason we should have to loot mutiple bags each time we kill someone, while pushing the enemy group back its silly, and pretty much guarantees that unless you win you lose the loot.
Does EMP run a lot of havoc/roamers? I’ve been seeing them in both FA BL and our BL. Good opponents though.
We have a number of international players, through we primarily focus in NA now. So in off hours we tend to have people grouped doing roaming or havoc. Thank you for the complement [RE] isn’t to bad themselves =P
What’s with the ESOL guild on BG LA? Is that EMP/RE’s Rawnoodles? What?
Its not EMP its Rawnoodles so enjoy BG he is resurrecting ESOL there lol. Best of luck!
I have to say both TC and FA have been performing admirably and I have respect for both servers. You both came out ready to fight and I have to say the fights across BL’s have been great. Also TC those mez plants in bay’s are getting annoying =P
lol maybe we should stop posting gifs and being general kittens to each-other just a thought….
I think we should go fly a kite together and send the week out in style.
I am down lets go fly some kites volkon forget this QQ garbage
Welcome to all the new individuals and guilds JQ is happy to have you on board.
To anyone looking to transfer JQ is a great home I have been here myself since launch and I have no plans to move on the community as a whole is really something else. In my days of MMOing I have seen very few communities this caring and goal oriented as a whole.
Hey for an update we’re stalled on the decision to move now that we’ve learned we’d lose our Guild upgrade(T6). It would be a very tough pill to swallow to start everything over from new again. This seems to be the hurdle which is holding us back from transfering.
Does anyone have a link to calculator or know the gold cost for upgrading guild to T4/T5?
I don’t know the exact cost but if your looking to continue to do guild missions etc. The upgrades remain in tact on the server you transfer from so if you left say SBI you could guest back to SBI to burn the influence+use any of those upgrades til you got them on your new server.
ALS tested this during our move from Anvil Rock to Dragonbrand, and it was not true. Once our guild leader was transferred to DB, he no longer had access to the Anvil Rock side of the guild: neither bank nor upgrades.
We made a new ALS on DB anyway. Upgraded it to tier 4 research within a week, and tier 5 in 2.5 weeks. We have guild bounties and are unlocking trek right now. This cost us influence points of ~50 of our 100 people logging in and playing daily, and about 1,000 gold spent by our members thus far.
In order to get your benefits you have to GUEST onto Anvil Rock, you would not retain the levels ect, on transfer they remain on the server they were earned on.
I know the gmissions still work as I regularly see guilds that left JQ come back just to gmissions as they haven’t unlocked them yet.
lol maybe we should stop posting gifs and being general kittens to each-other just a thought….
JQ is a great server to consider sadly we lack many oceanix but have amazing SEA and good NA guilds, overall a great community that comes out to have fun in the field.
Ran with [SG] a number of times in my days with [OPSN] have to say great group of PVPers! Their thief nights used to be particularly fun.
If you are looking for a mix of PVE and WvW I would recommend JQ or TC, as they boast a large WvW and PVE population with guilds that do both.
If you have an questions on JQ guilds or the community of JQ feel free to drop my a line in game I am usually on and happy to help people =D
The fact is we created this issue as a whole when we asked Anet to turn off culling (Arguably a silly mechanic). We wanted to see the zergs coming at us in it’s entirety, not just the 20-30 who rendered. As a result of that the problem of skill lag (previously a non-issue) has reared its ugly head. You could shrink the server size in WvW to smaller a number or even cap the tier it wouldn’t help. The issue is Anet server side when 100+ people group up in the same location to fight whether 2 or 3 sided. Until they figure out a way to solve this we have to soldier on through it. This is not a tier 1 issue or a NA/EU issue this is a WvW issue across all servers when people have large scale fights (notably SM since its usually a good 3-way).
Telling people when they are is just silly, as is having this discussion in the recruitment section, this post is an issue on WvW not a recruitment. As such I request a mod to move this to the WvW discussion section thank you.
@ Devon why not try to bring the orbs back but prevent them from being moved from a central location, for example replace the temple of storms with a tower of the orb, maybe even still on a timed event this would add a different dynamic to the game and force some very interesting fights. Could even bring the orbs back as a permanent fixture in the garrison to give servers a reason to defend their borderlands and hold their respective garrisons.
I am loving the DB bashing we have so far. Here’s are some reasons why DB is hated among the old T1 servers.
1) They acted like they are the new big guy and talked about replacing the old T1 JQ and SoR 2 weeks after they went from T3 to T2.
Here’s a DB guy talking about kicking JQ out of T1
So the plan is SoR getting blue spot and then when JQ is red DB will take their place in T1 ? :p
Okay we got it, let’s push JQ out of T1 ^^and here’s a rawnoodle’s fanboy talking about SoR is worthless should go back to T2 ( funny isn’t it)
I kind of want to see JQ vs DB just for the hell of it.
Two successful guild transfers. RISE to Blackgate. EMP/RE to Dragonbrand. Yes there is a lot of drama, just mentioning EMP transferring to Dragonband gets people riled up.
I know one thing, SoR needs to go…. NOW
If they don’t leave, they just going to get squashed like a bug like they always do. SoR is worthless in T1.
2) last month when JQ was losing badly to BG, some of the DB folks went to JQ’s LA, and talked about JQ ‘was dying’ and tried to recruit the remaining JQ guilds for DB. Trying to demoralize a T1 server as a T2 server and speed up the dying process of JQ so they can take the advantage? that should give you some idea about the class of this server’s wvw community
You had it coming DB, this should be a reality check for you guys.
Quite perfectly put I must say, any 2v1 DB is feeling is from the arrogance and tenacity of your keyboard cowboys they got every server excited to crush you all I can say is good luck =/.
Again, your response seems to be pointed at the few, not the majority that does not frequent these forums. My comment was directed to you, not your server. JQ has class, I very much enjoyed my time there. Believe what you will though. Best of luck to EMP and JQ.
Its called guilty by association you may not have specifically done any of those things but supporting and assisting the people that do makes you just as guilty whether you want to admit it or not. It would be like the get away driver saying “I only drove the car officer! I didn’t do anything wrong but drive some people!”
Day try testing that in WvW I think they fixed the aspect ratios there. I attempted this the other day after I noticed an aspect ratio fix in WvW patch notes. I also haven’t seen any siege carted down.
I’m on DB. I wasn’t there. But Dekar is only telling his side of a multi-sided story. If you believe what he said without question, you are naive. I’m sure what Dekar said is factual, but it’s also incomplete.
One thing many have to realize is that DB doesn’t have the experience in T1 and T2 to coordinate guilds and tactics. Until reaching T2, the standard strategy is good enough:
- follow the blue triangle
- pay attention to swords on the map
- if you don’t follow the blue triangle tell map chat what you see
The above strategy, plus our ridiculously large SEA presence, got us into T2, at which point a bunch of new, large, experienced guilds joined DB. The new guilds, hoping to make us competitive in T2 and maybe T1, wanted to change things, make DB more organized. It’s a wonderful idea, but it’s difficult to pull off when the non-transfers are used to doing things a different way. The original guilds have been adjusting to the new way of doing things under the prospects of better performance. Most have adapted quite well. Some individuals have not.
Is it so unusual that there is some resistance? Online gaming is full of people with big egos. Big egos don’t budge. It’s clear to me now that any server with strict and structured internal organization is going to end up with drama. Dekar’s experience is a manifestation of that.
To the original DB guilds: Let’s keep DB drama-free, like it used to be.
To the new DB guilds: Thanks for coming to DB, but if it’s not a good fit, good luck on whatever server you transfer to.
To trolls from other servers: I have erased what I was going to say here several times because I don’t want to be reported. Suffice it to say, mind your own business, be a man, and stop fanning the flames.
Than please stop fanning the flames yourself this thread has nothing to do with DB or [RE] even coming to DB, as DB guilds made it clear they don’t want them. So please take this back to the DB forums and stop derailing a guilds recruitment thread its overall too much kitten going on here. When this should be about helping [RE] find a new home.
Gosh I feel bad for RE having to wade through most of this thread
Yea its a real shame.
^For any Guilds wanting to come over, you’ll witness JQ’s community in action. As Blackouts have been scheduled before to aid in those wishing to join us.
Let anyone of the guild or community leaders know if interested in JQ we have facilitated blackouts in the past and we can in the future. Come be apart of one of the greatest gaming communities in my fifteen + years of gaming.
Since the elementalist nerf I have been relying more on lightning flash to get away from zergs people ect. I am wondering if any other eles have had issues with lightning flash randomly not working, i.e. not breaking stun or moving you just leaving you where you are while resetting cool-down.
Thank you [LO] for the lovely bag delivery in SoR BL last night tbh I thought my group was wiped given SoR’s superior numbers but no just bags galore XD
Only reason people are complaining is that it requires laurels, thus people are unable to login and fully stack on ascended gear.
Quite ironic the MMO community. They want progression and something to work towards to, but at the same time they all want it from the get go.
It’s amazing Anet even does anything for WvW’rs considering how toxic the WvW community is.
Personally love the update.
A-net has ignored the community and therefore made it toxic with their own choice to do nothing to boost WvW morale, or even reward WvW players. Seriously we have 2 alternate maps for WvW its a joke, each BL is a mirror image of the other for ‘balance’. When you take a good hard look at the PVE content and the PVP content its a small wonder this game even has a PVP community anymore, all A-net seems to want to do is alienate and further toxify.
What a load of bs. Spvp was in the same boat and in an even worse shape. However they set up interviews of what should change and actively tried to make the game better by now organizing tournamanets and what not on their own.
WvW community is hilarious just take a look at all the matchup threads it’s beyond pathetic.
1. Rank in sPvP/tPvP carries over so it is alt friendly.
2. 6 different maps while all are same mechanic (capture points) they vary on surroundings and also environment.
3. Skins easily transferable (May not seem like much but with 8 toons it is)
4. WvW is inter server competition it makes our servers into our ‘faction’ if you will there is going to be animosity between factions its what makes a 3 sided fight fun, if we all kitten-ed and held hands it would be my little pony.
5. They actually gave PvPers what they wanted you said it yourself they did interviews and got feedback. The problem is they are clearly ignoring feedback from their WvWers.
Only reason people are complaining is that it requires laurels, thus people are unable to login and fully stack on ascended gear.
Quite ironic the MMO community. They want progression and something to work towards to, but at the same time they all want it from the get go.
It’s amazing Anet even does anything for WvW’rs considering how toxic the WvW community is.
Personally love the update.
A-net has ignored the community and therefore made it toxic with their own choice to do nothing to boost WvW morale, or even reward WvW players. Seriously we have 2 alternate maps for WvW its a joke, each BL is a mirror image of the other for ‘balance’. When you take a good hard look at the PVE content and the PVP content its a small wonder this game even has a PVP community anymore, all A-net seems to want to do is alienate and further toxify.
The laurel cost doesn’t come as much of a surprise on rings and neck (not saying its right). It is said really that most WvWers are waiting for something anything from Anet to make the WvW seem worth it and they just keep disappointing us… I just hope Black Desert, Elder Scrolls, or Camelot offer a better system than this laughable disappointment.
The biggest joke is the acc though why even put them in WvW when they cost laurels and ectos lol.
Blunt, they’re adding rares and exotics to the WvW chests. These are ectos waiting to happen. Laurels from dailies you can get in WvW. It all fits in the big picture.
I am well aware tbh my two main are already geared the issue I am having is with Anet, this is not what they promised people this is a gimmick. They only changed the daily last patch to include WvW based objectives actually allowing you to farm laurels in WvW. They promised people mutiple times in multiple posts that you would be able to use badges in order to buy these things well I guess they meant only the convenient items, backs and earrings are still a pain especially if you aren’t in a larger guild that does missions. In the end this in A-net once again screwing WvW players in favor of PVE players.
The laurel cost doesn’t come as much of a surprise on rings and neck (not saying its right). It is said really that most WvWers are waiting for something anything from Anet to make the WvW seem worth it and they just keep disappointing us… I just hope Black Desert, Elder Scrolls, or Camelot offer a better system than this laughable disappointment.
The biggest joke is the acc though why even put them in WvW when they cost laurels and ectos lol.
I have to agree with white hear it has always bothered me that it:
1. Never did anything useful (Except getting no armor damage now)
2. Is visible to any force.
As a commander the out manned buff signifies OK its time to push ‘X’ team on this BL because they cannot defend themselves. I have always felt they should bring the orb buff back as out manned buff (keep no armor repairs please) and maybe bring orbs back as something useless like the old out-manned buff offering a karma and exp bonus, maybe magic find or gold find. While they were annoying and extremely overpowered when hacked they offered a fun interesting tactical advantage to fight over.
Npc: You’re doing what?
Anet: Euh? You mean the ascended gear?
Npc: Yeah, why does HE get to sell that?
Anet: well, he already sells the badges gear…
Npc: So?
Anet: seemed the logical thing to do.
Npc: And what do I get to sell?
Anet: the usual great stuff from the trading Point, like you do now.
Npc: Oh joy and happiness… no one is buying the cute stuff here you know.
Anet: I’m sure some do.
Npc: Du-uh! They buy food, and food, and food. Cold pizzas, lukewarm soup, rotten meat… I can’t stand it anymore.
Anet: The TP sells a lot more than that, surely.
Npc: Like what? Town clothes in WvW??? Rofl.
Anet: Look, the badge dude is selling the ascended gear and that is final.
Npc: You sell your own bloody food than, I’m outta here.
TP NPC is so mad, they all went on strike.
Hi everyone,
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. While the team is aware of this, we are going to forward them this post to remind them or ask them about an update on this. Please, we ask you to be a bit patience and we ask for apologies beforehand for the problems this might be causing you.
Thanks for your understanding.
Thank you for answering and I hope this issue can be resolved quickly =)
I hope they are fine. And my deepest regrets for those who are not…
That said, I have two reservations with this post.
First: why is this in the WvW section? It’s a terrible tragedy, yes. but why is that announced here?
Second: I realise a lot of Northern Americans are christians or at least religious, and I respect that.
But I’m not, and the post assumes we all ‘pray’.
I don’t.
And I don’t see this as a religious forum. So why is the assumption here that players of Gw2 (WvW) pray?
I have a lot of sympathy for the people struck by disasters, not only those in the US mind you… but don’t assume we all pray, or all should pray.
No one assumed you prayed each person dedicated THEIR thoughts and/or prays to those affected….
The tornado was devastating 2 miles wide at base, my thoughts and prayers go out to those affected. I wish you a speedy recovery.
Commanding on JQ since launch I can tell you this server is something else when it comes to WvW. We may not have the largest force at the current moment but we certainly have the most tenacious. JQ does not give up and keeps coming at you whether its a equal fight or we are out manned 10 to 1 we will just keep coming, until we accomplish our goal.
The lag for this during the day around 830am est and in the afternoon around 2-4pm est is bad, the game is almost unplayable with anymore than a few people on your screen. Even than I have gotten massive amounts of lag in areas that have no one, please find a way to fix this.
oh god. aggression icoa and the cult of the noodle all on one server. Im almost tempted to transfer to a tier 2 server just to fight you guys for the months it will take you to get out of there.
This is seriously Christmas come early I cant wait to feast on your tears if you ever make it to tier 1.
Thinking of it myself since they will never make T1 as a whole lol
Whoah, you are so mad, bro. Don’t pop a blood vessel or anything, it’s not quite worth it… not when DB isn’t actually a sinking ship. Wouldn’t you say that’s JQ? I see why you would be so angry.
Let there be love!
Hey lee asked and I delivered and no I meant Wagon brand you know that 3rd place T2 server.
You delivered nothing but hate and drama in a forum that you don’t belong in. Being 3rd place in a tier that is highly competitive among all 3 servers hardly means anything. Just ask FA, they are skilled but have placed 3rd in tier 2 many times. Same with TC. Please stop the unnecessary drama.
Here on Dragonbrand, we are all getting along. New and old. The forum warriors don’t mean much at all in-game.
Well enjoy your version of menaace lol. I was doing what I felt was my duty in letting you know the truth, due to JQ having already suffered from a similar version of this in a leader of the community. You can take it anyway you want though that’s your right as a person just as it was my right to post here after all the RE and some other choice DB forum warriors choose to invade T1 forums taking smack like they would be in T1 within the week lol. If you want to keep T1 people out of your forum try keeping your people out of T1’s could do wonders.
Whoah, you are so mad, bro. Don’t pop a blood vessel or anything, it’s not quite worth it… not when DB isn’t actually a sinking ship. Wouldn’t you say that’s JQ? I see why you would be so angry.
Let there be love!
Hey lee asked and I delivered and no I meant Wagon brand you know that 3rd place T2 server.
What you said explicitly states you think TC should be scrutinized for its server status going to full in the same that DB is for being a bandwagon destination. How is this anything other than an attempt at derision. It’s fine if it is but don’t play so innocent.
No, what that passage says is that DB is being ripped for increasing their population, and TC isn’t despite being full. DB is not (at least not that I’ve seen) but we’re the ones getting pooped on for some reason.
Pointing out a double standard should not be taken as an insult to the server, it should be taken as a smack on the nose to forum warriors. It just seems a little silly to me to mock DB for its population/turnout increase when it still has less than TC. I mean hell, TC is full right now and it’s 2pm EST on a weekday.
1) TC has often been FULL for the past 8 months – our Population Status rarely has anything to do with our WvW turn-out. Posting about it like it does just makes you look silly.
2) Most everybody I’ve talked to on TC has great respect for the original Dragonbrand Guilds and Players. The reason you are “feeling the heat” is because of how Rawnoodles has been going about his “campaign” to turn DB into his own personal T1 fiefdom. It took less than a week for him to post on these forums that he was an “Official Representative” of DB and he and [RE] at the very least are self-admittedly out there looking to “buy” Guilds.
Maybe [CO] wasn’t any part of that (most likely I’d guess) but you are getting lumped in with the dross just based on the timing of your switch and your attempts to defend something that is in fact happening.
Pretty good summations I had loads of respect for the DB who made it to the top of T3 and into T2 by themselves. I have a complete lack of respect for those who have chosen to try and derail any of the t1 servers through underhanded tactics and back room deals. Plain and simple this is a game and the way some people go about playing the game that causes them to get heat. In the end when you let some clowns come on the forums and represent your server as a whole its small wonder that people start to assume that’s how your server is and that is how you choose to play.
JQ has currently seen some shifting. These past few weeks have been the most notable. Skilled players make things happen. Weak players depend on their numbers and then claim great things. On JQ you can easily find players of ONLY 10 standing up to 2 servers at the same time, each with a zerg of 30 or more. FUN times. If you’ve got the skills then come join us. New players are welcomed too. Ninety percent of JQ players are most usually helpful. We often find ourselves playing against ANET employees. Which is way more fun then tagging along.
We have dedicated players that keep the game moving forward. As well as a great PVE and PVP community. Don’t be trolled by the forum warriors, we need the numbers at certain time slots because the enemy greatly outnumbers us. They also seem to be focused on us. So expect a challenge.
I hope to see new guilds and new players join us soon. No matter how you want to play the game, we manage to get along well, and organize together.
Great points let me just add that no feeling is greater than killing a dev in a zerg or blob, they stick out so well XD
Greta job with the JQ guild list Fuz
Feel bad for DB
All these mediocre transfer guilds are really reducing the servers overall skill level.
Any guilds on DB who may be willing to step it up with an amazing group in JQ are more than welcome to explore the possibilities. I had a couple hours on JQBL last night with EMP and some others, and it was an amazingly good time holding a paper garrison from numbers twice or three times our size. It’s starting to feel again like it should. I logged off smiling and would be quite happy to share that experience with other guilds looking for real T1 combat.
According to RE they were the best of EMP, and since they are rather mediocre, how would transferring to JQ help?
No offense boss, and i’m not trying to start more drama. But as a commander on JQ i’ll take the current version of EMP then what it was before their so called “best” went to DB. The ones who decided to stay and remain with us on JQ are a great group of pvpers.
At least now i can count on EMP players and commanders to not rage quit the map when things go bad like noodles had a reputation for.
I do know that TW is always harping about the lack of loot they get now though. That in itself should be telling at the quality of players you all got in RE
Oh really, the countless hours we have spent every single day in home borderlands, keep our keeps safe from both bg and sor during na prime, with no guilds stepping it up to push tw in their home bl, while we try to push sor bl sometimes, no other guilds would take charge of the home bl and lose everything there (when they try to, usually they fail to defend any), atleast we try to push tw often, any other guilds in JQ dare to try it? NO. we have sf, ward & stei and his shenanigans followers stacking up in BGBL doing kitten rping or one of their so called drunk nights or w/e, This is the kind of attitude from some of JQ community on why we finally decided to leave, not running away from competition, but to be with a better community.
Omen, you have seen yourself s how the JQ community treats you when you leave, not a single ounce of respect for exi & omen who pushes every single day keeping JQ ppt up. Btw why bother to criticize omen when they field only 10 guys with hacks & we are the worse of emp with only 20% of emp, so nothing more to read here & move along.
Still so kitten I see lol. I just hope your egos eventually get over being trashed by an entire server for being Menaaces. I also still can’t help but laugh each time I find a new guild you TRIED to get to come with you by trash talking JQ or bribes. You RE bunch are a cancer and a cesspool on your community and its just a matter of time before Wagonbrand catches on. The reason Omen is being treated this way is they could have done this in a private setting with the server where more people would see but they choose to make a public spectacle of this. Rather than have it actually mean something so in a way we are just giving them what they want.
I am happy to see some of Omen are staying and look forward to working with you in the field. In the early hours at work I always have a blast working with you guys and the other SEA/Oceanic guilds you guys do wonderful work for the server and despite what others may have said before leaving JQ respect and loves you for it.