Showing Posts For Catixie.6351:
Alt a holic here and I don’t like it being character bound either. Feel locked into just one now
well get used to the way things work in GW2 because MMO’s are going to be using a similar style from here on probly since it has had such a positive effect on most gamers.
I hope not. Don’t get me wrong its a Nice change but i’m a full time healer at heart. I miss following my boyfriend around keeping him alive group after group while he killed everything in our path. Wow doesn’t do it for me anymore but I hope eventually there’s a new game I can go back to being a full time healer on. I understand why they did it like this but its just not going to be my long lasting like wow did, I’ve already taken months long breaks since release just came back the other week cause I got bored of playing rift without him
Also, fun times with the gift boxes during the Christmas event. Was surprised by an enemy squad and was losing, until I run to a nearby gift box and unleashed a pack of dolls. The knockback and chaos was glorious, the invaders wiped and 2/3 of my party did too.
Hahaha that reminds me of when they had the broken present right outside of AC instance. Boyfriend and I were on lowbie alts (12) together running around collecting presents. We opened that one only to be surprised by level 31 skritt. Being so close to the instance it was triggering instance level instead of zone level. I enjoyed watching people do the same thing and then complaining after haha
Ok, go sit in Briar. We’ll be there, I promise.
Cardinal directions please. I’m new at this game.
You need to eat more bacon.
Noo, making me hungry now and I’m not going out to breakfast for a few more hours
Your golem crew was pretty impressive. I was AFKing at the water gate in our borderlands while browsing forums. I brought it up to see a portal going up.
Called it out in team chat and you guys were through 2 gates and out before anyone even got there. I got some good licks in with the cannons though :P
Then our commander threw a tantrum and rage quit.
It’s all your fault!!
I do wish there were more emotes in this game. Having played wow and randomly emoting my bf all the time, I am extremely restricted on here
T1 and T2 both sound great.
Gonna be hard to pick a server. Thanks for the info guys.
If you have any questions about TC in tier 2 feel free to contact me and i’ll find a way to get you what you need to know.
My GF wants us to go to TC. I heard it has a great community too.
Is there a lot of really awkward role playing going on? Thats my only concern with that server.
It can be really annoying if you don’t like that sort of thing. Imagine doing a fractal or dungeon and someone is roleplaying a character that is dumb and clumsy and “accidentally” sets off every trap, goes in the wrong direction, or falls to his death. People do stuff like this and think it’s ok because it’s the character they created.
Haha well at least I will have my perfect excuse if we do move there
One of my guildies fell off a cliff in Snowden Drifts, almost died, ended up near an ice elemental. He had like a sliver of health left and he takes off running, and the ice elemental takes off in pursuit.
He’s on mumble with me, and he’s yelling, this thing isn’t leashing!
Took him quite a while to realize he was running from his own summoned elemental! lol
Lol that’s hilarious. My bf always thinks my mini pets or my jagged horror is an asura
thief following when we are wvwing
I’ve been watching our colour disappear more and more since I got on an hour ago. There is like no one in WvW everyones given up
Finally get some late night/early morning activity from CD and its just before I am off to bed. Hopefully we can get it going a little earlier tomorrow. Get capping CD looking forward to waking up to a decent amount of blue
Everyone starts out bad. You should be upset at the veteran commanders not showing up or helping the new commanders.
There’s that too. Haven’t seen quite a few since before reset. A whole lot of new ones though
It’s not like people who openly sneer at Commanders (“You just bought your tag anyway.”) who are trying to organize something. If there’s one last reason I flushed the idea of getting a tag (aside from the mountain of others) it’s that there’s a certain percentage who do not respect Commanders of any kind.
True, I think commanders are great if they know what they are doing and didn’t buy it just to be special. Helps solo or smaller guilds out knowing where to assist. Just think it should be more then gold to get it because people that have no idea what they are doing have it.
I agree however there is a difference between a new commander, and an ignorant one.
I still stand by if you do the things I listed before you shouldn’t be commanding. New or not lol.
Everyone starts out bad. You should be upset at the veteran commanders not showing up or helping the new commanders.
There’s that too. Haven’t seen quite a few since before reset. A whole lot of new ones though
Despite this matchup being the mother of all coverage imbalances, I’m having fun. I’ve been fighting outmanned when I play and though it’s annoying it’s not at painful as it used to be.
I don’t hate the people, just the fact that our server is backwards and has no population during what should be the prime time.
If you don’t have a strong attachment to your server, playing on one that coincides with your play time might be best.
Probably the best idea.
The few good commanders we have gave up on this match already. Now we just have one that shouts random lines from 300 in all caps.
Hehe, it is very heartbreaking when your own garrison on your own borderlands is taken. You take the outer wall down, call for reinforcements only to see “TIME FOR A SUICIDE RUN” from your fellow “commander” to the lower right supply camp. Meanwhile the entire map is green so that supply camp will just about do nothing for us. Eventually the newer commanders will either learn and adapt from their PvE perspective, or just get bored, its a matter of time. I personally have not given up but its hard to command a zerg and a commander at the same time. :P
Shouldn’t be able to buy commander unless you have a certain time played in WvW. Having a blue mark for your name means nothing if people are just going to end up hating following you into completely bad ideas over and over.
There’s a few I enjoy following, a few that I will follow if no one else is around and then there are some that I would rather run solo then listen to them lol.
You know they shouldn’t be commander when they are getting constant arguments about their strategy in chat multiple times. Or when they are running around naked anytime you run past them because they have got them self killed that many times and cant afford to repair or are to lazy to run back. Or if they lay there dead in the same spot for 10 minutes while the rest of the team tries to take the objective because thats where his ping is.
Eh I could say more but honestly they know who they are. I’m not saying I could do it better but at the same time I’m not the one with the blue
I rerolled my necro today, got one to 50 before I quit not long after release and played the mm route. Decided to start over and relearn from scratch with conditions this time. I’m loving my necro and will probably be making it my main once she reaches max
Tyrannosaurus hurting ma feelings
Lol he wasn’t talking about you being the caps yelling 300 fan. You are probably one of the ones we enjoy following. Well at least I do anyways I can’t speak on his part.
I have all humans. Originally had 2 humans a norn, asura and a sylvari.
My reasons for replacing those were; Couldn’t stand the norn voice, changing the eyes on a certain face made the sylvaris eyes go derping while in idle and I didn’t like that asura male and female had the same skin armour.
I find the asura absolutely adorable but that armour I don’t want to be confused for a male at quick glance
I was originally on JQ but with release and queue times I took a free transfer off which I now see as a mistake lol. I will look into the top 2 tiers. Thanks for the replies
So I’m looking to transfer next pay and could use some input on which could be my new server.
I just came back to the game and the server I am on currently is a lot less populated compared to when I first started.
I am Australian and my play time varies between 12pm pacific – 4am pacific. Think I got that right, figured I would use American hours so people could let me know easier. My most non interrupted play time is between 12am – 4am so obviously looking into a server that has a decent oceanic population but not restricted to just that time as I do get to play during the day too.
Also looking into a friendly environment as I would also be looking into doing some pve for my off pieces, but have never done dungeons before. Majority of my play time will be in WvW though.
Thanks in advance, Also not looking for a guild yet just in need of server advice.
@ “ww11122333330000ssssssss5555”
Number 1! Lol
Love it!
Randomly cracked up out of no where while the bf was talking
I was in the process of levelling a guardian in the first place it just seemed boring and slow granted I might of been using the wrong weapon but I ended up giving up on her at 22 I think she is
I don’t even really know thats the problem lol. I main healers on any other games I play so basically I’m just looking for a build that is going to work for game play with another thief.
But a support type would probably be the better option for me
My bf and I just came back to the game. He has a thief and I am in the process of levelling one up to pvp with him.
My question is what would be the best build to run with him? I know before he quit he was running D/D but this was back in September I am sure skills have changed since then.
Thanks for any replies in advance
Its cause of it being located right near the AC entrance. It is triggering the instance levels rather than the zone levels for whatever reason.
It was just as entertaining reading chat after we discovered it and all the complaints from other people dying from it too xD
Santa knew you were naughty this year.
Santa knows he’s naughty every year
Still looking
Couple looking for a guild on the Crystal Desert server. Not looking to transfer as we have been trying to find a server since release and finally decided on this one.
We are looking for a late night/Oceanic time zone guild that focuses on WvW.
18+ preferably
We are quite competitive but not to the point where we are elitist as such we enjoy fun and winning.
Feel free to send me a message letting us know why you think your guild is a place for us to call home.
Thank you
yeah you aren’t the only one
I had a laugh when I saw someone on my server with my name but a different i. My necros name is Bixy and I saw someone with the two dots on the i while I was playing on my mesmer. I have changed servers since then but never thought I would come across someone on the same server with the same name.
That being said I got lucky with all my names as Catixie is unique to me and I play most of my characters names off that. And I was on the second it was up to reserve my other 2 names that I thought might of had some competition
Took me 3 remakes to actually get into my ele. First was my norn I got her to 18 then stopped. Deleted her later and eventually making an asura got to 20 and stopped again because I didn’t like any armour sets on her. I finally caved one more time and made a human and so far I have been leveling her with my boyfriends warrior. She is now 38 and I will be getting her higher shortly while he is asleep as he is a few levels ahead. I play D/D on her and have a blast. That being said I also have higher level characters that I will be going back to for the pvp side of things as I just can’t get into my ele for pvp.