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Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


im still waiting on the major quality of life improvements though, all i can say is ranger as is has little variation to it, everything is lowend sustained dmg or bleed stack, pets are unreliable dmg atm for a class that is balanced around the dmg that they are seposed to do. rangers are freaking fun to play dont get me wronge but they have very little utility atm and pets need alot of attention still, for survivability and overall performance. ive been playing my necro recently just cause i can do more then only sustained dmg on it (i can turn boons into conditions, i can turn conditions into boons, transfer conditions from allies to foes, alot of aoe attacks, etc ). i would love there to be added some depth back into ranger even if it went back to the heavy burst based on CDs again, it would at least add alittle more dynamic back into fighitng with a ranger… would be nice if the utility skills got an overhaul soon as well, the signents, shouts, spirits, and preperations could use more variation or elaberation to them, they are meh at best and still would not sway the tide of battle if u used them or not with the exception of QZ, that i can say is the only utility that can actually change a fight if used in most situations…. i just hope like you all we get some of the updates that would put more depth back into ranger, the class is probably one of the best set ups for a pet class in a game and should be something truly awesome and deadly. not ignorable on the battle field cause they are the least threatening (im mainly talking wvw there)

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

My HoM PVP fiery dragon sword is missing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


yah i just noticed it as well, this kinda sucks i wanna stab people with an FDS

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

What is the funniest pet name you have used or seen?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


shark named land

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

My Alt

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


started a necro … i only wish lifestealing was as good as it was in gw1…

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Pet condidtion Damage needs to be reworked

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


ranger pets are the only actual pet mechanic in the game that have displayable stats that can be affected via traits and other outcomes such as boons and abilities.
how ever the pet condition dmg is at a constant, no matter how many trait points there are in beastmastery, no matter what your own condition dmg is at your pet will have the base line condition dmg at lvl 80, so bleeds are at a staggering low of 43 dmg a sec even when your personaly bleeds are ticking at 100 a sec even with points in beastmastory.
and the major trait to increase pet condition dmg isnt even applicable, do to the slow attacking of pets and the inconsistancy of pet attacks landing the bonus dmg from the major trait is not worth taking as it only increases bleeds from 43 a sec to 48 a sec which makes the trait a poor choice to take over other traits availible cause the return is soo minmal.
in order for pet conditions to be viable the conditions for pets should in my opinion be ether based off the ranger’s condition damage, beast mastory trait line points(in some ), or the major trait should act as a multiplyer (or grant inc in dmg condition by +50 for pets) something that would make it worth taking into battle against other players

lets disscuss, lets see what people think and mabe it will be changed for the better…at some point

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


any damage boost would be great but the thing that would be a better change would be extending the bleed on cross fire slightly longer, this would encurage propper positioning even more as well as be more rewarding for condition based builds, the only other place they could improve condition stacking builds for rangers is by fixing pet condition dmg, cause lets face it, pets only deal base condition dmg and before anyone says “there is a major trait that adds more dmg!” there is but its not worth it in the current format, insted of pet bleed doing 43 dmg a second it will do 48 dmg a second which is a very minimal bonus for a major trait, there are far more effective options to take when pet bleeds are as hard as they are to stack for the extra 5 dmg a sec per stack to make any kind of real impact on the fight when you are fighitng things that have 11k-28k health

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


again stay on topic this is only about rangers, if this goes off on tangents they will lock this thread and we wont get any updates here just like the other threads that went off to random stuff. if you dont have something constructive please dont post it.
yes we all know there are other professions, and yes people shouldnt flip out over something so small, there has already been a few posts on suggestions we dont need pages of people telling people to reroll.
alot of these people posting really like ranger and just want it to be on even grounds with classes that have high burst capability (again) and the short bow being fixed would help achieve such goals
steps off soapbox

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


your getting off topic this is the ranger thread and i would prefer this not closed due to people talking about irrelivent things such as “you should play another class, and it should be _______” the point of this thread is to state there is an issue and it needs to be looked at.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


any one that plays sPvP with a short bow or relied on bleed stacks would have noticed the change even if it wasnt in the notes.
to be fair there could be a very simple fix to this that they could do, insted of changing the attack speed, if they lengthened the bleed from crossfire it would inturn make up for any dmg lost from increasing the animation and also fix pretty much all the gripe that has come up from the delay that had been added to the skill. pvp would be back to normal and pve would be close to the way it was ( its harder to shoot an npc in the back then a player who has to turn manualy

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Heres a link to someone that actually went and tested prepatch.

If that post is correct and crossfire took 400 milliseconds before the patch, the math changes as follows:

(4000 / 200) * 134 = 2,620 base dmg with QZ

(4000 / 220) * 134 = 2,436 base dmg with QZ

(2620 – 2436) / 2620 = 7%

Remember, this is just BASE damage for the shortbow over the 4 seconds that Quickening Zephyr is active. I doesn’t include bleed stacks or any other damage bonuses from gear.

the whole point of the short bow really is bleed stacks though, without the bleeding it is just a faster shooting longbow with lower base dmg on the first attack so the loss of bleed stacks is pretty significant when used, what we need is if someone wrote their base bleed stacks without any procs on crossfire pre patch compaired to post patch some people have mentioned some before but was that taking traits into account or is that just base weapon only?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger SB Nerf: Not 40 milliseconds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


all i can say is bleeds are not stacking like they were in pvp and i had to use entangle in a 1v1 fight cause i couldnt get past 10 stacks before they started dropping fighting a theif pre patch was 12-15 stacks with basic attacks and no utility vs them buggers (granted that is with the trait for bleeds on crit) point is that bleeds are not stacking as fast from the basic attacks and it is a hinderance expecialy vs the more slippery classes that such as mezmer and theif where bleeds had seemed to be the only viable way to reliably deal with threats from a highly moble target for the ranger profession, the burst dmg from all other weapons is far to slow LB isnt even comparable to the dmg SB does in pvp because of the cast time on long range shot, axe is only sustained dmg with no burst so rangers are SOL on ranged burst/highdmg capability ATM till something gets fixed

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

[Suggestion] Why no Quiver?!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


a quiver would be great guildhead has one listed as a back slot item which means that there might be one in the game code but it hasnt been implamented, and a back slot item would solve the issue, can always transmute it onto better gear and you can turn it off and on…. we just need to beg arenanet to implament it via a vender or crafting!!!

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.