Showing Posts For Criminal.5627:

Post Patch- Ranger Tantrum QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Yeah after the SB range nerf nobody is forcing us to play longbow…

Apart from that though, I dislike having to build up a vuln stack on my target and stealth is cheesy (I read this somewhere in another thread) but it’s not like this patch was the end of the profession…

Not yet at least.

exactly, lol. Saying we are not forced to play longbow is just stupid.

we aren’t that’s like saying necros are forced to use staff cause it is the only 1,200 range weapon they have. you just need to play differently and set up differently for being closer.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Post Patch- Ranger Tantrum QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I am in complete agreement with OP. I found the new mechanic refreshing. I also love stacking vulnerability. Oh and thinks for the raven tip. Never occurred to me.

If you love stacking vulnerability with a longbow, then why don’t you deplore the change? The new version of Hunter’s Shot requires twice the work and one subpar trait to get the same effect the old Hunter’s Shot got with one push of the button.


This x1,000

In WvW especially. Try rapid fire on any enemy player and you will get “obstructed”, “miss” “miss” “miss” 1,356 “miss” “miss”. It’s called dodge rolling twice. Anyone can dodge roll twice through rapid fire and now your precious vulnerability has only stacked 4 times instead of our old guaranteed 10.

this argument can also be applied if someone dodged the old hunters shot only then you would get 0 stacks of vuln which most people usually dodge the first shot you fired at them anyways since it is telegraphed much more and a lot of people admitted to opening with hunters shot previously for their rotation

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Is the change a good thing?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


stealth doesn’t break combat, you just break target lock on you for 3 sec. but as far as the rappid fire burst is you still get it after the recharge on rappid fire so it isn’t gone it is just delayed.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Post Patch- Ranger Tantrum QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


All I want is a power build that doesn’t involve mainly using a melee weapon and is effective for using with a bow. Right now rangers have a choice of condition sb which leaves much to be desired, or a power longbow which is most often relegated to the offhand. Sadly, this will never happen.

right now lb is not in a bad place the stealth gave it a lot more survivability. it is just lacking in the utilities to make it a spike build though.

That was my main problem, I didn’t need more survivibility (in pve!!!!!!) and I rather grew accustomed to the extra thought that it took to swap between aggro and dps pets while maintaining range. I wanted the longbow to be the go to ranged power weapon, and arena net apparently did not want that as it clashed with their pvp ideals.

Don’t get me wrong its a great change for pvp, but I think it did so at a cost to rangers who wanted a main ranged power bow.

and the stealth can help in pvp pets cant hold agro if you dump a lot of dmg in a very short period of time. it would be nice to kill something after it breaks off of you pet and runs to you with a heavy burst cd that we don’t really have atm though

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Post Patch- Ranger Tantrum QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


4. rappid fire does not require every hit to get the 10 stacks of vuln (I didn’t actually keep trake it is something like 2 stacks every hit?) also the vuln from rappid fire lasts 13 sec not 10 sec

It’s 13 because you have +30% Condition Duration from the Marskman trait line. It was the same with the old version of Hunter’s Shot. That wasn’t the only thing wrong with your post, but at this point I’d just be beating the dead horse to go through the rest of it line by line.

people use LB with no marks? didn’t know players were that stupid with a power based weapon
and dark you know you can hit 25 stacks of vuln now in about 4 sec if you really want to when we couldn’t do that before you know that right?… it just seems like you are kitten ed you cant get 10 stacks from 1 button pressing, if you really like simplistic play warrior is exactly that, hell they keep making it simpler every patch it looks like, 1 button can do way more on them then any other class.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Post Patch- Ranger Tantrum QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


All I want is a power build that doesn’t involve mainly using a melee weapon and is effective for using with a bow. Right now rangers have a choice of condition sb which leaves much to be desired, or a power longbow which is most often relegated to the offhand. Sadly, this will never happen.

right now lb is not in a bad place the stealth gave it a lot more survivability. it is just lacking in the utilities to make it a spike build though.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Rapid Fire - Vulnerability and Bleeds

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Well, at least we now know it can hit and damage stationary targets. Now our quest is to find afk people in wvw and we may deal damage with LB. Rapid Fire channeling time is waaaaaay too long and longbow arrows should be increased in velocity.

it gets more hits off than you would expect there is not really any way to negate every single hit from rapid fire and even if you only get off half it is still a decent amount of dmg

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Post Patch- Ranger Tantrum QQ

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


ok I just wanted to come in here and say a few things

1. if you are using signet of the beastmaster trait you should not be using long bow as your weapon to use when under the effects of signet of the wild, you should be using a weapon that can grant more hits and more reliably hit in the 8 seconds that the signet is active.
2. Remorseless actually grants more dmg to a longbow user than signet of the beast master cause it is a consistent way to stack vulnerability that increases your dmg on your target over a much longer time than the 8 seconds from the active signet and also guaranties that your first attack out of stealth is a critical hit (do not forget the minor that grats opening strikes 100% critical hit)
3. axe is actually a very good fire and forget weapon, it bounces you don’t even need to worry about aoe just sit there chucking axes if they get to close to you hit 5 and kitten em in whirling defense if you like the fire and forget playstyle.
4. rappid fire does not require every hit to get the 10 stacks of vuln (I didn’t actually keep trake it is something like 2 stacks every hit?) also the vuln from rappid fire lasts 13 sec not 10 sec

so there if you like using the longbow and you want to do more base dmg remorseless is actually a better option right now cause you will get more than 4-5 attacks in on your target with that is higher than your base dmg.

seriously those of you that are complaining right now have you even tried to play the game instead of forcing it to be something you want? if it isn’t working with your build using the longbow right now cause you cant get 10 stacks of instant voln that lasts less time and cant be kept up almost 100% of the time maybe you might want to consider using melee weapons in a power build which pairs a lot better with the signet of the beastmaster trait. please stop saying things are broken when it doesn’t fit your playstyle. if it doesn’t work for you ask for help from other rangers you will find someone who likes to play the same as you and would be more than happy to share a working build after all there is a crap ton of people playing this game and we all have tried different things those that found working things are more than happy to usually share their builds with others.

the only argument that I have with this patch is it makes power builds a lot more accessible to rangers, we can stack vuln fast enough now that we can constantly do a decent amount of dmg, we don’t have many utilities that fit this though. most of our utilities have something to do with the pet or req standing in one location or moving a foe to a location. we need some utility skills that are active that can actually benefit the ranger’s output directly without requiring any special traits or having to stand in a small area… hopefully we will see some in future patches right now all we got is a very few utility we can use and be mobile at the same time. Right now we only have 2 active utilities that affect our output and one does bleeding so it isn’t too usefull for power builds, the other QZ is almost a given for power builds.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger Changes on July 23, 2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


would be nice if we got some good active utilities that didn’t rely on pets or staying in one area (traps and spirits), if we can we might have a really good power build on our hands in the future, hell we might actually be able to do a glass cannon build instead of the glass pellet gun we did previously!

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger Changes on July 23, 2013

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627



when I say works I mean it flows the weapon skills work with traits and doesn’t feel weird to hit any attack at any given time, point blank shot is great now too, able to get people before they use a gap closer is awesome

we are going to get complaints about people in other classes saying its op though cause they are not used to use doing dmg with longbow or being able to survive while wielding longbow… screw em

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Exploits - WvW Melee BM Ranger 3

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


lol you know posting this is just gonna give more classes reason to cry like they did last time with the “OMG why cant I kill rangers? I always used to be able too! anet you made em to op! nerf em!” and subsequently getting our pet dmg reduced again >.<

honestly though the next place they will nerf a ranger will probably be passive healing, ether the trait or the signet will probably take a hit.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Top ranger dps build

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


ok lets stop this arguing for a sec and come to a consensus on one thing, Longbow is still a subpar weapon in all aspects of the game in it’s current rendition and lets get back to encouraging them to combine some of it’s skills and add some new ones to make it a lot better in PvE and PvP as well as WvW. The best builds we have don’t even use bows right now which is kind of sad I would like to see one of our bow builds be on top or be an equal option. I still use a long bow even though it is sub par because I like the bow/pet style gameplay not because I wanna be a bad as… even though I look like one…

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Top ranger dps build

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


How’s 4k-5k Long range shot auto attacks sound to you? How about 9k-10k on the first hit?

that build has very little survivability and the cd on the burst is extremely long but yes you get a lot of dmg with one attack, you need to wait over a min to do it again if you fail to connect or if you get blocked

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.


in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


no one does run this lol we would be better off if it was a trait that had a chance to reset opening strikes on crit, or if it was something like the quickness on petswap… but best case if it reset opening strikes on crit chance. Of course this would mean opening strike would need to be renamed to something like “Lethal Strike” or “Overbearing Strike” since it wouldn’t happen only at the start of attacking… I like the sound of “Overbearing Strike” better

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Mak ONE pet-wish!

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


wurm would make a bad kitten ranged pet (or melee if it’s animations are sped up) exp if it’s F2 is an aoe throw like the big kitten frost wurms that knock down and freeze

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Pax Prime and Guild Wars 2

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


please for the love of god, ranger longbow. make it work better than it currently is! ranger community has been waiting patiently and it would help so much in pvp it isn’t even funny anymore.
we even have made several suggestions on fixes for it on ranger forums in several threads.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

so the (near?) future of ranger long bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


lol so any one else think it will be another 6 months till we see a real Longbow skill change for our better?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

items showing up in game and TP wrong

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


many items with the perception sigil are showing up with the suffix for the accuracy sigil, mainly the exotic quality, the first several items have perception instead of accuracy, I have bought several of these items by mistake and wondering why I don’t have the right sigil

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

so zephyrites, possible connection to Glint?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Criminal.5627


hahaha I like the release that came out the day after this was posted

Called it.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

so zephyrites, possible connection to Glint?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Criminal.5627


a wise elder called the dwarven masters together (for those of you that don’t know, dwarfs and Gint were pretty tight, in their main city they had a statue of her) and SHE put them in charge of HER HERITAGE (Gint had dwarfs guarding her firstborn/hatched offspring) the zephyrites are dependents of humans that took over guarding the unnamed elder’s heritage and learned the elements while guarding it, and took to the skys. given the affinity of crystals here, and the sheer number of zephyrites that are praising Glint/singing about Glint/telling the children she was the greatest dragon of all…. anyone else think the zephyrites are guardians of Glint’s offspring, hatched and un-hatched eggs, glint her self was not a very big dragon so it would be possible that there could be dragonlings hidden on the ship her hatching was smaller than a drake in GW1, would also allow them to raise dragons in secret.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Where is my Zenith weapons skin?

in Bazaar of the Four Winds

Posted by: Criminal.5627


yes I know it is freaking horrible cause if you logged on early yesterday you get it today, servers were apparently reset at somepoint so anyone playing early during the day got more chests than anyone who logged on during the evening so a lot of us are left behind since we didn’t log on right before the patch atm, worst part is you cant do nothing to speed up waiting for rewards even grinding out another 500 achievement points will only make you have to wait an additional day. why they even put in the 100 achievement reward chest? I think to punish/annoy the hell out of us and make us think we are closer to getting something we want while keeping it just out of our reach.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

1 year and longbow still gets obstructed bug

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


it really seems like there is a bug with tracking of the projectile more so then the game having any other issue, the bows will sometimes fire way off target, it’s almost like it fires where someone would be if they kept heading in that same direction not really where they are at, which is why serpentine will knock off a couple of hits, I guess this could be attributed to bows aim low instead of high on players unlike how they function on mobs like ettin or any large creature where the arrows are fired at their heads or upper torso.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Longbow needs more AOE skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


A suggestion that may be disliked and probably not well thought out. What if piercing arrows trait was just rewritten/altered to Marksman’s Arrows. Short bow arrows pierce. Longbow arrows Splinter.

This would also add a distinguishing feature for the dual bow runners…


that is actually pretty cool cause it would do what it needs too still, one of the main reasons to use piecing arrows is on targets that have a lot of fodder around them and splinter on LB would still take care of fodder while impacting the target, this is the same as piercing arrows they still go through and take care of fodder while impacting target. I actually like this one very much and I would be happy with this change. both pve and pvp wise this would work in the game and also not be incredibly horrible granted that the splinter hits enough targets to actually make up for the lack of piercing, if it would be only 3 targets it would not be worth the change.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

What are rangers really?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


this is all wrong rangers are people that crawl out from under rocks, birthed from grubs and eat little children who get lost in the woods. scraps are fed near by animals that fallow them hoping for more scraps of children who were lost. also rangers bleed acid.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger vs lupicus

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


The problem with ANY pet against Lupicus is the exact same problem they also have against Molradovich… Where each additional pet, also causes additional Bolts & AOE’s (& maybe even more grubs between stage 1 & 2??)

The Devs clearly didn’t think this one through either…

@ ilr.9675
talking to the wrong class about soloing there….

@ Aden Celeste.3650
but none the less we can do perfectly fine and contribute, and some players tend to think we suck and don’t contribute. honestly if people know things are not going right they should stop and ask or say something in map chat about how it is supposed to be. odds are someone will give you great advice or they can give you a build that would fit your play style better… will it be the play style you want? maybe not but you will have fun playing it still after you learn how it works if it matches how you want to play rather than trying to force something that doesn’t play how you want it too, to play how you want it too.

just ask for help stop being a little chicken and admit you need advice and give someone your build you have and tell them how you would like to play and is there anyway that you can play how you would like to play.

and for anyone else this applies to pvp as well as pve if you are having issues stop making threads at the first sign of things not going the way you want, and actually ask for help, if you cant find any, then make a thread asking for help and list your build, armor, fav pet, how you want to play etc. and we can try to help you on forums. making posts complaining is not doing you nor anyone else any good, instead of fixing your problem or anyone else that has the same problem you are just creating a landslide that usually consists of players who do perfectly fine vs players that are struggling with no real answers about anything.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

so the (near?) future of ranger long bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I would say increase longbow and speargun range by defult and make eagle eye do 5%dmg on longbow, short bow, and speargun as well as pearce targets. and replace Piercing Arrows with a trait that increases shortbow range and allows bleeding to no longer req hitting from the side or rear…. or just to no longer req hitting from the side or rear of foe to cause bleeding, that there would be a significant buff to the short bow

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Longbow needs more AOE skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


@ Spectre.6821
generally in most situations that you would lose your target are care about which target you hit with an aoe you could use traps to cover it, if you are thinking zerg splinter arrows would actually be much better than a ground targeted aoe since you can keep the pressure even after they shuffle around, generally when you use barrage any player with half a brain will get out of it and doesn’t take more than 1-3 ticks, so ground targeted will only do that get a few hits and nothing that would keep enough pressure to down or kill anyone, a focused aoe like splinter shot, would have the potential to down all of the original targets if they stay close to your personal target that you choose.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

so the (near?) future of ranger long bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


my own personal thoughts on how to make Long bow work and make it a lot better, feel free to give opinions… in a mater of fact please do lol.

  • giving point blank shot the swiftness grant to pet,
  • giving long range shot one stack of vulnerability at less than 600 range for 6 sec, 2 stacks of vulnerability for 6sec at 1000-600 range, and 3 stacks of vulnerability at 1000+ range for 6 sec and keep all damage constant as the vulnerability stacking would be enough of a reason to keep range with this skill without punishing players to heavily if someone uses a closing gap skill on them. <- which is the current case rangers are punished for not having enough abilities to gain distance with classes that have several gap closers.
  • removing hunter’s shot since it no longer has a place since it’s mechanics are covered by the 2 skills listed above
  • drop barrage down to skill #4 reduce it’s CD by 4-5 sec
  • add new skill to slot #5 that ether does double dmg on a moving foe or does significant dmg and can immobilize a moving foe with a possible cd range of 30-35 sec maybe even 40 seconds untraited if the damage is significant enough.
Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Longbow needs more AOE skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I understand where the “full effectiveness” usage requires pointblank range, but I would visualize it more as an aoe mob damage skill. Imagine pumping 5 of these rapid fire into a zerg through a fire/poison/chill field. Or into a mob. You might only get maximum damage on a single person through shotgunning it, but the ability to synergize it into a mob through fields and do a fair bit of power damage to each would be invaluable to me. Are there better potential options out there? Probably. But these “fan” attacks have always seemed to fit the theme of a ranger. It would at least look bad kitten when you did it….

I get it, I just wouldn’t want it to be the only increase to AoE is all, because I’m already imagining being up on a keep wall in WvW wishing I had something more than just a cone AoE and barrage.

Maybe a reinvention of splinter arrow from guild wars 1, that maybe through a new grandmaster trait (goodbye Remorseless), arrows now “splinter” and hit adjacent foes. Just something simple like that.

I would actually like splinter arrows to be a grandmaster trait more than jacking up the utility skills LB currently has, LB needs better survivability and usefulness, butting a bunch of aoes in it’s skills wont make it any better, if you haven’t noticed about ranger aoes is that they do significantly little dmg to a single target that is not an npc that will just stand there. so splinter arrows on shots is something I would like, even if it only procs on crits or past a specific range.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Pet status bar

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627



inb4 devs say they can’t do it for the sake of a cluttered UI.

lol nice, we need something though so we can atleast see buffs, and debuffs on pets…then we can actually know if we should swap them cause conditions will eat them alive or if they are doing great and no attention is req to keep them alive at that moment.

if I do recall we brought this up before and the fact that gw1 had such bar in the interface that could be toggled on and off, necros had one for minions too so they could see all of their healths in one place

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

so the (near?) future of ranger long bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


about the obstruction bug… I really don’t notice it anymore more or less I notice it saying out of range very often though which I think has actually replaced the obstruction bug for those that pay attention, you will get “out of range” popping up well when they are in range, hell you can even melee them and LB can still say “out of range” on some of it’s attacks at the same distance. this happens a lot more than obstructed now and it usually happens on moving targets a majority of the time, including targets running strait at you.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

2 Birds, 1 Stone.

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


You know … I tested out that banner thing yesterday during a guild challenge. I should not do about 1.5 times more damage auto-attacking with a banner than with my GS. >.<

hey! fabric hurts and the metal stands they are on are rather pointy… how a blade can be less effective? i’m not to sure but maybe if we wrapped them in cloth…

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Longbow needs more AOE skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I’d like to see that back. Reminds me of my old Diablo 2 amazon. I had misty eyes watching that. :/

lol that was why the video was pulled from the site was cause it was not accurate to any ingame skill, also the bonfire in that video was much bigger and had a much better ground effect then the current version as well

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Longbow needs more AOE skills

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Anyone else remember the skills depicted on the GW2 site prior to release? I remember Serpent’s strike, barrage, and one other. It showed the Ranger wielding a torch, dropping it on the ground to create a fire field, (as torch 5,) then spamming “multi shot”, similar to the SB2, but unleased like 5 of them in 10 seconds. Who’s with me on a spamable multi-shot?

that was the original version of the shortbow skill, also people have suggested before that rangers should be able to use staff (primarily as a walking stick function), have 1 on the staff be a melee hit and have 2-5 be functioning traps, much like necro marks, this would be a high aoe dmging weapon and would still fit in with the rangers description, also would be a call back to gw1 ranger trappers that used stakitten for trapping builds

lol staff(s) is censored…stakitten

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

so the (near?) future of ranger long bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


1) Fix OBSTRUCTED bug.
2) Remove range penalty on damage
3) Increase projectile speed
4) Increase damage gained per point of power
5) Make its arrow pierce and bounce

it doesn’t really make sense to bounce though, everything else would be nice, I can see pierce but not bounce. and we already have a projectile that bounces having too many weapons bounce is very bad especially in pve where bouncing onto the wrong mob wipes party.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

so the (near?) future of ranger long bow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


in the last state of the game Jon Sharp said that Ranger long bow is lacking (still) and it has no place in a power build currently, he also said that they were talking about consolidating/moving/ and combining skills on it and also adding new skills to it to make it a much more effective weapon with this build setup.

now whether it happens or not ( we can only hope it does… I mean REALLY HOPE IT DOES! everyone sacrifice a goat, or your swamp drakes since it is pretty useless anyways) but last time they said long bow was really lacking they never made a move to make it any better, all we got was a slightly and I mean very slightly marginable faster fire speed.

anyone else want this sooner rather than later or never at all? think if we pester about it enough in all aspects of forums we might get it sooner? hell it worked at getting our pets nerfed by other classes lol.
those of you wondering

he starts talking about long bow at around 0:48:35 into the video for those that wanted to watch it and it is at

would be cool if we had an attack that gave us 10-15 stacks of might on hit hahaha would at least make it possible to do some good dmg with it without relying from other sources of might since we have so very few options to actually stack might on our selves at any reliable rate, at least no ways outside of an elite.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)


in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


idk would be cool if they could have player housing in the mists or something and just have it separated by districts (gw1 districts). once one district gets full it creates another. would be open world and being so players could visit each other if invited in otherwise be locked out. same with guild halls. district would pretty much just be part of your address. would allow for easy navigation to friend’s places and still allow persistent housing that you can show off easily to people passing by if you so choose.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

dedicate a month release to guild hall/gvg

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


GVG and Guild halls, a lot of players would enjoy this and be amused by it far more then some of the filler month stuff we are currently getting as well as adding respect for guild and eliminating the need to have mini guild gvging in wvw that we are currently doing. which is more of a guild zerg vs another guild zerg while a bunch of people from both server watch on the side lines and occasionally sneak a murder in.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Allow utility skills in slot #10?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


also elites from classes that have poor elites that do not apply to nearly all build would never be used again

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Worse Meta EVER!

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


That’s because power isn’t viable anymore. What the heck, how can people even think that doing direct damage and getting countered by weakness, protection and the fact direct damage on ranged weapons is always weak so all the anti melee effects like laying fields of AoE death at your feat, cripples, disengages etc…

And on the other side you get necro and engineer that can AoE apply at 1200 range conditions that deal easily as much damage that melee power builds can reach. And for sure a LOT more than ranged power builds.

Even funnier, you got necros that nearly completely ignore block, in a 1200 ranged AoE package while melees have to always deal with that pesky guardian or engineer block block block block block block …

Edit : forgot blind too. Sure blind affects both melee and ranged skills but ranged users have a much easier time getting rid of it and not getting the condition on them in the first place.

You’re right. There seems to be more ways to mitigate direct damage, and not enough ways to mitigate condition damage. Right now we have more conditions than boons, which means we could really use a new boon that helps deal with condition damage.


  • Resilience (boon) – take 33% less condition dmg
  • Immunization(boon) – immune to conditions for x seconds
  • Bezoar(boon) – next condition fails to be applied

those of you that don’t know the word Bezoar, look up Bezoar stone

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.

What an ignorant thing to say. Thief in PvE does more single target than warrior and only loses slightly in cleaving. It is not the worst class in PvE, what a stupid thing to say.

The worst classes in PvE are Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger. Condition damage is garbage in PvE and all these classes have crap power scaling weapons and little to no cleaving with power scaling stat.

there are many aspects to pve and doing a lot of dmg does not mean you are the best comp for a group, thiefs are not wanted for a lot of pve content because of the lack of what they can bring to a group outside of strait dmg and a low health pool. warriors have also proven regularly how they can face tank group content solo.

also the only time that condition dmg is lacking in pve is on world bosses like the dragons when there is so many people spamming conditions that no one person is having any stick for more then 8 sec, if anet ever fixes it so only the highest dmging conditions stay and don’t get overwrited they will be much more viable on these bosses/ encounters as for dungeons, fractals, normal roaming pve, conditions actually do a lot.

No. Berserker beats condi damage by a long shot even if you removed the condition cap. It’s simple math — berserker scales exponentially while condition damage scales in a linear fashion and rather poorly with only a single stat.

Damage and reflection is everything when it comes to dungeons. You don’t need anything else. There is a reason why the meta is 4 warriors 1 guardian, and that’s because the most efficient way to get things done is with damage while guardian reflection eliminates the risk.

Thief is invaluable for speed clears on shadow refuge alone, and it is crucial for high level fractals due to dredge and harpies.

Stop talking about what you don’t know much about. Clearly you haven’t done high level PvE if you are going to make a claim like thieves are a bad PvE class. Overshadowed by warriors, yes. Warriors overshadow everything, not just the thief. But when warriors are nerfed in damage, people will just bring guardians and thieves instead. When warriors are nerfed, people will still not bring necros, engineers, and especially rangers — because they are terrible damage dealers.

consider 38-42 fractal high enough pve? necros actually right now can clear out fractals faster than any other profession at these levels because of the amount of mobs, epidemic actually will get you through a high lvl fractal faster than any thief’s shadow refuge would, I know its sad but thief has the lowest health pool in the game and still has a lot of the people playing it that refuse to use range weapons and get one shot by bosses because they wont back off to range at times. Also if you were unaware many necros can get over 2000 cond dmg very easily which also goes even higher once they stack might on top and now with burning and torment they are doing a lot of dmg every second ontop of the conditions the they already previously had access to. im not saying every class can do this but necromancer can do ALOT of condition dmg in any aspect of the game currently…. I mean a real lot, I’m actually preferring necro now in fractals because of the aoe condition dmg they do.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Dear Anet, do not completely nerf Necro!

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


that dev post was a red flag for necro being nerfed to the ground btw, honestly I just hope they only do it for pvp and not both pve and pvp like they did ranger, ohh btw not all marks have the same graphics even wells are different they all have a different symbol

The symbol on the ground is different. The casting animation is the same or so similar you won’t notice it and it’s going to be cast on top of the target 90% of the time so that the appearance on the ground doesn’t matter.

the casting animations are less then a second would them being any different really give much room for reaction? I mean if it was a longer cast it would for sure but being 3/4 a sec even if they were different would it really make a big difference between picking which one you would dodge and which you would eat? frankly I cant think of another class that has similar cast times with different animations or similar cast times with an animation that gives much reaction time to react to an ability? argument should be if they should have different cast times not different animations or a combination of different cast times and animations. would be cool if they had to draw symbols in the air for some… just saying, would reward awareness if they did. though if cast times would be adjusted I think recharge times would be too, marks have some of the longest recharge on a weapon skill in the game currently with reaper’s mark at 40sec cd untraited. With a longer cast that is more avoidable would make since to drop the CD on some of the abilities… hell this would make a lot of since exp in pve since marks do not dmg a lot of things in pve, world bosses for example.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


how can you actually say that engineer is the worst class while a good engi can still dominate most 1on1s and synergizes so well with the fotm class necromancer.

consider reworking your ranking mr. engineer and watch the current top teams/meta where every one team is going for conditionoverload and every team has an engineer. the only (EU) top team without and engineer are we and we really think about changing that too.

im sorry I did not come across any engineers that were able to out perform most other classes regularly during the time I spent observing since the patch and tpvp is not in observer mode yet. this is bassed of 1v1, and fights in pvp without support for outside helpers. there are a few that did really well (3 did really well) but a majority did so kitten poor. and honestly this was the smallest sampling I did because of the lack of people playing them. Have to look at the whole and not only the few that do really well.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts.

Your opinion is biased too, no?

spent 2 days watching people fight, unless they were acting or planning on taking a fall this is based off random sampling without opinions of one class vs another

For a proper random sampling you would need at LEAST 10 000 duels of each class VS each OTHER class.

This thread serves no purpose as there is one already discussing all player opinions, as previously stated.

there is not that many players in this game and you can only see so many before you start seeing the same people. this is the best I had to work with since I started coming back to the same people and some professions are not as abundant as other professions so seeing some professions preform is actually more difficult then you might think, by all means if we as a community want to get together and actually test to see where classes are with every body we can find it would be a great idea, but resources are lacking and no random sampling is not 10,000, it would have to be based off of total number of each class that is actively playing and participating in pvp with each build actively being used for said class. some classes would have smaller samplings than others for that reason, that would be ideal random sampling and since I don’t have access to that information… not much I can do for you to try to please your urge for real random sampling.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Worse Meta EVER!

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Anywhere you go everyone, there mother, there dog and there bird is playing condi spec… i mean, there and condis flying everywhere there are not enough condi removers in the universe to counter this…. there is NO WAY to survive this…

Necros are all condi
Engis are mostly condi
Thieves (about 50% of them are condi)
Rangers are condi
Mailman is condi
Buss driver is condi

Condis here condis there condis everyware….

On a more serious note… It is very clear (for me at least) that this game will never see any kind of balance and honestly, my patience for this ended a while ago.

don’t forget real life has conditions too! we just call them STD’s and sadly we cant purge all of them!

but really the reasoning to this is because not all classes are balanced you would see these classes running power builds if they were as viable but sadly most of these classes don’t have any good power builds or the ones they have are no where near as good as conditions they can kill you with in half the time

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts.

Your opinion is biased too, no?

spent 2 days watching people fight, unless they were acting or planning on taking a fall this is based off random sampling without opinions of one class vs another

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Just a heads up, Defektive has been keeping a surprisingly well maintained thread here — that would be a good place for you to post your thoughts.

I am aware but a lot of posts in that thread are bias and more or less people whining about other classes being op, or about classes should be higher because they fought 1 person and lost, or they used to be able to kill one person now they cant, lacks some view on a whole because of the bias posts. few people will sit and watch duels and go in games with the intention to just watch people play without looking at their own success/failures

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.

What an ignorant thing to say. Thief in PvE does more single target than warrior and only loses slightly in cleaving. It is not the worst class in PvE, what a stupid thing to say.

The worst classes in PvE are Necromancer, Engineer, and Ranger. Condition damage is garbage in PvE and all these classes have crap power scaling weapons and little to no cleaving with power scaling stat.

there are many aspects to pve and doing a lot of dmg does not mean you are the best comp for a group, thiefs are not wanted for a lot of pve content because of the lack of what they can bring to a group outside of strait dmg and a low health pool. warriors have also proven regularly how they can face tank group content solo.

also the only time that condition dmg is lacking in pve is on world bosses like the dragons when there is so many people spamming conditions that no one person is having any stick for more then 8 sec, if anet ever fixes it so only the highest dmging conditions stay and don’t get overwrited they will be much more viable on these bosses/ encounters as for dungeons, fractals, normal roaming pve, conditions actually do a lot.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Nerf Putrid mark

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


lol I forgot that but I still don’t think engineers have had any other viable builds besides the bunker, I don’t think they have ever had an offensive roaming build ever.

Idk 10/30/0/0/30 is fun as hell to roam with in spvp :P 100-0 in 1.5 seconds with some splash damage is well worth being squishy.

lol you are one of few sir ill give you that I can personally say I have never seen a roaming engineer that was viable since the first couple weeks of the game. if you are good at it you are one of the few that is skilled enough to do good, so feel privileged!

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Current class ranking

in PvP

Posted by: Criminal.5627


btw this is for pvp/spvp/tpvp only
Warriors are still one of the top PVE classes(generally the top), thiefs are still the worst PVE class in that standing.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.