Showing Posts For Criminal.5627:

anyone else want the stormbow in GW2

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


stormbows were actually one of the most valuble bows in GW1 up untill nightfall came out, at which the economy crapped out, the crystalline blade was also one of the most expensive items in gw1 (however the gw2 representation of the crystalline blade does not do the gw1 version justice, neither does the gw2 version of the fellblade) the entire pricing of items changed when nightfall came out though for gw1, before hand a r9 or r8 15^50 stormbow would net you well over 100plat, lol this is really just refering to the people that played gw1 before inscribable weapons.
but another cool bow to be added would be the mursaat hornbows, the floating rock segments let me see if i can find the right one… ahah! this mursaat bow not the bonus pack bow

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Rifle warrior or Longbow ranger?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


over an extended period of time ranger longbow is better, but given best scenerios for both war rifle will do much more damage in less time thanks to kill shot, this is not taking other things like target actions into account this is just best scenerio for both weapons longbow ranger is better for extended periods, but war rifle can still crit 10-17k according to most glass cannon warriors that ive talked to.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Why doesThief ranged kick our ranged?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Whenever a thief tries to range me I laugh athe them with my Whirling Defence and then kill them. Thinking about it I kill most of them when they try and melee as well.

this thread is about range vs range though that does not fall under the catagory of range WD is at your location

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

anyone else want the stormbow in GW2

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


they dont look as good and they are really common place the electricity is just an animation the actual looks is what made it cool with the whole glowing crystal skin

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Why doesThief ranged kick our ranged?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


its also cause thief ranged abilities have very high crit dmg, and they are spamable were as rangers are slower to hit and are no where near that high of crit potential, also pets need to be on them for us to be able to deal our maximal potential dmg and they would have to be melee pets at that, ranged pets are gimped in comparison and deall signeficantly less dmg than melee pets

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

anyone else want the stormbow in GW2

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


would be awesome if it was the new legendary longbow but really even if stormbow was even just an exotic i would be happy
if you dont know what it looked like check out the Stormbow
it was one of the most valuble bows in GW1

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


well considering what they listed on twitch it looks like elementalists, marks, theifs are getting nerfs to aoes….and why are we posting in this thread again >.<

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

just a thought on ranged pets/main flaw

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


right now as it is if you are a ranger using range weapons and a range pet you are suffering from a large dmg reduction.
your taking a hit for damage for using a range weapons
and you are taking a hit for using a range pet :-/
rangers get a double nerf for being all range compaired to all classes, its still fun being the under dog though

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


not fixes since they were never in a working state, it would have had to have been working than broken to be able to have been fixed. everything we are getting is improvements since we have never seen them in such a state before

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Stormbow and make it a legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


also side note, stormbow is a unisex bow, it does not sway to ether gender role, it just looks cool and pretty at the same time

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Stormbow and make it a legendary

in Suggestions

Posted by: Criminal.5627


make it a legendary choice as opposed to the flowery Kudzu that is the only choice right now for longbows, give it an awesome animation and improve on its skin art and many of the old GW1 fans will love you all for a long time… and a side suggestion make another option for short bow skins too such as a murssaut shortbow or something that more people would jump on. the flowers of Kudzu and the rainbows or the Dreamer only are pleasing a minority of bow users and seeing as the skins i listed were very popular in gw1 (expecialy the Stormbow) i do think alot of folks would be willing to work for them

for people that didnt play GW1 this is what it looks like Stormbow

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Why doesn't Quickening Zephyr break stun?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


wait how long does the quickness for frenzy and haste lasts compared to QZ?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


@ Haya jii san.1978
rangers are oddly abit better than they were 2 moths ago, its still a work in progress but there has been improvements

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

quaggen tonic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


is this a bug or did they patch/fix the quaggen tonic to make it so you cant jump with it on?…. this tonic actually used to help larger char models like charr and norn when doing jumping puzzles in tight spaces to keep your camera from flipping out and pointing in all weird directions or sitting there twitching while you tried to jump from ledge to ledge (exp in the troll jumping puzzle in LA with the tiny rock paths going accross the walls)
and moderators if u see this and feel it should go in the bug thread please feel free to move it. i didnt know if this was a patch not i missed or something.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

just a thought on ranged pets/main flaw

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


lol has anyone else ever thought about this or have any imput about it?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Downed #3 underwater...bug or op? (pet rez)

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


it really is OP but ranger right now probably has some of the best underwater fighting capability than any other class as far as sheer damage output on targets that dont know how to stay moble and out of our underwater aoe

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Are rangers that bad?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


ranger is actually very powerful but it depends on alot of condidtions. you need to have a live pet attacking your target and as of right now there is really not that many options compaired to other classes as far as ability to play how you truly want, if you run support you need to be dropping spirits around your allies (which happens to usually be to close to the bosses in dungeons and they get one shotted from aoe, cause their range of effective ness is about as wide as the barrage field), traps do alittle bit of dmg, signents are slighly under par to other classes. but if you can use the right abillities at the right time and have pets up as long as possible you can go alot farther than many other classes…. really ranger just needs alot more skill/micro managing than really any other class to do well

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

just a thought on ranged pets/main flaw

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


seeing how ranged pets have the lowest base attack in the game and the slowest attack speed to preform attacks isn’t it really gimping us?
i mean this is how i see it, pets are seposed to be a decent bit of ranger dmg %, rangers are balanced around the fact that pets are seposed to be there to provide the dmg support to our own attacks.
ranged weapons are already balanced to be less powerful than melee weapons.
ranger range attacks are balance to be lower than any other class’s ranged attack since the pet is being factored in for damage support. Isnt having ranged pets do significantly less damage per attack really gimping ranger’s ranged preformance since they both attack slower and attack for about half of what melee pets hit for? its like a double nerf for rangers using ranged attacks with a ranged pet, and before anyone crys that it would be too OP to have ranged pets do more damage if you used melee weapons. it would not, ranged pets do not attack your targets at their max range, they will fallow you up to ur target and start hitting it after you do, essentually ranging it in the face at point blank distance…. i just feel that ranged pet attack speed should be upped or the base damage should be upped to make them deal at least the same out put as melee pets can do since THE RANGER CLASS IS ALREADY BALANCED TO HAVE LOWER DMG ON WEAPON SKILLS TO ACCOUNT FOR THE PET DMG ALREADY… having range pets deal so low dmg is almost a double nerf for our class when whe need to stay at range and cant have pets up on our targets, which if you are a good ranger you will never try to use a melee pet in 100 percent of your fights.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

In my view, the Trinity Needs to Come Back

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


and really in the trinity style gameplay, you could fall asleep after compleating one encounter many times, you know what u had to do and you could close your eyes and press buttons and still win. if this fails close your eyes and press buttons based on the shouting of whomever is yelling on any voice chat program…..i have actually done this in a few raids in Rift and WoW….and I did do this in every raid in SW:tor

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Any News on the MINI-GAME/activities?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i mean the mini-games that are seposed to be perminently in the game to be played at any time not the ones tied to spicific holidays

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Any News on the MINI-GAME/activities?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i have not been able to find any information since the anouncement of the keg brawl coming into the live game, and there was talk of there being a lot (29 or around there i believe?) of these mini-game/activities. only thing recent that is noticable is the bar Brawl achievements are now visable and there is a herold for the bar brawl that i hadnt noticed before that is near the pub. but this is hoping for it based on nothing substantial, and still no word on polymoc, shooting gallory or any of the others…. has anyone heard anything? anything at all about any of these activities to keep us intertwined in this world?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Original culling behavior has been restored.

in WvW

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i liked the change better then the orriginal, seeing allies is less of an issue then seeing foes, as allies dont try to rip off your face when invisable and spamming aoe dmg. i think alot of people would prefer if u switched it back untill a more sound solution is found to reduce the occurances of being taken to pound town by 20 invisible foes when you turn down the wrong ally way in WvW

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

The game that should have been better.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i dont think there will be a faction grind again in any anet game, they tried it in GW factions, didnt fly so well, we just need some elite dungeons like The Deep, and Urgoz to grace GW2, something that req abit of cordnation and go back to teams of 8-12 for the added chaos of people needing to preform spicific roles to make it through a puzzle room, or to take down extreamly hard mobs…. something like Urgoz would be extreamly hard in GW2, just because of the lack of EoE

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

GW2 holiday endings are abit lackluster

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i dont know if anyone else is feeling this but the holidays in GW2 have failed to live up to the novilty that those from GW1 brough to the community, its not that they are bad, its just that there is no conclusion that marks it as the end. it builds up throught the event in the earlyer phases then the final phase just kills the experiance out of sheer bordum and repatition. the reason why i beleave GW1 events had soo much more novalty for them was that the conclusion event was limited (this does not mean they were one time only i’ll explain in a sec for those that were not present for GW1 holidays).
GW1 hollidays were a building process for a final day of the event, on the final day for the event there was the end event that ran every 3 hours from 12AM pst to 12 AM pst the fallowing day. this created a much tighter community expecialy for holidays like the canthian new year where alliances and guilds sponsered the scavenger hunt events on the final days in all the diffrent distrects to finish the events and get the max reward possible.
now in GW2, so far the final phase or event for holidays are week long and always availible which results in a lack of luster and appreciation for the end of the holiday, it really does not give a feeling like “This big celebration is coming to a close” its more of a “heh look at this, ill do it a few times then mabe if i got nothing else to do later in the week” kinda feeling, i really think if the events if not limited to a day, but at least limited to being able to be compleated every few hours would set the novilty at a much higher level and give much more apreciation for the conclusion for holidays by making it not availible 100% of the time.
this would allow people to complete the event since it would not be a one time deal but it would also encurage people to take advantage of it much more when it is availible insted of passing it off as it is always there so there is no real rush. This will also of course reward players who play more for them being able to access the event more so there will be more incentive to be on the game if a player wants more chances at a particular reward.

i just think this would help fight the burnout that seems pretty promanent in the current holiday systems. keep things intresting and make the holiday something to attend! not just something there

thoughts? questions?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Cat F2 lunge abilities are falling short

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


this was with the lynx, and now it was not crippled, chilled or affected by quickness, it was at the start of engagments that the lunge failed to travel at full distance, in a comparison of distance the lynx went it is hilt bash on the greatsword compared to swoop

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Cat F2 lunge abilities are falling short

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


recently the lunging abilities of cats started stoping half way and would not always make it to targets, its not that the cats are too far away its that they stop short of the normal distance they would lunge to the target as if they are lunging at your target if your target was half the distace of what it actually is, i have also had cats lunge in the opasite direction of my target, they will stop chasing my target turn away from it and lunge off at some unseen entity. anyone else notice any of this?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Block feature not working?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


same, it seems block only works for whispers, can we get some attention dev side on this, i cant enjoy time with one of the guilds im in cause the one person i hate most in the entire game seems to have found his way in that guild and him being on block isnt removing what he says from guild chat

but seriously if nothing else can we please get block fixed to remove all ability for them to talk to u in other chats, send mail, and invite u or invite them selfs to parties to better deal with the creepy stalker type people… anet… seriously… please?
i will gladly pay u for your time spent making this change >.<

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Please patch this

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


warrior long bow has a shorter distance than the ranger longbow does, already tested it, and not all bow attacks will hit from the max distance, see above

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Stow Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


put ur pet on passive if u are just running through an area >.> im not sure what kinda situations u are refrencing here but i dont think many people have many issues with pets in a pve environment that requires jumping while u are taking dmg reaguraly that would pop the pet out of stow to begin with. can u elaberate on what u are refering to?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Idea to fix rangers: Stow Pet Change

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


just reminding the community they are starting to change things with pets and if they get them right THIS TIME, pets might actually be a major advantage to have, so lets wait to see the fruits of what they already said is comming before we go off on pets being compleat trash, and yes being able to stow pets or keep them on some invuln passive and recieve a dmg boost would be great for some areas such as some boss fights as well as Loooooooonnnngggg distance shooting… expecially from walls. but please keep the talk pets being usless at a minimum till we see where they are going with the new patches, a few minority posters are over reacting of their usability i think >.>

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Please patch this

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


actually i tested this with my guild, ranger longbow is about 1,500 max range that u can hit from with the auto attack (it will not actually be automatic at this range you will have to button mash), every other attack is 1,200, (hunters shot, rappid fire, and barrage…not counting point blank shot) but if you set the trait for longbow increased range it will put you at 1,750 for auto attack and every other attack with the exception of point blank shot and barrage(barrage is slighlty less more around the 1,500 mark). (long range shot skill number 1 will auto attack at this range as well if u have the trait slotted) we then preceided to test this next to a warrior with a long bow and riffle and indeed the warrior will not hit the target (untraited) that the ranger can hit at (also while untraited) at the max distance that a ranger can hit a target with Long range shot while untraited (which was the 1,500). idk if that clears anything up for anyone but rangers can shoot slightly farther then any other class which is nice consider well we all know what ranger damage is like and what our burst capability is…

also try to keep thread names relivent to the issue so people know what they are looking at and it sounds less like complaining. “auto attack needs to be fixed!” would have been a great name for it and would make standing behind it easier for the masses

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

(edited by Criminal.5627)

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


seems like there has been a very large spike in this occuring in December with people that have never had this issue previously, only thing i can think of is one of the patches in early dec somehow made it worse?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

longbow shots really REALLY slow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


You will hit your target sooner, but the DPS will be the same since the attack rate is still the same.

To sum it up, it doesn’t really matter if your arrow travels faster because you will still be capped by the autoattack fire rate. Therefor if you can shoot now 10 arrows in 15 seconds you will still shoot 10 arrows in 15 seconds no matter how much they buff the arrow speed.

actually as long as this fixes the obstructed/miss issue it is a signifficant dps increase, if you can fire 10 arrows in 15 sec right now u will probably only hit 6 or less and if this bumps it up to 8 or more that is a pretty big increase…. now all they need to do is increase spider and devouror projectile speeds as well and we will be able to hit confidently at range with all abilities

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Voice Actor for Mad King Thorn?

in Audio

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Fred Tatasciore voiced mad king thorn from what i found

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Criminal.5627


i didnt get this untill the dec 9th, i got it in the middle of a boss fight in a dungeon and i died allot for the rest of the fight cause of the annoying whooooohw whooooohw sound that came up out of no where and annoyed the hell out of me, happened again tonight in wvw, had to close the game both times

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Siren Sounds

in Audio

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Yeah, I’m in TSym and we run about 200 active members, and about 30 of them have this happen totally randomly. I just would like to know if it is caused by my settings or it is a bug. Also this has been happening to me and a bunch others since late September. Also I don’t think it is an overload because it happens so randomly, it has happened when I admin my OWN overflow of LA and it just randomly starts…

Also should I repost this in the BUG category? Would that be a better fit for this post?

probably should be in the bug catagory, but yes this has happened to me too every once in a while and it is REALLY annoying, didnt start untill after the last patch and it is always at very bad times it starts happening like when a boss is at 1/3 health or in the middle of pushing back waves of invaders in WVW

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Pulsing Audio Bug?

in Audio

Posted by: Criminal.5627


yah ive been getting it too since the last patch, never got it before

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

longbow shots really REALLY slow

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


You guys must be channeling some psychic powers this weekend. We agree arrows need to be a bit faster to make DPS against moving targets a bit more reliable. 12/14 can’t come soon enough. :P

its just…. such a shame we only get to enjoy it for 7 days before the world ends…. such a shame

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Blatant class favoritism

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


funny thing is i still dont think its class favortism, i think its more or less they are not 100% sure how to fix the things involving ranger since they were never working to begin with, mezmers they went from working to being broken…. we never had any of our issues in a “working” state… to paint this in another picture, mezmers went from living in a house to living on the street to back in their house. we were always living in the street and dont know what it would be like to be living in a house. im not sure what the aim of this whole thread is really, but if anyone else wants to join me for a moldy bread sandwitch that was found in the trash, and stand around the burning barrel come join me and we can talk about what it would be like if we lived in a house and had any thing working currectly for us at anypoint

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Why do spirits "die" in combat?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


spirit size in the original gw1 was the radious of the compus, the radious of the portal active area for mezmers is about half that, and its about 1/3 to 1/5 the map depending on the map. the point is having to be standing that close to them makes them near useless cause they litterly are in the thick of the battle with near kitten to no HP, the point is you will want to find them in pvp not let them sit there the whole match. it would also invlolve stratagy and thinking on rangers using them to try to put them in areas out of sight for safe keeping as they did in gw1 where spirits were actually a nusance if they were hostal….all i can say is frozen soil +EoE bomb in HA, funny as hell wipping 3 teams minus 1 person on ur team

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Why do spirits "die" in combat?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


ok i got 2 relitivly simple ideas that would make spirits alot better imo
1. make spirits ground targeted insted of on the caster’s location.
2. increase the radious that they offer their benefit greatly, near or up to around the distance that mezmers can use their portals

both of these would solve every issue that plagues spirits, with them dying if they are anywhere near combat and with them being left behind once combat moves to a diffrent location. spirit abilities back in gw1 had a huge radious and that i think more then anything contributed to their effectiveness, the spirits here in gw2 have a very small radius which is leading to them needing to be summoned right next to most fighting and they are generally killed by player aoe in pvp and by npcs once their benefits proc in pve.
anyways what is eveyones thoughts?

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

If you knew what Devs had planned for us...

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


My fello Rangers, there will not be a major update to the Ranger Class until after the New Year. Then we will have to wait until Mid March or April. If you think I am lying just look at the recent updates we have been giving and you decide.
They just need to man-up and say we screwed up on the Ranger Class and it’s about to be wiped from GW 2 Class selection. For those of you who have a lvl 80 Ranger we will transfer those progresses to another Class of your chose.

be reasonable, people dont hate rangers, and it is not a bad concept you may want rangers removed but the majority of people that made rangers would much rather get some love then lose the profession… and any ill feelings with ranger right now is not about the profession, its about how the profession has been handled, went from being a very good spike dmg class right before release to being meh. and if you are going to sit there and spew stuff that isnt reasonable make a blog about it and dont post in forums where it can get threads closed and other stuff when people are trying to have a good conversation and hopping to get some feedback.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

hammers and a trap suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


lol know what would be sweet though? if they gave rangers the staff weapon (more of a walking stick in this case) and had it as the trap weapon would be a call back to the original gw1 trappers that req the use of the staff for the large energy bank and would give a whole new meaning to the trapping spec as well as give room for smoke trap and others like barbed trap room to come back into play with the profession, hell not all 5 skills need to be trap 1 or 2 can be bludgen things with the staff

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger Massive nerf December 3, 2012....

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


this was not a nerf, it was an exploit to start with the traps for ranger were discribed a long time ago as “only being able to have one of each type active at one time” this would have been bad if trapping worked like it did in GW1 but it doesnt work like what u think it did in GW2 when you made this thread.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

If you knew what Devs had planned for us...

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


40 milliseconds increase to the SB…. one can wish

tbh i would rather most of the ranger skills be reworked and give a greater variety of condition/dmg/boon/and boon removal options,
would like for at least one attack on longbow to cause burning or incindiary arrows to become a preporation like it was in gw1 would prefer it alot more over sharpening stone.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Rangers are OP

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


lol sadly i think they know about this already, it just isnt top priority for being fixed because none of this issues are game breaking for some reason…

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

If you knew what Devs had planned for us...

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


would be nice to know at least what their ideas are leaning to for diffrent areas.. but i think the biggest thing they could do is open a poll on which issue to push a fix for and work on that issue and get it out and fixed, everyone knows ranger has alot of issues that needs to be fixed but i think if the player base was given the option of which fix they would like prioritized it would go a much farther distace for the community and how they view arena net as a company and make alot of the ranger player base much happier than the current situation.

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

What pet do you want to get for Wintersday?

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


Miniature Giant Space Hamster.
I’ll call him Boo.

lol like the hamster from invader zim?

but yah jingle bear and moa would be best guess, the ones in gw1 can be tamed any time in the year if you did the the winter’s day quests back in gw1 so its not out of the question for home instances

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Charr light cultural armor T3 clipping issue

in Charr

Posted by: Criminal.5627


charr light T3 cultural pants clip through the tail, there is no opening in the back like there is in every other charr armor, it clips through it insted looks like a tail jutting out of a skirt, seeing the expense of the set please fix!

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: Criminal.5627


im still waiting on the major quality of life improvements though, all i can say is ranger as is has little variation to it, everything is lowend sustained dmg or bleed stack, pets are unreliable dmg atm for a class that is balanced around the dmg that they are seposed to do. rangers are freaking fun to play dont get me wronge but they have very little utility atm and pets need alot of attention still, for survivability and overall performance. ive been playing my necro recently just cause i can do more then only sustained dmg on it (i can turn boons into conditions, i can turn conditions into boons, transfer conditions from allies to foes, alot of aoe attacks, etc ). i would love there to be added some depth back into ranger even if it went back to the heavy burst based on CDs again, it would at least add alittle more dynamic back into fighitng with a ranger… would be nice if the utility skills got an overhaul soon as well, the signents, shouts, spirits, and preperations could use more variation or elaberation to them, they are meh at best and still would not sway the tide of battle if u used them or not with the exception of QZ, that i can say is the only utility that can actually change a fight if used in most situations…. i just hope like you all we get some of the updates that would put more depth back into ranger, the class is probably one of the best set ups for a pet class in a game and should be something truly awesome and deadly. not ignorable on the battle field cause they are the least threatening (im mainly talking wvw there)

Id just like to add that signet of Stone when traited with Signet of the Beastmaster in Marksmanship tree is pretty usefull too.

only thing about it is you need to be 30 points in for it to work, and you only gain half the effect of beastmaster really, pets will usually only get one hit or less off in the time it is up cause pets cant hit moving targets, ill give u signent of stone is very useful and it has saved me a butt load of times in the past, but the signent is useless unless you are 30 points in marks

Giant spiders of the world are just misunderstood creatures, they love to snuggle too.