Showing Posts For Crunk n monkey.3749:

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Kind of sad and shows the poor leadership/structure of your WvW guild.

Clkitten Shero. Absolutely clkitten. I fully support the leadership and structure in our PVX guild. But taking shots at our leaders and guild won’t get you a GvG. We don’t want to GvG, as far as I know, we have never GvG’d anyone. It’s not who we are or what we do, and you are not gonna change that. But you just can’t take NO for an answer. So unfortunately, this bickering fest won’t end and will re-occur every time we face ET.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Ash needs a fully fortified keep or tower and 500 plus supply worth of siege to even take a fight with ET. Stop hiding kittens

Well taking a tower in an other BL, fortifying and placing siege in there..If you didn’t want to have to deal with that, you had more than enough time to kick them out of there before things got annoying.

Taking Stonemist and having a 145 PPT was more important than kicking GoM out of their BL we held a 350 PPT.

It’s cool, we know that Di is merely super tanks that pride themselves on being able to survive a prolonged fight.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

You are still talking about sieging up a tower? How do you find that fun? We had to attempt to take hills to get fights tonight and then it turned boring as heck.

C’mon ASH. GvG BS. We dare you.

This must be you’re first time going against GoM/ASH. We are all about having fun and “madness”.

We had said “fun” in ET’s BL several weeks ago.

If you can’t find the humor in that, well that’s fine. What matters to us is that we have fun doing what we do.

We had a lot of fun during reset night. I give my respect to AKD for wiping DR from taking Bay and then quickly chasing us out of your Garrison, which we honestly thought we had. Then when we pulled back to Hills, you never showed up to take it back right away. It’s understandable because DR pushed back to Bay and we pushed back to Garrison, only to run into not only AKD again, but DI as well. Trying to take a heavily sieged up Garrison with your best two WvW guilds. That’s not an equation for success.

We did pretty well holding your Hills throughout the evening and night. We had fun taking Bay and holding Bay from a 50 – 70 man ET zerg with golems. You guys clearly tried getting us to abandon Hills in order to protect our BL. But we had a goal that night and we successfully accomplished that goal.

Even though it sucks that we have the same matchup as last week again. And even more that we have to face DR the 3rd time in a row. But we are glad to be green again after a 2 month dry spell. Looking forward to the rest of the week and seeing how this turns out.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Good fight GOM in your hills tonight. Was a lot of fun. You guys are good and bunkering down that is for sure.

Wasn’t ready for that portal bomb. But we had fun too.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

GoM: “OMG OMG OMG OMG new PvE content!”

Ascended Armor time.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’m both ashamed and disappointed. When a 3 man ET group takes GoM Hills, I call it a good play by ET. But when we call for help from EB to defend our Hills against that 3-man group and the response we get is “We don’t care about our BL, Stonemist is more important.” It goes to show that there is discontent in GoM. I think I can safely say that the majority of the WvW guilds in GoM are on the same page that our BL is the #1 priority and nothing else. That doesn’t mean that all of them are on the same page. But ALL of our WvW guilds only make up a small portion of the competition you see running around in WvW, the rest are pugz from other small guilds or players from the large PvE guilds in GoM.

There is a very long discussion about priorities in some servers… In fact, I belive the priority should be where you can hold more points…

Keeps worth 25ppt be it on Eternal Battleground, [Your Server Name] Borderland or [Enemy Server Name] Borderland. And I would gadly trade a bay keep on my server borderland for a hills keep in an enemy borderland as hills keep is a much defensible position compared to bay.

Stonemist Castle is the highest ppt on the maps (as it worth 35), and GoM has the advantage of being red (thus constantly controling the overlook, which is the only keep that can harass SMC). I’d pretty much priorize SMC over one keep (25<35) since SMC have 2 rows of walls/gates as any keep. Also, SMC have the advantage of being able to control all 6 towers around it (thus increasing the total ppt it worth).

Of course, most people down here think that BL lockdown is the best/only way to play, which sometimes get very disapointing… This kind of thinking is the reason you go to an enemy borderland and see no friendly living soul around for hours (And I personally don’t like it).

But in the end, who I am to tell people how to play eh? Those are just my two cents…

Forgive me for chiming in on your match-up thread but I want a piece of this discussion.

SMC is possibly one of the hardest locations to hold, it has so many entrances and so much room to move except the inner hallways. It even takes some time to locate an offensive compared to most keeps. It is also 1000x harder to upgrade to make it easier to defend.

My opinion is SMC is secondary to BL until that location is so sieged up and upgraded you can defend those WP. That way you waste less time on the defensive. If you waste less time on the defense you wont have to be doing it as much = higher ppt.

WvW is also a long term game, you need to consider the locations in which you have advantage and shore-up your consistant ppt before considering moving to further objectives. If you can do that you are on your way for the whole week. SMC is not a reliable long term objective unless you can upgrade and WP it. Keeps are.

Additionally maintaining that consistent average ppt will keep servers from being ‘stomped’ in the eyes of fair weathers giving a more consistent population/turn out.

There is a strong belief among GoM fair weathers that taking and maintaining the only castle in WvW wins the match. You can’t win a match by focusing on the biggest objective and forget everything else. And because of this, its led to some veteran commanders refusing to tag up and lead in EB. It’s like there is a saying, in EB, GoM zerg drives the commander.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’m both ashamed and disappointed. When a 3 man ET group takes GoM Hills, I call it a good play by ET. But when we call for help from EB to defend our Hills against that 3-man group and the response we get is “We don’t care about our BL, Stonemist is more important.” It goes to show that there is discontent in GoM. I think I can safely say that the majority of the WvW guilds in GoM are on the same page that our BL is the #1 priority and nothing else. That doesn’t mean that all of them are on the same page. But ALL of our WvW guilds only make up a small portion of the competition you see running around in WvW, the rest are pugz from other small guilds or players from the large PvE guilds in GoM.

There is a very long discussion about priorities in some servers… In fact, I belive the priority should be where you can hold more points…

Keeps worth 25ppt be it on Eternal Battleground, [Your Server Name] Borderland or [Enemy Server Name] Borderland. And I would gadly trade a bay keep on my server borderland for a hills keep in an enemy borderland as hills keep is a much defensible position compared to bay.

Stonemist Castle is the highest ppt on the maps (as it worth 35), and GoM has the advantage of being red (thus constantly controling the overlook, which is the only keep that can harass SMC). I’d pretty much priorize SMC over one keep (25<35) since SMC have 2 rows of walls/gates as any keep. Also, SMC have the advantage of being able to control all 6 towers around it (thus increasing the total ppt it worth).

Of course, most people down here think that BL lockdown is the best/only way to play, which sometimes get very disapointing… This kind of thinking is the reason you go to an enemy borderland and see no friendly living soul around for hours (And I personally don’t like it).

But in the end, who I am to tell people how to play eh? Those are just my two cents…

It’s all situational. How upgraded are each one? How many people do you have attacking it? How many people do you have defending?

In this particular situation, only 1/4th of our EB crew could have left to support the one person trying to defend Hills from the 3 – 5 ET attacking it and we still would have been fine in EB/SMC as no one was presently attacking it.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

ET beat on GoM Sunday.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I think GoM’s main problems are that people don’t pay attention and general infighting. I don’t know if there’s any infighting, but both DR and ET seem to be more organized than GoM at times.

I’m both ashamed and disappointed. When a 3 man ET group takes GoM Hills, I call it a good play by ET. But when we call for help from EB to defend our Hills against that 3-man group and the response we get is “We don’t care about our BL, Stonemist is more important.” It goes to show that there is discontent in GoM. I think I can safely say that the majority of the WvW guilds in GoM are on the same page that our BL is the #1 priority and nothing else. That doesn’t mean that all of them are on the same page. But ALL of our WvW guilds only make up a small portion of the competition you see running around in WvW, the rest are pugz from other small guilds or players from the large PvE guilds in GoM.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Rest/Eredon Madness/Devona's Terrace

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

ET is already losing by a large margin? Nothing new to see here…

We jumped into second place last night for a min while I was commanding on DR and as of right now we are in second place ahead of DR by 4k.

Judging by the current DR situation, we might finish in second. But I don’t think we have a chance of beating GoM.

GoM is still upset about “how” DR placed 2nd in the final week of the WvW Season. Let me repeat. We aren’t upset that you DID place 2nd, but rather HOW you did it. We don’t care if ET places 2nd, we don’t care if ET places 1st “as long as they don’t do what DR did”. We just want to make sure that DR places last and not even be close.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

GW2 Developer Livestream: Wintersday

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

My Question for Live-Stream:
Where are the Grentches (GW1) on Wintersday in GW2?

Those were cool too.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Week 7 - SF/DH/ET - Thread The Second

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

This was probably the biggest disappointment match during the final week of the WvW season. I honestly thought there would be a close match between DH and SF. I honestly picked SF to win this but with it being so close, I thought DH stood an equal chance to win.

I clearly overestimated SF, DH deserves 2nd place in the Bronze League.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

GW2 Developer Livestream: Wintersday

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

We getting weps that aren’t made from trees or blue glowy skins?

Like the candy cane bow, or the peppermint shield, or the candy cane staff. They were awesome in Guild Wars 1. The only skin that made it in from last year was the hammer.

Also, I’ve heard the buzz that the Yuletide Tonic might come back this year from Guild Wars 1. Can you confirm or debunk that?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

DR/GoM/AR Week 7: Bronze League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

OMG! It’s 6am in the states and GoM still has it’s BL keeps! Major kudos to our night/early morning crew of 10 – 15 people.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

DR/GoM/AR Week 7: Bronze League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

superior tactics? I don’t know about that but this 600PPT is really beginning to confuse me? Maybe we do indeed have some superior tactics!

Or we just gave the hell up. Getting kicked so many times tends to send the PvE’ers back to the Living Story.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

DR/GoM/AR Week 7: Bronze League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Popped in to say grats AR looking like a 6th place finish. Way to stick it in the faces of those who predicted dead last for AR.

Can’t count our chickens yet, it’s a very close match still and many days to go.

Start counting those chickens my friend. By the numbers we already have 6th. This week’s outcome cannot change it, whether we come first, second, or third. (That is if Kaineng comes in their expected 3rd place this week.)

I know we are going to come sixth. I am probably too competitive but I want a solid 6th rather than a 6th/7th/8th.

On another note, what’s up with GOM today?

I don’t know. But GoM has to place 1st if we want to stay tied with FC for 4th place.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

DR/GoM/AR Week 7: Bronze League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

TL;DR Some small transfers have helped a lot but they aren’t the answer to our improvement.

Well the improvement from Nov 16th – 23rd and now is noticeable.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

DR/GoM/AR Week 7: Bronze League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

should be a fun week. remember what goes around comes around, anvil doesn’t sleep }:)

We have been discussing that. How AR has improved since the last time we faced you during this season and you have a more dedicated wvw base throughout the entire day. Can’t really tell if you had mid-season transfers or if you have more people in wvw because the meta-event is almost done.

We had to drop a few merchants last night in towers in order to sell because our loot bags were so full. Loot bags all around are a good sign of everyone having fun.

As for the “what goes around comes around”. That’s my line. haha. You guys started it when you took our fortified keeps.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

DR/GoM/AR Week 7: Bronze League

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

We actually pushed both BL with the same amount of players tonight. It’s just that AR put up a pretty good fight in their BL. I find it an honor when AR calls in a 30 man zerg or more to defend against 20 GoM. Some of the best fights were at Vale, Briar and Lake.

As for taking Hills, well you can personally blame me for that. After your morning crew wrecked all the hard work i put into our keeps and towers and turned them to paper. I got pretty kitten ed and rallied folks to take it. The first attempt was more of a poke to see your response time of your EB zerg to come and defend it. The 2nd attempt was more calculating to catch you off guard. Good stuff though.

Though we can’t complete my goal of taking ALL your keeps tonight. Rest assure, your garrison and bay are next on the list. Sleep well Anvil Rock…

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Originally I had GoM picked to beat Fkittenil I realized a new patch was coming out on the 26th and suddenly had flashbacks to the GoM/DH/FC week. shudder

Nevertheless, I’d like to see a WvW with just GoM and FC, and see who would come out on top. My money bets on GoM to win that. Though it wouldn’t be easy.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’m only gonna put my thoughts on the perma-stealth thief build on here once and never again.

They nerfed the perma-stealth assassin in GW1 because people in PvP complained about it. If they haven’t already, they will nerf it again in GW2 due to people in PvP/WvW complaining about it.

i don’t understand what you smoked but i played gw1 for 7years and the assassins never had stealth. i also created several assassin builds for pvp and there was no stealth.

Black n Milds, but that’s beside the point. It wasn’t a stealth build, but it was a perma build that utilized the Elite skill Shadow Form. Giving an assassin an enchantment that nullified damaged for an extended period of time, given the right equipment set and weapons, one could keep Shadow Form up for an extended period of time. The energy cost was low, the recharge was low enough that with runes on armor and weapons you could perpetually keep it up long enough to take down anyone.

It was also used exclusively used in the dungeons, such as Underworld. It made several assassin’s very rich as they were able to farm the hell out of ectos.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

its silly we have to beat GoM both times we play them just to end up tied with them for 4th. GoM has 4 easy weeks while FC has 1.

then if DH beats SF then they are 1-1 to each other, yet DH gets 2nd place because they only played HoD once instead of twice like SF.

the schedule is soooo lame. looking forward this season being over.

I agree, the schedules were very lame. Im hard pressed to believe any thought at all was given to them by an even mildly educated adult. The fact that silver and bronze got their week 7 as a copy-paste of week 1 seems to show that anet loses interest quickly in anything other than T1.

hopefully we go to a 4-league season format that way we can all run a solid identical 6-server schedules and the non-gold league dosent get the afterthought schedule.

I will give lots of credit to SF. they spent 2 weeks with us and got savaged, and after the first week their fairweathers ran screaming for the (kessex) hills. But their core WvWers kept turning out and they were noticeably better by the end of the 2 weeks. When HoD is gone, SF wants that top-dog slot. And I know AR, DH, and Kain want it too if they could get a little transfer love. I sometimes get the impression that FC just prefers to wallow in their T8-ness.

Considering the notion that GoM was originally picked not to finish any better than 7th place, being in 4th place with FC and more than likely a lock to tie with FC for 4th at the end of next week, we did pretty good to silence the doubters.

Predicting the last week and tallying up the points, I see it all panning out as such…

HoD – 1st – 35 points
SF – 2nd – 31 points
DH – 3rd – 29 points
FC – 4th – 23 points
GoM – 4th – 23 points
AR – 6th – 15 points
Kai – 7th – 13 points
DR – 8th – 11 points
ET – 9th – 9 points

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

(edited by Crunk n monkey.3749)

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

its silly we have to beat GoM both times we play them just to end up tied with them for 4th. GoM has 4 easy weeks while FC has 1.

then if DH beats SF then they are 1-1 to each other, yet DH gets 2nd place because they only played HoD once instead of twice like SF.

the schedule is soooo lame. looking forward this season being over.

boo hoo!

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’m only gonna put my thoughts on the perma-stealth thief build on here once and never again.

They nerfed the perma-stealth assassin in GW1 because people in PvP complained about it. If they haven’t already, they will nerf it again in GW2 due to people in PvP/WvW complaining about it.

No one likes the Thief on their back! Everyone likes the Thief that has their back!
Most only consider the former and not the latter. (has been my experience)

Unfortunately, there aren’t enough thieves to cover everyone’s back.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Let’s talk about a more interesting topic.

SF or DH takes second place? Discuss.

My money is on Sorrow’s Furnace. But it should be a good fight.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’m only gonna put my thoughts on the perma-stealth thief build on here once and never again.

They nerfed the perma-stealth assassin in GW1 because people in PvP complained about it. If they haven’t already, they will nerf it again in GW2 due to people in PvP/WvW complaining about it.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

With a 20 point tick, i decided to take back some camps in our Bl, until i met a 20 man HoD zerg at Vale. Like a rabbit who comes across a pack of ravenous wolves, I swear I heard them yell out “Quick! Kill It!!!” As I looked behind me and saw their bright red eyes and foam coming out of their mouths…

you gotta wonder how many of the kills hod gets comes from something like this..
probably 99%

I thought maybe their vision was based on movement. If I stood still, they wouldn’t see me.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

With a 20 point tick, i decided to take back some camps in our Bl, until i met a 20 man HoD zerg at Vale. Like a rabbit who comes across a pack of ravenous wolves, I swear I heard them yell out “Quick! Kill It!!!” As I looked behind me and saw their bright red eyes and foam coming out of their mouths…

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

GoM – Death by Patch Day.

Though I will take it as a compliment that HoD prefers to fight us rather than FC since all they seem to do is run away and we stand and fight.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Over the past 72 hours, its felt like GoM has never had an opportunity to leave its BL to push any where else. Any time we leave or send a small group to make push in either BL or EB, it doesn’t last long because they are called back to our BL.

How we have a 4k lead over FC is mind-boggling. Fractal patch comes out tomorrow, should be interesting to see how that effects the rest of the week, especially with Thanksgiving on Thursday.

Happy Hunting and Happy Holidays folks.

I’ve noticed that when ever GoM is winning, we can run very large numbers in a zerg. Not quite like HoD can, but definitely comparable to FC. The problem is, and I think this goes for every server, some more than others, GoM doesn’t have a large dedicated WvW populace. I’d estimate when we run a large zerg, only a fraction of them are the players we play WvW daily, while the rest are PvEr’s that are just going with the flow, especially when we are winning. But when we are losing, our numbers drop, because those PvEr’s don’t come for the fights, they come for the farming. It’s hard to be farming tower lords and keeps if you aren’t winning and you’re outnumbered.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Points for being persistent HoD at taking GoM’s Garrison. It felt like an hour trying to hold you guys off.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Hey HoD, doesn’t FC’s BL look at little too blue. I think they are sad that no one wants to play with them.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

They must really crack the whip in that guild huh? Like slave labor or something.

All labor in HoD is done by children. Except the whipping.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Aaaaawwww, do you need a hug, a friend, someone to talk to?

I have to pay my friends for a hug. Can I get a hug for free?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Gold contributions sent to Bllade.1029 may help you take fourth place….

Just putting that out there.


When I said a fight for 4th, I meant a share for fourth. Win or lose against FC, GoM has a very good shot at 4th place.

Scenario #1 – FC places 2nd with 20 points, GoM places 3rd with 18 points. Final week predictions FC places 2nd with 23 points, GoM places 1st with 23 points. Both tie for 4th overall.

Scenario #2 – FC places 3rd with 18 points, GoM places 2nd with 20 points. Final week predictions FC gets 21 points, GoM gets 25 points. GoM takes 4th and FC takes 5th.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Man I love GoM! Good job in our BL tonight. FC… please don’t start with the whining again. We had two awesome weeks of little to no complaining in regards to the OP numbers and coverage and skill that HoD has. Just have fun!

That was a good push at HoD Hills. Caught us off guard on our push for HoD Garrison.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

HoD/FC/GoM : 11/22/2013 : Bronze Week 6

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

FC and GoM will be struggling for 4th in this matchup… The next matchup for FC is a sure 2nd, while GoM can easily win their last matchup.

If FC, beat GoM for 2nd this week, both will tie with 23 pts. Otherwise, GoM will be 4th with 25 and FC will stick at 5th with 21.

100% right. This is a battle for 4th place, while HoD sits back and watches the fireworks as they cruise to another 1st place victory. This is gonna be a close one between FC and GoM.

New content doomed GoM to lose to FC and DH before. Hopefully there won’t be a repeat with new fractals on the 26th.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Our victory dance from last night.

To see the dolyak party. Start at the 43 min part and enjoy the show.

Haha very nice. For the record though, when you hit us at veloka we were in so much shock that we didn’t even try to fight back. I honestly just didn’t know what to do seeing all those dolyaks, and I didn’t really want to kill you and ruin the fun. I kinda felt bad lol. I just told everyone to run and waypoint back.

Yea, we were wondering why you guys were backing up. Then we were hit with Barrage or an AC. We pushed out again and run into a wall and thought “Crap we are gonna wipe, we are all stacked up.”

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Our victory dance from last night.

To see the dolyak party. Start at the 43 min part and enjoy the show.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Our victory dance from last night.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I was commanding when you guys did your dolyak march. I kinda had an obsession with veloka tonight, and had been trying to take it for awhile. Usually we got counter-sieged repeatedly and ran out of supply and had to waypoint. I thought for sure id finally get it that time, then your dolyaks came.

You had more numbers than us as it was. You didn’t even need that unnecessary advantage of summoning a great dolyak army. After this, I have come to the conclusion that GoM plays unfairly. They had a much larger zerg than us, and they still used the unstoppable ungodly power of dolyaks to stampede us. Just relentlessly unfair.

We came to EB because there was no one to entertain in ET’s BL. As soon as we ported into the keep, we saw swords on Veloka, popped our tonics and ran our dolyak zerg.

Good times. We were wondering why you guys were running away, but then again if I saw a good 20 – 30 dolyaks stampeding towards me holding kites and balloons, I wouldn’t stay there either.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’m sorry, but the max we had was 20. There was 15 of us in TS, maybe a max of 5 pugs with us. The max of Omegas we had was 5, which was the same amount you used to defend garrison. I will say the event was pretty fun. But we wondered when we wiped the first time taking your garrison, you didn’t push to retake Bay? At any point during the night? We loved the prolonged fight at garrison and give props for fighting hard. And we expected the same fight at Hills, to our disappointment we met only a 3rd of the same opposition. We were gonna stop with the keeps, but we decided to take everything and spent the next hour and a half doing so. By the end we met more opposition from AR than ET in your BL.

Well this is going to be another I say, you say argument. No point on keep going since neither of us have screen shots of it, but we were all there, what you fought was ET’s whole population, minus 3 or 4 that was trying to hold EB, so we all know how many GoM and ET was at ET border attacking and defending.
Why we didn’t retake Bay? Because as I said, that was all our peeps and we couldn’t spare anyone to retake bay when you kept coming and going from Garrison to Hills with omegas. At first we splited and retake the north towers while you were busy, but you kept returning to the north towers, probably for karma, not even 1 min after the RI went down.

Not only that but when our commander decided to give up on the fight and drained Hills supply to make omegas to fight your omegas at Garrison (and of course, lose the fight), two others and I stayed at Hills defending from 6 persons from ASH. They came 3 times knocking on south gate and we repelled them. After the 3d try, we had 0 supply, couldn’t take the camp back and about to lose Garrison also. That’s when I left WvW and probably what our defenders also did after losing Garrison.

That was the strategy, to make you guys drain supply until you couldn’t repair anymore. It’s a slow process, but effective.

Stay tuned, the March of the Dolyaks are coming…

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Does ET even have a keep right now? I don’t think so.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

LOL this guy from ASH gonna talk now. Thats why your guild declined a gvg and i have multiple videos of you wiping

Let’s see the videos then. I love pokin’ the bear.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

PPT is what wins the match. Fightin’ a zerg is what makes it fun. We took the ET borderlands because ET was bragging about having waypoints on their keeps and being able to keep them unlike us. We changed that by taking over their map with a 15 man zerg. We faced roughly the same amount of oppositon from ET.

Excuse me, I was on ET border when GoM zerg first showed up. I’m sorry but 15 man don’t pop orange swords on every objective they do. GoM was rolling with 30 people and omegas. I lost count of how many omegas you used to take the keeps from our mighty ~15 defending home border (and probably less defenders after I left WvW).

I’m sorry, but the max we had was 20. There was 15 of us in TS, maybe a max of 5 pugs with us. The max of Omegas we had was 5, which was the same amount you used to defend garrison. I will say the event was pretty fun. But we wondered when we wiped the first time taking your garrison, you didn’t push to retake Bay? At any point during the night? We loved the prolonged fight at garrison and give props for fighting hard. And we expected the same fight at Hills, to our disappointment we met only a 3rd of the same opposition. We were gonna stop with the keeps, but we decided to take everything and spent the next hour and a half doing so. By the end we met more opposition from AR than ET in your BL.

As for the reset night, that was an awesome fight for ET’s Bay and Vale. We took a 30 man zerg and pushed hard for Bay. No we didn’t get it and we wiped a few times due to being outnumbered and very little coordination. But we thought of it as being an honor that ET had to bring an 80 man zerg made up of IoM and AKD and a few other guilds to keep our 30 man in check. That’s why you couldn’t make a push for our BL, AR’s BL, or even keep your stuff in EB. You had to bring almost your whole WvW server that night to keep us in check from taking Bay.

We don’t record every fight we are in, we only record the truly epic fights. Like this one from the GoM/Kai/ET fight a few weeks ago.

Our 7 man defending the garrison we took on your map from a 15 – 20 man zerg. My memory that week was a 70 man ET zerg trying to take SM with only 15 defending it and when you failed the first time, you brought 7 Omegas and failed again, and tried a 3rd time when Kaineng brought their own zerg and hit us from the other side, and you still didn’t get SM.

The funny thing, this morning we planned on breaking down every wall and gate in Bay, but not cap it. That’s how madness works in GoM.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Do people actually brag about taking empty maps and PvDoorin’ for hours straight ?

People that blindly play for ppt do. Help to boost their egos…

PPT is what wins the match. Fightin’ a zerg is what makes it fun. We took the ET borderlands because ET was bragging about having waypoints on their keeps and being able to keep them unlike us. We changed that by taking over their map with a 15 man zerg. We faced roughly the same amount of oppositon from ET.

I find it amusing that you can’t even post a video of wiping GoM, instead you rely on a video that has been heavily circulated of another server doing a WvW match.

At any rate, any thing you can do, we can do better. We love ppt, we love zerg v. zerg fights, and we love cupcakes. Keep em’ coming ET.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Paint it red, baby! Our borderlands now!


Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Sadness/Eredon Basement/Anvil Paper

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

We let our consistent point tick do the talking. Who is laughing now?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

SF/HoD/GoM Week of 11/8/13

in Match-ups

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

To the [MU] engineer that killed me while I was getting a Vista in my own BL. If I find you, I’m gonna break your hand.

That was clkitten.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

(edited by Crunk n monkey.3749)

2 vs 1 Server planned matchup. Is this legal?

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Other servers are using such a tactic. Seeing a systematic zerg attack from DH and FC last night was more proof of that against GoM as both simultaneously attacked both Hills and Bay. Another instance was a GoM zerg attacking a FC zerg at Quentin Lake things were ok, until a DH zerg showed up and wiped us from the other side. Bad luck you might think, but seeing how the DH and FC zerg parties split up and did not attack one another. Well, draw your own conclusions.

That being said, by current standards, its not illegal do such a thing, in fact I’m surprised no one has done this before. Maybe the expected rewards of the WvW Season is driving desperate servers to ally themselves.

My suggestion to fix the 2v1 mindset currently being used in WvW, add another server into the mix. Granted you’re running the risk of creating a 3v1 monster. Other than that, maybe a create something in the WvW game to give an outnumbered server an advantage in their borderlands to equal the playing field.

I will say one last thing, don’t be surprised if this 2v1 stuff causes WvW gamers to switch servers and create a severely unfair advantage.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness