Showing Posts For Crunk n monkey.3749:

Decimate Defenses?

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

How exactly do you know this works? In the time I have used it, I have neither seen my critical chance increase in the attributes window, nor have I seen an icon above my toolbar that shows this actually stacking. So again, I ask, how am I suppose to know this trait is actually benefitting me? Or am I suppose to blindly believe that my critical chance is increased?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Players Disapearing and teleporting in wvw

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

It seems to be a graphical bug, that is causing a lot of different issues in WvW.
It seems to be focused around large group fights. Player’s will rubberband/teleport sometimes during the fight, sometimes they just seem to be standing there and then they rubberband to you. Commander tags are teleporting as well, even off the actual commander. Nameplates of people not even in squad or party will show up across the map, or sometimes we can see nameplates of enemies through walls or across the map. Downed enemies moving and teleporting is a huge issue that I have noticed as well. It’s difficult to kill or fight anything that on your screen shows you is there, but they aren’t taking damage or anything because they really aren’t there, so your left just running around AoEing trying to figure out where everything is.

Watched a fight between two guilds the other night where my server group appeared to be just standing on Pride Rock while the enemy group was running around fighting nothing but the air, it wasn’t until I saw the green dots on my minimap moving around that I realized the player silhoutte’s were stuck on Pride Rock while actually players were moving around.

It is a rather annoying bug as it impacts the quality of a gamer’s WvW experience.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Proposed changes to Lich Form

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

No, I think Lich Form hits hard enough already. In fact, I wouldn’t be against a damage reduction.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Proposed changes to Lich Form

in Necromancer

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Just general thoughts.

Deathly Claws: Maybe it is just me, or maybe its because Necrotic Grasp and Life Blast got buffs to how quickly their projectiles move, but it seems as if this skills projectiles takes longer to pierce through enemies than the other two. It may just be a bug, it may be how the skill is suppose to work, but either way, reworking Deathly Claws so the projectile hits each foe at the same rate that Necrotic Grasp and Life Blast do would be an added bonus.

Marked for Death: It’s fine, don’t see any reason to change.

Chilled Wind: I only really feel this skill shouldn’t have 450 range, it should be 600 range. Honestly the animation looks like it hits for 900 range, but that seems a little too much, finding a compromise of 600 range seems good enough as 450 makes it seem like the Lich has asthma.

Mark of Horror: Another skill that I think is just fine. Quite frankly I don’t run a MM build to really have much of an opinion of how using the minion related traits benefit this skill, so maybe another necro that does run a MM build can pitch in more info or feedback.

Grim Specter: Saved the best for last. As truly the only skill in the game that can really put a dent in META of pirate shipping and boon sharing, this skill can see quite a bit of changes to be made to it. Right off the bat, it moves too slow. Literally looks like it takes nearly 2 seconds to hit the target at 1200 range. Spectral Grasp and Reaper’s Touch move faster at 1200 range. Now if people want to complain about the speed saying that would be too quick, its fine being that slow especially for an unblockable skill, well get rid of the unblockable portion of it. Everything else with it is fine in my opinion, a 30 sec CD is fine, I mean even with Spectral Mastery boosting your Lich Form to 20 sec, you only get 1 opportunity to use it. I don’t know if by having Alacrity from a mesmer you can knock the cooldown enough to use it a 2nd time? It would be close. 240 radius essentially makes it like a mark.

Aside from that, I don’t think there really is more that Lich Form needs to change. From a WvW standpoint, being a giant Lich makes you a huge target, this Elite skill needs to feel like its worth being a huge target.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

I stood on north SMC wall last night and...

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

If Anet implements ppk as they have mentioned, those roamers/duelers will be walking feasts for zergs. Most likely wont see that many when that change comes.

there will just be more daredevils and chronos when that happens.
zergs won’t catch those classes easily.

and as it happens, daredevils and chronos grouping up are actually very good at busting zergs.

Agreed. Those types of classes either do two things. Stealth and port home or stealth and pick off fat kids and laugh as they wait in stealth for more people to come back and rez them.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Revs in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Hammer being a ranged weapon leaves me scratching my head… Just as a little side to the specifics.

No different than the necro axe and the mesmer greatsword being ranged.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Proposed Oasis Event Changes

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I was trying to find a middle ground, but I am okay with that option as well.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Proposed Oasis Event Changes

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

1. Event length shorten. One hour is too long for that event. One person can do it and literally break all 22 gates on the map. 15 or 20 minutes feels like a better time period for that event.

2. Damage reduction. It does way too much damage to gates. Regular gates, I feel are okay to be broken fully, but reinforced gates and fortified gates take too much. Reinforced gates should be at 30% after Skysplitter and fortified should be at 60%.

3. Outer gates of the keep should only be affected, not inner gates as well.

4. Tower and Keep options to deplete supply to repair gates and walls. Kind of how the tower NPCs repair a gate or wall in Edge of the Mists. But it should be a keep option to deploy such NPCs, unlike it being automatic in EOTM.

5. Skysplitter should affect only one tower or keep on the map and not the whole map. The fact that the event can open all 22 gates on the map seems a bit overpowered and to a point, irrelevant to even defend. It would be much faster to just reflip the tower or keep before the RI is up instead of repairing the gates.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Karma Gifts -> Orphans. Horrific design.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I said it before. If you have millions of karma, I would honestly burn it by purchasing the Festive Bags of Materials and selling the mats on the TP.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

What if you don't finish Winter's Presence?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Best thing about Wintersday?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

How about the option to spend karma to purchase Festive bags of Materials. Granted they aren’t T5 mats, but they do include mats that go for a reasonable price. So for people who have millions of karma to burn, probably the most profitable thing you can do during Wintersday.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Wintersday is sadly disappointing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Not surprised that people are flooding the market with the old toy skins and ugly items since its not worth the orphan karma event. Unless you are doing the dailies.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Wintersday is sadly disappointing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

You guys shouldn’t really be that surprised. Halloween this year was the same and it was basically because so much time and effort was put into the HoT release. Should have known or assumed that Wintersday would be pretty much the same as last year too.

They don’t have the manpower to bring more new PvE content to Halloween or Wintersday immediately after an expansion release. But they do have the manpower to throw a Pro League PvP Tournament for $200,000.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

10k drinks [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Note how under Masterful Toast it says (Note: Complete the Festive Imbiber achievement. Only available during Wintersday).

I would think that would imply the achievement of Festive Imbiber needs to be complete before the Wintersday event ends.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Ugly Wintersday Clothing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Go to the new Vendor in DR. Buy gift wrap for karma. Wrap ugly sweaters, hats and socks in gift wrap. Give to orphan for larger karma return.

You can now buy gifts directly from this same vendor for karma

I think the point is, people who had 1000’s of socks, hats, and especially sweaters (since the exchange rate was 1 sweater = 1 Wintersday Gift). Now only have an option to either quickly throw their ugly items on the TP and get rid of it, or exchange it for wrapped gifts. But now you have stacks of wrapped gifts that you can only get rid of 30 per day. Estimating that Wintersday event will last until Jan 5th. That gives us 23 days of the event, totaling the maximum of amount wrapped gifts that you can give to orphans is 690. Anymore than that, and they will more than likely sit in inventory for whole year until Wintersday 2016.

Unless we can give orphans these gifts all year long? Probably not.

I would imagine Anet won’t make any changes to the exchange rate or timers for the orphans to accept these wrapped gifts. But rather let players take a gamble and hold on to them in the hopes that they give us an NPC next Wintersday that takes these wrapped gifts in bulk or with a shorter timer.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Karma Gifts -> Orphans. Horrific design.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

There are 20 Orphans in DR. I started out at 250 wrapped gifts. After spending an hour running around DR, I had 230 left. And I probably ran around that place a good 3 or 4 times.

Gifts can be given to orphans around DR. I guess that also means outside of DR. Though I can’t think of very many orphans outside of DR. It’s not like you can go to Rata Sum or Hoelbrak and find another 20 human orphans standing around.

There needs to be a better timer on these orphans or at least make it where we can turn these in bulk. I shudder to the thought of how long it could take to get rid of stacks of Wrapped Gifts.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

KEEP in mind HOT is END GAME CONTENT… dont think about it as a jurney to learn your skills .. it is a END GAME content .. you cannot run with your zerker gear and do everything solo.

But I want power! I don’t wanna run necro or mesmer with full dire and condi my way through end game content, even if Guild Wars 2 designed the game for that!


Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

If that is the case. the issue really isn’t that 400 HP is too much, but rather HP are not easily attainable to other aspects of the game. A system of vendors to exchange currency for hero points seems more a viable option. Kind of like how they did with WvW players with the notarized scrolls of heriocs included in the WvW rank up chests.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I keep seeing this “people wont want to help out with old content” but the champions from the new Hero Point challenges seem to drop some good loot once a day if you’ve already unlocked it for you character. Am i wrong about that?
Seems like a really good incentive for helping out people who don’t have it already.

If that is true, that is a step in the right direction. The biggest problem with doing old content (i.e. Orr, Living Story) the don’t make it rewarding for people who have already done it.

Yes it is. The hero challenge champ events give champion bags, map currency, experience, and map event participation once a day. The hero point itself is kind of the icing of the cake for first-time participation .

I’m fully expecting “hero point champ trains” to be a thing in the future.


What’s going to be the motivation to do these hero point champ trains, when people have nothing to put their hero points into? (i.e. they finish their specialization)?


Correct me if I’m wrong, but we were just talking about those champ events giving champion bags, map currency, experience, and map event participation once a day, right? If that’s not enough motivation for you, don’t do them, but many of these are quick and easy to do with a few players, and I fully expect people working on map rewards to take advantage of them.

My mistake, I read it as you were saying that the point of the champ train would be farming hero points from the challenge once everyday.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I keep seeing this “people wont want to help out with old content” but the champions from the new Hero Point challenges seem to drop some good loot once a day if you’ve already unlocked it for you character. Am i wrong about that?
Seems like a really good incentive for helping out people who don’t have it already.

If that is true, that is a step in the right direction. The biggest problem with doing old content (i.e. Orr, Living Story) the don’t make it rewarding for people who have already done it.

Yes it is. The hero challenge champ events give champion bags, map currency, experience, and map event participation once a day. The hero point itself is kind of the icing of the cake for first-time participation .

I’m fully expecting “hero point champ trains” to be a thing in the future.


What’s going to be the motivation to do these hero point champ trains, when people have nothing to put their hero points into? (i.e. they finish their specialization)?

Nice reading comprehension. This is why people are having trouble with the content.

There has to be stupid people in this world so smart people don’t get depressed and commit suicide.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I keep seeing this “people wont want to help out with old content” but the champions from the new Hero Point challenges seem to drop some good loot once a day if you’ve already unlocked it for you character. Am i wrong about that?
Seems like a really good incentive for helping out people who don’t have it already.

If that is true, that is a step in the right direction. The biggest problem with doing old content (i.e. Orr, Living Story) the don’t make it rewarding for people who have already done it.

Yes it is. The hero challenge champ events give champion bags, map currency, experience, and map event participation once a day. The hero point itself is kind of the icing of the cake for first-time participation .

I’m fully expecting “hero point champ trains” to be a thing in the future.


What’s going to be the motivation to do these hero point champ trains, when people have nothing to put their hero points into? (i.e. they finish their specialization)?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Elite Specializations & Hero Point Feedback [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I don’t get the argument here. If you completed map comp, like I did on several characters before HoT came out. You already had around 200 extra hero points saved up. So when HoT came out, you had a 200 point lead to blow on the specialization. So all you really needed was 200 more. I started on Reaper with only 4 HP, and in 4 days I’ve gotten up to 85% done and have 75 HP more until Elite Specialization, and truthfully I feel I can have that before Halloween. Doesn’t feel like that terrible of a grind considering the grind for XP with the mastery system and it certainly isn’t going to take a long time.

I don’t know why I said map comp, all you really needed was all the Hero Challenges done in the game.

The only class/specialization I feel sorry for is the Revanant/Herald. They have to start out crisp and from the beginning, unlike the other classes that could have an early jump on the specialization.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

(edited by Crunk n monkey.3749)

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I keep seeing this “people wont want to help out with old content” but the champions from the new Hero Point challenges seem to drop some good loot once a day if you’ve already unlocked it for you character. Am i wrong about that?
Seems like a really good incentive for helping out people who don’t have it already.

If that is true, that is a step in the right direction. The biggest problem with doing old content (i.e. Orr, Living Story) the don’t make it rewarding for people who have already done it.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

To me, MMO means all play styles. A MMO should cater to all different playstyles, whether its large groups, small groups, solo, whatever. It should be enjoyable for all. Guild Wars 2 doesn’t have a good balance of that. It caters heavily towards grouping up. Is that wrong for Guild Wars 2? No, its their game they developed, they create it however they feel. I think the point is that HoT has made it apparent Anet’s position to make their game more group-based rather than all playstyles like other MMO’s.

I’ve already made up my mind that I am not playing the HoT PvE, that I am training my Reaper and then logging into Guild Wars 2 purely for WvW. Because the other components of this game, just don’t suit me or what I like. Kind of bummed because I loved Guild Wars 1, but unfortunately I couldn’t find the same passion for Guild Wars 2.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

The Problem with HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

My personal opinion. The Mastery system was added WAY too late at this stage in the game. Majority of the community has been level 80 for quite some time and has many other characters that are level 80.

All that wasted XP from months and months of map comp on several characters, world bosses, dungeons, etc. Now there is a use for it. It’s like, keep up the good work grinding out useless XP, because now we have a use for it all.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Unplayable Solo

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

The problem is becoming more of a MMORPG problem, apparently.

People complain about the content being too easy or not challenging. So what do developer’s do? They make the content more difficult and challenging, forcing players to band together and party up in order to complete the content.

Unfortunately, players like me, who like to either solo part-time or all the time, are at a serious disadvantage. Because we can’t play the game they way we want to play it. It forces us to play into a grind.

When Guild Wars 2 was advertising its game before release, the best quality I liked being pitched was “We don’t want players to feel like they need to grind.” This was never the case with Guild Wars 2. But I don’t blame the game too much, its more the community itself, Guild Wars 2 has a very large grinding community. And if you are not apart of the grind when the content comes out, you get left behind in the dust. Either your stuck doing content by yourself, unable to complete it because people won’t help you do old content and the content is too difficult to complete solo. so you just quit and don’t do the content at all.

It’s the biggest reason why I stop doing PvE. I’ve played the game since beta, but I didn’t really get into it until after the holidays, and by that time I found myself going through the storyline solo, by the time I got to Orr though, it was right in the thick of Flame and Frost and no one wanted to do or help with final story. To this day, I’ve never finished the main storyline. Same thing goes with Living World, I still don’t have everything done, but no one does it anymore.

Give it about a year, no one is going to be doing HoT. They will move on and demand more content. Leaving people who are taking a break or trying other games in the dust, and they won’t get this new content.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Thanks Anet for the wonderful beta weekend.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Armor set was as berserker as I could go.
Special thanks to [HK] drivers and Gaopain for leading.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

(edited by Crunk n monkey.3749)

Thanks Anet for the wonderful beta weekend.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Had lots of fun using the new reaper in my regular WvW matchup and in EoTM. Experimented using different trait lines and weapon sets and it all worked great. Can’t wait for October 23rd.

A little recap video of the Reaper in EoTM.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

We love 2x1

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

All I am going to say is that a few days ago, folks on FA were talking about being getting the 2v1 shaft from YB and DB with just a 35 PPT.

Like I said back then, I don’t think its a 2v1, at least not an organized one. I think its more that DB is trying to send a message that they want to be in T2 and stay in T2. They don’t want to be in T3 and think they are getting their message across very clear being a few hundred points behind YB. I applaud those guys for really getting after it this week.

Welcome to T2 DB!

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Missing bonus chests?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I’ve asked some folks about this and I’ve gotten mixed answers. In the end I am submitting a bug report for some more insight into the issue. I noticed a problem a few days ago when I was doing the Silverwastes event chain. I escorted dolyaks and defended keeps throughout the entire event and beat the boss and completed the event successfully. At the end of the whole thing, I went to open my bonus chests, yet I could only open 4 of them, and neither of them was the end one where you get the key of greater nightmares.

The next time I noticed it was leveling a character in EoTM. I gained a good 10 – 12 ranks during my time in there. I didn’t open them right away, instead I waited until I was level 80 and open them. Same thing, I was able to only open 4 chests, one was the daily chest from the previous day.

So you guys tell me, is there a time limit to opening these chests? or am I due some chests that I never got?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

against Camelot Unchained and Black Desert Online, there is no future for WvW.

Except the fact that none of them have a release date…

Ding Ding Ding!

What do we have for him Johnny?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Illusionary Counter

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Before I submit a bug report, I want to know if anyone else is having an issue getting the 5 stacks of Torment to apply when you successfully block with this skill?

I’ve noticed that sometimes it will and sometimes it won’t. It’s pretty easy to tell because standard use of the scepter auto-attack that applies Torment, you can usually get 2 or 3 stacks on, once you successfully block and summon the clone that casts Ether Bolt and Ether Blast both adding more torment, I can usually end up putting 10 stacks or more of Torment on a target.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

i really need to find a new game.

i cant say i like the detection it is going anymore

Hehe, you comment made me think of this.


Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Candy Corn Gobbler for 300 gems = P2W

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I think most of the folks here complaining are the roamers. Big group players probably don’t care since 40 – 100 hp a sec is very minimal. Especially if they are poisoned.

Each buff is only 15 min, and its not a guaranteed buff for every 3 pieces of candy corn. Nor do they get to choose what buff it is.

For those who have it, use it well. For those who don’t have it, save up that candy corn and sell it once the Halloween event is over. Those Gobblers are gonna need it in the coming months.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Is the new Dolyak statue bugged for alts?

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Its not bugged. One time buff means only one character is allowed to have the buff.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Dolyak Statue

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Well, this was a purely lame reward for the fall tournament overall. The tickets were the real reward.

It’s like going out to eat and getting 4 great tasting dishes of like filet mignon/sea bass/etc, and then dessert arrives, and its a bowl of jello.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Dolyak Statue

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Is the Dolyak Blessing a one-time buff? I was able to get it on one of my characters, but when I tried to grab it on another character, it wouldn’t give me the buff.

Also how long will the Dolyak Statue give the buff?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Let's talk about Seige Disabler.

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I think its going pretty well. There is room for improvement, but I wouldn’t call it a disaster.

There are counters to the siege disabler. For starters, it counts as a projectile. Therefore it can be reflected or absorbed. Plus this also teaches siege throwers not to put all rams down at the same time, but rather stagger them out.

Even if they disable the first ram, you can now throw the second one and use that, and so on and so forth.

There are ways around the siege disabler, you just have to figure them out.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Mace/Shield/Staff WvW Heal/Support Build

in Guardian

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Not to mention retaliation kills them rather quick as well too.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Skill Bar: Patch Notes (Updated)

in Mesmer

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

My reaction to the mesmer scepter auto attack torment buff.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

NSP the way to go?

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Yea, DR is aiming for Tier 3 or higher. After pulling in guilds from bronze to help them rise up the ranks. They already such guilds as RED, BRL, HoD, and DmD. Now add in SM, BOMB, TBT, WZ.

They have any where between 5 – 7 medium to large guilds running at any given time. They also have their gank squads such as Ohai and Evil.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Another Yak night

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Fan art contest?

in Community Creations

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Will Anet ever reintroduce a contest where fans can develop their own armor or weapon skins that the fanbase can vote on which are the best ones and introduce them into the game? Kind of how they did with Guild Wars Eye of the North?

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Quantity > Quality

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Devona's Rest Climbing and Expanding

in Looking for...

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Don’t forget to add KoME to that ever growing list.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Exiting Game to Prevent Stomp

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Solution: For every player you see log out before they get stomped, kill a supply dolyak. Since a supply dolyak awards more points than a player stomp, you win.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Please Get rid of siege decay

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

Built siege should have a longer decay timer bout another hour, while siege blueprints should be reduced from 10 min to 5 min.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Weakest server should NOT be red

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

I don’t understand how they chose the colors anyway. But I am pretty sure GoM is NOT the weakest in their matchup with SoR and DR. It is a nice change, we have been green since the end of March.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

Gate of Madness promotion

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

We are thinking if we can beat our current match-up by 100k, maybe then we can be put in Tier 5 (Silver League).

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness

WvW Tournament Rewards Distribution Delay

in WvW

Posted by: Crunk n monkey.3749

Crunk n monkey.3749

For the people who haven’t gotten their chest and tickets, this is somewhat good news, at least they won’t be the only ones who are miserable. But to the ones who already have their tickets, this sucks really bad.

I can only think of two outcomes from this, either a rollback and take away tickets and rewards from everyone and reissue them again correctly. Or everyone gets the same reward, probably 1st place to make it “fair”.

Ascended Phoenix [ASH] – Gates of Madness