Showing Posts For Cruzyo.7304:

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


ok well, as I said i dont really play EB, I like the borderlands better, if i’d play there, id treb everything i can, even our own towers, jsut because im that awesome

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


To all the very angry Dzag and Underworld players out there… May i ask why are you both ganging up on RoS? Srsly you have more then nuff numbers to fight each other but nooooooooooooo its always UW at Anza/Mendons while Dzag takes ogrewatch and attempts but always fails at veloka :P

So i desided to wipe out a few waypoints to teach you a lesson… you know.. that sexy Stonemist…. Took Dzag Gar/Bay like 3 times…. even UW Garrsion.. Do you people ever learn? I dont know what you peeps are thinking but ganging up on the weak is not cool that is not what makes a good match up… insted try making it 1v1v1 so we can actaully have some 3ways insted of this on going gangbang over at the RoS Side.

I knew it was you taking our Garrison yesterday evening. Good job there, we really were surprised by this assault, but we successfully stopped you at hills then :P

However, the price for you clearing our WP at Garrison was losing Bay, Hills and Garrison to us, I can live with this trade to be totally honest :P

about the situation on EB i cant really tell alot, i dont play there but seeing us in the possession of SM makes me believe we treb the towers you mentioned and take them, i also see Durios alot in our possession so I can ensure you, there is no teaming up with Dzag against you, especially if you look at Dzag map, theres alot of green keeps too :P

looking forward to more action !


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


was some fun fights with XT yesterday evening on UW Borders


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I really enjoy this matchup too, also glad to see the progress Underworld has in WvW matters. I’m looking forward to intense fights the next couple of weeks before our matchup splits up again… we’ll be fighting a few weeks before something changes because I dont think UW will win every of the matchups, not even talking about the clear lead we have right now.

Elementalist v Mesmer!!!

in Elementalist

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I think he’s undecided wether to play Elementalist or Mesmer, and I can’t help him either, I play both and they are both alot of fun on a different level.

I like 1v1 situations with my mesmer, due Illusions and my Glasscanon build I can handle many other professions really good, not winning against all ofc but always have nice fights, within zergs utilities like Feedback are a lot of fun too.

With my elementalist its kind of similar, 1v1 and small-scale its alot of fun on d/d, within zergs the combofields boost up your allies, here you can also stick with d/d or switch to staff…

really a hard call :P

Ring of fire ~Blacktide ~ Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


It’s a much more even matchup this week. Way more fun.

not sure if you still have that opinion, I personally as UW player dont really have alot of fun…

UW has a really strange WvW population and its really hard to say what we are capable of -.- I hope we will stabilize abit to see how good we do when we face opponents that are on the same level as we are…

Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Trust me bro, this week didn’t show anything. If we meet in future and there won’t be restart planned I will be there with whole XT for all day long keeping at least +350.You just used the situation of rating reset thats all. I didn’t meet ANY good organised guild on both UW and RoF only pugs and zerging.(oh, maybe one – SPGR who did something)
Greetings! thanks for all badges and frags i got this week.

we had one of our big wvw guilds have a break this week aswell, your move.

Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Im sorry but whos losing 53 rating? ( Not like it matters now anyway bcoz of rating being reset ) With your numbers that should say +50 at least

if you’d know how ratings work…

however if it was the same matchup the 2nd week in a row, the +50 would be there where it belongs to

Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Thats a very Red Garrsion you have there Underworld.. i wonder what happened… did it get a paintjob Angry Commander style? awwww :’(

I thought the same when I checked the RoS Map yesterday evening, a very green garrison you guys had there, and hills, and bay… :P

Underworld vs Ring of Fire vs Ruins of Surmia

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Indeed, UW always had the player potential tough i think we got a few more finding interest in WvW which gives our WvW population another boost.

However, i dont think any large WvW guild has transferred to UW.

Please, do something about downed state.

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I wonder where this impression comes from?

I think, in 1v1 its pretty balanced, whoever gets downed first is more likely to die first, except maybe for rangers with their OP #3 skill. If you manage to down someone in 1v1 its not really an issue to also finish him with either bursting down or finishing move since none of the downed skills really gives the possibility to escape, ele vapor form maybe when you down the elementalist near a door to his safe-citadel (at towers/keeps its barely a 1v1 situation anymore due npc guards).

at small scale groups (up to 5) its pretty much the same because you can CC the 5 and finish off your enemy, if you have a person with you that has the ability to use a quickening skill then finishing off someone is not a problem… or be organized enough that not all 5 of you start the finishing move, have 1 do it and the other 4 protect you.

I personally dont really complain about the downed state other than that some classes skills are better than others imo (why can a thief target his teleport location and a mesmer not for example), if there’s any problem with the downed state its in large-scale fights because only in these fights you can get rezzed up quickly either by an enemy dieing or by getting rezzed, reducing the numbers in large scale is really tricky due to downed state, tough in small scale I dont really see an issue here?

[WvW] Divine Task Force - Underworld [EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304



Still looking for people =)

Allow us to sell siege weapon plans

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


actually if they would make them simply tradeable it would cover all…

I also can see selling on the TP be a reasonable source of aquireing siege, since they have a npc buy price the price for siege on the TP would be lower than that (else they wont sell, obviously). that way greedys get some money for their jp madness whilest wvwers get siege “abit” cheaper than usual.

Underworld [EU] - Welcoming new guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


sure thing, i came to realize i wouldnt be around today evening anyways

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


No I was at that fight if you are talking about the one where UW came through the south east gate and Maloki and her group came to reinforce what few defenders we had at the time. It highlights what is still a weakness with our server in that we often leave our own border with few defenders when there appears to be little threat, but are slow to react when a large invading force arrives. I only refer to what happened a little later. The fight with FR at Bay was great. I had guessed at the time that FR border must be largely unprotected with the numbers they had on ours. But Uw Zerg continued to stay in our border, making attempts at Sunnyhill and our Garrison only when we were busy with FR. We had to leave Bay (which FR then took) to repel UW, which we did. That’s where I would question their tactics. They allowed FR to have our Bay keep, improving FR’s score, by forcing us to defend against UW. After FR took Bay their numbers lessened. I noticed we quickly took much of the east side of Fr border. Only then did UW appear on FR border. Now I see judging by the current score that someone who leads on UW has copped on and noticed they need to focus FR to get second and have a chance of remaining in the tier.

I partly agree with you here, I think aswell it would have been “smarter” from us to take care of the south of your borderlands (including bay) rather than going for garrison but got outvoted here

I have the feeling you guys dont “care” much for what you own in your own borderlands until garrison is attacked or even lost. I think you see it as a trade in “they cap keep X here, we cap keep Y there”

but well, maybe the next time we meet each other

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


As someone that is also part of the decision making wether to invade FR or FS borders

We decided to go for FS borders pretty much the entire week for two reasons:
first: when invading FR borders, we also have to deal with FS that seem to fail multiple attempts on FR hills while we happily cap FR bay, to then decide to move on us and take out the freshly capped and therefor not fortified bay keep. I mean, whats the point on invading FR when you, afterall, still fight fs?

that brings me right to the second main reason, theres less FS on FS border than on any other map, and while invading FS borders FR leaves us pretty much alone.
After all, FS capping FR “for us” and we cap FS borders to have the same outcome: we gain more points per tick than FR

but as I wrote previously already:

gotta say UW taught FS one thing, the reaction time on their homeborder got alot better than a few weeks ago

u can really believe me, if we got to fight FR more on FR border than FS, we’d be fighting there more too, but you gotta admit aswell, there is no point on going to FR border when you end up defending briar against FS when you also can go to FS border and cap Hills quick and let that give you points you wouldnt get when you’d be on FR border

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


gotta say UW taught FS one thing, the reaction time on their homeborder got alot better than a few weeks ago


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


hey i’ve sent you a pm =)

a message to small-scale guilds

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello everyone,

If you are a Leader of a rather small-scaled guild with interest in WvW and have the ambition to grow a bit larger, then you might find the following worth to read.

The very first thing I want you to know is, that i dont dislike your idea of a small-scale-guild, in fact i have started the Divine Task Force with the same idea a few month ago.
But in the last weeks i got to realize, the idea doesnt work out that great in Guild Wars 2 so I started recruiting again but at the current state the population grows only slowly (but steady), but i’d like to give that a push and that’s why im posting this topic.

I’d like to offer other small scaled guilds to join the Divine Task Force, to grow stronger, to get more guild parties running, to have more fun.

What can the Divine Task Force offer?

We’ve got an expierienced Leadership. The people i found this guild with have been leading guilds in other mmorpgs for years. Also you as leader of your current guild would become a position in the Leadership immediately.
All the the T4 Upgrades are built already. Right now we keep 10% MF up 24/7, 15% Karma on the weekends and one day the week as soon as its ready. With more people all these buffs (and more) could become available 24/7 at no extra cost of gold to buy additional influence!

We are part of the Servers WvW Alliance, and even tough we’re not able to bring big numbers, those of us that join are welcome and great tacticians that can take over small tasks anytime and succeed them.

In our guild we got 3 people that own the Commander-Book, you might bring some with you aswell, you might not – either way we’re able to give tactical support and trainings, get people to know the weak spots of various fortifications.
Also, as part of the alliance we’ve got our own private Channels in on the community teamspeak. That means you dont need to rent or host a teamspeak-server and save some RL money! and with the Free-Transfers closing tomorrow, you might have the last chance for a free transfer to the Underworld [EU] Server!

If you want to consider this offer and have a talk about more details, feel free to contact me ingame. My Account is Cruzyo.7304, if i’m not online send me a ingame mail and i’ll get to you as soon as i get online.

I look forward to hear from you =)

Underworld [EU] - Welcoming new guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


just come back Ezekiel :P

I still remember you

most of the stuff is sorted out and we’re having a really good progress, tough we are nowhere near we could be but thats a long way and we’re willing to go this way =)

You’re an Underworld origin, your guild states Underworld Battalion… come back to your home

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


happens to me like always when im on FR border XD

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


sometimes i dont understand FS…

we’re on FR borderlands and hit bay with a treb, but instead of fighting FR we fight FS that try to take Briar instead of going for hills?

and then even some of you try to use poor methods like bugging into briar (caught one of your mesmers)…

Looking for a Guild!

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


hello lilpanda,

i’m also from Underworld and would like to offer you a spot in my small but growing guild – Divine Task Force [DTF].

Our focus lies on wvw and of course we help our fellow guildies to get started there, and in every other part of the game aswell.

We use TS3 for voicecommunication in case you have a mic, if not you should get one! playing mmos while talking to your partymembers or guildies is a lot more fun!

Sadly, you didnt notice what timezone you’re in but if its europe and your playtime is in the evening you will find up to 20 people online to play with.

Beside WvW we also run Fractals and other dungeons on a regular basis.

Best Wishes from the Underworld

Loking for mature, casual friendly guild (EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


hey fraklestar,

beside Cookies we got the most awesome servername, that also suits perfectly to your Necro: Underworld.

But beside that, my guild the Divine Task Force [DTF] is a small but growing guild. Our total membercount is above 40 of which at least 30 login at least once a day, in the peak hours evening GMT+1 we got up to 20 people online.

With our focus on WvW we’re also part of the Servers WvW alliance and have 3 Commanders in the guild all can give you basic infos about WvW if you’re not much into it right now.

We use TS3 for voice communication and have channels on the server-ts.

the most of our guildies are mature and also have a job or study, so we do understand if you dont have time everyday and wont rage on you.

having fun in the game is the most important for all of us

so, we got cookies, a cool server name, potential to grow due a already active core in the guild, did i miss something?

if so, hit me a message here or ingame- (mail when im offline like now, ill get back to you as soon as im ingame

best wishes from the Underworld

NP possibly looking for new home

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I just can second what Phoenix said.

The death of Blacktide as a top-tier-server and its guilds switching to lower tier servers totally destroyed the balance down here.

We are enjoying the fights with FS, FR and also previously RoF because these fights were intense and really well balanced to a certain degree, to keep that up we need to counter the rising RoS and GH.

We’ve got the infrastructure, now we need to get the population to join WvW

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Nope we’re losing guilds all the time, we were just bored and tried something new :|

Well that explains alot but don’t do it again. Its anoying as hell :P

you’re talking about the Sunday-Evening fight on FS borderlands?

If so, it wasnt planned that way

we originally wanted to invade FR borderlands but ended up fighting FS more than FR for whatever reason FS didnt go for Hills when we presented it to them as a gift with keeping FR busy at bay… but well… so we went to FS borderlands and were actually surprised how easy and fast we managed to cap Hills then Garrison and the NE Tower

FSP/FR/UW Round 2

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Just out of curiosity did UW get some new guilds? Because yesterday evening i have seen some new tactics of UW (spawning camping our spawn with a massive 40+ zerg.) and i haven’t seen this before by UW.

I think we even lost a guild in the last weeks, not sure tough :P

We do have some numbers, we just aren’t able to maintain them through the day, thats what we have to work on if we, somewhen, want to keep up with other servers.

Underworld [EU] - Welcoming new guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


also, what noone mentioned… Underworld is the most kickazz name

The WvW map and Map/Team Com

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Interesting thoughts, but i think without map and teamchat WvW would be deserted, because i barely can imagine anyone willing to do that rob running from Point X back to point Y to report in to then sent over to point Z to instruct the team located at point Z with orders to move towards point A… get what I mean?

I think i could handle not having yak icons on the map, would make it more interesting because noone would really know where the yaks are other than people that escort them, i even think that might be a good idea to get people to escort them (in return for a better reward than just a succeeded event that doesnt give silver/karma/exp).

for the commander icons, you can try that yourself, just coordinate your server not to play with commander tags activated to try out.

Crossed swords might not even be that needed aswell, for me its basically just to figure out where the actions is when im joining the map, when im there for a while already (and commanding) i have all the reports either by voice-chat or team/map chat I need to know what’s going on.

[WvW] Divine Task Force - Underworld [EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304



Still looking for people =)

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


ossis not so much (that be the people from eastern germany)

its rather bavarian people and austrians… geographical neighbors…

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


oh god … 3 german server in one tier … flame war inc xD

hehe nicely balanced, probably around same number of Hartz IV, same amount of Feiertage (not that there are any next week but if it stays like that for a while, germany has a lot more bank holidays than for example my country), same player mentality, same language (on international servers language can be a barrier to organisation, like the big russian guild/alliance that was on our server at launch, they didn’t communicate in english at all not even their commanders when randoms were following).

dude there are playing other nationalities on DE server too – im from Austria – others are from Italy or Swiss. Hartz IV is just in Germany but sure in Austria there is unemployment benefit too! And btw I have a job!

BUT here take a look!

A statistic about the unemployment rates…

austria just 4,5%
germany just 5,4%

I dont know from which country you are but exept you are from Luxembourg (5,1%) there is no less rate then Austria and Germany.

I hope nobody will call us HartzIV-receiver again -.-

There are not that many german speaking nations and I expect they have around the same representation of those countries on the servers.
I wasn’t calling anyone Hartz 4 recipient and wasn’t implying there’s a higher unemployment rate, just wittingly stating (making use of some common complaints / flames in this and previous topics regarding german servers) it’s more balanced than on an international EU server on which A LOT more countries are represented than on a german language server.
I know there’s also austrians and swiss on those servers but I also know most of my german colleagues repeatedly state that austrian’s aren’t really talking german and they often don’t understand them
Before you get mad again, I feel I can make this type of jokes because half of my collegues is german (they earn a lot more money if they work here because germany doesn’t have a real minimum wage but we do + added the tax advantage) and I live 6km. from the german border, furthermore I also make jokes about my own country don’t worry (we’re wooden shoe wearing, potsmokers who carry tulips around).

As an austrian … what language do your friends think, we speak xD ?

bayrischer dialekt :P

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I think ill have a look on the german forums next week to see all the details on the german matchup, should be fun to read and i doubt we’ll get a lot of informations on this forum

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


[sarcasm] oh noe Dzag and FS teamed up against UW and dont touch each other [/sarcasm]

just had a look at the map but not really alot time to play wvw today, some other stuff has prio for me atm :P

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


As for the giving up part. Personally FSP put everything into last weeks matchup….long shifts/trying to blood new people and lots of gold spent on upgrading and siege and came up short….DZ making the win through their nightcapping. Not whining about it just stating facts. Knowing a repeat would be most likely this week I know I made the decision not to sink my gold and time into it….and it seems alot of others on FSP have made the same decision.

as i said – you guys gave up and with that, you made your keeps and towers a easy target for anyone, and you guys know aswell it would be stupid not to take those points, you would do exactly the same, doesnt mean Dzag and UW ignore each other, in fact i have had some good fights on Dzag BL Hills aswell

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


The reason i have to correct my statement of Dzag losing this tier already today is because FS gave up comepletely and tries to find excuses like UW teaming up with Dzag, FS “leaving” WvW for this matchup provides free points to both – UW and Dzag.

I’m looking at the map right now, and you can clearly see why FS is losing that bad – they dont care about their borders

I see we lost Hills somewhen today but still, our borders are clean, except for a few camps but that means nothing, so are the Dzag borders.


the breakout-event is nothing to really worry about, thats nothing we will call off a promising looking attempt on a fortification in another border. That tower is basically just a free gift and nothing to worry about.

UW didnt like the nightcapping of Dzag either, but giving up because of that and give everyone else a free field is just aint how we want to do WvW, thats basically the reason we dropped tiers, and thats what we are changing

if FS wants to focus on UW next week, so shall it be, but dont forget there’s a 3rd party aswell

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


well we barely get to attack Hills on DE BL with a bunch of FS launching their event and running over to Redlake afterwards, we intend to fight Dzag on their borders but end up defending first against FS and then face the Dzag zerg that found together while FS kept us busy there, [MOE] is the guild that does that quite often.

As I mentioned before, UW really pays attention to its own borders and leaves other borders when we see our keeps being under heavy siege.

As all of our 3 servers, we dont have the people to fill all 4 maps, so we put down our priorities, and with all respect for FS, I feel you guys care more about SM than your own borderlands.

If you guys wouldn’t move on us when we try to invade Dzag and rather move on them aswell (Bay, other fortifications there) you might see the keep go red once in a while, rather than sitting green with its waypoint.

But hey, I prefer to treb Bay anyways, maybe i will rather do that on FS borders now that Dzag and UW are official allies anyways…

to sum it up once more:

on dzag borders, move on dzag not uw and you will see dzag losing points there.

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


@FS i dont think UW teams up with Dzag, in fact we always suggest to invade Dzag borderlands, but also Dzag keeps their own borders clean. I think the main problem on this weeks matchup is that FS guys already gave up on it and your home BL seems to be a free pick, especially for Dzag that fail on UW Borders and move on to yours then. I know we capped all of your BL yesterday morning, but that just underlines my statement – afterwards we went to Dzag borders and had a good shot on Hills, but got pushed back once more Dzags came on to defend.

UW is really focussed to keep their own borders clean, that is more important to most of us than capping SM :P

I really enjoy fighting FS at UW Hills keep, those fights are lot more fun and more intense then any other fight I had last few weeks.

FS wake up, the week aint over and if you fight back, we both can give Dzag hell :P

Edit: just came to my mind I’m actually very surprised to see this idea of us and dzag teaming up, whenever we fight on dzag borders for hills, we also have to deal with FS to keep Redlake ours, why dont you guys push to Bay when you see us attacking hills? Force them to split their defense rather than help them defending by attacking us :P

(edited by Cruzyo.7304)

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


what i find amazing is how DE’s claim their power

Its the weekend, from my memory of the previous matchup with germans (Dzag for that matter) they are always strong on the weekend due their nightcappers, the last week they could afford to have them all the week. Still until now you guys only have a 23k lead ahead UW and 29k lead ahead FS. Weekends ending and I assume many germans – like myself – will go back to work on monday, that will reduce the amount of nightshifters for Dzag alot and I shall predict right here: Dzag will finish this Matchup 3rd.

Oh and about the bashing on the upleveld, yesterday while fighting FS on UW Borders, there was a few Dzag attempting an approach on Bay, I think it were like 15 and their total level might be slightly higher than 80 – enough said? I suppose.

(edited by Cruzyo.7304)

Far Shiverpeaks / Dzagonur / Underworld

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


was some awesome fun with FS this evening on UW Borders – great to have these battles with at least one server

now that most going to sleep, Dzag wakes up, as usual

Mists Essence Items - not tradeable?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304



I dont know if im the only one having this problem, but I have a hard time getting
Vials of Condensed Mists Essence, Shards of Crystallized Mists Essence and Globs of Coagulated Mists Essence and only managed to infuse one item so far.

i’ve done 222 Fractals so far and got in total 6 Vials, 6 Shards and 1 Glob. The group im running FOTM mostly, has gotten alot more than me in the runs we’ve done. also after daily 20 i did not be in favor of getting an infused ring, but a useless Rifle Weapon.

I see no reason why these items are not tradeable, they are essential to upgrade the rings and right now, its completely depended on luck if you are able to upgrade your items or not and be pretty much useless after a certain level.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Underworld [EU] just got it uncontested

again uncontested

Far Shiverpeaks vs Underworld vs Ring of Fire

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


really great matchup again, FS and RoF were giving me a lot of trouble to keep UW border clean this evening, but we somehow still managed =)

Ele Mist Form on down...

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I didnt read alot myself, but if you wanna change the ele downed skill, please change the AoE Target limit of 5, best remove it completely or increase it to 10 – 15 at least
if you dont like that, change that only a maximum of 5 individual damage sources can damage a single player and since illusions and any summons count as individual targets aswell, a mesmer with 3 clones up will take 4 of the individual damage sources already, enjoy hunting down eles then

Toypocalypse (Can't join as a party)

in Wintersday

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Indeed, really bad design here… was looking forward to play with my friends aswell, but even all joining at the same time ended up with everyone in completely different groups

12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


What Paavotar said.

And a small screenshot of our 2 undiscovered Catapults shooting the watergate, well taken after we capped it because while we did that siege, we were to amazed about ourselfs and how less effort the people on FS took to avoid losing it (not a single supply was given that night).

However about the accusations, I dont mean to brag or something, but some of your guys did glitch into UWB Hills a couple of times

anyways enjoying the matchup! and looking forward to repeat it next week

lets treb bay, just because we can


[WvW] Divine Task Force - Underworld [EU]

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello everyone,

i’m the leader of the Divine Task Force, on the european server Underworld and i’m looking forward to recruit more (WvW focussed) people.

In the past few month we’ve grown to a solid size of 40 Members and are now in a specializing process to become more effective in every element of this great game.
Of these 40 people we got around 15-25 online in the peak hours. Our actions cover all element of this game, however our focus is WvW and we do hold responsibility for the Hills Keep on our Home Borderlands.
We take this responsibility very serious and fear no cost

What do we have to offer?
- Voice Communication (TeamSpeak 3)
- Fun in all elements of the game
- T4 Upgrades, we try to keep up the most boosts period (such as Magic Find)
- a social environment where we help out each other
- a ranking system that allows to get promoted into higher ranks
- Guild Events such as Uncontesting Balthazar, World vs World Raids – anything
- currently three people with the Commander Book (that are also respected as capable of leading among the UW-WvW Community)

What do we want from you?
- Enjoy the game, be willing to become part of our small but fun community
- Take part on said events
- dont mind to contribute towards the common goals of the guild
- dont mind to help the leadership to cover expenses (Influence buy to get the upgrades finished, WvW Sieges/Upgrades)

One of my main principles as Leader is “everyone should, noone must” and so far, it worked our great.

If you think this guild could be something for you, dont hesitate to Contact me or one of my Officers for a small chat.
Officers are: Leandra Zokora, Shakki, Khaime, Qinasis

Best Wishes

(edited by Cruzyo.7304)

12/14 RoF/FS/UW

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I am really enjoying how leveled and even this matchup is!

Oh I did something I’ve not done before: Invited the enemy into my party last night. I saw the lone defender having lfg up. I had to try something. I popped open my contact screen (y) and checked looking for group, and then I invited him. Whereupon I greeted him with:

“Hello there!
I am the person in the Golem punching your door”

He left the party and I cried a little

lol nice catch :P whenever i’ll be running around without group i’ll put a LFG too maybe someone will invite me

Deluxe Editon being given for free

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Just curious, is the Upgrade in the Gem Store purchasable for 0 Gems aswell? Cant check myself right now

Merge EU+US WvW servers to prevent burnout

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I think you really need to straighten your priorities out.

I do agree on the general topic to merge the servers into one pool, but for other reasons than you bring up.

Its really not the game that makes you or anyone spend 18 hours a day on it, its all yourself. All I can really do is second the other comments.

I’m a guildleader myself and because i cant and dont want to get dragged to much into the game and neglect RL-responsibilities, i decided to have a small scale guild, I have officers that will take care of stuff while i’m gone, thats how its working, thats how a good leader has to be.

Jedahs, you might be a good commander, a good guy, but with taking all this stuff on your own shoulders, you fail at leading. You really should try this the next time your whatsapp pops.

You dont owe anything to the community, from what i’ve been reading from you, this community owes YOU a free evenign for nice dinner with your gf.

If your server is not able to compensate you being away for RL business, which always should come first, your server simply does not deserve to “win” anything.