Showing Posts For Cruzyo.7304:

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


yeah I know, but as I said it felt like the waypoint was open for much longer than this second, guess that was a wrong impression due the situation xD

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


The WP goes instantly contested (and the defend timer starts) as soon as a gate/wall takes damage. The only change there was that the visual marker on the map – the white swords – are delayed by thirty seconds. When it comes to WP’d keeps, you only have to look at the WP itself (whether it’s contested or not) to know if it’s under attack. In that respect, no, there isn’t a thirty-second window to port people in.

What is a legitimate concern that has been raised before is that there’s that second or two between the end of the event and someone hitting the door to trigger the next one where the WP goes uncontested – a lot of worlds, particularly ones coordinating over VOIP servers will take advantage of this to WP everyone in at once (or if they’re dead, to respawn more easily).

hm if thats the case we really had badluck that their entire zerg made it in within that 1s time :/ didnt really look on own waypoints as we barely have them up recently.

but it certainly felt like that it was open for more than a second even tough we had someone hitting the gate

Waypoints in the current setup

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello everyone,

I didnt find a topic on this on the last 3 pages so i’ll be sorry if it exists somewhere already.

In the past few days, my guild and I found it utterly ridiculous how the waypoint system is working. First off, i like the idea that the waypoint wont get contested instantly on the start of a siege, but in an ongoing assault on a keep, the waypoint should not open up at all, the 1second window before was already something debatable, but the 30s window now is completely over the top. It basically means, you have 2:30 to take a keep with a waypoint, if you dont manage to flip it in this time, you barely stand a chance because defending forces can stream in braindead and take you down. Especially if you are outmanned and keep pushing it’s a big disadvantage.

we’ve been sieging up briar on blue borderlands (our server being red) the last days, keeping it from any assault and meantime trebbing down the walls and pushing into the keep, starving it from supplies, made it in the lordsroom with about 20 (outmanned buff still active) got the lord down, capped it to half, then the waypoint opened (we had someone tagging doors to get it contested asap again). Before it would have been open for a second, no way the entire server would have made it, naturally many miss it if its only open for a brief second. but this way the entire server made it into the lordsroom to wipe us out.

It didnt only happen to us that we were only a few, but it also happend about an hour later when greens went there with a army of 12 golems, they made it to the lordsroom to then lose to the open waypoint.

Guild Siege Blueprints - commendations?

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


seriously arena net? Why do you require WvW siege blueprints to be paid with PvE Commendations?

Why didnt you just add them to Art of War Upgrades like every other guild siege so far?
What’s the idea behind this?

Separating the WvW Reset times for NA and EU.

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304



first off that is great news.

But i need to ask for some clarification.

on the german forum the announcement says reset is going to be at 2000 CEST (which is UTC+2), here you write its on 1900 GMT (which is UTC+0)

so regarding to the german announcement it would be at 1800 UTC, regarding to this it would be 1900 UTC, which one is true?

I suppose you mixed GMT and BST up in this posting, best stick with UTC time

[WvW] Swords of Underworld (Underworld EU)

in Guilds

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Sword is a serious, focused WvW guild made of players that broke off from Arcane Mayhem about a month ago. The guild was made to support a large number of members and still keep us focused on WvW. We still number only around 40, and aim to recruit as many new players as possible.

The rules for every full member:

  • 2 gold per week guild tax, used to finance our server’s war effort
  • mandatory event participation, meaning if there is an event and you are online, you are required to join and be on teamspeak. We have 4 events per week that last 2 hours each. Only fully geared lvl 80 characters are allowed on events.
  • a guild uniform, every member is asked to wear the guild chest or the guild backpack during events. As this is a purely aesthetical thing, it is not strictly enforced
  • represent the guild 100% of the time, excluding various bank guilds and other short exceptions

None of these apply on new members, called Initiates. An Initiate has 1 week to rank up to Apprentice. To do so, he simply has to join our teamspeak, make an account on our forums and request to be ranked up in the appropriate forum. Only mandatory event participation and the representation rules apply to Apprentices. After that, you undergo our guild training for a long time before being able to request the rank of Templar, which is our basic full member rank, and all the rules start to apply.

Our current goal is to be able to field a 20-man guild zerg each event. If you are a dedicated WvW player, please consider joining us. All we lack right now, more or less, are the members. Whisper me or any of our officers in-game if you are interested.

Leader and Officers are:
Venn Adamant, Juno Bearpaw, Uruzet and Cruzyo

Reset time changed to 21:59 UTC

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


according to the german forum the reset time is now two hours earlier


Greetings fellow WvW Players,

In our continuous effort to improve the game in its whole, we decided to change the time where WvW-Matchups are reset. The current time is 02:00 CEST on Saturday, this is, especially for european players, that like to play at the begining of a matchup, a Problem. We have therefore decided to bring forward the time for the reset by two hours. In future the Matchup Reset happens at Midnight CEST on Saturday. We hope that this time is more comfortable for players from both, the NA and Europe. The change is going to be in effect already this week.

We wish you alot of fun and sucees for every new Matchup

Relationship of stability, stun & immobilize

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


With stabilitiy you get protection to any disable skill.
knock down, knock back, launch, stun, daze, sunk and fear are all disable skills that will prevent you from controlling your own char, the only way to gain back control – beside waiting for its duration to pass – is to use a break stun skill.

Immobilize on the other hand is a condition that doesnt prevent your char from using skills, the only thing it does is literally immobilize you – you cannot move but still perform all of your skills.

Immobilize is not a Control Effect, its a condition and can be removed with a condition removal.

Just as an example: You are an elementalist that is Dazed and Immobilized.
Your are inable of performing skills other than break stuns like cantrips (armor of earth, lightning flash, cleansing flame, mist form)

When you use Armor of Earth, Lightning Flash or Mist Form, you will be able to perform skills again but not move because none of this skills is removing conditions.
On the other hand, using Cleansing Flame will remove both – the daze effect and the immobilze (supposed these are the only debuffs you have on you at that moment)

For Mesmer: Blink, Decoy and Mirror Images are stunbreakers just like the Cantrips of Elementalists, but they do not remove conditions, if you’re caught in that trap, use a nullfield on your location or a phantasm that removes conditions

Reset tonight?

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


For UK: Reset happens now at 01:00 British Summer Time (= GMT+1 = UTC+1)
For Central Europe: Reset happens now at 02:00 Central European Summer Time (= CET+1 = UTC+2)

check your current UTC offset to be sure when you’ll have reset in case your country did change the time (already)

Freeze when taking a screenshot

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello everyone,

I have a problem with taking Screenshots in Guild Wars 2.

When i first press the print-screen key it’s all fine, but as soon as I want to take another screenshot, the game freezes and I have to restart.

any Ideas what this issue could be?

Siege Masters Guide

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Hello Devs,

sadly there isnt any change comming to the binding status of Blueprints for WvW Siege.

However the Item “Siege Masters Guide” aquired at MF Merchants which is required to create superior siege has also the binding status “soulbound”.

Could you consider to change this status to account bound. This way people are able of buying this item with skillpoints on alts they dont need anymore and transfer it to the character they want the superior siege on.

Best Wishes.

Only +5 supplies for... 520 WXP levels?

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


for me the main problem isnt how strong or weak those buffs are, in fact they are quite weak.
the main problem in my eyes is, that in order to max out these you will need a very long time – also remember, there’s more players than only tier 1 and tier 2, theres matchups that have a lot less battles ongoing and therefor less income of WXP.

it feels like the WvW achievements, which aint really achieveable, so talking about +5 supply we talk about getting to rank 520 and not spending any point into something else.

The bonuses are minor, which is good so they arent gamebreaking, the time to get them, most likely way to long.

List of very wanted, simple features

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


- WXP for more activities: building/destroying siege, repairing walls/gates, killing guards and NPCs(very small XP, like 1 or 2), escorting dollies, breaking the wall/gate

I disagree with the building siege because it could get abused way to easy.
Destroying siege on the other hand serves a purpose for your team and is therefor worth to be rewarded – same goes for repairing of course.

also, WXP would have been a great chance to boost the job of dolyak escorting, give that task the highest reward of any and people would finally start doing that :P

Release the horde

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Cursed Shore, Malchors Leap and Straits of Devastation are the places you want to be then.



Racial armor and other new stuff for badges

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Imho, the cultural for badges would have been a good decision since average pvx player would more than likely gain 100g before thousands of badges.

well they gave badges a gold value already with the ability to buy sieges für X silver or X badges.
You could directly copy that to Cultural Armor you’d need 11 900 Badges for a full set of T3 cultural.

Commander chat suppression

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304



And to answer Cruzyo’s post:

I had this problem aswell, however another Commander made me aware of how to avoid this.

Basically you get surpressed when you spam Links (waypoints or point of interests) in the chat without adding anything to it.

For example, when you want your zerg to teleport to a waypoint, not only link the waypoint but also write “teleport” behind it.

that way you shouldnt get surpressed.

Ehm…you do know that’s the one thing you should NEVER do as a Commander, right?
You can only use portals when you get killed, or when EVERYONE in your zerg is on TeamSpeak, and you’re doing an organized WvW run. Otherwise, a great deal of the zerg will just stay where they are to stand around, which will tear the zerg apart.

as I said, it was only an example. It could have been just like “[Redvale Workshop] move”

also, not all “pugs” are completely braindead, those that read the chat and dont just follow the blue icon will get that aswell. Please, next time, try to read the message behind ;P

Drakkar Lake Vs. Underworld Vs. Baruch Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


This weekend, two times when we where defending our bay against a massiv onslaught from Baruch, Underworld took the hill on our boderland. So much for backstabbing.
And why do you think our borderland was owend by BB? because it took most of our forces to try something at your garrison.
If your outnumbered three to one, its sometimes nice to fight with someone, you have a chance to win.

hey… I took Hills twice before BB took Bay!
But anyways, BB didnt care wether that Hills was owned by UW or DL, they just want anything on that map xD

Commander chat suppression

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


I had this problem aswell, however another Commander made me aware of how to avoid this.

Basically you get surpressed when you spam Links (waypoints or point of interests) in the chat without adding anything to it.

For example, when you want your zerg to teleport to a waypoint, not only link the waypoint but also write “teleport” behind it.

that way you shouldnt get surpressed.


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Thats the point of this idea Rednik,

40-50 people facerubbing a gate wont contest the keep/waypoint because noone will do more then 1k damage in 1 hit, but will cause orange swords allowing defenders to waypoint before the gate goes down or the siege at inner gate goes up giving defenders time to respond.

maybe split contested keep/waypoint up.
have the keep shown as contested when its attacked (like now) but the waypoint only locks down when more than 2k damage is done to a wall or gate in 1 hit.

but I agree with your last point, they need also to implement a system that (highly) rewards people sitting at keeps and watching over them.


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


You guys got the point of what my idea was…except rednik.

Rednik, I don’t care how big your zerg is, if they can bash their faces against a door long enough to kill it before a defender notices, then they deserve that keep a. for their idiotic perseverence in autoattacking a keep door and b. because the defenders are obviously asleep.

tough, a 60 man zerg can take down a gate in less than a minute facerubbing
but obviously, that should wake people up…


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


>1000 damage dealt to the walls or door in a 1m period is a silly measure. You can easily make that much damage to a door by having 1 player sit there autoattacking.

A much more effective way to gauge an actual attack would be something akin to >5000 damage dealt to a wall or door in 1 hit. This requires siege. You can make the assumption that without siege, there is no real attack occurring, and so making the event occur by this measure forces the attacking group to actually make an attack on the keep to contest the waypoint.

that measure should then be done with the lowest damage a siege can do to a fortification, which is, if im not toally mistaken, around 3k by a treb on a reinforced gate, i dont count ballistas here since they arent really used to break down walls or gates :P

Drakkar Lake Vs. Underworld Vs. Baruch Bay

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


It’s really crazy how BB is playing in the peakhours.. cant go anywhere without getting facerubbed by 50+ of them xD

tough, almost got your garrison last evening >:]
we were just a bit to unorganized but also was a first-time-coop between SPGR and SWD, next time we’ll be better =)

FSP/UW/FR (thread #2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


WOOT im on that Screen!! YAY

FSP/UW/FR (thread #2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Yeah some pretty awesome fights in FSP borders yesterday, SPGR had an event there hope you enjoyed it as much as we did
also kinda hard to see who that person is since he doesnt have guild tag.
and lol at the spawnpoint dancing thing :P

Cya around

Indeed was a lot of fun to join there, to bad i had to logg off so early, would have loved to stick around more to see what we could have done and to defend home later on… maybe today! ;P


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


wohoo my flaming achieved this thread to become more friendly!

lets have fun now and not bash anymore ;o)


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Oh I totally agree with you Minfast, i havent been polite at all, tough is that really surprising to you? If you look down this thread from the start, what you see is FSP starting to cry out loud about almost everything. (watch out, selfcritism at the start(!))

This matchup thread started with a hate-war from FS against UW, thats a matter of fact.

However I am surely capable of writing down something constructive, tough there wasnt much constructive (from either side) to reply on.

once more, i dont care about nightcapping or morningcapping since i cannot be around at these times myself to either prevent or add something and as I already said, I highly enjoy the battles in the evening since they are always intense and need high concentration, there is no easy target in this matchup, even the south towers dont always fall to the NPC Commander, which is great and shows how even the matchup is.

and last but not least yes, i can post but not play, my workplace allows me to follow this froums and even reply here when i have the time to do so.


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


To anyone complaining about FSP morning zerg, I would like to remind you of our own efforts at reset around 5am.

the thing is some of the FS posting on this forum have double standards.

they complain about cheaters on one side and loudly blame the entire server for this, but if others do that with individuals of their server suddenly “there is no need to bring that up in this forum”.

secondly, they always complain about the “evil pvd nightcappers” yet pvding in the morning is totally fine.

Also that bull about “FR and UW alliance”, looking at the score, you might guess the opposite? If some individuals of FSP would be less hypocrit, this thread would be much more enjoyable aswell for someone that follows the matchup from time to time at his workplace :P

cheaters should be reported and moved on, there is no reason to blame an entire server for that, about the second i personally dont give a kitten wether a server is nightcapping or is having morning zergs, whatever pleases them to win. I enjoy the battles in the evening where i can actually do something aswell.

(edited by Cruzyo.7304)


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Well, logging in today and pressing B was a very unpleasant experience. Kudos to you, FSP, still no one can tell me wth happened

FSP was/is enjoying PvD in the morning hours, always has been that way ;o)


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


What’s really interesting is until now fr and uw seem to only invade our borderland and refrain from attacking each other respective borderlands. Makes u wonder really.

ytd UW was defending Hills on FR Border against BOTH FR and FS while BOTH FR and FS were invading UW border at the same time?!

(edited by Moderator)


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


looks like FS and has much fun PvDing in the morning hours when normal people are at work, but those evil nightcappers of Underworld oh no!

if you dont find the sarcasm in this, you might go back to check if that gate your punching is opend already.

The number of kittens I give about the likes of you is lower then 0. Instead of posting on this forum show me your skill on the battlefield.

I smell double standards here.

edit: btw I’m not at home and able to play guild wars right now


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


looks like FS and has much fun PvDing in the morning hours when normal people are at work, but those evil nightcappers of Underworld oh no!

if you dont find the sarcasm in this, you might go back to check if that gate your punching is opend already.


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Great battles for hills in FR borderland. I want to thank both FSP and FR for the amazing fun that lasted 2.5 hours for us. Also big tnx to all the ppl on the border who helped defending the keeps with us. Keep up the good fights.

absolutely, great fun and it would have lasted for another few hours if we didnt make a silly mistake :P

@those FS that cry about UW “nighcapping PvD” you enjoy PvD in the mornings so you shouldnt shout out here


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


But he didn’t, and the reason for UW’s lead is clearly down to recent transfers and a larger night presence which doesn’t make them better than us or us better than them. It has become acceptable now with PvD and will eventually move them up another tier and good luck to them. However i don’t appreciate some of you saying that FSP suck, we don’t suck, you have just got larger at the right time which doesn’t affect our performance at all only yours (for the better). We are still the same as when we faced you last.

Good luck to you in this match up and future ones alike. You may win this week you may not but I guarantee we give you a good run for money during our prime time

we didnt have any transfers to Underworld. We organized ourself alot better which is the main difference – your guys performance didnt change, ours did with alot more organization, thats why we may be winning.


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Peri if you read my post again ull notice i was talking abut an individual :P


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


@ Cruzyo

With all respect …
To have nice and clean matchup thread, first we need to have nice and clean matchup …
Have a nice day , and enjoy “good” reputation what UW just earned in FSP eyes ….

alright you want this,

this is my view:
- noone records something boring like trebbing a tower
- that guild has never been seen before on UW

conclusion: you set that up to bring a bad impression to UW, good use of 50 gold but oh well, have fun with some more flamerams in ur lords rooms


in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


you reported the guy, well done, so would have anyone of us.
I have never heared of this guys guild, anyways looking at the top part and seeing, im pretty sure Uw was/is not winning because a single person was doing something illegal, found it rather interesting you were taking a fraps while doing something very exciting like trebbing klovan(?) … but i didnt came here to flame on FS for doing false accusations, get people on the field and fight us. Last night was a rather boring trip tbh.

I was commanding on reset and the biggest resistance i faced was on FS borders from Fort Ranik

but anyways, if FS is willing to drop this trolls kitten, lets have this a nice and clean matchup thread!

Can a Mod close this topic please

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


That + last seen + better permission system… everything needed!

Large Chests for Garrison and SM

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


losing a fully upgraded garrison/SM to recap it for the sake of a big chest?

blowing away a couple of gold and hours to get that stuff back up for the slight chance of something orange in there?

please not.

3/8 - Underworld - Drakkar - Abaddon

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


No topic yet, so here’s one!

Had a lot of fun at reset last night, Drakkar and Abaddon didnt give us some time to breath but we kept wiping their zergs at any assault, first when they rushed with 5+ golems on bay and hills we lost them.

looking forward to this matchup!

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Meh.. Gw2 is 16+ it should be fine…. :P

thanks again for that small meetup yesterday

maybe we can repeat it today again and have some more ppl around for fun in a rather boring matchup…
yes, also for some UW its very boring… i couldnt even do my daily yakslapping this morning because the only stuff we didnt own were camps and therefor yaks dont run around… and my little thief cant handle so much veterans at once yet

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


And is that the reason why you’re not retaking your own BL but instead are golem rushing us instead ?
Especially now that the login server crashed, I have to hear my guildie say how we are losing the keeps >_>

I can totally understand that one here lol.

Yesterday when our alliance came together for an event we decided to go to dzagonur borderlands because of XT and WIC (and others?) leaving RoS, we didnt expect much resistance here and we wanted to avoid mainly PvD. However, on Dzagonur it was exactly like I had expected it from RoS borders, we pretty much ran through that map without any resistance, taking down 3 fully fortified fortifications within half an hour, the first real defense we were facing when we approached Bay, but still it wasnt as intense as i expected, didnt take to much time for us to completely paint Dzagonur map in our colors and while some people were holding position in the keeps and camps, our force kept bouncing between the northern towers and camps to recap / defend for a couple of hours. I had to logg off around 10pm so i dont know how long we could keep it up at Dzag borders, however I noticed at that time other guilds also set up stuff at RoS border, that I thought would be rather relaxed but apparently Dzagonur decided not to defend their homeland but invade RoS to at least have some points somewhere

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


The numbers are telling me that you heavyly outnumber everyone at 2:44am… sounds about right?

not only at 2:44 am! :P

Right now i just can approve what Paavator said, Underworld improved alot as a server and weeks ago we got crushed by Dzagonur, but we continuously worked on improvements, ran alot of training sessions and get people more disciplined. Maybe that was an advantage we had over RoS and Dzag because we didnt have people from outside our community joining the server to bandwagon it up, but had to motivate our already existing playerbase to WvW, which we really successfully managed!

Still much respect from my side to the Angry Commander, and hopefully our chat from yesterday can be realized today =P

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Sorry guys.. but if this is the number diffrence this week.. then i’ll be doing PvE alot.. thats 2:20AM GMT and its 5 vs 25+ ( i know it s 25+ bcoz they made a fight marker at the camp they took before this ) and yet i still notice this odd pattern that no matter what we do the main fight is still over at our side of EB… ( and yes i know that dzag was in UW BL most of the day today ) Anywho.. enjoy the rest of the matchup.. i think i speak for my whole guild when i say we cba with this for a 3rd week in a row.

no more paint jobs? , shame to see u given up so easily

Took me 2 weeks and 2 days to give up.. i think i did a good job puting up with it :P! Anywho this gives me sometime to finally get back to that legendary progress that i started about 4 months ago..

really sad to read this, always liked to defend you when you were visiting us on our borders. but I also wish u good luck with rebuilding your community. Now with XT and the other bandwagoners gone, or at least those that tried to make RoS a bandwagon, i won alot more sympathie for you guys :P but u shouldnt have said your giving up, that would make Dzag and us fight each other more on our borders than on yours =/

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Since the matchup will end today – I want to thank Dzag and RoS for another fun week of fights, and especially thanks to that angry commander there for showing us our major flaw that we have :P will work on that and will respond better to your sneaky capping xD

cya next week! Cheers!

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


There is no real “hardcore wvw” guild on Underworld. There’s a couple of guilds that have their main focus and dedication, but as far as I know all of them are rather casual, well thats why we’re in the tier we are no? :P

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Classic Underworld siege:

Trebbing briar, just because we can…?

You know, sitting here on my day off seeing the entirety of EB coloured green, I wonder if anyone from UW actually has a job :p

I do, thats why i dont do the jumping puzzles… no time for them

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


PS. This applies to all similar posts, no matter what Server the poster populates. This thread lacks what is commonly called “Class” when it comes to trash talking, slowly filling up with cheap insults and backhanded compliments.

dont get my posts wrong, I really like the stuff Sajuuk pulls off, its often enough surprising and that he managed to get our garrison twice in a row just shows us where we still have work to do.

Cheer up keep fighting :P and if you cant handle UW bragging about what UW does, maybe stop bragging about what you guys do, just a hint

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Many love from the Angry Commander to all the happy Underworld defenders… that is a very sexy garrsion.. <3

Wasnt there yesterday anymore to stop you from it :P but i see right now a green garrison on ros border with a waypoint, thats sexy too =)

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


@Cruzyo Now how is it you know that the Angry Commander took that sexy Garrsion :P? Did he leave clear evidence behind? like ermm many golems? :P Btw goodjob at hills i was in one of the golems.. at soon as i seen the amount of people on that inner wall i was like kitten to it retreat as soon as golems die :P

at first we were reported on TS that it was XT Guild, but as soon as I saw you guys moving beneath the Bridge that leads into the lords room (that elementalist trying to slow you down there was me :P) and no sign of any XT involved i already had a feeling that it was you and that you’ll sooner or later post about it on here too :P

and somehow, it didnt smell like XT, XT is well organized and all, but they arent really sneaky, they want to be seen what they are doing so a stealth attack on garrison isnt something “XT like” rather something the angry commander would pull off =P

UW-Dzagonur-RoS (Round 2)

in WvW

Posted by: Cruzyo.7304


Ahh Cruzyo, trebbing just because he can. :P

of course :P

at that point – nice work once more for RoS yesterday evening… been trebbing bay for a couple of hours and after we finally made it through the front door having the inner wall open quite some time, you just repaired it up to 60%

thank god we had a mesmer hiding in bay that you didnt catch =)