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Dagger Ele has been said that it’s already in the works of being changed, dagger ele is in a good spot, same with scepter, yeah they have their bugs and they will get fixed, thats whats hindering the class mainly just as the bugs on necros are hindering theirs but you don’t see them crying blue murder.
The two videos are bad comparison, considering one isn’t exactly unbiased and the other one is dagger Wv3, it’s the staffs damage that needs changing most of all and possibly a change in traits, at the moment we have the glass but lack the cannon on staff builds.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!
For me this build too much HP and not enough toughness.
The sigil you have is ok for PvE, Blood Lust that is – Battle is far superior in s/tPvP. Also wht the purity sigil? Seems a tad useless considering there already a ton of condi removal, either couple Battle and Blood or Battle and Energy. I would also change the 20 points of fire and put them into either earth or arcana.
Also wouldn’t Spell Slinger be a much viable option considering you’re running 3 cantrips? Sorry didn’t read the whole thread, so if someone has said this sorry for repeating.
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Well here is my low level Ele with low level armor. >-<
Just me and my Mini Ice Elemental exploring Metrica, again. :P
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Ele in PvE is fine, if you attune-swap and create combos that maximize your combo fields you should have no problem taking down mobs fast and keeping them at distance.
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@ Isila:
A) It’s more about the water field they provide which in turn can get you 2-3 combo finishers of AoE Healing, which will heal you for a generous amount.
As I said, a quick burst once every 30 seconds or so. The fields have to be up for you to combo off of them. Staff only gets Earth 2 as a natural blast finisher, throw Arcane Wave on there for combo #2. But Arcane wave, again, has a 30 second cooldown (24 if you trait for it). Building around water is nice for the gimmick of having a good healing burst every 24~30 seconds, but people die in this game in a matter of two or three seconds from full HP, so it doesn’t actually help all that much.
B) It’s not the best stat to be fully specc’d into, however it is not a useless as you state – on my Support guardian I had around 1k healing power and each of my heals went up by about 600-700, now consider how many heals/regens the class has and then you realize that is isn’t that bad. Healing in this game is more about mitigating the damage as apposed to keeping yours and allies HP bars at full at all times. Though it is a matter of opinion and play style.
You may have noticed, but this is the Elementalist forum, not the Guardian forum. Guardians may get something useful out of healing power, but Elementalists do not. The math has been done, it is not arguable. For stacking thousands of healing power you get a couple hundred extra HP out of your spells, meaning that the people you’re healing get overkilled by slightly less when that warrior or thief rolls up to them and gibs them in under three seconds.
I’m not talking a couple hundred per tick of regen, I’m talking a couple hundred TOTAL over the full duration of the regen boon. You’re not mitigating anything that you weren’t already mitigating with 0 in healing power.
1. That quick burst will easily get you back to full without having to use your main heal, and 30 seconds, I’m pretty sure you can survive for 30 seconds with the amount of CC skills on a staff, not to mention dodging out of damage ect.
2. You may have noticed people comparing Ele’s heals to that of a guardian, some think they’re even better. So if it’s doing a lot for a Guard it’s do the same if not more for us? I mean that AoE healing is beastly without any +healing. We also apply a lot of AoE regeneration, just by swapping to the water attunement itself.
Regeneration does indeed use Healing Power.
Edit for more detail:
This is the formula for Regeneration
5 + (1.562 * Level) + (0.125 * Healing Power) per secondSo at these three levels, you can see the difference per tick at 80
0 healing power: 130
500 healing power: 192
1000 healing power: 254Basically, every 100 healing power adds on 12-13~ health per tick.
(From a different thread)
So yeah, it isn’t such a bad stat as everyone deems it to be, however I don’t suggest pumping your build full of it. I am not saying it the best thing and that everyone should use it ect, I’m just disproving people that say it’s as bad as they say.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!
@ Isila:
A) It’s more about the water field they provide which in turn can get you 2-3 combo finishers of AoE Healing, which will heal you for a generous amount.
B) It’s not the best stat to be fully specc’d into, however it is not a useless as you state – on my Support guardian I had around 1k healing power and each of my heals went up by about 600-700, now consider how many heals/regens the class has and then you realize that is isn’t that bad. Healing in this game is more about mitigating the damage as apposed to keeping yours and allies HP bars at full at all times. Though it is a matter of opinion and play style.
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Warrior its self is not OP, it is actually very balanced, however, the problem lies within a buff not the class itself – Quickness. And yes this applies to every class that has quickness, it is a broken mechanic, why they added this t the game is beyond me. If quickness was removed most of the QQ would cease.
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I love how everyone wants to solve all problem with forcing us to spec into a turtle.
Why can’t you people see how that is an issue?
It is a problem, considering they stated they wanted everyclass to fill every role, but our burst build lack compared to the other builds, forcing us to pack more defence because we get more bang for our buck, thats where the tweaking and fixing lies. I’d love to be the ele in team fights that actually rains down hell and the other team are like “Oh Kittens!” we need to take down the Ele ASAP, that ain’t gonna happen in the current state.
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Ele can have 3k toughness while maintaining 13-14k HP, plus with combo fields you can get stacks of might easy, with S/D you can pull off an easy 12 stacks of might, then theres the water fields you can combo into which heal you for quite a bit (Even more noticeable with a lower HP pool), sometimes outlasting your opponent can be your greatest offence. That’s not to mention the amount of CC we can generally kick out.
If your opponent is not moving and you don’t get knocked down, blinded, CCed, hit too hard, etc. then yes you can get 12 stacks of might and combo into a water field. In reality though, you can’t rely on that and it’s certainly not going to be up for 100% of the time. Combat is dynamic and if the fight isn’t absolutely perfect that rotation is going to suffer. If you’re out grinding regular mobs sure it’s easy, but we don’t really have issues grinding regular PvE mobs.
Doesn’t matter if you get blinded/CC’d, you will still get the combo field, it’s like a double edged sword… that is easy to avoid. You’ll be using those skills in rotation anyways, just as long as you pull of the field before using the blast finishers you’ll get the bonus, I know they won’t last forever but usually you can keep a high uptime and well free extra damage is free at the end of it. Guess I’m just trying to point out the benefits we get as everyone makes ele sound so freakin bad, yeah ele needs a bit of a buff and some tweaks but comparing them to a class that can’t maintain an upkeep like what ele’s can is kinda stupid.
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Sigil of Battle, it’s more reliable. Plus, if you’re using Scepter and know your combo fields you can get 15-18 stacks of might easy.
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It’s mainly the staff Ele that gets pigeon holed.
Dagger has it’s problems and needs a bit of a re-work (Which they stated they are doing).
Scepter is alright, for me though it needs one water field, maybe the changing of Trident would suffice. And the staff overall needs a bit more damage and some decent blast finishers, why water 2 is not a blast finisher is beyond me, it’s basically Scepters fire 2 but ice. >-<
Other then that it boils down to skill bugs/buggy traits. The class isn’t as bad as most people make out.
Oh and will people stop comparing weapons? We all know Dagger is deals the most damage, thats not the point, staff should be able to dish comparable damage, weapon
sets are about play style more than anything.
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Ele can have 3k toughness while maintaining 13-14k HP, plus with combo fields you can get stacks of might easy, with S/D you can pull off an easy 12 stacks of might, then theres the water fields you can combo into which heal you for quite a bit (Even more noticeable with a lower HP pool), sometimes outlasting your opponent can be your greatest offence. That’s not to mention the amount of CC we can generally kick out.
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He only has two of the attunement buffs up, now if it was all 4 then I would be suspicious.
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This is the second I’ve seen, the first I reported with an SS but that doesn’t prove much so here a video. I have no idea why but I do find it quite funny. xD
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Mesmer clones, necro pets and ranger pets walking through walls/gates, people actually able to slip past the gate, saw a ranger warrior and thief do it today.
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Utilize all of your attunements, trust me, D/D Ele is by far the most unique and fufiling (By that I mean it is freakin’ awesome to play, never a dull moment), you can pull of some amazing combos and has great combo fields with finishers.
Speccing into one attunement is fine, staying in one isn’t.
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@Calc I actually laughed at that. xD
But yeah, Necro class that has lack of fear – Thiefs get a longer fear than us is they STEAL us, can’t steal what we don’t have, eh? Even warriors go rawr and fear, yet we can raise undead minions and they’re like “Sup, see you got some friends, good for you! Casually walks away” Queue sad music.
I like the fact we can get a long stack of chill, I guess thats something. :L
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We need a fear that lasts that long! >:D
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The nerf was needed, though I would’ve loved to see some bug fixes for the engi. They still have a lot of bugs to fix across the board.
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A chill build has always interested me, I love spectral grasp as is, I can’t but wanting to say “GET OVER HERE!” when I use it, it’s like Subzero’s version.
Now chillbaines be fixed, I may have to have a gander.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!
Some thoughts and decisions about my Condition build. Please Critique!
in Necromancer
Posted by: Curring.9752
The difference between 1000 condi damage and 1200 is what? About 4? I’d rather try and get another tick on my bleeds rather trying to stat for a bit better damage, better DPS overall this way. The crit on bleed lasts for about 3-5 seconds I think (My scepter bleeds last about 8-9 seconds), with my build I have 62% crit so I can constantly keep up bleeds. If you go 2 krait, 2 afflicted and 2 centaur you will get 45% bleed duration increase along with 84 condi damage, if I’m honest as long as you have over 1k condi damage you’re good to go.
Well of Corruption is a much better option, not only does it help you but your teammates too, it is an AoE. Though I suggest when using wells to at least cripple/chill the person 1st and then dropping it to make sure you get a surefire hit, for example Dark Path>Well or Spectral Grab>Well. Well of Darkness is a strong contender too, helps with survive-ability, for me Spectral Armour is always a must. I don’t find Epidemic all that useful, in tournys you might fight 2 people at the same time at max, it’s great for WvW but not that great in sPvP, at least that what it feels like to me. :l
Hope that helps somewhat.
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@ Volcano: Kinda don’t understand your post? We want bug fixes, not changes to the class that will make them op, bug fixes will just allow more builds. So far Ele, Necro and Engi are kinda forced to play a couple of builds just because the bugs make the other builds unreliable/outmatched but other builds.
I’m happy for any bug fixes/fixes in general, I guess people seem to forget that a class nerf affects everyone? Pistol whip had a nasty nerf – means you can survive quickness whip spam a lot better than before. Be happy something actually got done.
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I run two monk, two krait and two afflicted.
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Definitely viable, I used to be P/P but then I tried the shield and it is by far better for my play style. I don’t use any kits either, well when I was P/P I didn’t. I do agree that explosion shot needs an AoE condi, either a lesser bleed, lets say 1 second or a Burn, then I think it’d be perfectly balanced. But most definitely viable.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!
Well they made the Humans dance the Party Rock dance, can’t see why not.
Stop making these threads. I’m TRYING to be a hipster, damrnit! Don’t remind me of your stupid fad!
While I agree most of these are hipsters trying to be all cultural and “cool” and that this fad will be over in a few months and they will forget K-pop exists, some of us do like K-pop and would love to see this.
Though I’d kinda want a duo dance emote, the dance off between the guy in yellow and PSY would be priceless, the full one (At the end).
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Healing power isn’t bad at all, however it does require heavy investment, on my support/heal guardian my heals went up by about 600-1k depending on what skill. Healing in this game isn’t about keeping your allies HP bars above half, it’s about mitigating what damage you can so you and your allies last longer than the opponent to win out, that is why there is no dedication on any class to pure healing.
I wouldn’t say it’s useless, it’s just a stat that requires a certain kind of play style and needs.
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Not sure about that aoe bleed Curring, just watching all those damage numbers from a clutched up group is enough for me hehe.
I have a feeling that the reason so many are questioning Condition builds is because they think it works like dot’s in some other games. The difference to GW2 is that you have to fight the same way with a Condi build as with a Damage build. You can’t apply a bleed and then run away to wait for your target to drop dead, you need to keep applying those conditions all the way. Yes, so they break it, then you restack. This has a significant impact on how the fight runs as a Power build will give you some burst damage which again force your enemy to use heals and defence skills. As a condition damager your enemy thinks you’re not hurting him and keeps charging you, that’s probably why a condition build is often combined with Toughness and allows for more Vitality. But but the time you’re dot’s have started to stack up, the enemy realises his mistake and panics.
And Curring, I’m sure the Grenadier build does much more damage then my P/P condi build, but I just don’t like grenades, such a clunky play style that gives me sore fingers and a headache!
Well from what I gathered today (Testing on the golems in the Mists) is that the pierce shot carries the bleed from the shot however the AoE blast defiantly does not use the skills bleed, that said, it does seem it is still affected by the Bleed/Burn on crit traits/sigils. So with my build in one shot, if lucky, I can apply a 5 second bleed, 2x 3 second bleeds and a 2 second burn, I can do this on pierced shots too.
I’ve never played a condition build on any other game, most condi builds on other MMOs tend to be useless and GW2’s condi structure is how I saw condi damage should be anyways. I’ve only used one burst build, that was a thief and that was to test out why everyone were saying they’re OP, other then that all my builds have either being support or condi damage.
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Well it’s not letting me quote. q-q
I use Pistol/Shield with coated bullets in sPvP I find it very useful and can defiantly see how great it would be in WvW, though I wonder if pierce would be better than AoE (Grenades)? I don’t use the elixir gun, I use FT for the tool belt, it does an amazing amount of burning damage and I usually couple it with Static Shot so I can apply that burn on up to 4 enemies, not to mention the knock back it has.
Elixir S is the one that makes you immune and tiny.
So Elixir R is a no go then, suppose it is useful in dungeon runs or on support engi in sPvP.
Seems like crate has more utility and isn’t as frail like the motor, that and grenades have better range than the motor when traited, I was hoping it would have been amazing for WvW. :L
I get my bleeds to last for 3 seconds, but that is by the by. :P With elixir/condi damage build I have I can get 2 mins worth of swiftness and fury stacked and maintained so chasing down and finishing people usually isn’t the problem. ^-^
And if they don’t condi remove it’ll eat them alive, though it’s very easy for me to get stacks of bleeds back.
One question, something I can’t say I;ve noticed but other might have, do the pierced shots still bleed? I know the explosion doesn’t AoE bleed (though should AoE burn for 1 sec imho).
@ Esrev:
If you’re running a condi build the best base to go on is 10/30/0/10/0 or so it seems at the moment, this will give you a big boost to your elixirs (Maintaining swiftness, fury and might) even will allow you to condi remove just by throwing an elixir down which means you don’t have to use elixir C for condi removal, though some still prefer it for the random boons.
I prefer the shield over the second pistol for these reasons:
The blowtorch to me is stupid, a close range skill on a medium-long range weapon, if your opponent is within that range then there’s something wrong.
However the shield sprts a hard counter to both range an melee, you can bounce their attacks back damaging them while keeping you safe, can also be used to knock players back out of you range and or use it to interrupt certain skills for example interrupting heals. Not only that, I have incineration ammo and a 33% chance to burn on crit, I think I can live without.
Glue shot while good because it’s an AoE immobilize (albeit a 1 second one) dosn’t compare to the blocking of range attacks, 3 second stun on melee hit or the pierce daze that can hit twice. Though the C/D on glue is much nicer.
I hope that helped somewhat?
@ Kara:
While I can see how effective that would be it would feel a waste to me, I find anything to do with the turrets a gimmick, I hate replying on them and there would be no way it’d trait just for crate. Not saying it’s bad or anything, just personally it’s not for me. :s
@ Spora:
That is more of a 1v1 situation, though elixir F is great to slowdown multiple running enemies. If only the Elixir gun priced, that’d be great. >:D
Thanks for your replies, I wrote this early in the morning so I hope it makes a shred of sense. :P
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!
(edited by Curring.9752)
Thanks for the reply guys.
In sPvP I’m using the Pistol/Shield Con. Dmg. Elixir build, have been for a while now so I know it can be great at taking players down. I was just thinking that because con. dmg. is one target mainly that it’d be better to spec into power crit AoE builds as it’s mainly zerg fest meaning more chance to hit with your nades, I’d still use pistol shield for the utility and pierce/AoE on the pistol. Though surly grenades would be better while defending?
It’s not so much I see con. dmg. weak it’s more about is it less effective than an alternate?
So as a whole Supply Crate is better, what about defending? Would motor be better?
I always have Elixir S when it comes to PvP situations, I can’t live without it. Would Elixir R be viable? AoE res an’ all?
Well I generally take a more defensive role, I like to kite people and have as many controls so I can wear them down little by little. But I’m flexible and I want to be a credit to the team in WvW rather that feel like I’m not doing much.
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I’m currently running a condi damage/elixir build Engi for PvE at the moment but I would like to start and participate in WvW, however I am wondering if that condi damage isn’t all that effective in WvW and that a power/crit build would be much better?
I’ve heard that the grenade kit is beast in WvW but are there any other viable options? Also is the motor any good or would supply crate still top motor?
I don’t really want to be changing builds all the time to suit PvE or WvW so I’d rather have one that did really well in both and is fun to use. :P
I just want peoples opinions on what is best suited for Engi WvW wise.
Thank you.
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No offence but why not post that there instead?
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Engineers are not underpowered really, they have viable specs.
But the problem is, they have quite a lot of fundamental flaws with their utilities, see kits and turrets.
And in PvP they are limited with the number of builds they can use.
Hit the nail on the head. They’re viable but about 40% of them are unviable, which just leads to less diversity in builds, nothing UP, just limited at the moment.
Necros are worst off atm and I would say they are the UP class atm, though they can do well just they need bug fixes, pronto.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!
Face it, the naga razer is the only thing that makes this class bareable
in Engineer
Posted by: Curring.9752
5 button mouse and keybinded here, the Naga isn’t an item the requires you to play the class but merely a luxury item, so please change the title, it is misleading.
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Female Human Engi here, I was going to go Asura for the fact they probably have the best personality/animations going, however I already have an Asuran Guard (Which is kitten right awesome) but I couldn’t get over the fact that you can’t see the armour, which is dire to me as I like to look good when I die. Plus my Dyes look sexier on the female, Celestial ftw!
I like my Female Engi though, the armour looks nice and the animations aren’t that bad either, however if I hear “I can out run a Centaur!” or “Pain for Pain!” (Which sounds like “Paper Plates” or “Paper Plane”) anymore I may have the urge to kill someone.
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Ha, no one believed me when I said a thief could hit 14k crits and here is the proof.
HS has been rightly nerfed, however it’s more about the quickness buff, thief’s get a lot more out of their quickness than most other classes do due to the fact they have no C/D on their skills allowing them to spam that same skill over and over, this is more noticable with pistol whip – it stuns and is spamable, in two seconds you’re dead.
Yes these can be avoided but who’s to say that you’re going to have your 60 second c/d get me out of jail free card every time one of the 4 thiefs tries this on you?
The problem is the lack of C/D (I don’t mean put 5-10 second c/d’s on their skill s, 1-2 seconds just to stop the spamability) and the mechanic of quickness.
Warriors can also achieve what a thief can in a lot of cases, mainly due to quickness it’s the quickness mechanic that is more-so the problem than the classes themselves. And yes, I have a thief and have tested these out for myself, for me it is boring game play, burst them down, gg move on. I prefer to play with the shortbow, it’s a lot more fun. :P
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I play Engi, Guard, Mes, Necro and Thief (Shortbow 4 lyfe.) in sPvP/tPvP – I have played every class in sPvP/tPvP but I can only have 5 characters.
The only classes I can say that are OP are thief and warrior, mainly because of quickness and such. I can see why people say Mes is OP but if you call target on them then they aren’t as annoying, just the teleport/invisibly mechanics are a tad broken.
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I got my Sylvari level 35 cultural for it’s aesthetic purposes, though it did last me up until level 50 or so, so it was it’s moneys worth for me. I got it just to transmute, just like I have two other sets I’d like to transmute.
I really like the Asura’s heavy cultural, that stuff looks sexy! :o
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