a lot of ppl are saying guilds are enforcing full rep rule because of influence
honestly speaking, new guilds or even small/medium size guilds that enforce full rep rules for influence are sub-standard guilds because they have to resort to such things to get influence to build their guilds. also, because of them, ppl led to thinking that even the old large guilds enforce these rules for influence
large guilds enforce full rep rule because of space. theres only 500 space and 500 space isn’t a lot if the guild is a 24hour guild. imagine having tons of ppl joining ur guild with very little intention of repping and end up hogging ur guild space while not contributing anything to your guild. your 24hr guild will fall apart within a month.
also, most large full rep guild allow you to rep personal bank and world boss guild like tts. some nicer one will also let you rep other kind of farming guild like for dry top and silverwaste as long you not un-rep for too long.
If said people only rep while they play with said large guild they are contributing to the guild. And any perceived social contributions they make will only be when they play with/for the guild anyway so there’s even less reason to enforce 100% rep imo since any massive activity they do together will have them overflowing with influence anyway.
And if they allow you to rep for other activities then they aren’t 100% rep now are they.
Any group of people who will exclude you over a handful of digital currency were never your friends in the first place. Edit: under me, I would have put up an sarcasm sign if I would have found one…
The guild system is changing drastically with Guild Halls so if possible wait to see if that changes the situation, but if you are forced to choose I would stick with my IRL friends if I were in your shoes.
Guilds are not for friends. For friends you have the friendlist. Guilds are for people to get together for a common goal.
But yes, I hope for the guild change with HoT too. Alot if what has been anounced is effectively to remove the current system problems. If we really can represent 5 guilds at the same time, and guild currencie is only ganied with guildmissions and raids and that the overall guildschat works, well then the guild system is pretty close to be perfect.
No sarcasm emote required. In your opinion and for your playstyle guilds are not for friends, and that’s cool if that suits you. But many people enjoy building up a guild and it’s bonuses as a group of friends/family as well. It’s not exclusively for one or the other it’s whatever you make of it.
Either way that’s not the point. The point is many guilds enjoy doing different combinations of things, and many players enjoy doing different things. Finding a pair of guild and player that match exactly in those combinations and at whatever tolerable skill level they each have is very unlikely to happen, so many players are in multiple guilds to best suit their playstyle. When one guild demands %100 of that players influence, they are demanding that influence be taken away from the player’s other guilds which in my opinion is very selfish.
The OP is in this very situation where they may have to choose between their friend guild or a 100% rep guild and I simply meant I would choose IRL friends guild if I were in their shoes as the 100% rep guild would drop them over not paying a digital currency.
(edited by DaikonSamurai.6714)
I’m much more interested in a 100% rep Guild to find solid players who I know will be around when I need to ask a question, or want to start a party for something.
Not hop scotch around my Friends List and other Guilds. 100% rep is basically every other Guild system in existence in other games; joining one opens up a community of players that are united under one banner so-to-speak.
And that’s perfectly fine if you’ve found one guild that likes to do everything you’re interested in and has all your friends in it. But what if you have one group for RP, or one for Guild Missions, or one for PvP, or WvW, dungeons, GvG, PvE trains, etc.etc.etc… It’s a lot tougher for a multi-game-mode player to find a guild who enjoy the exact combination of those things. And for those kind of people, it’s rather selfish of one of those guilds to demand all the influence you are earning while playing with the other guilds don’t you think?
Though as said before in this thread, it does simply come down to “don’t join a guild if you are unwilling to meet their requirements”.
Guild Upgrades cost influence. Influence is only earned by members that represent the guild 100%. Everyone who doesn’t represent 100% is just abusing the work of others and has to be kicked. Sadly anet does support such toxic behavior with their 5 guild system.
You don’t have to rep 100% to earn influence, you just earn the guild you rep influence. You could 50% rep your own guild and %50 rep another and both would earn influence based on what you did during the time you represented each.
The guilds I join usually request you only represent while playing with them which seems plenty fair imo.
Any group of people who will exclude you over a handful of digital currency were never your friends in the first place.
The guild system is changing drastically with Guild Halls so if possible wait to see if that changes the situation, but if you are forced to choose I would stick with my IRL friends if I were in your shoes.
I recommend watching Bog Otter’s GW2 Boomerangs series!
Free accounts are Free to play with restrictions of GW2 core game
P4F! Git it rite! lol
I think the term Anet coined is “Play for free”. Which is totally different from Free to Play or Free to Try!
Ahh haha good catch.. Guess this ends the whole f2p discussion.
IKR? When GW2 first released all the major news outlets called it F2P then too. Took a while to clarify it as B2P and now Anet is popularizing yet another term. Anet’s such a bunch of hipsters lol.
I think the term Anet coined is “Play for free”. Which is totally different from Free to Play or Free to Try!
Parties and dancing?! You realize we’ve got a big bad boss on our hands come HoT right? If DBZ has taught me anything about boss fights it’s that we need to spend at least half a season training! Good thing I’ve got Piccolo teaching all the new recruits how to DODGE!
Don’t want to rework old things to make our lives easier? Got 2 words for you. Feature packs.
I’d much rather have Black Desert’s character creator. Guild Halls look like they will satisfy my housing itch at least for the near future.
That being said, owning multiple homes across Tyria and having them each serve a different purpose like that video shows would encourage players to return to old maps for reasons besides dailies. Seeing players running back and forth between buildings would also make the world feel more alive than standing around the bank or TP and there are a lot of purely cosmetic buildings that could be repurposed for this. If it makes small cities and villages useful and gives us a real reason to defend them it would be a cool idea.
Pre-purchase bonus character slot- to a dev
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: DaikonSamurai.6714
OMG this thread is hilarious! I’m not even close to hitting the max but I have a list of characters I want to make that go well beyond it. Fantastic news to know the cap is increasing.
I’ve been getting questions about my cosplays so I’m making tutorial videos for anyone interested. I go through character creation, dyes, armor pieces, weapons, and eventually I’ll supplement them with tonics/toys/etc. to enhance their look beyond that!
Anyone interested can check them out here. → In-Game Cosplays!
I only have a few vids right now but will add more when I get around to it.
Back on topic, took a pic of Piccolo with a better backdrop and Yoda chillin in Dagobah!
Figured out the look I’m going to use when Revenant comes out. TMNT Donatello! Staff Rev obviously
Using a shield as his “back piece” for now just as a placeholder until Anet inevitably gives us a turtle shell backpack. winkwinknudgenudge
LOL OMG THATS AWESOME!! Donny is the best!
Thanks! I managed to reserve all four Hamato brothers names as well, can’t believe they weren’t taken!
Well that’s part of the challenge! If heavy does not have suitable options you can always look at light and medium.
Yeah, his clothes are all cloth aside from one gauntlet. Light or medium would give you far more and better options in my opinion. Check out the wardrobe if you haven’t already and you can just preview all weapons/armor in the game there.
Just perusing through, draconic legs give a robe look, as do the Body of Koda. Commander’s footgear kind of have those cuffs. Scallywag gloves will give him the one gauntlet but on the wrong side… Rampart warplate kinda gives him a collar? Half the fun is mixing stuff up yourself though so go take a look and good luck!
That’s amazing
+1 nice job
More cosmetic options are always a positive in my book. Option to hide all armor while you’re at it!
Got the look for my rev figured out! TMNT Donatello! Just waiting for an actual turtle shell back piece… Hey Anet want my money?! XD
Figured out the look I’m going to use when Revenant comes out. TMNT Donatello! Staff Rev obviously
Using a shield as his “back piece” for now just as a placeholder until Anet inevitably gives us a turtle shell backpack. winkwinknudgenudge
In WP’s latest video he also made an interesting point that perhaps we could estimate the number of maps from the distribution of mastery points and the number of points required to fill our mastery lines. He stated something around 11 maps. I didn’t check his math though and admittedly it is assuming a lot. Like whether mastery points will be distributed on average the same as we see in this beta area.
Regardless, the idea is solid enough to give Anet the benefit of the doubt at the very least.
Ranger would be a dog biscuit.
If it’s an easy fix I’d like it. I have tons of cosplay characters that need their back piece to complete their look (like Hawkgirl) and they throw me off every time I see them in character selection. Character selection is also a nice place to take screen shots of my characters but I’m limited to only characters without a back piece.
Yup! Ash Ketchum has been wearing it since launch! It’s starting to smell a little…
Yeah that’s Shatterer… They blatantly have Spyro too.
Everything that promotes cooperative gameplay. Sharing nodes/loot, combo finishers, resurrecting downed players, etc. The generally friendly community. And the wardrobe/dye system for easy in-game cosplay!
I think it is definitely an odd shape. It looks like a snake with weird legs.
Paint it red and give it the voice of Eddie Murphy and maybe you will recognize it.
Another toon added to my cosplay list… XD
It’s not the size that matters it’s how you use it.
And Zuko knows exactly how to use it!
Oooooh man, the new mystical dragon mini suits my Zuko perfectly! Thanks Anet!
I’ve had Zuko running around with Mini ZuZu cat of darkness and thought that was hilarious, but this is so much more on theme!
(edited by DaikonSamurai.6714)
Posted this in the Dragon Ball thread, but might as well add it here too hehehe…
I also made Piccolo during the dragon ball event. Posted it there -> What now Goku?!
Got a lot of compliments in-game but sadly didn’t see many other cosplayers.
Full body pic also attached!
would love some help as I am a amateur, I would really like to make star lord from guardians of the galaxy.
Yeah, the headpiece is probably the thing that’ll make people go “oh I know who that is!”, but there aren’t many headpieces that really fit that. Otherwise Star Lord is mostly just a guy in a trench coat. Looks like you’re using a med class? The “Scout’s Mask” is the closest thing I see that’s a full face mask while still exposing his hair, though it doesn’t have the eyes. Forgeman headpiece has the eyes but not the exposed hair… Adventurer’s mantle maybe? It’s a tough one.
If you’re willing to do another version of Star Lord from the comics like this http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110121015338/marveldatabase/images/2/22/423px-Starlord_02.jpg then the heavy armor class forgeman head piece looks close to that. Not sure if there’s heavy armor to go with it though.
Anyway good luck and nice start! Can’t go wrong with gun wielding trench coat guy!
Had a lot of fun during the Golem Rush event. Made Kool-Aid Man especially for smashing through gates and walls! Oh yeah!
Did hawkman with the new black wings
I see your Hawkman and answer with Hawkgirl!
Candy cane hammer is best hammer
“sweet” character dude. ;D
I just read that name and instantly in my head started singing “Biiiig bad Betaborgs”. I may have to make a Beetleborg next beta weekend…
Heheh, nice
Haha! Perfect!
Thanks! Data is my fav Next Gen character.
I also found this same frustration with that ability! I think I see the angle ANET are coming from with this one, that you stack up torment, then pop skill 9, so you’re always keeping the enemy moving and thus getting the higher torment tic, but in practice… it just annoys other people assisting you and I found it annoying for myself, Trying to judge where to run next to continuing attacking with the melee weapons I had on at the time.
Yeah it’s a really cool ability and I’d like to keep it, but not at the expense of it becoming the next tool of choice for trolls.
Not my best work, but for a quick weekend character check out my Beta “Data” heh.
Yeah I agree with OP on the 2 classes weapon swap and 1 class has multiple swap abilities per armor class. Engi and Ele are my two most played classes and weapon swap abilities on them are a lot of fun. Only having weapon swap work every ten seconds on Rev legendary stances and then only having access to two feels limiting.
On a positive note though, having fast access to heal and elite skills does feel very unique and combining them with abilities that activate on heal and/or elite skills is a fantastic idea that I want to explore further.
So I’m going to add my thoughts here since this thread’s title is the most direct. Just tried rev and in my first event encounter I fought a veteran mini boss and just spammed my abilities. I used legendary demon ability 9 (Unyielding Anguish) and a player got mad because he couldn’t hit the teleporting enemy and stood to the side hoping to see the boss kill me.
I wasn’t trying to troll him and after killing the boss I explained myself and I think I’m on good terms with the guy now, but I can see this being a major issue to the overall “you should be happy to see other players” mentality GW2 is known for.
Think Longbow ranger knock-backing foes out of your AoE is annoying? Revenant is going to bring a whole new level of rage on that front. Especially for melee players.
All you super saiyans think you’re SOOOO great, with your gorgeous golden locks gently wafting in the breeze… Who’s the boss now, huh? WHO’S THE BOSS NOW?!
Guess I could post here too…
Poison Ivy
Ash Ketchum
Darth Maul
Got a few more but looking for thematic locations to screenshot them in.
Thought I’d revive this thread for Halloween and costumes/cosplay and such!
A few of mine to contribute:
Poison Ivy
Ash Ketchum
Darth Maul
I’ve witnessed it comrades.
Scarlet’s plan… It’s all so clear now…
Quick everyone! Move to the right side of the bus!