Do it every day, maybe your just a bad mesmer? I don’t have a problem holding 2-3 people, I guess you don’t manipulate your cool downs and hammer every thing at the same time? Don’t try and plant your awful mesmer play style on other people, really I use pretty much the same build for every thing, why because it works,
Can we just pause and admire how hilarious this is? Please?
I honestly giggled like a schoolgirl when I read this.
@Eater of Peeps and Buffalo Bruiser: Thanks for trying to hijack the thread, but I have enough salt on my steak, so no thank you.
@azyme: Thanks! That’s good to know!
@Saiyan: Thanks for clearing that up. Agreed 100%.
Report as bot/offensive language, block and move on.
That’s the question of this post. Does reporting him even matter?
Reporting and blocking him doesn’t suddenly make him start playing.
And for some reason I keep getting paired up with him. I’ve stopped PvPing for now.
The main point is why are people allowed to get away with things like this?
They get away with it till support gets to the report. But the problem is, depending on how often the person plays, ANet could give them a 24 hour time out and they might never know.
A guy I knew got a time out for calling someone a noob on q dungeon run, and only found out he had a time out when he tried to log in and had an hour left, or so he claimed.
That sounds like a huge flaw in the system. Why have a punishment that goes by unnoticed?
They seem pretty content with giving out 6 month bans to people who botted, so why only 24 hours to people who purposely grief?
Sorry, it’s just frustrating to have to deal with this kind of people.
The time out probably reflects the “crime”. Calling someone a “noob” is not really that bad of a thing, when I’ve seem people going full caps lock rage with the F word as every other word in a sentence. It may also depend on the GM dealing with it.people have reported very different service from GM’s. From where one GM would flat out refuse to help, where another has fixed the same problem with no fuss.
The fact alone that there is not an SOP for reports – even after all these years – doesn’t speak well for Anet.
It.might not be anything to do with SOP, might be holes in training, people not realising what the can and cannot do. Everyone who has ever worked will know there’s at least that one guy you know and wonder “How do you still work here?”
Definitely a possibility. Then again, to have majority of the Mod staff be that guy doesn’t say much, either.
Report as bot/offensive language, block and move on.
That’s the question of this post. Does reporting him even matter?
Reporting and blocking him doesn’t suddenly make him start playing.
And for some reason I keep getting paired up with him. I’ve stopped PvPing for now.
The main point is why are people allowed to get away with things like this?
They get away with it till support gets to the report. But the problem is, depending on how often the person plays, ANet could give them a 24 hour time out and they might never know.
A guy I knew got a time out for calling someone a noob on q dungeon run, and only found out he had a time out when he tried to log in and had an hour left, or so he claimed.
That sounds like a huge flaw in the system. Why have a punishment that goes by unnoticed?
They seem pretty content with giving out 6 month bans to people who botted, so why only 24 hours to people who purposely grief?
Sorry, it’s just frustrating to have to deal with this kind of people.
The time out probably reflects the “crime”. Calling someone a “noob” is not really that bad of a thing, when I’ve seem people going full caps lock rage with the F word as every other word in a sentence. It may also depend on the GM dealing with it.people have reported very different service from GM’s. From where one GM would flat out refuse to help, where another has fixed the same problem with no fuss.
The fact alone that there is not an SOP for reports – even after all these years – doesn’t speak well for Anet.
Report as bot/offensive language, block and move on.
That’s the question of this post. Does reporting him even matter?
Reporting and blocking him doesn’t suddenly make him start playing.
And for some reason I keep getting paired up with him. I’ve stopped PvPing for now.
The main point is why are people allowed to get away with things like this?
They get away with it till support gets to the report. But the problem is, depending on how often the person plays, ANet could give them a 24 hour time out and they might never know.
A guy I knew got a time out for calling someone a noob on q dungeon run, and only found out he had a time out when he tried to log in and had an hour left, or so he claimed.
That sounds like a huge flaw in the system. Why have a punishment that goes by unnoticed?
They seem pretty content with giving out 6 month bans to people who botted, so why only 24 hours to people who purposely grief?
Sorry, it’s just frustrating to have to deal with this kind of people.
Report as bot/offensive language, block and move on.
That’s the question of this post. Does reporting him even matter?
Reporting and blocking him doesn’t suddenly make him start playing.
And for some reason I keep getting paired up with him. I’ve stopped PvPing for now.
The main point is why are people allowed to get away with things like this?
Will griefers be handled?
I’ve just been paired up with this one Dragon Hunter three times in a row, and he has gone afk each and every time, flaming all the way. He is literally afk, and flaming.
No, let me emphasize this again. He is sitting there, at his computer, typing and flaming, but simply standing still in base.
This is straight up griefing, so why is this allowed? The matchmaking system is already difficult enough to handle but to have griefers as well?
I’m waiting for that 1v1 to happen. It would be fun to see Phokus put his money where is mouth is.
Ahh, this reminds me of the good old days when I cared enough about this game to force people to put up or shut up.
I remember this one time, probably 2 years ago, when this one engineer came to your phantasm dueling build thread, claiming that his build could stomp anything and that you were a scrub. You challenged him and beat his bum flat and he came back to the forums crying that you were cheap and that mesmers are op.
Good times.
1) started 8 days ago (8/15 for dailies)
2) Ruby
3) I had a 22 win streak (yes, I counted) until Sapphire at which I had about a 60-70% win rate until ruby. Now I’ve not had much time to pvp due to RL issues, so I’ve only been doing the 3 daily matches. I’ve lost the past 5 matches, though.
4) I haven’t played enough in ruby to really know if I’m “stuck”, but like I said, I’ve lost the past 5 games.
5) Aforementioned.
6) Only the daily 3, for now. More when I have time, probably.
Not sure what this list would accomplish but here you go!
I’m waiting for that 1v1 to happen. It would be fun to see Phokus put his money where is mouth is.
Why do you guys fall time and time again to these trolls? Zero evidence, spectacularly laughable complaints that have NO weight whatsoever.
Just another MESMAR OP NERF PLZ post. Laugh and move along.
I can corroborate this story. This happened to me too. Mid point was not decap’able, but even then we somehow managed to be ahead in points. We rushed Lord (it was foefire) and just before we killed their Lord, our Lord died and we lost the game. Our gates were still intact.
I have screnshots that I can post if anyone’s interested.
I would like to join, NA though
NA can’t que with us bud you’re welcome to use our 10% Reward track bonus boon but other that I don’t think theres much point you joining other than atmosphere.
Sending you all invitations. You’ll need to be actively improving to rank up. The higher your guild-rank the more priority you have getting into the best premades/teams.
Cool, thanks! I’ll join when I get home. Also, how do you “actively improve” in order to rank up?
(edited by DeathReign.7821)
Thieves deal a lot damage, Rev on the other hand – not so much. You will even be able to outdamage them if you purely focus on that (not that I’d recommend that, but – you know for the E-D xD). Rev is currently bugged, many skills do not scale with you weapon damage – it’s like you are using a white weapon.
Cool, didn’t know about that! I’ve just based all this off of what I’ve experienced on my characters. Revenants (I felt) cleared trash mobs faster, and had higher damage overall in dungeons. Of course, my mesmer isn’t specced specifically for damage (more for alacrity/quickness) so there’s that.
Here’s a PvE guide to Mesmer by dulfy, and here’s the metabattle build for chronos in fractals. It should give you a nice heads up.
Just a word of caution though, Revenants and Thieves deal a lot of damage. You won’t find that on Mesmer. Mesmers provide a lot of dps through buffs (Alacrity and Quickness), but the actual damage you deal yourself will be a lot less than what you’re used to.
Also, since Mesmers are very trait reliant, levelling up might prove to be a pain. If you’re able to stick with it, though, you might end up loving it like the rest of us.
(edited by DeathReign.7821)
May be all those people who abused the game or stronghold and OP build past season and who rechead legend division are just hit by the feedback right now, being matched with people out of their skills.
Those people with lose streak, if you could post your rank form the past season and your lose streak; we could may be understand, what is going on.
my english isn’t the best sorry
I get what you’re saying, but has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Huh. I got more confused at your reply than OP’s OP.
I like how Thief, the class that you play, didn’t get any proposed balance changes. Very objective balancing right there.
Although, judging by the state of how the classes currently are, Anet must be balancing them the same way.
It’s sad really.
I’ve found that the matches do get more balanced/better the higher you go. I went from Amber to Sapphire without losing, and had about a 60% win rate from there. I’m currently in Ruby.
It does, however, sound (and feel) like a very gimmicky system.
- create illusions (the more the longer F5 will work)
- start casting one of the skill you want to double
- cast F5 before the end of the cast of the above-mentioned skill
- cast all the skills you want/can
- F5 expires, your cooldowns are back
So I have to cast f5 while let’s say for example, mid channel (half bar) before it casts for gravity well?
I usually cast f5 right at the end of the channel. Sometimes I think that I stuffed up and cast f5 slightly after, but it still restores the cooldown. So you have quite a lot of leeway (relatively) in terms of when to cast f5.
Hi there!
I’ve been looking for a PvP based guild, just to get some pre-mades to queue with. I’m currently in Ruby from pure solo queue.
Please hit me up in-game!
(edited by DeathReign.7821)
Never mind, i have found an answer myself again. The cause is severe kittenation plus desperation for win.
I was going to think up some sort of cutting response, but I’m too tired. Could you just go away?
You think its (only) me? You are soo wrong. Let me quote a Dark Elf female hero from Warlords Battlecry 3 here: “Pathetic weakling!”
Just survived a stompage in ranked; my “team” was driven before them and slaughtered. Me? I managed to snag 3 kills. S3 nuke plus stealth stomp rocks.
I bet your mother’s just so proud.
We have lives son, kids, successful businesses, real money, things that matter the other hours of the day.
Thats all fine and dandy but when you can play a class using your behind on the keyboard and still wreck face your point becomes invalid.
Please show us a video of you doing so then. Thanks.
claps wildly in enthusiastic congratulations
You so good, people so noob. Why you so good senpai?
…That’s what you wanted, right? Someone to stroke your ego? Consider yourself fully stroked, so feel free to go back to that hole you crawled out of.
Or is this a hidden MESMER OP post? In which case, read the above.
darthyoshiboy [score hidden] 27 minutes ago
All of that said, people telling them to go kill themselves are severely out of line. SuckatLove are on the hook for a lot of kitten that they willingly kicked up, but that doesn’t justify being the absolute worst human being that the anonymity of the Internet will allow you to be to someone else who is after all is said and done another human being.
This. This this this a million times this. They might have done something against the rules of a game, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to tell them to kill themselves. That’s crossing an entirely different line.
Can you delete this thread now? Admin confirmed it was a warranted ban….cheaters don’t deserve attention like this. Waste of effort to read this. I’ll save people time:
TL:DR OP: Cheater gets banned, come help me cry about it.
That is hilariously inaccurate and only shows how much of a “cool guy” you are trying to be.
A more accurate TL; DR would be: Relatively well known content makers got banned and claimed to have not done anything wrong. Forum Mod states otherwise, and content creators remove innocence claims.
Well unlike you I am a cool guy. I don’t go around wasting time finding a way to reply to everyone’s comments.
He said in a reply. Thanks for the chuckle, cool guy.
Maybe they were on shortbow? And they thought Anet would never catch them, that they’d be way too slow?
You can’t use any weapon or utility skills in the Wintersday JP. You can only run, jump, roll, and die.
Oh, and open the chest at the end if you manage not to die.
He’s making a reference to one of their songs.
The lyrics were: “out of my way cause I am on short bow, you’ll never catch me cause you are way too slow.”
Can you delete this thread now? Admin confirmed it was a warranted ban….cheaters don’t deserve attention like this. Waste of effort to read this. I’ll save people time:
TL:DR OP: Cheater gets banned, come help me cry about it.
That is hilariously inaccurate and only shows how much of a “cool guy” you are trying to be.
A more accurate TL; DR would be: Relatively well known content makers got banned and claimed to have not done anything wrong. Forum Mod states otherwise, and content creators remove innocence claims.
If you cheat you deserve to be banned it doesnt mather if the player is popular or are you saying if the person is well known he should be allowed to cheat ?
Please read the thread before making yourself not look as intelligent as you may be.
That is not at all what I’m saying. What I’m saying is Suck At Love claimed to not have done anything wrong, and thus were wrongly banned. If they were wrongly banned, they might not have been the only ones. However, it was shown that they did indeed hack/bot/cheat and thus deserve the ban.
(couldn’t dodge roll, to do JPs it’s one hand on the mouse and one on the space bar)
Wait what?
I was in a jp instance yesterday. A guy had probably pressed down on auto run. He kept porting to the started area (the bonfire) and running off the ledge. He was probably dying and reappearing every half a second – so 29 ports in under a minute makes sense to me. I don’t know? Is pushing down auto running and going AFK botting?
It happens to be I asked in chat if it was a bot, and others said it was probably someone who just wanted to stay in the instance. The instance actually bugged when the timer got to zero. Me and 2 others stayed in the instance and were able to continue jumping and getting rewards with out a problem. I was worried it was against the EULA to stay in that bugged instance, so after doing the jp twice or three times I left.
td;lr I can see how someone could “accessed 29 map points in under 60 seconds” and it shouldn’t be considered botting.
As much as I want to believe Suck At Love didn’t bot, their reaction in the video and then the reaction of making it private after being called out by Gaile aren’t the reactions of an innocent person. I personally would be furious and confused, and would raise even more hell. I would certainly not delete/private the video and other videos (vlogs).
Bottom line should be that people should know better than to use bots…ESPECIALLY if they have an innocent lil bro or something playing on the same IP. :/
One never really knows who bots and who doesnt. This kinda proves that. That video’s comments (when I watched it), were all apologetic “I hope it gets sorted” types of comments, even one from arguably the biggest GW2 Youtuber out there. Then Gaile pretty much exposes the person, and the video is instantly made private. It’s sad, really. It especially irks me when the people get caught and then play the raging victim card.
Yeah I hate that too, I’d had the utmost sympathy for them until Gaile made her post, now I feel like I’ve been taken advantage of but I’ll get over it.
This, pretty much.
or a norn sylvari turns into a plant werebear what would that even look like
Like a Fernhound, but bear.
The innocents I’m most sorry for are siblings where one cheats and the other doesn’t and they’re both using mom’s credit card. Then the innocent sibling can’t prove they aren’t their cheating sibling.
A much better analogy, thanks for that. That doesn’t sound fair at all.
Unfortunately too many people would lie about having a sibling if they got caught cheating.
I guess siblings can prove being separate people by activity/chat history. It’s rather hard to do different dungeons or meta events at the same time on different accounts. But yeah, quite a conundrum.
So as long at the botter doesn’t bot with their main account, they’re free to bot with their alts?
I’m sure the resource gained through botting on the alt will be used to benefit the main in some way, right? Wouldn’t the identification of these links be key?
The innocents I’m most sorry for are siblings where one cheats and the other doesn’t and they’re both using mom’s credit card. Then the innocent sibling can’t prove they aren’t their cheating sibling.
A much better analogy, thanks for that. That doesn’t sound fair at all.
However, if only one of them were hacking/botting, isn’t it unfair to ban the other one as well? Imagine a house of room mates that all play the game. If one bots, all of them get banned? Hardly sounds fair.
Person in video is one say they got IP ban. Of course they also say they did not cheat and Gaile prove they did. So I wonder how honest person in video was.
Don’t get me wrong, if both accounts were found and proven to be botting, then both should be banned with no questions.
But only if both were actually botting. Blanketing it with an IP ban wouldn’t be fair to any honest players living in the same household.
Customer Support has carefully reviewed the data that resulted in the termination of the game account in question. They verified that this account accessed 29 map points in under 60 seconds. It is not possible to accomplish this without the use of a third-party program, the kind of program that is expressly forbidden by our User Agreement and our Rules of Conduct.
Because of these facts, the account termination will not be reversed.
Thank you for helping us understand. Such a pity if they really were hacking, but they deserve it if they were.
Also, both accounts in that household were banned. Was this an IP ban? Why would one account being banned affect the other?
Or were both of their accounts found to be using a third-party program?In a slightly related note, is there any word on hackers in PvP being banned? I have screenshots of a recent incident I encountered.
Botters usually have many alt accounts and use them to pass off items and gold to a main or other account. If they only banned the accounts that botted they would still have their main or other account. Usually they don’t use their main account for botting and all of their alt accounts are expendable. So with their main account left in tact, they would just create more accounts to keep botting because they don’t care about their alts.
And often times their alt accounts used for botting are hacked/stolen accounts, so it’s not their own accounts getting banned, which is why they don’t care if they get banned.
Taking away all accounts associated with them means they actually lose what they care about (their main).
Just another flaw in going partially F2P.
However, if only one of them were hacking/botting, isn’t it unfair to ban the other one as well? Imagine a house of room mates that all play the game. If one bots, all of them get banned? Hardly sounds fair.
I’m not sure what settings you use, but by default, panning your camera with your right mouse button (holding right click down and moving your mouse left or right) should turn your character in accordance to the camera.
Customer Support has carefully reviewed the data that resulted in the termination of the game account in question. They verified that this account accessed 29 map points in under 60 seconds. It is not possible to accomplish this without the use of a third-party program, the kind of program that is expressly forbidden by our User Agreement and our Rules of Conduct.
Because of these facts, the account termination will not be reversed.
Thank you for helping us understand. Such a pity if they really were hacking, but they deserve it if they were.
Also, both accounts in that household were banned. Was this an IP ban? Why would one account being banned affect the other?
Or were both of their accounts found to be using a third-party program?
In a slightly related note, is there any word on hackers in PvP being banned? I have screenshots of a recent incident I encountered.
I do think (and hope) that they are just speaking out of anger. I know I would be.
If they really did hack (which I doubt), they deserve every last bit of it. However, if they didn’t, they can’t be the only ones falsely banned and Anet really needs to get its act together before they lose a large portion of its loyal players.
I was really looking forward to their Mesmer song.
Isn’t this in the wrong subforum?
So I’ve been playing a bit of bunker Chrono in order to climb some tiers in PvP (I’m only tier 4 Emerald), and always come to the dilemma between runes of Durability and runes of Melandru.
What is the general consensus between the two?
I don’t know if you’re even interested in anything anyone has to say. You haven’t been in the last two threads you posted.
IMO Sentinel’s extra Vitality is mostly wasted because a huge part of the Chronobunker’s strength is healing. As long as you have enough health pool to buffer you against burst (and Soldier’s is more than enough) extra Vitality is wasted in most engagements.
Fair point!
go soldier which is much better with 2.3k power . sure less crit but more sustain dmg
How does Soldier fair up against Sentinel’s though?
I don’t see the benefit of Cele for Chronobunker. Your direct damage is low and your condition damage non-existent, and you don’t have a way of rapidly building and maintaining large stacks of Might on yourself. Healing Power doesn’t affect Mesmer heals very much. I think you’re better off running a more directly tanky amulet.
Not going to debate whether celestial is better or worse than a tanky Amulet (I personally use celestial but both sound great), but mind wrack with alacrity and CS does stack up some significant might.
The key word is “rapidly”. Mind Wrack provides three stacks every Shatter. For good Celestial damage you need to be able to build at least 10+ stacks of Might quickly.
Celestial DPS also depends on conditions, and Chronobunker, for all intents and purposes, has zero.
You can get 9+ stacks in under 8 seconds, which is decent. I mean I’m not going to say that it’s amazing, but it’s decent.
Again, I’m not debating on Celestial vs Pure tanky, so I’m not going to address your second statement.
I don’t see the benefit of Cele for Chronobunker. Your direct damage is low and your condition damage non-existent, and you don’t have a way of rapidly building and maintaining large stacks of Might on yourself. Healing Power doesn’t affect Mesmer heals very much. I think you’re better off running a more directly tanky amulet.
Not going to debate whether celestial is better or worse than a tanky Amulet (I personally use celestial but both sound great), but mind wrack with alacrity and CS does stack up some significant might.
Were you using a scepter? Chances are the last hit of the chain got reflected and created a clone for the elementalist. I thought this bug was fixed, but apparently not!
In the other thread you made YESTERDAY, Pepsi gave you some good advice.
Do you guys have a good power build that doesn’t use a sword/sword, sword/pistol (i.e the one on the metabattle site)… I really like the GS and the staff if thats possible to incorporate
The thread I linked you uses staff and sword/shield.