"ArenaNet’s policy on 3rd-Party Programs" [merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Demosthene.2195
It is not allowed.
The only place where you’d noticeably benefit from auto-attack turned off is sPvP/tPvP and WvW, and you’re supposed to manually connect every strike in this case, because otherwise it would distort the competitive playing ground between those owning a keyboard/mouse/hotkey macro and those not having access to them. This would also blur the line with users getting creative what is or isn’t allowed, if only to gain that edge in the match.
After Gaile’s announcement on the matter, one of my more creative friends already created a 1-key macro that launched another software hotkey macro which launches another 1-key macro on the mouse, steps 2 and 3 being context-sensitive and able to be combined into different actions. For those that got lost in description, on average a 5-7 action combination got reduced by 2-3 keystrokes less - that’s fractions of the second needed to launch a whole CnD-backstab combo on a Thief, already with necessary positioning and movement. Essentially, this is an example of user "gaming" the system, knowing it’s not allowed and finding an excuse in "technical boundaries" outlined by the announcement post to make it supposedly legal.
For a more common example, engineer’s grenade kit. It’s common for players to get tired of spamming 3 dps-oriented grenade skills (including toolbelt), and grenade spam macros are all around the place. These are not allowed, even if the primary issue could be attributed to limitations of game design - task is tedious, possibly a health hazard to the player, and its generally impossible for the user to maximise the dps in a prolonged period of time (especially true for PvE encounters) without third party solutions.
Now a better question would be, would programming a macro to repeatedly apply the same keystroke be condemnable in outside-combat situations, such as not having to click a stack of 200 jugs of karma exactly 200 times, to use them all. This, I believe, shouldn’t be allowed or encouraged either, and in the meantime an interface solution should be passed to the programming crew, to allow us to right-click a stack of items and use them all a single option (wouldn’t apply to items with internal cooldown, such as spy kits commonly used in dungeons).
Now my 2 cents to developers themselves - consider sending a strong message, by banning no less than 30’000 users overnight, most notably d/d thieves and d/d elementalists using skill rotation macros to burst the opponent in inhumanly short amount of time. Current situation gives average users a poor impression of overpowered builds and professions, intermediate users a convoluted message on the state of game balance and their own skills relative to "top dog" players in their pvp matches, and advanced players a "wildcard" which says "multi-action macros are fine, nothing is done about them, use them or don’t compete in pvp". Warning people is not enough, please take a considerate action and make a public show of it. People deserve to know whether they were beaten by a macro user or better player, just as they deserve a reassured stance that playing the game without third party aid borderline on cheating is the correct way to play the game, and correct way to compete. In another words, you don’t want your players second-guessing themselves, eroding the moral fabric of the community and feeling resentment & doubt for NOT using multi-action macros.
(edited by Demosthene.2195)