What tool are you guys using to observe match history?
Is this a new website? A gw2 app? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
I used:
You need to get the API key from your account
Try it! It is really cool.
I am just a middle rank (r39) player with a total of 272 matches on my main account. I always solo queue. I have never queued as part of a team. I do mostly unranked. Win rate is 52.21 % which I consider is fair, because I have also had bad luck, e.g. getting disconnect myself, being called by family or having team members who disconnect, quit before even the match starts to or just stand AFK (making it 3-4 vs 5 enemies). Another common reason for loss is to get a bad team composition e.g. almost none in the team can hold a point e.g. two thieves + 1 pewpew ranger + 1 shatter mesmer in same team. Of course I have also done many mistakes, which have contributed to losing the game.
I have had in recent days had the opposite experience. 9 wins in past 11 games (the screen capture shows only 10 last games, but I remember the 11th game was also a win by large margin). Wins have been mostly easy and losses have been very narrow (499-500 and 414-501). I don’t know about the ranks of the enemies, but most of them don’t seem to be higher than marauder rank, ransacker title is common against enemy players. and I just got ransacker myself. I guess some might be very low rank, because they tend to zerg rush things instead of rotating well.
I play my own suboptimal builds. Engi, my main, uses medkit, unusual choice for amulet, runes. I use almost the same build in WvWvW, which gives me a lot of experience playing it as WvWvW is my main mode. Having 2500+ hours experience using the same build gives more advantage than playing the so called best build.
Long time ago when my rank was very low, just r10-15, I remember often seeing dragon and phoenix finishers in my enemy team, implying that they were r70-80. I felt they were clearly better than my own skill level as I was still learning the map mechanics. I don’t understand why the game was matching so high ranked players vs beginners unless the player pool was really really small.
I haven’t that often met full premade teams lately. but it seems it is common to get 2-3 same guild tags both on my own team and/or the opposite teams. Even full premade can be beaten with PuGs as some of them play really bad and lose almost every single 1-vs 1 fight at far (causing big problems for their entire team).
So for me the match making is working better.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Health Insurance: 15% Outgoing Heal Effectiveness
Med Blaster: Heal allies with a wave of healing energy. Heals more for each boon on that ally.And HT totally pwns it as a group healing tool, and it doesn’t even have any traits for that role.
It’s a design error, as it’s clearly meant to be THE group healing kit, and perhaps other classes don’t have that kitten because we’re meant to take that role, thus we even have traits and kits that only affect healing of others, not ourselves?
I have spent over 2500 hours using medkit. I am perfectly fine with it being a selfish heal and not that much of a group support, but medkit #1 as it’s current form is way too weak. Try it if you don’t believe me and analyze your combat log. Make it to the level of elementalist water staff #1 at least and heal the engineer as well.
And medkit #2-5 need to get rid of their delays, make them 1/4 s cast with NO after cast and have their base heal increased by about 50 %.
With the synergy with some “On heal” runes, I could see medkit becoming fairly competitive after these changes.
As a note (and to address concerns), we won’t be adding dire stats or perplexity runes to sPvP.
Dire + Perplexity is very common combination in WvWvW roaming. Why do you let it stay there if you see it too problematic for spvp? It is totally broken in WvWvW small scale roaming. And to make matters worse: WvWvW players use consumables which give +40% or -40% condition duration (this bonuses should be adjusted to max +/- 15 % ). There is a lot of people who care about balance in WvWvW, so please don’t tell me “WvWvW is unbalanced anyways…”.
I would rather see dire stats + perplexity runes added to spvp, so the developers could finally balance them!
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
The problem with the medkit is that it’s designed to heal others people, but it’s also designed to affect one person. The engineer isn’t even the one who have the priority with dropped items.
The Medkit need a serious rework. Again. The item system simply doesn’t work.
The item system worked pretty well before the trait rework/Jun 23 patch. Dropping the medkit skills at your feet had far superior usability than the current ground targeting throw system. And the bandages stayed much longer time on the ground, meaning you could prepare yourself and surround yourself with several bandages.
Making medkit #2-5 affect up to 5 allies including the engineer would probably make it overpowered. Maybe the healing component should only affect the engineer, while the condition removal + giving boons like fury & swiftness would affect all allies in a 360 radius burst. This would make it a clearly weaker version than warrior’s shouts + warhorn: no healing and much smaller area + activation time, but medkit skills would have lower cooldown. Burst around the engineer in all directions would work much better than the current cone of medkit #1 or throwing the vials/bandages. The cone is simply too narrow and often auto aims at enemies (instead of allies) and does no damage.
I agree that medkit #1 must really affect the engineer to make any sense.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Oh well, keep brainstorming till we hit a homerun with something
Hoping devs are starting to notice our whines.
I am sure the devs know that medkit is currently an underused heal and almost every engineer is using the healing turret. Elixir H has its uses in elixir builds and A.E.D. could work in WvWvW zerg settings. The developers are probably busy with HoT, so I don’t expect any major changes to medkit before the launch of HoT.
What they could easily is to tweak some numbers, mainly these two:
- increase the base heal of medkit #2-5 by 50% and reduce their cast time to 1/4 s
- double the base heal of medkit #1 and make it affect the engineer as well
After these minor changes medkit could be used in selfish builds to get the highest self heal in the game, albeit with the heavy price of spending more than half of the time just using medkit and not doing any damage.
They trigger when you equip the kit (press button 6). At least it works with certain runes, like altruism, Lyssa. I haven’t tested them all.
I would be beyond extatic if I could literally have the old med kit back and simply have a trait that allowed me to remove a condition with each med pack consumption. Then if I desire to be more group supportive I can choose heal turret.
I would also love to see the old medkit back with a trait, which allowed a condition to be removed with each medkit bandage consume. From a group support point of view the current medkit makes no sense. The kit is designed for rather selfish use. Medkit toolbelt + medkit #2-5 are all single target and I think they should stay that way. Medkit #1 says it can affect up to 5 allies in the tooltip, but in reality it can affect max 3 allies and in most cases it will hit just 1 ally and does about 100 heal/tick, while the engineer is not doing any damage = really not worth, even if they double the current medkit #1 heal (it would only make sense if it would heal the engineer as well).
The old medkit healed about 504 hp/s, including the use of medkit #1-3 bandages.
This is more than the new medkit without regeneration, but less than with regeneration taken into account. The new medkit requires even more time spend on equipping the kit and using the skills than the old one.
They should also replace the lame throw stimulat trait in alchemy with a new grandmaster that makes the Medkit really great, like a Druid great.
You mean Stimulant Supplier which is the major grandmaster trait in the alchemy tree.
I find it quite weak it it’s current form:
505 base heal + 5 seconds of fury every time you use a healing skill (only the F1 skill counts for medkit!)
internal cooldown is 10 seconds
To make it as strong as druid is an overkill. Ranger needs to have something special as well and not give all the goodies to engineer.
Here are some ideas to make stimulant supplier GM trait more useful, but not totally overpowered:
1. Make it also drop stimulant after a full 1.5 second channel of medkit #1. You could make it from a less powerful version, which only heals 505 and gives no fury, if permanent fury sounds too much. This would allow medkit #1 to be used as self-heal as well. It would be slightly stronger heal than elementalist water staff #1, water blast, but does not damage and affects just the engineer, while ele staff #1 can affect up to 5 allies (I didn’t test this though).
2. Make the stimulant supplies activate on equipping medkit (pressing button 6). ICD 10 s would still mean that you could benefit from it once every 10 seconds and get only 50% uptime of fury and this would mean swapping to medkit once every 10 secs and swapping back again (2 seconds spent on that alone)
3. Alternatively stimulant supplier could work so that every time you use medkit #2-5 it also generates an extra stimulant by the feet of the engineer. Meaning you can get double stimulant using medkit #3 or medkit #2 and #3 at same time using medkit #2.
These are all pretty selfish ideas. For more group support, maybe something like Druid’s Lingering Light. Each time you use a heal (or equip a medkit), it creates a wisp that orbits you and heals allies it touches. ICD 6 seconds or so, just like the druid ranger trait.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I know it doesn’t reduce the cooldown, but it should. Whether it’s bugged is a different conversation. Your math is wrong either way. 4920 toolbelt heal every 18 seconds is 273 hps without regen and 403 hps with regen. Adding the 2-5 skills is another 195 hps. So total heal capacity is 598 hps (including regen) if things function without bugging and skills are spammed on CD. And that’s without traits or healing power.
Thanks for pointing out my mistake! I found the mistake in my calculations and fixed values in my first post.
Now indeed if you count in the all medkit #2-5 skills + toolbelt medkit can heal a bit more than the healing turret, but it comes with the price of spending roughly 2/3 of the time just spamming medkit skills the instant they come off CD and equipping and stowing the kit. No other healing skill in the game requires the user to spend so crazy amount of time to take full advantage of the heal. Warrior’s most popular heal, the healing signet, is totally passive, meaning no time wasted on using it and passive use cannot of course be interrupted either. Medkit spam on the other hand is very prone to interrupts and boons can be stolen, removed and corrupted.
The traits don’t actually increase the total heal much at all, because regeneration only stacks in duration. And Stimulant Supplier only activates using the F1 (toolbelt) skill, thus it can activate just once per 18 seconds, giving mere 505 base heal and 5 seconds of fury. That is not a very strong GM trait.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
The funny part is that you can use Medical Kit as your only condition cleanse, but you can not with a Healing Turret. You will escape with most of your health if you are good with the Medical Kit. A good burn guardian get you 100% of the time if healing turret is your only condition cleansing. Hence, Engineer’s weakness to conditions.
Well good luck trying to beat good burn guardians using just medkit. Maybe I am lower skill than you, but I sometimes struggle against burn guardians with multiple sources of condition removal: elixir gun #5, mortar #4 + combos (prone to fail) + medkit. The big problem like I explained is that you need at least 2 seconds to remove any damaging condition using medkit #2 unless you are already sitting on that kit and thus doing zero damage. In all other cases you first must equip the kit, throw medkit #2 and activate it. In WvWvW this means usually at least 10k damage from the burn stacks alone (+ the direct damage) the burn guardian can inflict on you and in many cases there are cover conditions, which need to be cleansed first, thus the burning still remains. 5k burn ticks per second means 30k more damage in next 6 seconds, the next time you can try medkit #2. Medkit #5 offers very short time condition immunity with resistance, but with 20 s cooldown. Instead of counting on my ability to cleanse the conditions I win most of my fights against guardians by using the range game, control the distance using EG#4, rifle #4 and rocket boots. And use lots of blinds, cripple, chill, immobilize to CC the guardian. If it cannot hit you much, then you have much less conditions to cleanse.
If it is a 1 vs 1 situation, you need to do enough dps to kill the guardian, but most fights are not 1 vs 1. Burn guardian might be teamed up with a condition mesmer, celestial necro, trapper ranger etc. and you are just screwed.
Conditions are still a major weakness of the engineers, unless you go full elixir build with Alchemical Tinctures trait and that means giving up a lot of dps. If I get to fight agaist condition builds I wish I would be on my shoutbow warrior and not on my engi.
I am NOT asking the developers to remove this weakness of the engineer. I am not asking for more condition cleanse on medkit, but make increase it’s total healing per minute and improve it’s usability, which is downright horrible now. And I have 2500+ hours experience on using the medkit.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
OP: Have you actually tried using the medkit in such way? And analyze your combat log, count in your lost damage output and total heal in real life situation, not just theoretical math.
Medkit #1 affects just 3 allies, not 5. In non zerging/stacking situations you are lucky to have it’s cone affect more than 2 . And it doesn’t heal the engineer at all. The engineer is not doing any damage while using it. Healing turret’s water fields + any other water fields (e.g. mortar #5, ele water staff #5 )+ lots of blast finishers is far superior. It takes much less than and affects 5 allies within the radius.
When you use medkit #1 are basically giving up doing about 3-5k AoE damage to your enemies for about 250 hp/s heal which doesn’t affect you and max 3 allies. It makes no sense in any game mode. Medkit #1 healing either needs to buffed significantly (more than doubled) and made to affect the engi as well or it should do damage + heal, like ele water staff #1.
I have made another thread, which analyses medkit vs healing turret vs other heals and I explain why medkit doesn’t work that well for real and what should be done about it.
Lyssa and Altruism are defensive type triggers with defensive stats, which are not very useful, but I’m sure Anet will get to them soon enough.
Op also forgot to mention about condition cleansing without using your main heal (tool belt) or that the ability to remove a burn from a guardian every 5 seconds will make the fight a joke.
Lyssa is a bit weak at it’s current form. It was nerfed too much over the years.
Try fighting a good burn guardian using just medkit as your only condition cleanse!
Burn guardians generally use geomancy and doom sigils, so that provides 3xbleed and poison as cover conditions. The burn stacks in WvWvW do well over 5k damage per second. Meaning just 2 seconds is 10k+ damage.
To cleanse the condition you must wish they are no cover conditions, swap to medkit (1 second) and activate medkit #2 (delays might make that another second), swap back (another 1 second). Because of this slowness you are pretty much guaranteed to suffer at least 2 seconds of the burning stacks. Most battles are not 1 vs 1, thus you are soon required to swap again to medkit, use medkit #2-5 again. You are spending big part of your fight just trying to cleanse conditions, which are applied much faster than you can cleanse them. The massive time spent using medkit and the weird aftercast delays on some medkit skills, really kills the kit.
Here is the math how much different skills heal without any healing power:
Medkit heals 226 hp/s + regeneration (assuming every 6 second activation of medkit #2-5), 356 hp/s with regeneration
Warrior’s healing signet heals 362 hp/s.
Healing turret heals 484 hp/s (assumed one blast per longer water field)shouldn’t you also account for the toolbelt skill for an apples-to-apples comparison? Bandage Self can add another 5k heal every 15 seconds by itself if you take Tools traitline. there’s also the capability to get an extra 5k heal roughly every 45 seconds if you take Kinetic Battery and are able to get it to proc at the right time, which can admittedly be unreliable.
My comparison includes the toolbelt skills.
Mechanized_Deployment doesn’t reduce the cooldown of “bandage”. It is still 17 seconds (and 18 seconds with using the skill).
Skills #2-4 is bugged too.
They should remove some conditions, but don’t do this…Medkit was great, when we could activate runes (fixed bug at 29.09), but now…
Bugged how? Please tell us. For me the biggest bug with medkit #2-5 is that they have some weird delays before they activate. In other words you cannot sometimes throw them at your feet and just instantly run over them, but wait until you can activate them. This utterly kills the real world usage of the kit. Swapping between medkit and back takes also considerable amount of time. Just to remove one condition and do a measly 505 base heal + 6 sec regeneration you need to spend about 3 seconds: 1 sec equipt medkit, use medkit #2, activate medkit #2, stow medkit.
Equipping medkit (pressing button 6) is still triggering the “on heal” effect of runes, like Lyssa and Altruism.
The recent patch introduced a slight undocumented “buff” to medkit. The drops from medkit #2-5 are significantly bigger now (just a graphical effect, nothing more). It is easier to notice them in the heat of the battle, but this doesn’t yet solve the issues we have with this kit.
Here is the math how much different skills heal without any healing power:
Medkit heals 273 hp/s from bandage self + 185 hp/s from medkit #2-5 (always use instantly once they are off from cooldown + regeneration 130 hp/s
bandage self + medkit #2-5 = total heal 459 hp + regen = 589 hp/s including regen
Warrior’s healing signet heals 362 hp/s.
Healing turret heals 484 hp/s (assumed one blast per longer water field)
The above comparisons include the use of toolbelt skills. In fact the main heal of medkit is the toolbelt skill “bandage self”, which doesn’t benefit from Mechanized Deployment (bugged or then bandage self is not classified as a toolbelt skill, but a healing skill).
Medkit can remove 10x damaging conditions per minute, 5.5x debilitating conditions per minute and almost 4 movement impairing conditions per minute
Medkit offers 63 % swiftness uptime and 55 % fury uptime.
Healing turret can remove 4×2 = 8 conditions per minute + it has a blast finisher + 2 water fields, allowing significantly more heals if you use finishers on these fields
Conclusion: Healing turret heals significantly more than medkit with 0 investment in healing power if we count in just the toolbelt skill “bandage self”. If we would use multiple blast finishers on the healing kit water fields, the total heal can be almost twice of medkit and it also provides more heal to the allies within the radius, thus making medkit even less viable. While the medkit utility looks great on paper, it takes roughly 2/3 of the total time to use all those medkit skills as soon as they are free from recharge. This means spending 40 seconds out of every minute just swapping between medkit, use medkit skills #2-5 and then swap back again. And this assumes the user is not using medkit #1 at all. Each medkit swap takes 1 second.
Obviously no smart player would spend so much time using medkit as this would barely leave time to use other skills and attack the opponents. Even on a less frequent rotation the time spent swapping into medkit, using 1-3 skills and back again is very significant. The loss of DPS in most situations in at least 33 , which is truly massive. Why would anyone select a heal skill, which requires 33-66 DPS loss and heals less than other healing skills?!?
In order for the medkit to be viable, it must heal more than other heals in the game. The idea of throwing the medkit #2-5 for allies simply doesn’t work. It heals so little and usually just cleanses one specific type of condition that it is almost invariably a better option to spend that time doing something else e.g. attacking the enemies, using CC skills at enemies, run to capture another point etc. The biggest problem is that medkit #2-5 affects just one character. The previous behavior where medkit skills dropped bandages and vials at the feet of the user was much better. It allowed the player to more quickly utilize the kit. It also allowed the kit to function underwater. If medkit #2-5 would be like warrior shouts: instant cast, 600-1200 radius and affect up to 5 allies I would see much more use to it. Then probably the cooldown of especially medkit #2 would need to be increased, not to make the kit too powerful.
Anyways the activation time of medkit #2-5 need to be reduced significantly. Make those skills either instant cast or have 0.25 second cast with over no over cast or delay. The base heal of each medkit skill "2-5 must be increased by 60% (still that would be roughly only 1000 per use!). Healing turret is so popular, not just because the utility and huge healing it brings, but because it has 0.5 second cast time (less prone to interrupts, engineer can spend most time using other skills).
This would solve the current BUG:
Have mecha legs trait equipped or swiftness, throw stimulant (medkit #3) in front of you, and run over it. The stimulant won’t activate and you need to backpedal to activate it. All these waiting for the medkit skills to activate really kills the kit in real life usage. If medkit #2-5 work unreliable half of the time, it absolutely kills their usage in any high spvp or WvWvW.
Medkit #1 is problematic in many ways.
- it heals only max 3 allies, and not 5 as in the description
- the cone is so narrow it often can hit just 1 ally
- it auto aims often at enemies, even though it does no damage
- the healing is so tiny it makes no noticeable dent
- it doesn’t affect the engineer (WHY? e.g. elementalist water staff #1 does damage, affects the user and has 1200 range to hit enemies)
- while you are using it, you are not doing anything useful
Here are few ways to fix medkit #1:
2-3x its base heal and make it also affect the engineer himself
make it also do some weak damage e.g. 2 sec poison or 4 sec bleed from full 1.5 s channel
double it’s base heal and make it heal 360 radius, 600 range
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
It seems this bug was only working with certain trait setup or number of boons on affected allies.
My engineer friend was getting crazy 5-7k heals with medkit #1 in WvWvW. While I was getting just 100 per tick in the exact same time in the same map, despite my character had more healing power!
5k+ heal from single channel of medkit #1 is of course too much, but 100 heal per tick is way too little. The real number should be closer to 300-400 hp/s without healing power to make it viable. Above 500 hp/s, it becomes too good to be true.
Please make medkit #1 more usable. It now auto targets enemies instead of allies and the cone is way too narrow, making it easy to miss allies, while attempting to heal. Make it also affect/heal the engineer. While using that skill the engineer is not contributing anything else to the combat. So even heal like 200-250 hp/s is really NOT worth it. In 99% situations it makes more sense to use other skills or simply attack. Engineer can easily dish out 1k-5k AoE DPS.
Medkit skills #2-5 are horribly clumsy to use in their current form. It is very cumbersome to ground target and throw the vials and very easy to miss them in the heat of the battle, since their hit box is way too tiny. They vanish too quickly. The delays from some of these skills are down right horrible. I often throw medkit #2-5 vial in 200-500 range in front of me and run over it, yet later notice the vial did not activate and I need to backpedal to activate it. This might be another BUG.
None of the allies really notice to use them and I cannot blame them: circa 600 is a tiny heal and affects just one ally. Compare this with e.g. shout heals from warrior which have instant cast and much larger radius, super easy to use, don’t distract the ability to fight, heal more and affect up to 5 allies.
Medkit #1 and medkit toolbelt skill, bandage self, are all very prone to being interrupted due their relatively long cast times. I have been literally interrupted hundreds of times while trying to use bandage self.
None of this is a “learn to play issue”. I have spent 2500 hours using medkit, couple of hundreds hours after the patch.
Thank you!
Nicely played. I guess you used either Dire or Carrion gear to achieve that crazy 29k+ health on mesmer.
I have many times taken a keep on busy prime time using just 2 players. Me as an power hybrid engineer and then the other can be anything (guardian, warrior, ranger etc). I do not use a condition build, but mainly power as the power build is so much better for large scale fights (zerg vs zerg). It doesn’t matter if the other player goes down when the lord health is low, just keep DPSing and you will get to capture and rez.
You just need to kill all the other NPCs first, dish out enough dps before enemy finds you. The guards will respawn in 3 minutes, but 2 players can kill the lord in about 1.5 minutes. Dodge the big attacks as the keep lord can hit really hard.
Shaped Charge damage increase is the weakest among all similar major traits in the game. Targeted Destruction is master minor and logically it should be weaker than a full major.
Take a look at this warrior’s overpowered major trait:
Forceful Greatsword
Gain might on a critical hit with a greatsword or spear. Greatsword and spear skills deal more damage and recharge faster.
Damage Damage Increase: 10%
Increased outgoing damage; stacks intensity. Might (5s): +30 Power, +30 Condition Damage
Recharge Recharge Reduced: 20%
Elementalist’s Pyromancer’s Training
Deal more damage while attuned to fire. Reduces recharge on all fire weapon skills.
Damage Damage Increase: 10%
Recharge Recharge Reduced: 33%
Suggested change to shaped charge:
Give more utility to shaped charge or simply replace the trait with something more useful. Example of added utility:
- vulnerability lasts 50% longer
- reduce cooldown of grenade kit skills by 20%
This would make the trait to a reasonable level. Not overpowered like Forceful Greatsword is (it is a bit too good even for GM).
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Mortar 1 projectile finisher is a big problem. Engies would have so much extra utility if the projectile finisher only had to go through an ally when it gives a positive effect. (cleansing conditions, granting regen) It won’t break us in pvp, but give us some extra tools for large group content.
There is one way to lessen this problem. Give engineers are a trait to make the mortar #1 blast radius bigger e.g. from 120 to 240. E.g. Siege Rounds (GM trait) could do this.
This would greatly increase the likelihood of hitting an enemy to trigger the combo field effect. You would still need to be firing mortar #4 light field right at your feet and then mortar #1 to cleanse conditions at ~180 radius or trigger heal from mortar #5.
A simple increase of healing outsourcing from Med Kit 1 could make this far more interesting to use.
Slight increases like 30% more heal to allies using medkit #1 won’t make it still even remotely viable, as in it’s current form it doesn’t heal the engineer. The healing is simply too little to counter any sort of decent pressure. Guardian’s Virtue of Resolve + Absolute Resolution + Battle Presence is tons better, because it allows the guardian to use other skills, attack etc. at same time. Thus being twice more productive at same time. Battle Presence has 600 radius in a 360 degree angle. Even Superior Sigil of Water is in general more usable than medkit #1 and it allows attacking at same time.
The problem is they cannot make medkit #1 heal too much, especially with healing power, as it could cause some problems as well e.g. two medkit engis could then tank too much. I see that the only viable option to make medkit #1 affect the engineer as well or do some minor damage, like elementalist water staff #1, water blast, does. I would argue that ele water staff #1 is much better than medkit #1 in most cases and nobody has claimed it would be too powerful.
For comparison Water Blast does:
Damage Damage: 112 (0.30)?
Healing Healing: 372 (0.25)? (heals near by allies and self)
Number of Targets: 5
Radius: 180
Range: 1,200
Either of the above, turning medkit #1 into decent self-heal or making it like ele water staff #1, could then at least see some niche uses.
Isnt Automated Defence bomb still bugged? only applying one blind instead of smoke field?
Yes it is still bugged and I would like to see this fixed.
While this is good, it pushes even more players to use healing turret + toolkit. This is bad for build diversity. It seems as if Arenanet wants every engineer select these at least one of the above.
Sighs, and still no changes to medkit, while almost every player agrees that medkit needs changes and buffs. Why did they need to butcher that kit in Jun 23 patch? They could at least double the effectiveness of medkit #1 and make it affect the engineer as well (currently it does no self heal, which makes it pointless to use, always better do to do something else, e.g. attack enemy).
A lot of our traits, like Shaped Charge, still very weak compared to their level and any other profession. (master trait, which gives mere 5 % conditional dmg buff, no utility at all).
I have spent around 2500 hours with medkit and used a lot of combat log to analyze the effectiveness of it and many other skills.
In my opinion medkit got worse in Jun 23 patch. Medkit #1 heals way too little and since it doesn’t heal the engineer at all, it always a better option just to use other skills, like attack the enemies, than waste a lot of time doing tiny heal and nothing else. Either the healing needs to be increased dramatically (making it potentially too powerful with high healing power) or should affect the engineer as well (and heal at least 200 hp/s with 0 healing power).
Throwing the vials is clunky and even after 200 h of usage it is still easy to miss the vials in the heat of the battle. Sometimes you run over the vial and it still doesn’t activate. This is highly aggravating and has happened to me hundreds of times and caused numerous deaths. It seems there is like a tiny delay before the vial activates. All these delays MUST be removed.
The group support idea: throwing the vials for your buddies simply doesn’t work, especially in unranked spvp, where most team mates wouldn’t even understand that the tiny vial is the one which might cleanse your condi.
There are few ways to solve this:
1) Medkit #2-#5 should work like medkit skills before. dropping the vial at your feet, cast time 1/4 s (preferred choice, but would make it completely solo usage)
2) Medkit #2-#5 work like now, but reduced cast time 1/4 and no after cast (least preferred)
3) Medkit #1-#5 all work at 360 radius around the engineer, affecting up to 4 allies + engineer, 1/4 s cast. This would make it much better for group support (preferred choice, would also give a reason for people to choose for WvWvW zerging etc. instead of healing turret)
Alternative solution:
Revert all the old medkit behavior, but make medkit “drop antidote” also give 4 s resistance (boon). This choice requires least of amount of programming as the code is already there.
Arenanet might also think about lowering the activation time of medkit toolbelt skill “bandage self”, as it gets interrupted all the time (one major reason to choose healing turret is the much faster activation time, plus the utility, plus condi removal, plus waterfield).
Arenanet should also decide whether stowing medkit counts as a heal or not. Now it counts as a heal on WvWvW and pve, triggering runes like Lyssa, Altruism etc. which give great synergy and makes it a unique among all heals in the game, but it stopped working on Jun 23 in spvp. This is really weird as there was never complaints of medkit being too strong in spvp.
For some reason many traits think that the F1 medkit skill is not a regular toolbelt skill (Mechanized Deployment won’t work it), but a healing skill Automated Medical Response works with it)!
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Breaking News: Seafarer’s Rest population is Very High!!!
(see attached humor screenshot, courtesy of Atoss from http://www.gw2wvw.net/ forums)
Three queued maps on a Sunday night is pretty busy. At 10.30pm or so tonight we had the outnumbered buff on EB and no queues anywhere else on SFR.
Now you seem to be comparing Monday to Sunday, which makes no sense. On Monday prime time (at least when I was on) there was NO queue to any of the 4 maps on Desolation. In fact we had outnumbered buff on Desolation borderland and enemy had clearly larger numbers than us.
Really comparisons like this are NOT useful at all, because none of us can see the actual number of active players per each tick. Only Arenanet can count the number of active players on all sides at all times, not us. And I am sure they include 24h7 situation, not just the prime time numbers.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
So let me get this straight.
People prefer to play EotM over WvW, so WvW has less people playing it. And your “solution” is to completely remove EotM because people should play what you like to play. By force if neccesary.
You rather want people to be in queue’s waiting to play on a borderland when they really want to be playing EotM. All because you want more people in your prefered gamemode. kitten what other people want to play, they’re here for your entertainment.
WvW needs to be made more fun, more appealing and more rewarding. Then people will come back because they want to.
Even though I hate EotM, I agree with Terra. WvWvW needs to be more rewarding:
better loot
source of unique skins
ability to buy much more gear with wvwvw only rewards
salvageable wvwvw gear
realistic achievements
You just benefit f2p model. Your numbers are like 2x more than before. SFR with much ppl loss has still full status – here’s problem. You got queues to all maps so save more trashtalking.
This is my last comment to your words. There is no reason to get impolite. I just went to check the queue situation and tried to find the most full moment of prime time. We had small queues to EB and 2 BLs, but no queue to home border. I joined the queue on a full map and got in after waiting for few mins. Most of our players were still gathering up in the spawn, not on the field.
I personally consider that the free-2-play be more of a curse than a boon and many Deso Pugmanders share my opinions. Yes, we have lately gotten new players. Some are old very skilled veterans like Stence from SFR, but some seem to be totally new players, so they tend to rally enemies all the time. The invasion of rallybots makes any zerg fights a true challenge. But we will train them to be good players. So if you play on Deso, you can always join my party, no matter what profession and skill level.
I attached a screen shot taken this evening at the start of our prime time, when we usually have the highest queues.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Give me a break u were losing by 100k just few weeks ago and now u are winning by 100k something is really messed up here.
I am not sure if Desolation organization is up the level of FSP and SFR, but if you really think we cannot play the PpT game you are dead wrong. Some of us, including me, can PpT even if I am the ONLY player on the map on our side. Yes, solo capture towers, camp, try to take the enemy keep and hope enemy is not fast enough to defend. If SFR needs 5 players to do the same, then you are having 5 times more players on that map and deserve the “full” status.
Are really you trying to claim that SFR has small amount of players vs other top servers? Do you want recent screenshots showing how massive blobs you actually still have?!
At Desolation have server wide meetings, where we agree what to do on the upcoming reset and week. On certain week if the Deso night team decides not to play and we have decided to do much less PpT, our score is weaker. Just the absence of certain commanders and guilds explains a lot of the PpT score. So if our score changes dramatically per week, there is nothing funny about it.
You are wrong – the only one EU server with full status was Desolation. SFR was never full until this strange changes. When suddenly fully marked Deso gained lower status.
The old server status calculations were NOT based on WvWvW activity. Surely Deso has a massive pve player base. We have been for a long time #1 pve and #1 spvp in server in EU, but since the introduction of mega servers, this has had no effect.
The only thing which should affect server status is how many active players in has in WvWvW, since that is the only game mode where the server has an effect.
Desolation is not that well organized, but we have very high number of players who want to skirmish and not stick to the tag. Desolation has very good coverage = players at every hour and nowadays a lot of PuG commanders as well. Any PpT oriented Pugmander worth his salt values roamers and especially roamers who can provide intel, extremely high. So if you join us, our players will send you cookies. ;-)
FSP is more organized than Desolation and can keep their zergs and blobs tightly packed and follow the orders. If you want to be part of the best melee train in the game, join them. I have never been on FSP, so I cannot comment more. On my personal notice, their roamers tend to be similar to SFR = using the latest cheese build there is e.g. PU mesmer.
I am sure you can find roaming guilds from any top server.
I agree with Jayne.9251 and not with the OP.
Arenanet developer who made the posts about the WvWvW population calculations said that some servers were well above the “full” limit. Since SFR has been the #1 band wagon server already for several years, it would sound logical that SFR indeed is more full than any other EU server. Despite the mass exodus from SFR to FSP and to other servers, it seems SFR still can muster really large numbers of players in normal WvWvW maps.
Unless you can prove that SFR has lower numbers of active players than e.g. Desolation, I really don’t see any reason why Arenanet should unlock the “full” servers. If and when Desolation becomes full again, it should also remain locked. I think Arenanet is only one who can truly count the number of active players. So we can just speculate here.
It is not a healthy solution that a certain server can dominate the game simply by numbers + coverage alone for several years. SFR did it already too long time.
Ayna (pugmander, scout, PpT player)
PS. Desolation is now aiming to play less PpT now and do less karma train, so the weekly score should be more even. We aim for a fair and more match ups as otherwise many enemy players no longer show up after the match up is lost for them. But once [CI] is back at full force, I am afraid the score difference will be very high in favor for Desolation.
PU mesmer won’t be found in top spvp, but nevertheless it offers similar level of easy mode, just the turret engineer, which was deleted from the game already months ago.
Lots of sustain, very easy disengage with abundant stealth and good dps in one build, which requires barely any skill to play. It is extremely annoying to fight PU mesmer and it can manage a long time alone against 2-3 opponents, unless you use a build, which is specifically designed to take down PU mesmers fast.
People who claim that PU mesmer has no mobility are simply lying. It can equip either blink (low CD teleport) or traveler’s runes (+25 % movement speed).
Obviously it is not an optiomal build for pve, but then again most spvp builds would be also suboptimal for pve.
PU mesmer is extremely common and overpowered build in WvWvW roaming. There is already several threads about it, found both in the WvWvW and mesmer sub forum. This is where most of the (deserved) hate comes towards PU mesmer and mesmers in general. I can testify that PU mesmers are a common complaint in map/team chat in WvWvW.
But the biggest point is this: Roaming just doesn’t matter that much. I enjoy it, it sounds like you enjoy it, but we make pretty minimal impact to the overall WvW “score.” I can circle a borderland capping camps, even solo a tower here or there if I’m on a low tier and it’s an off-time. I can do something similar in EB. But at the end of the day, anything I do can be near-immediately undone by one or two enemies doing the exact same thing, likely in half the time.
This is simply not true.
I am mostly a WvWvW, playing on Desolation, EU rank 1 server. Roaming matters to score at least as much as blobbing does. You can deny enemy its supplies by sniping the dolyaks, upgrade camps (effectively draining them to close to zero supplies before larger enemy group flips them back), place supply traps, contest enemy keeps or even try to capture them on your own. I play like that pretty much every day and several people on my server have called me “MVP” = Most Valuable Player on the map.
Several times I have been on map where I solo flipped every tower and camp which our side owns. You do the flipping 2-3 minutes before the tick and you hold it for the tick.
You can also flip a keep with just 2 players.
And this has happened during busy prime time where there can be roughly up to 70-80 enemy players on each enemy side (a total of 140-160 enemies on the same map). Our side might have a zerg of their own, but they are doing gvg or having open field fights. Nevertheless it is roaming guys who matter the most when it comes to score.
Back to topic:
PU mesmers need a change. They have too much survivability and escapes compared to the amount of dps they can dish out. Either take shave off DPS or the reduce amount of stealth and increase the cooldown of blink.
I have often been roaming for 1 h and encounter almost solely just enemy mesmers. If almost the entire roaming player population is using just one profession, it tells that the balance is a bad joke and Arenanet should do something about it.
Playing PU mesmer doesn’t require much any skill. It is a very forgiving build, which can easily handle 2-4 enemy players alone, unless they are built to take down mesmers.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
What happened to throwing turrets? Why did they remove that?
A lot of players complained about turret engineer being cheap on spvp, which was true. Arenanet made turrets to be subject to critical hits, vulnerability and conditions, meaning they melt down faster than you can spell C-H-E-E-S-E. Turrets, besides the healing turret, are now useless for any game mode. Better equip a kit instead.
Interesting. When players complain loudly for a long time about warrior, they do tiny changes and shave it there and there (e.g. 8% healing signet nerf), but when engineer has something too much, like the 100 nades, they delete it from the games entire (50% nerf).
Looking at current SFR and DESO queues it is impossible that SFR is full and DESO very high only.
How often do you update that data?
Current system for sure doesn’t work well… So take a closer look at those numbers.
What queues? Desolation usually has queue only to EB. Right now there is busy prime time in EU tier 1 and we have queue to none of the borderland maps and outnumbered “buff” on the JS border, implying that both JS and SFR have larger numbers than us.
Looking at the queues at one specific hour doesn’t tell the truth, because I am sure Arenanet is using some hourly or ticked based long time score or average instead.
Anyways, we usually do not have queues.
T1 – very blob-oriented, but a lot more pugmanders as well
This is not entirely true about Desolation (current EU rank #1 server).
Desolation has always had a lot of players who like to skirmish and not to stay on the tag. Every pugmander/PuG Commander on Deso knows this and this had lead to a lot of frustration from the commander’s point of view. In worst case there are zero players on tag and after some time the commander just turns off the tag.
Right now we probably have just one commander, Ins, who can gather up to 70 players on a borderland map and even Ins needs several hours and border hops to achieve that. Most Desolation commanders are happy to have 3-12 players on tag and this is true even for the busiest prime time hours.
I just hope too many players would not transfer to us, because we are still not full, but eSFR and Kodash are full. So please if you love blobbing go to any other server, like Jade Sea, FSP, Vizunah, Gandara, Riverside or Piken. But don’t complain if Deso wins with coverage (yes, we do a lot of capping at night, early morning and day time, in other words we play a lot also on non-regular EU times).
Engineers lack trait synergy
what makes you say this? youre at least the 2nd person saying it here within the last day and it confuses me.
Well, here are few examples:
Incendiary powder used to be in the explosives tree and arguably it was one of the strongest master level traits in the game. Now it sits at GM trait in a firearms tree.
The replacement traits like Shaped Charge are very weak for their level, a mere 5 % conditional damage increase and no other utility (it should at least increase the duration of vulnerability or reduce CD). Aim-assisted rocket got a stealth nerf. At least in my combat log it consistently hits weaker than the rifle auto attack, while few weeks ago it harder. I don’t understand why Arenanet needed to stealth nerf this, because now more than half of the explosives traits suck or are situational like explosive descent.
Now engineers need to pick between sustain or dps, but not have both. Burning is a major part of damage in condition and hybrid (celestial) builds and the loss of IP takes a way a lot of sustain dsp, especially when bleeds are weaker in a celestial build. Thus most of those builds are dead from spvp point of view, at least in the very top teams, which have plenty of condition removal. Top teams use either soldier or marauder rifle engi or no engineer at all. In lower to middle levels of spvp condition builds are viable.
There has been countless of threads how engineer traits, especially the healing traits suck. You can just view my posting history to see few. And everybody agrees that medkit was butchered in the June patch.
Many useful engineer traits were deleted and there is no replacement trait like elixir infused bombs. Arenanet promised to make several things baseline, but that never happened.
At the same time many other professions got so many buffs it would be too long list to mention them. Mesmers got 6-7 traits made into baseline, some them extremely strong traits like Illusionary personae (previous GM trait). Traits like Confounding Suggestions, a mere adept trait with 5 s ICD, turning any daze into 1 second stun, are incredibly powerful and engineer really has nothing comparable. The power creep some other professions is astounding. Now there is no way an engineer can beat a competent mesmer in 1 vs 1, unless mesmer makes several mistakes or engineer goes total yolo build with SD or massive condi burst and manages to land it before the mesmer can land his burst. And mesmers are by far #1 profession in WvWvW roaming, at least here in EU tier 1. In fact it might take a while to see anything else than mesmers there.
Engineer is doing okay in current burst+bunker spvp meta, because it has always been a solid choice to contest and decap points, but in a large open world player-vs-player which is more about engage/disengage or ability to sustain enemy condition builds etc, it is one of the weakest professions. If the meta would shift more into condition builds, engineers would be in trash category (due relatively weak condi removal) or be just the “hit my burns or die”. In the gvg world I do not know any team which is hiring engineers (making it the ONLY profession not part of top teams). Power mortar engi is viable in zerg vs zerg, but nowhere as optimal as e.g. staff elementalist or well necro.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
When it comes to pve, engineer is doing well. Engineer has very good direct and condition based DPS. DSP is what mostly matters in pve. Anyways, I think any profession can work well in pve, as most of the pve content is so easy.
When it comes to spvp, engineer is in a tricky place. The Jun 23 patch hit us hard, but hasn’t made us completely useless. Celestial rifle is replaced mostly by soldier and marauder rifle and I also see several pistol condi engineers. We still have good amount of single target CC and great application of different conditions and dps. Our weakness towards condition spam and lots of hard CC are obvious, but nevertheless some top team still include engineers. For most spvp gamers there are easier choices to farm wins in unranked. Summary: play engineer, but you can get better results easier using some stronger builds like D/D ele.
In WvWvW engineer has never been part of the meta. The grenade range nerf hit us very hard in that game mode and while mortar is good for all the fields it offers, it simply lacks DPS. Before the trait revamp patch you could every day encounter roaming engineers (mostly condi cancer type), but now most of them are gone as well and almost everybody and their mom is running PU mesmer. For big zerg fights playing Guardian, Warrior, Elementalist or Necromancer is far more profitable. Most gvg teams also include mesmers (for utility and sniping), thieves (stealth and sniping) or rangers (ranged spining), but engineers are really not welcome.
Engineers lack trait synergy and don’t offer any unique group support, which would make them great choices for WvWvW. For roaming purposes those professions who have the best access to stealth and mobility are far superior choices are even fair fights are getting very rare. It is possible to play WvWvW as engineer, but other professions offer either better engage/disengage or more loot bags.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I just find it bizarre that two of the most worthless traits in the entire game, if not the most worthless traits in the entire game, managed to get through development as engineer GMs.
It’s like engi specs were thrown together at the last minute, then nerfed into the ground without any kind of testing.
This and MDF are both completely useless and it’s mostly because they both have completely unnecessary ICD’s despite the fact that they are both dependent on systems which have their own ICDs. A double-gated bonanza of bafflingly bad balancing. Even if the cooldowns were taken out they’d be super-weak as gm’s and more so when compared to the other traits in their columns.
This summarizes my feelings as well. I am still playing engineer as my main, but every time when I play other professions I wish that some engineer GM traits would be as good as adept or minor traits from some other professions.
Med Kit’s Bandage Self is the most suited to this due to its 17 second base cooldown, which becomes 14.45 seconds with the Tools specialization
Except Bandage self is NOT classified as a tool belt skill, but it is counted as a healing skill.
Thus the tools specialization trait line Mechanized Deployment will NOT reduce it’s cooldown:
But bandage self works with automated medical response
Some calculations:
A.E.D: 12,280 * 0.15 = 1842 heal
Elixir H: 5560 * 0.15 = 843 heal
Bandage Self: 4920 * 0.15 = 738 heal
Healing Turret: 2520 * 0.15 = 378 healSo yes this trait is worthless.
Exactly. In most practical situations the healing amount is so small that is barely noticed at all. I simply cannot understand why this is a GM trait. It would be pretty weak even for an adept trait, since the 240 radius is so small.
Arenanet devs: please give us decent healing related traits, besides bunker down, which is hybrid offense/healing trait and fine as it is. Soothing detonation, energy amplifier, medical dispersion field, automated medical response are all way too weak in their
current form.
Soothing detonation is mere 340 base heal, which doesn’t even apply to the user. For comparison superior sigil of water heals more and affects the user as well.
Energy amplifier gives +240 healing power if under regeneration. For most builds this results very small (~5 % increase in healing) assuming the regen is in on.
Automated medical response has long 90 s cool down, which will trigger even if the healing skill is not on cooldown (thus the trait is wasted with no effect and goes on 90 s cooldown). It would be much better if the trait would trigger only if the health is below 25 % and the healing skill is on cooldown.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Condition duration food should limited to +/15 % maximum. The current -40 % and +40 % is way too overpowered compared to other foods.
For a while now, Seafarer’s Rest and Kodash[DE] has been the only 2 european servers that have been marked as full. Before that the top 8 or so servers were marked as full, but all were sometimes marked as Very High for a bit.
Seafarer’s Rest have had bunch of active wvw players leave, now an entire guild that moved to Desolation.
World population status seems to be locked atm.
I don’t think the world status is locked. Most likely explanation is that SFR simply still has more players than the “very full” servers. The developer said that some servers were well above the “full” status, meaning that even after significant number of players leave that server, it would still be classified as full. SFR has been the #1 target of band wagoners for couple of years now. Despite the mass exodus of SFR players to FSP, the player base must still be huge.
The formula which determines which server is full or “very high” etc. probably takes into account the number of players who do some WvWvW activity during any given time unit (day, hour etc). I don’t think the Points per Tick actually affect it. The win is mainly determined by combination of the following: coverage, number of players and persistence for PpT type of play (defense, upgrading, scouting, pvd).
As you can see from http://gw2wvw.org/?region=2&tier=1 that enemy servers usually focus on Desolation more than each other. This is what the statistics say. Despite the obvious double focus, Desolation is now rank #1 in EU. In my honest opinion, this has very simple explanation. We have a lot of players, just like me, who play for Points per Tick (PpT). Often when I have commanded our tick has been over 300 despite having the outnumbered “buff” on us.
Here at Desolation we generally don’t have any queues to any map, besides the typical 10-30 man queue to EB at prime time. We often have outnumbered “buff” on the borderlands, including home border at prime time. The outnumbered “buff” is very common during day time as well. I rarely ever play at night, so I cannot comment that.
So from my point of view, the fact that SFR and Kodash have “full” status and Deso has “very high” status is not necessarily a frozen status, miscalculation or wrongly working formula. It might be simply that the full servers truly have larger player base, but care less about the points.
Last thing: You cannot transfer to full servers. You can only wish and wait that they become “very high” and then use the window of opportunity to transfer before they are full. I would not be surprised if Desolation, Jade Sea and FSP soon become full. At least here on Desolation were are getting new players and guilds. We are now feeling what it means to be the target of band wagoning.
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
Engineer is awesome for roaming purpose. The SD build melts all those thiefs and pu mesmer within seconds while you are able to deal with almost every build out there…okay CC and condi heavy builds may be a problem but engineer is still in a very good spot.
Static discharge engi has poor mobility, no survivability under focus fire and it has bad condition cleanse. I don’t know where you play, but dire + perplexity is common here in EU tier 1. And fair fights are rare.
When it comes to roaming, the most important 2 things are:
1. Ability to engage and disengage at will (thief, PU mesmer etc. do it much better)
2. Ability to handle unfair fights e.g. 1 vs 2-5 enemies
SD is a one trick pony. Surely it can kill another berserker fast, but the problem is the enemy zerkers usually don’t move alone. Once SD engi has his skills on cooldown, it has almost no defenses against enemy focus fire. Note: shatter mesmer and D/P+SD thief can also burst hard, but they can handle multiple enemies focus fire much better and disengage much better.
Stop with the “ANET doesn’t care about engis”. That’s just naive. For the longest time, engis have been OP in other game modes.
What other game modes besides spvp?
Engineers have always been rare in pve.
Please try to keep this discussion WvWvW related. The fact is: engineers have never been part of WvWvW meta. They are not part of the pirate ship meta, nor the melee train meta.
Engineers used to be good in WvWvW roaming, but still topped by some other professions like thieves, d/d elementalist, meditation guardian or PU mesmer. After June trait rework patch, the engineers are subpar in every role.
The past glory of engineers in spvp should NOT be used an argument to justify their current state spvp or in other game modes. WvWvW matters as much as spvp. I and many others enjoy to play WvWvW as their game mode and the lack of profession balance is a very common complaint in map chat and personally I know players who stopped playing this game because the developers continue to ignore this. They played WvWvW hard core, but just cannot stand the imbalance.
Look at http://metabattle.com/wiki/MetaBattle_Wiki
under WvWvW you can find ZERO roaming and zerg builds for engineers, but you can
viable, meta or great builds for all other professions, besides the Revenant, which is still
under work.
There are simple ways to buff engineers without making them OP in spvp:
- rework medkit to make it viable alternative (currently medkit #1 is joke, medkit #2-5 too slow and clunky, your WvWvW commander is not gonna ask you bring your engi + medkit to heal their zerg)
- make mortar more viable alternative to ele staff e.g. offer traits to reduce it’s CD, increase radius of the attacks to match ele staff, make orbital strike hit harder
- revert grenade range nerf or at least offer a trait to increase it’s range, 900 is way too little to make any sense in pirate ship meta (where enemy staff eles can hit you even 1500+ range, trust me fire staff #1 hits over 1500 range, not to mention LB ranger, which can hit from 1900+ range)
- bring back the missing traits, which were supposed to become baseline, but didn’t,
e.g. elixir gun needs 1200 range
- most healing traits are under powered and close to useless, except bunker down
- many damage related traits are far weaker than similar level traits offered by other professions e.g. shaped charge (mere conditional 5 % dmg increase, no other utility and it is master level trait!)
- FT + juggernaut is significantly better now, but auto attack still risky vs retaliation
- gadgets are still subpar
- turrets… I don’t even want to start this :-(
Please comment WvWvW, not other game modes!
Engineer is the least player profession in WvWvW. Engis were never common in WvWvW, like guardians, warriors, elementalists or thieves (or currently mesmers), but after the Jun 23 patch I haven’t seen much any enemy engineers. The patch deleted a lot of traits, which were supposed to become baseline, but didn’t. The trait synergy has been gone and many GM and master level traits are so weak, it is a bad joke, not to mention the dozens of bugs plaguing the profession.
Engineer is the only profession which has no meta/good WvWvW builds.
Yes, engineer needs serious WvWvW buffs.
I play wvw every day… and mesmers at the moment are well balanced.
Thanks for the best joke of the week. This comment MUST come from a mesmer player.
Mesmer is NOT balanced at all, when it comes WvWvW roaming. In fact since June 23rd more than half of all enemy roamers I have met have been mesmers. If one profession makes more than half of the player base for certain role, then we have a serious issue with balance. 2-3 mesmer enemy teams are very common, but I have also seen group of 10+ enemy players were more than half of them were mesmers. The clones make it look like a zerg from a distance. Granted the latter is not common.
Currently mesmer has way too many defenses compared to burst or condition pressure it can pump at same time. PU mesmer has crazy amount of stealth, rivalled only by a d/p thief. You usually need 3-5 enemy players to take down 1 PU mesmer.
I have said this many times:
Perpexility runes are a broken set of runes, which should either be toned down or removed from the game. These runes are not a mesmer specific problem, but an overpowered source of confusion for any profession.
It seems I am not alone with my opinion. Mesmer forum has a thread of the same topic. Perhaps the moderators should combine these two threads?
A well said quote from that thread:
“As far as WvW goes, condi dire PU is the single most unbalanced build to ever exist. Played correctly, it has literally zero counters except for vastly outnumbering it,”
(edited by Deniara Devious.3948)
I have about 2500 hours play time with medkit and about 100+ hours of that after the Jun 23 patch. I can assure that the medkit is significantly worse after the patch. It is NOT a learn to play issue, Arenanet devs simply ruined the kit.
Medkit #1 utterly useless in any situation. It should self heal, but it doesn’t. The amount area heal of pitiful considering you are not doing any damage or anything else at same time.
Medkit #2-4 are very clunky with long after cast, small hit box (easy to miss). Too slow to activate and toss at your feet in the heat of the combat. They should be drop vial with 1/4 s cast & no after cast or blast around you and affect allies to make it viable choice over healing turret.