Showing Posts For Direwulff.2396:

Do they just ban you on 1 unconfirmed report

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


and so what now we play the game i log back in and report him. seems childish. its like running to the teacher each time you get called a bad name… i was not that kid in school nor am i still. get over it and it it was so bad it would have been caught by the in game filter that i assume is built in like all mmo’s

and Amen to that Brutalistik.6473. Wow had actually great customer service.

Do they just ban you on 1 unconfirmed report

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


So what the heck happened? I mean if they go back and pull the chat log great. both of us exchanged words like stfu and moron and whatnot. I can’t imagine that doesn’t happen on a regular basis. i then just put them on ignore and went about my business after like 2 minutes of wasted time.

and i am sorry for the tone of the post I am just very frustrated right now

Do they just ban you on 1 unconfirmed report

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


So is anet on a plan to allow people to ban in order to grief someone? Had a person get upset over supplies in WvW last night and after calling me a string of names threatens to get me banned by reporting ME. Now I have played MMO’s since everquest and never been banned or even suspended. usually they require some PROOF or you to be reported by more then ONE player in order to do something like this.

Not only am i suspended for 56 hours but my only way to get resolution is to file a 48 hour trouble ticket?

So one person trying to grief you can lock you out for an entire weekend. just amazing ANET

Crafting is not good for lower levels.

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


It is usefull when my level 80 with full weapon and armorcrafting can make all the gear for my alt to level up. Made my rare 35,45 ect weapons that way. But yes for the initial char use it for exp but not that usefull for gearing up.

Armor Box/Satchel Recipes enlighten me

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Thanks for answering #4 kozai

Anet what's the deal with charged lodestones?

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


I don’t have near the time to get a legendary. But there are people with 3 even 4 of them. So it doesn’t seem to be impossible just … Legendary???

What is up with the drop rate?!

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


The drop rate on “fine” crafting materials is fairly low. that being said I think you just had bad luck or were not in a good spot for those items. you will not be able to maintain 2 crafts at once from your first characters farming effectively. What i recomend is to wait till later levels and then work on 1 craft to max. later on come back and do a second probably with purchased materials from the TP or alts. I am waiting to do crafting on my current alt untill about 60-70 because crafting from 1 to 400 gives you 10 levels of experience… I would rather get 10 big levels of experience instead of the starter levels that go by so fast.

Armor Box/Satchel Recipes enlighten me

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


ok thank you very much for that. I thought I was missing something as I couldn’t find the benefits.

What Level Am I?

in Warrior

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


this can be pretty confusing but is one of the nice features or the game. For example I have a 80 warrior. My friend starts up the game an I go join him in the area you were currently in which has level 4 enemy mobs in it I would have green 4 ( current scaled to level) then 80 actually level. If you go into WvWvW then it was give you a “scaled” level of 80 to give you a change to play there. Important fact a level’d down char ( my 80 in your level 4 area) will still be considerably stronger. A leveled up player is weaker then a true level 80.

Armor Box/Satchel Recipes enlighten me

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Well with this many views and no responses yet the question is either VERY dumb or it is as confusing to everyone else as it was to me :-)

Not getting event credit in WvW

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


This has happened to me multiple times as well. I even deployed a ram.. took down about 20% of the gate. hit the keep lord for a good amount of damage and was in the capture ring… still got ZILCH

Claw of Jormag Corrupted Ice Shield bug [merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


this is also happening on ehmry bay server. the wall being mostly underground level makes it VERY hard to target as well as the above listed issues. usually i group up and the first person to get it designates it as an assist target.

Would be nice to get some response from Anet at least to let us know they are aware of this… like mentioned above there are only 3 dragon events…

infinite loading circle when using arrow down

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Hello all,

I was recently informed in a thread that this issue was a known issue anet is working on.

Issue is that if you go to search in the tp to buy something and start typing the item name and see it in the drop down list autocompleting and arrow down to it you get an infinite loading circle and can’t click anything or buy anything. I tried for over a month to fix this including a ticket that didn’t get responded to before I saw this in a TP thread here.

So what I am wondering is if everyone knew about this but me? Also is there a list of these bugs I can check when I am having an issue that this was mentioned on?

Lastly any idea when this will be fixed and if it is broken can we at least disable the option to arrow down and select it i do that out of habit now :-(

sorry I should have put TP in the title but can’t find a way to edit the title now.

Can't buy anything

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


it can also happen if you don’t type the full item name and use the arrow down to auto complete. then you can get the yellow spinning loading circle forever.

Armor Box/Satchel Recipes enlighten me

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Hello all,

Sorry if this is basic and people already know it, but a search only turned up people having confusion or trouble making it.

So as you may guess from the tile I am totally confused on armor box sets. I would like any and all info you may be able to provide but my main questions are the following:

1) is this cost efficient?
2) does it work with any armor set that is craftable
( guess i should have asked this before making my entire exo knights set for my war).
3) i have seen numerous posts referencing the "raising price of Bottle of Elonian Wine " isn’t that vendor purchased so how is it changing?
4) once you “make” the recipe in the forge can you then create the armor box of that type as many times as you would like just like any other recipe i purchase using karma?
5) and lastly is this something you would mainly want to do to outfit your own toon when you want to craft the full set?

Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and any light you can shine on this for me.

{Trait Question} Adrenal health

in Warrior

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


So i recently respec’d my toon and droped the adren health line… I do seem to significantly notice the lack of regen. The shouts are helpfull but lack a significant punch without a lot of +healing which is usually not geared or traited on a war.

Help me out please tried a number of builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Thanks all. Appreciate the ideas will check out both of those builds

Help me out please tried a number of builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Anyone? I will even take basics :-( lots of views but no love.

Help me out please tried a number of builds

in Warrior

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Hello all,

Please help me out here. For starters I do not have a lot of gold so changing my specs around has been a bit rough. Right now I have the yojacks build using sword/horn and rifle. I leveled all the way to 80 using gs and am struggling with the change. I have determined that I don’t care for my war in WvW not saying that are bad just not working for me. I rather play my ranger or mesmer in WvW.

So in short I need a spec that will work well for PVE farming and dungeons and fractals. The gs build I had I died much too easily. the yojak build I am running i stay alive a LOT better but I can’t put out much damage and my aoe capability is very limited. also my guild has a lot of rangers and necro’s so we are constantly hitting bleed caps which makes my build not so great in our runs.

I am looking for a recomendation on a build that has a decent level of survivability but that still has decent range and dps. doesn’t need to be fantastic dps just not pathetic :-)

I almost tried the hammer gun spec i found listed as that seems to have decent damage and also some survival to it but it was listed mainly as a pvp build.;0VKkN0_47L-60;9;49OJ-E4;026-09;23;0I-k3;2ZF18ZF185Ba
Also since it was pvp there were not any suggestions for armor type to get. I have saved enought CotF tokens to buy 1 exotic weapon for my next try and have 400 armorcraft to work on getting the right armor.. but hoping to make a smart move this time. hammer seemed good for cc , decent damage, and has good range and aoe compared to sword. I am thinking I can make sup soldier runes as I haven’t been able to afford them yet.

Any help or event pointers to threads I may have missed where this is discussed would be GREATLY appreciated.

(edited by Direwulff.2396)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Unable to buy anything from SEARCH result.

Suppose you input Plush Griffon Tonic and Hit Search button.
You get the result and can go through the pages.
But the cursor keeps showing as a spining wheel and you can’t buy anything. You can select an item but double-clicking would never work. This will continue forever, like a forever “Loading….” situation in old times browsers.

Retried it several times and same result.
Looks like this happens much more frequently at peak hours.

There is a known issue where this happens when you use you keyboard arrow + Enter to highlight the item in the autofill list and execute the search. Does this still happen if you type out the entire name and search or use your mouse to select the item in the autofill list?

I also was having this issue and had been using workarounds as mentioned a few posts down. I tried what you have said and if I DO NOT use the arrows to complete the item the issue does not occur. I know you said this was a known issue is that listed somewhere as I tried about 15 things including a repair to get this to stop and this is the first i have heard of it being a known issue. with that being said any idea on a fix timeframe?

PS I submitted a troubleticket with dxdiag logs and your specific diag package logs but never got a response back

Minor vs Major rune of the soldier?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


can you say buff my new alt ;-)

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


oh yes i forgot sort by armor light,med, heavy would be terrific…. also can we fix being able to find back items… or am i just missing something.

2 newbish ?'s hoping for some help please

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Ah ok, in regards to your posted example, an item such as that one (the corrupted weapon line) has recipes which are purchased from an NPC following the completion of an event.

The NPC is Rojan the Penitent:

He becomes a merchant after defeating the Claw of Jormag:

Which is found near Earthshake Waypoint in Frostgorge Sound (level 70-80).

There is a site that has dragon timers for each server, if updated, it will let you know when the event is ongoing (it also provides timers for some other events):


terrific thanks again. I also was able to use your expamples above to locate other unlockable like the grawl items. It looks like the wiki has more info then the gw2db.

2 newbish ?'s hoping for some help please

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Hi Direwulff,

2) Would need more info on what you mean by this, can you give us an example? Are you talking from crafting, drops, mystic forge? etc.


thank you for the great help and assistance. I will spend a bit more time on the wiki site as mentioned above.

as for the second question here is an example of an item that is listed as “unlock required”

If I understand correctly you have to buy the recipe from a NPC… and further reading maybe that NPC only spaws after a special event occurs?

Thanks again I know it was a basic question and appreciate the kind pointers.

is there a list of craftable sigils/runes

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Might be able to get a better list from the Guild Wars 2 Wiki.


That is exactly what i needed. not only is there a better view of the runes. but lower down are links to what each “craft type” can create.

Quick question

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Nearly fifty views, no responses.

So no one knows, then? Shame.

i am having that issue with my sigil/runes questions. though it was a dumb question but guess it is not that readily avail.

Reaper Of Grenth

in Human

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


I’m not sure if I should post this here, but since “Reaper Of Grenth” is a human elite skill I thought it would be appropriate.

I never really even considered putting this skill on my bar since a couple of days ago. I play s/d Elementalist in WvW and I noticed this skill is really working well. But after trying it out a couple of times it seems to be lacking. I noticed that the chill and poison does not stack even if you stay close to the target, it just waits 3 seconds before it reapplies instead of stacking. I also noticed that you can’t use this skill while moving, which really feels kinda strange to me since it’s a snare and puts a hold on combat. Sometimes when someone is trying to run away from you, you have to make the decision should I stop to use “Reaper of Grenth” so I can snare them? Or should I just try to keep up. This feel a bit strange… Any ideas, comments or tips how to use this skill? Or should it just get a buff?

I haven’t really found a good use for this on my mesmer either.. feels weak for an elite skill. Time warp seems 100X better for me. and moa morph … just funny

is there a list of craftable sigils/runes

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Hello all,

I tried looking on and can find the list of runs and sigils but can’t easily tell which are craftable. Am I just missing it ( totally possible ) or is it not very clearly seperated?

Sporadic lack of recognition for tower taking

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


OK some additional info:
L50 human guardian
Not in a group
Occurred twice tonight on Fort Aspenwood Borderlands keeps, once in Hills, once in Bay.

In hills I got xp from Keep lord in capture circle, in Bay I got no xp (was doing healing tome) but was in circle whole time)

This happened to me last night. I even deployed the Ram used on the gate did about 25%+ of the gate damage. Got exp and loot for killing the keep lord and was in the circle for the cap…. but got no exp/silver/reward when cap occured.

2 newbish ?'s hoping for some help please

in Crafting

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


ok 2 questions to ask all you knowledgeable folks. I searched around a bit but couldn’t find this info.
1) Are all sigils/runes ( upgrade for armor and weapons slots really) craftable?
I was looking for as an example minor sigil of fire and couldn’t find any craft that could make it. The sigils I am able to make seem to be the ones that nobody wants.

2) I noticed there are unlockable skins but was having trouble figuring out what I need to do to unlock those skins.

I know these are probably really basic questions but any help would be greatly appreciated.

ahh one more if I may :-)

3) how do you get access to the “armor set bundles” where you make a full set of a particular armor type.

(edited by Direwulff.2396)

Black Lion Trading Problem (SOLVED)

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Since we get post about this subject several times a week, maybe its time that the interface for handling pickup of items purchased by gems changes?

or maybe people should manage there inbox better… what is it that you need to store in your mailbox for so long.

Preview Items on the Trading Post

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


+1 for this.

Or even just allow us to link the item from the TP into a chat field.. where we can preview

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Unable to buy anything from SEARCH result.

Suppose you input Plush Griffon Tonic and Hit Search button.
You get the result and can go through the pages.
But the cursor keeps showing as a spining wheel and you can’t buy anything. You can select an item but double-clicking would never work. This will continue forever, like a forever “Loading….” situation in old times browsers.

Retried it several times and same result.
Looks like this happens much more frequently at peak hours.

I have this issue as well. It is definately on Anet side. I submited a help ticket with a ton of info in it as well as complete diag logs and never heard back. Here are 2 temp workarounds that I am able to use:
1) on the starting screen select any item in the list ( example candycorns) once you have just that one item showing on screen use the search. ( this seems to work for me)
2) spell out the entire item in the search ( DO NOT use the word completion that shows below)

Both of the methods seem to work for me but it is infuriating that I Have to do this.

FYI I have tried running this with no firewall active and antivirus totally uninstalled. tried with 3 different browsers set as primary ( firefox, IE, Chrome).

(edited by Direwulff.2396)

Focus wanted for speed buff... but gs/staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Ok well thanks for the replies all. I thought I was just missing something. Usually the focus in a bag works ok.. maybe i can macro it so i don’t have to open the bag. The one or 2 times i get caught with my pants down not having a mainhand item is worth the time i save being able to equip staff back with 1 click lol.

Which traits to aim for?

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396



Welcome and let me start saying I am only level 29 with my mesmer. The best piece of advice i can give you for the mesmer and it is offered here in a number of threads is to watch the mrprometheus youtube vids. They are long some about an hour, but he goes into fantastic detail about how mesmer mechanics work and combo fields and weapon types and skills. Really very comprehensive and changed my mesmer experience. enjoy

Focus wanted for speed buff... but gs/staff

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Hiya all,

So being newer on the mesmer and reading the forums here I notice that everyone feels the lack of speed. I have a thief and a ranger both with perm +25% speed from slot skill. So when I got to play my mesmer alt I feel SOOO slow. I find myself wanting to have focus offhand for the speedbuff but I really like combat with gs/staff combo.

I have found myself keeping a focus in my top bag just to equip and then toss back on the staff after i lay down the speed buff…. but occasionally i get caught by a mob with no mainhand on lol. Any advice from vets on how to not feel so slow without running into the above issue?

thanks in advance
oh btw i am currently level 29

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Thats funny that you mention that. I think i used scepter untill about 8 then went to GS/staff which I am still using.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


So far the levelling experience has been a piece a cake after following mrprometheus’ advice.[/quote]

I think it is understanding how to use the class… people that have watched that video… which I have to say again is VERY good and detailed are able to level with no issues.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Ok here are the 2 biggest things in my opinion. Now keep in mind a week ago I was on the VERY hard to level a mesmer side of the argument. Now I am on the mesmer OP at leveling side.
1) Watch all 4 of these videos. Yes they are LONG. Yes the are what moved me from having problems to making it easy. Take the time and watch them all they are great

(done by mrprometheus)

2) and this is where maybe people who are saying it was easy can help out. There seems to be a HUGE lack of guidance for people in the 1-40 range. those vids are fantastic but they as well as most posts are guides for people at level 80 to make builds. What we need from experienced mesmer players is what do do in the 1-20 and 20-40 range. What talents can we make use of when we only have 10 or 20 points to asssign. The issue I think is people read build guides for level 80 and try to play that way but are missing 80% of the talents that make that build work.

I so far started first 5 points in illusions to get the cooldown reductions. Then 10 points in domination. Not saying that is the best way to go but seems to be working for me. Next I want to get the extra bounce skill at 20 in illusion and the extra damage from GS in dominion… also level 20 i think.

no idea if this is a good way to go just that it is working for me. Most of the difference though was understanding the class and I got that from the videos ( all 4 of them)

Would love to hear from experienced mesemers on how they assigned there first 10 then 20 then 30 trait points and so on.

Leveling as Mesmer - a horrible experience

in Mesmer

Posted by: Direwulff.2396


Ok so when i first started mesmer it was pretty rough. But I took the advice given… which Rashiakas.2459 obviously wasn’t willing to do. I watched ALL of the prometheus vids and they helped a TON. I am using staff/GS and loving it. The issue is that mesmer is MUCH different then other classes and takes some skill to play. you can’t just run in and spam you skills like ranger can. I leveled a ranger to 80 as my first toon and now that I understand the mesmer better I think i do better in big pulls as the mesmer. take the advice read the guides but mainly watch the mr prometheus vids they are a big big help.