here another way I could be more clear for you dps junky do understand my point
I would like it where they could be 2 option to run a dungeon
Option A
lets get 5 dps and run the dungeon fastOption B
Lets get 4 dps and 1 healer to run the dungeon smootherwell gets what! Option B is not available b/c the healing support is to weak to do its job
No offense meant, but people might understand your point better if you wrote with a bit more clarity. (e.g. spelling, grammar…..not asking you to be perfect, but come on…at least get it close so that most have a chance to decipher it) The above post and the post before it(2 of many examples) are muddy and confusing, at best.
Yes I am extremely sorry English is my second language, I try to use spell check all the time but the grammar is kind of hard even the programs I use on the net don’t do a good job
But I wouldn’t go as far as say that my grammar or spelling is the issue here. The ppl who are debating the issue is b/c to them is insignificant , is not in there play style so it matter not that healing works or not.
As long option A is available there are content with the game itself but there a few of us that would like to be playing option B
(edited by Drakent.9605)
here another way I could be more clear for you dps junky do understand my point
I would like it where there could be 2 option to run a dungeon
Option A
lets get 5 dps and run the dungeon fast
Option B
Lets get 4 dps and 1 healer to run the dungeon smoother
well gets what! Option B is not available b/c the healing support is to weak to do its job
(edited by Drakent.9605)
Seems people are still shooting in the dark here.
Op doesn’t want a healer, but healing itself to actually be useful beyond your self-healing skill. In terms of support (i.e. helping others), healing support is terrible compared to other support options.
That’s why it’s often tossed aside. Also add to the fact that it requires a lot of invest to even be mediocre.
The scaling can be revised so it can actually be useful support for those that want to invest in it.
Thank you !!!!
Again like I say two group of ppl on this forum
group 1 (who cares about healing dps is far better)
and group 2 like my self who care’s to be doing other thing then dpsing
As I keep saying this game is design to be more then just dps the tools is allrdy in the game so is not I am asking to make any changes but improvement
The healing ability to help other is weak and can be improve,
1) Regeneration is by far the weakest off all the healing ability in the game b/c is effected by the person own healing stats instead of the caster. They should improve this by either making it stackable like might or make it heal by who ever has the strongest healing stat on the group
2) Healing stats to weak, now maybe the reason for this is b.c maybe anet is trying to avoid player becoming supertank and going around being impossible kill, so maybe they could add like a hidden bonus effect like outgoin heal into healing stats where the healing amount is a bit stronger when you heal other then your self
Well pretty much you got 2 group of ppl the one that don’t care about healing and the one that feel that healing isn’t strong enough.
The group that doesn’t care about healing all they been talking about is plain and simple ( healing is fine where it is because we don’t really need it ) But just b/c is not need it doesn’t mean that some of us shouldn’t use it.
Is not like I am asking anet to create a new play style b/c all the tool are all rdy in the game to be a suppor dps/healer the problem is healing tool aren’t as effective as other buffing tools. For example Regeneration is a joke b/c it effect by the person own healing stats instead of the 1 that casted
everything paper may look good but the results is the issue.
I my self have spend plenty of gold trying to make a good healing build for pve dungeon to end up useless, the problem is that at end you heal about 20% of your groups HP about every 8 to 10 sec when a boss or a group of mobs can take down 60% of a person HP under 5 sec
Hell, you can even AFK-facetank a spider queen solo.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but pulling her to that spot is an exploit that prevents her from using her most powerful attack, is it not?
I’ll concede the point when you show me the video of someone facetanking her in the middle of the room she spawns in.
actually no is not a exploit b/c her most powerful attack is a aoe poison field that she uses only when you out of range, the only reason for tanking the boss on this area is avoid the gargoyles
I think the op is saying healing support in comparison to other support options is pretty kitten useless.
Like we may as well not have healing power or regeneration because they both are terrible. Whereas other boons (might, fury, prot, aegis, vigor), conditions, and cc excel anything you could ever do with healing power.
Generally speaking, “healing” support is no where near on par with the rest of the support options and therefore has little (niche) to no use.
Finally some 1 that understand what I am talking about, and here I thought I was the only 1 that knew that the world is round on this crazy world where the meta think the world is flat
Also, how is healing any more fun? Look at LoL as a great example nobody in their mind really wants to play support really. The only thing that healing has the potential to do is to make you feel heroic for a short period of time which iono why that is needed anyhow.
That YOU don’t happen to be part of the gaming population that enjoys Support gameplay doesn’t mean I’m crazy
. Some of us measure victory by ‘did the team win?’ While this game full-on panders to the DPS crowd there are plenty out there where other roles than damage make or break those efforts.
Thanks for your support happy to know I am not the only none dps junky out there
This game revolves around mainly pure DPS. Run anything but that and you’ll have broken traits, builds sets, individual skills, and whatever else can be broken.
That’s all there is to it. There’s nothing anyone can do but the Devs and they can fix it; a small chance though, since, as you yourself said in the title, it’s been over a year and it’s still broken.
Eh no this game is not revolve around pure dps that’s your mentality of the game
this game came be play with 5 healers build or 5 tank build it will still do the job, just b/c 5 dps does it faster it doesn’t make the game to be revolve around dps
Um, no. Ok, the IDEA of the game is absolutely what you’ve been talking about. Support was INTENDED to be a thing and important. The REALITY of the game is that they never designed it properly, and broke the mob mechanics that would have made it functional, resulting in a game where DPS is king and all other methods of play do nothing more than slow down how fast everything dies.
This is not an opinion. This is not my way of playing. This is how the game actually physically works.
Lmao you have no clue what you are talking about
as you can see maddoctor.2738 has link videos of none dps build facetanking dungeon with no problem. There are videos of youtube of 5 cleric build group vs 12 zerg group , that’s to show you how insignificant dps can be with the proper group set up
Just b/c 5 dps group can down a dungeon much faster then any group set up on the game doesn’t make it the king!!!! that’s just Opinion not a fact So I would suggest for you to learn the difference before you try to shub your garbage of a thought on ppl throat
I’m sorry I fed the troll. Believe whatever you want. Watch whatever you want. It doesn’t change the fact that healing is as worthless a stat as all the stats that don’t do damage in this game. Can you build for them? Yes. Am I built for them? Yes. Does this change the fact that DPS is king and that the only stats that matter in PvE are damage stats? No, no it doesn’t.
Do whatever you want, but you, sir, are the one with no clue. All that matters is damage. Kill the boss in as short a time as possible, avoid getting hit. You don’t need healing. Done.
Is not about what I believe or not , is all about fact which I have and you don’t, you are just stuck with the mindless set play of dps is the only way and that’s find if hack and slash is what you enjoy great but again don’t shub the mindless Idea that the game was build on just solid dps when is not, just stick at what you know and keep it to your self don’t pass the diseases over
ok to the ppl who keep posting with I am confuse about my issue with healing.
As I keep saying in gw2 you can go as any build on dungeon run and do good , which is pure dps or condition or a buffer but if you try to be a single healer build class on 5 man dungeon is completely useless.
As a single healer build in 5 man group your OUT GOING heals do almost nothing to the group and not just that but your dps is also gimpy making you dead weight to the group
As I explain before I DO NOT run 5 man zerk run, do not like it , I find it boring , love puging with random ppl and there a lot of ppl out who don’t know how to play there class or don’t know much about the dungeon it self b/c of this I like to build a class that helps other to perform better and this can be done.
I have made a build with my guardian that helps any random group with worst dps to become either decent dps or great dps . This is a might stacker support build.
Now I have try other route of game play where instead of helping player to increase there dps I wanted to help them to stay alive and this where the problem hits, It cant be done.
It’s happening.
This game revolves around mainly pure DPS. Run anything but that and you’ll have broken traits, builds sets, individual skills, and whatever else can be broken.
That’s all there is to it. There’s nothing anyone can do but the Devs and they can fix it; a small chance though, since, as you yourself said in the title, it’s been over a year and it’s still broken.
Eh no this game is not revolve around pure dps that’s your mentality of the game
this game came be play with 5 healers build or 5 tank build it will still do the job, just b/c 5 dps does it faster it doesn’t make the game to be revolve around dps
Um, no. Ok, the IDEA of the game is absolutely what you’ve been talking about. Support was INTENDED to be a thing and important. The REALITY of the game is that they never designed it properly, and broke the mob mechanics that would have made it functional, resulting in a game where DPS is king and all other methods of play do nothing more than slow down how fast everything dies.
This is not an opinion. This is not my way of playing. This is how the game actually physically works.
Lmao you have no clue what you are talking about
as you can see maddoctor.2738 has link videos of none dps build facetanking dungeon with no problem. There are videos of youtube of 5 cleric build group vs 12 zerg group , that’s to show you how insignificant dps can be with the proper group set up
Just b/c 5 dps group can down a dungeon much faster then any group set up on the game doesn’t make it the king!!!! that’s just Opinion not a fact So I would suggest for you to learn the difference before you try to shub your garbage of a thought on ppl throat
@ xsquared.1926 and maddoctor.2738 you guys are showing how good self healing is and that’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about when it come to healing other ppl who don’t have healing gear on
And if you goin to post STOP with the dedicating heal I am not talking about that either, I am talking about a dps/healer like the one we have on the game now but more efficient.
I think I am in tittle to make any complain about any build I feel is not is strong enough
Is not up to you to decide what build or not ppl should be happy
well not really off toping just talking about support class which involve about might stacking and IMO there no better class then the guardian for that if you are pugging
@rainynoble.6531 you using scenario that are base on a organize group and like you say you don’t know what you going to get when you pug which is why I love my build b/c even a kitteny player that joins in becomes a decent player
one thing you need to understand I love puging and expecialy with noobs.
I used to find the dungeon on this game MIND-NUMBING stupid easy and instead of complaining about it I try I way to make the game more challenging for my self and this is why i stay away from the zerk metal build and y I love puging with random ppl and why I love my guardian build
with my build I am able to help any weak dps to become a stronger dps
have read complains on how the only way to play on this game is pure dps which is incorrect because there are support build that are base on sacrificing some of your dps but will be increasing your team dps by stacking might or by stacking condition invulnerability on mobs
Lets assume you are talking about traits. most traits that puts out vulnerabilities are already on meta traits lines. stacking might are mostly done through fire field blast. other ways to increase team dps are strength/discipline banners, spotter ( on power traitiline). empowered allies, and fury ( “For great Justice”, Persisting flame, ranger warhorn skill. etc)
Warrior can sacrifice their own personal dps to gives out empowered allies and stable mights through phalanx trait.
guardian have tons of blinds through skills in greatsword and S/F, with meta dps traits they dish out tons of vulnerabilities when foes are blinded.
which support build are you talking about?
No all classes in the game can stack might, best some can do is stack about 5 to 10.
This is where the might build guardian come in handy 0/0/2/6/6 using hammer/staff plus using hallow grown and purging flames I keep my group with 15-25 stack of might none stop also I keep retaliation all the time so any damage they take equal more dps for the group.This is a pure support class
There is a reason why some class has lots of combo finishers such as thief and ele and some has nearly none (warrior and mesmer). with proper synergy between group members, you can have solid 25 stacks of might and at the same time dealing better dps.
guardian staff is weak in dps and its empower’s might duration only lasts about 1/3 of time compares to mights from combo blast. your hammer’s light field will interfere with might blasts if that is what you try to do. ( Hammer is good weapon however, with its near permanent protection and good dps )
Retaliation is useless in boss fights as bosses often has OHKO moves and their other non-lethal moves hit only one person mostly.
Also, if you only use purging flame and hallowing ground for might stacking, what happen if your party need heavy condition cleansing? what if they need stability? no other skills in this game gives out such long duration of partywide stability compares to H.G.
Guardian is just really bad at might stackings, even a phalanx warrior can stack better might and at the same time doing better damage.
1) all you doing is giving scenario that NEVER HAPPENS.
2) I Pug a hell of a lot and I have run with my thf, eng , and necromancer and never had more then 6 to 10 stack of might when I do, rarely do I find a group that give me might stack over 10 stack
3) my eng , thf or necro can out dps my guardian build but my run has never been smoothly b/c at the end 1 good dps isn’t better then 5 good dps, with my guardian build can make any low dps into a high dps easy making any run either smooth or super fast with out the need of joining a meta zerker build
Out of curiosity, how often do you play and in what aspects of the game do you spend the majority of your time?
been playing since beta and only do pve , play like every other day 3 to 4hr a day sometimes take 2 to 3 months brake
Do you run fractals or dungeons, or do you run world events, etc?
all 3
Out of curiosity, how often do you play and in what aspects of the game do you spend the majority of your time?
been playing since beta and only do pve , play like every other day 3 to 4hr a day sometimes take 2 to 3 months brake
all my post have been clear you just keep reading between the lines. I keep talking about support other player from slowing dying not from healing from 0 to 100%. as much you try to refuse anet did try to make a system where you could build a class that could semi-heal other players but the problem with this system it doesn’t work well in 5 man dungeon or in wvw .
The reality is that ppl forgot that system was working when the game was fresh before they nerf dungeon when all class cannon build where getting 1 shoot kill so every 1 would u balance there def with there damage so healing was working fine but then it got nerf and after that you could just go pure dps with little consequence and that’s where heal support die
(edited by Drakent.9605)
This game revolves around mainly pure DPS. Run anything but that and you’ll have broken traits, builds sets, individual skills, and whatever else can be broken.
That’s all there is to it. There’s nothing anyone can do but the Devs and they can fix it; a small chance though, since, as you yourself said in the title, it’s been over a year and it’s still broken.
Eh no this game is not revolve around pure dps that’s your mentality of the game
this game came be play with 5 healers build or 5 tank build it will still do the job, just b/c 5 dps does it faster it doesn’t make the game to be revolve around dps
Take what you will from what I said. In the end, if you’re wanting to play healer or support, you’re going to have a worse time because the game does revolve around pure DPS. As others have said, there’s a self heal on the bar for a reason, and many skills are self support skills so in most cases, it’s purely DPS that wins.
Been playing a pure support guardian class over the last 2 months now and let me tell you is far more fun then playing the mind less berserk build group that I was playing for almost a year.
I mean if you having fun with the hack and slash build who am I to spoil your fun but again pure dps is your mentality of game play not the game it self
You keep miss understanding , you keep thinking of a main healer role when I talking of a support role a class that keeps players half alive while dpsing ,this was actually ANET TRUE intention they didn’t want a wack a mole healer but a class that can back up another player when needed the most. Why do you think they increase healing on this patch ? didn’t you notice they give a extra 10% increase to all out going heal and another 25% healing increase to elemental
The sPvP forums are complaining that there’s too much healing, strangely enough.
If you’re expecting to facetank dungeon bosses with healing, that’s not how this game works.
actually you can do that. look at some youtube video and watch how ppl run dungeon with out using dodge they just stand there and take the damage
so you really don’t know much about the game it self
(edited by Drakent.9605)
PPl are stuck when the mental Idea when I mean heals is that all you doing is standing there healing and that’s not it , I am talking about a healing system that you sacrifice some of your dps to slow down your member HP from droping dramatic
Except that’s what people are telling you. The healer role or build in this game isn’t viable not because its broken but because there is no need for it.
That makes no cense. They create ability to heal other player but there no need for them? so why bother having it to begging with ? you make something and it doesn’t fit on the game play? then that is broken
This game revolves around mainly pure DPS. Run anything but that and you’ll have broken traits, builds sets, individual skills, and whatever else can be broken.
That’s all there is to it. There’s nothing anyone can do but the Devs and they can fix it; a small chance though, since, as you yourself said in the title, it’s been over a year and it’s still broken.
Eh no this game is not revolve around pure dps that’s your mentality of the game
this game came be play with 5 healers build or 5 tank build it will still do the job, just b/c 5 dps does it faster it doesn’t make the game to be revolve around dps
(edited by Drakent.9605)
PPl are stuck when the mental Idea when I mean heals is that all you doing is standing there healing and that’s not it , I am talking about a healing system that you sacrifice some of your dps to slow down your member HP from droping dramatic
have read complains on how the only way to play on this game is pure dps which is incorrect because there are support build that are base on sacrificing some of your dps but will be increasing your team dps by stacking might or by stacking condition invulnerability on mobs
Lets assume you are talking about traits. most traits that puts out vulnerabilities are already on meta traits lines. stacking might are mostly done through fire field blast. other ways to increase team dps are strength/discipline banners, spotter ( on power traitiline). empowered allies, and fury ( “For great Justice”, Persisting flame, ranger warhorn skill. etc)
Warrior can sacrifice their own personal dps to gives out empowered allies and stable mights through phalanx trait.
guardian have tons of blinds through skills in greatsword and S/F, with meta dps traits they dish out tons of vulnerabilities when foes are blinded.
which support build are you talking about?
No all classes in the game can stack might, best some can do is stack about 5 to 10.
This is where the might build guardian come in handy 0/0/2/6/6 using hammer/staff plus using hallow grown and purging flames I keep my group with 15-25 stack of might none stop also I keep retaliation all the time so any damage they take equal more dps for the group.
This is a pure support class
Guild Wars 2 does not rely on the tank/healer/dps trinity. Direct damage dps meta in pve/dungeons is what it is for efficiency’s sake, and “support” builds are dps geared/traited with support skills.
what you are saying is a opinion and make very little cense.
game was design to be more then just dps or more then just heals , was design to be a bit of everything with out restriction , unfortunately the healing aspect didn’t make it
So am I am the only one that notices this, I haven’t read 1 single post about the healing issue and is the only game play I find broken on this game.
I read complain about condition play style but there nothing wrong with unless you a bad player and haven’t figure it out how to play it properly.
have read complains on how the only way to play on this game is pure dps which is incorrect because there are support build that are base on sacrificing some of your dps but will be increasing your team dps by stacking might or by stacking condition invulnerability on mobs
But the only build that doesn’t work is the healing build. Is complete garbage no matter how hard you try and I speaking on pve and wvw gameplay.
The only way a healing build works in pve if you have 2 or 3 healers on the group and honest who wants to bother with that, all you doing is slowing down the fight.
So am I the only one that cares?
Good lord man what in the word are you trying to say?
K let me try to understand you. Are you trying to say that after the nerf for berserk build it wont make much a difference that condition build wont still be playable on dungeons ?
Are you saying that 5 berserk are still better then 2 condition and 3 berseker build?
because if you saying that, i will say you incorrect b/c the entire purpose of nerfing berserk is for that reason and this is coming from anet it self ,so is not even my opinion but fact
5 people doing 10% less dmg each doesn’t equate to 50% less dps as a group it equals one person doing 50% less dps or 10% less dps as a group.
I allrdy at meet to the point that my # aren’t accurate, my hole point to my post is that 5 man zerker build is not going better then running a group of 3 zerker and 2 condition .
My entire point is now condition build will have a spot, any player that feels that having a condition build is going to slow down the group is Miss Inform b/c after the patch having at least 2 condition build in the group will be far better then just plain 5 zerker
Aww… so I’m going to be maxing 45k’s on Brie instead of 50k now?
MRW: lol, Drakent if you don’t know what a percentage is then stop arguing with people about this topic. Your opinion isn’t going to be taken seriously if you keep trying to convince people that a percentage doesn’t scale with a larger sample size. I’m advising this to you for your own sake because it’s… honestly kind of painful to read.
your argument has 0 merits so it doe’st bother me what you think and if hurts to read then don’t be a masochist and stop reading what you cant understand
I know the answer to my question. The purpose of it is help you understand things better. Please just try.
i dont have 2 since you are the 1 having a hard time trying to understand the entire purpose of the topic
Your # are a assumption, not real data. No 1 know how much damage berserk build doing after the patch but the goal that anet is trying to do is stop from ppl to run nothing but berserk and give other classes a spot ( condition build) and the only way to do that is to bring the damage close to other kind of damage, so i’ll guarantee you that to pull that off is making berserk damage much lower then going from 10k to 8k it wouldn’t shock me if it goes from 10k to 6k
I just wanted to show you that this
5 people doing 10% less damage each is a total of 50% less damage over all as a group
is completely wrong.
Sure ill at meet to it that my % could be wrong just like yours # are far off
as I explain and keep explaining is still impossible yet to tell how much damage zerker build is going lose but what I know for a fact is anet is trying to push off the idea of just doing 5 zerker only . there trying to nerf the build to the point that getting the best damage as possible in a group of 5 require other build into the group
please find a quote that for me b/c if you read my post it has been talking about a total of 10% damage lost over all on a berserk build and having 5 zerker doing 10% less damage each = to a 50% damage over all as a group
That is wrong. Assuming all zerkers do 10k now and 8k after the patch:
1 zerker: 10k -> 8k = 2k less equals 2/10 = 0.2
2 zerkers: 20k -> 16k = 4k less equals 4/20 = 0.2
3 zerkers: 30k -> 24k = 6k less equals 6/30 = 0.2
4 zerkers: 40k -> 32k = 8k less equals 8/40 = 0.2
5 zerkers: 50k -> 40k = 10k less equals 10/50= 0.2
Your # are a assumption, not real data. No 1 know how much damage berserk build doing after the patch but the goal that anet is trying to do is stop from ppl to run nothing but berserk and give other classes a spot ( condition build) and the only way to do that is to bring the damage close to other kind of damage, so i’ll guarantee you that to pull that off is making berserk damage much lower then going from 10k to 8k it wouldn’t shock me if it goes from 10k to 6k
@Murderous Clown.9723:
I am not claiming nothing I stated the fact base on what anet is saying, It is simple logic that if 1 build is doing 10% less damage then before, each player is going to be doing 10% less damage running that same build
And I could care less how much less damage of 10 zerker group are doing after the patch if that concerns you then you do the # yourself
All I know is after the patch running 5 zerker dungeon isn’t going to be a speed run any more, if player wants to fully do the best damage possible having 2condition build plus 3 zerker is far better then 5 zerker
Reducing the Maximum Attainable Critical Damage
One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.
The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.
Also why you keep saying 10, I have never seen a 10 man dungeon run
According to your math in the previous post 10 zerkers would do no damage at all.
please find a quote that for me b/c if you read my post it has been talking about a total of 10% damage lost over all on a berserk build and having 5 zerker doing 10% less damage each = to a 50% damage over all as a group
no 1 know how much damage is zerker is going to lose in total , not possible to tell after the patch
Also why you keep saying 10, I have never seen a 10 man dungeon run
let me help so you don’t stay lost on the upcoming changes
One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.
The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.
By that logic a group of 10 zerkers would do no damage whatsoever.
first of all you run dungeon with 5 not 10,
secondly the purpose of nerfing zerker is to keep them in part with other build like condition.
Condition build is infamous for 2 reason
1) condition build deals less damage then a berserker build
2) doesn’t play well with other condition buildsAfter patch zerker build is receiving a 10% nerf on there damage so says anet, mean while anet is going allow the use of stacking effect sigil , meaning now a condition build can stack 250 power and 250 condition damage and having sigil that effect on hit not on crit.
So plain and simple condition are getting a buff when zerker are getting a nerf,
And ANet clearly said stat stacking sigils do not stack.
Dude you need to read your updates b/c you are so far behind
By that logic a group of 10 zerkers would do no damage whatsoever.
first of all you run dungeon with 5 not 10,
secondly the purpose of nerfing zerker is to keep them in part with other build like condition.
Condition build is infamous for 2 reason
1) condition build deals less damage then a berserker build
2) doesn’t play well with other condition builds
After patch zerker build is receiving a 10% nerf on there damage so says anet, mean while anet is going allow the use of stacking effect sigil , meaning now a condition build can stack 250 power and 250 condition damage and having sigil that effect on hit not on crit.
So plain and simple condition are getting a buff when zerker are getting a nerf,
according to anet the zerk build is receiving a 10% damage nerf which means having 5 group of zerker after the patch will be doing 50% less damage , so means that if you want more damage inviting 1 or 2 condition build to the group is far better then having all zerker
a good lvl 80 condition build class can easy do 6k damage a sec with out crits at least this is what I do with my thf having 15 stack of bleed doing 3k damage a tick ,poison doing 1k a sec and my daggers doing 2k a sec
I am sure with the zerk nerf condition build are going be close next to a zerker damage build especially now that you can stack both condition stack and power stack sigils
5 people doing 10% less damage is still equal to 10% less damage. if 5 people do 9k damage instead of 10k you would be doing a total of 45k damage insted of 50k. The difference is 5k. 5/50×100=10%.
That’s incorrect , 5 people doing 10% less damage each is a total of 50% less damage over all as a group
your math that you just did was each player doing 1% damage different I promise you that if the zerker build atm is doing 9k a hit after the patch they will be doing 6k a hit or less
(edited by Drakent.9605)
according to anet the zerk build is receiving a 10% damage nerf which means having 5 group of zerker after the patch will be doing 50% less damage , so means that if you want more damage inviting 1 or 2 condition build to the group is far better then having all zerker
a good lvl 80 condition build class can easy do 6k damage a sec with out crits at least this is what I do with my thf having 15 stack of bleed doing 3k damage a tick ,poison doing 1k a sec and my daggers doing 2k a sec
I am sure with the zerk nerf condition build are going be close next to a zerker damage build especially now that you can stack both condition stack and power stack sigils
In other words, the semi tanky dmg builds will get the biggest damage cut making them 100% nonviable for PvE or dungeons, making full zerker pretty much mandatory there now.
This is incorrect they are reducing the critical damage not critical chances. tanky build never use furry stats making this change none effective.
The only class that is going to be using the furry stats is zerker wich mean they are the only 1 getting hit with a nerf, in other words this is going to be opening window for other class type to be invited to the group
according to anet the zerk build is receiving a 10% damage nerf which means having 5 group of zerker after the patch will be doing 50% less damage , so means that if you want more damage inviting 1 or 2 condition build to the group is far better then having all zerker
(edited by Drakent.9605)
I googled and found no differences. Do you disagree with google?
I would disagree with you but I guess I cant b/c anet just send me a private massage saying that you send a complaint for disagreeing with you so ill just let you think what ever you think so I wont hurt your feelings
No what you are showing me is a well organize group who are able to keep perma protection and regen and toss some 2k healing every 3 sec , proving that zerker build or dps is not the only way to go
not the same that saying I can do this with my warrior cleric b/c that is false
So when a random berserker’s team complete a dungeon it’s called cheating but when a random cleric’s team does the same it’s called “well organization”. I guess that’s what you call different perspective.
They’re able to keep those buffs because they are spammable, there’s no coordination there, buffs stack in duration.
first of all I never use the word cheating so I don’t know why the hell you ppl keep saying that
Now if you are miss understanding the word explode with cheating , do your self a favor and google the words up because they are 2 different definition
You called it exploiting. By definition cheating = exploiting.
Dude I cant teach you, just google the difference so you could learn the proper way to accuse some 1 of cheating
To me = In my opinion
it = your statement
is rather insulting = is rather insulting.In my opinion, your statement is rather insulting.
Edit: I write fairly eloquently. (And I’m humble too.) Perhaps the one who isn’t able to use “allowed” or “too” correctly in a sentence is the one that needs to consider improving their reading and writing comprehension.
Wow English is my second language and even I know that (To me) doesn’t = my opinion
No what you are showing me is a well organize group who are able to keep perma protection and regen and toss some 2k healing every 3 sec , proving that zerker build or dps is not the only way to go
not the same that saying I can do this with my warrior cleric b/c that is false
So when a random berserker’s team complete a dungeon it’s called cheating but when a random cleric’s team does the same it’s called “well organization”. I guess that’s what you call different perspective.
They’re able to keep those buffs because they are spammable, there’s no coordination there, buffs stack in duration.
first of all I never use the word cheating so I don’t know why the hell you ppl keep saying that
Now if you are miss understanding the word explode with cheating , do your self a favor and google the words up because they are 2 different definition
Do you know that ppl almost never use dodge?
That was 1 of biggest problem that I stated on the beginning of this post, do the fact that a zerker build player is accustomed to down the boss so fast they never use dodge but if that zerker player is in a group that cant down a boss after the 20 sec time they start droping like flys
There’s definitely a lot of assumptions going on in this statement. People who play zerk tend to learn the intelligent use of dodge more quickly than those who don’t. The reason behind this is that a player who doesn’t rely on passive defense stats (toughness, vit, healing) must rely on their active defenses (dodge, aegis, invulns, reflects) more.
To me, it is rather insulting that you should belittle people’s intelligence and energy into planning and executing a fight with a boss to push the boundaries of killing them quickly. They come at problems with forethought and all you can do is sit back and say, “That’s cheating.”
Before belittling their efforts, I would entreat you to actually walk a mile in their shoes. Put on full zerk gear, learn how to play the game as they do, then compare the effort of doing so to how you normally play. It really isn’t as easy as it looks.
First of all if you are easily insulted by me calling a zerker build a class that require no intelligent to play then I advise you to stay away from forum b/c you are to sensitive to be reading the forums
Secondly I have play a zerker build as ranger,guardian,necro , and enge and is why by experience I know how easy and mind numbing the play style is and I also know its weakness which as a zerker you on a timer and if you don’t down the boss fast you in trouble which is the reason classes that aren’t build for fast dps are shun out of the group