like every one has explain you being kick for playing range not ranger and it doesn’t matter what class you play b/c no class is especially for range play, all class are design to be melee or range so no matter what class you choose to play the out come will be the same.
what you have to understand and get used too is that range game play on this game is mediocre.
When anet design the game they wanted to get rid off the trinity game style and they also wanted to balance the range vs melee play style.
In the history of MMORPG range class have been the strongest dps and do the fact that they are always on the back of the fire line they don’t need to worry much about taking damage , making them more popular then melee class who has to risk taking damage to pull dps and anet felt this was unfair so they wanted give the class that takes more risk to fell more rewarding.
Now when I read about this before the game was out I thought it was a great idea, everything look good on paper but unfortunately that wasn’t not the case when the design was put on the game, it came out broken making melee much better then range
For range class be worth playing on this game anet has to make some changes on the game it self instead of the class.
wow this topic still around after the 9 months i left the game, thumps UP :P
so i am guessing engi still carrying that terrible back pack and still cant see your legendary weapon, o well that sucks . Hopefully they do something good on expansion to get me back playing
Start another mmo, come back again for gw3
pretty much this
Right now I switch to firefall , loving the fresh new gameplay and different playstyle and is free 2 play so cant ask for more. I only log to GW2 when a new story event is up finish it and back again to a different MMO,
Out side of living story gw2 gameplay is like a theme park nothing changes and everything gets old and boring
FT kit is garbage and this is coming from a person who has spend a lot of $ trying to find way’s to make this kit work but it was all for nothing
Every single attack skill on this kit is super weak
skill #1 , 5 sec channeling attack that even with 3k AP and cap furry only does about 4.8k dps in does 5 sec. when other weapons can do over 3k dps every sec with there #1 skill attack
Skill#2, a single attack with a 6 sec CD that IF lands a CRITICAL hit can do 6k damage. I have done 15k dps on other weapons that have a 10 sec CD. you can do the math just to see how pathetic the damage is for this skill against other weapon skill with cd
skill#3, A fire field with a horrible aoe effect , pretty much a fire wall that ppl can just walk pass it and avoid the damage to the point is useless for damage, only use you could have for this skill is for fire combo effect b/c it has a 10 sec duration
So honestly this Kit is useless even for kitten and giggles I wont bother with it and I love the idea of walking around with a FT but with the damage this crap does is like carrying a water pistol
there a tons of viable pve builds , it all depends on your play style and yes PP can be play in pve as long you have a proper build . You just have to remember engi is not a class that uses #1 attack button all the time, we are class that swap from weapon to kit to pop all our cd
Also shield is more for def play style which in pve is not really needed since going full offence is more efficient
I am pretty sure anet is aware how broken turrets are, the fact is that all personal npc ( Minions, pets, turret, spirits all that crap) where broken from the start of the game to the point it was useless to rely on them
i mean right now the only reliable personal npc are from ranger and it took them almost 1 year to get it right and it still need some minor fix and only reason they fix ranger was b/c players could not play around the issue like the other classes can
but atm necro, guardian and engineering personal npc are garbage in pve
Now the reason they still havent fix them is b/c is my believe that anet has a small team of ppl working for them, anet is not as huge or cant afford a large team like other company ( maybe is b/c there free to play game system) but they don’t have enough man power. most company have different teams for each department (bugs, updates , balancing the game etc) but i really think anet only has 1 team doing all this and i am pretty sure they jump around this issues base on which 1 need the more attention
@fluidmonolith.3584 and ArchonWing.9480 both of you are missing 1 huge detail about cleansing condition and that is that cleansing is a defensive action, meaning when you go on the defensive you sacrifice power for survival, I am sure you guys heard the phrase " you can have the cake but you cant eat it "
The reality is that every class in this game loses something just to get access to condition cleansing , is not giving for free.
If you play a ranger you would feel much better about what you sacrifice as engineer over what a ranger has to lose to have access to more then 1 condition removing skill.
What ppl fail to understand that trying to protect from condition is not different then trying to protect your self from physical damage and when ever you try to fully protect your self then you trying to be come a tank and you cant dps and tank at the same time.
you dont have to lose skill to get some protection from condition , there 2 option in this game.
1) Trade your offensive skill for cleaning skill
2) Trade your offensive food runes and sigil for condition protection
Why are you having a hard time cleansing condition ?
engineering has 4 other ways to remove condition beside elixir c,
1) elixir gun – super elixir, remove 1 condition every 20 sec
2)med pack- antidote, remove 1 condition every 15 sec
3) 3 pts in alchemy – transmute, turn 1 condition into a boon every 15 sec
4) 4 pts in alchemy- Cleaning Formula 409, remove a condition when using a elixir.
Cleaning Formula 409 has to be the strongest cleansing ability in the game since you can use 8 elixir at the same time if you wanted too
Also the reason why elixir c has a high cd and can be reduce by 20% is b/c it doesn’t cleanse condition but converts it into a boon
(edited by Drakent.9605)
Thanks to the hobosack my char engineer ended up with Dowagers humps, now i cant walk straight anymore.
Please remove this barbaric pack of our back !!!!!!
(edited by Drakent.9605)
gw2 is out since “almost” 2 years…
I mean, congratulation that you avoided a social life for 15 years now, but even that timespan does not qualify your argument in the slightest for an authoritarian fallacy, since gw2 (and also gw 1) did not follow the traditional pve design. I thought that a playtime that long would be enough to notice that, but it seems that even “that” can’t help those who’ve thrown away the rest of their life as well.
Or to say it in short and simple words: thank you for the laugh. I’ve hardly ever read so much implicated bull in a single post")))
Just b/c I have been playing video games before you knew it was out there doesn’t mean I been spending my time playing all my life , that’s to show how unrealistic you and your information is.
I am glad that your lack of information amuses you but ignorance is not something you should be happy about
(edited by Drakent.9605)
I need don’t to get information on actual fact, if you been playing MMO-RPG as long as I have ( over 15years now ) you would know that the main core of the game is pve , that’s how the original games start it as with 0 pvp in it , I am guessing you first game wow.
Also Dev from anets never stated such a ridiculous thing, So you getting your information outside the actual game and like I say there information is as accurate as michele Bachmann and she is a dumb btch incase you don’t know who she is
I don’t know where you get your information about the majority of the player do wvw over pve but that information is as accurate as a speech from michele Bachmann.
The fact is pve has been the majority of player in any MMO-RPG. I would say that the population for real hard core pvp players is only about 40% the rest only do pvp for kitten and giggles when they are bored with pve . After all MMO-RPG started as pve with no pvp in it and was just added slowly into the game for kitten and giggles
@ durrik
I don’t know where you get your information but is incorrect
FFXIV ARR does everything you say that cant be don’t
FFXIV does 1 or 2 patches every month with no issues for xbox 360 ps3 and ps4 and they are doing so good that they added ffxiv arr to xbox one
Patches size limit:
FFXIV patches size update are bigger then gw2 , in gw2 patches updates the longest it has taken to download has been 40min in ffxiv arr it can take up to 2hr and this is on pc not console
hard drive space limit :
I have no clue where you get the information that console company control hard drive limit but that is false
maybe xbox since they a bit greedy but playstation could care less
Inter Console Play:
ffxiv arr is on xbox 360 playstation 3 and 4 and has no problem dealing with them to the point now they making it for xbox one
Game Play with Controller:
Again more incorrect information, I have play ffxiv arr on playstation, xbox and pc and the control are the same none of them are different and you can use mouse and kb on both console and play the same as pc
(edited by Drakent.9605)
IMO you don’t need to grind to get asc gear and asc gear is not even needed to begin with, but that aside, I wasn’t all serious, hence the "
" , but I don’t think such game industry philosophy will change in time to GW2 actually be available for consoles, maybe a GW3 or even another future MMO franchise from Anet.
As a business person it would be a mistake not bring GW2 to console since majority of gamers are in console and the reality is that pc gamers are the minority so bringing to console will be more $
As a gamer I think it would be a mistake not to want the game to be on console , I really never understood the hate pc gamers have against console gamers , thinking pc is superior when it really doesn’t matter b/c the fact is MMO games tribe on the amount of players so the more players are in the game the better the game gets and bringing GW2 to ps4 and xbox one would increase player base over 5 times more giving the game more life
They say that the day they can make update with out having to be dealing with the console company,they will bring the game out side pc
That is the reason GW2 will never be on console
Anet say they will never have grinding gear but they change there mind and added ascended gear.
So never say never
I think is hilarious on how ppl are so confident that GW2 cant never be on a Console. Little do they know how clueless they are since Dev them self talk about on how they did wanted to bring the game to console and when as far to put a team together to make this happen but it was cancel b/c on like pc when you have to do updates for console, it was much complex where you have to talk back and forward with the console company to make it happen and this discourage them from doing it
They say that the day they can make update with out having to be dealing with the console company,they will bring the game out side pc
If you are on the forums you are the minority
So, I’m just curious on what the consensus is with “stacking” during dungeon runs. I mainly run Ascalonian Catacombs, and in every group I run with, anytime we get into a boss fight the leader will yell, “Stack here!”.
Then, the entire group scrunches up into this corner, and then you mash your weapon keys until the boss is dead. From what I understand, it glitches some bosses to where they can’t use their full skill set (I could be wrong, and maybe there’s another underlying reason that I just don’t know). I see this specifically with Kohler, Colossus Rumblus, the ghost fight as you’re setting up the traps, and with the Spider.
Personally, I hate this mechanic. Getting into a corner and mashing my 4 key isn’t exactly a fun time. But I’m curious, do people enjoy this? As I haven’t ventured out into the other dungeons, is “stacking” just as prevalent there as in AC?
Stacking is not a game mechanic but a a choice
First thing you have to understand about gw2 is that the mast majority of the players are sheep’s and what I mean is that they do what ever they see or what ppl tells them with 0 understanding of why. So you going to have a lot of pugs yelling stack with 0 clue why.
Now the game is not about stacking but about being as close as possible and here is why!
1) LOS pull:
LOS or (loss of sight) is a smart way to pull because it bring the mobs to you instead of you running to them and keep all range mob at a distance close to you so you wont need to be chasing after them.
2) Buff:
A lot of the buff on this game have a very short range of 240 distance, forcing players to keep close to each other if they want to benefit from it
3) Cleave or Aoe damage :
Because of the fact that melee build is the top dps in gw2 a lot of player choice
It over range build, now since melee has a short range distance, to kill trash efficiently they need to keep all mobs as close as possible to hit multiple targets
Guardians and Warriors have the highest survivability in dungeons simply because of the stupid design of the dungeons that basically forces fragile, ranged players into melee fights against waves of absurdly over-powered enemies.
Outside of this though, Guardians and Warriors aren’t that great. I long ago lost count of how many times my stupid-squishy Mesmer has been the last person standing in a sea of dead tanks or how many times I’ve watched entire groups of melee players die to a champ that I can easily solo on the same Mesmer.
In situations where ranged classes are forced to play at melee ranges there isn’t much you can do about it but when you can play your lightly-armored ranged class properly (and skillfully) you will outfight and outlive any Guardian or Warrior almost 100% of the time.
There are no ranged professions in GW2. There are ranged weapons, though.
that is correct but if put the word range game play to his paragraph then what his saying is correct to the whole range vs melee
PPl actually thing that range on this game suck for damage but the problem isn’t that range suck but more of the game mechanic doesn’t work on favor for range class but it works favor to melee
1. Warriors and Guardians have ALWAYS been the best all-round classes since when the game came out, at least in PvE. Classes like the Necro on the other hand have ALWAYS been underpowered. I don’t think this issue will ever be addressed because it would require a major rework of some professions and/or game mechanics in order to resolve this and that is something I don’t think Anet are going to do after the game has been out for so long. We will just have to live with it. This is similar to how mesmers were in GW1 PvE for about 5 years after the game came out before Anet decided to rework the entire profession so they could do more damage in PvE. That does leave me with a tiny glimmer of hope that they might someday realize how useless Necros are in PvE and buff them.
LOL, So b/c you cant and don’t know how to play a necro is automatically useless. well that’s to bad for you but necro under a skill player like my self can run around in circle on a warrior.
Necro has the top AOE damage on this game even better then elemental, I can wipe a group of elite mobs under 6 sec with out losing no more then 10% of my HP. I have a record of killing 10 elites in 1 shoot, I like to see warrior do that.
Necro can easily keep 20 stack of vulnerable by him self on mobs, giving the group a 20% damage increase
Necro has the best condition control on the game and CC , if you do fract this 2 skill are extremely important
How can some 1 call this kind of skill on a class useless ?
I stop reading when I saw the warrior and guardian being OP.
There is no OP class in GW2, there is only 2 classes and does are either a class that requires skill and a class that require very little skills
Warrior and guardian are the most popular class only b/c they require very little skill to play , they are so balance that there dps and survivability is all in 1 spot while other classes need to balance there dps with there survivability by them self. Pretty much warrior and guardian plays it self.
GW2 is the most balance MMO-RPG I have ever play. This is the first game that all classes can solo anything on this game as long ppl know what they are doing.
If you find your self having a hard time or think the class is weak I guarantee you the problem is not the class but your self
Ok, so how does leaving the Dungeon close it? Do Dungeons stay open even if everyone leaves? If the leader (Instance opener) leaves a Dungeon, everyone else stays there?
That’s cool. Though, I have seen threads commenting on how people have left a party once they closed the client, whether voluntarily or not. I guess that only happens to some people. Still, it would be unfortunate if you were one of them. I know I don’t stay in a party once I close the game.
when you get d/c off the game while on a party you will notice the person is still on the party but will show off line and it will stay there until you remove them
only way to be remove of a party is by being kick so even dcing will you keep on the game and I know this by experience b/c I make my own group and my cat remove my router power off and had me d/c , when I had come back to log in the game the group was waiting for me to comeback b/c if they kick me out they knew it would reset the dungeon
I was under the impression that if you were the Instance/Dungeon leader, and were disconnected, that the Instance/Dungeon would then be closed. Perhaps, I was mistaken.
nope you can be the leader or none leader, when you get d/c you still in the party until some 1 kicks you out
darn I try to remove the question out the posting and it wont let me
You might get the same issues that come up with the Dishonored system, where people unwillingly get disconnected and must then pay the price.
when you get disconnected you aren’t remove from the group so it shouldn’t be a issue
So here my idea how to fix this issue…
Personal Reputation :
This would be like a new point system that player receive for playing well with others and you could spend them on any vendor , for example vendor for any gear dungeon, karma vendor, skill points vendor etc , make it be worth it .
How do you collect this reputation pts?
Simple for every dungeon run you do with non guild members at the end of the run you get awarded pts , also reviving players , pretty much any unselfish behavior you can think off should reward the players with this pts
Losing pts for bad behavior !!
This is what going to help to change ppl ways of acting negative with each other , for any kind of negative behavior you lose pts.
here a few example…
A) kicking ppl from dungeon:
for every time a person request a kick he or she would have to use there reputation pts to make that request, forcing ppl to give them good reason to think about it before they remove them
B) Dungeon deserted:
For every time you disband a dungeon you lose reputation pts and also receive a debuff call Dungeon deserted that wont let you enter a dungeon for the next 15min
This are the best things I could think so far and it a pretty solid idea it will give the game a much friendly environment and bring more ppl together
(edited by Drakent.9605)
1) kicking ppl out of dungeon:
now you would think having the option to remove a person is a good a idea b/c it lets you remove ppl who aren’t playing properly with the party, but more then less ppl use the kick system for there own person pleasure and amusement.
A) Have seen player’s or been a victim of getting kick just b/c they don’t like the choice of weapon or skill . So even if the party is doing good and there no issue this player still decide to remove a player for something as simple as this.
b) Seen and been a victim of group kick just b/c we don’t agree. There actually player’s that will kick you as something as childish on a debated if class can do good damage or not .. for example I was remove from a group b/c a ranger join the group and the lead remove him by saying rangers suck and i responded no they don’t
As you can see not everyone use the kick system fairly and it give the game a bit of negative feeling when trying to pug.
2 ) Disbanding a group b/c is not going your way :
This another issue when running with pugs, is that when ever something is not going there way they disband from the group and sometimes the person is the one that started the dungeon and forces you start all over
(edited by Drakent.9605)
Before I start I like to let everyone know English is my second language,so I apologies for my bad grammar and spelling
I would like to start a topic on how to improve random group, to make them more friendly and less aggressive
Not sure how many ppl here truly pug dungeons or any other random group events but I my self spend 90% of the time pugging more then anything else so I experience a lot of different behavior from player , bad or good but it seems there are more bad behavior on players then good one
Now when I am talking about bad behavior not really talking about ppl saying or talking in a nasty behavior ( anet has that in control pretty good) but more on there action.
So here a list of the current game group issue and how to fix them.
(edited by Drakent.9605)
putting death penalty on this game will give ppl more reason to run zerker build over anything else so is a bad idea
I don’t understand how you came to this conclusion. It would weed out those that aren’t good with their combat/profession mechanics from those that are. Most people that wear zerker are not skilled in GW2 combat. This would make it so, for the sake of surviving, more people would turn to other armor stats. Or so I believe.
That is the reason why Zerker is such a popular build, requires 0 skills to play , the stats are so OP that it aloud 5 zerker stack together and cleave the hell out of everything in seconds. As I say zerker build don’t spend time reviving there friend but only dpsing
You try the same game play with none zerker build they drop like fly’s, this is why I laugh so hard in the inside when I pug with ppl and they say STACK and is b/c they have no clue what they are doing.
If you guys want this to be more of a challenge you need to change everything but the way how death works b/c is not the problem
1) have bosses move around instead of just standing in spot like giants dummies. make the person work for his damage
2) increase bosses HP, fight are to shorts , a boss with a elite group of players should take 2-3 min to kill not 30 seconds normal group should take 4-6min
3) Nerf zerker build some more
putting death penalty on this game will give ppl more reason to run zerker build over anything else so is a bad idea
this game is easy for 2 reason
1) zerker build way to OP and makes any dungeon run a joke
2) Bosses just stand there and take a beating
dps vs suitability. you die your squad is kittened what will people pick. you are telling me zerkers never go down?
If there was no death life wouldn’t be valued and this I see as one of the core issue of this game for both players and npcs. Most people only cared about Lions arch npcs once they died.
Zerker do go down but there play style is kill as many you can before you die and it works perfect , zerker build don’t stop to revive there mates, they keep hack and slashing until boss is dead even if 1 man is standing and this works good for them and is reason why you see ( zerker only group) is a dps race not a survival static
So by putting a death penalty you aren’t making the game harder for every 1 but only for none zerker players , giving zerker build another reason to be the only class to be play
putting death penalty on this game will give ppl more reason to run zerker build over anything else so is a bad idea
this game is easy for 2 reason
1) zerker build way to OP and makes any dungeon run a joke
2) Bosses just stand there and take a beating
(edited by Drakent.9605)
Lilith Ajit.6173:
No offense but what I read was “this is in my opinion the more intelligent way to play because it’s how I play.”
It’s also not 1 or 2 minutes different. It can mean the difference of 2 hours if you’re attempting the more difficult content (fractals, some arah paths I’ve encountered). For me… I can play at most 40 minutes per day. Do I run 2 TA paths or 1? That’s the choice. Berserker or not berserker. More or less dungeons. Hm.[/quote]
Is extremely hard for 1 person to say to another person ( you are playing the wrong game) but if you only have 40min a day to play a MMO-RPG then you are PLAYING THE WRONG GAME.
mmo-rpg is not just any game , you can call it a hobby , is something you dedicate time to it. spending 40 min on a mmo-rpg is equal to 5min you cant do much under 40min . this kind of game requires no less then 2hrs of play time and doesn’t have to be every day but when you do long in,anything less then 2hr wont get you far, so if you feel need to rush things then you should start looking for a game that meets your play time
(edited by Drakent.9605)
The problem is not Zerk haters hating Zerkers. The problem lies in the difference between the playstyles of the two factions.
1)Zerkers (for the large majority) view the game in a way where they are looking to beat it as fast as possible to get to the rewards. The loss of 1 or 2 minutes of time is less than the most efficient completion time of the stated goal to accept the rewards. This type of player is bent on domination of the game for maximum rewards as fast as possible.
2) Non zerker players are more interested in playing the game to play, experiment with different classes and builds that may not be as efficient or fast as zerkers, but result in a win just the same. I feel this is a more skilled and intelligent way to play, as there are more obstacles and harder gameplay, as you are not able to burn down the enemy before they are able to challenge you with their abilities.
When the zerkers stop discriminating against the non zerker for wanting to play differently, even if it does slow down the zerkers speed run design, there will be a head on collision in playstyle thinking.
Let the zerkers play their brand of gaming. I will play my style of gaming, one that takes in all the beautiful graphics, NPC interaction, enemy tactics mitigation through skilled build, skill, and combat maneuvers, and I will enjoy it.
No zerker can take the enjoyment I have in taking down a dungeon boss solo, while they lie dead on the ground telling me that my build/gear/armor is inferior. Ever.
I couldn’t say it better +10
If it is a fix why is not at the patch notes? Because it’s not. Anet just want to screw players and discourage some of them (mostly pugs) of running dungeons (the only good source of gold) so they (pugs/casuals) will spend more $$$ converting gems to gold.
Of course speedrunners wont, but speedrunners don’t drop as much money as casuals anyways.
lol really? and what next the government is going to plant chips into our brain and turn us into robots
So as we know there has been a few changes to the game, one of does changes has been apply to reflection but what people fail to understand is that the change done to reflection is not a nerf but a fix and let me explain, first you need to understand that there is 3 different kind of range attack on the game
1) aoe : this a range attack that has a 360 degree (area of effect), this attack can either be a single or a multiple attack , aoe attack are not aim at a person put at a location , any attack that leave a red mark on the ground is a aoe attack
2) cone or breath attack: this a range attack has a 90 degree angle, this attack does not have to be aim, it will hit anything facing that direction
3) projectile: this a direct attack that goes strait into 1 direction and it has to be aim to a person for the damage to land
Reflection is a spell or ability that protect players from projectile attack only, so what ppl fail to understand that all this time reflection has been working on aoe attack not just projectile, projectile attack do not leave a red mark on the ground does are aoe attack and this is why reflection is not reflecting them anymore b/c reflection has been fix to do what is meant for
(Reflect is a combat mechanic that returns incoming projectile attacks to their source)
I also agree with the OP,
GW2 feels more like a facebook video game version, is all about collecting dyed and customs and then show them off . GW2 should be call the other facebook, is just a social game.
To do a might stacking and keep at a constant stack of 25 requires
1) team work between 2 players
2) proper build set up
Pugin with group will be really hard to get constant stack of might build up , you be lucky to find a group that helps you reach even 10 stack since most player are just more interested playing zerker build which are more selfish play style that offer no buff but just pure solo raw dps
Also best classes for might stacking in my book are Elemental, warrior and guardian they have the skill and ability to do it easy
I am talking about making out healing more effective not the self healing part
Those two are connected. If you make outhealing more effective, while keeping self healing at the current level, the result would be ridiculously OP. If you increased outhealing, you’d need to decrease self healing to compensate. Which would of course make healers not optional, but necessary. Which is something current combat paradigm specifically doesn’t want.
There are also several other considerations (many of whose were already mentioned in this thread), that sum up to one point: to make healing as useful as you want, the whole combat system would need to be completely gutted and remade from scratch.If that was truly the case then why anet introduce the outhealing stats on this patch? this just something new they implemented so obviously they felt the need to increase the out source healing, they even buff some of the out healing skill . the changes where just not good enough to make a difference.
. They did it because it was not good enough to make a difference.
Actually, most of the new traits were like that (either just plain bad, or subpar to alternatives).
So you are saying either that the developer don’t know what they are doing and they are just putting useless spell into the game or they are doing it just for kitten and giggles .
Either way make’s no sense to implements a play style into the game that has little use and they just keep adding new thing to it, is just misleading.
As some ppl all rdy mention before either fix it or get rid off it, but don’t keep something broken on the game and just keep adding stuff to it for us to get the wrong impression that is playable
I am talking about making out healing more effective not the self healing part
Those two are connected. If you make outhealing more effective, while keeping self healing at the current level, the result would be ridiculously OP. If you increased outhealing, you’d need to decrease self healing to compensate. Which would of course make healers not optional, but necessary. Which is something current combat paradigm specifically doesn’t want.
There are also several other considerations (many of whose were already mentioned in this thread), that sum up to one point: to make healing as useful as you want, the whole combat system would need to be completely gutted and remade from scratch.
If that was truly the case then why anet introduce the outhealing stats on this patch? this just something new they implemented so obviously they felt the need to increase the out source healing, they even buff some of the out healing skill . the changes where just not good enough to make a difference.
No just this patch put almost every patch they keep adding new outhealing skill to the games. Last patch before this 1 they gave every class a outhealing ability.
So you guys keep saying anet doesn’t want this but then why they keep adding it to the game?
(edited by Drakent.9605)
1) We are talking about outhealing not selfhealing
2) we are talking about pve not pvp
3) Sound like you got lose a fight 1vs1, I don’t pvp much but even I know that all classes on this game have a 30 sec cd that fully heals them , is call there " Oh kitten button" this has nothing to do with spell healing power or class or gear. I think any one will agree with me that if you take longer then 30 sec to down another player he out matches you
4) IF out healing was out of control like you say then anet wouldn’t had buff it this patch like they did by adding, rune of the monk changes, water sigil changes and sigil of the benevolence
I was talking about Healing Power , and why it cannot be buffed because of the current state of self healing. This in turn affects all healing, because it can’t be buffed.
If self healing and combo finisher healing was nerfed so that people couldn’t run around in full Berserker and be just as effective as all other healers, then there would be room for Healing Power to be buffed and full support roles to come into play.
That is my point, nothing more.
And why are you always so confronting of others for seemingly no reason?
I am talking about making out healing more effective not the self healing part ,
And Why you guys getting all offensive when I prove the errors on your part? is not like I am calling out names here?
As I say before I posted a Thread to make our play style of preference more rewarded and feel like is doing something but the zerker fan are coming in here pretty much craping on it
over 200 negative reply and only about 20 positive and you ask me that I am the one being confronting ?
(edited by Drakent.9605)
no I just take the time educated my self on a game I plan to play before going around yelling stuff like " guess what zerker all the way hahaha"
you going to disagree with me by using does statements, then you got nothing
Listen you are not neutral you have already picked your side and sticking to it there is 3 days ,200+replies of evidence for that and you haven’t even budged, whoever disagrees with you , you are gonna shun them off,
You are the one who started this thread right
You are the one whose asking for more improvement for heals right, you are feeling healing is underpowered well there’s your answer Mr Educated man,go figure
I started this thread so does who play like me can add there own thought to the maters
so yea out of does 200 reply I have been getting 180 zerkers player coming in here telling us that it doesn’t mater if healing work or not b/c they game wasn’t meant for us to go around healing , that if we aren’t zerking we aren’t playing this game right so yea I am going shun you out on you own errors.
you don’t really need to make major changes to the game to make out healing usefull in pve
The idea of making healing power effect with reviving some one is actually pretty awesome , this help with dps to put more damage b.c they wont have to stop to revive since they can leave it to the dps/healer build to do it and it will relieve them of the worry of dying out the fight
regeneration boon is a terrible outhealing support spell b/c is not effect by you but by the person own healing power , so when you cast this on some 1 you doing yack kitten, this needs to be change
Selfhealing is not the issue on the game is the outhealing we speaking off.
P.s don’t be showing this video on the forum you going to get a lot of warrior angry
1) We are talking about outhealing not selfhealing
2) we are talking about pve not pvp
3) Sound like you got lose a fight 1vs1, I don’t pvp much but even I know that all classes on this game have a 30 sec cd that fully heals them , is call there " Oh kitten button" this has nothing to do with spell healing power or class or gear. I think any one will agree with me that if you take longer then 30 sec to down another player he out matches you
4) IF out healing was out of control like you say then anet wouldn’t had buff it this patch like they did by adding, rune of the monk changes, water sigil changes and sigil of the benevolence
ok I change the tittle b/c ppl are giving the impression I am expecting for anet to make a full healing class out the game when am I asking for the healing support that has been created on the game all rdy to be better
Also I like to address one huge problem here.
To the DPS community which sadly and unfortunately seem to be the majority of the players playing gw2.
I am not sure where and how you guys ended being miss guided on what kind of game gw2 is but let me give you the right information
when dev spoke of creating a game where they would be no trinity they didn’t spoke of getting rid of tank or healers off the game they where talking about getting rid off the dependency that most MMO-RPG have.
If you been playing MMO-RPG as long has I have you would know that DPS, Tank and healer’a have to work with each other to a point where there’s no game progression if you cant, every one has to play his role correctly or the hole groups falls apart . Bad dps means healer runs out of MP and tanks dies, group wipes . Bad tank groups dies , Bad healer tanks dies and group dies, a very vicious cycle that has ppl fighting among each other. This was anet true goal to get rid off this kind of game play .
Anet created a game where you can play as you like with out having any kind of restriction or dependency. This is why there No Gear Score, No Gear Check ,No Gear Requirement No End Game Gear .
No need for crazy DPS b/c bosses don’t have rage timer, No need For a tank b/c they remove agroo of the game and no Need for a major heals b/c they gave every one tools to depend on them self then on others
They still added different play style on the game base on what you like. Want to be a dps go for it, don’t like dpsing much k here some ability, spell , rune and sigil that helps ppl out instead of dpsing , do as you like !!!!!!!
Now if you like dpsing so much is fine there nothing wrong with it but stop selling it to other ppl, going around and saying " If you aren’t zerking you playing this game wrong" is what got you guys hit with a nerf bat in the first place
(edited by Drakent.9605)
Healing Power does not need to be stronger for allied healing
1. Self heals already do a lot.
2. They’d have to have a reason to buff it due to PvP and WvW encounters. So either the other offensive stats get a boost or skills get a boost. So that fights don’t last for forever and a day.
3. If 2 should happen, it would likely make healers necessary in order to not die if you didn’t have them. And we the players are very vocal about not wanting that. Not having to have a person be a specific role.
People who want to speed clear dungeons make their groups and specify it in ways that let people know: we want to do this as fast as is possible. Have a meta build or gtfo.
People who want to run whatever build should group together and let the speed clear groups live in peace. They’re playing how they want to play. If you want them to let you play how you want to play, don’t try to force them to play how you want to play.
1) self healing is fine as long you have the proper set up on your self, out healing is crap.
2) I don’t know much about pvp or spvp or wvw b/c I don’t do it but in pve for certain group set up, support healing is not good enough
3) We the player and I am talking as we as more like us to does who are interested on being more support then just dps have been asking for improvement on this part of the game for a while now
I am down for play as you like which is the reason why I cant understand why so many ppl are against they idea of being of a support player and are behaving with the mentality of let every one be responsible for they own and stop wasting time being a support
The thing is if no one, not even a group of bads fighting the best group in the game, is easily killable due to the healing skills than there’s a huge problem.
Because the self-heals are as powerful as they are, it does not lead to there needing to be powerful group heals. Chances are if they buff the group heals, the self heals will take a hit.
People are already complaining about how killing other players takes forever due to the downed state. Imagine their complaints if suddenly they aren’t dying as quickly because of the healing. It’s why finishers got added to the game. To quickly end downed state in PvP settings.
Yes, it could use some work, but it doesn’t need to become something that is the main focus of a build.
For what you are telling me is that healing is fine in pvp so making it better for pve will make it OP in pvp . I am sure there easy way to make healing stronger in pve with out effecting pvp. Kinda how they nerf retaliation for pvp by 33% but kept unchanged in pve, they could do the same for healing effect , buff it pve but just keep unchanged for pvp
(edited by Drakent.9605)
Healing Power does not need to be stronger for allied healing
1. Self heals already do a lot.
2. They’d have to have a reason to buff it due to PvP and WvW encounters. So either the other offensive stats get a boost or skills get a boost. So that fights don’t last for forever and a day.
3. If 2 should happen, it would likely make healers necessary in order to not die if you didn’t have them. And we the players are very vocal about not wanting that. Not having to have a person be a specific role.
People who want to speed clear dungeons make their groups and specify it in ways that let people know: we want to do this as fast as is possible. Have a meta build or gtfo.
People who want to run whatever build should group together and let the speed clear groups live in peace. They’re playing how they want to play. If you want them to let you play how you want to play, don’t try to force them to play how you want to play.
1) self healing is fine as long you have the proper set up on your self, out healing is crap.
2) I don’t know much about pvp or spvp or wvw b/c I don’t do it but in pve for certain group set up, support healing is not good enough
3) We the player and I am talking as we as more like us to does who are interested on being more support then just dps have been asking for improvement on this part of the game for a while now
I am down for play as you like which is the reason why I cant understand why so many ppl are against they idea of being of a support player and are behaving with the mentality of let every one be responsible for they own and stop wasting time being a support
And as demonstrated in the videos I posted it’s very easy to do any dungeon with 5 healer characters and do it without even dodging, while only using auto attacks. Why do you say 4 dps and 1 healer isn’t “doable”, because it certainly is. And it is a lot smoother indeed.
Yes a video of 5 cleric gear equip not 4 dps and 1 healer. 5 ppl using cleric will make any group barely get a scratch on there HP just with Regeneration tick and auto attack healing effect from weapon and food effect with out the need of using any healing spells
1 healer does not work b/c the healing alone is gimpy, alone you heal about 20% of ppl HP every 10 sec that is to low to keep any person half alive when mobs are able to take down 60% of your HP under 5 sec
… let me see if i understood. You want to buff healing to the point where one healer and 4 pure dps will be equal to the 5 clerics mentioned before? And you want the healer to be able to keep up with dps-ing?
I am sorry, but… do you even realize the consequences of what you just proposed?Imagine now such hypothetical situation: You get the healer you wanted, and pair him not with pure dps group, but with 4 of the 5 abovementioned Cleric healtanks.
Then you hit 1 and go make a coffee. When you get back Lupi is dead.If that’s what you really ask for (and i see no other way of interpreting your proposals), then i have to say no, thank you. I sincerely hope that your dream will never come to be.
No, this is you over reacting and blowing things out of proportion
what I am expecting is a fair healing system something that works
There no problem with the dps , The only one reason dps is the “king” is not b/c it makes dungeon run faster or is better
If you stop to think about in the history of MMO-RPG gaming the larges population of the players in the game have been dps even the ppl who choose to play as a tank or a healer only did it b/c they felt obligated to do so.
The true ppl who choose to be either a healer or a tank , anything close to a support like play style was about 10% of population
This is why there is a few ppl that agree with me but more that disagree with me,
Not b/c I am wrong but because is a disagreement of support vs dps and support players are the minority on this game