You do realize dodging could be considered part of a rotation in this game – right?
It’s reactive not proactive and is nothing more then twitch reflexes – not intelligence and also can be considered habitual once done enough.
Do you know that ppl almost never use dodge?
That was 1 of biggest problem that I stated on the beginning of this post, do the fact that a zerker build player is accustomed to down the boss so fast they never use dodge but if that zerker player is in a group that cant down a boss after the 20 sec time they start droping like flys
I am speaking of the ability to make a fight so short that you can use the ability of negate monster damage with out the lack of any intelligent behind the use of it.
Having to use a ability at the best time possible to negate monster damage is a intelligent use of skill , but popping all your negate damage skill at the start of every boss fight is call a rotation which requires 0 intelligence from your part
And what happens when using the ability at the start of the fight IS the most intelligent time to use the skill?
Any kind on intelligent move requires a key moment is all about timing , if all you have to do is just click away with out a second thought , is just call a rotation and again that requires 0 intelligence from your part
What you doing Is reading between the line or interpreting things on your own words,
CD to avoid damage should be use to help you avoid damage for a period of time not to fully stop you from taking damage, because the zerker build is making the fight so shorts all the def skill are being use as a way to make the group immune from any damage for the entire fightNo. I’m showing you how illogical your argument is.
Intelligent use of skill to negate a monster’s damage does not equate to removing the ability of the monster to attack you.
you are showing no logic on your argument:
I am speaking of the ability to make a fight so short that you can use the ability of negate monster damage with out the lack of any intelligent behind the use of it.
Having to use a ability at the best time possible to negate monster damage is a intelligent use of skill , but popping all your negate damage skill at the start of every boss fight is call a rotation which requires 0 intelligence from your part
The problem is the content design and lack of any type of trinity.
The problem is not the gear set.
When you design a game based solely on dps – what did you really think would happen? The highest dps set would become the most used/desired and required.
No one should be surprised.
The game wasn’t never design base on solely on dps, The gamer’s made it that way after they discover how OP the zerker build was that going for something else was making it harder and every 1 know how the majority love taking the easy path over the challenge one
Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there
You’d be comfortable saying, then, that anything that allowed (not aloud, btw) you to avoid damage from a boss is essentially the same as “climbing a wall and attack the boss from there”?
So Aegis (100% damage reduction for an attack), Dodge (100% damage reduction for .75 seconds), Feedback/WoR/SotA/iWardens (100% damage reduction for some fights) would all be exploits? Perhaps we should just delete the entire Guardian and Mesmer class? Maybe in the next features update they can remove dodge?
What you doing Is reading between the line or interpreting things on your own words,
CD to avoid damage should be use to help you avoid damage for a period of time not to fully stop you from taking damage, because the zerker build is making the fight so shorts all the def skill are being use as a way to make the group immune from any damage for the entire fight
An exploit is when you stay somewhere and that way the boss has no way to damage you while you whittle the boss down to death.
You think this is on the same level as players maximizing their damage output to mitigate more damage bring thrown against them?
Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there
That is your own definition of an exploit. You think it wouldn’t be an exploit as long as the boss has his health tripled or something. This is the reason why it’s different from climbing a wall because you will never get hit whether the boss’ hp is tripled or increased 100x more.
Exploit is a flaw on the system that you use for your own advantage. I extremely doubt it that developer will create a gear set that would aloud you down bosses in mere seconds, because if that was the case they wouldn’t bother nerfing it like they are doing now
An exploit is when you stay somewhere and that way the boss has no way to damage you while you whittle the boss down to death.
You think this is on the same level as players maximizing their damage output to mitigate more damage bring thrown against them?
Being able to pop cd that aloud you to avoid 80% of the damage and have the cd last by the time you are done because you are able to dps him down before that happens is no different then climbing a wall and attack the boss from there
Because people can finish dungeons faster through proper coordination it’s an exploit? .[/quote]
Lol popping all your CD at a start of the fight and still having does cd effect by the end of the fight isn’t proper coordination
I agree with you in some point but what ppl fail to understand or deny is that the berserker build is an exploit and let me explain why.
I am pure pve player I don’t do much pvp and all i do is run dungeons , so I am always seeking on the LFG and all you see is 80% of the time is LF heavy class and zerker only.
They main reason for this is because a group of 5 zerker build can actually down most bosses in a dungeon under 20 sec
I too am a pve player, and yes I completely understand what you mean by the group ads in the lfg tool.
That said, berserker gear itself is not an exploit. It was, and is, intended to be the best straight damage set in the game. However, I doubt it was intended to so ‘much’ better than other sets as it was. With the adjustment to critical damage, it brings the set more inline with existing sets. Its a start, and they have to start somewhere.
which I am happy knowing that anet does feel that the critical damage in creating a unbalance to the game and they are doing the change
Asking for heavy only is because what they really mean is I want 2 warrior and 2 to 3 guardian for the buff and survivability
You see a warrior has there banners, 2 warrior can offer the group 170 prec 15% , 170 tough and vit and 170 healing with 10% boon duration , now the 170 healing doesn’t mean much but the boon duration its great especially with a guardian next to you
Now you got the guardian who can offer boon and protection fields , 2 guardians can offer perma stack of might from 20 to 25 ,they can easy offer 20 sec of 33% damage reduction, both combine can offer 20 sec of reflect or even better 12 sec of sanctuary and if you have a 3rd guardian that’s 18 sec of sanctuary making the group immune to damage
Now if it took 40sec to 1min to kill a boss, all this buff wouldn’t help much at the end, but b/c of the zerker build players can down a boss under 20sec and with all this heavy class buff they are unstoppable , no need to use dodge no need to use healing skill no need to know when you are going to get hit just stand there and burn the boss down
This to me is a exploit and the reason zerk build deserve a nerf
I agree with you in some point but what ppl fail to understand or deny is that the berserker build is an exploit and let me explain why.
I am pure pve player I don’t do much pvp and all i do is run dungeons , so I am always seeking on the LFG and all you see is 80% of the time is LF heavy class and zerker only.
They main reason for this is because a group of 5 zerker build can actually down most bosses in a dungeon under 20 sec
So it looks like berserker build is getting 10% damage nerf
I guess anets agree with my Opinion on how berserk needed a nerf and here is my proof
Reducing the Maximum Attainable Critical Damage
One of the main goals for balance in Guild Wars 2 is to support a wide variety of builds that cater to different play styles. The current implementation of critical damage works against this. Put simply, if critical damage-stacked builds are more effective than other approaches, the build diversity decreases. As we work to increase support and teamwork between players throughout the game, we examined how we could change critical damage to retain it as a fun and viable approach to build-making while also allowing other builds to shine.
The formula we’re using to convert ferocity into critical damage will reduce the current maximum obtainable values. At level 80, it will take 15 points of ferocity to gain 1% bonus critical damage, which means that there will about a 10% decrease in overall damage for a full “berserker” build.
There are some enemies that zerker make die so quick you don’t have to avoid damage, but many Elites, Champions, and Legendaries you still have to avoid damage from, which is more punishing on zerkers if you don’t.
I would argue that zerker doesn’t make bad players, it makes better farmers.
Zerker will always be the optimal set as long as active defense trumps sustained defense.
You can watch videos on youtube where ppl stand on top of the boss and there HP never drops down or there dodge bar never goes down either
Luping whos is suppose to be the 1 of the strongest dungeon boss was kill in 40 sec with out any of the member’s getting hit with out the need of using dodge
Lupicus, ironically enough, gets downed in 40 seconds usually because a mesmer properly times and uses Feedback, which is by design a DEFENSIVE skill.
Berzerker gear is not nearly the problem people want it to be.
Feedback has only a 6 duration is not going to make you invulnerable for the 40 sec.
the reason it was possible to down him in 40 sec was b.c the zerker build
The Lupi videos you’re talking about use FGS, Reflects, and Blocks to prevent damage, reflect Lupi’s damage onto himself, and deal high DPS with Fiery Rush. This strategy will work regardless of armor type, it would just take about 2 minutes instead of 40 seconds with a PVT set.[/quote]
And you just prove my point on how zerker ruin the game system, 40 sec fight make a huge difference between a 2min , does 40 sec aloud them to ignore all damage but in a 2min fight they would had to be avoiding the damage
In a 2min the wrong move would cost them a wipe but in 40 sec there isn’t enough time for the boss to do them much harm, even the guy in the video mention how they did a few screw up but still where able to down him quick . That’s how out of control the zerker build is
(edited by Drakent.9605)
There are some enemies that zerker make die so quick you don’t have to avoid damage, but many Elites, Champions, and Legendaries you still have to avoid damage from, which is more punishing on zerkers if you don’t.
I would argue that zerker doesn’t make bad players, it makes better farmers.
Zerker will always be the optimal set as long as active defense trumps sustained defense.
You can watch videos on youtube where ppl stand on top of the boss and there HP never drops down or there dodge bar never goes down either
Luping whos is suppose to be the 1 of the strongest dungeon boss was kill in 40 sec with out any of the member’s getting hit with out the need of using dodge
again I know I am going to get a lot of hate for this but there has to be more ppl out there like me who would rather play with strategy then just hack and slash a boss , I mean there is D3 for that
(edited by Drakent.9605)
So how to fix this?
here is a few basic idea
1) give diminishing returns to critical chances, there is a reason why no other MMO has made it possible for any class in the game to be able to critc on every hit , is to OP
2) Buff bosses HP, no boss should be dying under 20 sec make the fight last no less then 1min
Creates bad player’s :
since player can kill bosses so fast, they have no clue on how to avoid getting hit or aren’t used to the idea of avoiding damage that if they are in a group that cant down a boss under 20 sec they start dropping like fly’s and start blaming there death for the lack of dps not b/c they didn’t use there dodge when standing on the red circle
Shuns Classes:
I have play all classes to lvl 80 and I find none of them to have any dps issue , yes some class will do a bit more then other but no such a huge difference to call the class bad or unplayable but the zerker build works so good with a warrior and guardian far better then any other class because there classes is build to take on some damage before they have to pull back on the defencive making them the class of the month since the point of zerker build is to stand in 1 spot and burn the boss HP
Destroys game mechanics:
MMO RPG are all about learning mobs weakness and strength , always been about what is the best weapon or skill to use on a boss and learn what attack a boss does.
This game has all that but can be completely ignore since zerker build can dps the boss so fast that it doesn’t aloud the boss to do much.
Ok I know I am going to get a lot of hate respond from this topic but some 1 has to call it out and so I will. Also sorry for any bad spelling or bad grammar, English Is my second language
As every player know that now on days doing pve dungeon every one demands for a zerker class. Reason for this is because it aloud player’s to put so much damage that bosses get kill in just a matter of seconds
So how is this ruined the game?
Balance what? Thf is one of the strongest class in the game, even after all the nerf we are still on top, Just because thf is the hardest class to play doesn’t mean the class is broken
If I had to complain about something it would be why the hell our SB has a 900 range!!!!!!!!
I’m all for splitting off the stack at the right time with smart positioning. I do that on my thief and ranger. With that in mind, it is still far easier to stack in one spot with a heavy armor class.
Yea that’s find you can choose a heavy armor or like a heavy armor because is just easier to play, heavy armor are just a class that can DPS with there face’s so it make them a easy dps class but that doesn’t make the class better which is the main issue with this majority of crapy player that are on this games, they think easy= better but the fact is a good player using a thf can out dps a warrior in pve in any dungeon
The reality about thf is that is on the same position as it has been in any MMO RPG game,which is a cheezy and annoying class.
Thf in WOW all it did was stealth attack stun the crap out of you and stealth away if it couldn’t win a fight
Assassin in SWORT did the same crap, stealth, stun , attack and stealth away if it couldn’t win a fight
This goes on with the same play style on every MMO RPG, now if ppl aren’t so lazy and would spend time knowing how a class work they would know that any THF class weaknesses are snare ability like reducing there movement or immobilize them,DOT damage and aoe damage.
First of all Dev don’t respond to any class forum, so is not that they ignore thf, they ignore every 1.
Secondly Thf isn’t OP
you got to keep in mind that GW2 is a game that is open to the public (that’s what no monthly charges mean) because of this the majority of the players , like about 80% of population are bad player nothing but slacker that hate to learn but feel that a video game should be something easy b/c anything that require some research and learning means is a job not a game.
Il give you a list of bad player on this game
1) PPl who think zerk build are the only way to play. why do they think this? because lets them kill a boss so fast that they don’t need to learn how to avoid getting hit
2) ppl who think warrior and guardian are the only way to run dungeon. why do they think this? because it lets them take a few hit with out the need to move and still survive
3) ppl who yell stack on every fight. Why do they think this? because they saw a video on youtube and they think it most be require.
(edited by Drakent.9605)
The big problem is that the thief isn’t the class you’d pick to do your dungeon since if you’re going to just stack in corners you might as well do it in heavy armor. That’s the reality of PUG dungeons.
This is a example of a bad player spreading bad rumors.
When ppl stack it all means you need to be in a 200 range it doesn’t mean you have to be humping each other
For example on AC run for the spider fight every 1 stack right in the corner where it meet the side of the stairs and reason for stacking is to avoid her aoe poison field, now I actually move to the other side to avoid here aoe range , ill try to make a stick picture so you can get a idea
I-I <——- X is where ppl stack for the spider boss
x I
xI-I <——- but this where I stay when we fighting the spider boss and its how i
I avoid getting hit 90% of the time,
This apply for every stack fight ,I never stay on the same spot as the other. 90% of the fight that requires to stack is to stop bosses from doing certain attacks and for that all you need to do is to be at a 200 range distance from the boss,not humping each other
(edited by Drakent.9605)
There nothing wrong with Thf and this is coming from a player that has play all class to 80, I like thf so much that I made him my main class in pve.
The problem with thf is not the class but the player , thf is not a class that just any player can pick and play it. thf requires a lot of attention to what you are doing and your surrounding and thf is the only class in the game that uses a point system to make any kind attack or def , you need to know when you need to use does pts for def or offence, on like the warrior or guardian who can spam there GS attack and use def ability with out effecting there use of there offence
This is the reason so many player try Thf and fail and what happen is that ppl either go around spreading rumors that thf suck b.c they fail or ppl get the impression that thf sucks b/c ppl suck at it
I just ran another test using dummies in pvp. 10 stack bleed was doing 300 a tick my friend bleed with the 10 stack was doing 170
My poison was doing 108 a sec his was doing 84 a sec at the same time
For does who are asking for pic or video I have a much better idea , you try this your self make a condition build take a friend and compare your condition damage
So you’re saying that If you put poison on lasting 10 seconds, and at the same time your friend put on poison lasting the same amount of time, you would BOTH get poison damage ticks?
Just to be clear, because that’s not what I see in dungeons. It would be very nice if they changed/fixed it and nobody really noticed.
What i am saying if you do any attack with poison your damage that will show on the screen will be different from any other person base on your condition damage
If I attack with poison and my friend, who has more condition damage, applies poison at the same time as I do. My poison will not tick, and I will do no poison damage. My friend, on the other hand, will do poison damage. We BOTH won’t be doing poison damage at the same time, that’s just….not how it works.
that is incorrect as I say before me as thf and my friend has a necro where showing 2 different condition damage at the same time, his # was much higher then mine mean while I had my on tick of damage showing on my screen with a lower damage #
Now I can not see his # on his screen so after I watch carefully what my damage was showing at my screen I ask his and they where different from mine and my tick was every sec and so was his
For example I discover that bleed’s works the same way as Vulnerability.
I did this test by using my lvl 80 THF having a total of 1.2k condition damage and my friend lvl 80 necro with 1.5k condition . After stacking 25 of bleed I was doing 3k bleed damage a sec on bleed effect but my friend necros was doing 4k bleed every sec on his screen and this was attacking the same mob at the same time.. This prove that each player deal his own condition damage to a mob
I can believe how badly condition damage was miss understood all this years and how powerful it is
You’ve posted this on many subforums without any proof that supports your statements apart from what your friend said.
Devs have already stated that condition damage is capped at 25 stacks due to server performance issues and bandwith costs. Therefore, you are either mistaken or lying.
First of all this sound like something from a year ago so a lot has change and second don’t read between the line all the dev say is that instead of giving every 1 a individual number for there condition effect they added 1 icon of each condition, this does not mean that each condition damage Is being over lap with the highest condition damage
And this makes a lot of sense, can you imaging having 40 ppl on open world with bleed effect on 1 mob it will freaking lag like hell, make a lot of sense to have 1 bleed icon on a mob
(edited by Drakent.9605)
When I’m fighting a boss, and I see 25 stacks of bleed, I know for a fact that I did not apply those 25 stacks. Is this in line with what you are stating, Drak?
As I say before bleed stack works the very same way as Vulnerability when ever you land a hit with a physical attack your damage will be base on the amount Vulnerability that had been stack .Bleed works the same way, ever you land a bleed damage attack the damage will be base on the amount of stack and your condition damage
So you’re saying that If you put poison on lasting 10 seconds, and at the same time your friend put on poison lasting the same amount of time, you would BOTH get poison damage ticks?
Just to be clear, because that’s not what I see in dungeons. It would be very nice if they changed/fixed it and nobody really noticed.
What i am saying if you do any attack with poison your damage that will show on the screen will be different from any other person base on your condition damage
I am posting this on all classes b/c I feel the need to share that the world is not flat
this y we don’t all play berserk war
but… but… berserker build.
Condition builds run rampant in WvW and sPvP. If you stroll outside of the general PvE meta, you’ll see that there are many many builds out there that are viable.
Not saying that condition build is better the berserk build but I believe that condition build can keep up with a berserker build.
the thing about condition build is that it works better with other condition build class which is ironic b/c every 1 things that is the other way around but if you can keep up 25 stack of bleed your bleed will do so much damage but is not easy to keep 25 stack alone and that’s the reason 2 condition classes are 1 heck of a team
For example I discover that bleed’s works the same way as Vulnerability.
Vulnerability is a condition that stack and for every Vulnerability you get 1% damage increase for every physical damage you deal for a total of 25 stack effect. Well bleed has the same effect for every bleed stack your bleed damage will be increase base on your condition damage.
I did this test by using my lvl 80 THF having a total of 1.2k condition damage and my friend lvl 80 necro with 1.5k condition . After stacking 25 of bleed I was doing 3k bleed damage a sec on bleed effect but my friend necros was doing 4k bleed every sec on his screen and this was attacking the same mob at the same time.. This prove that each player deal his own condition damage to a mob
Also did some other testing with other condition like fire and posion, after applying them my poison damage was 500 a tick and fire was doing 700 a tick, mean while my friend necro was doing 700 poison damage and over 900 with fire on the same mob.
We decided to run dungeon as a group with my guild me thf condition necro condition rng condition and guardian and warrior. first dungeon was COF and we down it under 6 min
Then we ran fractal lvl 33 and every boss was being kill under 1min, condition damage was just eating thru mobs hp in sec . I was doing over 4k bleed damage a sec, over 1k with poison and another 1k with fire and this is not including my dagger auto attack that where doing 1k that’s over 7k damage a sec.
I can believe how badly condition damage was miss understood all this years and how powerful it is
So I believed it and never bother making a condition build even when I always wanted too, but after the year pass I always wonder if condition doesn’t work and is as bad as ppl say how come anet hasn’t mention or done any changes to it and this made me wonder about how condition really works and So I decided to do some testing of my own and that’s when I discover the true.
Condition damage doesn’t over lap with other player!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yes that is right every player condition damage tick base on the player condition stats.
So I have being playing gw2 since early beta but always been a social player with this game since it had so many disappointment issue with its game play when it came out so I never bother doing much testing of my own or discover how the game works I just read what ever ppl posted and believed it to be true
One of this things I always though to be true was how condition damage works and ppl seem to have the understanding that condition damage sucks b/c it over laps with other ppl condition damage.
LB AA @1000 range with full zerker usually does between 3-5k on NPC bosses. Instead of rapid fire, take quickening zephyr and quickness on crit sigil. And boom, you suddenly up your DPS by loads (attack rate okittenoes up, and so does your DPS).
@500 range or less, sword + axe and warhorn all the way.if all you can do is 3k-5k with rapid fire then ill agree with you on you shouldn’t be playing ranger b/c you don’t know how to play it.
I am doing 2.5k- 3.k on auto attack and 10k-13k with rapid fire and this is with no buff so tell me what your damage with sword or axe and warhorn is and then we can talk
My sword auto’s can hit for 6k without blood lust stacks and with cheap food.
Sorry my friend but your lie’s are easy to see , raw damage on a sword is 202 when LB raw damage is 312, there no way you can out dps LB auto damage
Attack speed is higher, and RAW damage has NOTHING to do with the damage you do.
If we take basis in this build; relies on coefficiencies
Sword AA; 0.6+0.6+0.7 = 1.9
Skill rotation time; 0.5+0.25+0.75 = 1.5
Damage over 1.5 seconds = 600+600+698 – 1898 damageLB AA; 0.9
Skill rotation time; 0.75 (attack) + 0.5 (projectile travel time at 1000 range) = 1.25
Damage over 0.75 seconds = 986 damageIn short, the DPS of sword in full zerk, is 150% that of the LB due to projectile travel time factoring in.
Sword AA is the highest DPS skill rangers have. Yes you can hit 6k crits, albeit it does NOT happen very often. Max crit iv’e done with sword is 8.1k and iv’e only managed that once.
K with all your # you still don’t even understand the difference from LB and sword, yes is possible for auto attack on a sword to out dps a LB auto damage at the long run but that’s b/c sword main damage is the auto attack it doesn’t offer nothing else for damage while in the other hand LB has Rapid fire which is the main Damage coming from bow.
So saying that sword is better then LB is incorrect, now I am not saying LB is better then sword either , my main point is that playing LB the right way is as effective as any other weapon.
LB AA @1000 range with full zerker usually does between 3-5k on NPC bosses. Instead of rapid fire, take quickening zephyr and quickness on crit sigil. And boom, you suddenly up your DPS by loads (attack rate okittenoes up, and so does your DPS).
@500 range or less, sword + axe and warhorn all the way.if all you can do is 3k-5k with rapid fire then ill agree with you on you shouldn’t be playing ranger b/c you don’t know how to play it.
I am doing 2.5k- 3.k on auto attack and 10k-13k with rapid fire and this is with no buff so tell me what your damage with sword or axe and warhorn is and then we can talk
My sword auto’s can hit for 6k without blood lust stacks and with cheap food.
Sorry my friend but your lie’s are easy to see , raw damage on a sword is 202 when LB raw damage is 312, there no way you can out dps LB auto damage , would had believe your lie if you had say 3k ,then I would say not bad since sword has a shorted time but 6k lol that’s the biggest BS I have been told
o wait blood lust stack 25 oh k I can believe that, but remember I can do 3k with out stack of blood lust , that just makes me wonder how much damage I would out dps the sword if I had 25k stack
I’m not even going to bother explaining what’s wrong with your math (hint: highest hit or channel =/= highest DPS), but just for you: isn’t fully buffed and played pretty poorly from me, but it backs up what I said.
There nothing wrong with my math which is the reason you cant explain it,
All you just show me is how much damage a sword can do when a boss has 25 stack of vulnerability and you have 25 of might , which is a limit of 6k and what I am telling you is that LB with 0 vulnerability and 0 might can do up 3k a hit I bet that LB can do easy 9k a hit with that much buff on it
LB AA @1000 range with full zerker usually does between 3-5k on NPC bosses. Instead of rapid fire, take quickening zephyr and quickness on crit sigil. And boom, you suddenly up your DPS by loads (attack rate okittenoes up, and so does your DPS).
@500 range or less, sword + axe and warhorn all the way.if all you can do is 3k-5k with rapid fire then ill agree with you on you shouldn’t be playing ranger b/c you don’t know how to play it.
I am doing 2.5k- 3.k on auto attack and 10k-13k with rapid fire and this is with no buff so tell me what your damage with sword or axe and warhorn is and then we can talk
My sword auto’s can hit for 6k without blood lust stacks and with cheap food.
Sorry my friend but your lie’s are easy to see , raw damage on a sword is 202 when LB raw damage is 312, there no way you can out dps LB auto damage , would had believe your lie if you had say 3k ,then I would say not bad since sword has a shorted time but 6k lol that’s the biggest BS I have been told
o wait blood lust stack 25 oh k I can believe that, but remember I can do 3k with out stack of blood lust , that just makes me wonder how much damage I would out dps the sword if I had 25k stack
(edited by Drakent.9605)
If you have 100% crit chance I’m already a little suspicious how well you understand the game…
meaning what ?
LB AA @1000 range with full zerker usually does between 3-5k on NPC bosses. Instead of rapid fire, take quickening zephyr and quickness on crit sigil. And boom, you suddenly up your DPS by loads (attack rate okittenoes up, and so does your DPS).
@500 range or less, sword + axe and warhorn all the way.
if all you can do is 3k-5k with rapid fire then ill agree with you on you shouldn’t be playing ranger b/c you don’t know how to play it.
I am doing 2.5k- 3.k on auto attack and 10k-13k with rapid fire and this is with no buff so tell me what your damage with sword or axe and warhorn is and then we can talk
You make no no sense you want me to stay in range so I can benefit from protect when I don’t even get hit at a 1000 range distance, yea k you definitely got thing figure out the wrong way.
I benefit a lot being at 1000 range. never use dodge since I don’t take damage so all always have steady focus , at close range no matter how much buff you have bosses still do aoe attack that requires to be dodge and since I am out range I don’t have 2 , so you sir don’t know squad
Just stick to your war and just press 1,2 because anything more then that is to complex for you
Please address the fact that you are missing all the fury/might stacks by being in 1000 range, not to mention not providing a water field/condi cleanse to the party. Banners are also 600 range so you might be missing another 170 precision, 170 power, 15% crit damage on top of those might stacks/fury.
Ok, granted you just have to stand there without dodging at 1000 range according to you.
Spamming 2111111 on your LB at 1000 range without dodging is more complex than 1,2 with dodging/gs 3 on warr, I completely agree with what your saying! /sarcasm
On a serious note, damage on 1h Sword is higher than LB, why insist on LB and continue the old bearbow stigma that rangers are just there to slow down the run(which is what you are exactly doing by using a lower damage weapon set purposely)?
Is 1h Sword and using your active damage mitigation(not necessarily just dodges) too complex for you sir?
You are missing the point, I don’t need any of the other groups buff, I have perma fury, I have 100% critical so I don’t need any more prec , only thing I am going to miss is there might buff but b/c range auto damage is 5x more stronger at 1000 range then any melee auto damage out there, the lack of might balance it out. My auto attack on my LB has a record of 2.5k to 3k at lvl 80 with no might buff
A good set up LB ranger can offer more damage then any class , plus other dps players don’t have to stop dpsing to raise since you don’t get hurt , that = more damage as a group , plus if you know how to use your spirit properly you are no different from a warrior and there banner b/c I can offer the group every 30 sec for 1min the chance to deal 10% more damage, change to heal on hit for 800 to 1000 ( all depends on your healing stats) and 3 sec of protect on hit. On top of that I offer them 5 stack of might and fury buff and 150 preci increase if there need for critical increase
And LB ranger by no mean is a 1,2 button . is that is all you doing as a ranger LB then there is your reason y you fail as a ranger
It’s ironic that you’re not doing optimal damage/using a ranger to its full potential with what you wrote lol.
Please stop keeping the illusion that you’re doing high deeps while range camping with a bow.
There is absolutely no benefit in staying in 1000 range except for a few encounters, it even screws things up when the party is LoS’ing.
Using dodges/s/d/gs weapon utilities is more than enough even for dodge heavy encounters.
Drop the longbow after you Rapid Fire and go 1h Sword for the rest of your damage rotation if you really want to boast about damage.
You’re also not getting the Shout buffs(600), Field blasts(360) so you are missing on alot of potential damage(and buffs like Aegis from Retreat!, protection etc. that allows you to ignore dodge and have a better up time on 10% damage boost from Steady Focus).
TL;DR don’t playing like a kittening bearbow in 1000 range if you want to do real damage.
You make no no sense you want me to stay in range so I can benefit from protect when I don’t even get hit at a 1000 range distance, yea k you definitely got thing figure out the wrong way.
I benefit a lot being at 1000 range. never use dodge since I don’t take damage so all always have steady focus , at close range no matter how much buff you have bosses still do aoe attack that requires to be dodge and since I am out range I don’t have 2 , so you sir don’t know squad
Just stick to your war and just press 1,2 because anything more then that is to complex for you
Sad part is pretty much any other class that builds for pure DPS like your build is will do more damage in a shorter amount of time while still offering more group utilities/buffs. All this while still having better survivability than the full glass cannon ranger.
And I call BS on a 40k rapid fire unless you are counting rabbits in Frostgorge or dredge fractal boss. I’d like to see a screenshot of a 40k rapid fire.
I personally love playing my ranger but like others have said, if you plan to do dungeons, roll a different class for that and use your ranger for other stuff. I have 6 level 80s and for dungeons I run my guard, warrior, Mesmer or ele. For open world, ranger is really fun and necro is pretty fun too but both those classes lack a lot for dungeons.
I have play with plenty of warrior and most warrior can only do 10k about every 6 sec with similar gear as mine, on like warrior ranger can reach critical chance and critical bonus damage % much higher with little difficulty
When it comes to ranger offering utility and buff, I offer the group 150 precision, 20 sec of fury every 25 sec , 5 stack of might , 77% chance of there next attack to do 10% more damage and a chance to hit heal them self on hit for 1k. oh Plus 10% damage taken on boss . Tell me who can do better then that
survivability, ranger can keep his distance from any attack , all I need is to keep a 1000 range distance from my group for them to get all my buff
So if you feel you can do better with other class is not b/c the class are better is b/c you don’t know how to play ranger at its full potential and are just better playing a class like war where all you have to do is press 1,2 button
To the ppl who say ranger sucks
My Pve Ranger
Attack power : 3.2k
Critical chance : 100%
Critical Damage : 100%
Auto attack damage 2.5k every 3/4 sec
Rapid fire 13k every 8 sec
This all done with 0 might stack and 0 stack of sigil of blood lust, with 25 stack of each I have done 40k with rapid fire…. so to all who think ranger cant out dps a war you can suck it cus war got nothing on my ranger but some stupid banners
Ok let me start about hardcore player and casual player that I would like to address.
I don’t know how this start it but the majority of people have a miss conception of what a real hardcore player is and a what a casual player is .
Hardcore player:
A lot of people out there have a strong believe that a hardcore player is does ppl who go around telling ppl how to play and are always calling out bad players and talk how better they are . This is not a hardcore player this we call a kitten H.O.L.E , this group are by far the worst player ever because the are to full of them self to notice how they really suck at the game it self
A true hardcore player is a person that enjoys a good challenge out of a game, the harder it is the better.
we like the game to keep us on our toe something that lets us think 3 move ahead. We love grinding because the longer we wait the sweeter is the reward
We love breaking the limit of a game in ways that the dev didn’t expect it.
Social Player :
the believe of a social player is a person that wants the game to be easy, where he could be at the same level of a hardcore player with out the need to lift a finger because that would be consider working instead of playing . This we call a LAZY kitten
A true Social player is a person that all he cares is to play with friends and doesn’t get penalize for not playing at the same level of a hardcore player.
A true Social player doesn’t care and doesn’t complains that he cant get access to the best items in the game as long his able to play the game.
This is what a true nature of a hardcore and social player…
Now your question is can they get alone?
Sure they can, FFXI was 1 of the best MMO out there b/c it actually balance the game for both social and hardcore player.. is was a game that nothing had a gear requirement , it was a game that offer gear that had easy access to get and aloud you to use them in any game contest But it also offer a lot of awesome gear that require so much time and patience to get.
Now when it comes to GW2 I cant see any hardcore player on this game b/c there isn’t anything hardcore about this game .. this game is 100% social play style , so any player playing GW2 who call himself hardcore is just the equivalent of a kid on dippers