Showing Posts For Ebon.7641:
gear treadmill in the game right now.
Nope, there isn’t. I never needed to get greens or yellows at 80, it was straight to full exotics for me.
But hey, you’re right. It’s nothing to be angry over, which is why I’m not angry. It’s just a reason to pick a different game. No big deal at all, after all, I picked a different game after skyrim as well.
Games aren’t religions, if one stops being fun, you pick another. Unless it’s Valkyrie Profile, of course, that game DOES count as religion
It’s still there, you had to work harder to get the 80 exotics than you would have if you got the 80 rares, would you not?
If there are new items with better stats (I don’t know yet), a main reason I gave this game a chance is gone. Therefore, I would quit.
Not angry, though. I got my money’s worth, I simply would cease business with this game. Which’d be a shame, but in my case, I simply value “no statgrind” above any other issue in this game.
As much as I love jumping puzzles and the exploration love. This would be a dealbreaker.
Why did you play the game at all then? you do know that there are items with better stats then blues right? why didn’t you quit the game the first time a green item dropped for you?
Yep. People seem to have forgotten the fact that there is a masterwork > rare > exotic gear treadmill in the game right now.
I would LOVE someone who’s angry over this change to explain to me why that doesn’t anger you but this does.
And please, no slippery slope arguments, thanks (ie. “but that mean’s they’re going to add more tiers in the future!”)
Most of us are in support of the upcoming update, just a small minority complaining.
Then the two of you bought a game despite something to the contrary being explicitly promised.
Even if you want gear-progression, a breking its promises so quickly should worry you.
I personally don’t care what’s “promised” and what’s not. As long as it’s fun, I’ll be happy.
If Anet’s vision for the game has been entirely flip flopped to a vertical progression philosophy, I’ll be fine with that. As long as it’s fun.
That being said, I highly doubt this. Personally, I feel this is most likely gear that is restricted to the lost shores, the dungeon’s themselves, or a new slot of gear / gear for backs.
Finally some words of wisdom in a sea of out of control whining. I couldn’t have put it better myself.
I’m seriously wondering why people are even on this forum when all they have to say about this game are negative things.if you honestly think the game is so bad,easy,and has nothing new to bring,why are you here ? Do you even still play the game ? Whats the point of it all besides boring people with your tldrdrdlrdlr ? And do you realize the game has been released for just 2 months,Did you play gw1 and think about how that game was when it just started,and how it turned out to be with all the added expansions ? There is soo much kitten bs on this forum it’s incredible.
People purchased this game like so why are we not allowed to post what we want? Only positive things allowed? Check other gaming forums. This goes on everywhere. People can post as many negative things they want just like those posting positives.
Because it’s always the same people whining about the same things. These people aren’t giving any useful criticism – instead it’s vitriolic hate that does nothing for no one and reveals more about the person saying it than the game itself.
(edited by Ebon.7641)
Why are game companies, specifically MMORPG games so reluctant to give out information and plans for the future?
I think that everyone would be better off knowing what’s expected to come or even possible ideas for the games future.
We can all agree that this game doesn’t really have much hardcore diversity or reasonable longevity. Since ArenaNet has gave us like any information about the upcoming content, most players would rather quit.
Lets say they planned on adding raids or something, at least we’d know what to strive for and keep us playing so we were prepared for when that patch did come out.
I hardly want to play this game now because I know there really isn’t anything for hardcore gamers but if I’d know what is coming, maybe I’d play more.
“We can all agree that this game doesn’t really have much hardcore diversity or reasonable longevity”
Really? Please don’t speak for me, thanks. Been playing since head start and I don’t plan on quitting any time soon. Have barely scratched the surface of WvW and sPVP as well (not that sPVP has much substance, but still)
Do you guys have some secret meeting where you try to find the most absurd things to complain about?
not really absurd, 8pm was never a great time for a reset and now it’s even worse, lol. sort of screws up how I do my dailies
Daily’s always reset at Midnight GMT, just because your time zone changes there clocks it does not effect GMT. So now its at 7pm EST, when we switch our clocks in 6 months it will go back to 8pm EST.
Ugh, 7pm is such a ridiculous time for reset. Ooookay then, thanks
I usually do my daily just before reset (8 EST), but apparently the game ignored the daylight savings and reset at 7 EST. Pretty annoying but I’ll survive
Is it going to go back to 8pm EST, or is it now 7pm EST? Would appreciate an official response on this so I know for the future
thanks totally forgot about the debuff dead eye. But as for everyone loS’ing the orbs around the statue, i wouldn’t recommend that at all since most of the time orbs will just hug the statue and follow u around. Like i say i found the best way of doing it is just having 2 people kite the orbs like i said. Least that is the best way i have found in 30+ clears.
30 clears eh? I’ve been looking for an experienced group to do this, it’s the last path I need in Arah. Would you be willing to bring me in on a run? If you’re up for that, add me (Dagon Blackthorn). I’ve gotten up to Lyssa and I’m generally a pro with the rest of the dungeon
Ya for sure, like i said if anyone needs help with a boss or wants to do a arah run any path feel free to add me, and hit me up anytime i am on. Most of the time im down to run arah. Least till the 15th
Cool, sounds good Kuzeer is your in game name?
thanks totally forgot about the debuff dead eye. But as for everyone loS’ing the orbs around the statue, i wouldn’t recommend that at all since most of the time orbs will just hug the statue and follow u around. Like i say i found the best way of doing it is just having 2 people kite the orbs like i said. Least that is the best way i have found in 30+ clears.
30 clears eh? I’ve been looking for an experienced group to do this, it’s the last path I need in Arah. Would you be willing to bring me in on a run? If you’re up for that, add me (Dagon Blackthorn). I’ve gotten up to Lyssa and I’m generally a pro with the rest of the dungeon
450 would be stupid, that’s only a little more than a single event which can be done in 2 minutes. I sincerely hope not.
Less is more. GW1 had the illusion of having more builds, but in reality 60% of skills weren’t used and there was a flavour of the month build that was far stronger than anything else.
I really don’t like hearing that you’re not going to be including this stuff as ‘prominently’ in the near future. The problem here wasn’t the difficulty, it was the various technical things that made it frustrating for some people (norn/charr in the way, for example). Josh, you even said yourself that you expected only 5% to complete it. You KNEW there were going to be some people that were upset about it – that’s only natural given the difficulty of it. It’s a little frustrating and sad to see that you’ve caved to the group of people that can’t handle the difficulty, and frankly it’s not a good sign for future content in GW2. ANet is supposed to be a pioneer for tougher content in MMO’s. If everything is going to be dumbed down so the lowest common denominator can do it with ease, well – I won’t be a happy camper. I was really, really hoping GW2 wasn’t going to go in this direction, but your post makes me wary.
(edited by Ebon.7641)
Is someone putting a gun to your head and forcing you to play GW2?
Then play something else.
(Sarcastically) Thank you for your constructive post.
I’m just trying to like the game, is all. Haven’t had trouble playing it, I find the game to be incredibly easy. I’m just simply not having fun…
Then… don’t play it. That IS the solution here. We aren’t going to convince you otherwise because you’ve clearly already convinced yourself. Play another game and move on.
(I disagree with just about everything you said, especially the combat bits)
Holy hell is this thread for real? Basically because the event isn’t handed to you on a silver platter (much like the rest of the game) you’re going to whine and complain about it? I haven’t ever said this before but it seriously applies here – go play WoW where everything is so plainly obvious it smacks you in the face, you’d fit better there.
yeah same here. especially noticeable in queensdale… used to get a steady 60 fps and now it’s 45 :\
“I find it amazing people get so upset about not being able to obtain a simple skin. Personally to me a game shouldn’t have everything be obtainable by everyone.”A fine philosophy to apply to the game as a whole. A terrible philosophy to apply to an event limited to only one week.
If I want those skins I’ll have to grind out the Halloween exclusive mats while I have a chance… to the exclusion of any other Halloween content. I’m being forced to do something not neccessarily fun as opposed to the content I enjoy. That is the textbook definition of grind.
And dont think for a second I’ll support that decision buying Gems either.
Exactly this too. You’re going to need to grind out hundreds and hundreds of candy corn, that you’re not going to be able to use on any of the other cool stuff, to work on a weapon that you’re going to get months after Halloween when it no longer even has any meaning.
What in the hell was ANet thinking here? I am genuinely upset at them right now, it doesn’t seem like something they would do.
My issue is that Anet is catering only to the hardcores and tryhards. Having some items be rare and costing 100+ gold is alright, but when all the cool stuff is like that, what’s left for casuals?
The Halloween event should have been a fun holiday thing for everyone to enjoy, not another legendary grind.
This is spot on and the problem I have with this too. I’m trying hard to work towards my legendary (which is already a year away probably) and then ANet dumps these ridiculous mini-legendaries on our head that only the people who grind 24/7 will get. Come on. It isn’t fun, it’s completely overwhelming and makes me not want to even bother. I was really hoping ANet would stick to items that were at least possible to get during this week but instead it’s another 100g+ grind.
You really need to change this around ANet, and fast. I’m a huge supporter of what you guys do (and always will be mostly likely) but this isn’t the right direction you should be taking, not in the slightest. I’m also concerned about the negative word of mouth that is going to spread from this. I want this game to grow and succeed but these massive soul crushing grinds for themed skins is ridiculous and the word about it will spread.
I mean from the looks of the mats required (lol at the 100 lodestones, why even? do you have ANY IDEA how difficult these are to acquire?), you’re expecting people to be working on these weapons months from now. What in the hell would be the point of that? Halloween will be long over and it’ll almost be Christmas. Seriously, what were you thinking here?
(edited by Ebon.7641)
I’m not normally one to complain about what ANet does but the requirements for these weapons is absolutely ridiculous. I’m starting to wonder if they even realize how difficult it is to amass that amount of money and mats (especially the lodestones). Very disappointed :\
Let’s not forget the crystalline entities too, they seem 10x more bugged than used to be.
Basically path 1 is completely screwed right now.
Since the latest patch, this encounter blocks all progress entirely because it is bugged almost every run. I’ve tried running path 1 three separate times now and we get stuck here because the middle 3 mobs become green and untargetable. I knew it was bugged to some extent, but this is ridiculous now. I can’t make any progress towards the dungeon title and I’ve wasted so much of my time trying to do this. Please have a fix for this soon :[
I… sort of have to agree. All the places to talk about GW2 seem awfully slow and very negative (even reddit). Not sure what’s going on but it’s a little disheartening
(edited by Ebon.7641)
I don’t even know why something like this is in the game, but basically if the person who entered the instance first leaves the group, everyone is kicked out and you lose all progress. This is so incredibly frustrating. What are you supposed to do, hold the person who entered first hostage? Because that’s the only way to continue with the rest of your group. This needs to be changed ASAP, I have had to restart dungeons several times because of it.
Same thing just happened to our group. Please fix asap :|
Crossfire causes HUGE fps problems when moving camera PLEASE HELP
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ebon.7641
6990 4gb
8gb RAM
i7 @ 3.80
I have the same problem. Most of the time it’s at 60 fps but when I have to move the camera around quickly, the game stutters when it really shouldn’t.
Much better FPS with previous patch (now patched over)
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Ebon.7641
For some reason I had much better FPS and FPS consistency with the previous patch (October 9th-October 12th). I’m guessing it was probably active for about 2-3 days before it was patched and my FPS sort of went went back to normal (stuttering/generally low FPS considering my rig). I’m wondering if this had to do with some sort of Crossfire fix.
Radeon 6990 4gb
8gb RAM
i7 @ 3.80 ghz
I wanted to let you guys (ANet) know so that maybe I’d get to see some sort of permanent fix for the strange performance issues I have with this game. The Oct 9th (or so)-Oct 12th patch was amazing – something was different here and I just want you to know that.
(edited by Ebon.7641)
I like the guide, but I don’t really agree with nuking the mages second. Hunters are a little tougher to kill but they do a ton of nearly unavoidable damage (+annoying pets)
And hopefully Simir gets looked at soon
(edited by Ebon.7641)
No I dont think Arah should give more tokens than other dungeons just because is harder or longer. I would like to see Arah even harder cause its already easy as f***
The reward you get for harder and longer dungeons (in this case Arah) is awesome looking gear.
If you dont like it, dont do it. Simple ..
I already have about 800 tokens from Arah, easy … 2 runs per day and patience = awesome gear
p.s.: 1 hour long dungeon is short, I am used to run dungeons for 2+ hours minimum. People these days are spoiled by getting everything for free … lame
For me it’s not necessarily the time component but the fact that more often than not, Giganticus Lupicus is a brick wall and people just aren’t competent enough to get through this part. This is the sort of boss that a hardcore group needs to spend hours on to figure out everything just to get through it. But for most people, you spend an hour getting through a challenging dungeon only to hit this dumb boss that is clearly disproportional to the rest of the encounters. And please don’t tell me this boss is fine, I’ve ran most explorable modes and I have no issues with the other Arah bosses (at least up until Lupicus, not sure about the encounters after that). He definitely needs some tweaking.
Overtuned IMO, especially when you compare it to other bosses of the game (and of Arah itself).
I think this boss is a little overtuned as well, especially on path 1 where you can’t pull him closer to a waypoint, and the waypoint is 10 minutes away. The rest of the dungeon is fun, difficult, but then you get to this guy and it’s just a brick wall. I won’t even step in Arah again until some changes are made with this guy, it just isn’t fun at all :\
What silence? That thread was started by ArenaNet themselves. They have already told us they’re working hard on it, what more do you want them to do? Even if they came out right this second and said ’we’re working on it’, it wouldn’t change anything. There was absolutely nothing constructive in your post, contrary to what you’d like to believe. And then to say " I feel terrible for the members of the team who actually do care about the game, but it’s clear that they’re in the minority" is downright asinine and you deserve more than just the removal of the post if you ask me.
This happens to me too with the Elixer X engi elite. Needs some usability tweaks for sure
a.) they sold 2 million IN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS, with digital sales taken down. It’s unbelievable that you’d assume they haven’t sold any since (either that or are you just severely misinformed)
b.) GW2 is a brand new game, MOP is an expansion to a game many people know and love. Of course tons of people are going to buy it
I kind of have to agree, the prices are insane.
I was going to make this same thread. There is absolutely NOTHING ‘challenging’ about having to uncover the EXACT SAME MAP three times. It’s tedious, frustrating, and all it involves is waiting until parts of the map are captured. But what happens when a borderlands homeworld base gets captured for an hour (which rarely happens, by the way) and you’re not there to get it? More likely than not you won’t be. So that leaves you with literally staying in WvW for days and weeks just trying to get the last few points you need.
It’s ridiculous and absolutely should not be included in the 100% map completion. I’ve done it already but only because server transfers are free. Even still it was a total pain in the kitten and I can’t even imagine what it would be like without the server transfers.
imho, top reasons for this
1: curiosity about mists of pandaria (this won’t exist in a few weeks and is temporary)
2: hacking in wvwpvp, if the reason you play is wvwvw watching your orb fly out of a keep etc to ruin hours of work will make you ragequit even if not permanently
3: hacking and botting ingame, nothing more irritating than a ton of botters in pvp/pve ruining the game, it will be dealt with but many don’t wanna waste time waiting
4: dungeon tuning, and grind
5: lack of “endgame”
6: repair costs, waypoint costs and trading post outages
7 Diminishing returns on farming
Hopefully all of this is temporary. I’m betting it will be and there’ll be an influx of players again eventually
Even still, there’s tons of people buying the game every day. XFire numbers are only a very specific subset of the population
not sure what you’re talking about, most servers are high and at least a quarter are full right now
(edited by Ebon.7641)
Just curious to see what zones were the most memorable to you/most fun
Mount Maelstrom (just because. the asura reactor thing at the end was one of the best dynamic event chains ever)
Kessex Hills (oh god this place is beautiful)
Orr zones (some seriously awesome set pieces + all the multicoloured corally stuff and the general dread of the place really stand out to me)
(edited by Ebon.7641)
The community is mostly made up of mindless fanboys who get angry and personal whenever you point out any GW2 flaw. This happens both in-game and on the Forums.
Here let me reveal the reality of the situation you’ve seem to deluded for yourself:
The forum community is made up of incessant complainers and whiners who can’t appreciate anything and hate on every thread (read: you) and then wonder why people get annoyed.
You are hateful, vitriolic, and you add nothing to discussions, contrary to what you’d like to believe.
Isn’t this a MMO? Or am I missing something?
Just another fanboy post trying to justify design flaws or plain lies.
What design flaws?
Mind pointing them out?Every time you try to point them out here, the amount of crying becomes ear-shattering.
Really? Because you people that clearly hate the game are a HELL of a lot louder than the people that are enjoying it