Showing Posts For Gombar.7324:

Gates of Ahn'qiraj opening got trumped.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324


That brings back memories……………bad ones! laughs

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Patch feedback: Sure, file it under “Complete U-Turn of Manifesto”……

Thread ninja deleted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Yeah. Mods are handing out infractions like candies! And the super-mods (don’t know how they call people who oversee mod’s work) aren’t responding to emails raising the question of mod’s work.

It’s called doing damage control the WAR/EA/AOC way.……..

I know right!? But with their damage control they are only damaging themselves. Will they ever learn that?

Given the level of communication from the teams involved in this event, I say it’s quiet telling and answers your question in the best possible way…..

Xmas rewards - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I dread for christmas!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


This whole ordeal brings back memories of when I used to played WAR/Vanguard, Saga of Heroes……

Thread ninja deleted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Yeah. Mods are handing out infractions like candies! And the super-mods (don’t know how they call people who oversee mod’s work) aren’t responding to emails raising the question of mod’s work.

It’s called doing damage control the WAR/EA/AOC way………

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I’d actually be ok with another layer of gear in the game if they didn’t break the rest of the game putting it in, going against their own ideologies, Puting systems in that players are now using to segregate others from the content. The new gear is just a symptom of the epidemic of issues they unleashed into the game. Including rendering the open world endgame areas obsolete and unplayable.

I don’t see this new tier of gear as any kind of saving grace that will have players flocking back to the game. It has the same problems as the Legendary weapons where you need to assemble them in a convoluted ritual at the mystic forge, I don’t think that does much for the gear progression hungry.

If I was playing this game for gear progression I want the rush of downing the end boss and prying a Ascended item from its cold dead hands ….not get some crafting component I got to read about on the inter net to figure out what I got to combine with it to make a shiny.

That Other MMO’s is always going to do the progression game better because they’re writing the rule book. To win in this MMO game you have to write a New rule book and stick to it…’s the harder and longer road to hoe but doing what came before and then doing it badly is the kiss of death.

It’s hard to write a new rule book and stick to it when you have torn it up and wiped the bottom with it right infront of your audience………

Thread ninja deleted?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I’m starting to get there too…….

I feel let down by this event due to lag/disconnects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Sorry, but the standards went out the window along with the manifesto……

The New GW2 Flavor Rocks!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Awesome post, Sir! Just pure awesome!

I feel that Guild Wars 2 has some fundamental flaws

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


It’s more than a game in transition. It’s a game heading over the cliffside…….fast! Manifesto anyone?

This game is far from going bankrupt. Give them six months and I’m sure we will have a much beefier cash shop and more stabilized game where the direction of the game is clear to the players.

I didn’t say that they would go bankrupt anywhere.

However, the line they have taken with the new patch, is to throw their main selling point and core belief out the window, which was the old manifesto. The way they’re going you’ll see more scaled gear implementation, one of the main points of their game design that they were against to have in GW2…………..that is the proverbial cliffside they have passed and are currently crashing down along…!

I feel that Guild Wars 2 has some fundamental flaws

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


It’s more than a game in transition. It’s a game heading over the cliffside…….fast! Manifesto anyone?

Satisfaction Poll.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324


1, this game has been great. The lost shores was awesome. How did you guys die over and oveR? Are you incapable of dodgeing? I think my total repairs was like 3 silver? Do your servers suck?

Hard to dodge when you lag so hard that any action takes 2-5 seconds to flash on the hotbar, then follwed by a server recognition lag that an action has taken place, then acknowledging it into the game as happening, then the lag of sending it back to your computer and you see it happening on the screen……so yes, I died over and over from lag. Yes, I am capebale of dodging and does so many a time during normal gameplay. My repair bill was some 5-10 silver, nothing major but that was because I left the ongoing fight at the end of the bottom ramp. All from being fed up with the constant lag and bugged out game mechanics..and no, my server does not suck. I play on Far Shiverpeaks (EU)….we don’t know the word suck…

Was it worth it?

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324


No, weren’t worth it. Left the sorry mess on the island halfway through the fight at the bottom of the ramp, went and repaired and then ported to LA to hang out and do squid all.

I was lucky that I only had such a light repair bill while my girl had one on the other side of 30-40 silver, from the lag, the bad game mechanics when it came to the veteran and champion lobsters. But over all, I don’t think I’ll be doing more events in this game until I have made sure that this horrible pile of fish dung will be repeated again.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I don’t like this move towards a gear treadmill that ANet has taken. One of the two major sellpoints and realons as to why I bought the game was that there was no gear treadmill (the other was no subs).

I too find it strange that they have so clearly moved away for w their own stand to this, and which they explicitly made clear in their Manifesto. That they were against it and was moving away from it.

I can only see this as a way to attract WoW players that sees this implementation as an incentive to play GW2, and a move to a bigger market for generating income in sold boxes and for the Gem Shop.

I, however, did not expect ANet to turn their backs on one of their cornerstones for GW2 this fast…

IF things gets worse and it’ll be a continuation with gear scaling and implementation, I’m going to find another game….or even go back to just play Minecraft/Tekkit to get away from that slippery slope.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


3 points of feedback:

1. Mobs are overtuned, starting at level 82, with event mobs at 84, meaning we hit them for very little and they hit us like a freight train. This leads to problems with the other 2 points of feedback.

2. Being culled instantly by mobs you can’t even see isn’t fun, or challenging, it’s just frustrating. I couldn’t see enemies to dodge their roll attack, or jump attack. i just suddenly took a ton of damage and died. The rendering problems are really bad. Enemy players or mobs need to take precedence when the engine is rendering objects for us. It’s more important for us to see our enemies than our friends.

3. The reinforcement phases and escort phases took so long that they were actually boring. Everything being a veteran, and level 84 so they took forever to whittle down, for half an hour per phase just got really boring. Everyone was ready to move on after 10 minutes, max. The adds need to die faster in events like this (don’t scale them 4 levels over players would help) and there needs to be less of them so we can just move on faster and keep things exciting for these events.


Satisfaction Poll.

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324



Oh yes, 3!

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


This event was just a Class A example of how N O T to implement and pull off a one time event. I’m going to put the game on hold for a bit, both from school, but mostly tha tthe event and the new patch have pulled the game in a direction that ANet said clearly in their Manifest, that they clearly have move away from.

The big steaming pile of fish dung that were presented to the players tonight was beyond whta I have come to understand as a professional game company, to be replaced with a scruffy amateurish band of brainless chickens. I really expected more from them, with all of the huff and puff that have been put into the event PR, that they had a notion of server balance during stress, had a better understanig of what game mechanics they implemented and had done at least a better job of testing them within the game content. Seems like I was wrong in thinking that ANet were a bunch of pros when it came to running a game of this magnitude.

Yes, I’m sitting here with a bitter taste in my mouth, waiting for either a straightforward apology from Mike B’Brian and leading staff for this gigantic fail, and/or a roll back/compensation for having put in the time to in the end having missed out on the final loot.

Question is if they now will step up to do the right thing, orgo the same way as some other companies have done before….time will tell.

But for now, I’m taking a step back and see what will happen, The ball is in their end, they lost it..question is how they’re going to pick it up after this horrible fumble and continue…

Obstructed! Evaded! Evaded!

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Ahhhh, you too? P/P & SB Thief here…same story.

I've had enough ...

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: Gombar.7324


This event have turned out to be one big horrible pile of fish dung. If this is the best they can come up with when implementing a world event that have had so much PR, then I dread for the future of the game!

The lag is back - Are we really surprised?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Gombar.7324


This has turned out from being a show of a pro game run by pros to a game run by amateurs! Sever server connectivity and bugged game mechanics makes me just sit back and laugh at how poorly this has been constructed and then implemented. Not only is this a huge step back for Anet, but the introduction of the counter “manefesto”-gear and dungeon, really makes me wonder of where the squid this game is heading!

Shame on you, Anet! Shame on you!

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gombar.7324


4 hours to just do some lame kitten jumping.. Not worth the time..

Nobody forced you to do it.

Wrong. To fully complete the Halloween event you HAVE to complete the tower……there is no way around it as the event list stands now.

In my view, Clock Tower is not fun [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I agree, the tower isn’t fun. A guildie and I tried to do it for 1½ hour last night and gave up. I’m a Asura Thief, and he a Sylvari ranger. Both of us had contiunally problems of being pushed of blocks by other players, and too a really bad camera view that screwed up the depth perception of the jumps. Unfortunatly, to complete all of the Halloween event, the tower is needed for a full count of completion. I got most of the events down, just that I’m missing that tower…wich I have given up.

What Anet could do is to remove the tower for completing the full event, move it to the Jumpung Puzzle list as an extra perk, and let it be that. In that way, the jumpers will get the extra perk, and the rest will get a full completion without having to suffer from an event that is for some not fun, time consuming, and a source of aggrovation. Besides that, it’s a win-win for all around if that change is made.

As it stands now, I won’t be going back to finish that tower, and too not be able to complete the Halloween event list….it sucks, but that is how it is, it seems.

Loreclaw Expanse Jumping puzzle not showing as completed on list.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I have just finished this jumping puzzle, killed the veteran and got the loot. However, the puzzle does not listed as completed on the achivement list. I have too sent a bug report to you about this showing me standing there next to the open chest and too one of my achievement list, showing it as not completed.

Could you please look into this?


Additional information on the puzzle:

Race: 80 Asura Thief
Server: Far Shiverpeaks EU
Group or solo: Solo
Traits used: Radiation Field and Thief’s Guild
Weapons used: P/P

(edited by Gombar.7324)

Why can't we report gold selling mail?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Just wondering why we can’t get a function where we can report the account that sent the mail for a goldselling site?

The step towards of doing so in chat is great, but, wouldn’ kitten too be a good idea to have this as a ingame mail function as well?

Mouse Clicks fading out

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Win. 7 Ultimate 32 bit and Logitech MX518 mouse here, and same problem.

Spastic Dolphin bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


It’s still not feeling better!

Spastic Dolphin bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I found a spastic Dolphin, could someone please put it back to its original state of happy swimming?


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


World: Far Shiverpeaks
Guild: Millennium Hand And Shrimp

Issue: Missing Architecture Build 1….that’s all.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


As asked, todays patch screwed Guild builds over in that they vanished, and from this I would like to know if a) we will have the builds returned, b) have lost influence reembursed/restored or c) Anet will stick the head in the ground on this matter and pretend that that everything is fine.

As I have pointed out in earlier posts today, this setback might not mean that much to the bigger guilds, but to the small guilds, the loss of influence/builds has quite a significant impact on us.

Do something about it, and fix it so it won’t happen again!


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


But there’s a greyout " l " next to Architecture on the Upgrade list….

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Guild build is still missing…

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Missing Guild build after todays update:


Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


I’ve run into this quite a few times. There seems to be a bug within the Building Queue / Upgrades. It generally takes a couple relogs and it comes right. If it doesn’t, just screen shot your History and Upgrade list and send it in for ANet support to review

Nothing here after some relogs…gonna send them my SS and ask them what the heck is going on…

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Architec 1 build here is gone, 500 influence down the drain…..

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


The patch broke/reset the Guild build. Any refund/reembursement on the way?

Might not mean a lot to the big guilds to lose 500-1000 influence, but us smaller guilds are being hit hard when this kind of thing happens…would be nice if there was found a solution for this problem.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Build is still gone but the Guildlist and remaining influence is back……

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Hahahahah…..and nothing on the forum or the login about it….Mr. Spock would be crying by now over the degree of illogical problemsolving…

Land Shark

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Seems legit. I don’t see anything wrong with it.

Same…….just missing its dino on the back with the lasergun…..

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Well according to the twitter feed maintenance hasnt finished yet :

This mornings maintenance is NOT over yet, you may be able to login to the game but there will be a few things that seem a little off! ^AT

Then they could put stuff like that on the face of the login, so we would know what was going on instead of using FB/twitter/whatever to keep us updated…..seems more logical.

But thanks for the update.

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Same thing happening here with the guild…….

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Gombar, if you have stuff building it should still be continuing normally even if you see nothing in your guild’s build queue. I would not recommend trying to start building something that should already be in progress.

Not touching a thing from same reason!

Issues with the guild system: please post here [MERGED]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Same here! We got lost influence and build along with this patchserverresetwhatchamightcallit….

Update causes broken guilds and parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Too….the members are gone from the list…I’m all alone!

Update causes broken guilds and parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


The server reset has removed the guild influence amount and what builds you had going. I just checked the small guild that I happen to be GL of, and both the build we had going AND the influence are gone…..vanished!

Update causes broken guilds and parties

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gombar.7324


It screwed the guild influence and builds over, in that we lost both and have to start over from scratch… more time. This don’t matter that much to the big guilds with many members, but to the smaller guilds, the impact is pretty significant.

Talk about a p*ss off….

Server reset = lost guild influence and build

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gombar.7324



Coming from a small guild (5 people), the impact that a guild have from a server reset when it comes to lost builds & influence is quite significant. Is there a way to either reemburse or refund it?

Personally I find that it’s quiet a p*ss off that we have to keep on starting over and over getting nowhere from this!


Where can I acquire this hat?

in Thief

Posted by: Gombar.7324


No lead as to where to get the sets yet…..but man do I want it for my asura thief!

Need help

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gombar.7324


As Thief I carry 3 different weapons, Pistol/Pistol, Dagger/Dagger and a Shortbow (all skilled out). In that way I got close quarter combat, ranged single target and ranged AOE covered.

Asura Story: "Free Rein"...huge problems.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Gombar.7324


Hey all,

I’m really struggeling with this one, and have now for the last 14 levels (am 31 now) not been able to complete this part of the story to proseed onwards in the game.

I have tried to go in as shortbow and pistol/pistol, use Thiefs Guild together with Radiation Field, and more. All with the same end result of me getting killed as the last one standing.

Either I’m doing something worng (quiet possible) or this quest needs some serious adjustment! To make things clear, I know when to dodge, heal, use said skill when the times comes, just in this part……I’m going nowhere and could need some help.
