I thought key farming died with the feature pack.
A lot of people were predicting it would, but I think that was mostly based on a misconception that the key had been moved to the end of the level 20 storyline or removed completely.
It is slower now because you have to get to level 10 before you can start the story, but I’ve been making new characters to test the new levelling system and I’ve seen people key farming still.
Any estimate of how long it takes per key now?
I thought key farming died with the feature pack.
Running the dungeon length 5 times within 10 minutes and being disconnected and booted out every second encounter and then being accused of AFKing and kicked out is NOT MY IDEA OF RELAXATION AFTER A LONG DAY’S WORK.
Invest your, greedy, incompetent rigomortis cavities of your ugly faces into recoding the joke you call your network, or lose a customer. End of.
PS: PvP servers are kitten too.
I’ll have to make a few calls for that.
Aside the poor wording, I agree, need some sort of match making.
Whether it’s a 5 year old playing, or a 80 year old grandma, I can BET that MOST of them will enjoy learning how to dodge, learning the meaning of veteran and champion, learning the flexibility of combining skills early on, the HARD way, and not being held hands troughout FOURTY levels.
I believe the ‘learning the hard way’ factor is the thing that drew so many players in, in the first place.
I don’t like to be held hands
I like to fail
And improvise
And feel good about it when I succeed.
I used to enjoy WoW for its difficulties and mysteries, it encouraged interaction between players, before it turned completely brainded game void of any player choice.
GW2 re-invigorated those feelings of a vast, beautiful, mysterious, deadly world, until now. Now it’s just… braindead.
This is not just about the actual features, I’m worried about the future of the community, that I’m going to be interacting with, if you make a game for kittens, you’ll eventually get a community of kittens.
I’d bet 50 bucks a chimpanzee can reach level 20 on its own eventually.
I cannot fathom this. I just can’t.
My heart sinks watching my all-time favorite game turn into this… watching Anet being bullied and forced into humiliation from a financial threat… I’m pretty sure that’s what’s happening, because I REFUSE to believe that the developers who made the original system went an extra mile and into a black hole… I just refuse.
Are you kidding me? Do you know just how much ENERGY it requires to run up to something, target it (not even), press 1, and … and… AND…. W-WAIT ?!?!?!!?!? WAIT!!! WAIT FOR THE MOB!!! TO DIE…!!!!
Costing computation power? Excuse me but we already have flabby, clothy, capey physics in the game. Draconic leggings, Arah heavy leggings, various other tassets and kilts, some focuses and even the winter dress. Obviously a cape would take more effort seeing as it goes from the very back of the neck, but not entire back has to have the free-ragdoll physics, there are many clever approaches and solutions to things that I’m sure given enough time and resources they’d come up with something decent.
Why was I expecting something more exciting than this?
The game needs way more armor skins that doesn’t involve burning your wallet.
More leather pieces that are not kitten trenchcoats, more heavy leggings that are not tassets, more light pants that are not kilts.
Like, seriously. You can’t just do that. Add more skins, armor and weapon customization is probably one of the biggest things players care about, put your artists and modelers to work, and scatter new skins all over lower level zones, not just the kittening gemstore.
Seriously, the low level newcomers will love it.
Been asking for Greataxes and Halberds for 2 years now. But like Talyn said, devs like ideas, not petitions.
One of classics I’d imagine would be included with 2h Axes is a ground-target axe-throwo ability which you can retrieve, be it guardian or warrior.
I’m guessing the role would be kind of a bleeding and torment applier? A 2h weapon focusing on condition damage would be interesting. (AS LONG as they bring condition specs in par with the zerker epidemic, because I want to play my class, not a zerker.)
Both with wars and guardian, Hammer was kind of a CC/control weapon while GS a mobility weapon, GA could be… Condition and burst? Perhaps pure power weapon with the focus on cleaving a large amount of enemies? Perhaps it would benefit more from fighting multiple targets than just one?
Perhaps a movement impairing weapon where it has more snares and roots than actual knockdowns and knockbacks (hamstringing and alike) while hacking the enemy to pieces.
My two cents.
I wish the game itself was as generous/practical with it’s rewards.
I play this game to have fun, so when I get bored of GS, I’ll grab my hammer. I make my own groups and everyone not happy with it can go kitten themselves.
- Lack of real rewards (related to the precursor thing but not specifically only about precursors)
- Condition damage stacking and uselessness of CC
- Their own roles are not worth it, Zerker everything
- Lack of diverse set of builds in PVE (even the locked XIII didn’t make a dent in this)
- Economic system is still so heavily RNG it’s 2004 all over again.
- Loot from open world is nerfed into oblivion, EoTM and Dungeons are the only places to even begin to consider getting gold to avoid the Gem exchange. ( and I mean for progression/spec changes not for fun that is and no drops don’t occur universally )
- Dungeoneers keep messing with world events causing them to be more dungeonlike making it impossible for the players who bought this game specifically because it’s NOT supposed to be about dungeons/raids to play. IE Teq.
Those are just a few REAL problems they need to focus on in the Feature Patch 3.
What I’d like to see as a casual is a real effort for some non-violent systems in the game to enjoy the beauty. Such as fishing, farming (maybe even an herbalism addition to crafting), housing. complete with props tools etc. I think this game would benefit greatly from those types of activities but I know those wouldn’t be a priority and I wouldn’t want them to take the place of fixing something essential like condi stacking.
A thousand times this. There are many other ideas I’d like to see implemented, but let’s focus on fixing the current systems first. This sums it up nicely.
If you played the game since release I believe you’d understand the concerns perfectly, even if you never even touched the forums, you’d see it for yourself.
Nice try, sneaky Anet posing agent! 5/10
Thank you, but I got the same error EVEN while repairing. Guess something kittened up -really- badly and I’ll just have to re-download the whole thing.
Thank you anyway!
Apparently I’m the only one with this phenomenon, no one else has any idea what I’m talking about nor did I find any similar topics about this.
Last night I got a critical error while roaming trough Frostgorge Sound, with my main character, and since then have not been able to log into that character, attempts result in same critical errors, while I log just fine to any other character.
In short, I have no idea what to do, and I’d like to avoid re-downloading the whole game.
All 12 of my toons are female.
And I thought my 6 is exaggerated. xD
Ban me, remove me, I don’t care. Raising from the dead, for justice.
I’ve actually been thinking about this, awesome suggestion, you have my full support.
I’m all for this idea. I’ve actually been thinking the same, but never got round to making a topic.
My full support.
Thank you for your replies.
Now, for the unique snowflake’s sake, let’s say that a charr in the Priory met a twig(Sylvari) and befriended it. That Sylvari is into study of the stars, but not just for navigation, this Sylvari, and its group of interested individuals, seek knowledge beyond the stars. Studying the true nature of space and the meaning of the existance of everything around them. And trough a lot of chatter and bonding the charr gets interested aswell, and, as a result, creates for itself a new hobby. Astronomy. Deep space study of celestial objects type of astronomy, not just star navigation.
Not too far fetched, is it?
I would like to know, for roleplaying reasons.
Even though I did not see any telescopes, or any kind of hint in-game that may reflect on astronomy.
Any official updates? I remember them popping up in-game, and they are still in-game, what’s taking so long?
Unless they’re too busy with the christmass stuff, I hope they add them soon, want this badly.
Such as your character keeps telling you how they’re blind/weakened/frozen/confused/whatever, I had the very simple idea of adding a bunch of coughing / struggle-breathing sounds whenever you enter a poisoned cloud, or perhaps even get poisoned.
It shouldn’t be everlasting, just a warning that you’re standing in something bad. It should NOT be any more or less annoying than the typical I CAN OUTRUN A CENTAUR voice.
I think adding details like this into the game is fundamental for improving it, it’s simple. Just put a bunch of co-workers in front of the mic, get some cinamon and cough your lungs out. I believe it will help the immersion a lot. Even if it doesn’t seem like a lot.
I am generally very satisfied with the voice acting, probably because playing GW2 for the first time I was not used to it.
The ONLY voice that I don’t like are the Harpies… I mean I KNOW that they’re SUPPOSED to be annoying… BUT JESUS I WANT TO RIP MY HAIR OUT EVERY TIME I HEAR ‘FLOCK TO MEEEEEEEEEE’… OH..GOD.