My biggest wishes in this game are 2:
Tengu playable race
pleeeeease ; _ ;
People keep using “grind” as a negative connotation so freaking loosely, please first understand what that term means first before flaunting it around. It’s not even a BAD thing per se.
I hate to necro a post but I had a related question: Why is Tarir better than Silverwastes? Sure you can get a ton of loot trough multiloot, but what about the downtime in between that? In Silverwastes you get about 40 bags per 20 minutes average, but also, Silverwastes bags contain T6 mats, and extra coin upon opening. The only advantage I saw Tarir have is tons of rares for ectos…
(edited by Ice.5162)
The joke will be the Legendary Weapon announcement, obviously =)
It’s like comic relief. Everything will be forgiven, everyone will have a good chuckle, and those thousands of players quitting will instantly come back.
Look at all these whiners, either indirectly defending the game or indirectly denying that they don’t go out enough, lol.
Good on you OP, I might do it like that someday.
I hope you guys dont seriously think these are coming any time soon xD
Well he’s kind of right actually.
You’re asking for flame.
Wait what, a video game COSTS MONEY??!!?
Please go play WoW then come back.
Display Maximum Resolution 3840 × 2160 (Native Resolution)
Average FPS: 140~200I’m sorry, what? What game did you record that FPS in?
I have a 4790k @ 4.4Ghz (better than yours) and a GTX 980 (again, better than yours) and I only get half of that FPS at 1080p with supersample on.
People should stop making up those numbers…
I was thinking the same thing.
4790k @ 4.4Ghz, R9 390, 40-60 FPS at 1080p
Tried a similar build when HoT launched, it was a too high risk, too low reward experience for me, that worked only 1/6 of the time. Though when it did work, it was great.
Both Headbutt and Skull Grind are imperative to hit, missing these abilities renders you useless for the next 20 seconds. No alternative to build up adrenaline.
Fix great sword rush,buff head butt range and i would be happy about my warrior.
Don’t forget Bull Rush and Shield Bash….
Or Eviscerate.
When they said they were looking at ways to get zerker out of the meta, this is what they meant.
For anyone who have fought other warriors as a warrior, or watched people duel warrior vs warrior, I think you know what I’m talking about!
It feels like a completely different game, does it not? The combat is not reliant on flat terrain, luck, simple-minded opponents, or just plain situational convenience. Personally I find myself paying way more attention to positioning, mind games and all the elements that come with pvp.
Here’s a nice example.
Of course that is not to say this is always the case, but overall we can all agree that the class has been used as a guinea pig to a degree, to balance other classes, leaving the warrior class truly balanced only to itself.
I also realize balance doesn’t necessarily mean 1v1 balance, but you get my sentiment, it just… feels better, from a war vs war perspective.
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I am actually running GW2 Reshade for the first time, and I cannot seem to get it to work. I get a crash if I launch the game normally and the Unlocker says “Cannot open process.”
Did all as instructed, any ideas?
Also if you people didn’t notice it yet, the “hate.3195” guy is a self-explanatory troll, just a headsup.
Been running this build for a while, great fun and feel like I’m actually useful.
Tho I’d run Greatsword on swap, both better at gaining distance and/or retaliating hard if you get caught.
I also prefer going Strength, grabbing endure pain instead of Signet of Might and Great Fortitude. My attacks may be blocked more frequantly but at least I’ll stay alive longer and deal bonus damage on the second and third gun flame.
(edited by Ice.5162)
Warrior has better CC than revenant
Warrior is actually more mobile than most other classes
rampage warrior can still hit like a truck and can even do 2 v 1
warrior can absorb hits and triggering those guardian traps and necro wells to save our fellow thief/mesmers/guardians are always nice
banner warrior is still viable and can help a ton.
-You don’t compare class utility directly without comparing the trade-off roles of the class. In overall utility, (i.e. mobility and damage) Rev is far superior.
-Eh… debatable, then again “most” other classes exceed well in other roles. Again, comparing apples with oranges.
-Basing class balance on one elite skill is bad design, locking a player down with no other choice is bad design.
-You are talking about stances, they are not only good at absorbing traps and wells, they are MANDATORY TO SURVIVE. Again, they lock players down with little to no playable choice, bad design.
-True dat.
Not to mention mandatory traits like defense and discipline, complete and utter lack of versatility, and EVEN WHEN YOU TAKE ALL THE MANDATORY THINGS, you don’t perform as well as other classes.
Class needs rebalancing, end of the story, nothing to argue about.
(edited by Ice.5162)
I don’t think they decided to make them bad, they just naturally fell behind since they balanced everything else around them.
Today I picked up Guardian PvP for the very first time, copied metabattle build, did some personal perference adjustments, and queued up.
I had no idea what I was doing, yet, I have NEVER had an easier time contesting points, teamfighting, 1v1ing, and killing lords.
No, I am not a good player, and I have not faced “experts”, but I’ve never had an easier time being efficient with a class than with Dragonhunter.
Other than getting bored out of my bum by just how easy it is, something’s terribly wrong here.
(edited by Ice.5162)
DH is a one-trick-pony that is strong but has no high skill ceiling. Other specs have..
You realize having high effectiveness on low skill is bad design, right? No matter what class it is. If they want a lower skilled spec they want newcomers to get introduced with, it should not outperform or exceed in pretty much everything.
Close your eyes, inhale deeply for 4 seconds, hold it in for 4 seconds, exhale for 4 seconds.
Pass no judgement for these individuals know no better. Nothing is personal, perhaps they’re dealing with something in their lives, perhaps they got the same treatment, or simply lack the social education, just trying to feel better about themselves. Let them, because again, nothing is personal, therefor getting angry over it is nothing short of a waste of time. Due to the social dogmas we grew up in, these principles may be easier said than done, but at least worth considering, in my opinion. I know it helps me.
this thread is a perfect example why players shouldn’t balance the game
I don’t think you understand what it means to be constructive.
Throwing out ideas for the devs VS meaningless accusations
I’d rather see either a Vault damage nerf or larger windows of opportunity between the ridiculous rate of evasion between each leap, I understand the design behind them but atm they’re nothing but frogs jumping about like clowns.
yep it’s pretty much the only spec I find somewhat playable atm. Personally I’d go for Burst Mastery but I guess it’s personal preference.
I’d also stick with a greatsword 2nd weapon and runes of the pack.
I’d be happy if Headbutt actually hit more than 1/6 of the time.
If you’re talking PvE, yes, I agree, it’s pretty fun! PvP is entirely another story.
It’s “Dual Wield”, just for clarification!
and a sneaky bump.
Great, another useless grand master trait! =D
I’d stick with rifle turret when using SD, but otherwise looks like an interesting build.
I think I know what you mean, I think it’s mostly due to latency… it definitely doesn’t help no.
I am NOT giving up on wars!
What it is, is that these cry baby warriors have played face roll easy mode for so long, that now that they actually have to think, it feels like warrior is in a bad spot. It’s really not. They just want to be able to win with little to no effort. Seriously, they could give warrior the ability to deal 300k, mobile 100 blades damage from stealth without revealed, with full immunity to damage and control effects, and they’d still find something to whine about.
Please go play warrior for a while. No seriously, go do it, then come back here =)
I’ve only really found Berseker useful with this condi build so far:
I tried it, there was a “HOLY COW THIS IS THE MOST OP STUFF EVER” followed by the cold, harsh reality. Yes, it is a formidable amount of conditions, especially if you interrupt, IF IT ACTUALLY HIT.
-If you miss Headbutt (which is at least 8/10 of the times), you are kittened for the next 20 seconds, unless you chase around with no swiftness like an old grandpa with crutches trying to gain some adrenaline.
-You miss the RIDICULOUSLY TELEGRAPHED AND SLOW Skull Grinder, you’re kittened again.
Overall if you hit stuff, you will exceed. But personally, no matter how much attention I put into reading my opponents, the spec works 1/6 times.
A high risk, low reward spec.
But hey, what do I know, maybe I’m just bad.
In all honesty, GW2 often reminds me of Dark Souls, both in atmosphere, visuals and gameplay. =P
Love both games, but yeah, sarcasm aside, warrior is pretty much legendary difficulty atm.
Hey, at least you’ll get to perfect your skills until they fix the kitten!
Edit: In the meantime, try Gun Flame spam, it’s pretty fun.
You can keep low profile pillars for obstruction and LoS, and remove the top parts for visibility.
I can verify for you tomorrow, I was wondering this myself. but someone might do it before me anyway. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised that it didn’t.
For all thieves in this thread-
your spec is just a brainless dodging dealing damage class, thief is brain dead and worthless, if you play thief automatically you`re a roll face keyboard player.
You live up to your account name at least.
I can’t disagree TOO much though, vault + dodge spam, with little to no windows of opportunity to do anything about it, is utter garbage design.
Yeah, at this point, baseline FH wouldn’t even fix half the problems. We’re way beyond that request unfortunately.
I can’t think of any OP spec with baseline FH, from the top of my head, tbh…
I’m not sure what you mean… can you elaborate?
If you want anything resembling a warrior and be effective then go Rev.
It sort of reminds me of a time years ago when I played WoW and a fellow Paladin wore a dress to a raid because it gave her the best healing setup. And I thought, “What a sad state of our class.”
Warrior feels like that now.
Things changed then; maybe they will soon for us.
Aye brother, feels like WoW all over again =/
Easy-performance class + Skilled player
Hard-performance class + Skilled player
Anyone can pick up Reaper/DH/Rev and be amazing.
No other elite on our bars penalize you, not just for STUNNING you, but render it COMPLETELY useless for the next 20 seconds if it gets dodged/missed/blocked/invulnerabledbeled/out-of-ranged. It is not fun, and I mean NOT fun when an elite skill works 1/5 times, no matter how good you are at predicting your opponents. 20 seconds might seem like a good cooldown to balance things off at… but no, it’s not. It does not do it justice. I might as well take Rampage or Signet of Rage that cannot miss, and cannot get out of range….
Design wise, and flavor wise, berserker is beautiful in its simplicity, Robert did a great job imo… BUT it’s all about number tweaking, bug fixing and range adjusting… and like.. badly.
It’s not just that.
I get a good percentage of my health nuked even when blocking. Who’s idea was to put unblockable nukes on DH? I’m sure I missed some other tbh. (ele? reaper? rev?)
State of warriors in pvp atm are a joke. Everything ability wise is outdated feels slow and chunky….. ew i rerolled to DH and its like the bow on warrior i always wanted.
Don’t give up, there’s still hope… You know what? After pushing to play and trying to get used to warrior and feeling like an abused child, it will feel -SO- good once they bring us our buffs!
And in the end, we’ll only be better players as a result!
Still waiting for some warrior buffs, but I agree, it’s very nice to see =)
“other classes might be better” that is exactly the problem, they do not have a niche.
I have no problems with necros or rangers im glad they get played, but shifting the uselessness to another profession is not the solution. No berserkers were played competitively, that kind of tells people something lol
My thoughts exactly.
My personal experience goes as follows:
How are we expected to perform well when your PRIMALY initiation (ELITE) skill is so easily avoidable? Yes, you can make sure you have Zerker Stance to counter blinds, you can have Signet of Fury to counter adrenaline loss, or Bull’s Rush to guarantee (yeah right) a Headbutt from a distance, but are we seriously forced to compliment Headbutt by sacrificing a trait slot? An ELITE skill is supposed to be good on its own, not RELIANT on another skill.
Let’s face it, there’s too much random evades, random blinds and random Aegises happening NO MATTER how good you are at predicting your opponent (even then you’d need to be a kittening savant to see everything), and it’s tendency to fail and not provide you with the oh-so-dreadful 3 adrenaline bars to actually enter zerker, does not do it justice, not one bit. My point here being that failing a Headbutt feels like an extreme, overblown punishment, very punishing. There’s nothing punishing in Signet of Rage, nothing punishing in Rampage, even nothing punishing in Warbanner, they are casting abilities that can be interrupted, not FAIL MISERABLY and put it on a cooldown. And no like I said, I don’t think the 20 second cooldown justifies it either. Signet is on 30~, so what.
That’s my personal problem, but hey, maybe I’m just bad.
Also the 15 sec cooldown is also not justified. Not when 10 seconds of combat can be avoided REALLY easily by many many classes, even if it involves just running away, let the warrior calm down, and go back in, useless for the next 15 seconds. (unless you trait it of course, either have your own elite skill stun you, or have your primary mechanic on a respectable cooldown… not much of a choice if you ask me.)
(edited by Ice.5162)